Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #26

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Jennifer Dulos divorce: Judge tosses psych exam that favored Fotis Dulos

Sept 20, 2019

Emergency custody hearings were held at the request of Fotis Dulos before Judge Donna N. Heller on May 10 and May 17. The hearings included testimony from court-appointed psychiatrist Dr. Stephen Herman who met with Fotis Dulos 14 times as part of an evaluation of the Dulos family to help determine suitable custody of the children.

Herman’s conclusions were summarized in a sealed report dated April 24, according to a motion filed by attorney Rich Rochlin, who is representing Fotis Dulos in the divorce.

Heller has ordered Herman’s testimony stricken from the record, ruled the hearings as a mistrial, since they were never completed, and required that his report remained sealed. Heller also noted in the order that anyone who reveals or releases the report could face sanctions or contempt of court.
Facing foreclosure, Fotis Dulos takes home off market

Sept 20, 2019

Fotis Dulos, 52, had been living in the home with his girlfriend, Michelle Troconis, 44, and her daughter after Jennifer Dulos moved to New Canaan with their five children when she filed for divorce in 2017.

Farber, who is suing Fotis Dulos for $2.5 million in unpaid loans made to his real estate development company, began paying the mortgage when her son-in-law stopped making payments last November.

The Farber family put up $2.3 million in securities and cash as collateral to secure a mortgage from BNY Mellon in 2012, allowing Jennifer and Fotis Dulos to own the 15,000-square-foot home at 4 Jefferson Crossing, Farber’s attorney said last week.

Guiffria was deposed in the lawsuits Sept. 13. Fotis Dulos emailed him this week asking to take the home off the market, Guiffria said. He checked with Farber’s attorney, Richard Weinstein, before removing it, the broker said.

Farber bought the mortgage from BNY Mellon in July after Fotis Dulos and Troconis were charged in the disappearance of her daughter. Jennifer Dulos’ name was taken off the title on Aug. 20 after her mother bought the mortgage.
Facing foreclosure, Fotis Dulos takes home off market

Sept 20, 2019

Fotis Dulos, 52, had been living in the home with his girlfriend, Michelle Troconis, 44, and her daughter after Jennifer Dulos moved to New Canaan with their five children when she filed for divorce in 2017.

Farber, who is suing Fotis Dulos for $2.5 million in unpaid loans made to his real estate development company, began paying the mortgage when her son-in-law stopped making payments last November.

The Farber family put up $2.3 million in securities and cash as collateral to secure a mortgage from BNY Mellon in 2012, allowing Jennifer and Fotis Dulos to own the 15,000-square-foot home at 4 Jefferson Crossing, Farber’s attorney said last week.

Guiffria was deposed in the lawsuits Sept. 13. Fotis Dulos emailed him this week asking to take the home off the market, Guiffria said. He checked with Farber’s attorney, Richard Weinstein, before removing it, the broker said.

Farber bought the mortgage from BNY Mellon in July after Fotis Dulos and Troconis were charged in the disappearance of her daughter. Jennifer Dulos’ name was taken off the title on Aug. 20 after her mother bought the mortgage.
I found this interesting. The listing never showed any of the 6 bedrooms. Anyone else notice that?
LE has nothing on you, afitzy. It is incredible how on top of all these constantly changing cases, in multiple court, you are. Your postings give us reliable information we know is 100% accurate and that is quite a task for you to undertake it. Thank you for doing this for us. It is greatly appreciated.
@oceancalling! Back at you 100%!!!! When I don't understand something or have a question you and so many others are always there to help figure it out so we can all understand what is going on!

Without your help on the wording of the civil court Judges order yesterday, I wouldn't have felt confident to go to the SA and ask for them to take a look at their two recent articles about the civil case. But when they looked at the motions and the Judges' orders again they saw that the headline could be 'improved upon'!

This is totally a group activity!

Jennifer Dulos disappearance: Reservoir searches hit close to home for Fotis Dulos, local parkgoers

Sept 19, 2019

Police have been searching the park’s five small reservoirs, 30 miles of paved and gravel roads and acres of unperturbed forests on and off since at least July 3.

Authorities have honed in on two nearby properties connected to Fotis Dulos since his estranged wife vanished on May 24.

About a five-minute drive away is 80 Mountain Spring Road, a property owned by Fotis Dulos’ real estate development company, Fore Group. According to the latest arrest warrants, police said this was Fotis Dulos’ first stop after driving back from New Canaan the day his wife vanished.

The home at 4 Jefferson Crossing, where Fotis and Jennifer Dulos lived with their five children until they separated in June 2017, sits about a half-mile from the park. The area there is densely forested and spotted with steep, rocky slopes ending along one of the park’s most scenic views, MDC No. 3, the second largest of the group of reservoirs.

Along this reservoir runs the park’s red trail, where rarely a minute or two passes without seeing a runner or biker zooming by. At the westernmost edge, two picnic tables are rooted beneath a sprawling oak tree.


Police have not disclosed whether they’ve recovered anything in their sweeps of the parks. In fact, any evidence police may have recovered during their numerous searches of parks, garbage centers, properties connected to Fotis Dulos and other locations throughout the state remains a mystery. Since a gag order was issued in the case, police officials have declined to comment on the investigation. All search warrants related to the case remain sealed until at least Oct. 16.


Fotis Dulos has been ordered to appear Monday in state Superior Court in Stamford for issues with his GPS monitoring device. Fotis Dulos has been accused of not properly charging the batteries at least four times in the past month.

His next pre-trial hearing will be held Oct. 4, while Troconis is next due in court on Oct. 10.
@oceancalling! Back at you 100%!!!! When I don't understand something or have a question you and so many others are always there to help figure it out so we can all understand what is going on!

Without your help on the wording of the civil court Judges order yesterday, I wouldn't have felt confident to go to the SA and ask for them to take a look at their two recent articles about the civil case. But when they looked at the motions and the Judges' orders again they saw that the headline could be 'improved upon'!

This is totally a group activity!

So they respond?
Take that David Altimari.
Interesting about Greenberg and him being in a potential lineup for defending FD.

I think eventually NP is going to go away, and someone else will have to step in.

NP is on as the 1st inning pinch hitter, and it hasn't been working very well, now has it? Gag orders, motions denied, pysch evaluations and hearings cancelled, potential sanctions for failure to comply with bail orders, etc.

He's done the bulldog defense all the way before, if and until his client is going down, and then he 'bailed' on them (ha ha), JMO from reading about some other cases.

He's in it for the short haul, IMO, until: (1) the celebrity bump starts to turn into a notoriety slump, (2) the money runs out from that big Greek cash machine in the sky, (3) the evidence presented by the State against FD for JD's premeditated murder is so compelling it's obvious he's going to be convicted, (4) he loses interest because he knows he can't win, or (5) all of the above.

It's just a matter of time. MOO.
I think the money is already running out. The question is whether Pattis is foolish enough to stick it out for the "free publicity". Will his own narcissism keep him in the case after the money is gone? Because IMO Pattis' "Mr. Green" is about to leave the premises.
Well, Greenberg may think Dulos will get away with murder, but he must believe he is guilty, since he says if MT rolls over he has big problems. Imo
Yes, I don't think any of us buys that these lawyers think FD is innocent as they've seen everything we have and possibly more.

Nobody's that dumb.
Another Dr Phil segment - Greenburg - FD will walk:
Thank you afitzy for these segments. I don’t have tv for a reason. I don’t want to bias my thinking. Without other people’s opinion I must form my own thoughts. As I have said, FD does NOT act in any way, shape or form like a husband who just lost his wife, the mother of his 5 children, should, despite a pending divorce. These are two people who took vows, and made 5 children. You would expect some emotion even though the divorce was pending. He’s cold. He’s calculated. But you do see some short temper and anger under the surface . Like we all know, he’s a narcissistic personality. He’s practiced like dr Phil said. That’s a great way to say it . He does not express empathy for JD or his children. In fact, he rarely brings up his children. Not anything like what we would expect from a parent. He practices just like he practices on the water ski. He has had a life where his looks (some would day) and his charm have gotten what he wants and that’s a learned behavior . That’s what he knows, when he comes across someone who’s onto him he likely quickly moves away. He surrounds himself with people who he can knowingly manipulate. Let’s face it, in this day and age what husband would dare spend a month every year away from family without some friction. I don’t know any father who does that, taking these private vacations. However, that said, he hasn’t been challenged to stop the behavior. If JD did start saying something he likely thought I’ve been getting away with this my whole life and I’m not going to let anyone tell me what I can and can’t do. Behavior is usually constant. I’m sure he treated the first wife the same but somewhere along the line she wised up and got out with her life and sanity. She likely realized it because she could have gotten much more out of that divorce but chose to leave with what she had- wise. Even though I am in the field it never ceases to amaze me how many people fall for this type of person. I know they are charming, coniving etc, but there are clues. It’s very unfortunate that in this situation it took a long time to see this. Heck, he even has the courts fooled. There should be a course in “spotting a narcissist and get away fast.”
I think the money is already running out. The question is whether Pattis is foolish enough to stick it out for the "free publicity". Will his own narcissism keep him in the case after the money is gone? Because IMO Pattis' "Mr. Green" is about to leave the premises.
I cannot wait to see how the Pattis deposition on the source of his funding for the FD defense goes in Civil Court. I wonder if he will answer or even whether he might involk his 5th Amd. rights?

Can Pattis do this and not risk penalties or fines or censure? Pattis can also keep filing responses as to scheduling issues to delay too I suppose but at a certain point I would think the Judge will get fed up as the trial date is still on for December.
@oceancalling! Back at you 100%!!!! When I don't understand something or have a question you and so many others are always there to help figure it out so we can all understand what is going on!

Without your help on the wording of the civil court Judges order yesterday, I wouldn't have felt confident to go to the SA and ask for them to take a look at their two recent articles about the civil case. But when they looked at the motions and the Judges' orders again they saw that the headline could be 'improved upon'!

This is totally a group activity!

@afitzy and @oceancalling and all the legal and logical minds that nourish good, insightful discussion...YOU ROCK! (That's probably a really dated phrase, but 'tis true.)

The deluge of motions has at times absolutely exhausted my brain. Thanks for your clarity and guidance.

So many have become attached to this case with our hearts and words...only good thoughts for finding Jennifer and justice for her, too. (The kids need to have Mommy come home.)
Hopefully, when added to the amount of blood seen on the sponges, towels and mops (and perhaps Jennifer's shirt and bra) a professional will say there was enough to prove (along with the circumstantial evidence) that a murder occurred.

And don't forget about the homeless guy that found the knife who said there was A LOT of blood on a pillow.
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From your post:
It would be an interesting experiment IMO to see if the cell service carried the entire distance down Silver Spring as my recollection is that it drops between Wilton and NC for a good amt of time. If this is the case then not only was Waze not able to operate but its entirely possible the FD GPS bracelet wasn't fully traceable as I believe it operates on Verizon and Sprint networks (we don't know which network it uses in case of FD).

If CT is anything like CA, there are numerous areas due to elevation changes and areas in which the cell towers are too widely spread or the communication is disrupted by the unusual variations in terrain. (And my experience is a large city, one of the "most-wired" cities in the U.S.) I wonder how long a person wearing a GPS monitor could be "off the grid" before an alarm would sound.

I find it unusual that FD and NP were so proactive about the first infraction and seem nonchalant about the FOUR charging lapses. Is it just NP's Ping-Pong sing-song story time or are there serious gaps in the network coverage, reporting, and responding? As you've mentioned, the equipment used is certainly not clearly defined on public websites.

It's even questionable whether or not the crimes with which FD and MT have been charged rise to a high level of GPS scrutiny. Since the State's Attorney did not know MT had spent 3 weeks in CT rather than NY, the "tight leash" that was promised seems to be descended to a loose leash that wasn't tethered. Who makes the decision about passing on information to whom? MOO
There are very rural areas of CT. My area for example, has very limited cell service. I have a land line. I can imagine that that area too may have areas of limited service. I don’t know who has the contract for the ankle bracelets but MOO MOO, you’re only as good as the employees,
. Who knows what’s going on. Sounds like FD is able to fool them sometimes and is testing the waters. I still think there’s a lot more we don’t know. I agree with posters here that they are waiting, and baiting MT to come forward
So what is the term for a guy who ABSOLUTELY believes what he is saying is true, despite the fact it’s a lie? They are so believable bc THEY believe the lie.
Pathological liar?
NP and the ankle monitor. Have to admit, he’s spinning a great story. I really think NP BELIEVES what he is vomiting. Christmas morning. Hahahaha. I hope the jury gives them a present they will remember forever.
He’ll get it. It’s called a malignant narcissist
As a juxtaposition to this case, which has many similarities, the prosecutors in the Heather Elvis case, just got the second guilty verdict on the 2nd conspiracy for kidnapping, and also for kidnapping in a no body case. 30 years concurrent for both of the triangle people . They made no deals with either one of them.(GUILTY - Sidney Moorer RETRIAL for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 9 Sept 2019 #4) went with kidnapping, versus murder. In that case, they did not have to do the deal with the devil and left themselves open for future murder charges.
Last edited: Today at 8:46 AM

I brought this forward, from a great post by dixiegirl1035, from the Berreth case.
As stated, no deal with the devil, and both CREEPS are in prison for 30 years for kidnapping (no body).
We wait, for murder charges, down the track, I hope.:):):):D:D:D
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