Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #15 *ARRESTS*

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You have got to be kidding me with this!
Are we actually supposed to feel sorry for this guy? I am guessing he wants it moved to his wrist so he can waterski with it! IMO

Jennifer Dulos case: Fotis wants to move GPS monitor to his wrist

"...Fotis Dulos is asking a judge to approve moving the GPS bracelet monitoring his location from his ankle to his arm.

In a motion filed Wednesday, his lawyers said the bracelet “is causing the flesh on the defendant’s ankles to be irritated and torn.”..."

FD is uncomfortable.:):)
Poor thing.
Imagine Jennifer's living day to day, with this Creep.:(:(
Everything must be as he wishes, when he wishes.
Now, without Jennifer's money, he will be in strife: no expensive meals.:D:D

Thank goodness, FD is unable to travel, as before.
This may be his next request: he needs a holiday, (a short trip only, overseas) as this is all so distressing for him.
Hope very soon he experiences Prison life, where his comforts will not be met.
Unfortunately, it's likely cheaper than locking him up. 3 squares and all that... JMO. Maybe FD should take Chris Rock's advice and just "put some tussin on it"! Personally, I think the greatest punishment would be to make him stay with a WS member!

It would be great for his ego, to read our posts.
How he is loathed, by so many.

Gloria, at her age, experiencing Court cases, regarding her grandchildren, must be devastating.
Gloria, and the rest of the family, now must be rejoicing: only for a little while, as she requires Justice, for her missing daughter.
If only Karma was working faster.
Good old "adverse inferences" bit JD and his lawyer in the behind. NP tried to act like his client could invoke his 5th without consequences. He was wrong.

Thank heavens! I know that one case never reflects on the entire justice system and world but I was so worried that FD and NP might somehow prevail and he’d have those poor kids! I wish I lived nearby to get one of those bracelets but I think I’ll just look at the stars tonight, think of JD and her kids and mom, and know that somewhere, JD’s spirit shines a little brighter tonight as do all our hearts.
The kids, GF, JD’s sister, and all those who loved her must be so relieved tonight, so happy! FD will be muttering and chafing (figuratively AND literally, it seems, at the ankle at least), and I cannot imagine what NP is raving about now as a result—but I bet we’ll hear soon. And right now, I don’t care what rude, ridiculous rambling he does because JD and the kids were protected today.
WOW! This speaks volumes, IMO. Now I'm feeling hopeful again. FD is the FATHER of these five children. The fact that the judge made this decision is MAJOR. The fact that he was so limited in his contact with the kids earlier was a huge deal in itself. Hoping for @gitana1 to weigh in soon!

Wow!! Great news. I was hoping. This was not a quick decision for the judge. Parental rights are protected by the constitution so she really had to be cautious with her ruling. I want to read the whole thing!
@gitana1 I apologize if you've answered this before. If you haven't and get a chance to, I'd really appreciate your insight. How much contact do the criminal courts and those involved have with family courts in cases such as these? Specifically, would LE working on JFD's disappearance/likely murder have the ear of Heller? Or is the fact of his and MT's current criminal charges enough to influence her decision to grant custody to GF? Also, would NP's motions and trash-talk about JFD be an influence? Thank you for your expertise and help. If you ever need professional writing expertise or useless facts about hockey, Twin Peaks, cooking or music trivia, don't ever hesitate to ask--those are my fortes!

None. The judges would not be talking to one another about this case. They're likely in different courthouses. And they don't base decisions upon each other's decisions or opinions.

I think the only time judges talk is when they're in the same court (like family law) and have both had the same exact case at different times.

ETA: But the criminal case would absolutely affect the familylaw caae. Criminal prosecutions can and do affect family law outcomes.
Wow!! Great news. I was hoping. This was not a quick decision for the judge. Parental rights are protected by the constitution so she really had to be cautious with her ruling. I want to read the whole thing!

I was worried about GF's legal standing considering the protections for parents. The judge seems to side-step that issue by ruling on the custody portion of the motion and not the "visitation" part of the motion. I'll be interested in your impressions.
Wow!! Great news. I was hoping. This was not a quick decision for the judge. Parental rights are protected by the constitution so she really had to be cautious with her ruling. I want to read the whole thing!

I just read it all and while I’m not a lawyer, I know about careful, deliberate writing and support, and this is beautifully done in my non-lawyer opinion. It gave me chills—like reading a mystery where you want to see all the pieces addressed and then a supremely satisfying “The End”! (To this chapter). GF is my hero yet again, and I added a new member to my list of heroes, the judge. And how wonderful on the nanny being with the kids still! All of the people in their lives except FD seem to have rallied together for the kids, and so many others like the lawyers and all of you have contributed your expertise and thoughts to help from all over the world. Thank you all for standing up for good and those who can’t stand up for themselves.
Unfortunately, it's likely cheaper than locking him up. 3 squares and all that... JMO. Maybe FD should take Chris Rock's advice and just "put some tussin on it"! Personally, I think the greatest punishment would be to make him stay with a WS member!
I was willing to take a hit to taxpayer pocketbooks to have the certainty of no 'missing FD'! This way he could also remove the ankle bracelet and eliminate the chafing that is supposedly bothering him! Its a win-win! MOO
You have got to be kidding me with this!
Are we actually supposed to feel sorry for this guy? I am guessing he wants it moved to his wrist so he can waterski with it! IMO

Jennifer Dulos case: Fotis wants to move GPS monitor to his wrist

"...Fotis Dulos is asking a judge to approve moving the GPS bracelet monitoring his location from his ankle to his arm.

In a motion filed Wednesday, his lawyers said the bracelet “is causing the flesh on the defendant’s ankles to be irritated and torn.”..."
Just sit down and be still, dude.
Your chafing will cease and
the world will be a safer place.
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