Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #31

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New Canaan Police are looking for a missing woman Saturday, May 25.

Jennifer Dulos, 50, was reported missing around 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 24. A sliver alert has been issued.

New Canaan Police with the assistance of the Connecticut State Police initiated a search and an investigation both of which are ongoing as of 8:45 am. Saturday..

Anyone with information related to Dulos’s whereabouts should contact Sgt. Joseph Farenga at 203-505-1332.


New Canaan Police search for missing woman

Media thread:
CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, Media, Maps, Timeline *NO DISCUSSION*

Thread #1
Thread #2
Thread #3
Thread #4
Thread #5
Thread #6
Thread #7
Thread #8
Thread #9

Thread #10
Thread #11
Thread #12
Thread #13

Thread #14

Thread #15 Silver Alert - CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #15 *ARRESTS*
Thread #16 - Silver Alert - CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #16
Thread #17 :Silver Alert - CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #17
Thread #18 - Silver Alert - CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #18
Thread #19 - Silver Alert - CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #19
Thread #20 - Silver Alert - CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #20
Thread #21 - Silver Alert - CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #21
Thread #22 - Silver Alert - CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #22
Thread #23 - Silver Alert - CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #23
Thread #24 - Silver Alert - CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #24
Thread #25 - Silver Alert - CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #25
Thread #26 - Silver Alert - CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #26
Thread #27 - Silver Alert - CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #27
Thread #28 - Silver Alert - CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #28
Thread #29
Thread #30
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Was reviewing this thread for another reason and stumbled across the rudeness, personalizing, and bullying of another member in this thread. This is absolutely unacceptable.

Everyone has a right to their opinion as long as it is stated respectfully (which it has been). To be chastised for holding a different or minority opinion is just plain wrong. If everyone agreed, there would be no need for "discussion".

If you have a concern about another member's post, use the Report feature rather than resorting to snarky comments and tag-teaming against that member.

Thank you.
I was going through my "Strange but True" list on this sad case and came back yet again to FC saga with the MT $75,000 loan (funds received from FD/FORE) to the Frenchman living in Brooklyn, Guillaume Vidallet (GV).

This sorry transaction has been in the "Strange but True" list since I first read about it during the first week after JF went missing. I never understood why FC never got to the bottom of this situation as it seemed pretty clear to me that the origin on the money which MT 'loaned' to GV was FORE/FD. Was this transaction simply to 'suck' cash out of FORE/FD and 'away' from JF? Did MT and FD/FORE do many more of these kinds of transactions that are not part of the FC record that I can find? Seems possible IMO.

GV worked for FORE for 12 yrs I believe and still maintains a relationship with FD. It is 'unclear but likely IMO' that they still might be doing business together.

Under the "Strange but True" category I don't understand not calling GV as a witness in Civil Court given his longstanding knowledge of all things FD and FORE. GV has known FD for much longer that MT and was intimately involved in the FORE operations and so no doubt IMO would be a worthwhile witness.

What peaked my interest when I first read about this transaction was that it involved a bank loan from Farmington Bank and the Loan Officer (Sue Morin (SM)) was deposed in FC and invoked the 5th. This seemed unusual on its face as if the loan were clean and above board, why would the Loan Officer need to invoke the 5th? IDK. It was never clear even after extensive searching that there were ever any consequences for SM. And there didn't appear to be any legal consequences for MT or FD or FORE or GV either so far as I can tell.

But, IMO MT was front and centre on acting as a conduit between FD and GV and SM and on the surface of things this looks/smells/tastes like a potential 'bank fraud' transaction. Looking up the deets on federal bank and mortgage fraud it looks like if convicted there is at least an 18 month sentence involved.

My guess is that this $75,000 loan to GV from MT might just be the tip of the iceberg in terms of the financial games that went on to hide every last cent that FD had made or possible appropriated from JF as part of the divorce action. My guess is that its this transaction along with potentially others that is causing what we are seeing in Civil Court with Atty Bowman fighting to the mat to keep MT from speaking about FD and FORE. I don't see Atty Bowman prevailing in Civil Court and I wonder if MT is willing to possibly go to jail for contempt and ditto for Atty Bowman? IDK, we shall see.

All this back and forth in Civil Court could simply be avoided I would think if the State of CT or the US Federal Prosecutor for CT simply pursued prosecution of the initial simple MT/GV/FD/FORE transaction and brought in SM for a guest appearance/deposition. Why has this NOT happened yet? Is Atty Colangelo aware of the situation? I believe its in his jurisdiction and if not he could refer it to the proper Federal authorities for investigation and prosecution. I also don't understand what, if anything, did Judge Heller do to refer the $75,000 loan transaction to the proper authorities when she first heard about it nearly a year and a half ago?

I keep writing about these issues in hope that something/anything might be done by the State of CT as it seems like Atty Weinstein is a one man band fighting for very basic justice and is getting next to no support from the Judiciary or other State Officials that are supposed to be investigating bank fraud.

Yes, the question of how EE ends up at 80MS is something we don't have a clear answer about IMO. My guess is he didn't see FD outside or inside 4Jx and so might have texted him or MT and that is how he ended up going over to 80 MS. Others here have joked that it must have been unusual to see FD and MT on a cleaning crusade as 80 MS was vacant and no doubt in 'ready to show' shape. Odd to see them both working on cleaning on a day leading into a holiday weekend. MOO
I recall there was also something out of sync regarding the times of FD phone movement and the times EE reported arriving at 80MS. It appeared from the times given in AWs that FD phone moved back to 4JC and stayed there during the time that EE reports he arrived at 80MS.
Making me think when I put the times together that someone (FD or MT) had run the FD phone back to 4JC so that EE would not be able to reach FD by phone at 80MS when he arrived and found his truck and keys were missing and nobody around (“gone waterskiing”).
Making me think they were hoping that EE would give up and go home for the weekend in the Raptor. But instead somehow he turned up at 80MS and caught them “cleaning the house”. Hmmm.
Hope it’s nice and clean now that he’s renting it out on AirBNB. Just in time for Halloween.
I was going through my "Strange but True" list on this sad case and came back yet again to FC saga with the MT $75,000 loan (funds received from FD/FORE) to the Frenchman living in Brooklyn, Guillaume Vidallet (GV).

This sorry transaction has been in the "Strange but True" list since I first read about it during the first week after JF went missing. I never understood why FC never got to the bottom of this situation as it seemed pretty clear to me that the origin on the money which MT 'loaned' to GV was FORE/FD. Was this transaction simply to 'suck' cash out of FORE/FD and 'away' from JF? Did MT and FD/FORE do many more of these kinds of transactions that are not part of the FC record that I can find? Seems possible IMO.

GV worked for FORE for 12 yrs I believe and still maintains a relationship with FD. It is 'unclear but likely IMO' that they still might be doing business together.

Under the "Strange but True" category I don't understand not calling GV as a witness in Civil Court given his longstanding knowledge of all things FD and FORE. GV has known FD for much longer that MT and was intimately involved in the FORE operations and so no doubt IMO would be a worthwhile witness.

What peaked my interest when I first read about this transaction was that it involved a bank loan from Farmington Bank and the Loan Officer (Sue Morin (SM)) was deposed in FC and invoked the 5th. This seemed unusual on its face as if the loan were clean and above board, why would the Loan Officer need to invoke the 5th? IDK. It was never clear even after extensive searching that there were ever any consequences for SM. And there didn't appear to be any legal consequences for MT or FD or FORE or GV either so far as I can tell.

But, IMO MT was front and centre on acting as a conduit between FD and GV and SM and on the surface of things this looks/smells/tastes like a potential 'bank fraud' transaction. Looking up the deets on federal bank and mortgage fraud it looks like if convicted there is at least an 18 month sentence involved.

My guess is that this $75,000 loan to GV from MT might just be the tip of the iceberg in terms of the financial games that went on to hide every last cent that FD had made or possible appropriated from JF as part of the divorce action. My guess is that its this transaction along with potentially others that is causing what we are seeing in Civil Court with Atty Bowman fighting to the mat to keep MT from speaking about FD and FORE. I don't see Atty Bowman prevailing in Civil Court and I wonder if MT is willing to possibly go to jail for contempt and ditto for Atty Bowman? IDK, we shall see.

All this back and forth in Civil Court could simply be avoided I would think if the State of CT or the US Federal Prosecutor for CT simply pursued prosecution of the initial simple MT/GV/FD/FORE transaction and brought in SM for a guest appearance/deposition. Why has this NOT happened yet? Is Atty Colangelo aware of the situation? I believe its in his jurisdiction and if not he could refer it to the proper Federal authorities for investigation and prosecution. I also don't understand what, if anything, did Judge Heller do to refer the $75,000 loan transaction to the proper authorities when she first heard about it nearly a year and a half ago?

I keep writing about these issues in hope that something/anything might be done by the State of CT as it seems like Atty Weinstein is a one man band fighting for very basic justice and is getting next to no support from the Judiciary or other State Officials that are supposed to be investigating bank fraud.

Given the timing of this loan, 5/31/2017, in addition to extracting funds out of Fore and away from JF, I have always wondered 2 things:

1. Did JF find out about this and it was the last straw, causing her to leave just a couple of weeks later;


2. Did FD buy this place planning to keep MT and daughter there (10 mins away from 4JC and a hike across the WH reservoir) as an outpost while they “all lived together as one big family”. There weren’t enough bedrooms at 4JC for MT and daughter (despite the massive size of the house) so it was never clear to me how it was going to work to have them all live there together. If he was planning to store MT there it would make sense for GV to launder the mortgage/ownership to keep it away from JF, etc.

Adding to this suspicion is the fact that it was turned quickly and sold at a loss on 12/31/2017, perhaps because FD didn’t need it anymore since MT could now spread out at 4JC since JF was gone and clearly not coming back.

I think I have solved the mystery.

I think we are ALL Correct with the 80MS listing in the Patch.

Someone with Experience placing ads with the Patch, told me that both the Date And Poster’s Name, on the Original listing, Cannot be manipulated if the original listing is Renewed each time.

Original listing must be cancelled and a new listing created for the Date to change.

For the Poster’s Name to change, an Entirely New Patch Classified Account must be created.

In addition, anyone with the password can Renew or begin a new listing within the account. It does not necessarily indicate that MT is doing the actual listing.

Is it possible that a New listing was created and then taken down today?


FD, not being the ‘usual’ person to Renew the listing, could have created a New listing within the MT account and then he could have realized that all he needed to do was to Renew the original listing. He then, would have removed the New listing, which then leaves us with the Renewal of the Original listing.

This explains Everyone’s experience with the Patch listing and we are All Correct.


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I recall there was also something out of sync regarding the times of FD phone movement and the times EE reported arriving at 80MS. It appeared from the times given in AWs that FD phone moved back to 4JC and stayed there during the time that EE reports he arrived at 80MS.
Making me think when I put the times together that someone (FD or MT) had run the FD phone back to 4JC so that EE would not be able to reach FD by phone at 80MS when he arrived and found his truck and keys were missing and nobody around (“gone waterskiing”).
Making me think they were hoping that EE would give up and go home for the weekend in the Raptor. But instead somehow he turned up at 80MS and caught them “cleaning the house”. Hmmm.
Hope it’s nice and clean now that he’s renting it out on AirBNB. Just in time for Halloween.


We had made This conclusion many threads back.

I recall there was also something out of sync regarding the times of FD phone movement and the times EE reported arriving at 80MS. It appeared from the times given in AWs that FD phone moved back to 4JC and stayed there during the time that EE reports he arrived at 80MS.
Making me think when I put the times together that someone (FD or MT) had run the FD phone back to 4JC so that EE would not be able to reach FD by phone at 80MS when he arrived and found his truck and keys were missing and nobody around (“gone waterskiing”).
Making me think they were hoping that EE would give up and go home for the weekend in the Raptor. But instead somehow he turned up at 80MS and caught them “cleaning the house”. Hmmm.
Hope it’s nice and clean now that he’s renting it out on AirBNB. Just in time for Halloween.

So Odd and easy .

Why didn’t FD disable EE’s Tacoma ?

All he had to do was pop a tire , Pull out some wires , shove a paper clip into the ignition.

Hell, FD could have simply told EE he lost his keys so, take the Raptor for the weekend.

Why the Hide & Go Seek with EE’s keys ?

I recall there was also something out of sync regarding the times of FD phone movement and the times EE reported arriving at 80MS. It appeared from the times given in AWs that FD phone moved back to 4JC and stayed there during the time that EE reports he arrived at 80MS.
Making me think when I put the times together that someone (FD or MT) had run the FD phone back to 4JC so that EE would not be able to reach FD by phone at 80MS when he arrived and found his truck and keys were missing and nobody around (“gone waterskiing”).
Making me think they were hoping that EE would give up and go home for the weekend in the Raptor. But instead somehow he turned up at 80MS and caught them “cleaning the house”. Hmmm.
Hope it’s nice and clean now that he’s renting it out on AirBNB. Just in time for Halloween.
Arrest Warrants: Estranged Husband, Girlfriend Dumped Bags with Items ‘Found To Contain Jennifer Dulos’s Blood’ - We-Ha | West Hartford News
This is from AW1
1:37 p.m. The iPhone of Fotis Dulos, having left his home at 4 Jefferson Crossing in Farmington, entered a property owned by his construction company, Fore Group, at 80 Mountain Spring Road.
  • 3:38 p.m. The phone traveled back to Fotis Dulos’s residence at 4 Jefferson Crossing.
  • 4:17 p.m. The device arrives back at Jefferson Crossing.
  • 5:21 p.m. The cellphone returns again to the Mountain Spring Road home.
  • 5:34 p.m. Fotis Dulos’s cellphone arrives back at his residence at 4 Jefferson Crossing
    • 7:10 p.m. The device traveled to the area of Albany Avenue in the north end of Hartford. The cellular device of Fotis Dulos’s girlfriend, Michelle Troconis, as well as his own, traveled throughout the Hartford area.
    • 7:41 p.m. Fotis Dulos’s handset leaves Hartford and returns to his home at 4 Jefferson Crossing in Farmington.
    My take: FD arrived at MS at 12:22. Either he went to 4JC to get it or MT brought it to him at 1:37. My guess is that MT brought it to him because she brought the garbage bags to MS as stated in AW2.
    It is only a 5 minute ride between the properties. Transit starts at 3:38 and ends at 4:17. Way longer than 5 minutes. 39 minutes for a 5 minute drive. What was happening during this time?
  • EE arrives to 4JC at 4:30, just missing FD. FD is now at MS but the phone is at 4JC. EE goes to MS. Then there is the whole fiasco with FD and EE going back to 4JC together. Which I don't understand why MT and FD needed 2 vehicles but that seemed to be the story given.
  • Seems like FD would have taken the phone with him at this point, arriving at MS at 5:21
  • A few more minutes to wrap things up there and get EE's keys back. Then straight back to 4JC.
So yes, weird phone shenenigans.
So Odd and easy .

Why didn’t FD disable EE’s Tacoma ?

All he had to do was pop a tire , Pull out some wires , shove a paper clip into the ignition.

Hell, FD could have simply told EE he lost his keys so, take the Raptor for the weekend.

Why the Hide & Go Seek with EE’s keys ?


Because EE was a Surprise visitor at 80MS and they did not know to hide the keys Incase EE showed up ‘accidentally’ after the ruse to get him to just use FD’s Ford Raptor to get home. I am sure that FD told EE that he would leave the keys to EE’s red truck at 4JC. When EE could not find the keys, FD thought EE would go “oh well’ and be all excited that he got to drive the big fancy truck for the whole holiday weekend. FD did not count on EE wanting His Own truck and coming to 80MS, thinking that FD May have left the keys in EE’s red truck.

Well Done EE.
Arrest Warrants: Estranged Husband, Girlfriend Dumped Bags with Items ‘Found To Contain Jennifer Dulos’s Blood’ - We-Ha | West Hartford News
This is from AW1
1:37 p.m. The iPhone of Fotis Dulos, having left his home at 4 Jefferson Crossing in Farmington, entered a property owned by his construction company, Fore Group, at 80 Mountain Spring Road.
  • 3:38 p.m. The phone traveled back to Fotis Dulos’s residence at 4 Jefferson Crossing.
  • 4:17 p.m. The device arrives back at Jefferson Crossing.
  • 5:21 p.m. The cellphone returns again to the Mountain Spring Road home.
  • 5:34 p.m. Fotis Dulos’s cellphone arrives back at his residence at 4 Jefferson Crossing
    • 7:10 p.m. The device traveled to the area of Albany Avenue in the north end of Hartford. The cellular device of Fotis Dulos’s girlfriend, Michelle Troconis, as well as his own, traveled throughout the Hartford area.
    • 7:41 p.m. Fotis Dulos’s handset leaves Hartford and returns to his home at 4 Jefferson Crossing in Farmington.
    My take: FD arrived at MS at 12:22. Either he went to 4JC to get it or MT brought it to him at 1:37. My guess is that MT brought it to him because she brought the garbage bags to MS as stated in AW2.
    It is only a 5 minute ride between the properties. Transit starts at 3:38 and ends at 4:17. Way longer than 5 minutes. 39 minutes for a 5 minute drive. What was happening during this time?
  • EE arrives to 4JC at 4:30, just missing FD. FD is now at MS but the phone is at 4JC. EE goes to MS. Then there is the whole fiasco with FD and EE going back to 4JC together. Which I don't understand why MT and FD needed 2 vehicles but that seemed to be the story given.
  • Seems like FD would have taken the phone with him at this point, arriving at MS at 5:21
  • A few more minutes to wrap things up there and get EE's keys back. Then straight back to 4JC.
So yes, weird phone shenenigans.

It is a 40 minute Walk from 80MS to 4JC according to Google maps. There was much discussion on this 39 minute Phone trip, many threads back.

In Addition, the AW2 states that EE has to help FD Return a Vehicle to 4JC when EE unexpectedly arrives at 80MS that afternoon, leading us to the conclusion that too many vehicles were at 80MS and a 39 Minute Walk to 4JC to Subsequently Drive a vehicle back to 80MS, would answer that question. That would then be 4 vehicles at 80MS and 3 drivers.

EE’s Red Truck
FD’s Ford Raptor
And any two of the following:
Jeep Cherokee
Tahoe Rental
FD’s Suburban

Where was MT when FD had to Walk 39 minutes, or was this the actual point, so that FD’s Phone pings would show that the phone Walked home?

What if the person Walking FD’s phone back home to 4JC, was actually MT?

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It is a 40 minute Walk from 80MS to 4JC according to Google maps. There was much discussion on this 39 minute Phone trip, many threads back.
That would then be 4 vehicles at 80MS and 3 drivers.

EE’s Red Truck
FD’s Ford Raptor
And any two of the following:
Jeep Cherokee
Tahoe Rental
FD’s Suburban


Law enforcement likely has video of the cars coming and going considering they have video of the tacoma entering 80MS from NC (shown in arrest warrant). MOO
This could be exactly what happened except it's based on some assumptions.
1. That the Suburban went directly from WL to WP using the most direct route. I am not aware of anything specifically stating that to be the case.
2. I'm not aware of any statements from LE stating the phone was found in the water.

Interesting article here about iphones that have been submerged for lengthy amounts of time and still working when found:

I wonder what LE capability is for extracting info from a phone that's been submerged for perhaps days?
Phone may have been left in Suburban.
If phone was retrieved from water, maybe operable, maybe not.
Even if phone was never found, LE could still get cellular location data if JD backed it up to icloud or something like that. Maybe she had one of those apps where she shared her location with another person. It almost seemed like they found JD vehicle simultaneously with going to the house on 5/24.

I'm not assuming anything, but IF the phone was found with the car, and IF the Suburban arrived at WP at, say 10:35, then 37 minutes is a big gap to fill before getting to the rest area at 11:12. About 5 minute drive. FD is not the brightest so maybe he did spend 30 minutes at WP doing all that shady stuff with a body right there. MOO.
ETA: Regarding point 1, the AW doesn't say what route the Suburban took or when it got to WP. I got 47 minutes in original post as total time from WL to WP to rest area. Of course, I do realize that it took FD more than 30 seconds to do some things and I think I even factored that in one of my earlier posts. I still leave open possibility that FD could have done something with JD body on the way to WP. Looks like there might be some more secluded areas. There is also water there. MOO. I can't discount it because the AW is vague and I haven't driven the route.
Does the Find My Phone feature continually work and load into the cloud or does that only provide a location when asked?
She could have edited anything within the listing except listing date. MS is now $500,00 less. Alot of real estate people like to refresh the ads if a house has been sitting along time and shows alot of price cuts. People wonder what's wrong. They do this on MLS too instead of just rolling the listing over. Then I saw this on Patch so maybe if you have a business account you CAN refresh the ad with a different date:
View attachment 211954
Or maybe she was working on the new ad and hadn't gotten the Oct 2018 deleted. There were a few posters here who saw the Oct 28 date. When I saw it, I double checked the date on my computer. It was definitely there.
ETA: I also remember so well because I thought it odd that it only said OCT 28 without the year. Maybe that is just how Patch formats and doesn't show the year. When I did a test post, it just showed my listing in minutes. Some posts showed as hours. A business account might just show month and day until the next year rolls around.

Yes, I saw it too with a different date for PART of yesterday. Several of us did. Nothing to freak out about, but something to make note of.

While we understand there has been an ad for the house up there by MT since October 2018, our point was not what it shows now, or what it showed in 2018, but what date it showed for a while YESTERDAY. :)

The existence of the ad has been observed by the smart folks (you know who you are and thank you!) in this group for a long time know - and I appreciate that, but the actual existence of the ad wasn't what we were questioning yesterday.

I don't know (or really care) how it was edited, or by whom, but it was edited to show Oct 28 yesterday, without a year, and that was the point of Happyperson's post yesterday - to state that the date on it was yesterday's date. When I looked at it I also checked my computer's date - same date (I don't always know what day it is ;)). Someone posted a half hour later that it said 2018, so it had changed yet again. I checked again and it then said 2018, which others see now.

No matter who is changing that listing, they were changing it a few times yesterday - somehow. And it still lists MT as the business contact, so she's still involved, as she was in 2018, whether making the actual date change yesterday or not.
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Yes, I saw it too with a different date for PART of yesterday. Several of us did.

While we understand there has been an ad for the house up there by MT since October 2018, our point was not what it shows now, or what it showed in 2018, but what date it showed for a while YESTERDAY. :)

I don't know (or really care) how it was edited, but it was edited to show Oct 28 yesterday, without a year, and that was the point of Happyperson's post yesterday - to state that the date on it was yesterday's date. When I looked at it I also checked my computer's date - same date (I don't always know what day it is ;)). Someone posted a half hour later that it said 2018, so it had changed yet again. I checked again and it then said 2018, which others see now.

No matter who is changing that listing, they were changing it a few times yesterday - somehow. And it still lists MT as the contact, so she's still involved, whether making the actual date change or not.
Of course she is still involved. And they both need money since their master plan of how to acquire a fortune didn't work out. They are in it together they are going to help each other raise the much needed funds. But soon, they won't have to worry about little mundane things like shelter and food. MOO.
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It is a 40 minute Walk from 80MS to 4JC according to Google maps. There was much discussion on this 39 minute Phone trip, many threads back.

In Addition, the AW2 states that EE has to help FD Return a Vehicle to 4JC when EE unexpectedly arrives at 80MS that afternoon, leading us to the conclusion that too many vehicles were at 80MS and a 39 Minute Walk to 4JC to Subsequently Drive a vehicle back to 80MS, would answer that question. That would then be 4 vehicles at 80MS and 3 drivers.

EE’s Red Truck
FD’s Ford Raptor
And any two of the following:
Jeep Cherokee
Tahoe Rental
FD’s Suburban

Where was MT when FD had to Walk 39 minutes, or was this the actual point, so that FD’s Phone pings would show that the phone Walked home?

What if the person Walking FD’s phone back home to 4JC, was actually MT?

The Tahoe was not rented yet so that one can be taken off the list
I recall there was also something out of sync regarding the times of FD phone movement and the times EE reported arriving at 80MS. It appeared from the times given in AWs that FD phone moved back to 4JC and stayed there during the time that EE reports he arrived at 80MS.
Making me think when I put the times together that someone (FD or MT) had run the FD phone back to 4JC so that EE would not be able to reach FD by phone at 80MS when he arrived and found his truck and keys were missing and nobody around (“gone waterskiing”).
Making me think they were hoping that EE would give up and go home for the weekend in the Raptor. But instead somehow he turned up at 80MS and caught them “cleaning the house”. Hmmm.
Hope it’s nice and clean now that he’s renting it out on AirBNB. Just in time for Halloween.
Interesting thought about the FD phone. It seemed fairly clear that there was a good game of 'HIDE EEs KEYS' going on with MT, so perhaps MT just kept moving the FD phone around too. Especially if you go with the idea that MT 'JOB' on the 24th was 'Manning' the FD phone location. MOO
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