Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #10 *ARRESTS*

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Wow! I will have to read that... thank you

He is just trying to bait the state into asking for a gag order. Then he can continue to scream about the injustice of it all. Since the Arrest Warrants were not sealed his justification is that tremendous damage has been done to his client! Now these GG theories and attacking JD and you can bet her family has approached the state to ask for a gag order, JMO. I would like one but I am not sure if it is wise to play into NPs hands. We all know he is going for a change of venue. He’s hoping some angry mob confronts FD while he is galavanting around NC. A gag order and a hostile public is what he wants so he can move the trial. And stall and do all his legal “Top Gun” bs. JMO as always
He is just trying to bait the state into asking for a gag order. Then he can continue to scream about the injustice of it all. Since the Arrest Warrants were not sealed his justification is that tremendous damage has been done to his client! Now these GG theories and attacking JD and you can bet her family has approached the state to ask for a gag order, JMO. I would like one but I am not sure if it is wise to play into NPs hands. We all know he is going for a change of venue. He’s hoping some angry mob confronts FD while he is galavanting around NC. A gag order and a hostile public is what he wants so he can move the trial. And stall and do all his legal “Top Gun” bs. JMO as always
Just catching up and this character assassination of JD is vile. However, I hope they let NP keep running his mouth. Let him keep making FD look like an *advertiser censored*. MOO
Nothing new in the criminal files for Fotis Dulos or Michelle Troconis except Troconis’ attorney has filed formal requests for discovery. Both are charged w/ evidence tampering & hindering prosecution in connection to his estranged wife’s disappearance 1 month ago today
Just catching up and this character assassination of JD is vile. However, I hope they let NP keep running his mouth. Let him keep making FD look like an *advertiser censored*. MOO

Exactly! NP is the mouthpiece—FD has signed off on whatever NP is out there saying to the press. And FD is likely suggesting things to be said. JMO. I say let NP continue to run his “dog and pony”show. I am just incredibly frustrated for her family. They have to respond to these attacks on JD and on top of that she is missing/dead and they are dealing with 5 heartsick kids and a custody battle with her murderer. It’s all about the defendant and his rights and his treatment. I’m glad this forum is about JD and finding her and justice for her. I feel like kickboxing something with FDs face on it
Exactly! NP is the mouthpiece—FD has signed off on whatever NP is out there saying to the press. And FD is likely suggesting things to be said. JMO. I say let NP continue to run his “dog and pony”show. I am just incredibly frustrated for her family. They have to respond to these attacks on JD and on top of that she is missing/dead and they are dealing with 5 heartsick kids and a custody battle with her murderer. It’s all about the defendant and his rights and his treatment. I’m glad this forum is about JD and finding her and justice for her. I feel like kickboxing something with FDs face on it
I shudder to think what a pro-FD forum would look like! And your kickboxing idea is good--a shame we can't kick his actual face, IMO.
I think this is likely the same structure that Fore group Inc has as well.

I just question how many skilled tradesman were actually employed by fore group directly

It's only my opinion, but I think they subbed almost every aspect of the actual construction out to other companies

I guess my point is I think much of what Fore group was portrayed to be by FD was a huge faccade.

FD wanted to portray Fore group as some huge Multi million dollar business with multiple assets etc

When in actuality it was nothing more than some office personnel and he was selling snake oil.

These were mostly over priced homes built by using a lot of sub contractors which made it extremely difficult to give an accurate estimate of the the total cost of the purposed home to the client, While still allowing FD to hit his specific profit margin

As an upper end interior and garden designer for decades:
It is not unusual to have the developer coordinate the jobs with sub contractors...
They generally have several firms; they give the job out to bid to...
Making a profit would be an expected outcome for any business... It appears, at the least, he worked daily and coordinated construction sites, not an easy job!
I worked for contractors that owned their own mansions and hotels; without a wife’s family money required...
Yet one of my client’s wife’s was from a poor family, married a rich CEO, and received a 20 million dollar settlement and two lavish homes when divorced...
So I would not be surprised, if she had more funds, for the court to discuss with her, pay him a settlement or alimony.
I almost wish we weren't allowed to post the NP commentary as it's the exact opposite of victim friendly.
Yep, but it's important to see this BS for exactly what it is. Cheap and dirty on the part of the side that is scrambling. And they are scrambling big time, IMO, if they need to resort to this. NP's likability is certainly debatable, but he is an educated and experienced defense att. MOO
As an upper end interior and garden designer for decades:
It is not unusual to have the developer coordinate the jobs with sub contractors...
They generally have several firms; they give the job out to bid to...
Making a profit would be an expected outcome for any business... It appears, at the least, he worked daily and coordinated construction sites, not an easy job!
I worked for contractors that owned their own mansions and hotels; without a wife’s family money required...
Yet one of my client’s wife’s was from a poor family, married a rich CEO, and received a 20 million dollar settlement and two lavish homes when divorced...
So I would not be surprised, if she had more funds, for the court to discuss with her, pay him a settlement or alimony.
I had thought along similar lines regarding her status vs. his financial status. He made money apparently (at least until he didn't) - but wouldn't disclose over that 2 year period based on the reported court filings so why? Was he hiding income so he wouldn't have to pay ? or Was he not making income and saving face? or were his financial records a real mess for the company? If his business did take a downturn (and I think it is more that the ponzi scheme caught up with him and he wasn't selling the houses so he either couldn't or chose not to pay back his investor - JD's dad), it would be in his interest to tell the court and that would be taken into account regarding the financial settlement. It seems the Judge did decide about custody limiting him to supervised Sat/Sun (no overnight) and Wed visits. So why drag it out? JMO
Why would his criminal defense attorneys want to represent him in the divorce proceedings? No one else would represent him...or they are trying to get discovery of the sealed docs? My guess is to gain access to those sealed docs.

Jennifer Dulos’ family concerned over ‘attacks, ludicrous theories’ by attorney

But his new lawyers -- Norm Pattis and Rich Rochlin -- filed paperwork to represent him in the divorce case, making the hearing unnecessary.

No other court dates have been scheduled in the case.

Attorneys are also asking out of two lawsuits filed against Fotis by Jennifer Dulos' mother accusing him of failing to repay business loans.

Dulos is scheduled to return to court in his criminal case Aug. 2.
NP said MT and FD are broken up but the other day said that FD loves her and her daughter. Well that didn’t last long. Haha

My guess is the MT and FD are broken up in the both sides of the mouth kind of sense:

(1) No animosity or love lost, just that the “biased” court system has forbidden them from communicating or communing with each other while out on bail; ankle bling — lessen the potential impact of accessory and subsequent crimes after the murder & evidence tampering; preemptive attempt to avoid additional allegations of witness tampering and witness intimidation; or, she’s served her purpose. No downside to tossing this out really as for some jurors chaos and liquify cycle easily mistaken for reasonable doubt. Just too messy; none of this makes sense; we give up; best worst outcome with this strategy: hung jury. It’s not a loss! It’s a win win!

(2) Set up chess move for the next one where FD throws MT under the bus. E.g., we can only imagine how horrified FD would feel and betrayed FD would be to discover MT actually orchestrated and executed (npi) such a vicious crime against the innocent mother of FD’s children! He can believe he actually ever trusted and believed and actually trusted in this person. She is really sociopathic and mentally ill drug user obsessed etc. Once FD discovered this (maybe he’ll say MT admitted this to him AFTER she tricked him into throwing away bloody garbage in Hartford as part of MT’s daughter’s class science fair project or scavenger hunt or community service volunteer work, well let’s just say it’s NP’s understanding that FD was horrified and cut ties.

(3) Looking forward to several motions to exclude evidence. Inconvenient babyfaced law clerk might know too much on now opposing sides of the case. Unclear whether international law or conflict of laws issues will arise, privilege issues, common law spouse or spousal privilege. If FD and MT both for sure knew JD was dead, FD was a single man. The two may be currrently married. Who can testify what as to whom and when. Is it polygamy? Is it evidence of anything? Can this be used as a shield and a sword — privilege what MT knows from coming into FD’s trial and Vice versa to avoid additional perjury risks and reputation issues, while moving to exclude any evidence the instant remarriage (likely in another jurisdiction) would be more prejudicial than probative, impairing the ability of either to receive a fair trial?

Once again, it’s another win win.

Confuse everyone.

Change it up as much as you can, like a deer or rabbit’s switchbacks to avoid the hunters.

Worst best outcome: just more potential issues for appeal.

ITA with @LittleBitty that NP is a throw everything at the wall to see what sticks kind of guy.

Good thing for NP that FD is a good cook. They’re going to need a lot of pasta to pull off this one.

Why would his criminal defense attorneys want to represent him in the divorce proceedings? No one else would represent him...or they are trying to get discovery of the sealed docs? My guess is to gain access to those sealed docs.

Jennifer Dulos’ family concerned over ‘attacks, ludicrous theories’ by attorney

But his new lawyers -- Norm Pattis and Rich Rochlin -- filed paperwork to represent him in the divorce case, making the hearing unnecessary.

No other court dates have been scheduled in the case.

Attorneys are also asking out of two lawsuits filed against Fotis by Jennifer Dulos' mother accusing him of failing to repay business loans.

Dulos is scheduled to return to court in his criminal case Aug. 2.


Something smells really fishy here. I think that NP and RR want the sealed divorce docs so they can defame JD more, even though it's apparently well documented that FD is the one the judge didn't want around the kids. I wouldn't doubt that it's another ploy to grab money from GF/the kids' trust funds and has nothing to do with the best interests of the kids at all - just like everything else that NP has done thus far.

Something smells really fishy here. I think that NP and RR want the sealed divorce docs so they can defame JD more, even though it's apparently well documented that FD is the one the judge didn't want around the kids. I wouldn't doubt that it's another ploy to grab money from GF/the kids' trust funds and has nothing to do with the best interests of the kids at all - just like everything else that NP has done thus far.
But FD should already have the sealed documents - he is a party to this and I would think his prior divorce attorney forwarded him documents as they were filed - that's pretty standard in my experience for a law firm to do this. He is home now but if those documents were on his computer email - maybe he no longer has access to it? But he could go down to the courthouse himself and get a copy I would think. IMO they are grandstanding by entering the divorce action.

Something smells really fishy here. I think that NP and RR want the sealed divorce docs so they can defame JD more, even though it's apparently well documented that FD is the one the judge didn't want around the kids. I wouldn't doubt that it's another ploy to grab money from GF/the kids' trust funds and has nothing to do with the best interests of the kids at all - just like everything else that NP has done thus far.

It was stated several threads back, that the portions of the divorce that were sealed by the Court, were in regards to the children. Innocent Minors must be protected in these situations and that is done by the Court, sealing the records.

This is a Very Common aspect of divorces including Minor children and definitely not something new.

It is not in the best interest of the children to have open court records about them and documents floating around for all to see, including the children.

JD's mother GF has every right and concern for these children and their protection, including the request for the continued sealing of the records/documents pertaining to these children.
Why would his criminal defense attorneys want to represent him in the divorce proceedings? No one else would represent him...or they are trying to get discovery of the sealed docs? My guess is to gain access to those sealed docs.

Jennifer Dulos’ family concerned over ‘attacks, ludicrous theories’ by attorney

But his new lawyers -- Norm Pattis and Rich Rochlin -- filed paperwork to represent him in the divorce case, making the hearing unnecessary.

No other court dates have been scheduled in the case.

Attorneys are also asking out of two lawsuits filed against Fotis by Jennifer Dulos' mother accusing him of failing to repay business loans.

Dulos is scheduled to return to court in his criminal case Aug. 2.
just a guess but my hunch is cash is tight so FD's already signed
off on the only liquid asset he could approach- his retirement fund- and that's embedded for NP's payment- so that leaves
nothing for Rich R. - who says to himself- why should I go run
down to NC if even my gas isn't covered?- get NP to handle it since he's probably gonna end up getting paid something, if not
his whole bill. It's all about the $$$ or lack thereof.
It makes me so happy that the spokeswoman for Jennifer’s family responded so strongly to Norm’s insane and disgusting statements.

Just a thing of beauty:

“Trying to tie Jennifer’s absence to a book she wrote more than 17 years ago makes no sense. Evidence shows that Jennifer was the victim of a violent attack in her New Canaan home. As of today, she has been missing for a month. This is not fiction or a movie. This is real life, as experienced every single day by Jennifer’s five young children, her family, and her friends. We are heartbroken. Jennifer is not here to protect her children, and these false and irresponsible allegations hurt the children now and into the future.”
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