Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #16

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What are the ramifications of FD seeking to stop or delay the divorce? If he’s still married and JD is declared legally deceased, does he inherit her estate? Can a person (JD) have a will which cuts out the legal spouse? I’m trying to discern why FD would want to stop the proceedings. What are the advantages to him?
Most states have statutes that bar spouses (and others) from inheriting money from a person if it can be established the spouse is responsible for causing the death of that person. This is so even if the money is held in trust, as I suspect will be the case here. Unlike criminal prosecutions, where the burden of proof is beyond a reasonable doubt, the burden is a lesser one of a preponderance of the evidence. IMO if FD or his lawyers think he will ever see a dime of JD's money, they are sadly mistaken.

Concerning MT's deposition, she will not have the legal right to refuse to answer all questions, only those that "may tend" to incriminate her. The burden is on her lawyer to show how the answer to each and every question challenged implicates her 5th amendment rights. That burden is not great, but she will have to show how, for instance, providing answers to her questions about her "job" at FORE will incriminate her in a criminal proceeding.

It will be very interesting to see how it plays out. If she invokes on financial questions, it will lead me (and only me) to conclude that this murder is connected to FD's financial shenanigans. If she attempts to make a blanket invocation of her 5th, I have no doubt GF's extremely competent lawyers will haul her back to court. Eliciting answers will be the medical equivalent of surgery as it will take surgical skill to get the information to which GF is entitled.

One final thought- IMOO, NP definitely got his pony tail in a wringer over his antics in the divorce case. Either Judge Heller made it clear his use of a stolen GAL report was not going to be tolerated, or someone told NP he had crossed way over the line of his ethical responsibilities. This matter is probably not over for him, though. If my suspicions are correct, look for either the judge, the GAL (whose reputation took a major hit when it was learned FD "obtained" the confidential report from him) or GF's lawyers to file a Bar grievance before this case is over.

FD has shown time and again in the divorce proceedings that he has no compunction about breaking every rule placed upon him. His lawyer should understand that his professional responsibilities require much more of him.
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Thank you @afitzy. A loan agreement without a promissory note and recorded deed of trust would be difficult to enforce without having recorded the appropriate security instrument and establishing the priority of their lien. MOO

The documents to look at on the employee transaction would be the deed that put the buyer into title and the deed(s) of trust/mortgage(s) recorded concurrently in order to better understand the transaction and the lender's role. Possibly not truly an arms length transaction, but a straw sale set up to extract the equity from the property. Maybe FORE needed the cash to solve cash flow problems. MOO

One last thought: why would HF/GF pledge their home as collateral for the lavish Jefferson Crossing home? If your adult children can't qualify for a mortgage on their own, there is your first clue that they can't afford it. Why would you jeopardize your assets this way? MOO

Edited to MOO it up!
Got it! Will dig more on this when I have time and post back here when I have anything to share. Your insights will make the digging easier, so thank you. My recollection was that on the surface I'm not sure this was about getting cash to FORE but rather getting assets and cash out of FORE and hiding them from the divorce process. But I will go back and try to pull it all apart and then we can all discuss further.

If anyone else wants to join in on this and post documents or info please do as I won't be able to get back to this until the weekend at the earliest.

I do have to say that I was disappointed in the house sale shell game that seemed to be going on that someone from a financial institution appeared to be party to the transaction in a seemingly knowing way. Financial corruption is always a concern in cases so the more you peel the onion in terms of FORE busines practices it now makes sense why the State is investigating finances.

Most states have statutes that bar spouses (and others) from inheriting money from a person if it can be established the spouse is responsible for causing the death of that person. This is so even if the money is held in trust, as I suspect will be the case here. Unlike criminal prosecutions, where the burden of proof is beyond a reasonable doubt, the burden is a lesser one of a preponderance of the evidence. IMO if FD or his lawyers think he will ever see a dime of JD's money, they are sadly mistaken.

Concerning MT's deposition, she will not have the legal right to refuse to answer all questions, only those that "may tend" to incriminate her. The burden is on her lawyer to show how the answer to each and every question challenged implicates her 5th amendment rights. That burden is not great, but she will have to show how, for instance, providing answers to her questions about her "job" at FORE will incriminate her in a criminal proceeding.

It will be very interesting to see how it plays out. If she invokes on financial questions, it will lead me (and only me) to conclude that this murder is connected to FD's financial shenanigans. If she attempts to make a blanket invocation of her 5th, I have no doubt GF's extremely competent lawyers will haul her back to court. Eliciting answers will be the medical equivalent of surgery as it will take surgical skill to get the information to which GF is entitled.

One final thought- IMOO, NP definitely got his pony tail in a wringer over his antics in the divorce case. Either Judge Heller made it clear his use of a stolen GAL report was not going to be tolerated, or someone told NP he had crossed way over the line of his ethical responsibilities. This matter is probably not over for him, though. If my suspicions are correct, look for either the judge, the GAL (whose reputation took a major hit when it was learned FD "obtained" the confidential report from him) or GF's lawyers to file a Bar grievance before this case is over.

FD has shown time and again in the divorce proceedings that he has no compunction about breaking every rule placed upon him. His lawyer should understand that his professional responsibilities require much more of him.
Totally with you on all of this! Glad Judge Heller dealt with the Pattis issue prompty. GAL will now have to be dealt with too so it will be interesting to see how this plays out as she just might need to keep him around for the current custody motion. But, based on his behavior with the report I don't see him as being trustworthy advocate for the children and I'm sure that the Judge must be leery of trusting him either. My bet is that he is punted soon.

In a fit of disgust at not seeing a public spanking of Pattis by the Court about the psych report this morning, I was 2 seconds away from setting up a go fund me page to hire someone to bring the bar action action against Pattis! Seems like it was all handled behind closed doors as these things tend to do in CT unfortunately. But I figured that since it appears GF is doing such a brilliant job with her atty's of clearing the swamp in all these various cases to get things done, that she and her team will take care of Pattis when the time is right!

GAL is on the ropes too as both Plantiff and Defense have motions in to have him terminated. Will see what Judge Heller does to restore order to her court as she had to have been disgusted with GAL handling of the psych report too and I don't see how she can have any trust or confidence in GAL Meehan at this point after everything that has gone on.
It will be very interesting to see how it plays out. If she invokes on financial questions, it will lead me (and only me) to conclude that this murder is connected to FD's financial shenanigans. If she attempts to make a blanket invocation of her 5th, I have no doubt GF's extremely competent lawyers will haul her back to court. Eliciting answers will be the medical equivalent of surgery as it will take surgical skill to get the information to which GF is entitled.

FD has shown time and again in the divorce proceedings that he has no compunction about breaking every rule placed upon him. His lawyer should understand that his professional responsibilities require much more of him.
Agree it will be interesting to see how cooperative MT is in this deposition. She is walking a fine line here and my guess is that Bowman will want to have her offer up enough testimony to keep GF from filing a civil suit against MT for her role in FORE operations. Can't believe that MT and her family would have the funds to fund both the no doubt expensive criminal charges (with possibly more charges to come) along with a protracted civil case with GF. GF is using a take no prisoners approach to all this and frankly it seems that is the only way to deal with the likes of MT and FD.

I do have to say though that as painfully time consuming as this pursuit of justice by GF has been (to say nothing of the huge expense involved), that I am glad that MT and FD SEEM to be heading towards some form of justice on this matter. Its sad to think that the good hearted support of FIL was so abused by FD and MT and they essentially lived rent free now for over 2 years while this litigation was subject to motion and motion from FD, 2 no show depositions by FD and again no compliance on financial disclosure.

At one point in the relationship between FD and late FIL there must have been some level of trust and understanding as the loan documents weren't as buttoned up as you might see in a typical commercial type transaction IMO. So, to see FD again take advantage of someones trust and willingness to support his business again I think tells us alot about who FD is as a human and a business person.
Girlfriend of missing mom's estranged husband may be questioned about finances

HARTFORD, CT (WFSB) - An emergency hearing is scheduled to figure out if the girlfriend of a missing mother's estranged husband will be questioned about his finances.

Attorneys for missing Jennifer Dulos' estate hoped Michelle Troconis would be questioned on Wednesday in Hartford.

They said they want to know what Troconis knew about Fotis Dulos' financial situation and his company.
I don't know. Apparently Fore has liquid assets because GF did get an order allowing some to be frozen. Now shes's asking for more. I'm not sure it's available. if it is, she will get it frozen.

In CT, do spouses have an interest in assets obtained by the other spouse while in the marriage?

In other words, is everything considered Community Assets/Property?

Fore Group did not begin until November of 2014 (Better Business Bureau Records), After the JF and FD marriage in August of 2014.

If so, JD has an interest in ALL the Fore Group properties and of course the children have an interest, regardless.
Hello- I had been following a few of my favorite Websleuths forums years ago. and I have recently been following the Jennifer FD story in the news. Suddenly, it dawned on me: I can get additional insight at Websleuths, plus I can indirectly let everyone who loves Jennifer FD that I am thinking about her and pulling for the best and most just outcome possible. I might hang back as a reader. Thank you for sleuthing and posting. :)
Got it! Will dig more on this when I have time and post back here when I have anything to share. Your insights will make the digging easier, so thank you. My recollection was that on the surface I'm not sure this was about getting cash to FORE but rather getting assets and cash out of FORE and hiding them from the divorce process. But I will go back and try to pull it all apart and then we can all discuss further.

If anyone else wants to join in on this and post documents or info please do as I won't be able to get back to this until the weekend at the earliest.

I do have to say that I was disappointed in the house sale shell game that seemed to be going on that someone from a financial institution appeared to be party to the transaction in a seemingly knowing way. Financial corruption is always a concern in cases so the more you peel the onion in terms of FORE busines practices it now makes sense why the State is investigating finances.

Should also look into the quick resale of the shell-game house by the employee (at a loss).

Might also be interesting to consider why Fore Group might have purchased this shell-game property in the first place in summer of 2016 (at the time that FD and MT reportedly hooked up). This property, a small and shabby (by Fore standards) 1961 4br technically in W. Hartford but conveniently just around the corner (or across the W. Hartford reservoir) from 4 JC, was quickly subjected to some cosmetic fixing after the purchase (rather than Fore’s usual tear down McMansion rebuild approach).
Was this going to be an outpost for MT and her daughter in the “one big family” scenario proposed by FD that we’ve all made so much about? As expansive as 4JC is, it’s listed as only 6 bedrooms, which wouldn’t have accommodated both families in style (unless MT was maybe sleeping in the Fore offices, or JD was supposed to give up her locked writing alcove suite to MT?), so FDs proposal that they all “live together in 4 JC” would have required at least a temporary relief valve outpost somewhere.

After JD left in summer of 2017 we know that MT and daughter were fully moved in to 4JC by late fall. The shell-game property then went on “sale” to the employee with MTs involvement. 6 months later, with another quick resale (at a $50K loss) a few months after that.
It will be very interesting to see how it plays out. If she invokes on financial questions, it will lead me (and only me) to conclude that this murder is connected to FD's financial shenanigans. If she attempts to make a blanket invocation of her 5th, I have no doubt GF's extremely competent lawyers will haul her back to court. Eliciting answers will be the medical equivalent of surgery as it will take surgical skill to get the information to which GF is entitled.

One final thought- IMOO, NP definitely got his pony tail in a wringer over his antics in the divorce case. Either Judge Heller made it clear his use of a stolen GAL report was not going to be tolerated, or someone told NP he had crossed way over the line of his ethical responsibilities. This matter is probably not over for him, though. If my suspicions are correct, look for either the judge, the GAL (whose reputation took a major hit when it was learned FD "obtained" the confidential report from him) or GF's lawyers to file a Bar grievance before this case is over.

FD has shown time and again in the divorce proceedings that he has no compunction about breaking every rule placed upon him. His lawyer should understand that his professional responsibilities require much more of him.

Thanks for an excellent post addressing important issues in this complex situation. I bolded two areas that are addressed below.

First, I'm concerned about the incredible cost, both financial and emotional, GF has been enduring for the past two years. Certainly she has had financial advisors and others who have helped her since the death of her husband. The reality, however, is a tremendous burden on an 85-year-old, though she's brilliant and resourceful. Her financial wealth has been great, but HF could not have anticipated the drain on the resources he provided his family. FD has been willfully cruel to the golden goose and must have been hoping both JD and her mother would vanish so he could inherit the wealth and children, IMOO. Hopefully, the lawyers representing GF will speed up the process in all lawsuits to minimize the costs and stress for GF.

And, although it is questionable how the family evaluation draft landed in FD's hands and onto an area next to his passports, why has there been no attempt to involve FD in the blame game over the presumed revelation of the contents of the report. Does he get to skate with impunity on this theft?
Thanks for an excellent post addressing important issues in this complex situation. I bolded two areas that are addressed below.

First, I'm concerned about the incredible cost, both financial and emotional, GF has been enduring for the past two years. Certainly she has had financial advisors and others who have helped her since the death of her husband. The reality, however, is a tremendous burden on an 85-year-old, though she's brilliant and resourceful. Her financial wealth has been great, but HF could not have anticipated the drain on the resources he provided his family. FD has been willfully cruel to the golden goose and must have been hoping both JD and her mother would vanish so he could inherit the wealth and children, IMOO. Hopefully, the lawyers representing GF will speed up the process in all lawsuits to minimize the costs and stress for GF.

And, although it is questionable how the family evaluation draft landed in FD's hands and onto an area next to his passports, why has there been no attempt to involve FD in the blame game over the presumed revelation of the contents of the report. Does he get to skate with impunity on this theft?

Agree with you completely that the toll on GF for managing this process and assuming responsibility for the children is daunting on many levels.

Your question about there being consequences for the psych report allegedly being 'stolen' by FD and given to Pattis is an interesting one. I don't think we have seen the actual documents filed by JD atty to terminate GAL Show Me the Money Meehan to see if there were allegations made about the role of FD in the report 'theft'. I would think that Judge Heller would have to investigate the entire issue regarding the psych report and then deal with GAL Meehan and potentially FD. But I agree with the point that if there was indeed a 'theft' of the report then there ought to be consequences for FD.

Just thinking about someone stealing a sensitive and confidential report like this and then being ok with it being used by Pattis is honestly a pattern of behavior that I have a tough time wrapping my head around! Is there NOTHING that FD will not do in order to get his way? The behavior we have seen over and over has been compulsive and IMO pathological. IMO its totally frightening!
Dulos vs Dulos:


530.00 07/31/2019 C DOCUMENT SEALED

531.00 07/31/2019 C LIST OF EXHIBITS (JD-CL-28/JD-CL-28a)
redacted version of exhibits
The shirt police believe Jennifer Farber Dulos was wearing the day she disappeared was found stained with her blood in a Hartford trash can
The items found in a garbage bin on Albany Avenue in Hartford as part of the investigation into the disappearance of New Canaan mother Jennifer Dulos included a Vineyard Vines T-shirt stained with her blood that police believe she was wearing the morning she disappeared.

Police also discovered a bra that they believe is hers as well as two mops and some sponges with small amounts of blood on them, according to law enforcement sources.
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FD has shown time and again in the divorce proceedings that he has no compunction about breaking every rule placed upon him. His lawyer should understand that his professional responsibilities require much more of him.[BBM]

I've been thinking about your astute comment above this morning.

I agree with you that in theory No Case Norm "...should understand that his professional responsibilities require much more of him". But the issue I am having is that what we saw from Pattis is that when push came to shove and he was under threat from the Press about something adverse being said about his client, that his default reaction was to do something that many would deem unlawful (release info from the allegedly stolen report to the press). This is a problem when atty's start behaving like this IMO.

I'm not so sure reviewing what Pattis did here that he has any boundaries, including the LAW that he won't cross in order to defend his client. I am quite disappointed that Judge Heller seemed so far to have handled this matter behind closed doors. Without public consequences or rebuke I don't see how this behavior won't happen again or be done by other attys because they saw nothing happen to Pattis.

IMO Pattis skated away from the issue by saying his "caseload" was too heavy or there was a "glitch in the system" to handle the FD Family Court case and was able to save face. I am not seeing Judge Heller doing much here to change the perception of the judiciary in CT as being nothing but backroom deals and rife with corruption. Perhaps we will see a court decision on this matter from Judge Heller that gives the public visibility on this situation but so far it just looks like just another 'back room' deal done in a CT courtroom and that is disappointing to me as Pattis rides off into the sunset with no visible professional or reputational consequences.

I've been keeping an informal list of Pattis Patter since this case started and fact checking the best that I can do. I think its safe to say that most of what we have heard is not based on confirmable facts. So, here we have had defense counsel chatting to the public almost daily and saying virtually nothing that is verifiable (most of it about the victim or about a party he doesn't represent BTW in one way or another) and our system by default allows this to happen.

Its pretty clear IMO that Pattis has few boundaries and definately seems to have impulse control issues but I would think that at a certain point a Judge somewhere in this process might say enough is enough and issue a gag order to shut this IMO professionally irresponsbile behavior down as Pattis seems unable to control himself.

The irony is that on many levels I think Pattis Patter has gravely hurt public perception of FD. But I guess we will have to wait until trial to see if Pattis served his client well or not. For my money, I have my doubts!

So glad they were able to recover those items. WTH did he do with her body????

The shirt police believe Jennifer Farber Dulos was wearing the day she disappeared was found stained with her blood in a Hartford trash can

Quotes from article:
"The items found in a garbage bin on Albany Avenue in Hartford as part of the investigation into the disappearance of New Canaan mother Jennifer Dulos included a Vineyard Vines T-shirt stained with her blood that police believe she was wearing the morning she disappeared".

"Police also discovered a bra that they believe is hers as well as two mops and some sponges with small amounts of blood on them, according to law enforcement sources".

"The items, found in a black contractor bag police recovered during their search along Albany Avenue several days after Dulos disappeared on May 24, are central to the investigation into what happened to Dulos – and what role her estranged husband, Fotis Dulos, may have played in connection with her disappearance. Police have said there is video of Dulos throwing multiple bags into trash cans and dumpsters along Albany Avenue starting at about 7 p.m. on the day she disappeared".
Dulos vs Dulos:


530.00 07/31/2019 C DOCUMENT SEALED

531.00 07/31/2019 C LIST OF EXHIBITS (JD-CL-28/JD-CL-28a)
redacted version of exhibits
Wonder what this is that has been sealed by Judge Heller? Wonder if it could have been the investigation into the Psych report? Or, something else entirely? The redacted version of exhibits might make for some interesting reading IMO!
The shirt police believe Jennifer Farber Dulos was wearing the day she disappeared was found stained with her blood in a Hartford trash can

Quotes from article:
"The items found in a garbage bin on Albany Avenue in Hartford as part of the investigation into the disappearance of New Canaan mother Jennifer Dulos included a Vineyard Vines T-shirt stained with her blood that police believe she was wearing the morning she disappeared".

"Police also discovered a bra that they believe is hers as well as two mops and some sponges with small amounts of blood on them, according to law enforcement sources".

"The items, found in a black contractor bag police recovered during their search along Albany Avenue several days after Dulos disappeared on May 24, are central to the investigation into what happened to Dulos – and what role her estranged husband, Fotis Dulos, may have played in connection with her disappearance. Police have said there is video of Dulos throwing multiple bags into trash cans and dumpsters along Albany Avenue starting at about 7 p.m. on the day she disappeared".
The shirt police believe Jennifer Farber Dulos was wearing the day she disappeared was found stained with her blood in a Hartford trash can

Quotes from article:
"The items found in a garbage bin on Albany Avenue in Hartford as part of the investigation into the disappearance of New Canaan mother Jennifer Dulos included a Vineyard Vines T-shirt stained with her blood that police believe she was wearing the morning she disappeared".

"Police also discovered a bra that they believe is hers as well as two mops and some sponges with small amounts of blood on them, according to law enforcement sources".

"The items, found in a black contractor bag police recovered during their search along Albany Avenue several days after Dulos disappeared on May 24, are central to the investigation into what happened to Dulos – and what role her estranged husband, Fotis Dulos, may have played in connection with her disappearance. Police have said there is video of Dulos throwing multiple bags into trash cans and dumpsters along Albany Avenue starting at about 7 p.m. on the day she disappeared".
Black contractor bags! I knew it. Now, I fear that the other bags made it to the incinerator. Conflicting reports about that. Early on it was reported that it hadn't made it to the incinerator. They combed through the shredded garbage for weeks. Hoping they are keeping what they found under wraps. Interesting they are speaking out now.
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