Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #29

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The timing of her filing the paternity suit was VERY interesting. IIRC, she did it just before marrying the guy in FL! That was another short relationship; it would be interesting to know more about it.

A relative of a friend did a similar thing because her new boyfriend refused to marry her if she wasn’t getting child support for the child she had with another person because the new boyfriend didn’t want to have to spend his money or have her use her own money to support the poor child even though she had a very, very good job and she didn’t want to involve the possible fathers. But she did it once testing determined who the father was and married the boyfriend. They did not, however, live happily ever after.
Of course there are sociopaths in every culture. Culture can exacerbate what is already apparent. IME. IMO.

Or what people will allow to occur without invoking societal pressure for violation of cultural norms, etc., not that such pressure alone will stop the visible behaviors of the sociopath. MOO. And then there’s that willing suspension of disbelief that a person really would do such things, and societal bystander effects of everyone waiting for someone else to do something about it...It seems to me that sociopaths wouldn’t be tolerated well by most if any cultures that hoped to be sustainable just because their behaviors would be outside the norms of the culture regardless of how dysfunctional others might see the entire culture. Not my field and just a musing. MOO.
They are dissolving the law partnership. Not his law practice.
But while I’m on the topic, maybe Markowitz being 71 is NOT the true reason.
Distancing himself from blood makes a lot of sense to me. And a great reason that the paperwork needed is somehow misplaced. Duh. I meant maybe shredded.

Oh, do we know destroying evidence is a crime? Hmmm. Maybe he should read up on the news in NC. I’m sure the AWs are there somewhere.
Thank goodness Attorney Weinstein is on deck.

I don’t believe that those documents will ever be turned over by D Markowitz, and further believe that they may have been deliberately destroyed, but he will tell the court that they were lost in the move, not to be found again
He knows what he's done and what he hasn't done.

I don't want to provide reasonable doubt fodder, but is it possible that he's telling a rare truth? What might he HAVE done and NOT done?

We've virtually assumed that he was in NC alone, but what if he wasn't? Two crimes. The heinous murder of JF and the concealment of her body. Maybe he did one but not the other, or the other and not the one. So in half-truth he could half-truthfully say, "what you say I did, I didn't do (not all of it anyway)" ... maybe that's why he's so confident he'll sail through a trial. He's confident that person will never talk. Gas can mystery man... or woman.

Follow the cars.

Yes, Atty Weinstein concludes MT went to pick up her daughter after the car wash. My reading of the AW2 language is that MT did not answer the question clearly about what she did after the car wash. I read the AW to have MT saying she EITHER went home OR picked up her daughter. To me this is vague and a non answer and is consistent with how MT seemed to respond to most of the questions put to her in AW2.

I assumed (maybe wrongly IDK) that Atty Weinstein had better info than AW2. IDK that he does have better answer that AW? So, not sure what to think. All we have are MT words in AW2. MOO

And every mother ( especially one with only one child ) knows where and around what time they picked their child up from school, play date or sports.
He knows what he's done and what he hasn't done.

I don't want to provide reasonable doubt fodder, but is it possible that he's telling a rare truth? What might he HAVE done and NOT done?

We've virtually assumed that he was in NC alone, but what if he wasn't? Two crimes. The heinous murder of JF and the concealment of her body. Maybe he did one but not the other, or the other and not the one. So in half-truth he could half-truthfully say, "what you say I did, I didn't do (not all of it anyway)" ... maybe that's why he's so confident he'll sail through a trial. He's confident that person will never talk. Gas can mystery man... or woman.

Follow the cars.


I think he’s says things like that in a seemingly confident manner because he arrogantly (and wrongly) assumes he’s smarter than everyone else. Exhibit A: The trash-can odyssey. We have seen and read court reports where he out and out lied right to courts, his sweet wife, and the world multiple times. If he told me the sun was shining, I’d have to look to see. I’m not exaggerating. MOO.
Maybe this is Bowman’s last stand. He’s decided to retire. And go out with more cash in his retirement funds.
Not noticing Mr. Weinstein was a clerical error. IMHO.
I don’t think Mr. Bowman needs to play that low. But we’ll see when he responds to Mr. W.
I would think CT is on internet filing system. Everything goes to everyone listed. But the system can be tricked. Just remove the recipient. Once filed, put Mr. W back.
I really hope Mr. W isn’t falling into the lying mode to get an advantage. That they desperately need.
What a mess.

Maybe Mr. Bowman is just tired. Remember how he seemed emotional that one day in court when MT was, too? Could it be that he realized he’d been tricked somewhat by MT and it hit him hard since he’s been a respected lawyer a long time (I think—I’m not from there) and he’s now second-guessing himself and the world? Here and there in my life, I’ve trusted someone in a professional capacity and then found out that my trust was misplaced—and badly. It made me feel like such a fool, just like all those people who have told me in my life that I’m too trusting said I am at times, and it made me feel unsettled about the world for a time. Ultimately I bounce back and remember that trusting others almost always has been a very good thing. How awful would it be to see your reputation and career tainted because of a con person and then feel that you should have known better? I have no idea what occurred that day but something seemed to break with him. MOO.
Of all things to show up in my mail...o_O
Notice of privacy practices from Blue Cross/Anthem
(the insurance Company named in Pattis' medical request motion)

I highlighted a few points of interest in the attached pics and below:

-"If you're enrolled with us through an employer, we may share your PHI (Protected Health Information) with your group health plan. If the employer pays your premium or part of it, but doesn't pay your health insurance claims, your employer can only have your PHI for permitted reasons and is required by law to protect it."
QUESTION: If Fore Group was the group policy holder (which we know he stopped paying sometime in 2017, though may have gotten it back) would that mean he already knows exactly what those EOB/bills are for? OR...did he lose the policy, illegally obtain her health insurance carrier info and EOB and try to get the info?

-"Under federal law, you have the right to: Request confidential communications. You can ask us to send your PHI using other ways that are reasonable. Also let us know if you want us to send your mail to a different address if sending it to your home could put you in danger". Boy, that's an understatement. MOO

-"Under federal law, you have the right to: Ask for a restriction for services you pay for out of your own pocket. If you pay in full for any medical services out of your own pocket, you have the right to ask for a restriction. The restriction would prevent the use or sharing of that PHI for treatment, payment, or operations reasons". This statement, IMO, destroys Pattis' argument that Jennifer was hiding an illness. I don't believe for a millisecond that she was hiding an illness, though it seems that she has the means to pay out of pocket should she have wanted to restrict any info.

Anything here grab anyone else?

The State Insurance Commissioner of each respective state establishes the guidelines that Insurers allowed to do business in your state will abide by.

I can't speak for CT but in WA the PHI that can be shared with your employer paid Group Plan include your premium cost, your annual deductible, and total benefits paid to-date by the insurer.

As an existing employee participating in Group Plan coverage, your subscriber info is already known. However, although the financial cost/benefits of your coverage is known and/or shared, your personal EOB information, including your services and care providers is private - not disclosed, no access.

When NP disclosed that A/BC allegedly paid $14,000 for JD's lab tests, I didn't find that knowledge alarming-- providing she was the part of the employer paid Group Plan under FD family coverage. NP also indicated in court that they did not know names of her providers from the "information they came upon."

I think it's still to be determined if NP was "fishing" for more details with this disclosure, or if in fact they accessed JD's individual subscriber account.

If fishing, it would also not surprise me if the $14,000 paid by Insurer included benefits paid on behalf of any of the children. I think NP would do everything he could think of not to dilute the grand total he solely attributed to JD.

I also don't think NP's will be successful in his motion to obtain release of all of JD's medical records.

A relative of a friend did a similar thing because her new boyfriend refused to marry her if she wasn’t getting child support for the child she had with another person because the new boyfriend didn’t want to have to spend his money or have her use her own money to support the poor child even though she had a very, very good job and she didn’t want to involve the possible fathers. But she did it once testing determined who the father was and married the boyfriend. They did not, however, live happily ever after.

It’s too late to edit this but I’m very sorry I wrote it now that I read about that poor man. I am ashamed for throwing out this quasi-possibility with no facts especially knowing what we do about MT from the documented facts. :( I am getting back to my work!
FD creating a scenario of risk/reward payoff of 50/50 is an interesting theory and it could have been how he 'sold' MT on the idea and its impossible to know what her intelligence level might be, so maybe she bought the scam hook line and sinker. But knowing FD he would push the risk onto MT and up his own reward IMO based on what we know about him! We saw FD tossing MT a rag to get her DNA on the item in AW2 and who knows what other ways he worked to set her up too! I wonder if FD cleaned her hair brush for months and used the collected hair to taint the evidence and possibly even leave a 'clue' at Welles? I wouldn't put it past him. We also saw him drag along MT to Albany Avenue and I wonder who she might have been on the phone to while on the ride?

But, I don't see how the 'reward' allocation could ever be close to 50/50 in this particular case as any financial upside (that we are aware of at least) would go to FD and MT really is just a disposable hanger-oner who doesn't have a substantial legal 'hook' into FD in the form of a child or marriage, and depending on what you believe MT role in the situation was, she would have incriminating evidence against FD that could be used for blackmail or to save her own hide with a plea deal, but it doesn't seem likely that she could ever avoid prison IMO. Could she possibly sue for 'palimony' in CT, IDK? But if FD was a nightmare in divorce court can you imagine how he would behave in a palimony suit?

The meeting/s with Atty Bowman are interesting as the language in the arrest warrant was somewhat vague as to whether Atty Bowman met with BOTH MT and FD or just MT. The question of how many meetings MT had with Atty Bowman is interesting as is understanding how Atty Bowman was found and who is paying his very high bills?

IMO the view of Atty Bowman has to be altered greatly by the game he is playing in civil case by not sending proper notices to Plaintiff. This was a minor league ploy that Atty Weinstein stomped on immediately. I am not convinced that Atty Bowman is in control of his client and her narrative. The presence of Mama A IMO is highly telling and I also very much wonder what other atty's Mama A has working on the sidelines and whether Atty Bowman's only role is that of 'bag man' and person to file the motions as he is the one with the CT license?

Something doesn't seem to be adding up with MT representation IMO and the tip off was the most recent Atty Bowman motion that didn't properly notice the plaintiff. Someone very very much doesn't want MT to speak in civil court and I'm not sure who it is exactly as there are a few players involved that would clearly benefit. But I do seriously question whether Atty Bowman would put his credibility and reputation on the line for 'cheap tricks' just for whatever his billing rate might be? At the end of it all you just have a reputation and already with a client lying to LE for over 2 months and now this 'cheap tricks' motion, it looks like Atty Bowman might not be any different from Atty Norman Pattis and this is saying quite a bit IMO!

How does NOT serving Weinstein benefit Bowman ?

What would happen in Weinstein hadn’t caught Bowman slip up ?

Merely that Bowman would show up at Court and Weinstein wouldn’t be present ?
I think he’s says things like that in a seemingly confident manner because he arrogantly (and wrongly) assumes he’s smarter than everyone else. Exhibit A: The trash-can odyssey. We have seen and read court reports where he out and out lied right to courts, his sweet wife, and the world multiple times. If he told me the sun was shining, I’d have to look to see. I’m not exaggerating. MOO.
FD went on National TV with Body Language experts watching and critiquing yet, no one has stated that he is lying .

They think he look credible .
Maybe Mr. Bowman is just tired. Remember how he seemed emotional that one day in court when MT was, too? Could it be that he realized he’d been tricked somewhat by MT and it hit him hard since he’s been a respected lawyer a long time (I think—I’m not from there) and he’s now second-guessing himself and the world? Here and there in my life, I’ve trusted someone in a professional capacity and then found out that my trust was misplaced—and badly. It made me feel like such a fool, just like all those people who have told me in my life that I’m too trusting said I am at times, and it made me feel unsettled about the world for a time. Ultimately I bounce back and remember that trusting others almost always has been a very good thing. How awful would it be to see your reputation and career tainted because of a con person and then feel that you should have known better? I have no idea what occurred that day but something seemed to break with him. MOO.

But ... Bowman could quit at anytime .

He has more than enough money at his age to retire . If MT and this case were so loathsome , I don’t think he’d hang in there .

How would MT even know to hire Bowman, MT had a lawyer before she was even charged , how’d that happen so fast ?

Bowman must be friends with Daddy Troconis or Mama A .

Perhaps he is going to live or is now living with his lawyer or investigator much like felon Anthony.

I had to laugh when I read this....THEN, I remembered that NP's investigator's roomy is/was Casey Anthony...and, I think she has helped McKenna on some investigations. Now that would be a endless downward spiral....

Remember FD mentioned in the Greek interview that he had a beautiful life with Michelle, etc....and didn't CA get a tattoo with the same inscription? What a delusional pair....hopefully there is no comparison legally!
FD went on National TV with Body Language experts watching and critiquing yet, no one has stated that he is lying .

They think he look credible .

But ... Bowman could quit at anytime .

He has more than enough money at his age to retire . If MT and this case were so loathsome , I don’t think he’d hang in there .

How would MT even know to hire Bowman, MT had a lawyer before she was even charged , how’d that happen so fast ?

Bowman must be friends with Daddy Troconis or Mama A .

Cousins , Daddy T operated on Bowman , Family friends , Mama A’s Former Attorney, old neighbors when Daddy T first practiced in U.S.
I came across this FORE Group 'testimonial', which is purportedly written by Gloria & Hilliard Farber in 2015. It relates to their apparent experience with FORE Group designing & developing their home at 45 Mallard Lake Rd, Pound Ridge NY.


“The team at Fore Group understood our vision in building this unique and beautiful structure. The artistry of the architecture in conjunction with the site’s remote location, added a greater level of complexity. We were put at ease after Fore Group demonstrated through their previous experience, detailed budget and project plans exactly how they were going to accomplish this goal. The building was constructed flawlessly and we could not be happier with our choice”

Hilliard and Gloria Farber - Fore Group Inc.

A few observations:
(1) The Pound Ridge home was designed by Vuko Tashkovich
(2) The house was built in 1989
(3) The house was purchased by the Farbers in 2005
(4) I cannot find an firm with the name A+H Architecture in the area. Closest is A&H Architecture in Minneapolis.

Mallard Lake Estate - $5,900,000 - Pricey Pads

According to Zillow, the Farbers listed the house for sale at $5.9-million in October 2014. It was on the market for 3 and a half years, dropping in price to $2.99-million before withdrawal from market end of April 2018.
Last edited:
I came across this FORE Group 'testimonial', which is purportedly written by Gloria & Hilliard Farber in 2015. It relates to their apparent experience with FORE Group designing & developing their home at 45 Mallard Lake Rd, Pound Ridge NY.


“The team at Fore Group understood our vision in building this unique and beautiful structure. The artistry of the architecture in conjunction with the site’s remote location, added a greater level of complexity. We were put at ease after Fore Group demonstrated through their previous experience, detailed budget and project plans exactly how they were going to accomplish this goal. The building was constructed flawlessly and we could not be happier with our choice”

Hilliard and Gloria Farber - Fore Group Inc.

A few observations:
(1) The Pound Ridge home was designed by Vuko Tashkovich
(2) The house was built in 1989
(3) The house was purchased by the Farbers in 2005
(4) I cannot find an firm with the name A+H Architecture in the area. Closest is A&H Architecture in Minneapolis.

Mallard Lake Estate - $5,900,000 - Pricey Pads

According to Zillow, the Farbers listed the house for sale at $5.9-million in October 2014. It was on the market for 3 and a half years, dropping in price to $2.99-million before withdrawal from market end of April 2018.

Replying to my own post: Apologies, turns out FORE Group did indeed develop at the Pound Ridge house - adding a guest pavillion in the garden:

Modern Guest Pavilion built by high end builder - Fore Group Inc.
My insurance sources claim that life insurance, in the unlikely chance that FD could possibly be anyone’s beneficiary, would be held up until it was obvious he would never be charged in her death, or until he was tried and acquitted. The very minute the insurer gets even a hint of a dispute, much less a murder of the person upon whom the policy is held, and the suspect is the beneficiary, they stop writing the check. But I doubt he is a beneficiary of such a policy, and maybe GF and her legal team have the trust structured in such a way that FD can’t touch it. I do think timing here is crucial, and likely why he hasn’t been charged yet with murder. They do need MT’s cooperation, which up until now hasn’t been forthcoming. They need her to violate her bail conditions so they can lock her up again and make her squeal. As for marriage...I do believe these two are holding out for a marriage clause to keep MT from being compelled to testify against him.
You are right that the insurance company would not write the check, however, during a divorce, a litigant is usually constrained from changing their policy. IMO.
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