CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #65

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IDK if CT is a State that allows closing to be split as some states do as I would like to hear from both of the Prosecutors as both effectively split the workload imo almost evenly.

But, my guess is if only one is allowed that it will Manning as she is lead and JS for the Defence (as can you imagine him giving up the opportunity to Horn and 'Thrust'? Never.

I agree with you that FD and MT deserved each other as they were mirror images of each other but I think we differ on the importance of MT.

I believe the only person FD cared about was himself and the only person who thought they had importance was MT. FD had planned the murder and was already thinking of his next mark in the form of Anna Curry imo.

MT as a character could have wound FD up over the years and fed his ego and anger but she was largely irrelevant imo and FD proved it imo by moving on to Anna Curry so quickly.

MT had no money other than her child support and as her daughter was near to being 18 it would have ended soon. MT had nothing that FD wanted, no connections, no money and she was no longer young etc. Who knows if she made any money with her rug business? Given their level of fighting and the MT birddogging of FD my guess is that he was DONE with it and simply used MT for his purposes for one last time as he knew what she wanted but I don't think he ever had any intention of giving her anything of it ever. Frankly FD couldn't give MT anything as he didn't have it (unless of course he told her he hid it in Greece and then that might be a different story as the MT and Troconis crew never condemning FD was something I've never understood absent the transfer of alot of cash!

FD was a player til the end imo!

FD imo murdered JF because he had been boxed in on all sides by JF and GF in both Family Court and Civil Court, his business was effectively bankrupt and he himself admitted that FORE had no revenue just unsold fully levered properties that were crushed with huge mortgages. FD couldn't liquidate FORE and even be able to buy one of his own houses imo let alone be able to pay child support and education for 5 children. FD in his revenge imo had failed and I think he realised it and because he had no capacity or willingness to change and cooperate with FD and GF in the divorce/custody FD simply murdered the person that he held responsible for all his ills as there was no way he could take responsibility for any role in it. Sad thing is that absent some solid work from LE both FD could have escaped detection but JF fought for her children and so the sorry co conspirators were captured. MT with her defence I thinks that she will escape being charged for anything. We shall see.

I had bet someone ages ago about when FD had starting 'grooming' the Anna Curry reconnection/relationship so I am highly annoyed to not see the FD texts and email as I think FD was done with MT and was just playing lip service to her importance in his conversations with GAL Meehan and Atty Rose because he thought these two might expect such a statement from him. I fully expected Atty Manning to pull out the FD phone contacts and put up on the screen that ANDREW CURRY WAS IN FACT ANNA CURRY! FD was no doubt playing Anna at the same time MT was throwing down her phone and threatening to move to CO. It was a charade up until the bitter end. MT was a pain and high maintenance and she brought zero to the table financially for FD imo but FD needed a partner as he never did any of the work himself and for this imo MT was perfection and FD knew it.

I think FD would have been relieved to have MT move to CO and out of his hair (or lack thereof) so he could just get on with his ongoing horn dogging with no interference. FD knew that all the things MT wanted be it the money, end of divorce/custody and life of ease weren't things he could give her in his present situation but it didn't stop him for using her to accomplish his plan to murder JF.

I can't say I've ever seen such a corrupt and foul group of people as those that surrounded FD and MT and every time we met a new character I said how can this new person be even more corrupt than the other people we have already met, but oddly they were worse. FD and his bad boys of the CT Bar has been revelatory too and seeing Atty Mike Rose hit the stand yesterday and just lie some more about the discredited report was just the cherry on the top of the toxic sundae.

Why didn’t fD just let MT move then, when she threatened to do it? His cheating proved that he was not fully invested in her, so why not just let her go? By May of 2019, he’d already laid the trap for Anna Curry. I think it’s because MT never told him that she wanted to leave. He was her “one and only”, but she wasn’t his.
Can you dumb it down for me.. sorry my brain isn’t working today!
Why can’t burn a body -
Because most people don't have the ability to burn a body at around 1500 degrees Fahrenheit. Even at that temperature it will take at least a couple of hours and you'll be left with bone fragments as well as ash and if your victim had medical implants like a hip replacement parts of that will survive.
So agree.

Judge R was not himself today.

Never seen 5 errors by him in a single day and to be hoodwinked by Schoenhorn lying....he was not on the ball today.

Sad to see.

Hope he gets a vacation as he deserves it, guy was shattered imo today.

I don’t suppose that could cause for a mistrial some how?
So hard to pick a song/s to send out to the hard working hero's from State as their diligence, patience and grace under pressure was an inspiration imo.

You both were Hero's and UNDER PRESSURE.

Thank you [Sorry in advance I couldn't choose but I wanted something classic for these imo Class Act's who chose to 'go high when the other side went low'!]

Please add more great music as I feel like after watching this sorry case for 4 years play out that we need some music!

No whole bodies burned in fireplaces but entombed in concrete? I can't rule it out.

We never did learn what the hard white object was.

I hope the jury gets it right and Judge Randolph levies the harshest sentence he can.

That made me laugh actually. Petu proudly proclaiming that she had been waiting 5 years for this day. Like, woman - you didn't provide any sort of smoking gun or any magic clarification on anything. LOL
I didn't see all of Petu's testimony. Did the State ask her if she'd seen the sealed report? And if so, who showed it to her or passed it along to her?
Nope, he just wasn't his usual 'steel trap' self. We are all human and his level of focus these past weeks has been not human so he gets some slack but he almost made a tragic error today but was saved by Atty Manning!

Stuck inside these four walls
Sent inside forever
Never seeing no one nice again
Like you mama
Like youWings – Band on the Run

My wish for mt is the opening verse to Band On the Run
Will the contempt hearing be on Monday? If so, will it be streamed?
Contempt hearing was changed to a week from Monday. And Judge Randolph isn’t going to preside. Probably because he knows what happened right opposite of him in his courtroom, so he probably can’t be objective. It makes sense. I hope the Troconises don’t think that a judge with a Hispanic name will give them an advantage.
Why can’t burn a body -
Because most people don't have the ability to burn a body at around 1500 degrees Fahrenheit. Even at that temperature it will take at least a couple of hours and you'll be left with bone fragments as well as ash and if your victim had medical implants like a hip replacement parts of that will survive.
Well that makes sense! Okay so maybe just some evidence burned. That theory is now out lol.
Why didn’t fD just let MT move then, when she threatened to do it? His cheating proved that he was not fully invested in her, so why not just let her go? By May of 2019, he’d already laid the trap for Anna Curry. I think it’s because MT never told him that she wanted to leave. He was her “one and only”, but she wasn’t his.
Early on in thread was speculated that
MT parents potentially the new investors. “Socialite” may have looked like a partner with money which he needed.
Move her to CT
Hire her at Fore Group
Make nice w Mami and Papi
Her family wouldn’t give him a dime until he was divorced & married to MT (or certainly smart enough to not be “investing” just to keep him solvent)
As the months passed, they managed to get further and further from actual divorce, in more trouble and more and more in debt.
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