Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #31

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Beats me, @afitzy , but Weinstein nails it (without resorting to Atty. P's filibustering). Thanks for resharing these!
For those interested in reading some of the Civil Court documents here is Atty Weinstein motion talking about not being noticed properly by Atty Bowman and the ongoing issues with MT taking the 5th in all questions at her deposition, Atty Bowman's IMO 'masterstroke' REDACTED affidavit that seems to have rubbed Atty Weinstein the wrong way (totally understandable IMO) and Atty Bowman's second REDACTED memo that deals with some of the issues he is concerned with regarding MT being deposed but it a bit hard to follow because of the extensive use of REDACTED. It was interesting to see Atty Bowman say that MT did invoke the 5th on counsels recommendation as my prior recollection was that she would be answering questions 1 by 1 and not invoking the 5th on all questions. I do still wonder if Mama A and her possible other attys are driving the legal bus for MT and Atty Bowman is simply a bag man and front and centre in court because he is a member of the CT Bar?

Reading these documents today I do wonder what has been happening behind the scenes to change the situation with MT? Could this indicate that talks with the State for some kind of cooperation agreement have stalled, or is it the opposite that talks are ongoing but slow? OR, has the State threatened MT with additional charges and there is no deal happening and so Atty Bowman wants no MT testimony happening anywhere?

IDK, any ideas would be appreciated.

Just thinking about this has me questioning why MT didn't just pack up and run if she had any knowledge of what was going on?

Oh but MT did make a run for it, then got pulled back by the scruff of her neck, MOO
IMO, MT did make a run of it when she got permission to visit her childhood friend in NY. Until MT was escorted back by one of her burly bodyguards/cousins, MT was about to get on a plane back to Argentina pronto, IMO, like any rational person in her serious predicament would. But Lead Parasite pulled MT back into the web and put MT on meds, just like when she was 15 years old, IMO. Not for love. Puhleeese, NO case, IMO, can never sell that phooey to a jury in CT. No amount of sexy showers and tacky sculptures can make me believe there is any love or heat left in that relationship. All for $$$. Can't forfeit the $500k plus $100k totalling $600k bond. Don't forget that MT was arrested twice (first page of Google only shows the 2nd lower bond amount as the stories get pushed down by Paid Web Scrubber).

FD voluntarily offered the police his cell phone, by consent, a videotaped admission. Albany Ave Odyssey of Stupidity, Jennifer's blood, CCTV, all of the evidence comes in.
FD himself offered up his cell phone. As reported, by a MSM reporter in a recorded interview, to be preserved for all eternity. Please someone link that interview so I can save it on my hard drive. I'll try looking for it in the earlier threads. Should it transpire that FD had two cellphones, one, the [redacted] cellphone and two, the Apple iPhone X, I would expect perjury and obstruction charges to be forthcoming for that trickery, for both FD and his attorney, MOO. I wouldn't mind shaving 10 years off FD's sentence if he gives up the criminal attorney who gave him that fancy footwork. MOO.

Thowback quote of the day: "Classic Prisoners' Dilemma" direct from the horse's mouth

"Pattis told the judge: 'We don’t know where Jennifer is. We don’t think the state knows where Jennifer is. We think that these bonds and these arrests were an attempt to pit the two of them — Ms. Troconis and Mr. Dulos — against each other in a classic prisoners’ dilemma that was designed to give the first person to speak a ‘get out of jail card’ on charges that are flimsy on the outset.' (Emphasis added). From FD's twisted mind to NO's open mouth, MOO. Having identified the problem, FD has already solved it, MOO. The game is rigged, MOO.

Estranged husband of missing Connecticut mother released on bond

Thank goodness for Websleuthers who have been here since the beginning with long memories and hard drives full of screenshots and PDF's of what actually transpired in early reporting.



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Oh but MT did make a run for it, then got pulled back by the scruff of her neck, MOO
IMO, MT did make a run of it when she got permission to visit her childhood friend in NY. Until MT was escorted back by one of her burly bodyguards/cousins, MT was about to get on a plane back to Argentina pronto, IMO, like any rational person in her serious predicament would. But Lead Parasite pulled MT back into the web and put MT on meds, just like when she was 15 years old, IMO. Not for love. Puhleeese, NO case, IMO, can never sell that phooey to a jury in CT. No amount of sexy showers and tacky sculptures can make me believe there is any love or heat left in that relationship. All for $$$. Can't forfeit the $500k plus $100k totalling $600k bond. Don't forget that MT was arrested twice (first page of Google only shows the 2nd lower bond amount as the stories get pushed down by Paid Web Scrubber).

FD voluntarily offered the police his cell phone, by consent, a videotaped admission. Albany Ave Odyssey of Stupidity, Jennifer's blood, CCTV, all of the evidence comes in.
FD himself offered up his cell phone. As reported, by a MSM reporter in a recorded interview, to be preserved for all eternity. Please someone link that interview so I can save it on my hard drive. I'll try looking for it in the earlier threads. Should it transpire that FD had two cellphones, one, the [redacted] cellphone and two, the Apple iPhone X, I would expect perjury and obstruction charges to be forthcoming for that trickery, for both FD and his attorney, MOO. I wouldn't mind shaving 10 years off FD's sentence if he gives up the criminal attorney who gave him that fancy footwork. MOO.

Thowback quote of the day: "Classic Prisoners' Dilemma" direct from the horse's mouth

"Pattis told the judge: 'We don’t know where Jennifer is. We don’t think the state knows where Jennifer is. We think that these bonds and these arrests were an attempt to pit the two of them — Ms. Troconis and Mr. Dulos — against each other in a classic prisoners’ dilemma that was designed to give the first person to speak a ‘get out of jail card’ on charges that are flimsy on the outset.' (Emphasis added). From FD's twisted mind to NO's open mouth, MOO. Having identified the problem, FD has already solved it, MOO. The game is rigged, MOO.

Estranged husband of missing Connecticut mother released on bond

Thank goodness for Websleuthers who have been here since the beginning with long memories and hard drives full of screenshots and PDF's of what actually transpired in early reporting.

Thanks so much for posting these beautiful words by JF! Reading the beautiful and carefully chosen words keeps me focused on what is important (justice) and why it IMO is critically important for the State of CT case to get it right. IMO creating precision in the States case will take time but with the ongoing appeal antics of Atty. P. taking the time to dot every 'i 'and cross every 't' makes all the sense in the world.

There are so many messages IMO in the words of JF as its a thought provoking passage but it seems to be a clear commitment to the active choice and pursuit of love. I do wonder if when this was written JF realised that she was well and truly on her own, literally and figuratively but on some level grappling with loving someone or the idea of something that wasn't reciprocated or where she saw no way forward while herself remaining committed to the idea of love as being paramount in her life? Could JF have been dealing with the death of her father and the realisation that possibly a lifetime of love that he gave her and their relationship made it possible for her father to pass from life with a sense of peacefulness?

The passage to me signifies a commitment to the idea of love whether its self love, love of family, love of a partner or love of children. The old idea of being born alone and dying alone or 'separateness' that she acknowledges perhaps also refers to self love as well, as taking care of herself as a way of being able to love and continue to give of herself to her children? I also see her saying she believes in making an 'active choice to love' and how in the act of giving love we can actually receive. My sense is that JF believed that love provided a way forward and that without it nothing was possible.

Well put, afitzy, ITA.

In addition, I think in 2012, when JF wrote that, after being married to FD for a number of years, and with the 5th child born (the singleton girl whom she also wrote about somewhere (on The Patch IIRC) she had hoped would help re-infuse things in their marriage) an underlying remorse and dissatisfaction was building within her about her marriage and who her husband was turning out to be, IMO.

I think she may have written this at that time to encourage herself that it was all worth it (the sacrifice of being in a loveless marriage and being ultimately unhappy with FD) because of the children she loves so much, and that actively loving them and trying to do the same towards FD was all she could think of to do in order to get by without falling apart. Like a mantra: All I can do is actively love my family.

I'm not as sure about the reference to facing death at the end... it could be something she thought about that might come too soon for her if she was starting to see her husband as the psychopath he is, and knowing of other husbands who murdered their wives in CT. I don't think her father was sick at that point (in 2012 - he died in 2017 IIRC), but he could have been, since the obituary referenced a long illness.

She has a beautiful voice as a writer, and her writing shows how thoughtful, deep, and loving she is. It's a beautiful gift she still shares with the world.

Oh but MT did make a run for it, then got pulled back by the scruff of her neck, MOO
IMO, MT did make a run of it when she got permission to visit her childhood friend in NY. Until MT was escorted back by one of her burly bodyguards/cousins, MT was about to get on a plane back to Argentina pronto, IMO, like any rational person in her serious predicament would. But Lead Parasite pulled MT back into the web and put MT on meds, just like when she was 15 years old, IMO. Not for love. Puhleeese, NO case, IMO, can never sell that phooey to a jury in CT. No amount of sexy showers and tacky sculptures can make me believe there is any love or heat left in that relationship. All for $$$. Can't forfeit the $500k plus $100k totalling $600k bond. Don't forget that MT was arrested twice (first page of Google only shows the 2nd lower bond amount as the stories get pushed down by Paid Web Scrubber).

FD voluntarily offered the police his cell phone, by consent, a videotaped admission. Albany Ave Odyssey of Stupidity, Jennifer's blood, CCTV, all of the evidence comes in.
FD himself offered up his cell phone. As reported, by a MSM reporter in a recorded interview, to be preserved for all eternity. Please someone link that interview so I can save it on my hard drive. I'll try looking for it in the earlier threads. Should it transpire that FD had two cellphones, one, the [redacted] cellphone and two, the Apple iPhone X, I would expect perjury and obstruction charges to be forthcoming for that trickery, for both FD and his attorney, MOO. I wouldn't mind shaving 10 years off FD's sentence if he gives up the criminal attorney who gave him that fancy footwork. MOO.

Thowback quote of the day: "Classic Prisoners' Dilemma" direct from the horse's mouth

"Pattis told the judge: 'We don’t know where Jennifer is. We don’t think the state knows where Jennifer is. We think that these bonds and these arrests were an attempt to pit the two of them — Ms. Troconis and Mr. Dulos — against each other in a classic prisoners’ dilemma that was designed to give the first person to speak a ‘get out of jail card’ on charges that are flimsy on the outset.' (Emphasis added). From FD's twisted mind to NO's open mouth, MOO. Having identified the problem, FD has already solved it, MOO. The game is rigged, MOO.

Estranged husband of missing Connecticut mother released on bond

Thank goodness for Websleuthers who have been here since the beginning with long memories and hard drives full of screenshots and PDF's of what actually transpired in early reporting.

Some curious ideas.....much food for thought....or questions for a good drinking game, not sure which....

PS. For what its worth I am not sure there is any 'entertainment value' to much of the conversation here about this tragedy except once in a blue moon but perhaps you view the litigation risk of being here as real or this entire 30+ thread being a joke, IDK... not sure what to think.

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Every Juror Should Read Gone Girl

Here's Pattis' review of the book "Gone Girl" back in 2012. See the comment below it for the approximate date. So NP was very taken with the idea of a GG-type jury case before he met FD.
Thanks for this. I would not be surprised if FD sought out NP because he had read this. OOOOO.... MOO
Oh but MT did make a run for it, then got pulled back by the scruff of her neck, MOO
IMO, MT did make a run of it when she got permission to visit her childhood friend in NY. Until MT was escorted back by one of her burly bodyguards/cousins, MT was about to get on a plane back to Argentina pronto, IMO, like any rational person in her serious predicament would. But Lead Parasite pulled MT back into the web and put MT on meds, just like when she was 15 years old, IMO. Not for love. Puhleeese, NO case, IMO, can never sell that phooey to a jury in CT. No amount of sexy showers and tacky sculptures can make me believe there is any love or heat left in that relationship. All for $$$. Can't forfeit the $500k plus $100k totalling $600k bond. Don't forget that MT was arrested twice (first page of Google only shows the 2nd lower bond amount as the stories get pushed down by Paid Web Scrubber).

FD voluntarily offered the police his cell phone, by consent, a videotaped admission. Albany Ave Odyssey of Stupidity, Jennifer's blood, CCTV, all of the evidence comes in.
FD himself offered up his cell phone. As reported, by a MSM reporter in a recorded interview, to be preserved for all eternity. Please someone link that interview so I can save it on my hard drive. I'll try looking for it in the earlier threads. Should it transpire that FD had two cellphones, one, the [redacted] cellphone and two, the Apple iPhone X, I would expect perjury and obstruction charges to be forthcoming for that trickery, for both FD and his attorney, MOO. I wouldn't mind shaving 10 years off FD's sentence if he gives up the criminal attorney who gave him that fancy footwork. MOO.

Thowback quote of the day: "Classic Prisoners' Dilemma" direct from the horse's mouth

"Pattis told the judge: 'We don’t know where Jennifer is. We don’t think the state knows where Jennifer is. We think that these bonds and these arrests were an attempt to pit the two of them — Ms. Troconis and Mr. Dulos — against each other in a classic prisoners’ dilemma that was designed to give the first person to speak a ‘get out of jail card’ on charges that are flimsy on the outset.' (Emphasis added). From FD's twisted mind to NO's open mouth, MOO. Having identified the problem, FD has already solved it, MOO. The game is rigged, MOO.

Estranged husband of missing Connecticut mother released on bond

Thank goodness for Websleuthers who have been here since the beginning with long memories and hard drives full of screenshots and PDF's of what actually transpired in early reporting.


BBM: Should it transpire that FD had two cellphones, one, the [redacted] cellphone and two, the Apple iPhone X,

LE has in their possession 2 cell phones belonging to FD.
Jennifer Dulos’ estranged husband wants his belongings back
We debated the possibility that the 2nd phone was MTs and just on FDs plan so it technically is his; however in the AW there was reference to FDs phone left at 4JC the morning of 5/24 as his “main” phone and the phone used for Fore group business.
This phone was routinely carried by Dulos on his person and was the main personal/business contact for Dulos”-AW2
This leaves open the possibility that there was a secondary phone of FDs that LE took during the search at 4JC when they got his hard drives or that he had with him at the arrest on 6/1 night.

More phone trivia:
FD gave NCPD his iPhoneX on 5/25 so he must have gotten himself a new phone pretty quickly. I can’t see him being in his situation without a phone for very long. Nonetheless from AW2 it looks like FD and MT were moving around together the next few days (the rented Yukon, Westport trip to AB, etc) and it was her phone that was being used for routine business like the car wash calling etc.

AW2 says that forensic examination of FDs phone shows it was USED between 7:10-7:40 on Albany Avenue. Everywhere else regarding phones they say things like “the phone travelled” or “the phone moved”. The information they got from the phone is critical to the case so I would not expect LE to be clumsy on the wording here.
MT stated (and video evidence backed up, or perhaps the other way around...) that she was on the phone on Albany Ave and thus “didn’t notice” what FD was doing. Was she using FDs phone? (Her phone shows she was there too). Was this more “alibi plan” somehow? Or were they already panicking and seeking help and advice about how to deal with the blood on the seats? Or infusions of money, booking plane tickets, any number of things?

What was FDs phone “used” for during the Albany trip? Waze? Checking the news down in NC? Texting? Curious about this.

Oh but MT did make a run for it, then got pulled back by the scruff of her neck, MOO
IMO, MT did make a run of it when she got permission to visit her childhood friend in NY. Until MT was escorted back by one of her burly bodyguards/cousins, MT was about to get on a plane back to Argentina pronto, IMO, like any rational person in her serious predicament would. But Lead Parasite pulled MT back into the web and put MT on meds, just like when she was 15 years old, IMO. Not for love. Puhleeese, NO case, IMO, can never sell that phooey to a jury in CT. No amount of sexy showers and tacky sculptures can make me believe there is any love or heat left in that relationship. All for $$$. Can't forfeit the $500k plus $100k totalling $600k bond. Don't forget that MT was arrested twice (first page of Google only shows the 2nd lower bond amount as the stories get pushed down by Paid Web Scrubber).

FD voluntarily offered the police his cell phone, by consent, a videotaped admission. Albany Ave Odyssey of Stupidity, Jennifer's blood, CCTV, all of the evidence comes in.
FD himself offered up his cell phone. As reported, by a MSM reporter in a recorded interview, to be preserved for all eternity. Please someone link that interview so I can save it on my hard drive. I'll try looking for it in the earlier threads. Should it transpire that FD had two cellphones, one, the [redacted] cellphone and two, the Apple iPhone X, I would expect perjury and obstruction charges to be forthcoming for that trickery, for both FD and his attorney, MOO. I wouldn't mind shaving 10 years off FD's sentence if he gives up the criminal attorney who gave him that fancy footwork. MOO.

Thowback quote of the day: "Classic Prisoners' Dilemma" direct from the horse's mouth

"Pattis told the judge: 'We don’t know where Jennifer is. We don’t think the state knows where Jennifer is. We think that these bonds and these arrests were an attempt to pit the two of them — Ms. Troconis and Mr. Dulos — against each other in a classic prisoners’ dilemma that was designed to give the first person to speak a ‘get out of jail card’ on charges that are flimsy on the outset.' (Emphasis added). From FD's twisted mind to NO's open mouth, MOO. Having identified the problem, FD has already solved it, MOO. The game is rigged, MOO.

Estranged husband of missing Connecticut mother released on bond

Thank goodness for Websleuthers who have been here since the beginning with long memories and hard drives full of screenshots and PDF's of what actually transpired in early reporting.

Where to begin?
I will start with my BBM at the top.
Her cousins or FD's cousins ?
When I attempted to read and comprehend the NP appeal the CT SC, I was reminded at the extreme rudeness that NP expressed to Attorney Colangelo and Judge Blawie didn't say a word...

…"I'm relieved to learn that Mr.

3 Colangelo loves to read but I never doubted that he

4 could. What I doubt is his ability to analyze."


Nope. Judge and Colangelo just scrolled and rolled.
Nope. Judge and Colangelo just scrolled and rolled.
Yes, agree. Atty Colangelo knows the games of Pattisville and just kept it all moving even after being insulted by Atty. P. My grandmother had a pithy statement about folks that routinely hand out insults that had something to do with those people having 'small minds', or something along those lines....

Yes, agree. Atty Colangelo knows the games of Pattisville and just kept it all moving even after being insulted by Atty. P. My grandmother had a pithy statement about folks that routinely hand out insults that had something to do with those people having 'small minds', or something along those lines....

And "Sarcasm.... the protest of those who are weak" ― John Knowles, A Separate Peace
is another euphemism that applies, IMO.
When I attempted to read and comprehend the NP appeal the CT SC, I was reminded at the extreme rudeness that NP expressed to Attorney Colangelo and Judge Blawie didn't say a word...

…"I'm relieved to learn that Mr.

3 Colangelo loves to read but I never doubted that he

4 could. What I doubt is his ability to analyze."

Pattis could use a proof-reader, or a grammar teacher. On pg 2 of SC appeal brief, he first incorrectly quotes LE report as saying FD was "laying in wait..." In fact the report said he was "lying in wait". "Lay" is the transitive verb; "lie" is intransitive. LE was grammatical; NP wasn't. (Media all quoted it correctly as "lying in wait.") On p. 27 he does it again, but compounds the grammar blooper with a pronoun of the wrong gender: "...Mr. Dulos moved his dead wife's body after laying in wait for him."
BBM: Should it transpire that FD had two cellphones, one, the [redacted] cellphone and two, the Apple iPhone X,

LE has in their possession 2 cell phones belonging to FD.
Jennifer Dulos’ estranged husband wants his belongings back
We debated the possibility that the 2nd phone was MTs and just on FDs plan so it technically is his; however in the AW there was reference to FDs phone left at 4JC the morning of 5/24 as his “main” phone and the phone used for Fore group business.
This phone was routinely carried by Dulos on his person and was the main personal/business contact for Dulos”-AW2
This leaves open the possibility that there was a secondary phone of FDs that LE took during the search at 4JC when they got his hard drives or that he had with him at the arrest on 6/1 night.

More phone trivia:
FD gave NCPD his iPhoneX on 5/25 so he must have gotten himself a new phone pretty quickly. I can’t see him being in his situation without a phone for very long. Nonetheless from AW2 it looks like FD and MT were moving around together the next few days (the rented Yukon, Westport trip to AB, etc) and it was her phone that was being used for routine business like the car wash calling etc.

AW2 says that forensic examination of FDs phone shows it was USED between 7:10-7:40 on Albany Avenue. Everywhere else regarding phones they say things like “the phone travelled” or “the phone moved”. The information they got from the phone is critical to the case so I would not expect LE to be clumsy on the wording here.
MT stated (and video evidence backed up, or perhaps the other way around...) that she was on the phone on Albany Ave and thus “didn’t notice” what FD was doing. Was she using FDs phone? (Her phone shows she was there too). Was this more “alibi plan” somehow? Or were they already panicking and seeking help and advice about how to deal with the blood on the seats? Or infusions of money, booking plane tickets, any number of things?

What was FDs phone “used” for during the Albany trip? Waze? Checking the news down in NC? Texting? Curious about this.


No wonder murder charges have not been filed. Look at all the info that has to be tied together PERFECTLY so it all gets admitted into evidence.
Pattis could use a proof-reader, or a grammar teacher. On pg 2 of SC appeal brief, he first incorrectly quotes LE report as saying FD was "laying in wait..." In fact the report said he was "lying in wait". "Lay" is the transitive verb; "lie" is intransitive. LE was grammatical; NP wasn't. (Media all quoted it correctly as "lying in wait.") On p. 27 he does it again, but compounds the grammar blooper with a pronoun of the wrong gender: "...Mr. Dulos moved his dead wife's body after laying in wait for him."
Haha! I will share a secret with you @pernickety as I think you might share my pain as you have read this document too.

Your catches are hilarious and par for the course with the document IMO. I do wonder with your second quote,
"....but compounds the grammar blooper with a pronoun of the wrong gender: "...Mr. Dulos moved his dead wife's body after laying in wait for him.", if you caught out Atty. P. and the defense will be that JF, all 120 lbs of her. actually attacked FD and he was merely defending himself! Perhaps you outscooped all the CT Press (most of whom haven't read the SC appeal brief) and figured out the Atty. P. defense where none seemed to exist before this document. Can you imagine the Justice's question about this issue? So, Atty Pattis what exactly did you mean here? Well, Your Honor I simply [REDACTED] up! Yep, it was a huge [REDACTED] up for sure IMO!

So, here is my secret. Today I found out that I actually share a fantasy in common with FD. Yes, it is true. Today after reading the NP SC appeal brief with a bit more focus than 5 mins, I actually feel like dropping a brick on something. The brick maybe ought to be dropped on me as I feel like a total idiot for spending the time to read the document with serious intent when I don't believe there was much serious intent on the part of the document writer/s.

I did come up with a few questions after reading the document and I will post them tomorrow but IMO as you say Atty. P. requires and editor or a ghost writer or perhaps a remedial english or refresher constitutional law class OR all of the above IDK. I pity the poor Justices that have to spend their time on the appeal as well and I can just see them after court sitting around having a beer (or 2) and saying, "that man has done gone and lost his mind, again"!

No specific destination in mind for the dropping brick but I just have this overwhelming drive to simply drop something from the sky and create a large hole in the earth. I do. A large brick and a brick that could do great damage to the non specified place or my yard where I have the fantasy of dropping it. I have no wish to hurt anyone or damage property, just create a hole to get rid of the frustration of reading yet another legal document that IMO is an unproductive use of the courts precious time.

I do wonder if Atty. P. realises that that 'gag order' is designed to save him from himself and his odd proclivities in compulsively and irresponsibly talking to the press IMO and to provide the ability for FD to eventually have a fair trial? I'm curious if Atty. P. ever stopped to think whether there were any changes to his behaviour and choices in the Dulos case that might have made a 'gag order' unnecessary? Perhaps the ongoing sharing of untruths to the Press such as the infamous "MT polygraph test" or the FD 'alibi scripts' simply put Judge Blawie in the awkward position of protecting FD when you chose not to? IDK, but the decision by the Judge wasn't made lightly IMO. I do wonder if Atty. P. has any capacity to look in the [REDACTED] mirror at his own behaviour and realise that the only person to 'thank' for the gag order is himself? IMO if Atty. P. had simply 'coloured inside the lines' of Professional Conduct then there would be zero reason for a 'gag order'. BUT NO, this was not to be.

But what I will probably do instead of firing up the private plane and dropping a brick in the yard is to instead just pull out the portable digger and dig a hole for the eventual live Christmas tree and focus on that and the upcoming holiday season instead of ongoing manipulation of the CT courts by Atty. P. and Pattisville. Thank goodness for the digger.....

For those interested in the similarities with the Kelsey Berreth (no body) murder case in CO, the trial of her fiancee Patrick Frazee started yesterday and it was revealed that when LE searched his home they found alibi script!

We are dealing with idiots, who are not aware how stupid they are.
Waiting for Justice and Karma, in both cases.
Yes, we have a very active game of 3D chess going on and I'm not sure the public even knows all the players yet.

You’re right. I think the new lawyer and his lawyer wife are getting into the mix. I wonder what new and exciting information/misinformation they will add. You’d think that this case is such a mess, that a new lawyer wouldn’t want to get into it. There isn’t enough money in some cases to make it worth while. Especially, when EVERYONE is looking at you under a microscope.
This new guy will be getting paid. From the Greek benefactor? Who wants that hanging over you? Damocles sword. If you accept payments from a criminal enterprise, you could go down with the ship.
When this is over, and the dust settles, I’m hopeful that a new CT. bar evolves. I would not be surprised if all of these players receive some kind of punishment.

I’m wondering if Colangela is investigating all these lawyers, as well. The lawyers. The support staff. The spouses. Their bank statements. Their tax returns.
He’d have to have the assistance of federal agencies. No way can this be a one agency local investigation.
And then the worst thought of all: Is Colangelo in it as well? Is that possible? Or his employees?
Is there an honest lawyer in here? Mr. Weinstein. Dr. Farber’s family lawyer. Her name escapes me.

Yes, afitzy. 3D chess board.
Banking fraud FBI involvement.
Undercover LE.
FAA investigating FD neighbor, airplane guy.
Why doesn’t someone force him into involuntary bankruptcy proceedings?
Anyone know about federal bankruptcy judges in CT?
All of this cloak and dagger. Maybe that’s why CT is falling apart financially. People leaving in hordes. If some of these insurance companies leave the state, it’s over.
You’re right. I think the new lawyer and his lawyer wife are getting into the mix. I wonder what new and exciting information/misinformation they will add. You’d think that this case is such a mess, that a new lawyer wouldn’t want to get into it. There isn’t enough money in some cases to make it worth while. Especially, when EVERYONE is looking at you under a microscope.
This new guy will be getting paid. From the Greek benefactor? Who wants that hanging over you? Damocles sword. If you accept payments from a criminal enterprise, you could go down with the ship.
When this is over, and the dust settles, I’m hopeful that a new CT. bar evolves. I would not be surprised if all of these players receive some kind of punishment.

I’m wondering if Colangela is investigating all these lawyers, as well. The lawyers. The support staff. The spouses. Their bank statements. Their tax returns.
He’d have to have the assistance of federal agencies. No way can this be a one agency local investigation.
And then the worst thought of all: Is Colangelo in it as well? Is that possible? Or his employees?
Is there an honest lawyer in here? Mr. Weinstein. Dr. Farber’s family lawyer. Her name escapes me.

Yes, afitzy. 3D chess board.
Banking fraud FBI involvement.
Undercover LE.
FAA investigating FD neighbor, airplane guy.
Why doesn’t someone force him into involuntary bankruptcy proceedings?
Anyone know about federal bankruptcy judges in CT?
All of this cloak and dagger. Maybe that’s why CT is falling apart financially. People leaving in hordes. If some of these insurance companies leave the state, it’s over.
Oh Geeze.
This is gonna take frickin forever.
We are dealing with idiots, who are not aware how stupid they are.
Waiting for Justice and Karma, in both cases.

They might be stupid, but they sure are slick. They are walking around free. And no judge is forcing their hand. Why is that?
Why is no lawyer asking for proof of income to keep up his light bills. Car insurance. Credit card payments. If you can’t get to attorney payments, drop it. Go after what you can get.
Utility bills. Credit card payments. Who is paying those bills? FD is paying huge money to cover all of his actions. Plus the bills themselves.
No visible means of support.
He could die before all of this is sorted out.
His former web site firm dropped him. What do they know? What about former employees? Not just the trades.
Maybe this is all being investigated. I sure hope so.
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