Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #31

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Yes, I saw it too with a different date for PART of yesterday. Several of us did. Nothing to freak out about, but something to make note of.

While we understand there has been an ad for the house up there by MT since October 2018, our point was not what it shows now, or what it showed in 2018, but what date it showed for a while YESTERDAY. :)

The existence of the ad has been observed by the smart folks (you know who you are and thank you!) in this group for a long time know - and I appreciate that, but the actual existence of the ad wasn't what we were questioning yesterday.

I don't know (or really care) how it was edited, or by whom, but it was edited to show Oct 28 yesterday, without a year, and that was the point of Happyperson's post yesterday - to state that the date on it was yesterday's date. When I looked at it I also checked my computer's date - same date (I don't always know what day it is ;)). Someone posted a half hour later that it said 2018, so it had changed yet again. I checked again and it then said 2018, which others see now.

No matter who is changing that listing, they were changing it a few times yesterday - somehow. And it still lists MT as the business contact, so she's still involved, as she was in 2018, whether making the actual date change yesterday or not.
I guess whatever happened happened but its possibly an impt lesson that if you see something significant or something that doesn't look right to take a quick screenshot and save it. You can put it into the media thread if its media related to the case and save it there. We know MT is scrubbing the internet and you can bet other participants in this case will be doing the same over time. We've seen this happen in other cases so if something is impt please save it.
Of course she is still involved. And they both need money since their master plan of how to acquire a fortune didn't work out. They are in it together they are going to help each other raise the much needed funds. But soon, they won't have to worry about little mundane things like shelter and food.

If we pretend that MT wasn’t involved and FD duped and used her to commit his crime wouldn’t she have “broken up” and moved her items out THE MINUTE she got out of jail?

Her family could have put Everything in a Storage Locker months ago ...

*Seems more plausible FD needs to rent/ Arbnb the property so, he asked her to remove her items .

Does the Find My Phone feature continually work and load into the cloud or does that only provide a location when asked?
Continually loads. And you can share location with other users. You will see a history, not just last location. I think the google maps location service is supposed to be even better. It seems logical that JD would have had location sharing turned on, but maybe not. One poster here said some of the google history is so detailed it's scary.
It is a 40 minute Walk from 80MS to 4JC according to Google maps. There was much discussion on this 39 minute Phone trip, many threads back.

In Addition, the AW2 states that EE has to help FD Return a Vehicle to 4JC when EE unexpectedly arrives at 80MS that afternoon, leading us to the conclusion that too many vehicles were at 80MS and a 39 Minute Walk to 4JC to Subsequently Drive a vehicle back to 80MS, would answer that question. That would then be 4 vehicles at 80MS and 3 drivers.

EE’s Red Truck
FD’s Ford Raptor
And any two of the following:
Jeep Cherokee
Tahoe Rental
FD’s Suburban

Where was MT when FD had to Walk 39 minutes, or was this the actual point, so that FD’s Phone pings would show that the phone Walked home?

What if the person Walking FD’s phone back home to 4JC, was actually MT?

Since there was already more than enough vehicles at MS, what would the reason be for walking 39 minutes to 4JC. ?
Yes, I saw it too with a different date for PART of yesterday. Several of us did. Nothing to freak out about, but something to make note of.

While we understand there has been an ad for the house up there by MT since October 2018, our point was not what it shows now, or what it showed in 2018, but what date it showed for a while YESTERDAY. :)

The existence of the ad has been observed by the smart folks (you know who you are and thank you!) in this group for a long time know - and I appreciate that, but the actual existence of the ad wasn't what we were questioning yesterday.

I don't know (or really care) how it was edited, or by whom, but it was edited to show Oct 28 yesterday, without a year, and that was the point of Happyperson's post yesterday - to state that the date on it was yesterday's date. When I looked at it I also checked my computer's date - same date (I don't always know what day it is ;)). Someone posted a half hour later that it said 2018, so it had changed yet again. I checked again and it then said 2018, which others see now.

No matter who is changing that listing, they were changing it a few times yesterday - somehow. And it still lists MT as the business contact, so she's still involved, as she was in 2018, whether making the actual date change yesterday or not.
I definitely remember seeing Oct 28 when the ad was first posted here (which was before Oct 28, 2019). I can see that it is now listed as Oct 2108. It would make sense that until Oct 28, 2019 arrived, the post was still valid in stating Oct 28th. Once the Patch system caught up, it makes sense that the date would change to Oct 2018, since the 2019 date had arrived.

Due to cacheing and/or factors related to your own computer/phone/what have you, it's entirely possible that a few of you saw different dates. Someone posted here that the Airbnb listing showed the Nov 2 date blocked...but my computer showed it as free, even when I refreshed the tab. Hours later, it then showed reserved.

Bottom line, I don't think it's as likely that MT was revising as much as the Patch system was catching up with the date change now that the Oct 28th date had arrived in 2019. MOO
@Morgan10028 that could explain it! When I search for the Patch ad for 80MS I see one date (Oct 28th) on the Google results, and I see
Oct 2018 when I open the article.

Since there was already more than enough vehicles at MS, what would the reason be for walking 39 minutes to 4JC. ?

I think he wanted to stall EE. He asked around two-ish when EE would be back, and EE answered 4:30, then FD's phone returns to 4JX 15min-ish before 4:30 with the timing seemingly like it was on foot, but then FD isn't there when EE returns. When EE finally does find FD, FD stalls more by asking for help shuttling the cars back, and in that time MT disappeared with his key.


  • IMG_20191028_213412.jpg
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I was going through my "Strange but True" list on this sad case and came back yet again to FC saga with the MT $75,000 loan (funds received from FD/FORE) to the Frenchman living in Brooklyn, Guillaume Vidallet (GV).

This sorry transaction has been in the "Strange but True" list since I first read about it during the first week after JF went missing. I never understood why FC never got to the bottom of this situation as it seemed pretty clear to me that the origin on the money which MT 'loaned' to GV was FORE/FD. Was this transaction simply to 'suck' cash out of FORE/FD and 'away' from JF? Did MT and FD/FORE do many more of these kinds of transactions that are not part of the FC record that I can find? Seems possible IMO.

GV worked for FORE for 12 yrs I believe and still maintains a relationship with FD. It is 'unclear but likely IMO' that they still might be doing business together.

Under the "Strange but True" category I don't understand not calling GV as a witness in Civil Court given his longstanding knowledge of all things FD and FORE. GV has known FD for much longer that MT and was intimately involved in the FORE operations and so no doubt IMO would be a worthwhile witness.

What peaked my interest when I first read about this transaction was that it involved a bank loan from Farmington Bank and the Loan Officer (Sue Morin (SM)) was deposed in FC and invoked the 5th. This seemed unusual on its face as if the loan were clean and above board, why would the Loan Officer need to invoke the 5th? IDK. It was never clear even after extensive searching that there were ever any consequences for SM. And there didn't appear to be any legal consequences for MT or FD or FORE or GV either so far as I can tell.

But, IMO MT was front and centre on acting as a conduit between FD and GV and SM and on the surface of things this looks/smells/tastes like a potential 'bank fraud' transaction. Looking up the deets on federal bank and mortgage fraud it looks like if convicted there is at least an 18 month sentence involved.

My guess is that this $75,000 loan to GV from MT might just be the tip of the iceberg in terms of the financial games that went on to hide every last cent that FD had made or possible appropriated from JF as part of the divorce action. My guess is that its this transaction along with potentially others that is causing what we are seeing in Civil Court with Atty Bowman fighting to the mat to keep MT from speaking about FD and FORE. I don't see Atty Bowman prevailing in Civil Court and I wonder if MT is willing to possibly go to jail for contempt and ditto for Atty Bowman? IDK, we shall see.

All this back and forth in Civil Court could simply be avoided I would think if the State of CT or the US Federal Prosecutor for CT simply pursued prosecution of the initial simple MT/GV/FD/FORE transaction and brought in SM for a guest appearance/deposition. Why has this NOT happened yet? Is Atty Colangelo aware of the situation? I believe its in his jurisdiction and if not he could refer it to the proper Federal authorities for investigation and prosecution. I also don't understand what, if anything, did Judge Heller do to refer the $75,000 loan transaction to the proper authorities when she first heard about it nearly a year and a half ago?

I keep writing about these issues in hope that something/anything might be done by the State of CT as it seems like Atty Weinstein is a one man band fighting for very basic justice and is getting next to no support from the Judiciary or other State Officials that are supposed to be investigating bank fraud.

I completely agree with all of the above. I also wonder why GV hasn't been brought to the mat in the Civil Suit.

On another note, is it possible that MT was actually the intended owner/renter of the 123 Hunter Drive property? The affair between FD and MT was in full swing and Jennifer had not left FD yet. When the house transaction happened, FD didn't know that Jennifer would be leaving a few weeks later. Once JF left in June 2017 (and FD mysteriously made that 911 call saying his wife and children were gone), he would've found out via LE or otherwise that JF had actually moved. So, MT moves into 4JX instead of 123 Hunter Drive. GV lists and sells 123 HD six months to the day it was purchased...and at a loss, which has NEVER made any sense to me. What would make sense is that the house was never for GV to begin with. Just throwing that out there...

@Morgan10028 that could explain it! When I search for the Patch ad for 80MS I see one date (Oct 28th) on the Google results, and I see
Oct 2018 when I open the article.

I think he wanted to stall EE. He asked around two-ish when EE would be back, and EE answered 4:30, then FD's phone returns to 4JX 15min-ish before 4:30 with the timing seemingly like it was on foot, but then FD isn't there when EE returns. When EE finally does find FD, FD stalls more by asking for help shuttling the cars back, and in that time MT disappeared with his key.
Seems like only explanation. My other question is: Where were the garbage bags at the time EE got to MS? Did EE see them loaded in the Toyota or were they set off to the side? Once EE and FD arrived back to MS, FD phone only took 13 minutes to get back to 4JC.
Seems like only explanation. My other question is: Where were the garbage bags at the time EE got to MS? Did EE see them loaded in the Toyota or were they set off to the side? Once EE and FD arrived back to MS, FD phone only took 13 minutes to get back to 4JC.

Good questions... It will be interesting to see if EE testifies in court. Considering some of the leading questions FD asked EE in AW2 I'm left scratching my head about why there isn't also a seperate charge for witness tampering. ETA: MOO
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Yes, I saw it too with a different date for PART of yesterday. Several of us did. Nothing to freak out about, but something to make note of.

While we understand there has been an ad for the house up there by MT since October 2018, our point was not what it shows now, or what it showed in 2018, but what date it showed for a while YESTERDAY. :)

The existence of the ad has been observed by the smart folks (you know who you are and thank you!) in this group for a long time know - and I appreciate that, but the actual existence of the ad wasn't what we were questioning yesterday.

I don't know (or really care) how it was edited, or by whom, but it was edited to show Oct 28 yesterday, without a year, and that was the point of Happyperson's post yesterday - to state that the date on it was yesterday's date. When I looked at it I also checked my computer's date - same date (I don't always know what day it is ;)). Someone posted a half hour later that it said 2018, so it had changed yet again. I checked again and it then said 2018, which others see now.

No matter who is changing that listing, they were changing it a few times yesterday - somehow. And it still lists MT as the business contact, so she's still involved, as she was in 2018, whether making the actual date change yesterday or not.
Could it be possible that MT or a 'related person' was perhaps following along here and saw the posting of the 2018 Patch article and tried to alter it to possibly remove any association to HER? When you read the Atty Bowman motion in Civil Court he is trying to do anything/everything/move heaven and earth to disassociate MT from FD and FORE. The fact that this post on the Patch clearly linked MT to FORE in a way the was associated with the "business" of FORE and FD makes it IMPOSSIBLE IMO for the Atty Bowman argument to stand in Civil Court. The fact that people here saw what happen so quickly after the discussion started might mean it was seen as 'problematic' to the MT legal defence for whatever reason? IDK, pure speculation on my part but you have to think that the timing is just too coincidental too. Good catch to the folks that saw it!

So Odd and easy .

Why didn’t FD disable EE’s Tacoma ?

All he had to do was pop a tire , Pull out some wires , shove a paper clip into the ignition.

Hell, FD could have simply told EE he lost his keys so, take the Raptor for the weekend.

Why the Hide & Go Seek with EE’s keys ?

I think @sleuth66 is right that FD (because he is the smartest guy in the room) thought he was giving EE the slip and was surprised and annoyed when he made his way to 80MS. By then it was too late to disable the vehicle so he and MT had to ad lib and lost control of the truck.

The internets just ate my post so I begin, begin again.

I'm really pleased with this renewed attention to the timeline. Because I think we can home in on discrepancies. Root out assumptions.

And we need to. I believe that FD takes sick delight in misreported details.

What he did and what he didn't do.

But here's what we know, IMO. He wasn't a good husband, he's not a great mathematician and he's NOT a very smart criminal.

That being said, I am certain he set out that day with a masterful plan. Leave phone at home with the alibi papers, drive borrowed truck to park, jog to Welles, disappear JF and be back to 4JC to join MT for a frolicking good time in the shower.

He hadn't factored for resistance. Or blood.

You know, he may have taunted her beforehand. "No one will find you. They'll all think you ran away." She may have fought, not as much FOR HER LIFE, as WITH HER LIFE. So the truth would be told.

How ever it happened, the great FD didn't account for clean up, IMO. And in that immediate moment, his brain had to go into over drive, how to dispose of all the evidence, how to create doubt about her whereabouts, how to get back to his phone ASAP. All is beautiful alibi- phone planning would've been for naught if he remained MIA for too long.

I believe he was at Welles for two hours, not because he planned to be, but because clean up dictated it.

From about 8:00 onward I think FD was pinch hitting. No longer following a plan but scrambling for damage control.

We should keep in mind that narcissists don't make bad plans; narcissists make GREAT plans, it's just PEOPLE get in the way of their
great plans.

I have to believe he was communication with MT all the while, if only to say, "I'm going to be a little late, taking care of business", wink wink. I also think his congeniality in turning over his phone to LE the next day is because he was certain THAT phone would support his alibi. Anyhow, unless LE has FD on camera in the Tacoma driving all over Connecticut that day, I think only FD's phone traveled over hill and dale all day.

I think further that MT had ONE JOB. babysit his phone. MOO I don't think she was very good at her ONE JOB. In fact, I think she might've messed up his NEW plan by meeting him at MS with his phone in hand.

I think FD's tells us NOTHING about where FD was that day. I'm going to say, FD's only tells us where MT was.

I think they played musical car chairs all day.

I want to know what FD did all day. I want to know if Jennifer's Suburban spent any time at MS that day.

I also want to know where the bags were. Something had been in the Tacoma but they were removed before EE complicated everything by wanting his truck back before FD could get it cleaned enough. I wonder if some of the car jockeying maneuvers were simply to give FD think time.

Remember CW walking so very slowly up his driveway. Think time. Everyone else, the cops, the friends, were alarmed, thinking the wife might be in pregnancy-related distress. You'd think a husband and father would COME RUNNING to check on his wife, but of course, CW knew she wasn't there. What he DIDN'T know is what LE didn't or didn't know yet. So his slow walk...think time.

FD had to have been near frantic, knowing he needed to get back to 4JC for his alibi to have half a chance.

Anyway, where were the bags when EE showed up? Not in the Tacoma. Not in the Raptor.

I think, at present, FD's focus pocus is sadly working. I think, if there's an absence of video confirmation, LE believes FD drove the Tacoma to and more importantly from WP, back and forth from 4JC to MS through out the afternoon. I think he did not. I think his only his phone did.

What then WAS he doing all afternoon? This is the million dollar question.

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Excerpt from article yesterday about the gag order appeal:

"The attorney for Fotis Dulos is asking the state’s highest court to revoke a gag order in his client’s case.

In the Supreme Court filing, Norm Pattis says it infringes on Dulos’ right to defend himself against speculation that he may be a killer."

Fotis Dulos' Attorney Asks Supreme Court to Revoke Gag Order
Not sure if this article was posted from 10/26/19 about MT moving her stuff out of the house and speculation that it means she and FD may have 'split for good':

"The couple at the center of the disappearance of a New Caanan, Connecticut, mother of five may have finally split for good.

Michelle Troconis, 44, has moved her belongings out of the Farmington home she shared with Greek real estate developer Fotis Dulos — whose wife Jennifer Dulos went missing in May, the Hartford Courant reported."
I completely agree with all of the above. I also wonder why GV hasn't been brought to the mat in the Civil Suit.

On another note, is it possible that MT was actually the intended owner/renter of the 123 Hunter Drive property? The affair between FD and MT was in full swing and Jennifer had not left FD yet. When the house transaction happened, FD didn't know that Jennifer would be leaving a few weeks later. Once JF left in June 2017 (and FD mysteriously made that 911 call saying his wife and children were gone), he would've found out via LE or otherwise that JF had actually moved. So, MT moves into 4JX instead of 123 Hunter Drive. GV lists and sells 123 HD six months to the day it was purchased...and at a loss, which has NEVER made any sense to me. What would make sense is that the house was never for GV to begin with. Just throwing that out there...

IIRC, the $70k was passed to GV to use as the down payment for the property when he bought it from FORE/FD, and he got a mortgage for the rest. Proceeds less closing costs were paid to FORE/FD at closing so he was cashed out then.

Since GV never really had any skin in the game outside his credit rating and the whole mortgage fraud thing (he signed the application attesting to the origin of the $70k), he didn't lose any of his $ when he sold at a "loss".

So Odd and easy .

Why didn’t FD disable EE’s Tacoma ?

All he had to do was pop a tire , Pull out some wires , shove a paper clip into the ignition.

Hell, FD could have simply told EE he lost his keys so, take the Raptor for the weekend.

Why the Hide & Go Seek with EE’s keys ?


I think FD's main focus was to GET THE BLOOD OUT OF THAT CAR. That's all he was focused on and he needed to be able to move that car to get it cleaned. He was trying to buy time and was probably pretty nervous at that point - he had planned, but not well enough, and he didn't want to raise suspicion.

He did try to push for EE to take the Raptor for the weekend, but EE refused.
The internets just ate my post so I begin, begin again.

I'm really pleased with this renewed attention to the timeline. Because I think we can home in on discrepancies. Root out assumptions.

And we need to. I believe that FD takes sick delight in misreported details.

What he did and what he didn't do.

But here's what we know, IMO. He wasn't a good husband, he's not a great mathematician and he's a very smart criminal.

That being said, I am certain he set out that day with a masterful plan. Leave phone at home with the alibi papers, drive borrowed truck to park, jog to Welles, disappear JF and be back to 4JC to join MT for a frolicking good time in the shower.

He hasn't factored for resistance. Or blood.

You know, he may have taunted her beforehand. "No one will find you. They'll all think you ran away." She may have fought, not as much FOR HER LIFE, as WITH HER LIFE. So the truth would be told.

How ever it happened, the great FD didn't account for clean up, IMO. And in that immediate moment, his brain had to go into over drive, how to dispose of all evidence, how create doubt about her whereabouts, how to get back to his phone ASAP. All is beautiful alibi- phone planning would've been for naught if he remained MIA.

I believe he was at Welles for two hours, not because he planned to be, but because clean up dictated it.

From about 8:00 onward I think FD was pinch hitting. No longer following a plan but scrambling for damage control.

We should keep in mind that narcissists don't make bad plans; narcissists make GREAT plans, it's just PEOPLE get in the easy of their
great plans.

I have to believe he was communication with MT all the while, if only to say, "I'm going to be a little late, taking care of business", wink wink. I also think his congeniality in turning over his phone to LE the next day is because he was certain THAT phone would support his alibi. Anyhow, unless LE has FD on camera in the Tacoma driving all over Connecticut that day, I think only FD's phone traveled over hill and dale all day.

I think further that MT had ONE JOB. babysit his phone. MOO I don't think she was very good at her ONE JOB. In fact, I think she might've messed up his NEW plan by meeting him at MS with his phone in hand.

I think FD's tells us NOTHING about where FD was that day. I'm going to say, FD's only tells us where MT was.

I think they played musical car chairs all day.

I want to know what FD did all day. I want to know if Jennifer's Suburban spent any time at MS that day.

I also want to know where the bags were. Something had been in the Tacoma but they were removed before EE complicated everything by wanting his truck back before FD could get it cleaned enough. I wonder if some of the car jockeying maneuvers were simply to give FD think time.

Remember CW walking so very slowly up his driveway. Think time. Everyone else, the cops, the friends, were alarmed, thinking the wife might be in pregnancy-related distress. You'd think a husband and father would COME RUNNING to check on his wife, but of course, CW knew she wasn't there. What he DIDN'T know is what LE didn't or didn't know yet. So his slow walk...think time.

FD had to have been near frantic, knowing he needed to get back to 4JC for his alibi to have half a chance.

Anyway, where were the bags when EE showed up? Not in the Tacoma. Not in the Raptor.

I think, at present, FD's focus pocus is sadly working. I think, if there's an absence of video confirmation, LE believes FD drove the Tacoma to and more importantly from WP, back and forth from 4JC to MS through out the afternoon. I think he did not. I think his only his phone did.

What then WAS he doing all afternoon? This is the million dollar question.


bbm. The way the arrest warrant reads - but NOT definitively - , it sounded to me as if they were in the house when EE showed up and said they were "cleaning". Perhaps they were doing something IN the house? That's one reason why I hope LE went over all of his properties - floors, walls, everything - every single last inch of them.
I think FD's main focus was to GET THE BLOOD OUT OF THAT CAR. That's all he was focused on and he needed to be able to move that car to get it cleaned. He was trying to buy time and was probably pretty nervous at that point - he had planned, but not well enough, and he didn't want to raise suspicion.

He did try to push for EE to take the Raptor for the weekend, but EE refused.

I think he also wanted to use the Tacoma for his date that night on Albany Ave. First it was already "dirty" and second it would not have stuck out there.
I think FD's main focus was to GET THE BLOOD OUT OF THAT CAR. That's all he was focused on and he needed to be able to move that car to get it cleaned. He was trying to buy time and was probably pretty nervous at that point - he had planned, but not well enough, and he didn't want to raise suspicion.

He did try to push for EE to take the Raptor for the weekend, but EE refused.

I wonder if it reeked of whatever FD was using to clean up the blood? Or if it was obvious where he "spot cleaned"? Did he tell EE he spilled coffee in his truck? Did he use that excuse for the subsequent full detail....under the guise of an apology for his clumsiness?

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