Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #31

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Wonder if that social media reference is to WS folks with a very strict TOS? Kinda curious about this?!?!?

Absolutely love it (not) when other peoples opinions and views aren't covered by Atty. P. strong support of the 1st Amendment and are considered 'scurrilous' ([REDACTED] Great Word BTW)! I would be hard pressed to find a larger group of people with a grasp of the facts in this case than the folks present on this thread.

If Atty. P. is using 'scurrilous' to refer to WS and other folks following the case then I'm not sure which word to choose to refer to his now nearly 5 month largely irresponsible crusade to shame and blame a missing (presumed dead) JF who is not here to defend herself? Perhaps [REDACTED] [REDACTED]?

IMO Atty. P. victim shame/blame game as a primary defence of FD is IMO [REDACTED] [REDACTED]! Not one peep from Atty. P. regarding the FD/MT trip down Albany Avenue or anything about AW2 AM TRIP TO NC or about his client in general and disclosure of zero witnesses or CCTV as to FD location on JF Missing Date? Wonder why?

Me thinks that the 'truth' or 'facts' have zero to do with reality in 'Pattisville'!

Yep, MOO

It’s infuriating. As psychologists might think of it, he projects what he himself does onto others—; I’m not a psychologist so this is just MOO. Gaslighting and more. MOO.
I took it to mean
he can't be charged with tampering because they haven't provided proof a crime

I’m not a lawyer so please forgive my ignorance here but doesn’t “tampering“ in a legal sense mean “tampering with evidence”? And isn’t evidence sometimes used to help determine innocence as well as guilt associated with a crime? If so, then it seems to me—no lawyer—that doing anything with evidence aka tampering with evidence doesn’t have to require that a person be charged with a crime since evidence might end up making it clear that the person should not be charged at all. (In no way do I think that there’s any evidence to show that FD is innocent simply because I don’t believe he is based on what we have seen just so far. I’m talking about NP’s argument. In a way, isn’t this concept why people and organizations are required to keep certain records for specified amounts of time—in case it might be needed as evidence one day? Or maybe not; it’s not my area so all MOO. I’m just wondering. MOO.
Thanks for posting these documents.

Just had 2 min to read Atty. P. response and will give it a full read this weekend and of course respond with yet more questions.

But a few 'curious statements aka as possible 'whoppers'' jumped out at me in just a quick 2 min read. Curious what others think about this statement by Atty. P.

View attachment 212736

Atty. P. says, "There is simply nothing in the discovery provided to the defence to date that supports an inference that Mr. Dulos even knew his wife was missing at the time he allegedly disposed of items."

Very curious as to what Atty. P. thought FD and MT were doing on Albany Avenue disposing of items with JF blood on them as this is the closest Atty. P. has come that I'm aware of to discussion of this event. I actually read this sentence from Atty. P. 2x to make sure I read it correctly. IMO Mr. Dulos might not have known his wife was missing because she wasn't missing, she was dead and it didn't take a call from NCPD IMO to make Mr. Dulos aware of this particular fact which Atty. P. conveniently doesn't address.

The information about when FD was informed of JF's disappearance is also quite interesting as this has been an open question of many here but I will wait for LE or courtroom evidence confirmation of this particular statement by Atty. P. But frankly IMO the phone call from NCPD was irrelevant to FD knowing the 'status' of his wife, FD knew the status of JF IMO a/o around 8:20 am on the 24th and needed no phone call from LE to alert him.


Just unbelievable!
I've noticed that a number of the very early articles and photos have disappeared also.

Is there a "legal" way we can copy things we've found in their entirety and still be within forum rules?
Yes, screen shot the entire article and save it which is what I have been selectively doing. You can either dump the articles into a Dropbox or put them on the media thread here. We have seen similar 'scrubbing tactics' used in other cases here on WS as folks get sophisticated about the internet. It seems like 'video' is also often removed by media companies due to storage issues.
"We must love and continue to love through an active choice to love. A mature and whole one, recognizing our own separateness from the Source, from Nature, our exile from the Garden of Eden as it were, and knowing that through Love, what we Give, we can lessen the horror of the knowledge of Death."

-- by Jennifer Dulos, 2012

Thoughts? To me, it sounds like someone trying hard to work on a marriage. Was she also aware then of the possibility of the harm that might come her way?
Thanks so much for posting these beautiful words by JF! Reading the beautiful and carefully chosen words keeps me focused on what is important (justice) and why it IMO is critically important for the State of CT case to get it right. IMO creating precision in the States case will take time but with the ongoing appeal antics of Atty. P. taking the time to dot every 'i 'and cross every 't' makes all the sense in the world.

There are so many messages IMO in the words of JF as its a thought provoking passage but it seems to be a clear commitment to the active choice and pursuit of love. I do wonder if when this was written JF realised that she was well and truly on her own, literally and figuratively but on some level grappling with loving someone or the idea of something that wasn't reciprocated or where she saw no way forward while herself remaining committed to the idea of love as being paramount in her life? Could JF have been dealing with the death of her father and the realisation that possibly a lifetime of love that he gave her and their relationship made it possible for her father to pass from life with a sense of peacefulness?

The passage to me signifies a commitment to the idea of love whether its self love, love of family, love of a partner or love of children. The old idea of being born alone and dying alone or 'separateness' that she acknowledges perhaps also refers to self love as well, as taking care of herself as a way of being able to love and continue to give of herself to her children? I also see her saying she believes in making an 'active choice to love' and how in the act of giving love we can actually receive. My sense is that JF believed that love provided a way forward and that without it nothing was possible.

For those interested in the similarities with the Kelsey Berreth (no body) murder case in CO, the trial of her fiancee Patrick Frazee started yesterday and it was revealed that when LE searched his home they found alibi script!
For those interested in the similarities with the Kelsey Berreth (no body) murder case in CO, the trial of her fiancee Patrick Frazee started yesterday and it was revealed that when LE searched his home they found alibi script!
I guess when you're setting up your lies, it's the only way to keep them straight.
I've read that it's generally the reason LE knows
someone is lying because the perp can't keep the lies straight and gives themself away.
When testimony changes look out.
I was giving some more thought to FD statement about "I know what I have and haven't done". Thinking there might be a clue in there- what he has done, of course, admission of guilt, (and I don't think he's just talking about randomly somehow coming upon her bloody t-shirt and bra and driving them to Albany Avenue), but then also "what he hasn't done."
Looking at the timing and context is important and easier to do when looking backward, harder to see when it is unfolding.

The first report speculating about dismemberment came on 6/5/19:
"Investigators concluded that a "serious physical assault took place" at the home, meaning that they found a lot of blood, according to Dr. Baden.
"Not just casual cuts that sometimes occur for a person living at a house, but a lot of bleeding that would have normally required hospitalization," he said.
Furthermore, the amount of blood present may also point to the possibility of dismemberment, bolstered by the fact that multiple trash bags were allegedly dropped by Mr. Dulos." '[Police] will be looking in the washing machine to see if there is blood there," Dr. Baden continued. "They will look in the bathtub. When you have a lot of blood, there is an issue of dismemberment."

Dr. Michael Baden: Here's what investigators are looking for in Jennifer Dulos' disappearance

Shortly after, NP repeated this speculation to the media.

"Amid the ongoing investigations, the media has drummed up “enormous public interest” and speculation that Fotis Dulos killed his wife and disposed of her dismembered body, while also failing to report on court filings indicating that Jennifer Dulos, 50, had mental health issues and was unstable, Pattis said."
State’s Attorney: Estranged Husband’s DNA Found on Kitchen Sink Faucet in Missing Woman’s New Canaan Home

Then, not too long after, in his first public interview, FD came out with the "know what I have and haven't done" line.

"I know what I've done, I know what I haven't done," Dulos said in an exclusive interview with NBC 4 New York. "I have to stand and fight and hope the truth is going to come out...While he understands why people are interested in the case, Fotis Dulos wants people to wait before they label him a "monster."
Fotis Dulos: I Know What I've Done and What I Haven't Done

Here IMO FD is saying he's not the Charles Manson people think he is (his statement to Judge Heller previously in FC)- so maybe he didn't do it "as gruesome as you can"(Manson) and thus shouldn't be labelled a monster. I lean towards FD planning something with as little mess and evidence as possible, and his being caught off guard by just how messy it got. I think he would have preferred to torture JD in the last minutes of life, rather than after death.
But he DID do something, and he knows what that is. And that is kill and dispose of JD, perhaps just not as gruesome as people think. Here, he’s setting up for a defense such as, JD invited me over to discuss things, she got crazy and went for me, self defense and I knew I’d be suspected so I tried to get rid of her bloody clothes, no idea what happened to the body, etc etc.
At the time, the videos of red truck at Waveny hadn’t been revealed, which kind of complicates that line of defense now, as would neighbor video of FD in the woods behind her house, if that exists as has been reported here. Maybe NP will say, she told him the meeting had to be very very secret so he should sneak through the woods and bring a car with fake plates and make sure MT kept his phone up in Farmington. You know it is all in that novel that she wrote...

Trustee v. Dulos
113.00 10/29/2019 D DISCLOSURE OF DEFENSE
Odd that this attorney, Michael Habib, is with Willcutts & Habib, but his email address goes to a Dawn Arriezeta (sp?) law firm.
Odd that this attorney, Michael Habib, is with Willcutts & Habib, but his email address goes to a Dawn Arriezeta (sp?) law firm.

don’t know if it has anything to do with it but Willcutts was suspended from practicing not long ago and Habib didn’t
know when he joined/ bought into practice so maybe he stayed with his old practice too
Thanks for posting these documents.

Just had 2 min to read Atty. P. response and will give it a full read this weekend and of course respond with yet more questions.

But a few 'curious statements aka as possible 'whoppers'' jumped out at me in just a quick 2 min read. Curious what others think about this statement by Atty. P.

View attachment 212736

Atty. P. says, "There is simply nothing in the discovery provided to the defence to date that supports an inference that Mr. Dulos even knew his wife was missing at the time he allegedly disposed of items."

Very curious as to what Atty. P. thought FD and MT were doing on Albany Avenue disposing of items with JF blood on them as this is the closest Atty. P. has come that I'm aware of to discussion of this event. I actually read this sentence from Atty. P. 2x to make sure I read it correctly. IMO Mr. Dulos might not have known his wife was missing because she wasn't missing, she was dead and it didn't take a call from NCPD IMO to make Mr. Dulos aware of this particular fact which Atty. P. conveniently doesn't address.

The information about when FD was informed of JF's disappearance is also quite interesting as this has been an open question of many here but I will wait for LE or courtroom evidence confirmation of this particular statement by Atty. P. But frankly IMO the phone call from NCPD was irrelevant to FD knowing the 'status' of his wife, FD knew the status of JF IMO a/o around 8:20 am on the 24th and needed no phone call from LE to alert him.


If FD didn’t think the items in the bags were evidence, he would have thrown them in his construction dumpster or household garbage can. He knew the items were evidence of a serious bodily injury assault, even if HE didn’t know who or what was assaulted, or HE didn’t commit the crime of assault. That’s why he was charged with the crime of tampering, Mr. Patis. Hope this explanation helps you understand why your client was charged with the crime of tampering.
I was giving some more thought to FD statement about "I know what I have and haven't done". Thinking there might be a clue in there- what he has done, of course, admission of guilt, (and I don't think he's just talking about randomly somehow coming upon her bloody t-shirt and bra and driving them to Albany Avenue), but then also "what he hasn't done."
Looking at the timing and context is important and easier to do when looking backward, harder to see when it is unfolding.

The first report speculating about dismemberment came on 6/5/19:
"Investigators concluded that a "serious physical assault took place" at the home, meaning that they found a lot of blood, according to Dr. Baden.
"Not just casual cuts that sometimes occur for a person living at a house, but a lot of bleeding that would have normally required hospitalization," he said.
Furthermore, the amount of blood present may also point to the possibility of dismemberment, bolstered by the fact that multiple trash bags were allegedly dropped by Mr. Dulos." '[Police] will be looking in the washing machine to see if there is blood there," Dr. Baden continued. "They will look in the bathtub. When you have a lot of blood, there is an issue of dismemberment."

Dr. Michael Baden: Here's what investigators are looking for in Jennifer Dulos' disappearance

Shortly after, NP repeated this speculation to the media.

"Amid the ongoing investigations, the media has drummed up “enormous public interest” and speculation that Fotis Dulos killed his wife and disposed of her dismembered body, while also failing to report on court filings indicating that Jennifer Dulos, 50, had mental health issues and was unstable, Pattis said."
State’s Attorney: Estranged Husband’s DNA Found on Kitchen Sink Faucet in Missing Woman’s New Canaan Home

Then, not too long after, in his first public interview, FD came out with the "know what I have and haven't done" line.

"I know what I've done, I know what I haven't done," Dulos said in an exclusive interview with NBC 4 New York. "I have to stand and fight and hope the truth is going to come out...While he understands why people are interested in the case, Fotis Dulos wants people to wait before they label him a "monster."
Fotis Dulos: I Know What I've Done and What I Haven't Done

Here IMO FD is saying he's not the Charles Manson people think he is (his statement to Judge Heller previously in FC)- so maybe he didn't do it "as gruesome as you can"(Manson) and thus shouldn't be labelled a monster. I lean towards FD planning something with as little mess and evidence as possible, and his being caught off guard by just how messy it got. I think he would have preferred to torture JD in the last minutes of life, rather than after death.
But he DID do something, and he knows what that is. And that is kill and dispose of JD, perhaps just not as gruesome as people think. Here, he’s setting up for a defense such as, JD invited me over to discuss things, she got crazy and went for me, self defense and I knew I’d be suspected so I tried to get rid of her bloody clothes, no idea what happened to the body, etc etc.
At the time, the videos of red truck at Waveny hadn’t been revealed, which kind of complicates that line of defense now, as would neighbor video of FD in the woods behind her house, if that exists as has been reported here. Maybe NP will say, she told him the meeting had to be very very secret so he should sneak through the woods and bring a car with fake plates and make sure MT kept his phone up in Farmington. You know it is all in that novel that she wrote...

For what its worth, I believe that the eventual CCTV footage along with the to be proven premeditated acts of FD and MT will effectively bury any defence in the eyes of a jury. I'm also not sure how 'lying in wait' connects to 'having a peaceful talk' between FD and JF either. Just seems like you don't crawl through underbrush from an adjacent property (if this is what happened) for an early morning talk in a garage and then have someone die IMO. The infamous FD quote, "I know what I've done" like you said in the OP has long been a curious statement IMO. These days I'm seeing the phrase as a way of distancing himself from the alleged crime and per usual abdicating a certain amount of responsibility. I do question whether this was sent as a message to MT to remind her of her role or to any accomplices of their role in the alleged crime? I don't think FD has any intention of going down by himself for this alleged crime and has plans to drag everyone in his world down with him, including most prominently MT.

Just thinking about this has me questioning why MT didn't just pack up and run if she had any knowledge of what was going on? She is now looking most likely at a long prison sentence based on her choice to stay. No highly paid internet scrubbing firm will ever be able to erase her presence in this sad and tragic story IMO either. She IMO will always be the "Ho" that was there with "Fo".

I also wonder why kidnapping charges haven't yet been added to the charge mix here either? I wonder if kidnapping can't be added if JF was not alive leaving Welles or perhaps LE was waiting to figure out if JF were alive leaving Welles (based on blood loss and the interview with the Dr. mentioned in the OP my guess is she was sadly deceased leaving Welles).

What I found so fascinating about the "I'm not Manson" comment was that amidst the complete horror of what appears to have happened here that and the psychological torment inflicted on his entire family, that per always its all about FD all the time; he still wants people to like him! IMO it all borders on insanity which is why I was curious Atty. P. never went this route but this route isn't now most likely possible due to FD lying with the alibi scripts to Atty. P. for months.

Defence has a tough row to how IMO in this case and I can't see helping them figure it all out. But their PI is known to not necessarily color inside the lines so we will no doubt be treated to an interesting line of defence beyond the very obvious and not effective IMO victim bashing that we have been hearing since JF went missing. I do find it fascinating that Atty. P. (who doesn't have a case IMO BTW) has only spoken directly about his client once that I can find in a press article.

No FD/MT alibi, No FD/MT alternative theory = NO CASE IMO!
Great article! Thanks for posting it here.

So, perhaps that is why we are seeing a slow and cautious Judge Blawie and a very focused and non confrontational State Atty Colangelo as they don't want to have the appeal issues of the other case you mentioned. I don't see how it can be avoided as its the game that 'one trick pony' Atty. P. (who doesn't have a case IMO) seems to play. What baffles me with the Atty. P. appeals game is that they are mostly done to assist 'monsters' such as Leniart where who he was as a criminal was quite well established. Atty. P. isn't plying his appeals game to assist people in need or the innocent IMO. I wonder why Atty. P. can't find some poorly or under represented individuals that could use some legal assistance?

But Atty. P. is already off and running on the appeals train with the gag order so my guess is that is the way the rest of this trial will sadly go. Not surprising given what we have already seen.

I do wonder if Bowman could be playing some kind of appeal game setup in Civil Court regarding the MT testimony in deposition? Kind of wacky but he just might be that desperate given lack of available options. I also just wonder how deep in the legal muck MT really is and I do think she is in deep. MOO

How deep? Over her head. She has a snorkeling tube she’s breathing through. FD has under water diving equipment he’s using. His tanks will run out of air pretty soon.
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