Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #26

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Family Friend Believes Fotis Dulos Knows Where Jennifer Is

Quotes from article:
"In an interview on "The Dr. Oz Show" on Thursday, Carrie Luft, spokesperson for the family and friends of missing mom Jennifer Farber Dulos, told the host that she thinks estranged husband Fotis Dulos knows where his wife is.

"If he were sitting here, what you you ask [Fotis Dulos]?" Dr. Oz asked.

"Where is she? Where is she," Luft said.

"Do you think he knows?"

"Yes, I do," Luft said.
Well duh, of course he knows where she is. Unless she went to MIRA. Ugh.
The entire issue of blood is something I've tried to quantify with no success.

On Dr Phil we had the spectrum of views from Nancy Grace "blood everywhere" to Greenburg saying "miniscule" amounts of blood in the house and garage.

Frankly I'm discounting Greenburg as IMO he is an outlier on the blood volume discussion in this crime and I also suspect he is trying to position himself as a substitute for Pattis at some point. The Greenburg comments simply didn't IMO line up with what everyone here read in the arrest warrants IMO and I found this suspect! The criminologist on Dr Phil did see the blood as being extensive between the gargage and the items found on Albany.

We have had quite a bit of blood evidence on JD Suburban, mat, knife, VV tee and bra, mops and sponges. Absent more info it seems that LE have said a 'violent attack' at Welles along with a clean up of the garage which leads me to believe a good amt of blood loss.

How to quantify this IDK? Does this mean 1-2 pints of blood or less?

Nancy Grace was fixated on the use of the word "splatter" and I can't disagree with her that this could result in a good amount of blood loss so maybe 2 pints lost in Welles garage wouldn't be outside the realm of possible. Again, IDK. Pure speculation based on the AWs!

Wish we knew more.


Sorry to be stuck on this blood thing but each time I hear a defense attorney act like every person on earth has blood squirted around her/his home, I say, "What?!"

Just a little survey here - Walk through your house and see if there is enough blood in any room or the garage to cause LE to believe a violent crime occurred there.

First person to say yes wins a Week-end at Waveny!
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I wonder how "gregarious and confident" NP and FD feel about this ruling? MOO!
I wonder if FD and NP are reading here and know how gregarious and confident the WS community is feeling about this ruling and how totally GREGARIOUS AND CONFIDENT we'll be when we see AW3!
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sniped for focus on response

It is in here that the guiding hand of counsel becomes so very important. I have been impressed by Mr. Bowman's comments and demeanor. He has maintained his dignity even during the crush of a media blitz, and that isn't easy with a horde of reporters, cameras, and microphones. He still has a very difficult job ahead of him, because he is going to be the one who has to keep MT on track. That responsibility can be more difficult than actually trying a case and even the best defenders find it challenging.

I know some here question the wisdom of allowing MT to negotiate a plea through cooperation, and I understand why believe have that view. I also believe Mr. Coangelo will proceed with or without MT's testimony. Still, after listening to the experts on Dr. Phil, I think my hunch about her will be proven correct. She will be a prosecution witness, one way of the other. I think the State's choice to use her as a witness is a sound one because, based upon what has been released, it appears he is the more culpable of the two. It will also provide the jury with direct evidence of his guilt, so that he will be found guilty for this crime.

I agree with you about Atty Bowman and his approach so far as I believe his insistence on the 'no contact order' just might in hindsight be the masterstroke that saved MT from spending the better part of her life in prison.

To your point about Atty Bowman keeping MT 'on track' that is probably about a good an image as any as its seemed that MT wasn't on any established "track" even post 8/13 when the most she was capable of doing was pointing to pictures from CCTV and confirming information from those pictures. MT seems like the train on the track that is stuck and not able to move forward and the world is just passing her by!

I don't doubt that Atty Bowman is trying but perhaps its just a waiting game for MT to come around or come to terms with her role and the overall situation. The old phrase, "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink" comes to mind for MT and Bowman. It doesn't really matter how effective an advocate or negotiator Atty Bowman might be for MT, if she simply is tuned out to helping herself and is just stuck and shut down things will just keep moving sideways or slide downhill fast IMO.

This litigation will no doubt be protracted, but I just wonder how long MT has here to refocus and figure out a way forward? Maybe seeing tears in court (real or fake) was a step forward as at least its some emotion that might be bubbling up to the surface. I don't think State Atty Colangelo has much patience with MT/Bowman if he filed AW2. So, to your point about getting MT psych help pronto, maybe that is the best way forward for her and maybe she needs to be inpatient someplace sooner rather than later.

I think he was "enamored" with MT's lack of smarts -> -> someone to point the finger to was needed in case everything started backfiring

For all we know he picked someone malleable like MT for the express purpose of doing away with Jennifer.
(Maybe the shower sex was just a bonus.)

He originally chose Jennifer for the purpose of enriching himself so why would he not have chosen MT to help free up the riches and give him complete control of those trust funds?

I never figured FD for a long term planner but the stakes were high!
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Bingo. Perhaps she can't talk, because it would just be incriminating herself. I really think this is the ONLY reason she hasn't spoken up.

Her photos with her daughter make her appear to care about her. So if she hasn't given up info on FD, perhaps it's because she's equally guilty.
I think she's involved in this up to her eyeballs. Anyone that would actually partake in making an alibi list is because of involvement. The only things that we have heard she changed her tune on were when she was confronted with contradictory evidence against her. Who knows just how much LE has on her...we don't.

One thing for sure is that she just had more charges thrown on her as she appeared in court with daddy....and mommy who has always been there was no where in sight.

I agree with you about Atty Bowman and his approach so far as I believe his insistence on the 'no contact order' just might in hindsight be the masterstroke that saved MT from spending the better part of her life in prison.

To your point about Atty Bowman keeping MT 'on track' that is probably about a good an image as any as its seemed that MT wasn't on any established "track" even post 8/13 when the most she was capable of doing was pointing to pictures from CCTV and confirming information from those pictures. MT seems like the train on the track that is stuck and not able to move forward and the world is just passing her by!

I don't doubt that Atty Bowman is trying but perhaps its just a waiting game for MT to come around or come to terms with her role and the overall situation. The old phrase, "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink" comes to mind for MT and Bowman. It doesn't really matter how effective an advocate or negotiator Atty Bowman might be for MT, if she simply is tuned out to helping herself and is just stuck and shut down things will just keep moving sideways or slide downhill fast IMO.

This litigation will no doubt be protracted, but I just wonder how long MT has here to refocus and figure out a way forward? Maybe seeing tears in court (real or fake) was a step forward as at least its some emotion that might be bubbling up to the surface. I don't think State Atty Colangelo has much patience with MT/Bowman if he filed AW2. So, to your point about getting MT psych help pronto, maybe that is the best way forward for her and maybe she needs to be inpatient someplace sooner rather than later.


Actually, I think Bowman and MT are taking the wait and see approach to this entire case.

If/when DA announces more evidence, or arrests FD, they'll initiate the talks.

I wonder if FD and NP are reading here and know how gregarious and confident the WS community is feeling about this ruling!
Well I can state with some level of confidence that I am feeling quite 'gregarious and confident' that AW3 and/or AW4 will show us the face of the individual/s in the Red Tacoma and then all the denials in the world from Pattisville won't make much difference IMO.

No alibi for FD remains an issue that Pattis cannot address, no different in my mind than the FD/MT trip of insanity down Albany Ave. Pattis can spend all his no doubt substantial verbal wind power bashing about the 'lying lover' but when the timeline for MT is no doubt disclosed I truly believe that it might just be impossible for MT to alibi FD!

Just a guess.

I do hope the high powered super PI is hard at work too working on alibi support or alternative theories for their client FD as so far all the theories have related to either the missing/now presumed dead JD and MT.

Pattisville IMO is in quite the pickle!

Honestly, I just don’t think MT is very smart. I do think she may be cunning, and has some sort of street smarts, but it seems to me that she has lived a sort of charmed life up to now, and it never occurred to her that, at the very least, helping to get rid of the evidence of the murder of her lover’s wife, would be a problem for her. I think FD’s gregarious confidence led her to believe that it was all covered, and she is in disbelief that she’s going to go to prison. What she can and will absolutely be convicted of is going to send her to prison. It appeared this week when she went to court, that she is finally realizing that she is going to prison. She would have been smart to run before she got arrested back in May, and even smarter not to participate-not to mention if she had called the police before FD killed Jennifer (assuming she had prior knowledge). She just isn’t very smart. But maybe FD doesn’t really like smart women.

JD was smart and given how that ended...dear heavens. :(
But we must stop and realize MT set her daughter's feelings aside big time when she yanked that little preteen out of her school and moved her in with a lover thousands of miles away.

Then she was prepared to move her girl in with the lover's wife and children.

Why would she put her daughter's needs first ever?!

"Relevant past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior." (my quote of the year)

This is just so sad for that child—for any child. MOO.
Sorry to be stuck on this blood thing but each time I hear a defense attorney act like every person on earth has blood squirted around her/his home, I say, "What?!"

Just a little survey here - Walk through your house and see if there is enough blood in any room or the garage to cause LE to believe a violent crime occurred there.

First person to say yes wins a Week-end at Waveny!

I might like to go see CT one day but, thankfully, there is no blood lying around at all in this house and I can guarantee that no cleaning has been done recently! LE might think a tornado had occurred in the basement, though. :)
Jennifer Dulos case: ‘Lying lover’ Troconis emotional in court

Sept 18, 2019

Troconis, 44, was arraigned Wednesday in state Superior Court in Norwalk on a new tampering with evidence charge in the disappearance of Jennifer Dulos. The hearing lasted less than two minutes with her attorney, Andrew Bowman, making no comments during or after the arraignment.

Troconis, who held her head in her hands before the hearing, will next appear Oct. 10 in state Superior Court in Stamford. bbm

Search warrants related to the case will remain sealed until Oct. 16. State’s Attorney Richard Colangelo requested in June that they be sealed for 90 days. The seal would have expired Wednesday, but it has been extended another month.

The detailed arrest warrant for the latest charge offered a new glimpse into Troconis, who has met with investigators several times since she was first arrested in June on the original tampering with evidence and hindering prosecution charges.


According to the new arrest warrant, police interviewed Troconis on June 2 — one day after she and Fotis Dulos were first arrested — and she “provided substantial amount of information which was self-contradictory and did not bear up under the scrutiny of the investigation.”


“The new warrant speaks of a lying lover and handyman with something to hide,” Pattis said after reading the arrest warrant. “When do we get the chance to question these folks?”
I concur with everyone else about the sealing of and future non use of the incomplete psych report. Not the least of which was because it was unfinished. Then there is of course the criminal charges against FD that the report was allegedly favorable to.

Clearly, FD had the Evaluators snowed? All the more reason that something this flawed and unfinished should not be utilized. The evaluators honestly didn’t see any glaring warning signs from FD? Really?

Before that he lied to the judge in family court and flouted her orders that he not speak Greek in front of the GAL/kids and not having MT/daughter around the kids.

He had his custody temporarily revoked (not sure what the right word is here). This speaks to someone who while going through an emotional and contentious divorce and custody battle was seen as unfit. Yet FD/NP/etc want to pin their hopes on a flawed evaluation AND up until recently MT (a proven liar) to confirm his already non-existent alibi. And innocence?

I wonder to what extent FD and MT have lied to their respective attorneys.

I find it difficult to believe that’s AB would allow MT to knowingly lie to LE on at least three meetings with them that we know of. Like she just starts spouting out lies and he sits there? I don’t think so. I think perhaps the alibi scripts as shoddy as those were she continued to cling to.

Which is why I wonder that she spoke to LE in the first place. Like June 2? FD hasn’t spoken to LE at all (which speaks to his lack of concern about his estranged wife) but also LE can’t say he lied to them directly. He hasn’t been pinned down into a line of questioning by LE nor has he been pinned down into a version of his story. MT has.

I still wonder if she thinks she can help get him off and by extension herself? Such a wildcard she is honestly. I do not trust her.

Anyway, glad the psych evaluation is off the table. Wonder what the evaluators thought of the trashbin odyssey of stupidity? Or the many still pictures of the Tacoma essentially lying in wait in NC on the morning of the 24th? The blood in the garage? JD missing now for three plus months. Are they thinking, “Well you never can tell about some people?” Sheesh. Lol
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Yes, but even if MT is the 'dim bulb' that we might believe her to be, is she really stupid enough to think that FD team wouldn't turn on her in an nanosecond when the time comes to defend him against murder?

Sorry, but if she is this stupid and/or delusional and/or catatonic then I'm not sure what can be done to help her or her defense? Mrs. MT just better step up to the plate and bang some sense into the hard head of MT or things will slide downhill fast and the family just should buy a condo in CT as they are going to be visiting their daughter in prison for the next 20 years!

I'm not inclined to applaud Pattisville comments but the reason IMO that 'lying lover' is so perfect is that it is one of the few comments from Pattisville that isn't untrue! MT has lied per the AWs and MT was FD lover.

I am really not sure how an avowed liar is rehabiliated as a witness and I'm saying this even though people on prior threads went on extensively about how a skilled prosecutor can do just this? IDK.

But Pattisville has their own issues with lying for their client FD IMO as the Judge Heller comment about FD lying under oath along with his well documented history of lying in Family Court. Once jurors hear this assessment made by a sitting Judge then IMO its all bets off on FD credibility. I cannot see any defense atty letting FD take the stand but my issue is that I think the Judge making a statement about lying puts a huge cloud over any/all of the FD actions.

Looks like we have 2 suspects that are both established liars. Looks like all the atty's will be working hard for their $$$ defense fees!

I love the moniker Lying Lover.
Also love the name Michi.
It's so fitting.
People don't like it because it appears to be a term of endearment.
Where did we hear it, though?
I don't think it came from the lips of Fotis.
I do remember seeing a pic of Mama and her 3 or 4 girls?
FD said ...all beautiful inside and out.
Well I can state with some level of confidence that I am feeling quite 'gregarious and confident' that AW3 and/or AW4 will show us the face of the individual/s in the Red Tacoma and then all the denials in the world from Pattisville won't make much difference IMO.

No alibi for FD remains an issue that Pattis cannot address, no different in my mind than the FD/MT trip of insanity down Albany Ave. Pattis can spend all his no doubt substantial verbal wind power bashing about the 'lying lover' but when the timeline for MT is no doubt disclosed I truly believe that it might just be impossible for MT to alibi FD!

Just a guess.

I do hope the high powered super PI is hard at work too working on alibi support or alternative theories for their client FD as so far all the theories have related to either the missing/now presumed dead JD and MT.

Pattisville IMO is in quite the pickle!

I totally agree with you.
I think its a living will type of trust and not an estate. Think this vehicle was put in place to hold JD 50% interest in 4Jx and is being used for the foreclosure action.
Here is link:
LE has nothing on you, afitzy. It is incredible how on top of all these constantly changing cases, in multiple court, you are. Your postings give us reliable information we know is 100% accurate and that is quite a task for you to undertake it. Thank you for doing this for us. It is greatly appreciated.
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