Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #12 *ARRESTS*

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I just love how each response required so much thought, and he couldn't just respond concisely.

No adamant denial that he did this, just “wait and see,” and “the statistics say.”

He’s one cold, calculating fish.

In retrospect, it’s frightening. I could see how he could be charming. Like he’s some character out of “my Big Fat Greek Wedding.” And he likely used that to his advantage. But knowing what we now are exactly correct. This is a person who could absolutely kill and dismember the woman he married and who bore their five children. The interview had the opposite effect of its intention.

Like the Scott Peterson interview. Scott was mumbling over his words in this sort of juvenile baby doll voice like everything was a run on sentence and vowels or actual correct pronunciation of words kind of got lost. In Fotis’s interview, he acts like the questions were unexpected or something, it was like someone approached him from out of Nowhere. Like he is trying to be spontaneous but the wording is so coached and thought out it’s bizarre.

I agree! Huge fan of your posts!
Have you all seen the interview with NP that the NC Advertiser did a couple of days ago? About how he can defend clients like FD (and Alex Jones)?
New Canaan Dulos case: Norm Pattis explains how he defends

I know people are sickened to the stomach by NP, but this is wacky enough to warrant a read. And it might give you a new view of FDs increasing precarity being represented by NP.

In sum, NP has taken on FDs case as therapy for himself (not my opinion, what the article directly states). He’s literally trying to work through his own abandonment and self hatred issues and he still can’t quite figure out why he’s taking on FD as a client. So much so that he’s in psychoanalysis 4 days a week! (I guess it wasn’t NP that FD was meeting at 7am that morning). It’s not about winning the case or using solid legal grounds. It’s about a drama of re-enactment that will help NP to work through his repressed childhood issues. No wonder he’s not charging; NP should be paying FD for the free therapy!
It might make us angry to see the crazy antics NP is throwing out there, but it’s clear that it’s not necessarily motivated by what NP thinks is solid legal strategy, it’s about working out his own issues through identification with the client. This could sorely backfire for FD. (Bad news is that many out there are also working out their own issues through this case, many of us included).

Here’s a few quotes from this piece:
“For the past decade I’ve spent four mornings a week on the couch, free associating my way through endless hours trying to figure out why I do what I do.“

“I am the man who once rescued the little boy. I’ve become my big brother. The folks I stand beside are me. In some bizarre twist of fate, I repeat the abandonment cycle, this time being the rescuer I never had. I can work out the rage, fear and sorrow over abandonment in standing between an accused and his accusers: It’s true, I take pride in knowing that the state must get through me to get at my client.”
Have you all seen the interview with NP that the NC Advertiser did a couple of days ago? About how he can defend clients like FD (and Alex Jones)?
New Canaan Dulos case: Norm Pattis explains how he defends

I know people are sickened to the stomach by NP, but this is wacky enough to warrant a read. And it might give you a new view of FDs increasing precarity being represented by NP.

In sum, NP has taken on FDs case as therapy for himself (not my opinion, what the article directly states). He’s literally trying to work through his own abandonment and self hatred issues and he still can’t quite figure out why he’s taking on FD as a client. So much so that he’s in psychoanalysis 4 days a week! (I guess it wasn’t NP that FD was meeting at 7am that morning). It’s not about winning the case or using solid legal grounds. It’s about a drama of re-enactment that will help NP to work through his repressed childhood issues. No wonder he’s not charging; NP should be paying FD for the free therapy!
It might make us angry to see the crazy antics NP is throwing out there, but it’s clear that it’s not necessarily motivated by what NP thinks is solid legal strategy, it’s about working out his own issues through identification with the client. This could sorely backfire for FD. (Bad news is that many out there are also working out their own issues through this case, many of us included).

Here’s a few quotes from this piece:
“For the past decade I’ve spent four mornings a week on the couch, free associating my way through endless hours trying to figure out why I do what I do.“

“I am the man who once rescued the little boy. I’ve become my big brother. The folks I stand beside are me. In some bizarre twist of fate, I repeat the abandonment cycle, this time being the rescuer I never had. I can work out the rage, fear and sorrow over abandonment in standing between an accused and his accusers: It’s true, I take pride in knowing that the state must get through me to get at my client.”

Lots of self justification and imo low self esteem there. We all know defense attorneys play an invaluable role. They do. No matter who they defend and why. The why is his big deal I think. Like he wants to be noble and tries to explain it That way but that’s not what his actions reflect. I always say to any of my girlfriends or guy friends going through a break up “what do their actions tell you?” His words for FD are spin, just doing what most attorneys in high profile cases like this do. Very much like a performance artist. Except i think this noble pursuit of the letter of the law and constitutional rights stuff is what he convinces himself and us is “why” he defends people like Alex Jones and FoDbut imo it’s not about that anymore.

If he wants to go back to his roots and likely what made him want to fight the good fight—go defend the truly helpless. Taking on cases like this is the wrong avenue. It’s self aggrandizing. If you do it in this way. Take a smaller stage with a less privileged client who has everything stacked against them. This is about trying to prove something else. That he is more interested in a publicity stunt and money than he is in fighting the noble fight. Jmo as always
I've heard people speaking out about their fears of change of venue due to the publicity but since NP and FD are the ones doing the interviews wouldn't that suggest they were the ones that brought on the publicity in the first place? It seems wrong to me that they would be able to use that as a reason for change of venue when they hold so much responsibility for it in the first place.

I also find it interesting that since NP got called out in court about releasing info from the sealed documents and the backlash from the DV community the tone seems to have changed from attacking JD to humanizing both NP and FD.
Totally agree with you about the change in tone but its too little and way way too late.

I'm not at all worried about the interview (other than further tainting the jury pool) as the decision point to humanize FD in my mind was within 24 hrs of JD going missing. The opportunity was a brief one and it could have been done but instead what we saw was FD and MT not cooperating with LE, looking guilty, heads held low and hiding out. The arrests happened and we saw more hiding and FD in a brilliant orange jumpsuit and both sporting big GPS bracelets on their legs. Those images to me of the two of them in jail and in court were more powerful than anything we saw tonight IMO.

Seeing FD in the media now I'm not sure he is wired to have ever joined the search for JD, or helped LE, or pled with the public for info on his wife or cried with his children that their mother was missing. We might have wished that he did these things but its not the choice he made and I truly believe he is incapable of any of this.

The Pattis circus that followed only muddied the waters more as the victim shaming/bashing came down like a sledge hammer IMO and this directed even more anger at FD. This made an already inhumane FD look even worse. The Pattis strategy to now do a 180 and tell us about FD really cannot work given the way FD is as a person and also because there is no new substantive information to make us believe anything they are trying to say. FD in the interview said zero about his role or what he did.

Which gets us to the interview tonight where yet again we see none of the emotions that you think would appropriately be felt when the mother of your 5 children is missing and presumed dead. The reference to his sisters comments from yesterday rather than coming up with a heartfelt personalized comment was hugely telling in my mind as to who and what FD is!

FD IMO is in pity party mode now and frankly I wished he had just stayed home and locked the doors and not invited the media in for a chat as he did nobody any favors with his performance. MOO
So when I was much younger I was a huge fan of NCIS and the Gibbs character. He had all these “Rules” that true fans wrote down and were and are still a big thing. See if any seem pertinent to y’all (I skipped quite a few as there are a lot):
1. Never let suspects stay together.
2. never screw over your partner.
3. Always wear gloves at a crime scene.
4. Don’t believe what you’re told. Double check.
5. Never be unreachable.
9. Always be SPECIFIC when you lie.
15. Never involve lawyers.
18. (My personal favorite. But it’s only my favorite if the person with the upper hand is a legit bad person): If someone thinks they have the upper hand, break it. (Not cool if the person breaking the hand is someone like FD)
27. If you feel like you are being played you probably are.
29. There is no such thing as a coincidence.
30. If it seems like someone is out to get you, they probably are.
33. Clean up the mess that you make.

These are all great rules. Didn’t include all or I’d be typing forever. But in light of this case, or any case we follow, they always stand out. KWIM?
Have you all seen the interview with NP that the NC Advertiser did a couple of days ago? About how he can defend clients like FD (and Alex Jones)?
New Canaan Dulos case: Norm Pattis explains how he defends

I know people are sickened to the stomach by NP, but this is wacky enough to warrant a read. And it might give you a new view of FDs increasing precarity being represented by NP.

In sum, NP has taken on FDs case as therapy for himself (not my opinion, what the article directly states). He’s literally trying to work through his own abandonment and self hatred issues and he still can’t quite figure out why he’s taking on FD as a client. So much so that he’s in psychoanalysis 4 days a week! (I guess it wasn’t NP that FD was meeting at 7am that morning). It’s not about winning the case or using solid legal grounds. It’s about a drama of re-enactment that will help NP to work through his repressed childhood issues. No wonder he’s not charging; NP should be paying FD for the free therapy!
It might make us angry to see the crazy antics NP is throwing out there, but it’s clear that it’s not necessarily motivated by what NP thinks is solid legal strategy, it’s about working out his own issues through identification with the client. This could sorely backfire for FD. (Bad news is that many out there are also working out their own issues through this case, many of us included).

Here’s a few quotes from this piece:
“For the past decade I’ve spent four mornings a week on the couch, free associating my way through endless hours trying to figure out why I do what I do.“

“I am the man who once rescued the little boy. I’ve become my big brother. The folks I stand beside are me. In some bizarre twist of fate, I repeat the abandonment cycle, this time being the rescuer I never had. I can work out the rage, fear and sorrow over abandonment in standing between an accused and his accusers: It’s true, I take pride in knowing that the state must get through me to get at my client.”
Dear Lord . This man is a piece of work. And full of carp.
Next court date 7/15

9:30 AM - 509.00 MOTION FOR ORDER

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Yup, I think it was a message to her. He's repulsive.

PS, Adding the exact quote here, because I didn't have it quite right

"I know what I've done, I know what I haven't done, I have to stand and fight and hope the truth is going to come out."
Wait wait. Haven’t we just heard similar words somewhere else??
Jussie Smollett!!
I wonder which attorney FoDu had a meeting with (according to NP) on the morning of May the 24th. With the exception of Rich Rochlin and Norm Pattis, the rest appear to have dumped FoDu as a client. Once murder charges are filed it becomes relevant. This attorney is a part of an alibi and I highly doubt that an attorney would fall on a sword for FD. Wondering if this might be a reason that one dropped FuDo as a client. I don’t want to name one but certain motions filed recently seem to me to be pertinent.
Thank you. You are very kind.

New thought!

Did FD get his new sexy haircut so that he would look like EE?

At first, I thought it was so that FD would not look like himself.

Maybe it was two fold.

I am going to look at every aspect of this case again, from the theory that FD framed EE and see what else I can come up with.

All IMO.
I keep thinking about the stupid license plates. It was a very deliberate move to use tape, leave it on, protect them by putting them in a box, and carefully store them in sewer drain. FD did not put them in the trash on purpose. He did not want them accidentally picked up and shredded at the waste facility. He was able to so far be successful in hiding an entire body, but not 10 yr old license plates?


Doesn’t it seem like he wanted them to be found, wanted the tape to be peeled back and reveal plates perhaps “stolen” from his garage, and at the same time link to tape perhaps found in someone’s truck??
I wonder which attorney FoDu had a meeting with (according to NP) on the morning of May the 24th. With the exception of Rich Rochlin and Norm Pattis, the rest appear to have dumped FoDu as a client. Once murder charges are filed it becomes relevant. This attorney is a part of an alibi and I highly doubt that an attorney would fall on a sword for FD. Wondering if this might be a reason that one dropped FuDo as a client. I don’t want to name one but certain motions filed recently seem to me to be pertinent.
I’m putting my money on the one who may or may not have received the sealed evaluation from the other one that JD atty is hot to have kicked to the curb!
I keep thinking about the stupid license plates. It was a very deliberate move to use tape, leave it on, protect them by putting them in a box, and carefully store them in sewer drain. FD did not put them in the trash on purpose. He did not want them accidentally picked up and shredded at the waste facility. He was able to so far be successful in hiding an entire body, but not 10 yr old license plates?


Doesn’t it seem like he wanted them to be found, wanted the tape to be peeled back and reveal plates perhaps “stolen” from his garage, and at the same time link to tape perhaps found in someone’s truck??

The EE was very smart to go get an attorney and cooperate right away with authorities. JMO. I posed the same question a few threads ago as to why the license plates were left in the storm drain. With the adhesive tape still on them. That has frame all over it.
@CTGrammy is on the right track. Can’t wait to read the next post.

1. Send EE to NC the week and day of JDs disappearance.
2. Swap vehicles with same EE. That same week and day of JDs disappearance.
3. Mention none of this to LE.
4. Not sure about the bag theory bc the Arrest Warrant says LE observed the bags on camera and it appeared like the bags contained a substance consistent with the appearance of blood and then they went to the trashbins and recovered a few. Imo the cameras were in color and the bags had to be white. I can’t see EE loading multiple white bags with FoDu into his Raptor is you could smell or see that something appeared to be consistent with blood.
5. License plates...very interesting and will remain so. I joked at first that maybe FD planned to go back and get them. But that was impossible and when LE saw the video of the license plate dump they had to get city employees to remove the grate on the storm drain to get them.

“The case is being watched closely by advocates for victims of domestic violence who are concerned about the tenor of Pattis’ attacks on Jennifer Dulos.

“Based on the details of the transcripts from the family court, it is evident that Jennifer Dulos is a victim of domestic violence,” said Karen Jarmoc, executive director of the Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

She views Pattis’ comments as a form of manipulation and harassment that advocates and victims routinely experience during court proceedings.

“We know abusers, and in some cases their representation, utilize a series of tactics in both family and civil court to demonize victims as a mechanism to not hold offenders accountable,” Jarmoc said.

Jennifer Dulos case: Flamboyant ‘high-wire act’ the norm for Pattis
The EE was very smart to go get an attorney and cooperate right away with authorities. JMO. I posed the same question a few threads ago as to why the license plates were left in the storm drain. With the adhesive tape still on them. That has frame all over it.
@CTGrammy is on the right track. Can’t wait to read the next post.

1. Send EE to NC the week and day of JDs disappearance.
2. Swap vehicles with same EE. That same week and day of JDs disappearance.
3. Mention none of this to LE.
4. Not sure about the bag theory bc the Arrest Warrant says LE observed the bags on camera and it appeared like the bags contained a substance consistent with the appearance of blood and then they went to the trashbins and recovered a few. Imo the cameras were in color and the bags had to be white. I can’t see EE loading multiple white bags with FoDu into his Raptor is you could smell or see that something appeared to be consistent with blood.
5. License plates...very interesting and will remain so. I joked at first that maybe FD planned to go back and get them. But that was impossible and when LE saw the video of the license plate dump they had to get city employees to remove the grate on the storm drain to get them.
Whoa. I hadn’t caught the warrant stated bags/blood appearance. ITA with white/clear bags based on statement,but it really makes me question MT again, after many many agains... ?blood could been seen on video, then what the heck did she think it was ???
Next court date 7/15

9:30 AM - 509.00 MOTION FOR ORDER

Ohhh. That’ll be interesting. Iirc motion to disqualify isn’t common. I assume it’s related to his leaking the evaluations. JMO
I wonder which attorney FoDu had a meeting with (according to NP) on the morning of May the 24th. With the exception of Rich Rochlin and Norm Pattis, the rest appear to have dumped FoDu as a client. Once murder charges are filed it becomes relevant. This attorney is a part of an alibi and I highly doubt that an attorney would fall on a sword for FD. Wondering if this might be a reason that one dropped FuDo as a client. I don’t want to name one but certain motions filed recently seem to me to be pertinent.
That is exactly why I think they dropped him - they can’t suborn perjury and don’t want to be dragged into this as an alibi. JMO
Whoa. I hadn’t caught the warrant stated bags/blood appearance. ITA with white/clear bags based on statement,but it really makes me question MT again, after many many agains... ?blood could been seen on video, then what the heck did she think it was ???

Yeah I keep reading the Arrest Warrant over and over I must admit that’s just my sense of what’s being described.

Okay so off topic from your awesome post/comments: from the FuDo interview

I may want to vomit.

'I don't have my kids, Jennifer is not around, Michelle is not around, I'm having a hard time with work. I have a GPS on my foot. Somebody has to look at who is the one worst effected in this situation,' he added.
Estranged husband of missing Connecticut mother vows that the two had been 'cordial' | Daily Mail Online

Does this remind you of something? Diane Downs was who I thought of immediately.

When asked about her being shot in the arm, Downs replies, “Everybody says, ‘you sure were lucky.’ Well, I don’t feel very lucky. I couldn’t tie my damn shoes for about two months.”

So yeah I think we are dealing with a sociopath IMO when it comes to FuDo. A very highly functional one. But one nonetheless. Scary to me. Beyond scary.
Whoa. I hadn’t caught the warrant stated bags/blood appearance. ITA with white/clear bags based on statement,but it really makes me question MT again, after many many agains... ?blood could been seen on video, then what the heck did she think it was ???

Sorry to reply again to your post but I want to get the Arrest Warrant terms correct:

“In some cases the C4 video showed items discarded which appeared to be stained with a substance consistent with the appearance of blood.”

Arrest warrant for Fotis Dulos, Michelle Troconis

The bags had to be white then? And the video in color? After viewing said video LE races to the trashbins and recovers a few. But like it had to be in color at least the video? jMo
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