GUILTY CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #69

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Seeing your post, I took the opportunity to add these dates to my timeline and found something kind of interesting. It looks like MT had her fender bender on May 17th - the same day Herman was testifying then got tossed. Wonder if she was distracted by thoughts of the hearing. Or maybe she already knew Herman was out and was mad.
Such a brilliant connection or as Atty McGuiness said in his brilliant closing have you found another “coincidence”?

I think many here were curious about possible reasons behind the crash and always wondered about the fender bender as iirc MT was on the phone and supposedly abruptly switched lanes and hit someone.

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I read somewhere too that the doctor had also interviewed FD several times about JF and for the life of me could not find it again so I didn’t mention it. I did find the article about how much FD paid the doctor. So, you have a psychological evaluation based on interviews with FD, a known liar and a narcissist who was hell bent on destroy JF’s credibility. Maybe the doctor realized on the stand how unethical his report was and that is why he quit testifying???
Or, JF Attorney Midler took the good doctor to the woodshed on the stand and wasn’t buying what he was selling! Moo
I read somewhere too that the doctor had also interviewed FD several times about JF and for the life of me could not find it again so I didn’t mention it. I did find the article about how much FD paid the doctor. So, you have a psychological evaluation based on interviews with FD, a known liar and a narcissist who was hell bent on destroy JF’s credibility. Maybe the doctor realized on the stand how unethical his report was and that is why he quit testifying???
Or, JF Attorney Midler took the good doctor to the woodshed on the stand and wasn’t buying what he was selling! Moo
Also, @afitzy re your post on the last thread about the spelling of his name, I actually just figured out there is alternative spelling of Doulos. So I decided to do a bit of searching on Family Search and someone has absolutely spammed the heck out of Jennifer's name and the others involved. It's crazy, page after page of made up family history - like in the hundreds. I didn't take time to look at many of them, but the entries I saw were made on March 2, 2024, the day after the verdict. I don't think that those who were happy with the verdict would do that.
Thanks for this, shocking story about people doing something like what you describe on an ancestry site. Incredible and disturbing if people thought yet again that blaming the victim was the correct course of action.

So, @Gardenista were you looking up an alternative to the original doulos name or looking up dulos?

Wonder why FD sister dropped her family maiden name entirely? Is this typical in her generation to do? I could never figure this out. Or, was she like FD trying to erase her maiden name?

When I did the post yesterday I remembered looking into the Greek diaspora and fell into a black hole trying to see if it would be possible to figure out from where the FD family originated or whether they were from the Constantinople area originally?

But then I wasn’t sure which of the translations of doulos made most sense and then figured if the most common translation was “slave” that this could have meant that the family could have come possibly from virtually anyplace in the empire and so I gave up reading as my recollection was that if slaves were involved that it could possibly involve sizable distances that could have crossed into Roman region etc.

I do suspect that FD crafted an image of his heritage for American consumption as the comments he made about the insularity of Greek society and culture had me wondering about whether by virtue of being a Turkish born Greek speaking person of Greek orthodox descent whether his treatment might have been less than he felt was his due? I always thought it interesting that the Greek articles that we saw translated into English always seemed to mention the Turkish birth angle rather than focusing on Greek angle. Not having anyone from that region to ask about Greek society and immigration acceptance I wasn’t sure how big of a deal this might have been. But, I suspected that it might have been a big deal to FD and perhaps a reason he came to US where reinvention might have been much easier than what he experienced as being possible in Athens society? I simply don’t know and none of the Greek speaking folks that have come to WS over the years of this case ever chimed in on the topic iirc. Perhaps it’s a taboo topic? Idk.
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Such a brilliant connection!

I think many here were curious about possible reasons behind the crash and always wondered about the fender bender as iirc MT was on the phone and supposedly abruptly switched lanes and hit someone.

I might have heard her explain that a driver would not move their vehicle out of the lane where she wanted to turn so she hit it because nothing is ever her fault. Your version works, too.

That's very wise of you @Gardenista to match the date of MT's car accident as being the same date of the Herman issue on May 17th. It would follow that news from court about Herman may have distracted the convicted felon to the point of an accident.

Did MT try to hide the May 17 wreck from Fotis? I recall PG testifying that Jen had a minor scrape on the Suburban and PG helped her with the repair so Fotis wouldn't learn about it. Fotis terrorized Jennifer Farber in life.
I might have heard her explain that a driver would not move their vehicle out of the lane where she wanted to turn so she hit it because nothing is ever her fault. Your version works, too.

That's very wise of you @Gardenista to match the date of MT's car accident as being the same date of the Herman issue on May 17th. It would follow that news from court about Herman may have distracted the convicted felon to the point of an accident.

Did MT try to hide the May 17 wreck from Fotis? I recall PG testifying that Jen had a minor scrape on the Suburban and PG helped her with the repair so Fotis wouldn't learn about it. Fotis terrorized Jennifer Farber in life.
Another interesting possible “coincidence”? It do think MT is such an accomplished liar that it impossible to know. Most drivers seek to avoid accidents and even if someone is trying to aggressively push into your lane on 84 which is usually quite congested that most folks would adjust speed to let the jerk in rather than get into an accident imo. I just wonder if MT lied about what happened because she was on the phone and got angry and distracted and didn’t see the other car? It’s a tricky road to drive imo due to curves and elevation shifts and if you aren’t focused imo accidents at speed are easy to have.

If you think also about the fact that FD was pretty much out of cash around the time of the JF murder and MT might have known that they spent a good chunk of change on the discredited report that got tossed then perhaps she simply blew a gasket? I very much suspect that she was paying for a lot of the day to day essentials during that period and FD credit cards were getting maxed out and FORE had no revenue and nothing but operating expenses to keep the mortgages, taxes and maintenance paid.

The FD gig was up and I very much believe MT knew and it’s also why I never understood why she didn’t leave in advance of the murder of JF? If she knew, she didn’t have to stay imo. But, she did and the rest is her sad history. Moo
Yes, that is correct on both his objection and being self represented at the time. FD created chaos during that period and I always speculated it was his way of trying to get JF to pay for his attorneys (Judge Heller denied this request from FD) to simply get the process of divorce and custody resolved. But, this never happened and even when FD did eventually get an attorney that he created chaos. I think JF filed motions to remove most of the FD attorneys (Pytranker and Rose) along with the GAL Meehan. FD also at various times petitioned for alimony and support but these requests were denied I believe due to his unwillingness to provide truthful financial information to the court even under oath. The situation for most of the two years was tit for tat with much complaining about JF not having all the children available for each FD visit and there was even a motion from FD about “waterskiing”.

It’s interesting that no matter what FD said publically about resolving the Family Court situation imo his actions were not in line with his words. No matter what JF tried to do in Court to move things forward, with FD it was always Opposite Day.

What I never understood is why after a year of FD activity that Judge Heller (she was second judge on case) didn’t toss FD in jail? She censured him, reprimanded him and the record, took away custody for a time, had him on supervised custody but he still lied under oath and I just didn’t see how they were ever going to resolve the financial issues? Judge heller even at one point ordered the seizure of FD Computers and electronics from the FORE offices. I don’t think the results of this seizure were public as I don’t recall reading about it but Judge Heller did try to get to the bottom of the finances but nothing seemed to work imo.

Whole situation at Family Court shortly before JF Murder was almost as if the case had just started as FD had lied about his finances yet again and Judge Heller ordered him to provide financial information and the Custody Report had been tossed so presumably would have had to be done again had the case continued. It just seemed that FD wanted more delay and then he would pepper in periodic custody requests for all or a couple of the children which Judge Heller would immediately deny.

Poor Jennifer. She must have suffered for years being married to that man/child, but stayed for the children’s sake and tried to remain positive and hopeful that things would work out. He must have verbally and psychologically abused her pretty badly for her to finally file for divorce.
I might have heard her explain that a driver would not move their vehicle out of the lane where she wanted to turn so she hit it because nothing is ever her fault. Your version works, too.

That's very wise of you @Gardenista to match the date of MT's car accident as being the same date of the Herman issue on May 17th. It would follow that news from court about Herman may have distracted the convicted felon to the point of an accident.

Did MT try to hide the May 17 wreck from Fotis? I recall PG testifying that Jen had a minor scrape on the Suburban and PG helped her with the repair so Fotis wouldn't learn about it. Fotis terrorized Jennifer Farber in life.
Absolutely. As a side note, isn’t it odd how most people would envy what appears to be the highly successful and wealthy people who live in grand houses with impeccable acres of land, expensive cars, designer clothing, exotic vacations and who seem not to have a worry in the world.
Only to discover the hell and the horror and ugliness some suffer with behind closed doors. To me, health and happiness equals wealth.
Another interesting possible “coincidence”? It do think MT is such an accomplished liar that it impossible to know. Most drivers seek to avoid accidents and even if someone is trying to aggressively push into your lane on 84 which is usually quite congested that most folks would adjust speed to let the jerk in rather than get into an accident imo. I just wonder if MT lied about what happened because she was on the phone and got angry and distracted and didn’t see the other car? It’s a tricky road to drive imo due to curves and elevation shifts and if you aren’t focused imo accidents at speed are easy to have.

If you think also about the fact that FD was pretty much out of cash around the time of the JF murder and MT might have known that they spent a good chunk of change on the discredited report that got tossed then perhaps she simply blew a gasket? I very much suspect that she was paying for a lot of the day to day essentials during that period and FD credit cards were getting maxed out and FORE had no revenue and nothing but operating expenses to keep the mortgages, taxes and maintenance paid.

The FD gig was up and I very much believe MT knew and it’s also why I never understood why she didn’t leave in advance of the murder of JF? If she knew, she didn’t have to stay imo. But, she did and the rest is her sad history. Moo
You’re right, you’d think she’d get the heck out of Dodge. And boy, was she p*ssed when he went killed himself! lol
Poor Jennifer. She must have suffered for years being married to that man/child, but stayed for the children’s sake and tried to remain positive and hopeful that things would work out. He must have verbally and psychologically abused her pretty badly for her to finally file for divorce.
Yes, so agree. What you describe is what she put into her divorce filing along with the protective order (PO was denied by Court).

But JF didnt leave and file divorce until the FD and MT humiliation in public simply became too much. It wasn’t enough that the couple had started the affair and traveled the world on the Farbers dime for nearly 2 years while MT lived in FL. But then MT moved herself and daughter to CT and they flaunted the relationship in Avon and Farmington to the point where it was hard for anyone to hide not knowing. There was a cruelty as well as an arrogance or aggressive nature to behaviour of FD and MT. The couple wanted what they wanted and they wanted it all their way and PS we want the Farber money too so we can travel and ski year round! They didn’t care about the children or JF. FD even tried to save money while layering in more humiliation by saying JF and the children could remain at 4Jx but PS not in the master bedroom! About the only true thing imo GAL Meehan said on the stand was this story of the humiliation and cruelty inflicted on JF by FD and MT.

Sorry it’s NBC CT but they had both legal documents filed by Horn last week for any that hadn’t read them.

The article also explains that MT will be arraigned on Contempt charge on 3/21/24 but says the hearing will be on a different date? Does anyone know if this is true as I thought everything including the hearing was to take place on the 21st?

Absolutely. As a side note, isn’t it odd how most people would envy what appears to be the highly successful and wealthy people who live in grand houses with impeccable acres of land, expensive cars, designer clothing, exotic vacations and who seem not to have a worry in the world.
Only to discover the hell and the horror and ugliness some suffer with behind closed doors. To me, health and happiness equals wealth.
Consider Anna Curry too.

…Curry had expected to sign a contract with Mark Motuzick, who had bonded out Fotis Dulos twice before when he was charged with tampering with evidence and hindering prosecution in the case, documents said. ..

But Motuzick became concerned about the collateral Fotis Dulos wanted to provide and he didn't show up to court on Jan. 8, 2020 to bond him out, the documents said…

Fotis Dulos' attorney, Norm Pattis, instead lined up Sobota and Cao, who accepted two checks drawn from Curry's own account — one for $125,000 and one for $22,000 — to get his client released on bond. Curry also provided a third check for $1,000 from Fotis Dulos' account, saying during the deposition that she presumed he had enough money in the account to cover the check…

Curry said she was his "best friend" in the bond documents she signed. It was unclear, she said in the deposition, who would pay the 15 monthly installments for the remaining $278,000 fee, but she presumed it would be Fotis Dulos. ..

By the evening of Jan. 27, 2020, Pattis and Fotis Dulos had been told that Palmetto likely would rescind the bond the next morning based on the amount of collateral he had provided, the documents said. The bond company had exceeded the risk limit allowed by law in Connecticut, Sobota said in the lawsuit documents. That meant that Fotis Dulos was facing the possibility of returning to prison until new bond arrangements were established, Curry said in the deposition. ..

The morning of Jan. 28, 2020, Sobota went to Fotis Dulos' Farmington home when he didn't arrive at court in Stamford for the bond hearing, he said in an affidavit filed with Curry's lawsuit. He found Farmington police performing CPR on Fotis Dulos, who had tried to take his own life by carbon monoxide poisoning, the documents said. He died two days later.,,,”

So NP didn't get bondsman Judelman involved until after FD's suicide attempt.
Thanks for this, shocking story about people doing something like what you describe on an ancestry site. Incredible and disturbing if people thought yet again that blaming the victim was the correct course of action.

So, @Gardenista were you looking up an alternative to the original doulos name or looking up dulos?

Wonder why FD sister dropped her family maiden name entirely? Is this typical in her generation to do? I could never figure this out. Or, was she like FD trying to erase her maiden name?

When I did the post yesterday I remembered looking into the Greek diaspora and fell into a black hole trying to see if it would be possible to figure out from where the FD family originated or whether they were from the Constantinople area originally?

But then I wasn’t sure which of the translations of doulos made most sense and then figured if the most common translation was “slave” that this could have meant that the family could have come possibly from virtually anyplace in the empire and so I gave up reading as my recollection was that if slaves were involved that it could possibly involve sizable distances that could have crossed into Roman region etc.

I do suspect that FD crafted an image of his heritage for American consumption as the comments he made about the insularity of Greek society and culture had me wondering about whether by virtue of being a Turkish born Greek speaking person of Greek orthodox descent whether his treatment might have been less than he felt was his due? I always thought it interesting that the Greek articles that we saw translated into English always seemed to mention the Turkish birth angle rather than focusing on Greek angle. Not having anyone from that region to ask about Greek society and immigration acceptance I wasn’t sure how big of a deal this might have been. But, I suspected that it might have been a big deal to FD and perhaps a reason he came to US where reinvention might have been much easier than what he experienced as being possible in Athens society? I simply don’t know and none of the Greek speaking folks that have come to WS over the years of this case ever chimed in on the topic iirc. Perhaps it’s a taboo topic? Idk.
I was looking up both names and literally came up with nothing. I'm not sure what I was looking for, I just got curious about his background. Usually I look into all of that stuff at the beginning of some cases but never got around it for this one. His early years are like a black hole - it's rare that I can't come up with something.

I do think I remember way back in the beginning people wondering if another way he was using JD was for citizenship. All of that is very blurry to me. Do we even know if he ever became an American citizen?
Sorry it’s NBC CT but they had both legal documents filed by Horn last week for any that hadn’t read them.

The article also explains that MT will be arraigned on Contempt charge on 3/21/24 but says the hearing will be on a different date? Does anyone know if this is true as I thought everything including the hearing was to take place on the 21st?

I know it's NBC but they stated that they don't know who the judge is in the contempt charge.
It's Judge Robert Frost right?
I was looking up both names and literally came up with nothing. I'm not sure what I was looking for, I just got curious about his background. Usually I look into all of that stuff at the beginning of some cases but never got around it for this one. His early years are like a black hole - it's rare that I can't come up with something.

I do think I remember way back in the beginning people wondering if another way he was using JD was for citizenship. All of that is very blurry to me. Do we even know if he ever became an American citizen?
Yes, it is believed that he got the US citizenship via his first marriage. The thread here somewhere has the info about the first marriage and iirc the marriage announcement was also in archive wayback from NYTs. The couple I believe lived in Canton, CT before the divorce.
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