Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #28

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First and foremost, IMO, the cars being sent from Greece to the US had more to do with transporting other items than just the vehicles themselves.

The deposition was dated August 20, 2019. See attached. Which went as follows:
Q: "When did you last have automobiles in Greece?"
A: "As of yesterday"
Q: "You sold those vehicles?"
A: "No"
Q: "What happened to the vehicles?"
A: "They are in New Jersey"
Q: "So, you transported the vehicles back from Greece to New Jersey?"
A: "Yes"

The answer was not, 'The vehicles are now in transit from Greece to New Jersey', it was "They are in New Jersey" within a 1 day timeframe. Is that possible? Yes. It's possible with the means and vehicle (meaning the appropriate airplane) to do so. Logistically, there is no other way to get the vehicles from Greece to New Jersey from yesterday to today than to air freight the vehicles. Even 'fast boats', as they're called in the industry, couldn't get vehicles via ocean freight from Greece to any port in the US the next day.

I wholeheartedly agree that the vehicles were used to transport something more valuable. IMO, cash...untraceable money via wire...would be more valuable to FD, especially so if he had funneled Farber money to Greece MOO. From a personal standpoint, I only take issue with the term 'basic Range Rover' (lol) because I own a Range Rover Sport and with the low mileage I have on it and owning it outright, I would transport it from Greece to the US...though via ocean freight. I know your point wasn't to call Range Rovers basic though ;)

As for LE impounding the vehicles at the New Jersey port, I find that doubtful. Doubtful unless Weinstein informed LE on August 20, 2019, the very day of the deposition, that FD had shipped his vehicles from Greece and they were already in NJ. I have a TON of faith in Weinstein, so I think it's very possible that he did inform LE that same day that vehicles arriving in NJ that day should be thoroughly checked. Can LE even move that quickly? I hope so. Is it realistic that they did? I'm still up in the air about that because I don't know enough about how quickly LE can work and keep that information hidden from both FD and the public.

Bottom line, I think the vehicle transfer if in fact done by air freight was a quick solution to pay Pattis and get FD untraceable cash to the US asap...and absolutely worth the $30-40k it would've cost to transport, especially so if the car arrived with $500k in cash (just throwing out a number). MOO
Thank you @Morgan10028, please take my Trophy Points - IMO, I finally have the answer to the question that was driving me crazy - how is FD paying the cronies who are his main aiders and abettors. Those aiders and abettors will have their day in court (be found guilty of perjury, conspiracy, collusion), possibly under the same liability as the principal. I'm confident of it now that I see the question asked and answered in black and white in the deposition, which IMO, was not a random question but the result of extensive investigation funded by GF. If the FBI, DOJ were notified by Weinstein, then LE has the evidence already. See film American Hustle, which IMO, is a realistic depiction of a Major Crime Unit bust by the Feds. MOO.

Note: This message is for the cronies who may be reading WS (other readers may skip this part):
Well, cronies, you were about to retire anyways and so this is the final gravy train for you after years of toiling in poverty and being good. This is your due, right? Are the powers that be in CT going to stand in your way while you take criminal proceeds as a fee for services rendered? You've seen your friends hand in their licenses - who cares, the Rules of Professional Conduct are such a burden and the annual bar fees, who needs it? Thank you all for letting me rant here. MOO.
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Well, Oct 7th is Monday, and he still hasn’t done so. If he was going to turn the financial information over, and was still in possession of it, would he wait until the very last moment to do it? I don’t think he’d wait. But if he wasn’t planning to turn it over (for various reasons, he may not want to), he would. My money’s on “not turning the financial info over, ever”. And I bet he ends up saying that the info is gone for good, lost in the breakup of the law office. And it’s BS
Agree and what sanctions would the Court impose .
The sisters looked good enough to fuel his ego at a family gathering, and the daughter may unfortunately have given him the adulation his own children didn’t.



Imo none of the sisters are what I would consider anything above a 4 with MT being the homilest of them. For trying to look like money none of them have given any effort and do not have a natural beauty like JFD did. They definently need to work on it. I am actually quite surprised as many woman from South America are quite attractive and take great pride in their presentation.
First and foremost, IMO, the cars being sent from Greece to the US had more to do with transporting other items than just the vehicles themselves.

The deposition was dated August 20, 2019. See attached. Which went as follows:
Q: "When did you last have automobiles in Greece?"
A: "As of yesterday"
Q: "You sold those vehicles?"
A: "No"
Q: "What happened to the vehicles?"
A: "They are in New Jersey"
Q: "So, you transported the vehicles back from Greece to New Jersey?"
A: "Yes"

The answer was not, 'The vehicles are now in transit from Greece to New Jersey', it was "They are in New Jersey" within a 1 day timeframe. Is that possible? Yes. It's possible with the means and vehicle (meaning the appropriate airplane) to do so. Logistically, there is no other way to get the vehicles from Greece to New Jersey from yesterday to today than to air freight the vehicles. Even 'fast boats', as they're called in the industry, couldn't get vehicles via ocean freight from Greece to any port in the US the next day.

I wholeheartedly agree that the vehicles were used to transport something more valuable. IMO, cash...untraceable money via wire...would be more valuable to FD, especially so if he had funneled Farber money to Greece MOO. From a personal standpoint, I only take issue with the term 'basic Range Rover' (lol) because I own a Range Rover Sport and with the low mileage I have on it and owning it outright, I would transport it from Greece to the US...though via ocean freight. I know your point wasn't to call Range Rovers basic though ;)

As for LE impounding the vehicles at the New Jersey port, I find that doubtful. Doubtful unless Weinstein informed LE on August 20, 2019, the very day of the deposition, that FD had shipped his vehicles from Greece and they were already in NJ. I have a TON of faith in Weinstein, so I think it's very possible that he did inform LE that same day that vehicles arriving in NJ that day should be thoroughly checked. Can LE even move that quickly? I hope so. Is it realistic that they did? I'm still up in the air about that because I don't know enough about how quickly LE can work and keep that information hidden from both FD and the public.

Bottom line, I think the vehicle transfer if in fact done by air freight was a quick solution to pay Pattis and get FD untraceable cash to the US asap...and absolutely worth the $30-40k it would've cost to transport, especially so if the car arrived with $500k in cash (just throwing out a number). MOO

Thanks for the excellent information.

For you or @afitzy where is the complete transcript of the FD deposition? On the media thread? I couldn't find it..

Thanks again!
Forgive me for being thick-what likely made her switch her instagram account to “ private”? Was she reading here about it, or was she informed in another way that there was speculation about her account, and its possible function as a way to communicate with FD?
The switch to 'private' IMO makes zero sense for a business insta.

Which leads me to believe this isn't a business insta but a means to communicate with FD and friends/family.

I really do wonder if this entire clan of people are simply flaunting the no contact order because they know LE will do nothing or are they really so stupid as to think the LE isn't watching?

I agree with you that JD taking the children effectively 'ripped off' the mask that FD had been 'selling' about the beautiful picture perfect family life. But in my mind the children to FD weren't really that important as individuals. The only importance the children most likely had to FD is because they were the only thing JD wanted and they represented financing for his ongoing lifestyle (his beautiful life with Michelle as he described it in the Dateline interview) IMO.

FD didn't want to give up the lifestyle that was funded by the Farber wealth. IMO just like JD, the children were viewed as possessions. Possessions aren't supposed to think, feel or act. But, JD surprised FD and she did act and took away FD's possessions and this enraged him. Why else burn down his life, the lives of his children and most likely end the life of JD but for revenge pure and simple? FD always gets the last word and if he doesn't he will fight to the death to get it IMO.

FD has spent over 12 years effectively functioning as a 'kept man' via the Farber wealth that kept his 'make work' job at FORE look viable to the outside world. I've used the word gigolo to describe FD in the past I think on a certain level it does apply. FORE wasn't really viable without the FIL funding and JD knew it. If FD really were ambitious and wanted to build a legacy for his children he would have worked to put FORE on solid financial footings apart from his FIL rather than the pillars of sand it was built upon with the FIL financing.

Winning to FD meant taking the only thing JD wanted and that was the children. No mystery that FD overplayed his hand as to his motives by filing for custody within a few days of JD going 'missing'. I also wonder if LE and GF hadn't acted so quickly whether FD might have picked up the children and spirited them into the 'welcoming' and avaricious arms of the "Greek Family" who hadn't seen the children in years.

IMO FD probably spent more time thinking about filing the paperwork for custody than he ever did 'looking' for or even thinking about his wife IMO. There was no pretence of looking or making public appeals for JD because FD, "...knew what he did do and what he didn't do...". Why leave the cell phone on while disposing of blood covered items along Albany Ave. except to get the call to pick up the children or hear possible details from an accomplice that he haven't met yet.

When I think back to those pictures of FD and MT in the driveway of 4Jx with LE on their way to Litchfield for DNA processing, all I can now think about was that MT was 'all in' with the FD plan. MT even participated by writing down her portion of the 'alibi scripts' according to AW2. I remain baffled why MT might even think she would be 'special' or why FD wouldn't turn on her the same way he extracted his vengeance on JD and his children? My guess is that Atty. P (who has no case IMO) most likely has been plotting ways to hold MT fully responsible for whatever happened to JD.

When JD left 4Jx she was making a very clear statement that she didn't want or need FD. FD had zero in the way of things that really mattered to JD and her children. JD realised FD was a fake and fraud who had been propped up by her fathers money for years and someone that didn't even have gratitude for the great gift he had received.

Perhaps JD realised that FD had been taking her money for years or wasn't honest in how he dealt with financial matters in their marriage. IDK, but no doubt JD spent a good amount of time analysing the situation in which she found herself and she put the entire puzzle together.

Whatever JD found out scared her as she was frightened enough to ask the Family Court for a protective order. Sadly it wasn't granted. But the record in Family Court was real as to what JD thought FD would do to her when she left 4Jx. Clearly JD had great reason to fear FD and no doubt had spent 12 years covering up for his temper tantrums and ill temper in public and building up his non existent self esteem behind closed doors. But at a certain point, JD saw FD for the fraud he was and decided to leave him with the person that FD brought into their lives to no doubt torment and torture JD, namely MT.

In many respects, MT was a very poor, amoral and classless replica of JD. MT who really was a social 'nobody' and seemed to simply be a tired and aging 'party girl' from Miami that liked to ski and spend other mens money and had a history of 'hooking up with the boss' to maintain her lifestyle. A supposed one night stand resulted in a daughter who MT then proceeded to drag along to CT to live at 4Jx. A daughter who FD and MT then both used as a tool against JD as they forced a relationship with the 5 children against the orders of family court. Who engages children in a battle being waged by adults? IMO only a coward and amoral person but this is exactly what was done by MT and FD IMO until the court put a stop to it.

The ironic thing about this situation with MT was that FD probably picked her out precisely because he knew the standards that JD had for the people in her life and he that MT wouldn't meet the JD standards on any level. He knew that picking someone like a MT had the potential to possibly enrage JD as this is the person that would be interacting with JD's children. FD also acted in a way that lacked fundamental respect of JD by bringing MT into their marriage and their lives at 4Jx and this no doubt was intentional as well. Its not possible to simply let a partner walk away. Nope, we need to humiliate them with someone who really on so many levels was no better than a hooker and who had never really been gainfully employed in her life. Not only that, but FD was going to get as much of JD's money as he could.

FD had been carrying on an open affair with MT for over a year at the time JD left 4Jx. JD didn't just randomly pick up and leave 4Jx. Nope, JD meticulously planned her departure and successfully 'tricked' FD into believing that she and the children were simply leaving for the day to go visit her late fathers grave. I've always wondered why FD didn't go that day to go visit the grave of the man that launched FORE with 3% loans for years? Did FD not want to go or had JD not given him the option to attend? I'm not sure it matters, but the reality was that JD was fleeing a situation where by all accounts she had functioned as a single parent of 5 small children for years. Her '6th child' FD, was fed up and feeling neglected and no doubt took all the oxygen present in 4Jx and JD was sick of it and had enough of him and realised the psychological damage he was inflicting on their children. JD most likely 'woke up' and realised who and what FD was and she realised he was incapable of being either a husband or a father and she wanted zero to do with him and his games and his ongoing affairs.

We've rehashed the DV cycle of violence in prior threads but its likely that FD played true to form and put JD through a psychological wringer that probably left her within a hair of personal sanity as she was pulling out of 4Jx and looking in the rear view mirror on her way away from FD.

We've heard from the husband and wife movers that JD worked with to get the belongings of the children and herself out of the house. The husband that owned the moving company started to tear up and couldn't continue as he and his wife describe how afraid JD was of FD and how the move had to be rescheduled a number of times before everything could be removed from 4Jx.

I thought it was quite telling the choice that FD and Pattisville made with their violation of the 'gag order' was attempt to poorly reinvent the 'marriage narrative'. There was in the interesting 'flip' in the narrative from JD secretly fleeing a violent and abusive FD to FD feeling alone and distanced by JD in their marriage beginning in 2010.

Why violate a gag order simply to make a weak attempt to switch the marriage narrative and also to claim personal issues that JD was dealing with? Why go absolutely counter to the very clear and well documented narrative in Family Court? Was the purpose to convince the 'supporters' in Greece that you were the wronged husband whose wife cut him out of her life and that somehow justified hooking up with the likes of a MT? Most likely the Greek supporters don't matter and the goal was to continue to do what Pattisville has been doing all along which is attempt to taint any CT jury pool. Atty P. risked the gag order violation and called Judge Blawies' bluff and made the cynical calculation that the fundamental weakness of the CT system would work in the favour of FD as no consequences would ever be imposed because there are rarely consequences in CT courtrooms as Pattisville well knows.

IMO the narrative switch that was floated so obviously in the Greek press was just another Pattisville led fiction to do no more than create doubt and create fuel for the foolish 'Gone Girl' theory. JD as the 'missing' victim of course couldn't counter the faux narrative being put forward by FD. The cynical ploy by FD and Atty. P. by using the Greek Media for those that know the Dulos marriage story from Family Court documents looked even more foolish than they were as the dates given by FD didn't even match up to the dates of JD personal blog.

Atty. P and FD IMO have no case and certainly no alternative theory. So, we will see Pattisville simply continue to do anything and everything possible to victim shame and victim blame and cast doubt as this is all they have to work with other than delaying the inevitable day at trial with endless useless motions. When Atty. P has finished with JD he will simply move on to MT and EE and whoever else enters the picture. The Atty P. strategy is quite cynical and geared towards exploiting the many weaknesses of the CT judicial system IMO. I hope Atty. Colangelo is well prepared and ready to try a solid case as IMO single paragraph motions citing professional guidelines such as what we saw in the gag order motion simply won't cut it in the longer run if the goal is to prevail.


Well done!!!
I am jumping around, so if the attached tweets have already been posted, my apologies.
Colangelo stated in court that he had handed Smith a load of Discovery before court. None of us knows the content, though it couldn't have been a bunch of nonsense IMO. I think it's more likely a bunch of "SEE HOW MUCH WE HAVE". MOO
Yes, It looked to be a legal sized envelope and more material held together by a plastic band. Atty. S was holding in in his hands when he zip his 'zip and wink' move for the media outside the courtroom.

Here is a picture from court:

NP used to blog with Cernovich on C & F. I see the archived post doesn't show NP as author, but I remembered it as one of his posts back then. You may be able to find it in the archives on C & F. In the archives you can also find a reference to Norm's novel.

I was struck by this reference to OJ in the above blog and possible relevance to the FD present situation:

Thanks to F. Lee Bailey
November 29, 2005
I was in the chambers of a federal court judge this afternoon with F. Lee Bailey, who, although not practicing law, finds himself in the thick of things. (Ask for more details, and I will not divulge them.)

Once our business was complete, talk turned to an autographed photograph of Willie Mays on one of the judge's bookshelves.

"Did you know, your honor, that thanks to Willie Mays, O.J. Simpson turned away from a life of crime and became a famous athlete?" Bailey said to the judge.

Before a thought could form in the judge's mind, I found my hand on Bailey's shoulder and said the following:

"Did you know, judge, that thanks to F. Lee Bailey, O. J. Simpson is not a murderer?"[BBM]

It was the only time I have ever seen Bailey tongued-tied, even if only for an instant.
I was struck by this reference to OJ in the above blog and possible relevance to the FD present situation:

Thanks to F. Lee Bailey
November 29, 2005
I was in the chambers of a federal court judge this afternoon with F. Lee Bailey, who, although not practicing law, finds himself in the thick of things. (Ask for more details, and I will not divulge them.)

Once our business was complete, talk turned to an autographed photograph of Willie Mays on one of the judge's bookshelves.

"Did you know, your honor, that thanks to Willie Mays, O.J. Simpson turned away from a life of crime and became a famous athlete?" Bailey said to the judge.

Before a thought could form in the judge's mind, I found my hand on Bailey's shoulder and said the following:

"Did you know, judge, that thanks to F. Lee Bailey, O. J. Simpson is not a murderer?"[BBM]

It was the only time I have ever seen Bailey tongued-tied, even if only for an instant.

Yes, and if anyone doubts the authorship of that or the "Court TV Wannabe", you can use Wayback Machine, now called, enter "" choose 2/27/2005 -- you'll see "Wannabe" and several other posts with Norm Pattis' name.
Just looked again at archives. See "Norm's fiction." See also Nov. 30, 2005 post "What would Gerry Do?" Then see comments-- replies by Norm Pattis. So his name is not sufficiently wiped from the site. (He had a considerable contribution to that blog, but then left to start his own
Oh Pattisville....Atty. P it seems chose not to depose the witness in that case. The ongoing references to Spence seem to play out in the blog. Atty. P is NO SPENCE IMO and the only place this comparison plays out is in the brain of Atty. P!

I do like the Milton reference though in the blog post...I think the reference along with the various historical and biblical reference books seen with Atty. P (who doesn't have a case IMO) is simply part of his ongoing smoke and mirrors central ring at the circus routine. Part of the frustrated academic schtick that Atty P puts on along with the dated and ill kept pony tail. The 1st amendment academic schtick is a total put up and a joke IMO as Atty. P wouldn't have lasted 2 seconds in an academic environment, the same way he would never qualify for a judgeship even in the sorry state of CT!

There are so many talented defence attorneys that IMO mix substance with great style. IMO the issue with Atty. P is that the substance is about the depth of a raindrop and the style is cynicism, rudeness and snark and oftentimes simply meanspirted. We have seen Atty. P attack female journalists at least twice now by shouting "SHAME ON YOU" so my guess is all his patter is deeply seated in great misogyny as well. I believe strongly the the ongoing victim shaming/blaming of JD orchestrated by Atty. P and FD is rooted in misogyny as well as what father of 5 children would permit his wife to be publicly thrashed and victimised such as what we have seen in this case? FD and Atty. P, thats who!

In my mind if you are going to take the time to put on a show at least make it entertaining and educational for audience. Spence IMO walked the line of substance and entertainment effectively and was also a gifted story teller. There are many other such brilliant defence attorneys working today but IMO Atty P. doesn't fall into this category by a long shot.

Oh Pattisville....Atty. P it seems chose not to depose the witness in that case. The ongoing references to Spence seem to play out in the blog. Atty. P is NO SPENCE IMO and the only place this comparison plays out is in the brain of Atty. P!

I do like the Milton reference though in the blog post...I think the reference along with the various historical and biblical reference books seen with Atty. P (who doesn't have a case IMO) is simply part of his ongoing smoke and mirrors central ring at the circus routine. Part of the frustrated academic schtick that Atty P puts on along with the dated and ill kept pony tail. The 1st amendment academic schtick is a total put up and a joke IMO as Atty. P wouldn't have lasted 2 seconds in an academic environment, the same way he would never qualify for a judgeship even in the sorry state of CT!

There are so many talented defence attorneys that IMO mix substance with great style. IMO the issue with Atty. P is that the substance is about the depth of a raindrop and the style is cynicism, rudeness and snark and oftentimes simply meanspirted. We have seen Atty. P attack female journalists at least twice now by shouting "SHAME ON YOU" so my guess is all his patter is deeply seated in great misogyny as well. I believe strongly the the ongoing victim shaming/blaming of JD orchestrated by Atty. P and FD is rooted in misogyny as well as what father of 5 children would permit his wife to be publicly thrashed and victimised such as what we have seen in this case? FD and Atty. P, thats who!

In my mind if you are going to take the time to put on a show at least make it entertaining and educational for audience. Spence IMO walked the line of substance and entertainment effectively and was also a gifted story teller. There are many other such brilliant defence attorneys working today but IMO Atty P. doesn't fall into this category by a long shot.



Pattis may have an "educated-sounding" vocabulary, but he's needs a few more days on the couch with his friend. Many times he comes across as angry...for personal the attack on the news reporter....the attack on JD...the coordinated attack, I'm sure, on GF....where is his defense on his client. Show us your evidence! (I'm still waiting to hear from the Greek witness that was flying to U.S. in June!!!!)

Makes me wonder if NP has any compassion for the children and/or the victims of the crimes of those he defends. Being a great gamesman doesn't equate into a good human being....IMO...all MOO.

Pattis may have an "educated-sounding" vocabulary, but he's needs a few more days on the couch with his friend. Many times he comes across as angry...for personal the attack on the news reporter....the attack on JD...the coordinated attack, I'm sure, on GF....where is his defense on his client. Show us your evidence! (I'm still waiting to hear from the Greek witness that was flying to U.S. in June!!!!)

Makes me wonder if NP has any compassion for the children and/or the victims of the crimes of those he defends. Being a great gamesman doesn't equate into a good human being....IMO...all MOO.

The impact and damage to the Dulos children that NP/FD is inflicting is all the more ironic since NP frequently uses his own damaged childhood to justify why he represents people like FD.

More indications that the Dulos/Farber children are just pawns in the strategy of FD and NP.

Prayers that NP is able to break through his own self centered need for attention some morning on the couch and recognize how he’s just perpetuating the cycle of harm he thinks he’s fighting.
First and foremost, IMO, the cars being sent from Greece to the US had more to do with transporting other items than just the vehicles themselves.

The deposition was dated August 20, 2019. See attached. Which went as follows:
Q: "When did you last have automobiles in Greece?"
A: "As of yesterday"
Q: "You sold those vehicles?"
A: "No"
Q: "What happened to the vehicles?"
A: "They are in New Jersey"
Q: "So, you transported the vehicles back from Greece to New Jersey?"
A: "Yes"

The answer was not, 'The vehicles are now in transit from Greece to New Jersey', it was "They are in New Jersey" within a 1 day timeframe. Is that possible? Yes. It's possible with the means and vehicle (meaning the appropriate airplane) to do so. Logistically, there is no other way to get the vehicles from Greece to New Jersey from yesterday to today than to air freight the vehicles. Even 'fast boats', as they're called in the industry, couldn't get vehicles via ocean freight from Greece to any port in the US the next day.

I wholeheartedly agree that the vehicles were used to transport something more valuable. IMO, cash...untraceable money via wire...would be more valuable to FD, especially so if he had funneled Farber money to Greece MOO. From a personal standpoint, I only take issue with the term 'basic Range Rover' (lol) because I own a Range Rover Sport and with the low mileage I have on it and owning it outright, I would transport it from Greece to the US...though via ocean freight. I know your point wasn't to call Range Rovers basic though ;)

As for LE impounding the vehicles at the New Jersey port, I find that doubtful. Doubtful unless Weinstein informed LE on August 20, 2019, the very day of the deposition, that FD had shipped his vehicles from Greece and they were already in NJ. I have a TON of faith in Weinstein, so I think it's very possible that he did inform LE that same day that vehicles arriving in NJ that day should be thoroughly checked. Can LE even move that quickly? I hope so. Is it realistic that they did? I'm still up in the air about that because I don't know enough about how quickly LE can work and keep that information hidden from both FD and the public.

Bottom line, I think the vehicle transfer if in fact done by air freight was a quick solution to pay Pattis and get FD untraceable cash to the US asap...and absolutely worth the $30-40k it would've cost to transport, especially so if the car arrived with $500k in cash (just throwing out a number). MOO
Its interesting how people read these depositions.

To me, it seemed improbable that FD was being deposed on some random date and just 'coincidentally' the last of his greek assets just happened to arrive in Newark the day before and he said that they arrived by overnight express/air. It seemed improbable so I dismissed it as just FD not telling the truth yet again in court and it was no different than so many of his prior appearances in Family and Civil court. Every day is 'opposite day' in Fotisville!

Also, I guess reading so much of the Family Court testimony where FD tells outright 'whoppers' of mistruths and simply spouts 'word salad' that I don't think he would hesitate to do the same in civil court.

Absolutely NO SHADE ON YOUR ROVER @Morgan10028! What I meant was that if these vehicles were in fact air shipped back that the cost to do so might have exceeded the value of at least one of the vehicles. These weren't vintage models of value or even current models of value IMO to support air transport to the US. This then got me thinking that the value of the cargo must have far exceeded the value of the Rover which was simply used as the shipping package IMO. The vehicles could no doubt be sold as FD doesn't need any vehicles.

I agree with you about having faith in Atty. Weinstein. IMO he is one of the absolute heros of this case filled with fakes, phoneys and frauds. I am concerned though that without the assistance of the State and Federal govts that Atty. Weinstein is just one determined attorney against the crew of FD and Pattisville that are determined to simply exploit the CT Judiciary at every turn. To me, it seems that there is an entire criminal and fraud based enterprise surrounding FD and FORE and that dismantling the workings of the overall enterprise in court will be challenging.

Given that FD has had a many year 'jump' on Atty. Weinstein and the Farber family its unlikely much will be found of their wealth beyond the sad 5 houses presently sitting on FORE books. My guess is that FD simply loaded these remaining houses with mortgages from 'friends' to make collection even more difficult for GF.

Someday the 5 Dulos children will hit the internet and search the record for information about their father and the record will no doubt show that their 'father' was a fake, phoney, fraud as well as a criminal. The State is building a case no doubt to prove that FD and MT are no doubt involved in murder as well and we will have to wait for the eventual jury trial to find out if FD's children will see murderer added to the descriptive words used about FD.

The impact and damage to the Dulos children that NP/FD is inflicting is all the more ironic since NP frequently uses his own damaged childhood to justify why he represents people like FD.

More indications that the Dulos/Farber children are just pawns in the strategy of FD and NP.

Prayers that NP is able to break through his own self centered need for attention some morning on the couch and recognize how he’s just perpetuating the cycle of harm he thinks he’s fighting.
Frankly I think Atty. P resides in a realm that is simply 'beyond prayers'!

If Atty. P does therapy 4 days a week as he professes to, then he has no doubt worked out his patterns and most likely understands them. What I am baffled by is why he keeps repeating them? He seems to have a constitutional inability to exert any level of self control and most of the time behaves like a toddler that simply needs a 'time out'! Most of the time he simply comes off as a 'grumpy old white dude' who just happens to hate women. The only solace I take from having Atty. P around is that he will be guaranteed to turn off a good portion of the jury population.

We have seen Atty. P be rude, blustering, confused, combative and downright cranky. He places no priority on a professional demeanour and IMO I believe him to have low professional standards as well as evidenced by the recent hearing about the 'forged affidavit' in the Jones case, the FD stolen psych report in Family Court that he leaked to the press and the most recent Greek interviews done by FD. IMO simply place the professional bar low and you will be guaranteed to see Atty. P simply go lower and do so in a mean and cynical manner. Its a pattern we have seen over and over in the victim shame and blame game in this sad case of JD. Its a shame the CT Bar chooses to not hold Atty. P to any standard of professional conduct. Perhaps the recent Jones hearing might shift this tide. IDK.

The recent Greek interviews represented a now low for FD and Pattisville and I believe they were simply a cynical play to expore JD medical records and continue to debase and discredit her in advance of trial. I also believe they are doing this because its the only thing they have to work with as there is no FD alternative theory/alibi. My guess that next up will be MT and whoever happens to arrive on LE radar screen for this sad case.

The sisters looked good enough to fuel his ego at a family gathering, and the daughter may unfortunately have given him the adulation his own children didn’t.


Imo none of the sisters are what I would consider anything above a 4 with MT being the homilest of them. For trying to look like money none of them have given any effort and do not have a natural beauty like JFD did. They definently need to work on it. I am actually quite surprised as many woman from South America are quite attractive and take great pride in their presentation.[/QUOTE]

What’s gross to consider is FD meeting and hanging out with MT’s daughter and MT’s family way before MT even moved to Connecticut . I’m sure he took them water skiing and most likely took MT and her daughter on vacation when he was gone 10 days per month .

FD was the Knight in Shining Armor who galloped in and rescued MT from her 1 bedroom Condo , I’m sure the female Troconis Clan embraced FD whole heartily .

FD also probably felt far superior to this motley crew of women , he didn’t have to compete with any Father -In -Law figure since MT’s parents were divorced .
He was finally KING.

I agree about “MT’s” daughter whomever wrote that .

MT’s daughter only saw her own father
sporadically as he lived in South America during her school year. She certainly didn’t see him on a daily Basis and when she did it wasn’t under the same roof as her Mother.

She was given her own room in a “Mansion”
living under the same roof as this “ father figure” and her Mother , a family unit she had never experienced and most likely cherished. FD most likely showed up to watch all her ski races, school events, helped with her Math homework, she probably liked and wanted to Water Ski and was good at it.

I can see this being a heady experience For her , she most likely did her best to please FD and wanted his praise .


Pattis may have an "educated-sounding" vocabulary, but he's needs a few more days on the couch with his friend. Many times he comes across as angry...for personal the attack on the news reporter....the attack on JD...the coordinated attack, I'm sure, on GF....where is his defense on his client. Show us your evidence! (I'm still waiting to hear from the Greek witness that was flying to U.S. in June!!!!)

Makes me wonder if NP has any compassion for the children and/or the victims of the crimes of those he defends. Being a great gamesman doesn't equate into a good human being....IMO...all MOO.
I think we are in for a very long wait to meet the 'Greek witness' who was 'flying in' as of a few months ago.

My guess is that this 'Greek witness' is circumventing the globe as a test passenger on Elon Musks secret space vehicle and will never been seen as they simply don't exist!

This 'Greek witness' was no doubt also part of the 'alibi scripts' as well as KM.

What is interesting though is that it looks like FD chose to not tell Atty. P anything not on the 'alibi scripts' either and because Atty. P then spent months spouting these mistruths to the press that it severely limited his defence options IMO. Sorry not sorry about this BTW!

If I do recall, the person to interview FD initially in jail was Atty. S/aka PT2 and not Atty. P. I wonder if perhaps some of the tension between FD and Atty. S might relate to those early interviews of FD spouting the 'alibi script' word salad that then mushroomed into a larger tower of lies? Its an interesting situation because Atty. P stands behind his aggressive use of the Press in this case but it could very well sink his client in the long run IMO.

Thanks for the excellent information.

For you or @afitzy where is the complete transcript of the FD deposition? On the media thread? I couldn't find it..

Thanks again!
I don't think we have anything but excerpts of the FD deposition and will have to wait for trial for the complete transcript I believe. I haven't done the weekly lookup of the civil case to see if anything was resolved on MT deposition. Once I get a chance to update I will post anything I find.
Its interesting how people read these depositions.

To me, it seemed improbable that FD was being deposed on some random date and just 'coincidentally' the last of his greek assets just happened to arrive in Newark the day before and he said that they arrived by overnight express/air. It seemed improbable so I dismissed it as just FD not telling the truth yet again in court and it was no different than so many of his prior appearances in Family and Civil court. Every day is 'opposite day' in Fotisville!

Also, I guess reading so much of the Family Court testimony where FD tells outright 'whoppers' of mistruths and simply spouts 'word salad' that I don't think he would hesitate to do the same in civil court.

Absolutely NO SHADE ON YOUR ROVER @Morgan10028! What I meant was that if these vehicles were in fact air shipped back that the cost to do so might have exceeded the value of at least one of the vehicles. These weren't vintage models of value or even current models of value IMO to support air transport to the US. This then got me thinking that the value of the cargo must have far exceeded the value of the Rover which was simply used as the shipping package IMO. The vehicles could no doubt be sold as FD doesn't need any vehicles.

I agree with you about having faith in Atty. Weinstein. IMO he is one of the absolute heros of this case filled with fakes, phoneys and frauds. I am concerned though that without the assistance of the State and Federal govts that Atty. Weinstein is just one determined attorney against the crew of FD and Pattisville that are determined to simply exploit the CT Judiciary at every turn. To me, it seems that there is an entire criminal and fraud based enterprise surrounding FD and FORE and that dismantling the workings of the overall enterprise in court will be challenging.

Given that FD has had a many year 'jump' on Atty. Weinstein and the Farber family its unlikely much will be found of their wealth beyond the sad 5 houses presently sitting on FORE books. My guess is that FD simply loaded these remaining houses with mortgages from 'friends' to make collection even more difficult for GF.

Someday the 5 Dulos children will hit the internet and search the record for information about their father and the record will no doubt show that their 'father' was a fake, phoney, fraud as well as a criminal. The State is building a case no doubt to prove that FD and MT are no doubt involved in murder as well and we will have to wait for the eventual jury trial to find out if FD's children will see murderer added to the descriptive words used about FD.

FD also didn’t ship over a pint sized smart car but, a large SUV .
Take out the Engine and all it’s components and there was plenty of room.
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