Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #31

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Interesting thought about the FD phone. It seemed fairly clear that there was a good game of 'HIDE EEs KEYS' going on with MT, so perhaps MT just kept moving the FD phone around too. Especially if you go with the idea that MT 'JOB' on the 24th was 'Manning' the FD phone location. MOO
If FD knew it was so important to keep that phone at 4JC on the morning of the 24th, then what the [REDACTED] happened that night? I mean, really, whose brilliant idea was it to take the phones to Hartford? MT was seen talking on the phone so it's not like FD was unaware. FD had no way of knowing how fast LE might get the phone info and connect it to Albany Ave. I also wonder if he made an attempt to disconnect the infotainment system on the Raptor. Because LE used that to verify EE whereabouts. Even if FD had gotten to keep the Toyota, the phones would have told everything. When they got back to 4JC, did they think they just pulled off a perfect murder, or did one of them say, whoops, maybe shouldn't have done that. Really would like to know the thought process on that one.
ETA: I don't want to say 100% MT was seen talking on the phone because I didn't find it in the AW. I may have gotten this mixed up with the statement about how she was hanging out the window and/or dropping/picking up something.
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If FD knew it was so important to keep that phone at 4JC on the morning of the 24th, then what the [REDACTED] happened that night? I mean, really, whose brilliant idea was it to take the phones to Hartford? MT was seen talking on the phone so it's not like FD was unaware. FD had no way of knowing how fast LE might get the phone info and connect it to Albany Ave. I also wonder if he made an attempt to disconnect the infotainment system on the Raptor. Because LE used that to verify EE whereabouts. Even if FD had gotten to keep the Toyota, the phones would have told everything. When they got back to 4JC, did they think they just pulled off a perfect murder, or did one of them say, whoops, maybe shouldn't have done that. Really would like to know the thought process on that one.
I was going to post about this earlier, but forgot.

There have been several posts today about MT being on the phone that morning, keeping the phone at 4JC, MT babysitting the phone....

Where do we have ANY proof that the phone was at 4JC that AM, or that there was a phone call with MT that AM? Wasn't that part of the Lies Part 1?

I don't think we have an iota of proof that she was NOT in NC. Not to say she was in NC, but it IS to say she could well have been there. (Feel free to prove me wrong, as I may have missed something in the AW.)
Not sure if this article was posted from 10/26/19 about MT moving her stuff out of the house and speculation that it means she and FD may have 'split for good':

"The couple at the center of the disappearance of a New Caanan, Connecticut, mother of five may have finally split for good.

Michelle Troconis, 44, has moved her belongings out of the Farmington home she shared with Greek real estate developer Fotis Dulos — whose wife Jennifer Dulos went missing in May, the Hartford Courant reported."
What took her so long? 5 months out?
If FD knew it was so important to keep that phone at 4JC on the morning of the 24th, then what the [REDACTED] happened that night? I mean, really, whose brilliant idea was it to take the phones to Hartford? MT was seen talking on the phone so it's not like FD was unaware. FD had no way of knowing how fast LE might get the phone info and connect it to Albany Ave. I also wonder if he made an attempt to disconnect the infotainment system on the Raptor. Because LE used that to verify EE whereabouts. Even if FD had gotten to keep the Toyota, the phones would have told everything. When they got back to 4JC, did they think they just pulled off a perfect murder, or did one of them say, whoops, maybe shouldn't have done that. Really would like to know the thought process on that one.
I know I have said this before, but what if dropping off construction waste in that fashion was common for him to avoid paying collection fees? If it were a normal thing, why bother leaving the phone at home? He could just say he always did that. This time he merely added a few extra items not ever thinking they would be found. MOO
I was going to post about this earlier, but forgot.

There have been several posts today about MT being on the phone that morning, keeping the phone at 4JC, MT babysitting the phone....

Where do we have ANY proof that the phone was at 4JC that AM, or that there was a phone call with MT that AM? Wasn't that part of the Lies Part 1?

I don't think we have an iota of proof that she was NOT in NC. Not to say she was in NC, but it IS to say she could well have been there. (Feel free to prove me wrong, as I may have missed something in the AW.)
Yep. Nothing yet.
She also allegedly said that she was on her phone for the Albany Ave. spree.
Will pings and cellphone records dispute that?
I know I have said this before, but what if dropping off construction waste in that fashion was common for him to avoid paying collection fees? If it were a normal thing, why bother leaving the phone at home? He could just say he always did that. This time he merely added a few extra items not ever thinking they would be found. MOO
Construction waste is what dumpsters are for, and we know he had them. ;) It's possibly illegal to do otherwise. And - one doesn't do that in a nice truck. One doesn't do that in many trash bags full of bloody items, and one doesn't do it out of town so that argument wouldn't last long if he tried to make it.

Don't know he left the phone at home yet, I don't think. I think he had it on him and he was tracked, no? I need to go back and read AWs...
I have competing theories. MT at 4JC most of the morning. MT in NC most of the morning.

How many cars, how many locations did two people manage to touch in one day?

My hope is there is video footage of every incriminating maneuver.

I was going to post about this earlier, but forgot.

There have been several posts today about MT being on the phone that morning, keeping the phone at 4JC, MT babysitting the phone....

Where do we have ANY proof that the phone was at 4JC that AM, or that there was a phone call with MT that AM? Wasn't that part of the Lies Part 1?

I don't think we have an iota of proof that she was NOT in NC. Not to say she was in NC, but it IS to say she could well have been there. (Feel free to prove me wrong, as I may have missed something in the AW.)
There has been little info about MT phone movement except for it pinged down Albany with FD. Incoming and outgoing calls WERE a part of the Alibi Scripts. Info proven to be inaccurate and alibi witnesses later proved to be false according to AW. We don't know the process of how LE obtained her phone. You are right, cannot ASSUME anything.
I know I have said this before, but what if dropping off construction waste in that fashion was common for him to avoid paying collection fees? If it were a normal thing, why bother leaving the phone at home? He could just say he always did that. This time he merely added a few extra items not ever thinking they would be found. MOO
IDK. How much construction was even going on at FORE recently? Sturbridge had its own dumpster. And that property seemed to be mostly complete for quite a while. I have a feeling this was not a regular thing. JMO. Even if it had happened in the past, dumb idea on his part.
Construction waste is what dumpsters are for, and we know he had them. ;) It's possibly illegal to do otherwise. And - one doesn't do that in a nice truck. One doesn't do that in many trash bags full of bloody items, and one doesn't do it out of town so that argument wouldn't last long if he tried to make it.

Don't know he left the phone at home yet, I don't think. I think he had it on him and he was tracked, no? I need to go back and read AWs...
I just can’t think of anything else that explains the stupidity of it!
There are reasons law enforcement did extensive searches at some places rather then others. I’m sure cell phones pinged longer in these places. If MT or FD or anyone else involved are reading these posts, they should know the locals such as myself will be all over these places, all the time, looking for anything, until they are locked away forever.

I drive by JC several time a week, I’m looking every day for a random black trash bag on the side in the brush.

MT, your coffee getaway is a football field away from my house, if I see you Ill be nice because you are innocent until proven guilty, but know I’m taking notes

We will not stop until Jennifer has justice.
If FD knew it was so important to keep that phone at 4JC on the morning of the 24th, then what the [REDACTED] happened that night? I mean, really, whose brilliant idea was it to take the phones to Hartford? MT was seen talking on the phone so it's not like FD was unaware. FD had no way of knowing how fast LE might get the phone info and connect it to Albany Ave. I also wonder if he made an attempt to disconnect the infotainment system on the Raptor. Because LE used that to verify EE whereabouts. Even if FD had gotten to keep the Toyota, the phones would have told everything. When they got back to 4JC, did they think they just pulled off a perfect murder, or did one of them say, whoops, maybe shouldn't have done that. Really would like to know the thought process on that one.
ETA: I don't want to say 100% MT was seen talking on the phone because I didn't find it in the AW. I may have gotten this mixed up with the statement about how she was hanging out the window and/or dropping/picking up something.
We've talked about the FD/MT phones on Albany a lot on here in prior threads and there have been many POV.

The more I think about the idea that someone would leave their phone at 4Jx and drive to NC to possibly evade detection AND THEN take their phone with them to dispose of bloody evidence most likely from a crime scene, has me scratching my head.

The only ideas I can come up with is that FD/MT didn't think Albany would ever be discovered (good work NCPD/State Police/Hartford Police!) and/or FD expected an important call regarding the children or some other important call. I do wonder why FD/MT thought Albany would never be discovered?

There has been little info about MT phone movement except for it pinged down Albany with FD. Incoming and outgoing calls WERE a part of the Alibi Scripts. Info proven to be inaccurate and alibi witnesses later proved to be false according to AW. We don't know the process of how LE obtained her phone. You are right, cannot ASSUME anything.
No, totally agree. As it relates to MT we have next to no timeline information. I also wonder if the warrant for her phone came in after the warrant for FD phone as it seems like the detailed phone information existed earlier for FD vs MT, but maybe this is an incorrect assumption on my part? IDK.

For some reason LE is shrouding MT in a bit of a cloak for whatever reason IMO and I wonder if it was to get her walking down the path to cooperation agreement with the State? I do wonder how long this courtesy will be extended to MT as just looked at AW2 there were clearly other crimes she could have been charged with IMO that she wasn't charged with in AW2 which I thought was particularly interesting.

MT is on record as having lied to LE for over 2 months and she didn't get any additional charges for this at all so far as I can see.

Can't see this happening for much longer? We will see what AW3 says....

I wonder if it reeked of whatever FD was using to clean up the blood? Or if it was obvious where he "spot cleaned"? Did he tell EE he spilled coffee in his truck? Did he use that excuse for the subsequent full detail....under the guise of an apology for his clumsiness?

Great points! Further to your questions, did MT verify to LE where in the Tacoma FD was cleaning the coffee spot? Did that coffee spot happen to be the same spot that matched back to Jennifers blood? We know MT saw pics of the truck because of her highly quoted comment, so I have to imagine that LE asked her to point to the spot that was cleaned...

I was going through my "Strange but True" list on this sad case and came back yet again to FC saga with the MT $75,000 loan (funds received from FD/FORE) to the Frenchman living in Brooklyn, Guillaume Vidallet (GV).

This sorry transaction has been in the "Strange but True" list since I first read about it during the first week after JF went missing. I never understood why FC never got to the bottom of this situation as it seemed pretty clear to me that the origin on the money which MT 'loaned' to GV was FORE/FD. Was this transaction simply to 'suck' cash out of FORE/FD and 'away' from JF? Did MT and FD/FORE do many more of these kinds of transactions that are not part of the FC record that I can find? Seems possible IMO.

GV worked for FORE for 12 yrs I believe and still maintains a relationship with FD. It is 'unclear but likely IMO' that they still might be doing business together.

Under the "Strange but True" category I don't understand not calling GV as a witness in Civil Court given his longstanding knowledge of all things FD and FORE. GV has known FD for much longer that MT and was intimately involved in the FORE operations and so no doubt IMO would be a worthwhile witness.

What peaked my interest when I first read about this transaction was that it involved a bank loan from Farmington Bank and the Loan Officer (Sue Morin (SM)) was deposed in FC and invoked the 5th. This seemed unusual on its face as if the loan were clean and above board, why would the Loan Officer need to invoke the 5th? IDK. It was never clear even after extensive searching that there were ever any consequences for SM. And there didn't appear to be any legal consequences for MT or FD or FORE or GV either so far as I can tell.

But, IMO MT was front and centre on acting as a conduit between FD and GV and SM and on the surface of things this looks/smells/tastes like a potential 'bank fraud' transaction. Looking up the deets on federal bank and mortgage fraud it looks like if convicted there is at least an 18 month sentence involved.

My guess is that this $75,000 loan to GV from MT might just be the tip of the iceberg in terms of the financial games that went on to hide every last cent that FD had made or possible appropriated from JF as part of the divorce action. My guess is that its this transaction along with potentially others that is causing what we are seeing in Civil Court with Atty Bowman fighting to the mat to keep MT from speaking about FD and FORE. I don't see Atty Bowman prevailing in Civil Court and I wonder if MT is willing to possibly go to jail for contempt and ditto for Atty Bowman? IDK, we shall see.

All this back and forth in Civil Court could simply be avoided I would think if the State of CT or the US Federal Prosecutor for CT simply pursued prosecution of the initial simple MT/GV/FD/FORE transaction and brought in SM for a guest appearance/deposition. Why has this NOT happened yet? Is Atty Colangelo aware of the situation? I believe its in his jurisdiction and if not he could refer it to the proper Federal authorities for investigation and prosecution. I also don't understand what, if anything, did Judge Heller do to refer the $75,000 loan transaction to the proper authorities when she first heard about it nearly a year and a half ago?

I keep writing about these issues in hope that something/anything might be done by the State of CT as it seems like Atty Weinstein is a one man band fighting for very basic justice and is getting next to no support from the Judiciary or other State Officials that are supposed to be investigating bank fraud.


So? Where was GV Friday am? Could he be the missing link?
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