Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #26

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Yes, tragic case. I don't believe in coincidences at all so to have this area be one where FD happens to 'find' himself to me doesn't make sense as there were other routes available to him IMO where he could have maintained speed. The portion of Silver Spring that he was on IMO is curvy, slightly hilly and has a dirt portion as well. Driving on this road you would feel like you were in another world vs being on 7 or 33 or 35 or 123.

Just hope LE checked this out as it doesn't make sense as a way to 'save time' and I'm not convinced the cell service was there to operate the waze app to begin with to get him there in the first place or track him on his ankle bracelet IMO.

Thanks for your driving route POV but I'm still not seeing this detour as making much sense!

You are so right. There are no coincidences with Dulos. There is only his belief that the world needs to bend to him. This judge strikes me as a very straight shooter. He clearly has Pattis pegged as a grand stander. I cannot imagine he is going to out up with too much. I imagine his admonishment to Pattis will go something like this,"Mr. Pattis if charging his ankle bracelet once a day is too big of a task for your client, I can accommodate him by remanding him to custody pending trial."

Just when I think Pattis' comments cannot get any more ridiculous, he comes up with something even more outrageous. An ankle bracelet isn't necessary to keep tabs on his client? A Greek citizen suspected of murdering his wife isn't a flight risk? Only is Pattis world. Dulos is lucky to have such a low bond as it is. The fact that neither he nor his lawyer recognize the privilege he has been given to walk free while facing these very serious charges tells me the two of them are completely out of touch with reality.

I am beginning to wonder whether Dulos will be arrested for murder in the courtroom. It wouldn't be the first time something like that has happened. It is in a controlled setting, something LE prefers, and would save the costs of LE going to "his" house to rearrest him. On the other hand, every opportunity for LE to have Dulos in the back of a police car is another opportunity to learn something about him - even if he never says a word. You can be sure LE is working 24/7 to put all the pieces together.

I have no doubt, though, that a third arrest is in Dulos' near future. AW3 is going to answer lots of questions, including MT's role in the murder AND role as cooperator. One way or another, Dulos' days as a free man are numbered. Soon, he will no longer have to worry about that pesky ankle bracelet bothering his sensitive skin.
Well, since he longer owns an interest in the home, I don't see how he could legally put it on the market anyhow. That's GF's job now. He will sabotage any showings so I don't see any benefit to her doing so unless just to irritate him, which is fine by me.
Actually the foreclosure hasn't taken place yet.
So it's still in FD's name and Estate of JD as co-owners. It has to work it's way through the courts and I don't know how long these usually drag out but in my area it could take a year or more before the Estate has control of home.
I'm confused though on what the original route might have been where there was a traffic disturbance? 35 backs up in the afternoon but more so on the NY side IMO than the CT side. What was FD trying to avoid that put him on an old style back road that is partially unpaved in parts. I'm not sure he was on 123 as that would clearly put him in NY territory so maybe he was on 33 and 7 to avoid 123? IDK. Just hope LE tracked him and checked this out.

I also wonder about the cell service in that area as I'm not sure that if he had waze on cell that it would have been operational on all parts of Silver Spring Rd!

It would be an interesting experiment IMO to see if the cell service carried the entire distance down Silver Spring as my recollection is that it drops between Wilton and NC for a good amt of time. If this is the case then not only was Waze not able to operate but its entirely possible the FD GPS bracelet wasn't fully traceable as I believe it operates on Verizon and Sprint networks (we don't know which network it uses in case of FD).

This is all quite curious to me and I hope LE checked this out completely as the water access and wooded area in that area are sizable and there is very little to no traffic or many houses either.


There is definitely a cut off in cell service in Wilton. My husband drives this route twice a day (since we moved from Ridgefield 10 years ago) and he knows exactly where there is no service. If Fulos drove this route before (which he surely did) he would know where there is no service as well. We have AT&T for cell service.
The man with the moving company showed more feeling that FD.
I agree.

To see the moving company owner tear up and be comforted by his wife was real and IMO heartfelt, ESPECIALLY after seeing all the FD interviews to date. The moving company owner had empathy and was experiencing a depth of emotion that seems absolutely foreign to FD. IMO that was a stunning segment with the moving company segment and to see that level of emotion from STRANGERS to JD and have that emotion FAR SURPASS IMO anything we have seen from FD or any of his representatives was nothing short of stunning IMO. Still thinking about that segment with the moving company owners.

I do think our collective views on FD response to JD being missing were echoed by many of the comments from Dr Phil guests yesterday too. IMO Pattis and FD grossly miscalculated the value of so many interviews. I am also haunted by the Atty Greenburg comment about, "if you want to walk, then you don't talk" or something along those lines.... Pattis representation is IMO simply going to send FD prison for life and actually just might inspire the residents of CT to Petiton the Gov for reinstatement of the DEATH PENALTY too!

Am curious if Mrs. Dulos signed the original
listing agreement since she was a co-owner
on the property deed.
This was a smart move by the broker here to
CYA. I'm sure he's relieved to get rid of this
white elephant listing that has the cloud
hanging over it and was probably a little worried being associated any longer with such
a criminal seller.
My understanding is that the original listing agreement was signed by JD and FD. Broker has been interviewed about calling JD with updates on the sales progress of 4Jx. I believe the article with this interview is in the media thread but the broker has spoken to the print and TV press.
I've seen these type attys. before where they take
the side of the accused and then when the current defendant's atty. quits or needs help,
BAM, the new atty. just happens to be the one
who went on TV to defend the accused.
Watch this play out.
Yes, totally agree. I watched the Greenburg segment and comments again as they hit me as being 'off' the first time I watched it as he said very little of substance as it pertained to the facts of the case. He almost came off as a milk toast on Dr Phil when IMO this isn't his persona at all. When I watched his comments again it became much clearer that he was actually working quite hard to not say anything of substance and so I wondered if we would see him in the representation mix down the line at some point. But I also can't see Greenburg and Pattis working together either?

Wonder if he is getting in line to take over from Pattisville as perhaps FD isn't happy with the way things are going?!?!? I am not sure FD could work with Greenburg and visa versa but if what is standing between you and life in prison is Greenburg then perhaps FD is looking for a switch up for AW3 or AW4?

Did we ever find out if JD went back to 4JC to
oversee removing furniture and belongings.
I know the article said the movers were there
4 times before they were successful in getting
the items, but was JD there to supervise?
Did you catch FD smirk when NP talked about Christmas morning?????
*******. Useless piece of garbage.
Greenberg was factually wrong about a number of matters. He conveniently failed to remember that evidence located in Jennifer's garage established a significant physical altercation occurred there, followed by obvious efforts to clean it ip. Dulos was in that home for 2 hours before putting Jennifer's body in her Suburban. Greenberg also made no mention of Dulos' DNA mixed with Jennifer's blood in the kitchen sink. The forensic evidence already released is substantial and is only going to strengthen.

I did find Greenberg's comments about Pattis' approach to this case intelligent and surprising. There is an unwritten code that criminal defense attorneys generally do not publicly criticize their fellow members of the Bar. It is just not seen as good form. The fact that Greenberg obviously had no such hesitation tells us that Pattis' conduct is so outside what is considered aggressive representation that even his fellow lawyers feel comfortable speaking about it. Joey Jackson also tipped around Pattis' tactics on HLN, quickly changing the subject.

Still, it is obvious that experienced defenders are very, very concerned about his approach to this case. It does not seem well-considered or effective. Even more significant, by agreeing to two very public and publicized interviews, Dulos has given prosecutors a gift far, far bigger than the one Pattis complained about not receiving in his comments after readingAW2. While Coangelo cannot force Dulos to testify against himself, or even comment to the jury about his failure to do so (under the 5th Amendment), Dulos has effectively already testified-poorly- for him.

The interviews were freely, voluntarily and knowingly given by Dulos, without threats or coercion, to non-law enforcement 3d parties. They were not made during custodial interrogations, nor is there any other reason he can move to exclude the admission of these interviews at trial. There is the old catchall to exclude evidence if the prejudicial impact of its admission outweighs its probative value, but that is a stretch and one that I do not see being successful. After all, Dulos is the one who created this evidence - in one instance, against the advice of counsel.

While there is going to be a great deal of impactful evidence at trial, this particular evidence is going to be quite informative to the jury. No concern for his missing wife, narcissistic complaints about how tough it has been for him, the use of past tenses to describe a woman he claims to believe his still alive, his entire demeanor. Both interviews were a train wreck.

If Pattis is disappointed with the lack of a Christmas present in AW2, just imagine his reaction when he realizes that, like all bad boys and girls, the lump of coal in his stocking was the result of the decisions he made pretrial. The expensive Lionel train set, with the fancy lights and whistles, and even extra track were given to Coangelo by Dulos when he elected to run his mouth. Those statements will be the gift that keeps on giving; they should NEVER have been made in the first place.
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Did we ever find out if JD went back to 4JC to
oversee removing furniture and belongings.
I know the article said the movers were there
4 times before they were successful in getting
the items, but was JD there to supervise?
Thats an interesting question and even though I've watched the 2 interviews with the moving company couple I'm not clear that JD was there for the move as the moving company owners seemed to be talking to JD on the phone when they talk about their conversations with her. I am with you on this as to being confused. But perhaps the moving company couple will be witnesses and the State asked them not to explain anything beyond the basics of their interaction with JD. MOO
It’s just frightening to know people like him exist among us.

Sadly, I think people like FD are all over the place. Imagine how a victim like JD, who was afraid FD might kill her, would have never
thought she would be the focus of the news as she is now, with her face being broadcast on TV and the internet to the extent that it is.
I would think all this publicity would pressure LE to really start to crack down on FD.
Yes, the interview with the moving company couple was quite insightful. It's interesting that almost everyone, when asked to describe Jennifer,
begins with saying she was very soft-spoken which I read is often tied to low self-confidence and shyness....just the type of person FD could control.
Perhaps similar to Princess Diana.
Actually the foreclosure hasn't taken place yet.
So it's still in FD's name and Estate of JD as co-owners. It has to work it's way through the courts and I don't know how long these usually drag out but in my area it could take a year or more before the Estate has control of home.
I don't think an estate has been opened for JD since no one has found a body and she has not been declared legally dead yet IMO. So the house remains as titled until the foreclosure judgment is entered and the sale held JMO.

Regarding FD - I think he is still very arrogant and believes he will not be convicted. I think we have a similar situation with Kelsey Berreth and her alleged killer - the main difference is KK turned on PF and MT seems to be holding on tight. JMO
I don't think an estate has been opened for JD since no one has found a body and she has not been declared legally dead yet IMO. So the house remains as titled until the foreclosure judgment is entered and the sale held JMO.

Regarding FD - I think he is still very arrogant and believes he will not be convicted. I think we have a similar situation with Kelsey Berreth and her alleged killer - the main difference is KK turned on PF and MT seems to be holding on tight. JMO
I've checked the county records and an "Estate" has been filed and the 4JC property
is listed as being in both names, FD and Estate of JD. I was a little surprised also that this has been done already
but it seems the attys. are on top of this to
protect the childrens' interests.
First chance he gets, FD will turn on MT. She did it, he only tried to help clean it up, didn't want her to go to jail, feels terrible about it now, etc, etc. She already flubbed the script so she's desperate to convey she's still on his side, but the second she starts singing, he'll Patrick Frazee her.

I don't think an estate has been opened for JD since no one has found a body and she has not been declared legally dead yet IMO. So the house remains as titled until the foreclosure judgment is entered and the sale held JMO.

Regarding FD - I think he is still very arrogant and believes he will not be convicted. I think we have a similar situation with Kelsey Berreth and her alleged killer - the main difference is KK turned on PF and MT seems to be holding on tight. JMO
We really do not know if MT is holding on tight or not. She was given the courtesy of turning herself in for AW2 and she did get a lower bail. I am not too keen on entertaining any type of signals she may or may not be giving as that requires too much speculation for my taste.
Yes, totally agree. I watched the Greenburg segment and comments again as they hit me as being 'off' the first time I watched it as he said very little of substance as it pertained to the facts of the case. He almost came off as a milk toast on Dr Phil when IMO this isn't his persona at all. When I watched his comments again it became much clearer that he was actually working quite hard to not say anything of substance and so I wondered if we would see him in the representation mix down the line at some point. But I also can't see Greenburg and Pattis working together either?

Wonder if he is getting in line to take over from Pattisville as perhaps FD isn't happy with the way things are going?!?!? I am not sure FD could work with Greenburg and visa versa but if what is standing between you and life in prison is Greenburg then perhaps FD is looking for a switch up for AW3 or AW4?

Yes, he pointed out the lack of blood splatter in the garage as being significant but failed to mention the evidence that the crime scene had been cleaned up.
I think it's the culmination of all the blood found in different places, along with all the evidence that a lot of blood had been cleaned up (and was dispersed in so many garbage bags) that is significant. Imo
I've checked the county records and an "Estate" has been filed and the 4JC property
is listed as being in both names, FD and Estate of JD. I was a little surprised also that this has been done already
but it seems the attys. are on top of this to
protect the childrens' interests.
holy cow really? We can't open an estate unless we have the certified death certificate - I will have to go have a look - do you have the link handy by chance?? This is very interesting IMO Thanks
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Greenberg was factually wrong about a number of matters. He conveniently failed to remember that evidence located in Jennifer's garage established a significant physical altercation occurred there, followed by obvious efforts to clean it ip. Dulos was in that home for 2 hours before putting Jennifer's body in her Suburban. Greenberg also made no mention of Dulos' DNA mixed with Jennifer's blood in the kitchen sink. The forensic evidence already released is substantial and is only going to strengthen.

I did find Greenberg's comments about Pattis' approach to this case intelligent and surprising. There is an unwritten code that criminal defense attorneys generally do not publicly criticize their fellow members of the Bar. It is just not seen as good form. The fact that Greenberg obviously had no such hesitation tells us that Pattis' conduct is so outside what is considered aggressive representation that even his fellow lawyers feel comfortable speaking about it. Joey Jackson also tipped around Pattis' tactics on HLN, quickly changing the subject.

Still, it is obvious that experienced defenders are very, very concerned about his approach to this case. It does not seem well-considered or effective. Even more significant, by agreeing to two very public and publicized interviews, Dulos has given prosecutors a gift far, far bigger than the one Pattis complained about not receiving in his comments after readingAW2. While Coangelo cannot force Dulos to testify against himself, or even comment to the jury about his failure to do so (under the 5th Amendment), Dulos has effectively already testified-poorly- for him.

The interviews were freely, voluntarily and knowingly given by Dulos, without threats or coercion, to non-law enforcement 3d parties. They were not made during custodial interrogations, nor is there any other reason he can move to exclude the admission of these interviews at trial. There is the old catchall to exclude evidence if the prejudicial impact of its admission outweighs its probative value, but that is a stretch and one that I do not see being successful. After all, Dulos is the one who created this evidence - in one instance, against the advice of counsel.

While there is going to be a great deal of impactful evidence at trial, this particular evidence is going to be quite informative to the jury. No concern for his missing wife, narcissistic complaints about how tough it has been for him, the use of past tenses to describe a woman he claims to believe his still alive, his entire demeanor. Both interviews were a train wreck.

If Pattis is disappointed with the lack of a Christmas present in AW2, just imagine his reaction when he realizes that, like all bad boys and girls, the lump of coal in his stocking was the result of the decisions he made pretrial. The expensive Lionel train set, with the fancy lights and whistles, and even extra track were given to Coangelo by Dulos when he elected to run his mouth. Those statements will be the gift that keeps on giving; they should NEVER have been made in the first place.
Yes, his interviews remind me of the Jodi Arias trial and her many interviews with the media.

All were used to show what a narcissistic, unfeeling, calculating, and pathological liar she was.
It worked. Imo
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