Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #12 *ARRESTS*

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Someone I know in CT drove to the streets ( Thurton Drive/ Indian Waters Dr) behind JD house for me and he told me that all houses on that street have cameras so if he did enter from behind the house, he should have been caught on cam....those two streets are also cul de sacs.....he also said JD's house has no cams but we don't know if LE took them off or anything since he drove there a week after 5/24/19.

Some of the home security cameras don't store the video for very long. The request for video wasn't made until FD and MT were arrested, were they? So some of the cameras may have already "looped" and been recording over earlier footage. I don't know how new the camera systems were on the surrounding homes. Also, as school was ending, some homeowners may have been on vacation after the videos were requested.

The storage capacity for any surveillance system determines how long the security cameras can record before the video footage can be deleted or overwritten. Most users choose a video storage solution depending on their needs, budget, and the kind of security camera application that they intend to deploy. For instance, stand-alone surveillance systems are suitable for small scale applications since they rely on built-in hard disks, with limited capacity, which are contained within the DVRs and NVRs for storage. IP surveillance solutions on the other hand, can record to network servers or network attached storage (NAS) devices, which offer massive amounts of storage space and can record for prolonged periods.
My understanding is that the GAL did not know until FD called him on Saturday morning.

I totally agree that GF did not personally call FD nor the Nanny.

I seriously doubt that anyone other than LE contacted FD and the question remains, did LE call FD Friday night or early Saturday morning?

IMO, FD called the GAL immediately after LE called FD.

He just could not hold his Enthusiasm in and displayed that, on the phone call to the GAL.

IMO, If FD was contacted by LE on Friday night, FD would have immediately called the GAL at that point.


Or, as it was very early, one of the kids could have sent a text to dad....
Boy oh boy, is she about to be disappointed.

Is it relevant that he is a uniquely bad husband, who is suspected of killing his estranged wife? Nobody has suggested that he has killed a child, or a niece, or a sibling. She didn’t address what went on with Jennifer, and how Jennifer’s family money was what supported FD’s parents. And by the way, since he is so concerned with bringing Jennifer back alive to her children, why isn’t he out looking for her-and why was he disposing of things with her blood on them, surreptitiously, in a neighborhood unassociated with him-and why was he uncooperative with the police? I’d like to know the answers to these questions. Oh, by the way, why did he punch the parking attendant in GF’s garage? Lives lived in an exemplary way don’t typically include physical violence. I know scads of adult men who have never done something like that. It shows he is a violent person when HE thinks he needs to be.
Using Lye (Sodium Hydroxide) in a 55 gal drum with some water
would remove ALL DNA from both tissue and bones.
So after a point, if body were found LE may never be able to identify. Supposedly Cartels did this overnight w/ heat and disintegration was accelerated. Wonder if LE checked for recent
bonfires or if FD has a large backyard grill?
What Happens When a Dead Body Is Dissolved in Lye?

This breaks my heart
In Re statement she acknowledges that her family in times of financial needs, FD was their life line. I mean that tells readers that he probably sent them a lot of money.. money that is originating from HF.
I'm sure FD built an image of great prosperity and wealth in his
new country and his 'poor' family members back in Greece bowed down to him hoping to have a little $$ thrown their way.
Now I'm left wondering if she is actually an 'architectual consultant'
or if she was just another hanger on, on the Fore payroll.
Also I can't understand how a person from Greece would
have valuable design/archictectual experience that would transfer to Ct. Seems like night and day to me.
Leaving the truck parked at 80MS in hopes the employee would think that FD did not drive the red truck at all, on that Friday was not an accident.

I asked earlier if maybe the ex-employee lived around Albany Avenue in the Hartford 'Area' and it got me to thinking.

If the ex-employee lived around Albany Avenue or anywhere in between Hartford and Farmington, it would not be unreasonable to assume that FD and EE (ex-employee) exchanged the trucks each day.

Perhaps, they normally exchanged vehicles at 4JC, since that would be on EE's way to 80MS if EE lived north of 4JC.

However, FD may well have asked to meet at 80MS on That Particular Friday, so that FD could use the 'idea' or 'illusion' that the red truck Stayed Parked at 80MS All Day on that Friday.

Making the exchange at 80MS would leave FD without a vehicle to get home and he would then need EE's red truck keys to get back home to get a different vehicle.

Returning to pick up his red truck at 80MS would make EE think his red truck was never used that Friday, May 24, 2019 by FD.

FD used the leaving of the red truck at 80MS and Walking home as an 'Illusion' that the red truck had not been driven that Friday by FD.

Yes, normally, FD would not need the red truck keys if the truck was parked at 4JC, where FD had access to his other vehicles.

However, this One day, he and the EE met at 80MS, early in the morning.


So-did FD ask for the keys, or would it be customary for him to always leave them wherever the truck is, does anyone think? I don’t use someone else’s car, so I don’t know. Where I am headed with this is, would EE have normally left them, or would FD ask specifically for them. I suppose it’s likely that the keys stayed with the truck typically. EE must know now that it is likely that FD drove his truck, and he may not have thought much of it unless FD pretended that he didn’t. EE should be pretty bent out of shape about that, since it now involves him in what is shaping up to be a murder investigation, with him and his truck featured prominently.
Good to hear from RD and read her heartfelt comments about her brother FD. Her comments certainly add dimension to the information already in the press about FD IMO. I generally tend to believe actions of individuals more than their words so will reserve commentary until trial.

We also have the entire money angle of the FORE Group in play that has zero info yet from LE. My suspicion is that the money left the country for safekeeping so whether it was MT that facilitated this for FD or perhaps another family member we just don't have information on this topic unfortunately. I very much hope FBI/Interpol resources have worked on this topic.

What is hard to come to terms for me with is reading family commentary (on this case of any case for that matter) that is clearly being said from the heart and then attempting to reconcile the commentary to the years and years of specific actions and choices made by FD whether it be in business, family, JD, prior relationship and current relationships. The court record alone on FD portrays him as an individual in a very specific way. I'll take the easy way out at this early stage of the game and say humans are complicated beings and FD certainly appears to be a complicated individual IMO.
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Using Lye (Sodium Hydroxide) in a 55 gal drum with some water
would remove ALL DNA from both tissue and bones.
So after a point, if body were found LE may never be able to identify. Supposedly Cartels did this overnight w/ heat and disintegration was accelerated. Wonder if LE checked for recent
bonfires or if FD has a large backyard grill?
What Happens When a Dead Body Is Dissolved in Lye?
I just wonder if FD had one of his day workers, either from his construction or from his landscaping contacts do this for him. They would have what was necessary, barrel, lye, truck. And, they would not look out of the ordinary. If he gave them enough of a pay off, they would never talk. Maybe that is what was going on during the two hours when his phone pinged at Mt. Springs the day she disappeared.
Is it relevant that nowhere do I include or support or identify or corroborate any alibi?
Is it relevant that I reportedly arrived three or four days ago and the statement I today release reads like the closing argument of a film based on a John Grisham novel?
Oh he single handedly took care of our parents for sure.
Yes and if the media wants RELEVANCE, talk to those who are
outside of the family PR Spin Machine concocted by NP.

Talk to his subcontractors, if you want relevance. See how he treated them.

Talk to his childrens' teachers if you want relevance. See what they thought of him.

Talk to the people around Farmington and see what they think
of him. that's relevance.

If all they can come up with for great testimonials of what a nice
guy FD is, and that's his blood relative who is hardly a sibling as
she's 13 yrs. older, then NP is scraping the bottom of pond
for testimonials.
Like a complete buzz cut of his hair? He looks so different than his normal hair cut pictures.

when all the facts start revealing themselves IMO for someone so well educated and good at what they do, he didnt think this all thru and had a very poor plan. and now that worst part is that these 5 kids will not be raised by either of their parents.
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