Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #4 *ARRESTS*

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The Dulos children were afraid of their dad. When FD had them some were forced to practice water skiing for hours and hours. One son texted his mother (JD) that he “wanted to kill himself”. JD said her children begged for her help and intervention.
but someone like FD doesn’t see himself as a problem, so he’d never realize that his kids fear him. He’d mistake it for love and admiration.
I think he was probably quite charming in the beginning as well as convincing, since it didn't seem to bother her that he was still married. We don't know when the abuse started. He must have charmed her father, too. Would the father have given him money otherwise?

Ultimately he may have even been separated from his first wife prior to reuniting with JF. I don’t really care if people date while their divorce is pending. That is extremely common given how long divorces can take even when they are amicable!
The more I keep up with this (and I’m trying but you guys are so quick), the more it just makes me so angry for these kids.

Did FD think these kids would revere him with their mom being gone? Yes, because he’s a narcissist and a sociopath.
I don’t think he cared. I think they were his tickets to their grandparents’ money, just accessories for him.
Here’s a question, does anyone know if JD had a last will and testament perhaps? I don’t want to assume so’s possible FD might think he’ll get her money if she’s dead. More motive perhaps. just a thought.
I think he was probably quite charming in the beginning as well as convincing, since it didn't seem to bother her that he was still married. We don't know when the abuse started. He must have charmed her father, too. Would the father have given him money otherwise?

Wildly speculating, but IMO it’s possible he had everyone convinced his first wife was “psycho”. Although it’s reported their divorce was “amicable”, he could have painted it any way he liked. That’s what these people do.

I’d love to know the real story.

(Edited to fix typo)
GM WS! My thought this am is that he must have held such deep anger for JD because they were living separate lives for 2 years. I suppose he thought his window of being suspected had passed since they had been apart that long... idiot. ... my 1st question/everyone’s 1st question... “How could HE think he wouldn’t be prime suspect number 1?” He really must have thought that he was a good man and every time he violated his custody etc that he was in the right.... IDIOT

Oh gosh. I guarantee you he thought he was the BEST man. None of this was his fault. His business failures were always the fault of partners or subcontractors. His issues at home were likely blamed on his parents and then JD. He very likely believes he is father of the year. He likely views the consequences of his actions as him being victimized by JD and the court.
Yeah, but if he’s willing to kill her at her house in the middle of the morning, he isn’t very risk-adverse... But yeah, you’re right. I assume they just didn’t see the mess.
That might have been the only time when he expected her to be alone in the house. Another possibility would be to surprise/ambush her elsewhere (e.g. a park), which doesn't seem to have happened.
Here’s a question, does anyone know if JD had a last will and testament perhaps? I don’t want to assume so’s possible FD might think he’ll get her money if she’s dead. More motive perhaps. just a thought.

OMG he is probably dumb enough to think they will find her body, pay him her life insurance and he can use it for his high caliber defense team.
GM WS! My thought this am is that he must have held such deep anger for JD because they were living separate lives for 2 years. I suppose he thought his window of being suspected had passed since they had been apart that long... idiot. ... my 1st question/everyone’s 1st question... “How could HE think he wouldn’t be prime suspect number 1?” He really must have thought that he was a good man and every time he violated his custody etc that he was in the right.... IDIOT
IMO he didn't care if he was going to be suspected. As long as they could not prove he did anything to her, he would remain free.
The Dulos children were afraid of their dad. When FD had them some were forced to practice water skiing for hours and hours. One son texted his mother (JD) that he “wanted to kill himself”. JD said her children begged for her help and intervention.
Can you imagine water skiing for hours when you didn't want to? It is essentially torture to do that. It's not a sport like baseball or soccer where you could just kinda "be there" if you don't want to be there (at that age) - with water skiing, it's all you and you have to totally focus on it. Hurts thinking about it.

My first post;)
I read that he had tried to doctor the new plates with black tape? I can’t remember where I read this?!

When you die and are married if you don’t have a will it all goes to your spouse. Let’s hope with a divorce that becomes null and void.
It is chilling that the day she left him she had to basically sneak away with a house already rented and a get away plan set up (visiting grave).
Water skiing seems like such an odd sport to be “into” if you live in the Northeast where summer is basically 3 month long.
I don’t think he cared. I think they were his tickets to their grandparents’ money, just accessories for him.

I think he watched a lot of TV / movies on murder where the theme is “if they can’t find the body, they can’t pin you to the murder”.

He was in construction, he had access to chippers, incinerators, dumps, multiple means of obliterating a body. He was likely more confident in his ability to destroy any trace of evidence than the avg person given his profession. He is an intelligent man, he of course had to believe he would be suspect #1 given he’s the ex, the divorce, abuse, etc., but likely clung to the theory that everyone will look past that given no body. He didn’t count on the blood evidence and was pretty sloppy here.

So i think he thought everyone, including his kids, MIL, etc., would come around and accept him again, given no body and he could credibly spin the tale of “she disappeared”. He was constantly referencing JD’s use of antidepressants in the divorce, so he could say “your mother was unstable and unwell”.
Here’s a question, does anyone know if JD had a last will and testament perhaps? I don’t want to assume so’s possible FD might think he’ll get her money if she’s dead. More motive perhaps. just a thought.

She probably did. Many people do their will when they start to have children. And it wouldn’t surprise me at all if JD did the same-and changed it when she began divorce proceedings against FD. She would have wanted to eliminate him as a beneficiary of her estate. I definitely think in the Farber family, this is something you take care of.
The more I keep up with this (and I’m trying but you guys are so quick), the more it just makes me so angry for these kids.

Did FD think these kids would revere him with their mom being gone? Yes, because he’s a narcissist and a sociopath.

He doesn’t care about his kids. He didn’t before their mom died. They are just part of an outcome he wanted for himself.

FD probably has no real understanding of how his kids feel about him. He likely misinterprets their fear of him as respect for him. When they didn’t want to be with him that was probably blamed on JD as her alienating them from him and turning them against him. The problem wasn’t ever him.

He won’t be able to understand how they feel about her death as he doesn’t feel bonds and emotions like normal people do. Frankly he doesn’t give a rip if the kids revered him or not but he probably does think they will suddenly love him now that she isn’t around tainting their view of him. I hate people like this.
OMG he is probably dumb enough to think they will find her body, pay him her life insurance and he can use it for his high caliber defense team.

<modsnip - telling posters what to post>
he went to Brown and studied applied Math, and went to Columbia Business School. On paper he is more intelligent than most here. He is likely a psychopath and at least a sociopath, and was cocky enough to think a murder with no body was a very achievable feat to get away with, even if he was the ex. He is not a good murderer, we can clearly state that. <modsnip - casting aspersions on other posters>
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Here’s a question, does anyone know if JD had a last will and testament perhaps? I don’t want to assume so’s possible FD might think he’ll get her money if she’s dead. More motive perhaps. just a thought.
As much as JD planned her exit/escape from FD, I would assume she made sure to get her will/living will in place...her mom is her POA, her attorney would have advised her of this. She would make sure her children would be covered if anything happened to her.

Sadly, as much as she thought he could be capable of harming her, he succeeded in murdering her.
Runners park in that area near where the town used to allow for pickup of mulch but on the park side of the street. That area gives longer distance runners access to the path that goes for most of the perimeter of the park otherwise they have to park further away and track back through the sometimes mucky/muddy lower path that runs near Lapham road to access the path (there is a drainage issue that causes some flooding and with all the rain in the area its been muddy and no fun to walk or run in). In the morning in particular its not unusual to see at least a few cars parked on Lapham. On Sat's during peak running times there are more cars and I will have to check but I think the max that could work is maybe 5 vehicles.
great insight. I did not realize that so many people park there. As I always avoided that grass area and trail by Lapham or parking there due to the muddiness and long grass.
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