Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #26

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Civil Case Discovery Request by Atty Weinstein/GF - Response filed by Atty Murray on behalf of FD/FORE - not new but wanted to put it into the thread so people could see the filing and that every request made by Atty Weinstein was objected to by Atty Murray.


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Yes, that's what I'm thinking as well.
Most people, in the end, won't sacrifice their lives to protect someone else.
Would she really be willing to face spending years in prison to protect her lover? She must realize there is very little chance that he will be free for much longer.
Or is she still holding on to hope?

In light of the recent charges she must be aware that LE knows more than she may have thought before.
If she was only involved in the cover up after the murder then she has a chance to cooperate and work out a deal.Who wouldn't do that to avoid sitting in a cell staring at the walls for however many years?

Unless telling the truth includes her direct involvement in the crime.
I doubt she would be given much of a deal if she is an accomplice to murder. Imo
I think it all comes down to whether she had PRIOR knowledge of FD’s plans. If she planned with intent and he took steps to carry that out, there is conspiracy for murder 1 and she most definitely should cut a deal or she will face life in prison. If she merely was an accessory after the fact, she isn’t facing as much time and there is less incentive to talk. I haven’t seen any evidence yet of prior knowledge. At most I have seen evidence of being an accessory after the fact, by cleaning the car and helping him cover the murder up. That just isn’t the same as conspiracy which does require evidence of intent and an agreement between the two. Perhaps there is evidence to infer that intent but I think of LE had that, she would be talking honestly by now. MOO.
Jennifer Dulos divorce: Judge tosses psych exam that favored Fotis Dulos
— A family court judge has stricken from the record testimony and a psychological evaluation report that Fotis Dulos’ attorneys touted as being favorable toward their client.
Heller has ordered Herman’s testimony stricken from the record, ruled the hearings as a mistrial, since they were never completed, and required that his report remained sealed. Heller also noted in the order that anyone who reveals or releases the report could face sanctions or contempt of court.
I wonder how "gregarious and confident" NP and FD feel about this ruling? MOO!
Yes, that's what I'm thinking as well.
Most people, in the end, won't sacrifice their lives to protect someone else.
Would she really be willing to face spending years in prison to protect her lover? She must realize there is very little chance that he will be free for much longer.
Or is she still holding on to hope?

In light of the recent charges she must be aware that LE knows more than she may have thought before.
If she was only involved in the cover up after the murder then she has a chance to cooperate and work out a deal.Who wouldn't do that to avoid sitting in a cell staring at the walls for however many years?

Unless telling the truth includes her direct involvement in the crime.
I doubt she would be given much of a deal if she is an accomplice to murder. Imo

Honestly, I just don’t think MT is very smart. I do think she may be cunning, and has some sort of street smarts, but it seems to me that she has lived a sort of charmed life up to now, and it never occurred to her that, at the very least, helping to get rid of the evidence of the murder of her lover’s wife, would be a problem for her. I think FD’s gregarious confidence led her to believe that it was all covered, and she is in disbelief that she’s going to go to prison. What she can and will absolutely be convicted of is going to send her to prison. It appeared this week when she went to court, that she is finally realizing that she is going to prison. She would have been smart to run before she got arrested back in May, and even smarter not to participate-not to mention if she had called the police before FD killed Jennifer (assuming she had prior knowledge). She just isn’t very smart. But maybe FD doesn’t really like smart women.
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Honestly, I just don’t think MT is very smart. I do think she may be cunning, and have some sort of street smarts, but it seems to me that she has lived a sort of charmed life up to now, and it never occurred to her that, at the very least, helping to get rid of the evidence of the murder of her lover’s wife, would be a problem for her. I think FD’s gregarious confidence led her to believe that it was all covered, and she is in disbelief that she’s going to go to prison. What she can and will absolutely be convicted of is going to send her to prison. It appeared this week when she went to court, that she is finally realizing that she is going to prison. She would have been smart to run before she got arrested back in May, and even smarter not to participate-not to mention if she had called the police before FD killed Jennifer (assuming she had prior knowledge). She just isn’t very smart. But maybe FD doesn’t really like smart women.

I think he was "enamored" with MT's lack of smarts -> -> someone to point the finger to was needed in case everything started backfiring
Gosh, this would make me think she would be singing like a canary! That would be something I wouldn't be able to get off my mind if I were her and I was innocent! She's well aware of how FD was trying to pull EE into the situation!
I really do think this area around Browns Reservoir could tick alot of boxes as a place to dispose of a body and so I hope LE has looked at it and tried to find CCTV footage on the roads feeding into Silver Spring. I also agree it would be worth a trial run to see how long it could take to get from Lapham to Browns/Silver Spring.
Yes, I wrote Laurel in my post but I meant Browns. I was thinking Laurel earlier before SS Rd. was revealed but that is out by Stamford Nature Center. Lots of reservoirs to choose from...
While water is ideal of course, I think he could also have just put her in the woods along SS. LE should check if FD went out there on the Wednesday before 5/24 when he was in NC for dinner, or maybe the prior Friday at the same time. He would have had it planned out before, he didn't just go to a place like that randomly. Also see if there is any home webcam that shows him on 6/25 and what he was doing, where he turned around, etc. He was in his Kia rental by then right.
Maybe there will be more on the 6/25 trip down SS on Monday in court, see if LE believe he went there to cut the ankle monitor.
What is clear is that FD knows about this very remote, concealed place, that was not too far from the scene of the crime.
Greenberg was factually wrong about a number of matters. He conveniently failed to remember that evidence located in Jennifer's garage established a significant physical altercation occurred there, followed by obvious efforts to clean it ip. Dulos was in that home for 2 hours before putting Jennifer's body in her Suburban. Greenberg also made no mention of Dulos' DNA mixed with Jennifer's blood in the kitchen sink. The forensic evidence already released is substantial and is only going to strengthen.

I did find Greenberg's comments about Pattis' approach to this case intelligent and surprising. There is an unwritten code that criminal defense attorneys generally do not publicly criticize their fellow members of the Bar. It is just not seen as good form. The fact that Greenberg obviously had no such hesitation tells us that Pattis' conduct is so outside what is considered aggressive representation that even his fellow lawyers feel comfortable speaking about it. Joey Jackson also tipped around Pattis' tactics on HLN, quickly changing the subject.

Still, it is obvious that experienced defenders are very, very concerned about his approach to this case. It does not seem well-considered or effective. Even more significant, by agreeing to two very public and publicized interviews, Dulos has given prosecutors a gift far, far bigger than the one Pattis complained about not receiving in his comments after readingAW2. While Coangelo cannot force Dulos to testify against himself, or even comment to the jury about his failure to do so (under the 5th Amendment), Dulos has effectively already testified-poorly- for him.

The interviews were freely, voluntarily and knowingly given by Dulos, without threats or coercion, to non-law enforcement 3d parties. They were not made during custodial interrogations, nor is there any other reason he can move to exclude the admission of these interviews at trial. There is the old catchall to exclude evidence if the prejudicial impact of its admission outweighs its probative value, but that is a stretch and one that I do not see being successful. After all, Dulos is the one who created this evidence - in one instance, against the advice of counsel.

While there is going to be a great deal of impactful evidence at trial, this particular evidence is going to be quite informative to the jury. No concern for his missing wife, narcissistic complaints about how tough it has been for him, the use of past tenses to describe a woman he claims to believe his still alive, his entire demeanor. Both interviews were a train wreck.

If Pattis is disappointed with the lack of a Christmas present in AW2, just imagine his reaction when he realizes that, like all bad boys and girls, the lump of coal in his stocking was the result of the decisions he made pretrial. The expensive Lionel train set, with the fancy lights and whistles, and even extra track were given to Coangelo by Dulos when he elected to run his mouth. Those statements will be the gift that keeps on giving; they should NEVER have been made in the first place.
That's because FD's ego comes first.

He's an idiot. He is so self absorbed and will never ever be able to recognize that he is BECAUSE he is so self absorbed! It's truly amazing to watch. Moo.
BBM. Except, that "pointing out" he did was a lie, as we know there WAS noticeable blood splatter in the garage - enough for the naked eye to discern - even after having had a "cleanup".
I believe LE right from the start made a statement to the effect of the amount of blood found in the garage leads them to believe she was the victim of a SERIOUS assault and woulf not have been able to survive (not exact words).
I wonder what could cause MT to completely turn on FD at this point? Maybe it depends on why she is holding several here have said, it could be to save herself, or it could be because she cannot bear to rat FD out. I think the only thing that will get her to give the authorities the information that they want is if she finds out he is planning to blame her, or if she finds out that he was stepping out on her with someone else. Seems like even the thought of prison time isn’t enough to do that. But if she finds out that he has betrayed her in some way, she might do what she should. I keep hoping that another woman’s name will surface, though it would be hard to believe that a woman would out herself in this instance. Someone else would have to do that.
Certainly by now she has to realize that life as she has known it is all gone. No more expansive house in an exclusive enclave, no more dinner parties, ski trips with the kids, and no more business meetings. They threw everything away by trying to preserve a lifestyle that never really belonged to them. They have to realize that. Even if they somehow got out of this mess there is no way they could return to that life. There is no financial basis and they both will wear that bright scarlet S for life. They have destroyed it all and at some point that reality will catch up to both of them. MOO
Summary of Dr Phil and Dr Oz show's by SA:

Not enough evidence for murder in Jennifer Dulos case, attorney tells Dr. Phil

Quotes from Greenberg: PS Does anyone else think his is angling to replace <modsnip> Norm? MOO

“I think there is every chance that Fotis Dulos is going to walk away from this a free man,” attorney Steven Greenberg said during an appearance on the nationally televised talk show Thursday.

"Greenberg, who represents R&B singer R. Kelly and frequently appears on national news networks, called the case against the father of five “very circumstantial.”

"Despite the evidence in the Tacoma, Greenberg said, there’s no way to conclusively prove murder — let alone if Fotis Dulos was responsible. The only thing that could change that — aside from new evidence — is if Troconis turns state witness."

“If she rolls over, he’s got big problems,” Greenberg conceded".

"Greenberg claimed the blood spatter found in the garage of Jennifer Dulos’ home, which was detailed in the first arrest warrant for Fotis Dulos and his girlfriend Michelle Troconis, was not “concerning.”

“The fact that someone’s blood is in their own garage is not a smoking gun. The blood that is a little problematic here is the blood found in the (red Toyota) Tacoma…because there’s not really an explanation for that,” Greenberg claimed.

Other Quotes:
"The segment also featured two people hired by Jennifer Dulos as movers before she disappeared. The mother of five told them she was frightened of her husband as she lined them up to move the family, they claimed".

"One of the movers cried openly when he described the moment he found out Jennifer Dulos was missing".

"It was more of an escape, than a move," they told show investigator Mara Schiavocampo.

"Jennifer Dulos was devoted to her children, their happiness and their growth as individuals, her close friend Carrie Luft later told Oz. She was "brilliant, funny, loving, gracious and the best friend anyone could ever hope for," Luft said".

"The past 100 days or so since the disappearance have been "terrible" and "everyone's worst nightmare," Luft said. But Jennifer Dulos’ five children "inspire" Luft every day, she said. "They are incredibly resilient," she said. "They are helping each other."

"When asked by Oz if she had any idea what happened to Jennifer Dulos, Luft responded, "something awful has happened to her." He then asked what she would say to Fotis Dulos, Luft said, "The only thing I would have to say to him is, 'where is she?'"

"Do you think he knows?" Oz said".

"Yes, I do," Luft responded".
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And Lord knows he easily could have placed some of MT's dna with the body. According to my last recollection, MT did NOT buzz cut her hair. Wow - this really is not looking good for MT.
Maybe that's why MT seemed more emotional than usual at the latest hearing. Here she thought she and FD were going to stick together and keep mum until the cows came home about killing Jennifer and what came after, and reunite down the road, and she's gotten wind that her 'paramour' is turning on her.

I found it interesting that at MT's latest hearing, all they did was move her case? and next hearing to Stamford Court, another venue. And her bail from the last re-arrest was 1/5th what FD's was and what it was before.

It's hard to suss out what might be going on behind the scenes with the State (who's talking about whom and for what kind of deals), but with the gag order, most of it is going to be kept under wraps until they make another arrest. Hmmm, MOO!
well now that is an interesting piece of legal work IMO. BNY Mellon assigned it's interest to this new Trust - hmmm must be a compelling reason for them to do that. Well done GF. IMO
The way Weinstein explained it in the long interview he did was that because BNY was holding cash and securities as collateral they never would have gone ahead and do the foreclosure. He said the only way forward on foreclosure was to buy out the BNY position.
Maybe that's why MT seemed more emotional than usual at the latest hearing. Here she thought she and FD were going to stick together and keep mum until the cows came home about killing Jennifer and what came after, and reunite down the road, and she's gotten wind that her 'paramour' is turning on her.

I found it interesting that at MT's latest hearing, all they did was move her case? and next hearing to Stamford Court, another venue. And her bail from the last re-arrest was 1/5th what FD's was and what it was before.

It's hard to suss out what might be going on behind the scenes with the State (who's talking about whom and for what kind of deals), but with the gag order, most of it is going to be kept under wraps until they make another arrest. Hmmm, MOO!
I did think it was curious that the warrant seal is just adding on a month so I wonder if that means the pace on the charges might be quicker than we might have originally thought? IDK. MOO
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