Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #31

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I don't think he would want to be caught driving her Suburban for any longer than absolutely necessary - even if MT was the one driving it there. JF was late for an appointment not long after the murder. Plus, it may have had some tracking mechanism, and per AW2, LE believes that once it left WL at 10:25 it went Westbound directly to WP/Lapham Road. Hopefully there is more evidence (witnesses/bus/video) of the vehicle being there but I'd think once he dumped her Suburban, wanting to make it appear to be a 'missing person' issue, he wanted to get the heck out of there, with the body.


I have to look at AW 2 again. I thought they had her phone pinging from her house straight to WP.
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I have to look at AW 2 again. I thought they had her phone pinging from her house straight to WP.
“Cellular data obtained from Jennifer’s cellphone is consistent with the phone moving from Welles Lane to Lapham Rd during this timeframe”- AW2

Technically does not say “direct”. Could include for example, a short detour to Irwin Park. Or swing around Indian Waters to pick up bike if he used one and left it there for example,
Bottom line, Phone starts at Welles and ends up at Lapham, during this time frame (but AW only specifies time for departure from Welles).

LE knows the time though from her phone, and whether the phone pinged elsewhere at Waveny or just along Lapham, electronics dog searches were all in range of Lapham and near bridge over Merritt as reported in MSM.
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BBM. It's possible he carried the phone with him throughout the day (and that MT was somewhere nearby or even with him) and he had it turned off for his morning "activities".

"Thank goodness, there was a public holiday, delaying the bins being removed, and the fast actions of LE in tracing this jerk's movements." <-- YES!! :D
I would be surprised if he carried it on the morning of the 24th. He thought it was going to help his alibi by staying at 4JC and claiming a phone call from Greece. There would be no advantage to carrying around that phone. Could have had a burner phone. MOO.
Yes, yes, and yes! And, with that, I remember reading early on that HF always worried about JD. Perhaps because he knew she was a selfless person and people would take advantage of her good nature. I do think HF saw FD for what he really was after a while, IMO and he kept the peace, for his daughter's sake. Does anyone know if a prenup was drawn up when they married?
We have not heard about a prenup in FC. My guess is that if it had existed the bulk of the activity in FC would have been eliminated. The lack of a prenup (if true) has always surprised me. Perhaps JD felt everything was in trust and was protected, IDK. MOO
Yes, yes, and yes! And, with that, I remember reading early on that HF always worried about JD. Perhaps because he knew she was a selfless person and people would take advantage of her good nature. I do think HF saw FD for what he really was after a while, IMO and he kept the peace, for his daughter's sake. Does anyone know if a prenup was drawn up when they married?

Welcome, Cloudydiamond, a relatively new poster.:):)
As you state, HF was aware of Jennifer's good nature, so the Trust Fund (and if there was a prenup), could all benefit only Jennifer and her children.
Surely with time, FD's actions were known to Jennifer's parents, and they ensured, FD would not benefit without Jennifer.
Perhaps this is the reason, FD fought Divorce proceedings, knowing he'll not benefit.
Not bashing your ideas - with the limited facts we have, all ideas are good! And no doubt we'll find out in AW3 and it'll be something we hadn't even thought of! ;)
I have to look at AW 2 again. I thought they had her phone pinging from her house straight to WP.[/QUOTE]
The route from Welles to Lapham wasn't disclosed in AW2. The JF phone travels from Welles to Lapham but we don't know the route or if there was a stop. Perhaps this is where Irwin Park is involved? MOO
I absolutely agree with this assessment that MT may have just forgot that FD's phone was in her purse for the 'Trash Bin Odyssey of Stupidity Date Night' on a more than 4 mile stretch of Albany Avenue in the Hartford Area on Friday, May 24, 2019 at 7:10 pm.

IMO, Along with the Alibi Scripts, MT's only other job may have been to 'Manage The Phones' and she failed miserably.

I wonder if FD has put this MT failure in his pros and cons spreadsheet, in regards to dispensing of MT?

Had it not been for the phone pings on Albany, I Highly Doubt that LE would have all the evidence they have gathered due to that fiasco of a Date Night.

Epic Fail.

OMG. If true this is beyond hilarious. MOO.
OMG. If true this is beyond hilarious. MOO.
You are right, hilarious.
But what is odd though is that if the FD phone on Albany was an 'error' and it was discovered while they were on Albany then why not ditch the phone and go with a story about stolen truck and phone? But, we don't see this.

What I am interesting in knowing is if FD used his Waze app for the trip down Albany or perhaps even Google and so that the entire digital footprint will be played in technicolor on a large screen in the courtroom?

To me, this would be hilarious as what kind of criminal would leave this kind of digital footprint behind? MOO
LE found JF's Suburban at WP at around 7pm on the 24th. No doubt they tracked backwards using everything at their disposal, including afternoon bus cameras. They must know what time the Suburban wasn't there and what time it was.

Without that knowledge, we can only speculate. I believe SOMEONE (likely FD) drove the Suburban from Welles to WP. If he then parked the Suburban there at that time, he may have entered the park to dispose of her phone OR merely left it in the car, in her purse, for example.

I still think it's possible he drove away from WP after tossing the phone. Remember, he didn't plan for the unexpected and he was DEEP into the unexpected. He needed more TIME.

If a decoy driver in the Tacoma leaves WP with SOME evidence, THAT driver has some time to dispose of it before the Tacoma is picked up by traffic cam. THAT driver continues to 4JC, leaving a window of opportunity IMO for FD to dispose of a body and sanitize the Suburban.

Remember, he intended to sanitize the Tacoma too and would've been fastidious, if not for EE spoiling his efforts.

He could've had time to run the Suburban through multiple car washes. He could have detailed the interior himself over that long lunch hour during which his whereabouts are entirely unknown. The Tacoma moved around a lot that early afternoon; doesn't mean HE did. There are a lot of smoke and mirrors in this case. The red truck went one direction, he could've gone in another!

Even though MT seemed pushed to concede a body must've left the blood evidence in the Tacoma, IMO I can't picture a scenario where ANYONE would put a body in the FRONT SEAT of a vehicle. I will be SHOCKED if that's proven to be the case.

JF is missing. Violent assault in her garage.... but her vehicle is seen driving away. Obvious conclusion, she's in it. Not of her own accord. Then the pairing of phone pings near the parked Tacoma....if you assume one agent, it's easy to assume that the driver of the Suburban, with transit/time constraints/stamps, must have transferred the body to the second vehicle and departed.

But this doesn't leave time for cleaning the Suburban....

I think evidence was transferred to the Tacoma.... but no body.

If only the Suburban could talk.

Did FD park it? Or did he drive away in it?.... far as we know, he doesn't surface again until he's captured on video in Hartford.

He may have had HOURS to do what he needed to do. He could've driven 60 miles to dispose of her before returning thru NC to leave her car at WP.

I put nothing past him.

WHERE was JF's Suburban between 11 am and 7 pm????????? One place (WP) or two? Or maybe even more.


P.S. My apologies to all of you for my autocorrected posts. I need to learn to edit for errors before it's too late. Thank you for trying to make sense of the words my phone chooses.
There is no pairing of phone pings near the parked Tacoma. Only JD phone. According to AW2, examination of the Suburban at WP revealed possible blood evidence in the interior and exterior of the Suburban. Likely, a presumptive test for blood made due to evidence visible to the naked eye. IMO. I don't think there was any meticulous detailing or multiple car washes going on. The body didn't have to be in the front seat for there to be blood. It could have been transfer from FD or a leaking bag. Whoever drove away from WP in the Tacoma did not dispose of evidence on the way home. That was done in Hartford. IMO.
We have not heard about a prenup in FC. My guess is that if it had existed the bulk of the activity in FC would have been eliminated. The lack of a prenup (if true) has always surprised me. Perhaps JD felt everything was in trust and was protected, IDK. MOO
I'm surprised JFD's family didn't suggest a prenup, but, IMO, there's no way FD would have gone for it.
Also JF had never been married and/or divorced and was very naive in many ways.
She probably couldn't fathom this wonderful, genuine suitor would be out to skim her from her money. Seems like she was so trusting because that's the type people she had been surrounded with. Good people. Not gigolo's.
The Tacoma (presumably driven by FD) was at 80MS at 12:22 pm, having been seen traveling N from NC with just enough time to get there and not stop from when it left NC. IIRC, Fotis’ phone “enters” 80 MS at 1:37 PM. They were still "cleaning" after 4:30pm (EE got there AFTER 4:3o PM as he arrived at 4jc at 4:30 and then went to 80MS).

I assume the theory you're discussing is that MT was driving the Tacoma? If so, how did FD get back to 80MS and in which vehicle? EE would have perhaps seen that vehicle then when he arrived at 80MS?

I Personally think that FD got out of NC faster than a crow flies and I also believe that FD drove EE's red truck to NC and acted alone.

FD, being the narcissist he is, would Not have worked with anyone else in NC that day. Too many variables to control when a second person is involved. Especially if too many vehicles are involved.

In addition, if we go along the thought that FD expected to make JF's death a 'Suicide', then why would FD need anyone else in NC that day?

In-Out real quick and back to his 'Great Life' with MT in Farmington.

Having a second person, a second vehicle, it just increases the chances of someone getting Seen and Identified in NC that day. I would think that FD's other vehicles were outfitted with Starlink or the equivalent and even if the subscription was not current, they can still be tracked.

Why would FD use EE's red truck to then, also bring one of his own to NC with the second person? The second vehicle would also have shown on some sort of cctv.

Due to AW2, We also see what a weak link MT is and IMO, so did FD and therefore he did not have MT in NC.

Occam's Razor denotes the 'Keep It Simple, Stupid' thought and I believe FD is a follower.

I just don't see a second person and second vehicle in NC that day.

Eager to see AW3.

Well, that's true from a thinking person's standpoint, but we're talking about FD here... :D

He seemed to think that his horribly weak alibis would stick - proof enough that he's delusional.

Imo Fo grew up spoilt rotten never having been told no, his word questioned or told he was wrong. He tried working for other places but that did not go so well as there were real expectations of him so he found him a woman that had a wealthy family who would take care of the family and him by extension. He concocted a plan for a building business and HF gave him a chance. I am sure he knew it was a joke of a business as was Fo but he kept his daughter happy and help create the illusion that Fo was successful in his own right. Imo it was done for his daughter's pride as well as the families.
I Personally think that FD got out of NC faster than a crow flies and I also believe that FD drove EE's red truck to NC and acted alone.

FD, being the narcissist he is, would Not have worked with anyone else in NC that day. Too many variables to control when a second person is involved. Especially if too many vehicles are involved.

In addition, if we go along the thought that FD expected to make JF's death a 'Suicide', then why would FD need anyone else in NC that day?

In-Out real quick and back to his 'Great Life' with MT in Farmington.

Having a second person, a second vehicle, it just increases the chances of someone getting Seen and Identified in NC that day. I would think that FD's other vehicles were outfitted with Starlink or the equivalent and even if the subscription was not current, they can still be tracked.

Why would FD use EE's red truck to then, also bring one of his own to NC with the second person? The second vehicle would also have shown on some sort of cctv.

Due to AW2, We also see what a weak link MT is and IMO, so did FD and therefore he did not have MT in NC.

Occam's Razor denotes the 'Keep It Simple, Stupid' thought and I believe FD is a follower.

I just don't see a second person and second vehicle in NC that day.

Eager to see AW3.

I agree FD likely had a quick “get down to NC and back plan”, hoping an “early morning meeting” and “phone call” alibi would cover it. Maybe he was even planning on going waterskiing that afternoon as EE originally expected. Clearly FD was very familiar with the route between Farmington and NC so he had a quail plan in mind.

I think most here also lean towards the bloody evidence not being part of FDs plan, costing him time and a botched cleanup.

My question is, what was his original plan, if it didn’t account for there being blood evidence he needed to clean and dispose of.
Did he think he could kill without blood (suffocation, strangulation- which does actually leave blood evidence if he did his research) and then, do what with the body? Whatever it is that he did actually do?

Or did he plan to leave the body in the car or at Waveny or elsewhere as a staged suicide or something else? And then the blood and possibly condition or his DNA under her nails or something threw that off?
Or was his plan all along to bring the body back to Farmington (or dispose wherever he did) just without the mess or evidence so no trash bags and car mats and just a body bagged up to quickly get rid of?

Is it possible that the only part that went wrong was the blood stain in the truck and in the garage (and the unfortunate misstep of bringing the phone to Albany?) or did he have a much different plan that left him ad libbing the rest of the whole afternoon when he ended up with way more than he had planned for?
So which defense are they going with?

The debt is either satisfied Or the plaintiff is not the owner Or the plaintiff is not the holder Or the plaintiff is not authorized/entitled Or the alleged debt is erroneous Or the amount of debt is incorrect, etc, etc, etc?

Which is it? Pick one and stick with it. ...
Are they alleging Alternate Facts again?

I am starting to get real tired of My tax dollars being wasted by Team FD and their shenanigans.

With a MOO MOO here and a MOO MOO there.
"I am starting to get real tired of My tax dollars being wasted by Team FD and their shenanigans."

If more CT residents felt this way, the court might act a bit differently; particularly if NP and possibly even Bowman are being paid by said tax $$!
I'm surprised JFD's family didn't suggest a prenup, but, IMO, there's no way FD would have gone for it.
Also JF had never been married and/or divorced and was very naive in many ways.
She probably couldn't fathom this wonderful, genuine suitor would be out to skim her from her money. Seems like she was so trusting because that's the type people she had been surrounded with. Good people. Not gigolo's.
But I am sure her parents were very careful with the trust stipulations. Attn. W is extremely competent and trustworthy as I expect their financial advisors and accountants have been.
I agree FD likely had a quick “get down to NC and back plan”, hoping an “early morning meeting” and “phone call” alibi would cover it. Maybe he was even planning on going waterskiing that afternoon as EE originally expected. Clearly FD was very familiar with the route between Farmington and NC so he had a quail plan in mind.

I think most here also lean towards the bloody evidence not being part of FDs plan, costing him time and a botched cleanup.

My question is, what was his original plan, if it didn’t account for there being blood evidence he needed to clean and dispose of.
Did he think he could kill without blood (suffocation, strangulation- which does actually leave blood evidence if he did his research) and then, do what with the body? Whatever it is that he did actually do?

Or did he plan to leave the body in the car or at Waveny or elsewhere as a staged suicide or something else? And then the blood and possibly condition or his DNA under her nails or something threw that off?

Or was his plan all along to bring the body back to Farmington (or dispose wherever he did) just without the mess or evidence so no trash bags and car mats and just a body bagged up to quickly get rid of?

Is it possible that the only part that went wrong was the blood stain in the truck and in the garage (and the unfortunate misstep of bringing the phone to Albany?) or did he have a much different plan that left him ad libbing the rest of the whole afternoon when he ended up with way more than he had planned for?

bbm. Good thinking, Sleuth. It makes sense to me that, neat-nick that he was, he may well have planned for a bloodless murder but it, like life, didn't work out as he had planned.

If so, he had to then dispose of her body - maybe somewhere he'd already planned as an "in case" spot - or maybe bringing it back to 80MS. He'd probably been thinking of/discussing with MT "ways to kill JD" for many months but had his hopes that it wouldn't be quite so messy. Therefore, some of his actions were pretty awkward.
We have not heard about a prenup in FC. My guess is that if it had existed the bulk of the activity in FC would have been eliminated. The lack of a prenup (if true) has always surprised me. Perhaps JD felt everything was in trust and was protected, IDK. MOO

FD may not Know the Trust Funds are Untouchable.

Or, FD thinks he can have his attorney draw up a motion to gain access by saying, That is Not Fair, and then list Every Single Point that is also listed in the recent legal document that he tried to use against Dr. JF and the 4JC Mortgage.

Let's not forget that FD worked soooo hard for JF's money. (Sarcasm Intended)

Here are some additional small facts and considerations as we wait for more information.

1. JDs cell phone was most likely NOT left in the Suburban. LE found her Suburban on 5/24. On Monday 6/3, it was reported that electronics dogs were searching for JDs cell phone in Waveny. "walking with trainers on Waveny Park and exiting on Lapham Road." and "The dogs searched an area near the bridge that carries Lapham Road over the Merritt Parkway shortly after it was scoured by an FBI Evidence Response Team. Officers with dogs were also seen late Monday afternoon searching on the other side of the Merritt Parkway from the park in a six-acre area the town is considering selling. For much of Monday law enforcement vehicles parked on the three-quarters-of-a-mile road where Dulos’s black Chevy Suburban was found by police on Friday, May 24"
Dogs hunt for cell phone at Waveny Park in New Canaan

That means that the phone was almost certainly NOT in JDs Suburban or LE would have found it in there much earlier and wouldn't still have electronics dogs out looking for it on 6/3.
Another possibility besides Waveny is that JDs phone was found at MIRA. LE began the search at MIRA on 6/3 and they apparently didn't have the phone yet. LE was very tight lipped about Albany and MIRA searches and while media reported at the time "nothing found" the AWs show differently- they DID find something very substantial on Albany enough for an arrest warrant. Still no news on if/what found at MIRA although LE said "it was worth it".

We don't know when/where LE found JDs phone although the language in AW2 is written as they have the actual phone, not pings from cell towers. This language is the first public mention about JDs phone I know of other than the article linked above regarding the dog search in Waveny on 6/3 (but we don't know if that was successful in finding the phone).

2. LE searched Irwin Park in NC as well as Farber estate in Pound Ridge on 5/30 (also Waveny extensively that whole week).
This was the day before LE had the video evidence of FD and MT on Albany.
We could also assume at this point LE did not have JDs phone yet, if they were still out searching for it on 6/3.
LE also did not know about the red truck and EE at this time, which they learned of on 6/6.
So LE was basically doing these searches with very limited information, knowing only that there was blood in the garage, they had JDs Suburban, they likely had the neighbors cam showing JD coming home at 8:05a and her Suburban leaving again at 10:25a, and they had FDs phone that showed that his phone was in Farmington that morning and afternoon, seeming to rule him out, but there was some odd activity on Albany Ave that evening that LE was clearly in the process of getting video on.
After 5/31 when LE got the video evidence of Albany and searched on Albany starting around 2pm (MSM began coverage around this time) all searches shifted to Hartford area (MIRA and FD properties in Farmington), other than the report on the dogs searching for the phone in Waveny and environs on 6/3.

Also to consider in thinking about how long JDs Suburban was parked at Waveny, the first slightly suspicious thing is that the time JD was reported missing and the time that NCPD found her Suburban at Waveny are just minutes apart. They found it almost instantly.

This makes me consider whether a) GF (or nanny possibly) had access to JDs "find my phone" location. If JD shared her "find my phone" with someone they could see that the last location had been at Waveny and could have sent police right there. They can also see from this (as well as from JD phone itself) whether the phone was turned off at 10:30am or so (upon arriving at Waveny from Welles Lane) or if it was left turned on and left at Waveny (this would presume that the phone was found at Waveny, it if was still turned on).

Alternatively, b) JDs Suburban had been parked along Lapham Rd since 10:30am or so, and NCPD while on patrol had noticed that it hadn't moved all day. This seems more of a long shot since JDs Suburban is very generic, and people park along Lapham to go to Waveny pretty regularly (although it is by no means a parking lot), but in a town like NC the police don't have all that much excitement going on all day (compared to urban areas) and they do notice minor stuff like this while out driving around. (Not to disparage NCPD in any way, it is actually an advantage to have a police force that has the time to monitor community safety.) Then when the call came in, they asked patrol officers, anyone seen a black Suburban with plates XYZ around today? And one of them might have said yeah, I did see one parked all day along Lapham, let's go check it out.
This doesn't rule out that JDs Suburban made other stops after the phone was turned off (or left) at Waveny of course.

ETA: removed possibility that JD phone could have been found on Albany Ave. That search was 5/31 and the dog search for the phone in Waveny was 6/3 so likely the phone wasn't amongst the findings on Albany Ave. Could still have been at MIRA (and there was something during the MIRA search that made me think maybe her phone had been found there- but I can't substantiate that, just a recollection and there is much more information now than there was then).
This is best post about JD cell phone I have seen. Because it's been discussed the last few days and nobody else brought forward the info about the dogs searching for the phone at WP. So, now it's not left with Suburban and disposal of it likely accounts for the time gap. I also noted how the discovery of the Suburban and LE arriving at WL was basically simultaneous. And wondered if others had access to the Find My Phone app or something like that. If somebody did have access to that, it could be said that the info was in fact obtained from JD cellular data. Phone may or may not have been actually found. It also seem based on AW that JD friends already had confirmed that she missed her doctors' appointments. JMO. Thanks for the great post.
I'm surprised JFD's family didn't suggest a prenup, but, IMO, there's no way FD would have gone for it.
Also JF had never been married and/or divorced and was very naive in many ways.
She probably couldn't fathom this wonderful, genuine suitor would be out to skim her from her money. Seems like she was so trusting because that's the type people she had been surrounded with. Good people. Not gigolo's.
Sorry, couldn't resist the reference to 'No GIGOLOS'. Needed a laugh!

I guess if FD doesn't have a costume for Halloween yet that he might consider dressing up as David Lee Roth in "Just a Gigolo"! Lots of fun costume options too!

Here is an old time classic:

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