Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #31

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i'm wondering if there has been any reporting of information gained from the suburban itself.? i'm thinking JD suburban might have had a navigation system and those usually collect location data and, depending on service provider, log it.
Yes, I believe that the JD suburban could have been a mine field of info both in terms of gps data and forensic data. The public never saw JF actual vehicle in the missing posters and my guess is that it was taken directly for forensic testing. We looked at the different trim packages avail for the Suburban in an earlier thread and even some of the mid range options had gps from 2 systems, Bluetooth and on star (add on service). The suburban could have also had its own cell service line too.

Even though the mat from the Suburban wasn’t mentioned yet in an AW, if the reporting was true (big if here IMO), then LE might have been looking for the mat as they might have known it was missing.

Going over all the great posts about JF cell phone it makes sense that it was in the Suburban and most likely disposed off in or near Waveny where LE spent so much time with the electronic sniffing dogs.

On cars and electronics, I fully expect the Raptor to be a treasure trove of data as well. We also do t know about the electronics in the Jeep or FD Suburban. If any of these vehicles even had basic level gps they could help LE hugely too.

From what we read in DM article it seemed like MT didn’t have her own vehicle but used the Jeep. We also know MT rented the Tahoe which was seen when she followed FD to the car wash with EE truck. I believe this same Tahoe is was seen at 4jx when MT and FD went to litchfield for dna processing. We don’t know why the tahoe was rented but perhaps it was for mama a who seemed to be visible at 4jx at this time as she was seen in the video with MT daughter and I believe was misidentified as the “nanny” by the DM.

LE has a lot of work to do IMO just on the vehicles so all this work is quite time consuming.
Deer Cliff I agree has always been a question mark in my mind from being a location to stash a vehicle, supplies or body to having an unused or unmarked well or oil tank etc. or as a possible staging location for the possible murder or accomplice meetup spot. The property has some significance too to FD/JF history and is secluded from street view as @the kirbyfamily showed us with the pictures. I wish we knew more about its search history by LE.

I have to admit to being baffled why all the properties were returned to FD. We never really saw any of the FD properties treated as true crime scenes other than being taped off for a few days of time.

I do wonder if this means that LE found what they needed at MIRA? I hope so.....
As for finding what they needed at MIRA, I think they may have found more but not Jennifer. Remember the big reservoir searches a few weeks ago? Still looking for Jennifer, IMO.
I like this train of thought @sleuth66 and hope other sharp WS can help fill in the specific details here.
Tracking JD's Phone
Why keep JD's phone for so long? To be disposed of at MIRA, along with the body, two dispositive pieces of evidence that definitively prove JD is no longer alive but murdered and, in FD's mind, should be destroyed without a trace. Can FD be so sure that by turning off the phone, no "pings" are still occurring? Could a weak signal be detected? Why not destroy the phone immediately on 5/24 or drop it in WP? Did FD try to mimic PF's "Do you even love me?" texts to derail LE into thinking that JD was texting her family from a hiding place? To convince a naive child that mom ran away, despite what anyone else says?
IMO, if the plan was MIRA then I don't think that FD flubbed up with the holiday collection schedule. IMO, MIRA was preplanned with precision. LE may have evidence of prior trips to MIRA and Albany Ave., ostensibly to dump project garbage to save money but really to establish a pattern and practice and to scope out MIRA operations. FD got some type of confirmation that the exact garbage truck picking up the bag with the body and the phone was delivered to MIRA and placed in the incinerator. A paid garbage truck spotter out there? I recall, perhaps NBC's timeline, stating that a particular garbage truck delivery on FRIDAY, was the subject of LE's investigation. Upon receiving confirmation, FD threw caution to the wind, smoked a joint with MT, and thus began the Odyssey of Stupidity. MOO.
IMO, FD knew about the CCTV in Hartford. IMO, FD's checklist:
1) Get MT on video at 69 Welles Ln, driving JD's Suburban. Check.
2) Get MT on video on Albany Ave. disposing of evidence. Check.
3) Disable electric wire near garage so FD not on video but somehow keeping garage door up and not trigger any alarms. Evidence of cut wires so FD must have been "lying in wait". Check.

BOO. I mean MOO.
BOO to you too!

Trying to process your Camera comments. Are you suggesting we might see MT in a vehicle at Welles or Waveny or driving in NC on missing date?

Would this suggestion from you mean that you think it’s possible that FD was setting up MT to be equally culpable or even a patsy for the entire crime?

It would be kind of perfect if FD totally set up MT here IMO. Albany sinks that plan a bit but perhaps MT was much more hands on the Welles garage than what we are presently aware of. From the @thekirbyfamily comment about killing mice we have some vague idea that MT isn’t squeamish about blood and killing. IDK, it might also connect the infamous FD comment about knowing what he did and didn’t do too?

Some really interesting ideas you have tossed into this puzzle!

I don't know if this has been mentioned before but if you do google street view it shows some of the news crew parked across from 4JC, haha!

If you haven't already, I would recommend doing the street view down MS road to 4JC. I still think she is in the woods somewhere from MS to the end of Deercliff, or possibly in the woods behind 4JC (power lines/reservoir). Wanted desperately to get rid of the body first, cleaned up, then the trash run on Albany Ave.

Awesome that Google street view has been updated to June 2019, when these pictures show the news crews camped out at 4JC.
BOO to you too!

Trying to process your Camera comments. Are you suggesting we might see MT in a vehicle at Welles or Waveny or driving in NC on missing date?

Would this suggestion from you mean that you think it’s possible that FD was setting up MT to be equally culpable or even a patsy for the entire crime?

It would be kind of perfect if FD totally set up MT here IMO. Albany sinks that plan a bit but perhaps MT was much more hands on the Welles garage than what we are presently aware of. From the @thekirbyfamily comment about killing mice we have some vague idea that MT isn’t squeamish about blood and killing. IDK, it might also connect the infamous FD comment about knowing what he did and didn’t do too?

Some really interesting ideas you have tossed into this puzzle!

It's been intimated here before that MT is on camera driving the Suburban. I noted it and moved on because the poster is legitimate and likely doesn't want to say how she knows this. It has also been stated here that there is video of FD coming in the back way to WL. If that is the case though, I would think he would have been arrested for murder by now. JMO.
BOO to you too!

Trying to process your Camera comments. Are you suggesting we might see MT in a vehicle at Welles or Waveny or driving in NC on missing date?

Would this suggestion from you mean that you think it’s possible that FD was setting up MT to be equally culpable or even a patsy for the entire crime?

It would be kind of perfect if FD totally set up MT here IMO. Albany sinks that plan a bit but perhaps MT was much more hands on the Welles garage than what we are presently aware of. From the @thekirbyfamily comment about killing mice we have some vague idea that MT isn’t squeamish about blood and killing. IDK, it might also connect the infamous FD comment about knowing what he did and didn’t do too?

Some really interesting ideas you have tossed into this puzzle!

BOO means that I'm scary because I speculate under the guise of anonymity and sarcasm which should not be taken as fact. Pure rank speculation on my part. No references placing MT in NC on Friday morning anywhere in any authoritative source (the AW's). No reference to any garbage trucks under investigation in any authoritative source (the AW's). Don't know what the trust says because no way I would have ever seen it. Changing my name to pandaspeculates. I appreciate eagle eyes calling me out. That is why we put stuff out there moo'ing. MOO.
@Nanobody, I don't think we have full visibility on the depositions in the Civil Case. The only thing we do know is that the SR letter was attached as an exhibit to a motion. MOO
IMO, this is a huge case (civil) involving fraud, money laundering, and real estate fraud. I believe we have only seen the obvious. The rest will come out eventually if the Feds investigate thoroughly. Or this could be “small potatoes” in the Feds’ view. Sadly, the fraud and money issues resulted in a murder and attempted cover-up. All this is strictly my own opinion.
Deer Cliff I agree has always been a question mark in my mind from being a location to stash a vehicle, supplies or body to having an unused or unmarked well or oil tank etc. or as a possible staging location for the possible murder or accomplice meetup spot. The property has some significance too to FD/JF history and is secluded from street view as @the kirbyfamily showed us with the pictures. I wish we knew more about its search history by LE.

I have to admit to being baffled why all the properties were returned to FD. We never really saw any of the FD properties treated as true crime scenes other than being taped off for a few days of time.

I do wonder if this means that LE found what they needed at MIRA? I hope so.....

If they found what they were looking for at MIRA, what do you think is the hold up for AW3? Maybe waiting for Apple to give them access to his devices, and maybe the complicated task of putting together the financial motive for murder? This what I think is taking so long. I think NP thinks so, too. Otherwise he wouldn’t be as concerned as he appears to be about the gag order preventing him from defending FD against a charge which hasn’t even been made yet. They know for sure that the charge is looming, without a question.
IMO, this is a huge case (civil) involving fraud, money laundering, and real estate fraud. I believe we have only seen the obvious. The rest will come out eventually if the Feds investigate thoroughly. Or this could be “small potatoes” in the Feds’ view. Sadly, the fraud and money issues resulted in a murder and attempted cover-up. All this is strictly my own opinion.
I agree that there is mostly likely much more than meets the eye here on the financial side of FD/MT and FORE. Investigation financial crime is time consuming and painstaking work so could be why things seem to be quiet. I do also wonder if connections were found between FD/FORE and other individuals perhaps involved with organised criminal activities and this finding might have peaked the interest of FBI investigators early on in the investigation.

The insertion of the mysterious "Greek Benefactor" who FD claimed to not know but we now know is clearly another element here that most likely is/was closely investigated.

Trying to understand human motivation is always a tricky thing to attempt with the amount of information that we have in this case. But we probably have enough information from FC to be heading in the correct direction on FD IMO. What baffles me is why make it so easy to be an obvious target for a financial investigation by stating income of $0 or even $50,000/yr when you are carrying monthly credit card balances in the five figure range and visibly are seen traveling frequently and living a lifestyle way beyond your income. Was FD just trying to set himself up for alimony and child support or some kind of settlement? The hiding of the assets via the $75,000 given to MT and used by GV was another obvious and clumsy attempt at asset hiding and manipulation IMO. We also don't know how much FD took from JF over the years or how much his sister was 'paid' through FORE over the years as well? We also don't know the extent to which KM and Atty Markowitz might have facilitated the asset hiding activities of FD during the pre divorce period too.

My guess is that anyone that had consistently done business with FORE over the years is also most likely fair game in the investigation too. The FORE business model relied on subcontractors and so this opens up yet another channel available for financial games and fraud too. Its interesting that we have seen much in the way of litigation from Buyers of FORE houses over the years and I wonder if these were settled out of court or didn't exist. The online reviews (for what they are worth) show the existence of 'one sided' contracts favouring FORE so perhaps people didn't feel it was worth it to sue FORE? IDK. Will be interesting to see if any of these people become witnesses.

The FD/KM connection opens up IMO many avenues for investigators. I do wonder if we will see KM as a State Witness perhaps with some kind of cooperation agreement? Somehow I think this might be the only way he can avoid protracted litigation himself. The KM connection to FD is interesting and I wonder also if KM facilitated introductions to people for FD who then turned into ongoing business collaborators with FD? The other big question about the business is how much did MT know or suspect and is this why Atty Bowman is fighting so hard to keep her silenced in Civil Court?

I'm not sure I believe the FD claim that the marriage began to break down in 2010 as this info is inconsistent with JF accounts in the blogs. BUT, if 2010 was when FD wandering eye really started to wander in terms of affairs and planning his 'escape' then he and his entire family had an extended time to essentially 'empty the Farber coffers' in a way that would be hard to trace and find at this point. IMO it would take a very committed FBI team with the assistance of INTERPOL and Greek authorities to pull out all stops to rip apart the finances of the extended Duolos/Dulos family. I do think JF and her atty's in FC were heading down this path of the Greek family and that is why the FD Greek Family spoke out so strongly to 'leave us alone'.

High Five. Well Done on this Summary.

Even before AW2 came out I was wondering if there was any connection to the Metro North train stop on Talmadge Hill. It can be accessed through the six-acre area walking south on Lapham across the Merrit Parkway. It takes you into the upper parking areas which are usually full. Not sure for a pre-holiday Friday.

Just wondering if FD could have gotten help from someone arriving/leaving via the train to Springdale, glenbrook, or Stamford stations? MOO.

"The dogs searched an area near the bridge that carries Lapham Road over the Merritt Parkway shortly after it was scoured by an FBI Evidence Response Team. Officers with dogs were also seen late Monday afternoon searching on the other side of the Merritt Parkway from the park in a six-acre area the town is considering selling. For much of Monday law enforcement vehicles parked on the three-quarters-of-a-mile road where Dulos’s black Chevy Suburban was found by police on Friday, May 24"
I agree w/you that MT was likely with him somehow in the NC area, though we don't know that yet.I'm sure LE has a lot more info on this regarding how many people were driving the cars, etc!

'FD in a mystery vehicle to a mystery location/property, from which he moves on foot to Welles. A few hours later he leaves there in JF's Suburban." The issue with this theory is: when/how would he move the 'mystery vehicle" from wherever he left it? Or perhaps you mean MT did - that's possible!

Per AW: At 10:25 JD's Suburban left WL and moved straight to WP, believed to be FD driving with JD's body and cleaning materials in her car.

I would assume transferring the body and/or cleaning materials from JD's suburban to the Tacoma would take some time and cleanup at WP, while watching for other vehicles and passers-by. Plus he had to move her phone elsewhere at WP. I do think he might have needed a lookout (perhaps MT) while cleaning and moving the body - and possibly needed help moving the body into the Tacoma (not easy to do at that point).

I know there is a lot of talk about extra time but with him moving her phone around WP, and needing to clean JD's suburban before leaving it there (if he wanted it to appear as a "missing" live person case) and avoid having anyone see him at the park, I don't know that there was extra time.

JD's body and/or cleanup materials or transfer from HER blood on FD got into the Tacoma. Investigators performed a swab test on a “blood-like substance” on the Tacoma seats, which matched Jennifer’s DNA - even after cleaning by himself and MT, and then subsequent cleaning by the car wash - they had to have been very worried about this vehicle - not just a few drips of blood from a garbage bag or clothing.

Tacoma was driving north from NC at 11:12, and at 80MS at 12:22, and drove pretty consistently from Fairfield County up. IMO, there is no extra time here stop anywhere else, which leads me to think the body was still in the Tacoma when he arrived at 80MS.

Obviously, this is just a possibility/theory, and not meant to detract from looking all over other areas (SS Road, NY and CT reservoirs, etc, everywhere in a possible radius is still very important!) and keeping those thoughts in mind as likelihoods. But perhaps it's also worth a harder look at 80MS and JC.

LMK if I"m missing something on the timing here, please; so many details, and I'm not going from a list right now.

It's too late for me to edit this post, but I'd like to clarify, as other sharp WS have pointed out, that the AW does not say "JD's Suburban left WL and moved straight to WP" - it just says it went West, and did indeed go to WP. I assumed it meant directly there without stopping, but you know what they say about assumptions.

Wish we could edit posts for at least 24 hours! :)
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Good one!

My guess is that poor Judge Noble (Civil Court) has put up the 'gone hunting' sign on the Courtroom Door as he has finally had a nervous breakdown after being pushed to the edge with the combination of prepaid travel disruptions to the scheduled deposition from Atty. P. and the Atty Bowman last motion and that has been why there has been radio silence recently.

Another possibility is that he is hard at work on all the motions and will move heaven and earth to make sure that trial happens on 12/3.

I think its more likely to be the 'gone hunting' sign than clearing the decks unfortunately.

More waiting in Civil Court.

Good guesses, afitzy. I think the judge/courts/State are doing everything in their power to proceed with the civil trial against FD on 12/3.

The main reason I believe this is because every single time MT (or FD for that matter) has gone to court, it has seemed to be a very brief and content-free 'continuance' to a new date and nothing else (aside from closed door meetings beforehand). They certainly give the impression that they're punting, punting, punting...

My guess is that they (LE/State/judges) don't want the criminal trials to get ahead of the civil trial in December because the civil trial is going to be an explosive dressing down of FD (and MT for that matter) and establishment of their motive, motive, motive... for the murder of Jennifer.

Moo, Moo, Moo
Yes, I believe that the JD suburban could have been a mine field of info both in terms of gps data and forensic data. The public never saw JF actual vehicle in the missing posters and my guess is that it was taken directly for forensic testing. We looked at the different trim packages avail for the Suburban in an earlier thread and even some of the mid range options had gps from 2 systems, Bluetooth and on star (add on service). The suburban could have also had its own cell service line too.

Even though the mat from the Suburban wasn’t mentioned yet in an AW, if the reporting was true (big if here IMO), then LE might have been looking for the mat as they might have known it was missing.

Going over all the great posts about JF cell phone it makes sense that it was in the Suburban and most likely disposed off in or near Waveny where LE spent so much time with the electronic sniffing dogs.

On cars and electronics, I fully expect the Raptor to be a treasure trove of data as well. We also do t know about the electronics in the Jeep or FD Suburban. If any of these vehicles even had basic level gps they could help LE hugely too.

From what we read in DM article it seemed like MT didn’t have her own vehicle but used the Jeep. We also know MT rented the Tahoe which was seen when she followed FD to the car wash with EE truck. I believe this same Tahoe is was seen at 4jx when MT and FD went to litchfield for dna processing. We don’t know why the tahoe was rented but perhaps it was for mama a who seemed to be visible at 4jx at this time as she was seen in the video with MT daughter and I believe was misidentified as the “nanny” by the DM.

LE has a lot of work to do IMO just on the vehicles so all this work is quite time consuming.
You are so astute! Didn't realize it was her mother.
The DM has many detractors but they captured the moments on that day.
Little FD, cross armed, pacing.......worried.
Even before AW2 came out I was wondering if there was any connection to the Metro North train stop on Talmadge Hill. It can be accessed through the six-acre area walking south on Lapham across the Merrit Parkway. It takes you into the upper parking areas which are usually full. Not sure for a pre-holiday Friday.

Just wondering if FD could have gotten help from someone arriving/leaving via the train to Springdale, glenbrook, or Stamford stations? MOO.

"The dogs searched an area near the bridge that carries Lapham Road over the Merritt Parkway shortly after it was scoured by an FBI Evidence Response Team. Officers with dogs were also seen late Monday afternoon searching on the other side of the Merritt Parkway from the park in a six-acre area the town is considering selling. For much of Monday law enforcement vehicles parked on the three-quarters-of-a-mile road where Dulos’s black Chevy Suburban was found by police on Friday, May 24"
Interesting thoughts!

I wonder, though, unless you're referring to the possibility of that "someone" being MT.

If both FD and MT were in the Tahoma (quite possible, and LE wouldn't want that info out there yet, if so), that would be all the "help" they needed. LE was clearly bending backwards to treat her well as a potential source of information, but it seems she hasn't come forth (to her own great disadvantage, IMO).

They tended to be together for everything - even going to "her" lawyers first visit, and the car wash - she was completely involved, IMO. And anyone else would just have been another mouth to talk.
You are so astute! Didn't realize it was her mother.
The DM has many detractors but they captured the moments on that day.
Little FD, cross armed, pacing.......worried.
It wasn't me that saw it, don't recall who but it was a true eagle eye! We didn't know who Mama A was when the video first showed up on DM. Now we are all well aware of Mama A. I do think its all quite interesting that Atty Bowman was engaged IN ADVANCE of MT arrest and that Mama A. was local and active too. I do wonder what MT has shared with her family and whether Mama A and her possible team of OOS lawyers might be driving the legal bus for MT behind the scenes. MOO
Good guesses, afitzy. I think the judge/courts/State are doing everything in their power to proceed with the civil trial against FD on 12/3.

The main reason I believe this is because every single time MT (or FD for that matter) has gone to court, it has seemed to be a very brief and content-free 'continuance' to a new date and nothing else (aside from closed door meetings beforehand). They certainly give the impression that they're punting, punting, punting...

My guess is that they (LE/State/judges) don't want the criminal trials to get ahead of the civil trial in December because the civil trial is going to be an explosive dressing down of FD (and MT for that matter) and establishment of their motive, motive, motive... for the murder of Jennifer.

Moo, Moo, Moo

Yes, yes, yes-this!
For those interested in reading some of the Civil Court documents here is Atty Weinstein motion talking about not being noticed properly by Atty Bowman and the ongoing issues with MT taking the 5th in all questions at her deposition, Atty Bowman's IMO 'masterstroke' REDACTED affidavit that seems to have rubbed Atty Weinstein the wrong way (totally understandable IMO) and Atty Bowman's second REDACTED memo that deals with some of the issues he is concerned with regarding MT being deposed but it a bit hard to follow because of the extensive use of REDACTED. It was interesting to see Atty Bowman say that MT did invoke the 5th on counsels recommendation as my prior recollection was that she would be answering questions 1 by 1 and not invoking the 5th on all questions. I do still wonder if Mama A and her possible other attys are driving the legal bus for MT and Atty Bowman is simply a bag man and front and centre in court because he is a member of the CT Bar?

Reading these documents today I do wonder what has been happening behind the scenes to change the situation with MT? Could this indicate that talks with the State for some kind of cooperation agreement have stalled, or is it the opposite that talks are ongoing but slow? OR, has the State threatened MT with additional charges and there is no deal happening and so Atty Bowman wants no MT testimony happening anywhere?

IDK, any ideas would be appreciated.



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