Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #26

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Jennifer Dulos divorce: Judge tosses psych exam that favored Fotis Dulos
— A family court judge has stricken from the record testimony and a psychological evaluation report that Fotis Dulos’ attorneys touted as being favorable toward their client.
Heller has ordered Herman’s testimony stricken from the record, ruled the hearings as a mistrial, since they were never completed, and required that his report remained sealed. Heller also noted in the order that anyone who reveals or releases the report could face sanctions or contempt of court.
I don't think an estate has been opened for JD since no one has found a body and she has not been declared legally dead yet IMO. So the house remains as titled until the foreclosure judgment is entered and the sale held JMO.

Regarding FD - I think he is still very arrogant and believes he will not be convicted. I think we have a similar situation with Kelsey Berreth and her alleged killer - the main difference is KK turned on PF and MT seems to be holding on tight. JMO

I wonder what could cause MT to completely turn on FD at this point? Maybe it depends on why she is holding several here have said, it could be to save herself, or it could be because she cannot bear to rat FD out. I think the only thing that will get her to give the authorities the information that they want is if she finds out he is planning to blame her, or if she finds out that he was stepping out on her with someone else. Seems like even the thought of prison time isn’t enough to do that. But if she finds out that he has betrayed her in some way, she might do what she should. I keep hoping that another woman’s name will surface, though it would be hard to believe that a woman would out herself in this instance. Someone else would have to do that.
I don't think an estate has been opened for JD since no one has found a body and she has not been declared legally dead yet IMO. So the house remains as titled until the foreclosure judgment is entered and the sale held JMO.

Regarding FD - I think he is still very arrogant and believes he will not be convicted. I think we have a similar situation with Kelsey Berreth and her alleged killer - the main difference is KK turned on PF and MT seems to be holding on tight. JMO
If you look at the docs for the foreclosure it seems like there might have been some kind of living will in place to take on the ownership of JD 50% at 4Jx.

I'm sure from an estate standpoint for JD the issues are many and complex due to the overall situation with the disapperance and FD likely involvement etc. Its never been clear if there was a prenup or a post nup in place. I am sure the top notch legal team for GF is working on this complicated situation.

I wonder what could cause MT to completely turn on FD at this point? Maybe it depends on why she is holding several here have said, it could be to save herself, or it could be because she cannot bear to rat FD out. I think the only thing that will get her to give the authorities the information that they want is if she finds out he is planning to blame her, or if she finds out that he was stepping out on her with someone else. Seems like even the thought of prison time isn’t enough to do that. But if she finds out that he has betrayed her in some way, she might do what she should. I keep hoping that another woman’s name will surface, though it would be hard to believe that a woman would out herself in this instance. Someone else would have to do that.

BBM. How about being able to see her daughter, hold her daughter, go to her daughter's events, be a part of her daughter's life?
Yes, he pointed out the lack of blood splatter in the garage as being significant but failed to mention the evidence that the crime scene had been cleaned up.
I think it's the culmination of all the blood found in different places, along with all the evidence that a lot of blood had been cleaned up (and was dispersed in so many garbage bags) that is significant. Imo

BBM. Except, that "pointing out" he did was a lie, as we know there WAS noticeable blood splatter in the garage - enough for the naked eye to discern - even after having had a "cleanup".
Jennifer Dulos divorce: Judge tosses psych exam that favored Fotis Dulos
— A family court judge has stricken from the record testimony and a psychological evaluation report that Fotis Dulos’ attorneys touted as being favorable toward their client.
Heller has ordered Herman’s testimony stricken from the record, ruled the hearings as a mistrial, since they were never completed, and required that his report remained sealed. Heller also noted in the order that anyone who reveals or releases the report could face sanctions or contempt of court.

Consequences in Family Court, what an absolute breath of Fresh Air from Judge Heller IMO!

Quote from above article (posting here in case Pattisville/Rochlin doesn't take the time to yet again read the Family Court records):

"Heller has ordered Herman’s testimony stricken from the record, ruled the hearings as a mistrial, since they were never completed, and required that his report remained sealed. Heller also noted in the order that anyone who reveals or releases the report could face sanctions or contempt of court".

BBM. How about being able to see her daughter, hold her daughter, go to her daughter's events, be a part of her daughter's life?

Wouldn’t you think so? And yet, she is still protecting him. Maybe she really is only protecting herself because she is more involved that she has said, but I don’t think that’s all of it. I really think she is more worried about losing him than she is about losing her daughter.
I wonder what could cause MT to completely turn on FD at this point? Maybe it depends on why she is holding several here have said, it could be to save herself, or it could be because she cannot bear to rat FD out. I think the only thing that will get her to give the authorities the information that they want is if she finds out he is planning to blame her, or if she finds out that he was stepping out on her with someone else. Seems like even the thought of prison time isn’t enough to do that. But if she finds out that he has betrayed her in some way, she might do what she should. I keep hoping that another woman’s name will surface, though it would be hard to believe that a woman would out herself in this instance. Someone else would have to do that.
Perhaps as many have thought that she is in this crime up to her eyeballs and cannot figure out how to easily 'come clean'?

Bowman is a very experienced prosecutor and maybe he has finally made it through to MT that if her involvment is extensive that she is looking at a very long prison sentence?

Personally I'm not optimistic on MT cooperation but perhaps it will just take awhile for her to come to terms with her situation.

Wouldn’t you think so? And yet, she is still protecting him. Maybe she really is only protecting herself because she is more involved that she has said, but I don’t think that’s all of it. I really think she is more worried about losing him than she is about losing her daughter.
I agree that FD and MT seem to be totally enmeshed from a relationship standpoint.

Delusion and Denial IMO can be powerful tools of the brain, so it just might take time.

Issue is that Colangelo might not have enough time and MT testimony might not end up having much value either given her difficulty telling the truth except when confronted with images/pictures.

Seems like Colangelo has just kept his train moving and put MT off to the side for now but who know what is really going on behind the scenes?

Yes, he pointed out the lack of blood splatter in the garage as being significant but failed to mention the evidence that the crime scene had been cleaned up.
I think it's the culmination of all the blood found in different places, along with all the evidence that a lot of blood had been cleaned up (and was dispersed in so many garbage bags) that is significant. Imo
The entire issue of blood is something I've tried to quantify with no success.

On Dr Phil we had the spectrum of views from Nancy Grace "blood everywhere" to Greenburg saying "miniscule" amounts of blood in the house and garage.

Frankly I'm discounting Greenburg as IMO he is an outlier on the blood volume discussion in this crime and I also suspect he is trying to position himself as a substitute for Pattis at some point. The Greenburg comments simply didn't IMO line up with what everyone here read in the arrest warrants IMO and I found this suspect! The criminologist on Dr Phil did see the blood as being extensive between the gargage and the items found on Albany.

We have had quite a bit of blood evidence on JD Suburban, mat, knife, VV tee and bra, mops and sponges. Absent more info it seems that LE have said a 'violent attack' at Welles along with a clean up of the garage which leads me to believe a good amt of blood loss.

How to quantify this IDK? Does this mean 1-2 pints of blood or less?

Nancy Grace was fixated on the use of the word "splatter" and I can't disagree with her that this could result in a good amount of blood loss so maybe 2 pints lost in Welles garage wouldn't be outside the realm of possible. Again, IDK. Pure speculation based on the AWs!

Wish we knew more.

BBM. Except, that "pointing out" he did was a lie, as we know there WAS noticeable blood splatter in the garage - enough for the naked eye to discern - even after having had a "cleanup".
Yes, he either did not do his research or he was intentionally misleading. He was trying to support his opinion that there was not enough blood evidence to prove that she was dead or that he had killed her.
But just because there was not enough blood splatter to indicate a brutal crime occurred does not mean that it did not exist before it was cleaned up. He would obviously know that. Makes me wonder what his intentions really are. Imo
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holy cow really? We can't open an estate unless we have the certified death certificate - I will have to go have a look - do you have the link handy by chance?? This is very interesting IMO Thanks
I think its a living will type of trust and not an estate. Think this vehicle was put in place to hold JD 50% interest in 4Jx and is being used for the foreclosure action.
Here is link:
Absolutely agree that there was little reason for FD to ever end up in that stretch of backwoods area.

I can just imagine FD pulling out what little hair he has on his head as he leaves traffic and pavement and hits a dirt road!

Can you imagine the temper tantrum?

I wonder if the JD body is around that area and that is why FD returned to that location?

So, two reasons FD could have been out on Silver Spring Rd on 6/25: either to look for a remote, cell-free spot to cut off his ankle monitor; or, to revisit the scene where he had been on may 24th. (I note the interesting timing, that this trip of his was the day they announced the search at MIRA had ended with nothing found).

Some of you have said here that murderers can't avoid revisiting the scene; he would have to be super stupid to revisit the scene when he was tracked by GPS, you think he would have learned from the Albany Ave mistake. So maybe this was to mislead. Nonetheless...

On the latter point, originally I timed it out using Google map and found it did not fit with the 47 minute time frame between Welles-Waveny-Merritt NC rest area, and found going out to Silver Spring Rd was at least 10 minutes longer than available time.

However, I made a misjudgment there and had him going RT from Waveny out to Silver Spring, and when I went back and re-did the route getting on the Merritt on the way back instead, it came up with 39 minutes RT. Add that to Welles-Waveny in 10 minutes, and it is very close to the elapsed time in AW2 between Welles-NB 15 NC rest stop (47 minutes). Especially if the neighbor webcam timer on Welles is off by a minute or two from the rest stop timer. So it's possible that he went out there after the body transfer on Lapham on the 24th.

The route I used on Google maps started at the parking lot inside Waveny Park (I could not get it set exactly on the Lapham Rd pullout, this is actually a bit further than the Lapham pullout so could account for 1-2 minute added time, making it even closer in time), then to an address on corner of Wilton Rd (exact address withheld for privacy, used for convenience only), South Salem NY, which is on the corner of Silver Spring and Wilton Rd/Vista Rd and a good spot for where the remote, no-houses section of Silver Spring/Laurel begins; then exactly to the NB 15 Mobil/Dunkin service station at NC. Total time it gives me is 39 minutes for that trip.
While parts of this road are bumpy, unpaved, the speed limit is 25 but you can speed at least 10-15mph over back there on the straight sections if you don't mind it too bumpy. He would be in the truck, so no problem. And no chance getting caught speeding back there, it's very remote almost like a private road. IMO.

This would mean that everything had to happen quickly, the body transfer at Lapham, the dump on Silver Spring, and back to the Merritt. He wouldn't even necessarily need to get all the way to East St where it crosses directly over the reservoir (plus the water level might have been too low then, not sure) because there are plenty of remote woods to put a body there before that. Certainly nobody would associate this area with FD in any way. Very wooded so home webcams not likely to catch cars on the road.

Someone who is local might want to go out there and see if starting at Lapham how far you can get up Silver Spring in 17-20 minutes, if you can get to the section past Wilton Rd/Vista Rd (Wilton Rd on NY side, Vista Rd on Wilton side). Use a truck or 4WD so you can speed on the bumpy part :)

Of course, if there is substantial blood in 80MS, that would mean the body was brought up there. I lean towards that being the case, but this scenario could be another option to account for the time gap after leaving Welles that morning.

Jennifer Dulos divorce: Judge tosses psych exam that favored Fotis Dulos
— A family court judge has stricken from the record testimony and a psychological evaluation report that Fotis Dulos’ attorneys touted as being favorable toward their client.
Heller has ordered Herman’s testimony stricken from the record, ruled the hearings as a mistrial, since they were never completed, and required that his report remained sealed. Heller also noted in the order that anyone who reveals or releases the report could face sanctions or contempt of court.
Well I'll be Darn, Judge Heller must be reading @afitzy's posts. :p
Well I'll be Darn, Judge Heller must be reading @afitzy's posts. :p
Haha! :cool: Sincerely doubt it!

But I do hope Judge Heller restores order to her courtroom and locks down that rogue report tight. It was encouraging to see her do something/anything to keep that report out of criminal court. I do think Pattis has that report in his sites still so I'm not sure what legal maneuvers and hoops could bring the banned psych report to light in criminal court but I am sure we will sadly see something!

Just happy for now that the report is 'off the table' in Family Court and secure. But I do wish that the atty's involved had been sanctioned for referring to the report as 'favorable' to FD as that will forever be in the public domain! Rochlin and Pattis IMO should be required to issue retractions of ALL public statements made on that report to the Press. Not sure Judge Heller knows or really cares about the damage that report might just have over the long term of the GF custody battle or even its possible unknown impact in Criminal Court.

Its all just me being an idiot whistling into the wind about Family Court! Many times I know its pointless to even bring up so many of these judicary related issues but sometimes it just becomes enraging and I simply type out a post to reduce my frustration with the overall situation! Glad to put this psych report issue in the rear view mirror so we can focus on more impt things!

Perhaps as many have thought that she is in this crime up to her eyeballs and cannot figure out how to easily 'come clean'?

Bowman is a very experienced prosecutor and maybe he has finally made it through to MT that if her involvment is extensive that she is looking at a very long prison sentence?

Personally I'm not optimistic on MT cooperation but perhaps it will just take awhile for her to come to terms with her situation. MOO

Bingo. Perhaps she can't talk, because it would just be incriminating herself. I really think this is the ONLY reason she hasn't spoken up.

Her photos with her daughter make her appear to care about her. So if she hasn't given up info on FD, perhaps it's because she's equally guilty.
So, two reasons FD could have been out on Silver Spring Rd on 6/25: either to look for a remote, cell-free spot to cut off his ankle monitor; or, to revisit the scene where he had been on may 24th. (I note the interesting timing, that this trip of his was the day they announced the search at MIRA had ended with nothing found).

Some of you have said here that murderers can't avoid revisiting the scene; he would have to be super stupid to revisit the scene when he was tracked by GPS, you think he would have learned from the Albany Ave mistake. So maybe this was to mislead. Nonetheless...

On the latter point, originally I timed it out using Google map and found it did not fit with the 47 minute time frame between Welles-Waveny-Merritt NC rest area, and found going out to Silver Spring Rd was at least 10 minutes longer than available time.

However, I made a misjudgment there and had him going RT from Waveny out to Silver Spring, and when I went back and re-did the route getting on the Merritt on the way back instead, it came up with 39 minutes RT. Add that to Welles-Waveny in 10 minutes, and it is very close to the elapsed time in AW2 between Welles-NB 15 NC rest stop (47 minutes). Especially if the neighbor webcam timer on Welles is off by a minute or two from the rest stop timer. So it's possible that he went out there after the body transfer on Lapham on the 24th.

The route I used on Google maps started at the parking lot inside Waveny Park (I could not get it set exactly on the Lapham Rd pullout, this is actually a bit further than the Lapham pullout so could account for 1-2 minute added time, making it even closer in time), then to an address on corner of Wilton Rd (exact address withheld for privacy, used for convenience only), South Salem NY, which is on the corner of Silver Spring and Wilton Rd/Vista Rd and a good spot for where the remote, no-houses section of Silver Spring/Laurel begins; then exactly to the NB 15 Mobil/Dunkin service station at NC. Total time it gives me is 39 minutes for that trip.
While parts of this road are bumpy, unpaved, the speed limit is 25 but you can speed at least 10-15mph over back there on the straight sections if you don't mind it too bumpy. He would be in the truck, so no problem. And no chance getting caught speeding back there, it's very remote almost like a private road. IMO.

This would mean that everything had to happen quickly, the body transfer at Lapham, the dump on Silver Spring, and back to the Merritt. He wouldn't even necessarily need to get all the way to East St where it crosses directly over the reservoir (plus the water level might have been too low then, not sure) because there are plenty of remote woods to put a body there before that. Certainly nobody would associate this area with FD in any way. Very wooded so home webcams not likely to catch cars on the road.

Someone who is local might want to go out there and see if starting at Lapham how far you can get up Silver Spring in 17-20 minutes, if you can get to the section past Wilton Rd/Vista Rd (Wilton Rd on NY side, Vista Rd on Wilton side). Use a truck or 4WD so you can speed on the bumpy part :)

Of course, if there is substantial blood in 80MS, that would mean the body was brought up there. I lean towards that being the case, but this scenario could be another option to account for the time gap after leaving Welles that morning.

I really do think this area around Browns Reservoir could tick alot of boxes as a place to dispose of a body and so I hope LE has looked at it and tried to find CCTV footage on the roads feeding into Silver Spring. I also agree it would be worth a trial run to see how long it could take to get from Lapham to Browns/Silver Spring.
So, two reasons FD could have been out on Silver Spring Rd on 6/25: either to look for a remote, cell-free spot to cut off his ankle monitor; or, to revisit the scene where he had been on may 24th. (I note the interesting timing, that this trip of his was the day they announced the search at MIRA had ended with nothing found).

Some of you have said here that murderers can't avoid revisiting the scene; he would have to be super stupid to revisit the scene when he was tracked by GPS, you think he would have learned from the Albany Ave mistake. So maybe this was to mislead. Nonetheless...

On the latter point, originally I timed it out using Google map and found it did not fit with the 47 minute time frame between Welles-Waveny-Merritt NC rest area, and found going out to Silver Spring Rd was at least 10 minutes longer than available time.

However, I made a misjudgment there and had him going RT from Waveny out to Silver Spring, and when I went back and re-did the route getting on the Merritt on the way back instead, it came up with 39 minutes RT. Add that to Welles-Waveny in 10 minutes, and it is very close to the elapsed time in AW2 between Welles-NB 15 NC rest stop (47 minutes). Especially if the neighbor webcam timer on Welles is off by a minute or two from the rest stop timer. So it's possible that he went out there after the body transfer on Lapham on the 24th.

The route I used on Google maps started at the parking lot inside Waveny Park (I could not get it set exactly on the Lapham Rd pullout, this is actually a bit further than the Lapham pullout so could account for 1-2 minute added time, making it even closer in time), then to an address on corner of Wilton Rd (exact address withheld for privacy, used for convenience only), South Salem NY, which is on the corner of Silver Spring and Wilton Rd/Vista Rd and a good spot for where the remote, no-houses section of Silver Spring/Laurel begins; then exactly to the NB 15 Mobil/Dunkin service station at NC. Total time it gives me is 39 minutes for that trip.
While parts of this road are bumpy, unpaved, the speed limit is 25 but you can speed at least 10-15mph over back there on the straight sections if you don't mind it too bumpy. He would be in the truck, so no problem. And no chance getting caught speeding back there, it's very remote almost like a private road. IMO.

This would mean that everything had to happen quickly, the body transfer at Lapham, the dump on Silver Spring, and back to the Merritt. He wouldn't even necessarily need to get all the way to East St where it crosses directly over the reservoir (plus the water level might have been too low then, not sure) because there are plenty of remote woods to put a body there before that. Certainly nobody would associate this area with FD in any way. Very wooded so home webcams not likely to catch cars on the road.

Someone who is local might want to go out there and see if starting at Lapham how far you can get up Silver Spring in 17-20 minutes, if you can get to the section past Wilton Rd/Vista Rd (Wilton Rd on NY side, Vista Rd on Wilton side). Use a truck or 4WD so you can speed on the bumpy part :)

Of course, if there is substantial blood in 80MS, that would mean the body was brought up there. I lean towards that being the case, but this scenario could be another option to account for the time gap after leaving Welles that morning.


There are some very nice homes along SS Rd and all in that area. I'd bet that most of them have video or still cameras, because the area is a bit remote.
Jennifer Dulos divorce: Judge tosses psych exam that favored Fotis Dulos
— A family court judge has stricken from the record testimony and a psychological evaluation report that Fotis Dulos’ attorneys touted as being favorable toward their client.
Heller has ordered Herman’s testimony stricken from the record, ruled the hearings as a mistrial, since they were never completed, and required that his report remained sealed. Heller also noted in the order that anyone who reveals or releases the report could face sanctions or contempt of court.
Well, his description of Dulos as "gregarious and confident" may also be indicative of being "narcissistic and arrogant." Imo
Bingo. Perhaps she can't talk, because it would just be incriminating herself. I really think this is the ONLY reason she hasn't spoken up.

Her photos with her daughter make her appear to care about her. So if she hasn't given up info on FD, perhaps it's because she's equally guilty.
Yes, that's what I'm thinking as well.
Most people, in the end, won't sacrifice their lives to protect someone else.
Would she really be willing to face spending years in prison to protect her lover? She must realize there is very little chance that he will be free for much longer.
Or is she still holding on to hope?

In light of the recent charges she must be aware that LE knows more than she may have thought before.
If she was only involved in the cover up after the murder then she has a chance to cooperate and work out a deal.Who wouldn't do that to avoid sitting in a cell staring at the walls for however many years?

Unless telling the truth includes her direct involvement in the crime.
I doubt she would be given much of a deal if she is an accomplice to murder. Imo
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