Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #21

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So I Googled 61 Sturbridge Hill, New Canaan today. Just wanted to know how many bathrooms. I'm sure all the sod was recently laid down. Well, well, well. Today, Sunday, September 8, 2019, is Open House by the realtor. Websleuther in the neighborhood? MOO.
Poor Maxwell Erni! He has his work cut out for him.
If only our girl @thekirbyfamily had known about this!
And that parking pad in the front of the house is so unattractive.MOO.
He switched out the seats on 5/31, kept the seats in his possession, and didn’t tell LE about the switcheroo or that he had the seats until 6/6 when they were in the process of securing the truck on a warrant. So over a month he had the seats and didn’t say anything. Just facts. Read #16 and #17 again. It’s confusing but it’s there.

Perhaps looking at a calendar would help with the dates here.

I believe that counting from May 31 to June 6 is actually 6 Days Not 30 Days. Start counting from May 31 and count June 1, June 2, June 3, June 4, June 5, June 6 = 6 days.

Therefore Not a Month, Just 6 Days.

However, in Point 13 of the Arrest Warrant attached below, it states that EE told LE on May 31 when he drove up to 4JC, that the Porsche seats currently loaded in FO's Jeep Cherokee that EE was driving at the time, were to be put into his own Red Toyota Truck. Same Day, and Definitely Not a whole month later.

According to the FO/MT 2nd Arrest Warrant, we now have a Timeline for EE in regards to this case.

Information below is obtained from the FO/MT Arrest Warrants, unless noted as 'In My Educated Experience/Opinion' or as noted as MSM Reports.

Week of May 20-24, 2019
EE drives FO's Ford Raptor to Sturbridge in NC each day from Farmington and is captured on CCTV driving said vehicle in NC on Friday, May 24.

Friday, May 24 - Jennifer's Serious Physical Assault
Late afternoon, EE retrieves his Red Toyota Truck from FO after some shenanigans by MT in Farmington, CT.

Saturday-Monday, May 25-27 - MSM Reports
Silver Alert and the Story hits the news about Missing Mom in CT, Jennifer Farber Dulos.

We do not know whether or not, EE had 'Notifications' activated on his cell phone.

Unless they were activated or EE watched/read the News, EE may not have known that Jennifer was missing until he returned to work on Tuesday, May 28.

Tuesday, May 28
EE returns to work for FO in NC and again drives a vehicle belonging to FO.

FO and MT have a 'Getting our False Alibi Together Meeting' and asks EE if he remembers Seeing anything in NC on Friday, May 24. FO also asked EE what routes EE took to and from NC that Friday.

EE tells FO/MT that he did not see anything.

In My Educated Experience/Opinion, EE thought FO was asking as if FO was trying to help LE find Jennifer.

In My Educated Experience/Opinion, FO was actually asking to make sure that EE did not see FO or EE's own Red Toyota Truck in NC that Friday, May 24.

In My Educated Experience/Opinion, IF EE was 'Part of the Plan to Mislead LE', then Why would FO Ask EE if he saw anything that Friday, May 24? FO would not need to Ask EE. FO just would have told EE to mislead LE.

In My Educated Experience/Opinion, IF FO had told EE to mislead LE, then EE would have reported that to LE.

Tuesday, May 28 or Wednesday, May 29
EE learns that FO had EE's Red Toyota Truck washed and detailed and EE confronts FO with no resolution as to Why.

Wednesday -- Friday, May 29 -- May 31
FO Badgers EE to Replace the Ford seats in EE's Red Toyota Truck with seats provided by FO from a Porsche and instructs EE to Immediately Dispose of the old Ford seats taken out of EE's Red Toyota Truck.

Friday, May 31
EE drives up to 4JC in the Jeep Cherokee owned by FO, with the Porsche seats in the rear cargo area of FO's Jeep Cherokee.

LE happens to be at 4JC at this time on this Friday and EE informally tells LE that the Porsche seats will replace the Ford seats currently in his own Red Toyota Truck.

EE did in fact, replace the seats in his own Red Toyota Truck with the Porsche seats provided by FO.

FO demands that EE reference the seats as 'Equipment'.

EE Disobeys/Defies FO and Keeps the old Ford seats that he took out of his Red Toyota Truck

In My Educated Experience/Opinion, IF EE had any clue that his own Red Toyota Truck and/or FO was involved in the commission of a crime and was indeed helping to protect FO by misleading LE, Why would EE willingly and openly tell LE in an informal conversation on this day, that he was exchanging the seats in his own Red Toyota Truck?

Saturday, June 1
FO and MT are Arrested in connection with the Disappearance of JF.

Arrest Warrant for FO/MT is released to MSM as to the evidence showing FO/MT on their 'Trash Bin Odyssey of Stupidity Date Night' on a more than 4 mile stretch of Albany Avenue in the Hartford Area.

EE Immediately tenders his Resignation from FO/FORE.

Sunday, June 2
In an LE interview, EE tells LE that FO had access to his Red Toyota Truck the entire day of Friday, May 24, because EE always leaves the Keys with his Red Toyota Truck at 4JC when EE picks up a FO vehicle for work related activities. As shown in Point 14 of the Arrest Warrant in the attached document below.

This leads LE to Look for Evidence that EE's Red Truck may have been used on Friday, May 24 in connection to the disappearance of JF.

LE did in fact find evidence that this was the case as shown in Point 15 of the Arrest Warrant found in the attached document below.

Thursday, June 6
LE arrives to EE's Simsbury residence with a search warrant for EE's Red Toyota Truck after they found evidence that this truck was driven to/from and parked in NC on Friday, May 24.

EE immediately Reminds LE that the current seats in EE's Red Toyota Truck are not the same that were in the truck on May 24, and he immediately provides the previous seats to LE and signs documents allowing LE to take and inspect those seats for possible evidence.


On May 31, EE informally told LE that he was replacing the seats in his Red Toyota Truck.

On June 2, the day after EE has put 2 and 2 together, EE tells LE that FO had access to EE's Red Toyota Truck on Friday, May 24.

It is Not EE's responsibility that LE did not arrive with a search warrant until 6 days After EE informed LE on May 31 that he was exchanging the seats in the Red Toyota Truck and 4 days After June 2 when EE informed LE that FO had access to the Red Toyota Truck all day on May 24.

Now that it has been Established on the Preponderance of Evidence provided by LE, that EE did NOT in fact withhold any evidence for Any amount of time, much less for a Month, I would be interested in any Evidence that would direct us otherwise.


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yeah, i can actually see this guy FD turning on MT at some point trying to convince people that she did it and all he did was help with cleanup because MT said she would blame him if he did not. these two are like a high society east coast version of the nurse and cowboy in Colorado. except FD blabs more.
OMG! Wouldn't that be a kicker! MOO.
I want to tie in another way how this whole discussion about wealth/poverty/“Gold coast” CT mentality directly plays into the FD murder of JD.

If you look at FDs narcissistic personality and his track record, he was always striving to make the “step up” to Fairfield County- you see this in the ads and interviews for Fore that are always comparing to Fairfield County, you see this in the divorce papers where FD contends JD told the kids that smart people live in NC and your dad’s not that smart and thats why he chose Farmington. Paraphrasing here, and we know FD lied about what JD told the kids, but it shows what stands out to him.
FD could not stand it that JD not only escaped him with the kids and left him living in a house indebted to her mother, with a failing business to boot, but did so to live in NC of all places while he was left behind in Farmington.
You see, it’s FD that believes that smart people live in NC and stupid second class people live in Farmington (in 15000 ft2 mansions). Nobody in New Canaan is opining about Farmington and how much more their money could buy there.
I see this perception of Fairfield County on some level but IMO the reality is that its impossible to compare Farmington and New Canaan as they are two fundamentally different places. A house in Farmington cannot be a substitute IMO for most people for a house in NC and visa versa.

Driving this IMO is simply transportation and public transport in the form of trains to/from NYC. Its not easy now and really has never been easy to get to Hartford via public transportation and you need to drive and take multiple roads to get there if you are traveling north.

In many respects having the capital be in New Haven would make more sense from a public transport system and major highway standpoint as its connected to the entire eastern seaboard and all points south. Unfortunately the capitol of CT for better or worse is Hartford and it sits alone and is oddly positioned IMO on the East Coast and is not convenient to much unless you live in Hartford.

CT transportation and road system is generally considered to be poor and oddly enough its actually a challenge to get to Hartford directly from Fairfield County as we have seen with the FD travel times. Also, commuting from Hartford to NYC on a daily basis would be next to impossible as a sustained practice for employment IMO. As others have mentioned when we talked about this in an earlier thread, its possible to live your entire life in CT in Fairfield County and never go anywhere near Hartford unless you take an alternative route to get to Boston.

You can look at income, housing prices, net worth, education, quality of public schools etc. and on the surface they might look similar but the reality is they are totally different IMO.

People that live in Farmington live/work in/around Hartford so the insurance companies, CT Govt, pharma or industry etc. New Canaan folks live/work mainly in NYC, possibly Greenwich for some of the hedge funds, Stamford or Westport for some of the hedge funds. Very few people from Fairfield County commute going north in CT, lots of people from the north commute south into Fairfield County and NYC.

IMO its two different worlds simply based on how different the people are based on where the people living there work. Neither is necessarily better or worse, they are just different based on where you sit IMO.

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Here’s a do-or-die for MT: were any calls made or answered on FDs phone the morning of 5/24 while it was left at 4JC?

MT admitted to LE that FDs phone was left at 4JC that morning. She also admitted to writing out the pages of the alibi script pertaining to dates and times of phone calls.

If there were outgoing calls made or incoming calls answered during this time on FDs phone, that would mean MT knew about the plan in advance (premeditation, murder).
What reason would MT have to use FDs phone left at home? Who else but MT would have made or taken those calls? We know now that FD was not with his phone at that time so if there was a call on that phone MT must have made or taken it.

I am willing to bet that she did! NP mentioned a phone call with Greece that morning as an alibi and even said once that LE was trying to look into and trace that call (very early on NP even said the person on the call was coming over from Greece!). This was likely part of the alibi plan, having MT use the phone while FD was away, to make it look like FD was home. But it will indicate that MT knew what FD was off doing and that he needed an alibi. Combined with the truck cleanup....

So I Googled 61 Sturbridge Hill, New Canaan today. Just wanted to know how many bathrooms. I'm sure all the sod was recently laid down. Well, well, well. Today, Sunday, September 8, 2019, is Open House by the realtor. Websleuther in the neighborhood? MOO.
Oh no, missed it.

Wish I could send someone over with a jackhammer and crowbar to check out the back patio and the plantings!
Respect your POV on this and will post the stats to support the longstanding existence of "Two CTs" from a wealth perspective. I agree these wealth gaps are a nationwide issue but its quite stark in CT. Not sure which part of the State of CT you live in but when you look at macro economic stats the data is quite grim IMO.

Industry has been fleeing CT for years due to taxes and regulation and frankly dysfunction in Hartford govt. More people have left CT each year than move in and this stat has been consistent over 20 years. CT has one of the highest personal tax burdens in the country, housing is expensive, young people cannot afford to move into the state and real estate values have posted 'real' and 'actual' declining stats for over 20 years as well.

Poverty is alive and well in Fairfield County if that is the part of the State you are from. The stats on the number of children in Fairfield County going to school each day hungry are staggering IMO given the areas wealth. As I said previously in a much earlier thread, under the veneer of weath in Fairfield County lies much poverty. The local Food Bank in Stamford routinely asks for donations because they have been hit hard with increasing demand for assistance.

As the @thekirbyfamily so clearly explained, the issue in CT is not only is there a large group of folks that qualify for govt asst but because things are so expensive that people that work but don't qualify can't afford to feed their families, pay rent and heat their apts or houses. Sounds crazy but its totally true. The food bank I'm talking about did a rough survey of their typical customer and that person had an avg salary w/i the household of $40-$50,000. Let that sink in because in my book that is pretty incredible as in most parts of the country you would be ok with a couple of kids, house, dog and that household income. But in Fairfield County that salary means you will struggle and stuggle big time. There are many local families that go to area church dinners and soup kitchens because its cheaper than actually cooking hot meals for their families.

Yes, this is happening in Fairfield County where in places like NC the avg house costs $1.2 million and has taxes of over $22,000/yr. and the avg car costs $30,000 etc.

IMO most people don't see this because it doesn't hit you in the face as on the surface most people are making it from pt a to pt b and their children look well fed and clothed. But scratch the surface and the stories you will hear IMO are incredible. Many are stuggling to hang on and for so many the struggle simply becomes too much and they leave.

I have heard so many stories similar to @thekirbyfamily to absolutely believe what she is saying and its heartbreaking when bad things happen to good hardworking people. We had local teacher that made a good salary but had huge student debt from a masters degree she got before joining the school district. She struggled to buy a car and find housing and pay the student loans. If the district didn't help her in her early days of employment she wouldn't have been able to come to teach in CT.


My niece's family lives in FFD County, and according to her, it's the housing that just makes it unlivable. It's not affordable to buy - the homes are in the millions - but that's not the issue for most who can't afford to buy anyway - it's that it's also not affordable to rent -- at least, not in any area one would want to live with school-aged children.

Most of New England is difficult that way, but FFD County is among the worst. The social stigma of not being 'up to par' with the neighbors - the dress, cars, etc., - is an issue, but having housing is, from what I've heard, the most difficult part.
I surely didn't mean that at all. I just live here and was expressing a point of view as a local. The area down along New Caanan and Westbrook is called the Gold Coast. No judgement intended.
Did you mean Westport? When I first moved to CT I was told to go to Saybrook/Westbrook for a beach rental.
I went to Westport instead! I was not well received and shown rentals with Ming vases, etc. What a hoot!
I found this segment amusing, too.

And in the clip of MT, Mom and the Attorney, it’s clear who is Boss. There must be a whole host of research out there about the effect of overbearing mothers on their offspring.

Eta link Exclusive: State's Attorney, Investigators Meet With Woman Charged In Missing Conn. Mom Case
To me the facinating comment was from what looked to be a sweat drenched Colangelo waving his hand saying, "there will be no comment, there has been no developments (IMO big shoulder shrug of one shoulder which seemed odd) and there is no comment". WOW! He did not IMO look to be a happy man after this meeting and he looked more than a bit tense and perhaps a bit agitated.

Hadn't seen this clip of him before and so glad this video was reposted. Think it supports what we have all been guessing about MT lying. Colangelo must have been ANGRY IMO and he certainly didn't look either relaxed or happy either. Believe we are on the right track!

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Here’s a do-or-die for MT: were any calls made or answered on FDs phone the morning of 5/24 while it was left at 4JC?

MT admitted to LE that FDs phone was left at 4JC that morning. She also admitted to writing out the pages of the alibi script pertaining to dates and times of phone calls.

If there were outgoing calls made or incoming calls answered during this time on FDs phone, that would mean MT knew about the plan in advance (premeditation, murder).
.. NP mentioned a phone call with Greece that morning as an alibi and even said once that LE was trying to look into and trace that call (very early on NP even said the person on the call was coming over from Greece!). This was likely part of the alibi plan, having MT use the phone while FD was away, to make it look like FD was home. But it will indicate that MT knew what FD was off doing and that he needed an alibi. Combined with the truck cleanup....


We have to remember that "MT admitted" and "NP mentioned" actually mean nothing - they both lie constantly; their words are just to try to mislead us.

It's possible, though MOO - but it hasn't been disproven - that MT was in NC nearby, with her phone shut off.

Or did they have burner phones?

I am starting to think that FD would have wanted some sort of backup; he seemed to go everywhere with her, and there is absolutely no public proof that MT was anywhere else.

I'm sure LE knows more - perhaps very differently. I'll wait for the rock-solid murder AW to learn more!
I have had a particular thought since we first learned about EE.

EE spoke informally with LE before FO/MT arrest and then formally on June 2. Then spoke informally again on June 6 at the time of the EE red truck search warrant.

IMO, All Without legal representation, since EE had Nothing to Hide.

We know by June 14, that EE not only had an Attorney, but had a Quality Attorney.

I am thinking that after LE found that EE's red truck was used in the commission of a crime among other evidence found by LE, that perhaps LE explained Everything to EE and Highly Suggested that he obtain Legal Representation Immediately.

Perhaps, LE even assisted in helping EE find Quality Legal Representation and perhaps it is pro bono.

Not because he was in any way culpable, but because LE could see the writing on the wall and that EE was possibly being Set Up or at the very least was going to be alluded to as being a possible suspect by NP/FO.

Guess What?

That is EXACTLY what happened when NP said that EE was a 'Handy Man With Something to Hide' after FO was arrested the second time.

Being represented by an attorney can in no way be construed as being culpable in a crime.

LE most likely expected that EE would be thrown under the bus by NP/FO, and he was.

EE Absolutely Needs to be Protected by Legal Representation against False Allegations made by NP/FO.

Well Played LE and EE.

All IMO.
Yes, Yes, Yes! Since LE has always seemed to take this case quite personally, it's easy to see them hooking EE up with a compassionate attorney who would take his case pro bono.

There are so many excellent attorneys who entered the profession to do good in this world.....

and then there's Pattis the Pathetic.
My jury's still out on Bowman.
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Also, there is the very basic issues of getting all the CCTV clocks to 'line up'. Can you imagine this task alone? Just in the latest AW we saw that very few of the clocks aligned (People Bank, neighbor of FD etc.). The person doing this task must be losing their mind and you will this will all be crucial for trial so it has to be done and documented perfectly!
The last AW shows how thorough and diligent these investigators are. I love watching BBC mysteries and the modern day ones are loaded with CCTV which I considered fiction. I never dreamed this was possible in the rural towns of CT.
Kudos to the boys who must stay alert reviewing these tapes.
I agree with LE making suggestion to get attorney. Have always thought that if he had approached LE first and voiced his concerns, they would have been very helpful. I wish I had a ton of money. I would find a way to pay for the attorney. Like, IDK, just mail a check and a letter to EE or the attorney.
I've learned that it's not necessary to have a ton of money to help people like this.

If everyone just looked up the address and mailed a small check, it could all add up to a life-changing amount as well as a reminder that doing the right thing matters in this world.
If, in fact, LE did find evidence that JD's body did go through MIRA and therefore was not enough to collect and bury or cremate, is it possible that LE has told GF and there is an agreement that a memorial service would be postponed for awhile until the case is made?

This makes sense to me - otherwise, why wouldn't they be requesting a multi-statewide search?
I think that with the latest warrant, the DA is showing a part of his hand, to force the rest of the story from Ms Trampconis. They are letting her know that they have the goods to charge her with murder, and they want to know where JD's body is. If MT gives that piece up, she can avoid a murder charge. IMO. I think this is the last chance for her to come clean. The DA wants to know where and how JD was discarded, before the murder charge is filed. If she is not forthcoming soon, the DA will charge them both and let a jury decide. I hope she finally gives up what happened. JD's family deserves this, at the very least!

"Trampconis" is priceless! Thanks for the laugh!
Now that it has been Established on the Preponderance of Evidence provided by LE, that EE did NOT in fact withhold any evidence for Any amount of time, much less for a Month, I would be interested in any Evidence that would direct us otherwise.
Thank you! Exactly right. He's not a suspect or person of interest. Yet another victim of FD and MT.

Sources: The black Ford Raptor owned by Fotis Dulos’ company was in New Canaan on day Jennifer Farber Dulos disappeared — but he wasn’t driving it

“My client has cooperated fully with authorities, is not in any way a suspect, and is just looking forward to moving on with his life post-Fotis Dulos,” his attorney, Lindy Urso, said Thursday. Law enforcement sources confirmed the man is not considered a suspect.

For cryin out loud, I'd be scared poopless. This guy has a sneaking suspicion his crazy azz millionaire boss could be responsible for the murder of his wife. He saved the seats and turned them over to police. Sheesh. For this same reason of being considered "questionable", we wonder what takes some people a while to come forward?
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Can't disagree. Didn't get it either.

Perhaps they are using the old 'carrot and stick' routine as perhaps based on who she is she is saying I'm willing to help but you need to give me something NOW!

Only thing I could think of as if her frame of reference is the system of Venezuela then the State of CT and Atty Bowman have quite a long road ahead of them with MT. The other thing I keep thinking about is that working with liars and cheats is an art and sometimes you get it right but other times it just can't work.

Given her background both personally and her mother as a convicted felon with alot of experience with the US legal system, I really wonder if MT just might not be one of those cases that simply won't work. Those statements in the arrest warrant just keep kicking around my brain and I'm not convinced MT is someone the State can "work" to get a good result.

Can she give up an 'accomplice' in NC, can she find the JD body or parts or is she just willing to tell half truths and lies and thinks that she will game the system to the end? The State IMO believes she has something to share but you know they don't trust her further than they can see her and are looking everywhere for CCTV and digital evidence to support anything she says.

In a perfect world IMO MT would simply be loaded up with charges, tried and spend the rest of her sorry *advertiser censored* life in prison. Unfortunately for now the State has to try to 'work' her. I wish the State luck but I don't see Atty Bowman having much impact and for lack of a better description I just see MT as the equivalent of a 'hardened criminal' who will do and say anything to anyone so long as it serves her purposes. In short, AMORAL MONSTER.

Hope the tides turn on MT and some good information is shared but I am not sure she is up for any of it.

Chilling to read her mother is a convicted felon.
Can't help but wonder what her physician father is thinking?
I see this perception of Fairfield County on some level but IMO the reality is that its impossible to compare Farmington and New Canaan as they are two fundamentally different places.

You can look at income, housing prices, net worth, education, quality of public schools etc. and on the surface they might look similar but the reality is they are totally different IMO.

People that live in Farmington live/work in/around Hartford so the insurance companies, CT Govt, pharma or industry etc. New Canaan folks live/work mainly in NYC, possibly Greenwich for some of the hedge funds, Stamford or Westport for some of the hedge funds. Very few people from Fairfield County commute going north in CT, lots of people from the north commute south into Fairfield County and NYC.

IMO its two different worlds simply based on how different the people are based on where the people living there work. Neither is necessarily better or worse, they are just different based on where you sit IMO.

This brings up another question for me that was likely answered early on but I forget how FD came to live in Canton CT with his FW? Did EY transfer him there? Last I recalled he was working for Cap Gemini/EY in NYC, and then he ran into JD in NYC and said he lived around the corner or something, but he owned and lived in a house in Canton with FW and then briefly with JD after they were married before they moved to Avon. (I see when he divorced FW he was in process of building another home that he owned with FW and he retained in the divorce settlement- was this Deercliff?) I’m just missing the piece of how FD ended up in Hartford area initially but then lived around the corner from JD when they met while he was still married to FW. Had FD and FW separated and FD was back working in NYC?

On the Farmington/NC “jealousy” that I detect in FD, I agree they’re totally separate spheres, I guess the difference I’m trying to point out and that I think drives FD is the difference that the epicenter for Farmington is Hartford, and the epicenter for NC is NYC. Which one would someone focused on status (or other things too of course) choose and see as superior? Why do Fore sales materials always reference comparisons to Fairfield County? I think this status issue can be very real in CT and isn’t unrelated to the passionate discourse going on here about the pitfalls and disparities in CT, and to underlying elements of FDs mentality that led to his hatred for JD. It’s also why he arrogantly thought he could consistently pin it on others “beneath” him.

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