Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #21

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Wonderful! Thanks for saying it! Suggest copying your post to save it somewhere as we will no doubt need it down the line to remind ourselves of what EE did in this case.

Pattisville is no doubt gearing up a big push to drag EE through the mud and it no doubt will be quite the show. Can you imagine working for a shady operator like FD for any amount of time? Can you imagine what EE has seen or maybe even done for FD over the years? The Pattisville show will be one for the ages IMO when it comes to EE. Buckle up as it will be bloody. So glad EE has Urso at his side!


Prior experience now dictates that with anything of this length, I create and save outside of WS.
Very well done ! Wish we could attach to all those posts that were made by those who didn’t bother reading the entire warrant IMO - thank you !
I have read the entire warrant many times. Before I posted my point of view. Others who were mistaken on the timeline have already acknowledged that they were working off of incorrect info. The continued side swipes at those who do not think in lockstep is getting tiresome. IMO.
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oh like send it here?
Paul and Barbara Gumienny
27 Springbrook Lane
Simsbury, Ct. 06070

NO license to practice law here, but one might be cautious about sending money without an explanation unrelated to Websleuth's, etc. If this ever gets to trial, I wouldn't want Pat McKenna digging up the fact that PG received lots of money favoring his testimony and actions in the case. For instance, the state seems to think that FD's ability to pay his lawyer is "interesting." Wouldn't want to make PG's life more complicated...Just a thought.

Maybe one the more informed legal posters could share an opinion.
This brings up another question for me that was likely answered early on but I forget how FD came to live in Canton CT with his FW? Did EY transfer him there? Last I recalled he was working for Cap Gemini/EY in NYC, and then he ran into JD in NYC and said he lived around the corner or something, but he owned and lived in a house in Canton with FW and then briefly with JD after they were married before they moved to Avon. (I see when he divorced FW he was in process of building another home that he owned with FW and he retained in the divorce settlement- was this Deercliff?) I’m just missing the piece of how FD ended up in Hartford area initially but then lived around the corner from JD when they met while he was still married to FW. Had FD and FW separated and FD was back working in NYC?

On the Farmington/NC “jealousy” that I detect in FD, I agree they’re totally separate spheres, I guess the difference I’m trying to point out and that I think drives FD is the difference that the epicenter for Farmington is Hartford, and the epicenter for NC is NYC. Which one would someone focused on status (or other things too of course) choose and see as superior? Why do Fore sales materials always reference comparisons to Fairfield County? I think this status issue can be very real in CT and isn’t unrelated to the passionate discourse going on here about the pitfalls and disparities in CT, and to underlying elements of FDs mentality that led to his hatred for JD. It’s also why he arrogantly thought he could consistently pin it on others “beneath” him.

His parents lived on Deercliff Rd in Avon.Seems he branched out and moved one town over in Canton once he married.Less populated at the time,IMO.
Turns out she wasn't so we see why LE has been laboriously putting this case together to help MT see the error of her ways through video.

While we were out here whining about the slow progress they were working!

It'll be interesting to one day see the total number of hours LE has spent looking at all that CCTV, school bus and private video.

Can you even imagine how boring that was but also how exciting when they spotted FD in motion?
BBM. Me too! I had so much hope.
yeah, i can actually see this guy FD turning on MT at some point trying to convince people that she did it and all he did was help with cleanup because MT said she would blame him if he did not. these two are like a high society east coast version of the nurse and cowboy in Colorado. except FD blabs more.

From the beginning it has seemed like FD and Co have been hedging their bets on who to try to pin it on.

1. JD did it to herself ( ha - got that idea from the cowboy, as you say). 2. JD PRETENDED to do it to herself, just to spite him (stole that one from Gillian Flynn). 3. The Hardware Guy did it to her, and that’ll teach him for DISOBEYING ORDERS. 4. Michi. Dear Michi, didn’t you realise you were always expendable?

Don't forget that on Saturday, May 25th, FO was not in EE's Red Truck and he would not have needed to have altered plates on a vehicle at that point.

I am intrigued by this line of thought.
I like the NC Transfer station and the Saturday return too.

A couple things, does NC incinerate? I think the appeal of MIRA was that they incinerate and thus the evidence would be gone. FD may have gotten the idea of MIRA from the Annie Le/Yale case- that’s not how it happened in the end but I recall it was in the news that LE searched I believe it was MIRA because I think that I recall from that story that NH uses MIRA or an incinerating dump in Hartford. FD might have remembered that idea.

On the other hand, having the body in NC would be part of his plan, but then he would not want to be connected or seen in NC in any way. He knew he would be a suspect (“90-95% of spouses...”- or did NP let him in on those little stats after the fact?) so it would seem like he wouldn’t have wanted anyone to be able to ID him having gone to the transfer station where not just workers but others might ID him.

Also, NCPD called him 9am Saturday. I don’t think he’d go to the dump in NC after that call, would he? Maybe he went down there to NC right at 7:30am when the transfer station opened, before they called him. Maybe he was banging around at Sturbridge that morning before that to pick up some construction waste from that project to mix in with her remains to take to the dump in NC so as not to be Suspicious? And then went to dump? Did he drive the Raptor down to NC? I doubt he’d risk getting blood on another vehicle.
I hope they thought to search/check the NC transfer station. Hopefully his phone shows his whereabouts that Sat morning.

Another detour he could have made once he got the body in the red truck at Lapham could have been out in the direction of Pound Ridge- Laurel Reservoir, High Ridge Rd, that direction, and dumped the body there. He could get out that direction and back within the time frame (15 mins each way) and that route would still catch him on the NC rest area webcam on the Merritt.
This brings up another question for me that was likely answered early on but I forget how FD came to live in Canton CT with his FW? Did EY transfer him there? Last I recalled he was working for Cap Gemini/EY in NYC, and then he ran into JD in NYC and said he lived around the corner or something, but he owned and lived in a house in Canton with FW and then briefly with JD after they were married before they moved to Avon. (I see when he divorced FW he was in process of building another home that he owned with FW and he retained in the divorce settlement- was this Deercliff?) I’m just missing the piece of how FD ended up in Hartford area initially but then lived around the corner from JD when they met while he was still married to FW. Had FD and FW separated and FD was back working in NYC?

[sniped by me for space]
I think this status issue can be very real in CT and isn’t unrelated to the passionate discourse going on here about the pitfalls and disparities in CT, and to underlying elements of FDs mentality that led to his hatred for JD. It’s also why he arrogantly thought he could consistently pin it on others “beneath” him.

I wish we knew more about the Hartford connection for FD. I wonder if there were cousins/aunts/uncles in the area and that is why the parents were brought to live in CT by FD? IDK. I do think it was easier to start his business in Hartford simply due to lower land costs and more available land.

FD went to school in Providence and NYC and we know maintained an apt in NY for quite a long time. I'm sure people do it, but I can't see commuting from Canton to NY to work posssibly very long hours at EY. I wonder if he had an apt during this time to lighten the commute time?

I wonder why none of the people that knew FD from his time at EY have spoken out?

I wonder why good friends (non family) haven't spoke on on FD behalf?

I wonder if State's Atty has gone back to figure out the shady loan transaction with FD friend GV and the even shadier loan officer SM? MT was the front person on this transaction and recently I heard that there was another component of this transaction possibly related to Greece?

I wonder where all the FORE and Farber money is that FD no doubt pocketed?

I wonder who the Greek Benefactor might be? Is it FD himself?

I wonder if LE have investigated the financial crimes of FD and pulled FORE apart with a fine tooth comb and whether the federal authorities are assisting this process.

I wonder and many questions here!

All this talk about Atty Bowman had me wondering a bit about who exactly he is.

Looks like he was a former prosecutor in CT.

Andrew B. Bowman Lawyer Profile on

Here is a local corruption case with a Chief Judge I believe and Bowman allegedly worked with this Judge while Bowman was a prosecutor. Small world, no? This article also gives a small glimpse into the underbelly of CT corruption and organized crime. IMO if you want 50 more articles like this than just take a quick stroll in google.

Bridgeport lawyer resigns from bar under a cloud

Quotes from article:

BRIDGEPORT -- The usually jovial former top federal prosecutor in the state looked very grim Thursday as he agreed to resign from the bar forever rather than face disciplinary action for allegedly taking money from a former client.

In the same booming voice he used while prosecuting some of the state's toughest criminals, H. James Pickerstein told state Superior Court Judge Barbara Bellis he was waiving his right to ever be a lawyer again as part of a settlement with the State Disciplinary Counsel.

Initially asked by the judge if he would rather sit at the table between his lawyers, William Dow III and Andrew Bowman, Pickerstein replied: "I'm used to standing in court, your honor."

Pickerstein, 68, who served as a federal prosecutor for 16 years, until he left for private practice in 1986, is under investigation for allegedly taking more than $700,000 from former Danbury trash king James Galante, who was convicted and sentenced to prison on racketeering charges Galante was owner of the Danbury Trashers hockey team, which was dissolved after his conviction.

During the short hearing, Dow and Bowman, his former colleagues with the federal prosecutor's office, took turns praising him before the judge. [BBM]

"Jim Pickerstein has had a long and distinguished career of helping others," they later said in a statement. "Many people whose lives he has touched have extended their heartfelt concern and support for Jim. It is well deserved."

Bellis said she usually finds no need to comment in disciplinary cases, but decided to this time.

"I don't know you personally, sir," she told Pickerstein as he nodded in assent. "But up to this moment, I have only heard praise for you as a person and a lawyer."

Bowman is AV rated which is the highest rating he can be given by Martindale. There is AV Pre-eminent, but that rating just means the lawyer does high profile cases. An AV rating means he is well-respected within the legal community for his preparation, the manner in which he deals with other lawyers, the V means he is considered very ethical, also.

After watching FD and NP prattle on all afternoon, I want to wash my eyes out with bleach. Not to be trivial, but will someone please tell FD' s attorney that the 60's are over? Long hair is one thing. Unkempt long hair is something entirely different. That ridiculous double hair tied pony tail looks like a small dead animal. Maybe he uses it for jury distraction, but it is disgusting.

It was very interesting to watch the progression of news coverage. IMO the reporters were trying to stay as objective as possible, but as the evidence began to come out, there was a shift in coverage. In light of the evidence, FD's continued insistence that Jennifer is actually alive is met with this air of ,"Yeah, sure." I would have thought at some point his lawyer would know that he should at least refrain from that ridiculous position, but having said the things he has, FD is stuck with them.
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Wonderful! Thanks for saying it! Suggest copying your post to save it somewhere as we will no doubt need it down the line to remind ourselves of what EE did in this case.

Pattisville is no doubt gearing up a big push to drag EE through the mud and it no doubt will be quite the show. Can you imagine working for a shady operator like FD for any amount of time? Can you imagine what EE has seen or maybe even done for FD over the years? The Pattisville show will be one for the ages IMO when it comes to EE. Buckle up as it will be bloody. So glad EE has Urso at his side!

@afitzy you always have it all going on.
But, I think this last thought could be a stretch.
Norm has been caught flat footed. His last comments were of the cuff.
He has had time to temper his response.
I'm thinking it will be more like my client is innocent and we will see you in court.
I like the NC Transfer station and the Saturday return too.

A couple things, does NC incinerate? I think the appeal of MIRA was that they incinerate and thus the evidence would be gone. FD may have gotten the idea of MIRA from the Annie Le/Yale case- that’s not how it happened in the end but I recall it was in the news that LE searched I believe it was MIRA because I think that I recall from that story that NH uses MIRA or an incinerating dump in Hartford. FD might have remembered that idea.

On the other hand, having the body in NC would be part of his plan, but then he would not want to be connected or seen in NC in any way. He knew he would be a suspect (“90-95% of spouses...”- or did NP let him in on those little stats after the fact?) so it would seem like he wouldn’t have wanted anyone to be able to ID him having gone to the transfer station where not just workers but others might ID him.

Also, NCPD called him 9am Saturday. I don’t think he’d go to the dump in NC after that call, would he? Maybe he went down there to NC right at 7:30am when the transfer station opened, before they called him. Maybe he was banging around at Sturbridge that morning before that to pick up some construction waste from that project to mix in with her remains to take to the dump in NC so as not to be Suspicious? And then went to dump? Did he drive the Raptor down to NC? I doubt he’d risk getting blood on another vehicle.
I hope they thought to search/check the NC transfer station. Hopefully his phone shows his whereabouts that Sat morning.

Another detour he could have made once he got the body in the red truck at Lapham could have been out in the direction of Pound Ridge- Laurel Reservoir, High Ridge Rd, that direction, and dumped the body there. He could get out that direction and back within the time frame (15 mins each way) and that route would still catch him on the NC rest area webcam on the Merritt.
No incinerator in NC.

The garbage just piles up in skips and then trucks come to remove the skips to another location for processing.

Wonder where the NC garbage goes? Will have to check this out.

Perhaps looking at a calendar would help with the dates here.

I believe that counting from May 31 to June 6 is actually 6 Days Not 30 Days. Start counting from May 31 and count June 1, June 2, June 3, June 4, June 5, June 6 = 6 days.

Therefore Not a Month, Just 6 Days.

However, in Point 13 of the Arrest Warrant attached below, it states that EE told LE on May 31 when he drove up to 4JC, that the Porsche seats currently loaded in FO's Jeep Cherokee that EE was driving at the time, were to be put into his own Red Toyota Truck. Same Day, and Definitely Not a whole month later.

According to the FO/MT 2nd Arrest Warrant, we now have a Timeline for EE in regards to this case.

Information below is obtained from the FO/MT Arrest Warrants, unless noted as 'In My Educated Experience/Opinion' or as noted as MSM Reports.

Week of May 20-24, 2019
EE drives FO's Ford Raptor to Sturbridge in NC each day from Farmington and is captured on CCTV driving said vehicle in NC on Friday, May 24.

Friday, May 24 - Jennifer's Serious Physical Assault
Late afternoon, EE retrieves his Red Toyota Truck from FO after some shenanigans by MT in Farmington, CT.

Saturday-Monday, May 25-27 - MSM Reports
Silver Alert and the Story hits the news about Missing Mom in CT, Jennifer Farber Dulos.

We do not know whether or not, EE had 'Notifications' activated on his cell phone.

Unless they were activated or EE watched/read the News, EE may not have known that Jennifer was missing until he returned to work on Tuesday, May 28.

Tuesday, May 28
EE returns to work for FO in NC and again drives a vehicle belonging to FO.

FO and MT have a 'Getting our False Alibi Together Meeting' and asks EE if he remembers Seeing anything in NC on Friday, May 24. FO also asked EE what routes EE took to and from NC that Friday.

EE tells FO/MT that he did not see anything.

In My Educated Experience/Opinion, EE thought FO was asking as if FO was trying to help LE find Jennifer.

In My Educated Experience/Opinion, FO was actually asking to make sure that EE did not see FO or EE's own Red Toyota Truck in NC that Friday, May 24.

In My Educated Experience/Opinion, IF EE was 'Part of the Plan to Mislead LE', then Why would FO Ask EE if he saw anything that Friday, May 24? FO would not need to Ask EE. FO just would have told EE to mislead LE.

In My Educated Experience/Opinion, IF FO had told EE to mislead LE, then EE would have reported that to LE.

Tuesday, May 28 or Wednesday, May 29
EE learns that FO had EE's Red Toyota Truck washed and detailed and EE confronts FO with no resolution as to Why.

Wednesday -- Friday, May 29 -- May 31
FO Badgers EE to Replace the Ford seats in EE's Red Toyota Truck with seats provided by FO from a Porsche and instructs EE to Immediately Dispose of the old Ford seats taken out of EE's Red Toyota Truck.

Friday, May 31
EE drives up to 4JC in the Jeep Cherokee owned by FO, with the Porsche seats in the rear cargo area of FO's Jeep Cherokee.

LE happens to be at 4JC at this time on this Friday and EE informally tells LE that the Porsche seats will replace the Ford seats currently in his own Red Toyota Truck.

EE did in fact, replace the seats in his own Red Toyota Truck with the Porsche seats provided by FO.

FO demands that EE reference the seats as 'Equipment'.

EE Disobeys/Defies FO and Keeps the old Ford seats that he took out of his Red Toyota Truck

In My Educated Experience/Opinion, IF EE had any clue that his own Red Toyota Truck and/or FO was involved in the commission of a crime and was indeed helping to protect FO by misleading LE, Why would EE willingly and openly tell LE in an informal conversation on this day, that he was exchanging the seats in his own Red Toyota Truck?

Saturday, June 1
FO and MT are Arrested in connection with the Disappearance of JF.

Arrest Warrant for FO/MT is released to MSM as to the evidence showing FO/MT on their 'Trash Bin Odyssey of Stupidity Date Night' on a more than 4 mile stretch of Albany Avenue in the Hartford Area.

EE Immediately tenders his Resignation from FO/FORE.

Sunday, June 2
In an LE interview, EE tells LE that FO had access to his Red Toyota Truck the entire day of Friday, May 24, because EE always leaves the Keys with his Red Toyota Truck at 4JC when EE picks up a FO vehicle for work related activities. As shown in Point 14 of the Arrest Warrant in the attached document below.

This leads LE to Look for Evidence that EE's Red Truck may have been used on Friday, May 24 in connection to the disappearance of JF.

LE did in fact find evidence that this was the case as shown in Point 15 of the Arrest Warrant found in the attached document below.

Thursday, June 6
LE arrives to EE's Simsbury residence with a search warrant for EE's Red Toyota Truck after they found evidence that this truck was driven to/from and parked in NC on Friday, May 24.

EE immediately Reminds LE that the current seats in EE's Red Toyota Truck are not the same that were in the truck on May 24, and he immediately provides the previous seats to LE and signs documents allowing LE to take and inspect those seats for possible evidence.


On May 31, EE informally told LE that he was replacing the seats in his Red Toyota Truck.

On June 2, the day after EE has put 2 and 2 together, EE tells LE that FO had access to EE's Red Toyota Truck on Friday, May 24.

It is Not EE's responsibility that LE did not arrive with a search warrant until 6 days After EE informed LE on May 31 that he was exchanging the seats in the Red Toyota Truck and 4 days After June 2 when EE informed LE that FO had access to the Red Toyota Truck all day on May 24.

Now that it has been Established on the Preponderance of Evidence provided by LE, that EE did NOT in fact withhold any evidence for Any amount of time, much less for a Month, I would be interested in any Evidence that would direct us otherwise.

Very thorough and considered, thank you CTG. I’m certain if FD and Co decide EE is an easier target than MT, no doubt they’ll dredge up some stuff on poor EE. And he probably knows it, which makes him all the more brave for coming forward IMO.

One logistical question. Did EE drive from Farmington each weekday to NC or did he drive from home? That is, did the truck swap happen only once a week or every day?
@afitzy you always have it all going on.
But, I think this last thought could be a stretch.
Norm has been caught flat footed. His last comments were of the cuff.
He has had time to temper his response.
I'm thinking it will be more like my client is innocent and we will see you in court.
HaHa! You might be right but would you like to bet? IMO it depends on what EE knows about FD. Neither of us know this so maybe a bet is in order! I'm game!
Very thorough and considered, thank you CTG. I’m certain if FD and Co decide EE is an easier target than MT, no doubt they’ll dredge up some stuff on poor EE. And he probably knows it, which makes him all the more brave for coming forward IMO.

One logistical question. Did EE drive from Farmington each weekday to NC or did he drive from home? That is, did the truck swap happen only once a week or every day?

For the week of May 20-24, EE's truck was left at JeffersonX for the entire time. That was verified in several sources.
IMO as soon as LE knew MT was lying (early in this process) they put together a pretty good timeline for her in full technicolor that I am sure scared her witless. Not that I think she has much in the way of wits but she was no doubt surprised. I just wonder if LE waited until the 8/13 meeting to share this as they were trying to figure out if they could work with her at all due to the extent of the lying. Its a curious question I think. But to not even know if you drove your daughter to school or picked her up, just leads me to believe she never had any intention of working with LE as just basic info and questions were met with lies and evasion. MOO

I think they had her number the minute they descended on 4JX. Slumped shoulders, crossed arms etc. While Bubba boyfriend was pacing and pointing and looking smug and desperately trying to be in charge in his Cuban heels. The cops knew.
And THEY knew the cops knew. MOO.
That's why they looked like s%$t on their mug shots.
I wish we knew more about the Hartford connection for FD. I wonder if there were cousins/aunts/uncles in the area and that is why the parents were brought to live in CT by FD? IDK. I do think it was easier to start his business in Hartford simply due to lower land costs and more available land.

FD went to school in Providence and NYC and we know maintained an apt in NY for quite a long time. I'm sure people do it, but I can't see commuting from Canton to NY to work posssibly very long hours at EY. I wonder if he had an apt during this time to lighten the commute time?

I wonder why none of the people that knew FD from his time at EY have spoken out?

I wonder why good friends (non family) haven't spoke on on FD behalf?

I wonder if State's Atty has gone back to figure out the shady loan transaction with FD friend GV and the even shadier loan officer SM? MT was the front person on this transaction and recently I heard that there was another component of this transaction possibly related to Greece?

I wonder where all the FORE and Farber money is that FD no doubt pocketed?

I wonder who the Greek Benefactor might be? Is it FD himself?

I wonder if LE have investigated the financial crimes of FD and pulled FORE apart with a fine tooth comb and whether the federal authorities are assisting this process.

I wonder and many questions here!

Bingo! Give that man a cigar! I too wondered if the greek" benefactor " was actually FD?! I discounted it as crazy. However, you thought the same thing so I feel it has merit. Where did the money go? I always wanted to know that. IMO FD had to be skimming, money laundering. This grifter never did an honest days work!
Sometimes we need to give each other a break online since we can't always get a clear meaning from the printed word.

If we could hear the tone of voice or know a person's history we could better understand.

When I go back and read my own words from the day before I find I've been downright snarky when I didn't intend that. (Now and then I'm snarky on purpose but that's just a character flaw!)
Cringe when I read my old posts!
I have read the entire warrant many times. Before I posted my point of view. Others who were mistaken on the timeline have already acknowledged that they were working off of incorrect info. The continued side swipes at those who do not think in lockstep is getting tiresome. IMO.

Yes, I had allowed the fact that I was 7 pages behind on this thread, to prevent me from doing my due diligence by reading All 7 pages before responding to a post.

You may not have realized that this person and I had communicated upon the particular point, over several posts.

This member directed me to the Arrest Warrant to make their point and of course in my response, it was prudent to also direct them to the Arrest Warrant for clarification.

There was no disrespect intended on my part, in anyway and when I found their post 7 pages later, that they had come to a better understanding, I did make note to them that I had oopsed and had not read that comment until after making my post.

At that point, it was too late to Edit my response. I also made the choice not to have WS MODs delete my response, since analyzing EE's Timeline is pertinent to this case.

There were several WS members in the past few days, who were under the same misconception about EE and I believe that all concerns have now been addressed with his timeline.

Anyone who still wishes to think otherwise about EE is free to do so, but now they have the facts to which they can base their decision.

Thank you for creating this dialogue and I will try to read Every post before making a response, regardless of how many pages I am behind.

From the beginning it has seemed like FD and Co have been hedging their bets on who to try to pin it on.

1. JD did it to herself ( ha - got that idea from the cowboy, as you say). 2. JD PRETENDED to do it to herself, just to spite him (stole that one from Gillian Flynn). 3. The Hardware Guy did it to her, and that’ll teach him for DISOBEYING ORDERS. 4. Michi. Dear Michi, didn’t you realise you were always expendable?



Thank you.

Love your take on how to even begin unravelling a complex ethical dilemma - faced by attorneys meeting clients every day, IMO. I would add that if Bowman made a clear statement, eye to eye, to every person involved in this case from the first contact he had with anyone related to this case: "I represent MT and my job is look after her best interests, regardless of who is footing the bill", Bowman should be all right. Nothing in the AW's or court documents indicate to the contrary. MOO.

The twist comes in way before they were arrested. I understood that both MT and FD went to see the lawyer. Bowman. Did FD meet the lawyer? If so, what was discussed? Other than I understand you’re a world class water skier.
Or did I confuse both of them going to see a different lawyer? Not Bowman. Maybe FD’s ex family lawyer? The next in line wanna be to be found guilty and having his best buddy as a cell mate.
How nice.
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