Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #9 *ARRESTS*

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Reading through all the queries on the car stuff- you know FD has a history of almost hitting JD with his car on purpose - and that is bizarrely how his mother was killed (I mean accidentally killed) being run over by the car the nanny was driving.

Is it kind of staring us in the face that perhaps FD saw JD in her driveway and then drove her down? Then dragged her into the garage? The car is the weapon. The car he used would be ditched later (see below).

Also, is it possible that FD called the Sturbridge employee using the Raptor to come pick him up from Waveny where he had ditched JD’s car -and the car he had driven to New Canaan (per below). FD ducked down low in the Raptor and the employee raced him back to JD’s house on Welles via Frogtown (5 minutes). Then FD does the clean up, possibly with aid of the employee?

Finally, from my recollection, Saturday the 25th- LE was out on Lapham road (seen by a neighbor before any announcement of the car being found there), and from my memory there later cams news that LE was photographing another car there which was apparently abandoned? Or something was fishy about it. I’ve not seen any mention of this other mystery car recently and I can’t recall where I read it, or whether it was actually my neighbor who saw them taking the photos of a car. I have a feeling it was the latter. My neighbor had stopped to say hello to the local LE, who we all know, asked him how his morning was going- having no clue what was going on at the time since no information linking this to Waveny Park / Lapham Rd had been released yet. When they made that public information my neighbor and I were stunned- that’s what LE was on lapham doing early Saturday morning... she just happened to drive that route come back from Darien.

BBM. I never thought of the possibility of the car being used as the weapon. It is a possibility indeed - I agree with your theory here!

I immediately thought of FD's mother when I read about FD almost hitting JD with a car. I still think the death of FD's mother AND the barn fire are questionable. JMO.
There are a few options. If FD parked the red truck at the park in the morning, he only needed to walk to the house once, then he could drive JD's car back down to the park. He also could have parked the red truck at a halfway point, or anywhere where he could walk downhill and drive uphill. He was there just a couple of days earlier. IMHO, he scoped it out thoroughly then.
Regarding his 401K - i suspect it was money contributed during his employment with CapGemini - if he was making 150,000 a year - he could have been contributing 30K - over 7 years that could be about 200,000 of course, the crash of 2008 could have depleted it but it sounds like he may have stayed in. Interesting, his prior employment was the family business - was this the tannery? Why would a Brown graduate going into that type of business -then leave for Columbia for 2 years? He didn't return to the family business but went to work for CapGemini - his profile is on linkedin. All speculation of course. This is nothing compared to JD's family money IMO.
Reading through all the queries on the car stuff- you know FD has a history of almost hitting JD with his car on purpose - and that is bizarrely how his mother was killed (I mean accidentally killed) being run over by the car the nanny was driving.

Is it kind of staring us in the face that perhaps FD saw JD in her driveway and then drove her down? Then dragged her into the garage? The car is the weapon. The car he used would be ditched later (see below).

Also, is it possible that FD called the Sturbridge employee using the Raptor to come pick him up from Waveny where he had ditched JD’s car -and the car he had driven to New Canaan (per below). FD ducked down low in the Raptor and the employee raced him back to JD’s house on Welles via Frogtown (5 minutes). Then FD does the clean up, possibly with aid of the employee?

Finally, from my recollection, Saturday the 25th- LE was out on Lapham road (seen by a neighbor before any announcement of the car being found there), and from my memory there later cams news that LE was photographing another car there which was apparently abandoned? Or something was fishy about it. I’ve not seen any mention of this other mystery car recently and I can’t recall where I read it, or whether it was actually my neighbor who saw them taking the photos of a car. I have a feeling it was the latter. My neighbor had stopped to say hello to the local LE, who we all know, asked him how his morning was going- having no clue what was going on at the time since no information linking this to Waveny Park / Lapham Rd had been released yet. When they made that public information my neighbor and I were stunned- that’s what LE was on lapham doing early Saturday morning... she just happened to drive that route come back from Darien.
BBM - if you are referring to JD's SUV - it was located Friday evening (source arrest warrant)
para 6
ETA link to warrant
It doesn't make sense, I don't care how good a runner you are; after murdering an ex in cold blood, with all types of clean up, you don't drive her vehicle to Waveny, put on your running shoes and other runner clothes, run 3 tough miles back to the crime scene and then get your bags of crime debris into your truck to drive back up to Farmington. There are alibis for FD that morning anyway.

He could maybe make the run if he changed out of his blood stained clothing, I suppose. But he might do something easier, if more dangerous to him (have an accomplice). He would have to be bold either way, but unless his accomplice is MT, I wonder if he’d chance involving somebody else. According to NP, we are certain that MT has an airtight alibi, so it couldn’t be her. Who else could he trust to be involved? Would he trust an employee? Could it be the guy with whom he traded trucks? I don’t think it’s him; I’ll bet he quit as soon as JD went missing, and realized his truck could have been used by FD that day, in some capacity. I wonder if there is some poor latin american day laborer who will end up involved in something he never intended, and didn’t want to be involved in. I really hope not.
It doesn't make sense, I don't care how good a runner you are; after murdering an ex in cold blood, with all types of clean up, you don't drive her vehicle to Waveny, put on your running shoes and other runner clothes, run 3 tough miles back to the crime scene and then get your bags of crime debris into your truck to drive back up to Farmington. There are alibis for FD that morning anyway.
How solid are those morning alibis? I think he did his running in the morning - from wherever he parked the truck to her house. MOO
Regarding his 401K - i suspect it was money contributed during his employment with CapGemini - if he was making 150,000 a year - he could have been contributing 30K - over 7 years that could be about 200,000 of course, the crash of 2008 could have depleted it but it sounds like he may have stayed in. Interesting, his prior employment was the family business - was this the tannery? Why would a Brown graduate going into that type of business -then leave for Columbia for 2 years? He didn't return to the family business but went to work for CapGemini - his profile is on linkedin. All speculation of course. This is nothing compared to JD's family money IMO.

Since you post your own work experience, I wonder if all of his is completely accurate?
Reading through all the queries on the car stuff- you know FD has a history of almost hitting JD with his car on purpose - and that is bizarrely how his mother was killed (I mean accidentally killed) being run over by the car the nanny was driving.

Is it kind of staring us in the face that perhaps FD saw JD in her driveway and then drove her down? Then dragged her into the garage? The car is the weapon. The car he used would be ditched later (see below).

Also, is it possible that FD called the Sturbridge employee using the Raptor to come pick him up from Waveny where he had ditched JD’s car -and the car he had driven to New Canaan (per below). FD ducked down low in the Raptor and the employee raced him back to JD’s house on Welles via Frogtown (5 minutes). Then FD does the clean up, possibly with aid of the employee?

Finally, from my recollection, Saturday the 25th- LE was out on Lapham road (seen by a neighbor before any announcement of the car being found there), and from my memory there later cams news that LE was photographing another car there which was apparently abandoned? Or something was fishy about it. I’ve not seen any mention of this other mystery car recently and I can’t recall where I read it, or whether it was actually my neighbor who saw them taking the photos of a car. I have a feeling it was the latter. My neighbor had stopped to say hello to the local LE, who we all know, asked him how his morning was going- having no clue what was going on at the time since no information linking this to Waveny Park / Lapham Rd had been released yet. When they made that public information my neighbor and I were stunned- that’s what LE was on lapham doing early Saturday morning... she just happened to drive that route come back from Darien.
Don't think a car was used as a weapon here. JD was fit -- a runner. Extremely difficult to run someone like that down in a driveway.
Not saying this is impossible but it's obviously so risky to keep a body of your dead spouse on your own property for 24 hours. First thing you do is get rid
Not saying this is impossible but it's obviously so risky to keep a body of your dead spouse on your own property for 24 hours. First thing you do is get rid of the body. JMO.
Or the risk of driving a dead body somewhere in the light of day. IDK
I’m not too sure it’s so unusual, I’m sure they are probably trying to protect from some vultures trying to profit off of JD murder.

People have been known to make accounts for just that reason to profit and heck some even have used their own kids.....

I think if the Farber families truly thought it was necessary, they would put up money themselves.

Me personally, I absolutely hate rewards and have seen them do far more damage than good!
I see your point of view. However, money is a pretty good motivator for someone who knows something, to come forward. It was FD motivation to kill JD. Maybe someone who was poor or afraid and knows something, it would give them the extra push to speak up. I guess I feel JD family may know something from LE, that maybe changed their mind not to offer a reward? It's awful quiet in CT and NY. Somethings gotta give.
Seems highly unlikely to me that he moved the body from here to there to there so that he could dismember or eventually dump the body somewhere. If you had just committed that murder, wouldn’t you be totally stressed and in a rush to get rid of all evidence, knowing you’d be on the suspect list right away?
It doesn't make sense, I don't care how good a runner you are; after murdering an ex in cold blood, with all types of clean up, you don't drive her vehicle to Waveny, put on your running shoes and other runner clothes, run 3 tough miles back to the crime scene and then get your bags of crime debris into your truck to drive back up to Farmington. There are alibis for FD that morning anyway.

We all have different theories and timelines and honestly his alibi is sketchy at best. NP should put up or shut up. Tell us the time for the Greece phone call. The time for the attorney “meeting” if they are one in the same. The time for the afternoon meeting. He knows there is about four and 1/2 hours of unaccounted for time. His DNA shouldn’t be on that faucet in her kitchen sink. He very easily could have had an accomplice or hired someone.

I believe that even if there was some jogging involved (assuming there was) that he didn’t jog the whole way. 1 1/2 miles at most which for someone in his peak physical condition he could clear easy in 15 minutes or less. More like 12. He strikes me as an 8 minute mile or less type.

Also, if there were multiple people there to assault JD in her garage why was there so much blood? Blood spatter? Two people can’t subdue a 5’9” 120 woman? More than two?

Until something changes I still believe it can be done by FD alone. His alibi stinks. What we have so far heard about it. I’m not at all ruling out an accomplice. I still think MT is sketchy too. If he had one outside of MT it’s probably someone very close to him. Not some rando. JMO
Regarding the Fore Group finances - due to the number of properties, loans, construction activities, etc. I imagine there would be a dedicated bookkeeper or outside accountant that does the books, etc. (and that this activity not done solely by FD). If LE has his emails, computers, backups and other files, the finances including any questionable activities to include vendor / worker cash payments, wires to related parties, evidence of other bank accounts, can be pieced together. I would bet there is high likelihood of tax evasion and other non compliance issues good forensics can uncover. I predict subpoenas of bookkeepers, workers, vendors and related parties in his future

I am sure that all of this is true, and that this is why he refused to hand over anything. It can be extremely complicated; a friend is involved in a family business along with several siblings, at least one of whom is using the company as his personal piggybank, and my friend is trying to unravel it. It appears that both the bookkeeper and the accountant they use are complicit. If I was LE, I believe I would start with their bookkeeper and move on to the accountant that FD uses. There might be some charges here, and this can provide a motive to want JD dead. I sort of think he wanted JD dead anyway, but this would explain why he might have wanted her dead right now.
It doesn't make sense, I don't care how good a runner you are; after murdering an ex in cold blood, with all types of clean up, you don't drive her vehicle to Waveny, put on your running shoes and other runner clothes, run 3 tough miles back to the crime scene and then get your bags of crime debris into your truck to drive back up to Farmington. There are alibis for FD that morning anyway.
Lol, your last sentence. Just like MT’s alibi? :rolleyes:
Alibis? According to who? His attorney?

Personally I take everything that guy says with a grain of salt
Me too. If I remember correctly, his cell phone was at home but that doesn't mean he was home. He may have had another phone, as well.
I'm also not sure we have seen evidence that he made the calls or who they were made by. Imo
We all have different theories and timelines and honestly his alibi is sketchy at best. NP should put up or shut up. Tell us the time for the Greece phone call. The time for the attorney “meeting” if they are one in the same. The time for the afternoon meeting. He knows there is about four and 1/2 hours of unaccounted for time. His DNA shouldn’t be on that faucet in her kitchen sink. He very easily could have had an accomplice or hired someone.

I believe that even if there was some jogging involved (assuming there was) that he didn’t jog the whole way. 1 1/2 miles at most which for someone in his peak physical condition he could clear easy in 15 minutes or less. More like 12. He strikes me as an 8 minute mile or less type.

Also, if there were multiple people there to assault JD in her garage why was there so much blood? Blood spatter? Two people can’t subdue a 5’9” 120 woman? More than two?

Until something changes I still believe it can be done by FD alone. His alibi stinks. What we have so far heard about it. I’m not at all ruling out an accomplice. I still think MT is sketchy too. If he had one outside of MT it’s probably someone very close to him. Not some rando. JMO

If there’s one thing I’m sure of in this case, it’s that FD was the individual that physically murdered JD.

This crime reeks of personal hate filled murder. Bloody crime scene inside her own garage with likely a blunt object.

He may have had an unknowing individual, or MT either knowingly or unknowingly pick him up and or drop him off.

But the murder imo was all FD
Why would he dismember her, especially in an environment he didn't fully control, causing a mess and wasting time, if he could just hide her body well? There are plenty of options between NC and his home. IMO it is likely that he picked the place beforehand.
Honestly it's just my gut saying JD was cut up. I just feel, not think that FD would do this. He jerked JD around what looks like the entire marriage. Total control freak, really believe he is a pychopath, not sociopath. A bit of a difference. Could almost feel the rage JD was feeling especially towards the end. He knew the courts would find out his financial situation. JD certainly had the money to ride FD out, through this long divorce case. He was losing his control with JD, the courts system, kids schools, Judge knew he did whatever he wanted and had total disregard for laws, and truth. He wanted to obliterate JD. Nothing left of her for her family or kids or friends. Gone.
I am sure that all of this is true, and that this is why he refused to hand over anything. It can be extremely complicated; a friend is involved in a family business along with several siblings, at least one of whom is using the company as his personal piggybank, and my friend is trying to unravel it. It appears that both the bookkeeper and the accountant they use are complicit. If I was LE, I believe I would start with their bookkeeper and move on to the accountant that FD uses. There might be some charges here, and this can provide a motive to want JD dead. I sort of think he wanted JD dead anyway, but this would explain why he might have wanted her dead right now.
I have thought that the greatest stressors were the financial discovery requests in the court cases. Not child custody, but financial disclosures and the possibility that the loan from JD's family would have to be paid back. I don't see where his income was coming from. JMO.
Seems highly unlikely to me that he moved the body from here to there to there so that he could dismember or eventually dump the body somewhere. If you had just committed that murder, wouldn’t you be totally stressed and in a rush to get rid of all evidence, knowing you’d be on the suspect list right away?
Yes! I just can’t figure out how this was executed. Perhaps he did have an accomplice but I don’t think he’d risk that. I do believe MT helped in Farmington but not at JD’s.

These wheels keep on turning. :eek: MOO
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