Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #31

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For what its worth, I believe that the eventual CCTV footage along with the to be proven premeditated acts of FD and MT will effectively bury any defence in the eyes of a jury. I'm also not sure how 'lying in wait' connects to 'having a peaceful talk' between FD and JF either. Just seems like you don't crawl through underbrush from an adjacent property (if this is what happened) for an early morning talk in a garage and then have someone die IMO. The infamous FD quote, "I know what I've done" like you said in the OP has long been a curious statement IMO. These days I'm seeing the phrase as a way of distancing himself from the alleged crime and per usual abdicating a certain amount of responsibility. I do question whether this was sent as a message to MT to remind her of her role or to any accomplices of their role in the alleged crime? I don't think FD has any intention of going down by himself for this alleged crime and has plans to drag everyone in his world down with him, including most prominently MT.

Just thinking about this has me questioning why MT didn't just pack up and run if she had any knowledge of what was going on? She is now looking most likely at a long prison sentence based on her choice to stay. No highly paid internet scrubbing firm will ever be able to erase her presence in this sad and tragic story IMO either. She IMO will always be the "Ho" that was there with "Fo".

I also wonder why kidnapping charges haven't yet been added to the charge mix here either? I wonder if kidnapping can't be added if JF was not alive leaving Welles or perhaps LE was waiting to figure out if JF were alive leaving Welles (based on blood loss and the interview with the Dr. mentioned in the OP my guess is she was sadly deceased leaving Welles).

What I found so fascinating about the "I'm not Manson" comment was that amidst the complete horror of what appears to have happened here that and the psychological torment inflicted on his entire family, that per always its all about FD all the time; he still wants people to like him! IMO it all borders on insanity which is why I was curious Atty. P. never went this route but this route isn't now most likely possible due to FD lying with the alibi scripts to Atty. P. for months.

Defence has a tough row to how IMO in this case and I can't see helping them figure it all out. But their PI is known to not necessarily color inside the lines so we will no doubt be treated to an interesting line of defence beyond the very obvious and not effective IMO victim bashing that we have been hearing since JF went missing. I do find it fascinating that Atty. P. (who doesn't have a case IMO BTW) has only spoken directly about his client once that I can find in a press article.

No FD/MT alibi, No FD/MT alternative theory = NO CASE IMO!

Hmm, what is the PI doing to earn his keep? We haven’t heard or seen one single piece of exculpatory evidence from NP camp attributed to PI. Oh, maybe there isn’t any evidence to help FD? PI is busy spinning a story for NP appearances.
Once this goes to trial, NP will move to strike all the evidence. And all he has to do is plant reasonable doubt. The mistress did it. Watch PF try to pin this entirely on HIS mistress. Watch FD to the same. FD uses people. Especially women. For whom, IMO, he holds great contempt. I think this will be his ace card. His only shot at acquittal. OJ walked. This case CAN'T end that way.

For those of you hot on social media, IF those two are communicating by poem and photo, what are they saying to each other? Are they daring to mock the crime/investigation? Brazenly posting about what they've done and how, cleverly disguised as innocent posts? No one could be THAT dumb, could they?

For those interested in the similarities with the Kelsey Berreth (no body) murder case in CO, the trial of her fiancee Patrick Frazee started yesterday and it was revealed that when LE searched his home they found alibi script!

Omg! I don’t recall when that case all began but was it before JD’s? It’s creepy how many similarities there are. MOO.
Many people who do buy on CL ask the seller to meet them at a police station. FD will know the way there at least. MOO.
Anyone want to place an order for the entire lot and ask that it be delivered the NCPD? Would be a great visual of the truck pulling up with everything loaded in back. Might also make good gifts for Toys for Tots for the holiday time too! Needed a good laugh, sorry. Going back to working on calendar and reading Atty. P. word salad which has put me to sleep at least 5x so far.

Atty. P. seems to believe in repeating the same thing over and over at least 5x, not sure what that says about him or what he thinks about who he is writing for. My original estimate of I think 5 pages that could have been eliminated with improved word craft I've now upped to at least 11 pages. As you wade through the word salad you almost feel like you are losing your mind in a parallel universe of repetition! I wonder if he is trying to convince himself or his poor audience about his points. I've never read one of his books but if the books are written like his motions then they must be a big snooze fest IMO as this is beyond painful going IMO. MOO
I’m not a lawyer so please forgive my ignorance here but doesn’t “tampering“ in a legal sense mean “tampering with evidence”? And isn’t evidence sometimes used to help determine innocence as well as guilt associated with a crime? If so, then it seems to me—no lawyer—that doing anything with evidence aka tampering with evidence doesn’t have to require that a person be charged with a crime since evidence might end up making it clear that the person should not be charged at all. (In no way do I think that there’s any evidence to show that FD is innocent simply because I don’t believe he is based on what we have seen just so far. I’m talking about NP’s argument. In a way, isn’t this concept why people and organizations are required to keep certain records for specified amounts of time—in case it might be needed as evidence one day? Or maybe not; it’s not my area so all MOO. I’m just wondering. MOO.

Very well said. Yes, this is one of the many arguments that smashes NP's pathetic excuse for a motion to bits.

Is this what you saw? I didn't find a website to go with the law office? Can anyone figure this out?

There is a website, but it's not "built" yet, just a place for the owner to log in. Maybe he couldn't afford the actual website. ;)
Registered To MICHAEL J. HABIB
Last Updated May 26, 2019
Expires On Apr 20, 2020
Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a

Anyone want to place an order for the entire lot and ask that it be delivered the NCPD? Would be a great visual of the truck pulling up with everything loaded in back. Might also make good gifts for Toys for Tots for the holiday time too! Needed a good laugh, sorry. Going back to working on calendar and reading Atty. P. word salad which has put me to sleep at least 5x so far.

Atty. P. seems to believe in repeating the same thing over and over at least 5x, not sure what that says about him or what he thinks about who he is writing for. My original estimate of I think 5 pages that could have been eliminated with improved word craft I've now upped to at least 11 pages. As you wade through the word salad you almost feel like you are losing your mind in a parallel universe of repetition! I wonder if he is trying to convince himself or his poor audience about his points. I've never read one of his books but if the books are written like his motions then they must be a big snooze fest IMO as this is beyond painful going IMO. MOO
yeah, tell FD we'll buy it all and he can deliver it to 69 Welles, NC and since we know you FD
know how to get into the garage, just leave it all there, there's a rubber check on the door.
Hmm, what is the PI doing to earn his keep? We haven’t heard or seen one single piece of exculpatory evidence from NP camp attributed to PI. Oh, maybe there isn’t any evidence to help FD? PI is busy spinning a story for NP appearances.

He is looking for the one armed man or a meter reader or babysitter for NP and Fo to slander.
It's tragic but I think the motive, as many of you have said, is money. He married for money, he built his monkey business on other people's money. I believe he charmed JF's dad (or more likely manipulated him, using her father's natural love for his daughter/grandchildren) to bankroll him, but FD was neither grateful for nor satified with that arrangement, and I suspect he spent those loans multiple times over so, when it came time to sell a property and repay the loan, he was indebted to others first. Just like any garden variety pyramid scheme, he could keep it going as long as no TWO people came a'calling for their money.

He never DREAMED JF would divorce him. Proof: his behavior. He doubled down, I think to WEAR her down, as if he could be so cruel she'd back down (from the divorce) and stay with him. Classic domestic violence. IMO

Divorce threatened his money juggle. The death of JD's father cut it off entirely. IMO

Consider this: FDulos COULDN'T let JF divorce him. And therein was born the vengeance that we've seen unfold. If he could make her gone, he'd be her beneficiary....if not the beneficiary, he'd be a guardian to five junior beneficiaries, which might make him more attractive (in his eyes) to his wealthy mother-in-law. Surely she'd want to help with tuition, housing, etc..... she wouldn't think to foreclose on a house if her grandchildren were living in it. I think he banked on that. Literally. His PLAN banked on that. Plus at 85, the arrangement would be a temporary one. Soon as both JF's parents would be gone, FD would be free and clear. Bet he thought the mothership of money would come his way.... instead of the karma bus.

The best he can hope for is that, when they are both in their separate prisons, MT will sell her first rug and send him a couple dollars so he can buy himself a snack.

I'd like to recommend the new Poison Ivy Trail Cam Mix.


“And why don’t people just divorce if they’re so unhappy? Giacalone says he has found that men find it difficult to face the financial losses that come with divorce—spousal or child support, sharing assets. “They don’t realize the wheels they set in motion when a guy kills his wife,” Giacalone says. “They think they are going to get away with it. I would tell a husband, ‘You’re the first person we’re looking at.'”

“When it comes to solving these crimes, according to Dietz and Giacalone, the boyfriend or husband is the first suspect on the list, and when a female is murdered by her husband, the chances of solving it are very high”

The Twisted Reasons Why Some Husbands Kill Their Wives
“And why don’t people just divorce if they’re so unhappy? Giacalone says he has found that men find it difficult to face the financial losses that come with divorce—spousal or child support, sharing assets. “They don’t realize the wheels they set in motion when a guy kills his wife,” Giacalone says. “They think they are going to get away with it. I would tell a husband, ‘You’re the first person we’re looking at.'”

“When it comes to solving these crimes, according to Dietz and Giacalone, the boyfriend or husband is the first suspect on the list, and when a female is murdered by her husband, the chances of solving it are very high”

The Twisted Reasons Why Some Husbands Kill Their Wives

I love Joe Giacalone! Thanks for posting this
“And why don’t people just divorce if they’re so unhappy? Giacalone says he has found that men find it difficult to face the financial losses that come with divorce—spousal or child support, sharing assets. “They don’t realize the wheels they set in motion when a guy kills his wife,” Giacalone says. “They think they are going to get away with it. I would tell a husband, ‘You’re the first person we’re looking at.'”

“When it comes to solving these crimes, according to Dietz and Giacalone, the boyfriend or husband is the first suspect on the list, and when a female is murdered by her husband, the chances of solving it are very high”

The Twisted Reasons Why Some Husbands Kill Their Wives
Such a good summary article! Thanks for posting.

This quote popped out at me as we all know FD is a 'numbers guy' (IMO not lookin' good for FD based on the numbers here....).

"According to research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, women are at far greater risk than men of being victims of intimate-partner violence and homicide. FBI statistics from 2011 show that 82.6 percent of women murdered were killed by someone they knew. And when it comes to women above the age of 18 killed by an intimate partner, most [79.2 percent] were killed by a current partner and 14.3 percent were killed by a former partner. [BBM] “In 2015, there were 500 wives murdered by their husbands nation-wide. Add another 500 for the girlfriends,” says Giacalone, a former NYPD sergeant who has worked on hundreds of murder, suicide and missing-person cases.

“In 2015, there were 500 wives murdered by their husbands nation-wide. Add another 500 for the girlfriends,” says Giacalone, a former NYPD sergeant who has worked on hundreds of murder, suicide and missing-person cases".

"Forensic psychiatrist Dr. Park Dietz has provided expert testimony at high-profile criminal cases such as those of Andrea Yates, the Unabomber, John Hinckley Jr., Susan Smith, Joel Rifkin and Columbine. He finds that there are four common motives behind intimate-partner killings, applicable whether they are gay or straight, married or common-law, or partners who cohabitate. “You have to understand at the outset,” he says, “that these don’t necessarily occur in isolation and there could be more than one motive for the crime; usually there is.” [BBM]
“And why don’t people just divorce if they’re so unhappy? Giacalone says he has found that men find it difficult to face the financial losses that come with divorce—spousal or child support, sharing assets. “They don’t realize the wheels they set in motion when a guy kills his wife,” Giacalone says. “They think they are going to get away with it. I would tell a husband, ‘You’re the first person we’re looking at.'”

“When it comes to solving these crimes, according to Dietz and Giacalone, the boyfriend or husband is the first suspect on the list, and when a female is murdered by her husband, the chances of solving it are very high”

The Twisted Reasons Why Some Husbands Kill Their Wives

Solving it are very high. Convicting and punishment don’t look good in some cases. California botched up an open and shut case. Connecticut looks like it could end up doing the same thing.
Not one judge has ENFORCED their court rules/requirements of disclosure by FD of his financial records. No wonder NP, FD and all their associates are thumbing their noses/flipping birds at GF, Weinstein, family lawyers, LE, Colangela, the CT. Supreme Court, media...
Solving it are very high. Convicting and punishment don’t look good in some cases. California botched up an open and shut case. Connecticut looks like it could end up doing the same thing.
Not one judge has ENFORCED their court rules/requirements of disclosure by FD of his financial records. No wonder NP, FD and all their associates are thumbing their noses/flipping birds at GF, Weinstein, family lawyers, LE, Colangela, the CT. Supreme Court, media...
Sadly you are correct. Judge Blawie didn't even bother to enforce his own gag order but I do think they have their eye on the bigger prize and big picture as it could all be lost to Atty. P. game of appeal appeal appeal if the courtroom isn't managed with a deft hand IMO. I do get concerned though when basic decorum such as one person speaking at a time or cross talk aren't enforced as these kinds of things can rapidly have a courtroom going into meltdown. So, I hope Judge Blawie is more forceful with enforcement of basic rules in the courtroom as the last Pattis appearance was IMO disrespectful and horribly rude to all involved (Judge Blawie and Atty Colangelo) and there is no need for that in the courtroom.

Sadly you are correct. Judge Blawie didn't even bother to enforce his own gag order but I do think they have their eye on the bigger prize and big picture as it could all be lost to Atty. P. game of appeal appeal appeal if the courtroom isn't managed with a deft hand IMO. I do get concerned though when basic decorum such as one person speaking at a time or cross talk aren't enforced as these kinds of things can rapidly have a courtroom going into meltdown. So, I hope Judge Blawie is more forceful with enforcement of basic rules in the courtroom as the last Pattis appearance was IMO disrespectful and horribly rude to all involved (Judge Blawie and Atty Colangelo) and there is no need for that in the courtroom.

When I attempted to read and comprehend the NP appeal the CT SC, I was reminded at the extreme rudeness that NP expressed to Attorney Colangelo and Judge Blawie didn't say a word...

…"I'm relieved to learn that Mr.

3 Colangelo loves to read but I never doubted that he

4 could. What I doubt is his ability to analyze."

I've noticed that a number of the very early articles and photos have disappeared also.

Is there a "legal" way we can copy things we've found in their entirety and still be within forum rules?
if you are on windows you can right click, select print, and then select print to a .pdf file and it will save a .pdf of the page. if you are on an android device select share and then i think you can save locally or to google drive acct.
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