GUILTY CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #68

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Who calls 911 when there's no emergency and he knows it.

He is calling 911 to whine that he's not getting immediate return texts.

Zero reason to believe they were in any kind of harm's way.

Abuse of 911.

What an entitled, impossible, aggravating man.

To a person like him, not having complete control is a 911 emergency.

FWIW, it seemed to me the 911 operators were partially bored, partially humoring him.


Edited to add, I just re-listened. When the operator gave a description of the car Jennifer was in, Fotis should have freaked out. It would have sounded to a sincerely worried person that the operator knew the car because it was in an accident, not because it's on a data base.
Yes, but the only defence attorney that allegedly had a FULL COPY was Jon Schoenhorn? The other attorney whose name I don't recall said she just had 4 pages? Whether this is true or not who knows? But, I doubt this statement as how could she prepare her 'testimony cross' of GAL Atty Michael Meehan without the full report?

Sorry, but this simply isn't making much sense?

I also don't understand why the two attorneys are not required to attend the MT Contempt hearing to confirm whether or not they provided her with the report or perhaps just pages? I checked the CT Judiciary website and neither of the attorneys names shows up associated with the matter that I can find? Are they able to escape not even being interviewed or investigated as it was their client that had the report that she was not entitled to have per the guidelines of Judge Heller.

I realise it was MT who had the document page on her screen? But, the issues surrounding how it got there I think are quite important. Judge Blawie gave it to Jon Schoenhorn with the understanding that it be safeguarded per the Practice Book and I'm not seeing how anything that happened in terms of how the report was handled was in line with the Judge Blawie guideline? Why aren't the attorneys being questioned as part of this hearing? Did Jon Schoenhorn illegally copy the report or perhaps digitise it to give to his co-counsel and possibly even MT?

I have to believe that if MT had an electronic copy of that report on that laptop computer, some computer investigation or IT forensics could tell some information about its origin? MOO
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Could they perhaps call one of MT's attorneys or perhaps even the person who gave her the report? Or, won't she have explain where she got the sealed report?

I'm simply confused how this can be investigated if they don't know where it came from or even how to establish remedies to remove the report from all sources?

Colour me very confused.
I think the court is going to assume/infer that - unless she got it from Horn on a good faith basis that the Bawlie order covered it - it had to have come from an ill-gotten source, and more importantly, she knew it was sealed. She was in court for the pre trial motions, and during the many evidentiary objects in the court - so however she got it originally isn’t really the issue. The issue is she had a document she knew the Judge repeatedly excluded, and not just in passing, he vehemently ruled on its inadmissible, drew double yellow lines around it, and she PUBLISHES it. Nope.
The Contempt of Court thing will be simplified IMO - and not sent into a “who done it” - at least for purposes of determining if MT impugned the court. Which she did, regardless of how she got it, she displayed it, knowing it was double line excluded. It’s her disregard of the court’s ruling at issue. Whether there are other culpable parties? Maybe there will be other consequences. I think the State wants to nail down contempt in the most basic terms pre sentencing.
As if this case isn't awful enough, FD fully intended to exploit every avenue he could.

His plan IMO was to stage a gone girl.

There wasn't supposed to be blood at 69 Welles. No entry into the home. Just an appearance of JFd driving away in her Suburban. Only it would've been FD driving. In a ballcap. With JFd ziptied and taped. By 8:45, her Suburban would've been left at Waveny, her phone tossed in the brush....

She'd look like was abducted while jogging or staged herself to look that way, so she could skip town.

We learned FD and JFd had been communicating some. Beyond the family Wizard. No doubt FD was careful to send only friendly amicable texts (while continuing to terrorize her with motions and demands in court) so he'd

That report was going to be their proof. That is just insipid.

And it made sense to them.

But....karma kicks.

FD is probably on fire, and Inmate #433612 is going to miss out on a wedding, the births grandchildren, all the milestones Jennifer will miss. Only difference, the Inmate made her choices.

I wish the judge could sentence her to the max. And then multiply it times five.

Maybe because the font was so large, Atty F mistook the letters for people and reimagined them to be wearing blue jeans and white shirts.

I joke but this is far from funny. 1. It's a discredited report. 2. It's a sealed report. Vaulted. 3. JFd's medical record ought to be private and protected. 4. This is a massive breach. On multiple levels.

Sentencing and sanctions are in order.

And the audacity is just beyond words. How could she have ever thought she was going to up one on the court? The judge said no on the sealed document; yet she takes it upon herself to show people anyway. And for what and whom? I am thinking it was not in line of sight of the jurors (someone correct me if I am wrong). She wanted the media to see it and report on it.

So, someone said JF had BPD. I just can’t see her meeting enough of the DSM-5 criteria to meet the diagnosis. Her life had been shattered so depression would be expected. I am sure she was paranoid and she had a definite reason to be so. You can look at the criteria list for BPD and JF’s traits (based on what we can see by many statement of her friends) do not warrant the diagnosis. Did the psychiatrist make the diagnosis based on FD statements?

I just can’t believe the paramour would be stuck on a sealed report as if it would exonerate her and get her off the hook for conspiracy to commit murder. And I can’t believe she treated our court system like we are banana republic. She certainly could not manage the rules of the court and she will be paying the price for this alongside the price for assisting in eliminating JF! I can’t feel sorry for her and am glad she finally has to pay the consequences for what she has done.
Regarding the possible involvement of MT’s attorneys in the document cluster - the judge could refer the matter to the CT State Bar. Candor in court is part of being sworn into any state bar - so perhaps there are other venues better situated to deal with lawyer transgressions.

Warrant: Video confirmed Michelle Troconis displayed sealed Dulos report on computer during trial​


Inspector Christopher Gioielli, who investigated the allegations, reviewed video footage of the trial and confirmed Troconis had displayed portions of the sealed Dulos report on her computer screen.

The partial sentences seen on Troconis' computer that were captured on a screenshot by prosecutors "mirrored the language on page 50 of the sealed custodial report," the warrant said.

Troconis was present in the courtroom a few years ago when her attorney Jon Schoenhorn was told that only her defense team could view the report and that its contents were otherwise sealed from public view, including herself, the warrant stated.
And the audacity is just beyond words. How could she have ever thought she was going to up one on the court? The judge said no on the sealed document; yet she takes it upon herself to show people anyway. And for what and whom? I am thinking it was not in line of sight of the jurors (someone correct me if I am wrong). She wanted the media to see it and report on it.

So, someone said JF had BPD. I just can’t see her meeting enough of the DSM-5 criteria to meet the diagnosis. Her life had been shattered so depression would be expected. I am sure she was paranoid and she had a definite reason to be so. You can look at the criteria list for BPD and JF’s traits (based on what we can see by many statement of her friends) do not warrant the diagnosis. Did the psychiatrist make the diagnosis based on FD statements?

I just can’t believe the paramour would be stuck on a sealed report as if it would exonerate her and get her off the hook for conspiracy to commit murder. And I can’t believe she treated our court system like we are banana republic. She certainly could not manage the rules of the court and she will be paying the price for this alongside the price for assisting in eliminating JF! I can’t feel sorry for her and am glad she finally has to pay the consequences for what she has done.
Yes, I cannot figure out why MT and her team continued to cling to the idea that that report was in any way helpful to their cause. It could only be helpful if you bought the Gone Girl absurdity. But once you accept the cold clear FACT that FD murdered JF, how on earth does this report do a damn thing? What did MT think this proved? Is she that deluded or just still feeling so much hatred for JF that she can't see straight? MOO.
I think the court is going to assume/infer that - unless she got it from Horn on a good faith basis that the Bawlie order covered it - it had to have come from an ill-gotten source, and more importantly, she knew it was sealed. She was in court for the pre trial motions, and during the many evidentiary objects in the court - so however she got it originally isn’t really the issue. The issue is she had a document she knew the Judge repeatedly excluded, and not just in passing, he vehemently ruled on its inadmissible, drew double yellow lines around it, and she PUBLISHES it. Nope.
Do you think this will weigh on him in sentencing?

Warrant: Video confirmed Michelle Troconis displayed sealed Dulos report on computer during trial​


Inspector Christopher Gioielli, who investigated the allegations, reviewed video footage of the trial and confirmed Troconis had displayed portions of the sealed Dulos report on her computer screen.

The partial sentences seen on Troconis' computer that were captured on a screenshot by prosecutors "mirrored the language on page 50 of the sealed custodial report," the warrant said.

Troconis was present in the courtroom a few years ago when her attorney Jon Schoenhorn was told that only her defense team could view the report and that its contents were otherwise sealed from public view, including herself, the warrant stated.
Wow. So she wasnt even supposed to see it. Her attorneys should be in big trouble for her displaying it.
It underscores how she absolutely has no regard for the law, not before the trial, during the trial and one can only bet, after it.

I hope her sentencing is reflective of her abuse of law to the fullest extent possible and that she remains behind bars for 50 years.

I made an incorrect assumption above that if the report was released to Horn, it must have been shareable with his client. Why on earth does an attorney get access to “evidence” that he can’t share with his client? The attorney advocates for the client - for what purposes does an attorney get a document that he/she can’t share with the client?

I suppose - if I’m reaching (and possibly thrusting) - a court could say - okay Horn - you can have the document but you can only use it for the purpose of seeking discovery from other sources that aren’t sealed; and you can’t share the report with your client. But this doesn’t hold water because if it’s sealed, derivative evidence from it is fruit of the poisonous tree and not admissible.

Sometimes opposing parties agree to share confidential and/or potentially inadmissible evidence/information for the very limited purpose of settling a case. As in - okay - let’s hypothetically say your client thought the victim was bipolar, does it follow that she would then help FD cover up a murder? In other words, if the State had the document, could they have agreed with the judge that Horn could have a copy to put him on a level playing field in trying to reach a plea deal. Again - 100% speculation.

I’d like to see the exact words.

There are quite a few pertinent facts that I for sure do not know regarding how an electronic copy of a sealed document is on her computer. But I still think the issue in the Contempt of Court case is she knew, and nevertheless intentionally displayed that document. And she did it with the same lack of remorse or regard for authority that she displayed while committing the crimes she is guilty of, and for lying about them to LE three times over.
Do you think this will weigh on him in sentencing?
Yes. Especially in a case where a defendant doesn’t testify - which is their right. And you can’t use exercising that right against them. But committing an interceding offense, mid trial, that goes to the defendant’s credibility and respect for the court. Yikes, just no.
I think the court is going to assume/infer that - unless she got it from Horn on a good faith basis that the Bawlie order covered it - it had to have come from an ill-gotten source, and more importantly, she knew it was sealed. She was in court for the pre trial motions, and during the many evidentiary objects in the court - so however she got it originally isn’t really the issue. The issue is she had a document she knew the Judge repeatedly excluded, and not just in passing, he vehemently ruled on its inadmissible, drew double yellow lines around it, and she PUBLISHES it. Nope.

Troconis was present in the courtroom a few years ago when her attorney Jon Schoenhorn was told that only her defense team could view the report and that its contents were otherwise sealed from public view, including herself, the warrant stated.

3/6/24 --
Troconis was present in the courtroom a few years ago when her attorney Jon Schoenhorn was told that only her defense team could view the report and that its contents were otherwise sealed from public view, including herself, the warrant stated.

3/6/24 --
Is it possible that her lawyer, or his assistant, made a sloppy mistake of uploading all case files to a password protected client folder, and the Herman/Custody report was accidentally uploaded to that folder? Troconis may have found the custody report within her case files without intent by her lawyer to provide the file to her. Careless lawyer or assistant.

It's interesting that she chose to reveal to the courts and TV cameras that she had the report in 72 font during trial. She knew that she was demonstrating that her lawyer had violated his commitment to the courts. What's the long game?
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