Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #31

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Haha! I will share a secret with you @pernickety as I think you might share my pain as you have read this document too.

Your catches are hilarious and par for the course with the document IMO. I do wonder with your second quote,
"....but compounds the grammar blooper with a pronoun of the wrong gender: "...Mr. Dulos moved his dead wife's body after laying in wait for him.", if you caught out Atty. P. and the defense will be that JF, all 120 lbs of her. actually attacked FD and he was merely defending himself! Perhaps you outscooped all the CT Press (most of whom haven't read the SC appeal brief) and figured out the Atty. P. defense where none seemed to exist before this document. Can you imagine the Justice's question about this issue? So, Atty Pattis what exactly did you mean here? Well, Your Honor I simply [REDACTED] up! Yep, it was a huge [REDACTED] up for sure IMO!

So, here is my secret. Today I found out that I actually share a fantasy in common with FD. Yes, it is true. Today after reading the NP SC appeal brief with a bit more focus than 5 mins, I actually feel like dropping a brick on something. The brick maybe ought to be dropped on me as I feel like a total idiot for spending the time to read the document with serious intent when I don't believe there was much serious intent on the part of the document writer/s.

I did come up with a few questions after reading the document and I will post them tomorrow but IMO as you say Atty. P. requires and editor or a ghost writer or perhaps a remedial english or refresher constitutional law class OR all of the above IDK. I pity the poor Justices that have to spend their time on the appeal as well and I can just see them after court sitting around having a beer (or 2) and saying, "that man has done gone and lost his mind, again"!

No specific destination in mind for the dropping brick but I just have this overwhelming drive to simply drop something from the sky and create a large hole in the earth. I do. A large brick and a brick that could do great damage to the non specified place or my yard where I have the fantasy of dropping it. I have no wish to hurt anyone or damage property, just create a hole to get rid of the frustration of reading yet another legal document that IMO is an unproductive use of the courts precious time.

I do wonder if Atty. P. realises that that 'gag order' is designed to save him from himself and his odd proclivities in compulsively and irresponsibly talking to the press IMO and to provide the ability for FD to eventually have a fair trial? I'm curious if Atty. P. ever stopped to think whether there were any changes to his behaviour and choices in the Dulos case that might have made a 'gag order' unnecessary? Perhaps the ongoing sharing of untruths to the Press such as the infamous "MT polygraph test" or the FD 'alibi scripts' simply put Judge Blawie in the awkward position of protecting FD when you chose not to? IDK, but the decision by the Judge wasn't made lightly IMO. I do wonder if Atty. P. has any capacity to look in the [REDACTED] mirror at his own behaviour and realise that the only person to 'thank' for the gag order is himself? IMO if Atty. P. had simply 'coloured inside the lines' of Professional Conduct then there would be zero reason for a 'gag order'. BUT NO, this was not to be.

But what I will probably do instead of firing up the private plane and dropping a brick in the yard is to instead just pull out the portable digger and dig a hole for the eventual live Christmas tree and focus on that and the upcoming holiday season instead of ongoing manipulation of the CT courts by Atty. P. and Pattisville. Thank goodness for the digger.....

It took me One hour to read NP’s 209 page Appeal .

All I came away with is this ..

If it took me (ONE entire hour), how many billable hours did it take to research, write and produce that nonsense.

Shame on Judge Noble for NOT allowing GF/ Weinstein the right to discover how FD Is Paying NP to Appeal something as superfluous to this case as a Gag Order .

An Order which has nothing to do with any charges that were filed.

If Weinstein’s “Motion to Reconsider” get’s denied, I truly hope he fights back and Appeals that Ruling.

It’s despicable the money that is flowing from FD’s coffers with no accountability as to where these riches originate from ...

You’re right. I think the new lawyer and his lawyer wife are getting into the mix. I wonder what new and exciting information/misinformation they will add. You’d think that this case is such a mess, that a new lawyer wouldn’t want to get into it. There isn’t enough money in some cases to make it worth while. Especially, when EVERYONE is looking at you under a microscope.
This new guy will be getting paid. From the Greek benefactor? Who wants that hanging over you? Damocles sword. If you accept payments from a criminal enterprise, you could go down with the ship.
When this is over, and the dust settles, I’m hopeful that a new CT. bar evolves. I would not be surprised if all of these players receive some kind of punishment.

I’m wondering if Colangela is investigating all these lawyers, as well. The lawyers. The support staff. The spouses. Their bank statements. Their tax returns.
He’d have to have the assistance of federal agencies. No way can this be a one agency local investigation.
And then the worst thought of all: Is Colangelo in it as well? Is that possible? Or his employees?
Is there an honest lawyer in here? Mr. Weinstein. Dr. Farber’s family lawyer. Her name escapes me.

Yes, afitzy. 3D chess board.
Banking fraud FBI involvement.
Undercover LE.
FAA investigating FD neighbor, airplane guy.
Why doesn’t someone force him into involuntary bankruptcy proceedings?
Anyone know about federal bankruptcy judges in CT?
All of this cloak and dagger. Maybe that’s why CT is falling apart financially. People leaving in hordes. If some of these insurance companies leave the state, it’s over.
Don’t forget JD’s Divorce Attorney.
Strung that along for years and years .
Paycheck, Paycheck, Bonus , Bonus .
Billing , Billing yet ..FD still produced nothing .
Don’t forget JD’s Divorce Attorney.
Strung that along for years and years .
Paycheck, Paycheck, Bonus , Bonus .
Billing , Billing yet ..FD still produced nothing .

It’s as if all of the players are helping FD.
Has he been spreading money around by donating to campaign coffers? Attending political rallies. Fundraisers?
Where are those records? And how many names have contributed to political war chests? Have dead people been making donations?
So who attended the Thursdsy evening party?
They might be stupid, but they sure are slick. They are walking around free. And no judge is forcing their hand. Why is that?
Why is no lawyer asking for proof of income to keep up his light bills. Car insurance. Credit card payments. If you can’t get to attorney payments, drop it. Go after what you can get.
Utility bills. Credit card payments. Who is paying those bills? FD is paying huge money to cover all of his actions. Plus the bills themselves.
No visible means of support.
He could die before all of this is sorted out.
His former web site firm dropped him. What do they know? What about former employees? Not just the trades.
Maybe this is all being investigated. I sure hope so.

Surely, down the track, this will all be clear: all revealed.
Possibly LE have stacks to unravel and when this happens, we'll be here, watching FD's face.:D:D:D
They might be stupid, but they sure are slick. They are walking around free. And no judge is forcing their hand. Why is that?
Why is no lawyer asking for proof of income to keep up his light bills. Car insurance. Credit card payments. If you can’t get to attorney payments, drop it. Go after what you can get.
Utility bills. Credit card payments. Who is paying those bills? FD is paying huge money to cover all of his actions. Plus the bills themselves.
No visible means of support.
He could die before all of this is sorted out.
His former web site firm dropped him. What do they know? What about former employees? Not just the trades.
Maybe this is all being investigated. I sure hope so.

What if trades were overcharging on paper. Getting paid. then kicking back part of overage in cash to FD?
So did FD get 3 or more bids for each trade on a house? To compare prices. work. value.
Or were the same trades used over and over. Bc they knew the drill.
More work. So trade would bill $20,000. deposit check from fore into trade operating acct. then cash check for several thousand dollars. to return to FD. Cash then fell off the radar. Where did it go? To FD with no paper trail.
What if trades were overcharging on paper. Getting paid. then kicking back part of overage in cash to FD?
So did FD get 3 or more bids for each trade on a house? To compare prices. work. value.
Or were the same trades used over and over. Bc they knew the drill.
More work. So trade would bill $20,000. deposit check from fore into trade operating acct. then cash check for several thousand dollars. to return to FD. Cash then fell off the radar. Where did it go? To FD with no paper trail.

Interesting thought...I like it. I’m sure he used the same trades/subcontractors that he trusted (in whatever capacity). Remember, too, that some of the buyers of his houses complained that the cost of building some of these houses ran way over the estimated cost..some of that overage went directly into FD’s pocket, too, IMO. What would happen if one of these subcontractors got audited? Tax would have to be paid on the amount billed, but the subcon wouldn’t do that-it would be very interesting, IMO, if such an audit took place. This could be a good place to start unraveling things from that end.
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BBM for emphasis.
Great questions, @afitzy !
What baffles me with the Atty. P. appeals game is that they are mostly done to assist 'monsters' such as Leniart where who he was as a criminal was quite well established. Atty. P. isn't plying his appeals game to assist people in need or the innocent IMO. I wonder why Atty. P. can't find some poorly or under represented individuals that could use some legal assistance?
Did Atty. P seriously lead in with a quote from Othello?!

I like how Blawie states that Atty. P's job is not about choosing between representing the client's best interests OR adhering to the rules of professional conduct. Basically, a good lawyer can walk and chew gum at the same time.
Yes, agree. Atty Colangelo knows the games of Pattisville and just kept it all moving even after being insulted by Atty. P. My grandmother had a pithy statement about folks that routinely hand out insults that had something to do with those people having 'small minds', or something along those lines....

Maybe this is the quote you remember from your grandmother. I find it handy and worthy
of remembering over the years:

Great Minds Discuss Ideas
Average Minds Discuss Things or Events
Small Minds Discuss People

Great Minds Discuss Ideas; Average Minds Discuss Events; Small Minds Discuss People – Quote Investigator
Speculation, or...reliable on-the-street info? I mean, if it was me, I would scrub any internet info about me, too
It isn't easy to do anything about MSM articles once they've been posted online. I worked for Hearst for about a year during the recession. A friend who was applying for jobs asked me if a "police blotter" item about something really stupid that she and her boyfriend had done (case was eventually dismissed) could be deleted. The policy was that once it's been published, unless there's an error/correction to report, the newsroom absolutely would not remove anything. I felt badly for the friend, because she has a pretty unique name, and this was one of the first things that would pop up in search results at the time.

I also worked for a newspaper in Greenwich a while back, and we would constantly get calls from people begging us to not publish reports about their DUIs or assorted dopey transgressions.
For those who don't believe it
That is interesting, @kimch33kim !
I am on a Kindle Fire tablet right now, and can't figure out how to attach my screenshot of a search on Dulos. Basically, it shows a series of case-related videos at the top, followed by MSM articles. Interestingly, the No.1 "article" link is not actually a MSM article. It's this:

The most common way I know of to game search results is to apply SEO tactics to elevate the content that you want people to see first. Rather than trying to get content actually removed. That is very hard - in some cases impossible. So my simple question here is whether the biblical link that I shared above appeared as the No.1 article a month or two ago.
In true Pattis form, it only took him sentence two of this long winded, repetitive book report to insert a grammatical error:
"Indeed, it is there five year anniversary, when suddenly, Amy disappears. Suspicion turns to foul play quickly enough."

And how about this doozy of a (perhaps self-reflective) thought:
"Flynn has never practiced law, but she knows a lawyer’s truth: We are all capable of just about anything."

Indeed, for some of us!

Every Juror Should Read Gone Girl

Here's Pattis' review of the book "Gone Girl" back in 2012. See the comment below it for the approximate date. So NP was very taken with the idea of a GG-type jury case before he met FD.
a similar case which afitzy referred to earlier-
A young mother a previous victim of domestic violence, was divorcing her husband, went missing after dropping their child off at the father's parent's home. This young mother had
just recently gotten a new job and paid her first month's rent from her own paychecks. She was
slowly putting her life back together for herself and her 5 yr. old son.

Within days of her disappearance both her STBX and his father and now his mother have
all been arrested. Ex and his father for pre-meditated murder and his mother for tampering and lying to investigators.

Osceola Co. Sheriff Russ Gibson confirmed that
Nicole Montalvo's body had been dismembered and buried in 2 separate spots on the parents' 5 acre property.
Gibson said " It's probably the most gruesome
murder scene that I've seen in my 32 years on the job."
Lots of similarities in other DV cases where the perp involved other family members in the murder and coverup.

Mother-in-law of murdered Osceola woman facing charges
Yes, I couldn't even find a phone number anywhere! Here is one listing: INZITARI LAW OFFICE LLC, 872942 |

The only information that I can find on DI is that she's a pastry chef with a law degree.

There is a website, but it's not "built" yet, just a place for the owner to log in. Maybe he couldn't afford the actual website. ;)
Registered To MICHAEL J. HABIB
Last Updated May 26, 2019
Expires On Apr 20, 2020
Registrar PDR Ltd. d/b/a

Haha! I will share a secret with you @pernickety as I think you might share my pain as you have read this document too.

Your catches are hilarious and par for the course with the document IMO. I do wonder with your second quote,
"....but compounds the grammar blooper with a pronoun of the wrong gender: "...Mr. Dulos moved his dead wife's body after laying in wait for him.", if you caught out Atty. P. and the defense will be that JF, all 120 lbs of her. actually attacked FD and he was merely defending himself! Perhaps you outscooped all the CT Press (most of whom haven't read the SC appeal brief) and figured out the Atty. P. defense where none seemed to exist before this document. Can you imagine the Justice's question about this issue? So, Atty Pattis what exactly did you mean here? Well, Your Honor I simply [REDACTED] up! Yep, it was a huge [REDACTED] up for sure IMO!

So, here is my secret. Today I found out that I actually share a fantasy in common with FD. Yes, it is true. Today after reading the NP SC appeal brief with a bit more focus than 5 mins, I actually feel like dropping a brick on something. The brick maybe ought to be dropped on me as I feel like a total idiot for spending the time to read the document with serious intent when I don't believe there was much serious intent on the part of the document writer/s.

I did come up with a few questions after reading the document and I will post them tomorrow but IMO as you say Atty. P. requires and editor or a ghost writer or perhaps a remedial english or refresher constitutional law class OR all of the above IDK. I pity the poor Justices that have to spend their time on the appeal as well and I can just see them after court sitting around having a beer (or 2) and saying, "that man has done gone and lost his mind, again"!

No specific destination in mind for the dropping brick but I just have this overwhelming drive to simply drop something from the sky and create a large hole in the earth. I do. A large brick and a brick that could do great damage to the non specified place or my yard where I have the fantasy of dropping it. I have no wish to hurt anyone or damage property, just create a hole to get rid of the frustration of reading yet another legal document that IMO is an unproductive use of the courts precious time.

I do wonder if Atty. P. realises that that 'gag order' is designed to save him from himself and his odd proclivities in compulsively and irresponsibly talking to the press IMO and to provide the ability for FD to eventually have a fair trial? I'm curious if Atty. P. ever stopped to think whether there were any changes to his behaviour and choices in the Dulos case that might have made a 'gag order' unnecessary? Perhaps the ongoing sharing of untruths to the Press such as the infamous "MT polygraph test" or the FD 'alibi scripts' simply put Judge Blawie in the awkward position of protecting FD when you chose not to? IDK, but the decision by the Judge wasn't made lightly IMO. I do wonder if Atty. P. has any capacity to look in the [REDACTED] mirror at his own behaviour and realise that the only person to 'thank' for the gag order is himself? IMO if Atty. P. had simply 'coloured inside the lines' of Professional Conduct then there would be zero reason for a 'gag order'. BUT NO, this was not to be.

But what I will probably do instead of firing up the private plane and dropping a brick in the yard is to instead just pull out the portable digger and dig a hole for the eventual live Christmas tree and focus on that and the upcoming holiday season instead of ongoing manipulation of the CT courts by Atty. P. and Pattisville. Thank goodness for the digger.....

I, too, had the mental image of first the SC clerks, and then the Justices, reading those bloopers and scratching their heads (with the 2nd one particularly). And 3 NP lawyers were on the appeal? Too many cooks spoiling the broth? These days lawyers don’t tediously research the way they used to, whether in a law library or online. They subscribe to a service like Westlaw, submit the issue—like “prior restraint” or “gag orders”, and WL spits back citations galore, sometimes with interpretations. If the gag order is overturned, I agree that NP and FD could be given free rein to gallop away unchecked and again come down with a case of “foot-in-mouth disease”. (Excuse the mixed metaphors.) Not to say the HC would be reporting stuff that’s unflattering to Norm, its ex-employee. But an overturn of the gag order would apply to LE as well, so the public might be getting more info on the investigation. And FD wouldn’t be able to use unfair trial publicity as an issue of an appeal? NP’s on a slippery slope. MOO
Don’t forget JD’s Divorce Attorney.
Strung that along for years and years .
Paycheck, Paycheck, Bonus , Bonus .
Billing , Billing yet ..FD still produced nothing .
IMO this is an excellent point and speaks directly to the heart of the question of what the [REDACTED] is going on in CT Courts. JD switched attorneys to pick one of the hardest hitting and most aggressive firms that exist in CT. We saw the Greek Family speak out to this atty and say 'leave us alone'. We saw this firm sic the PIs on MT and FD and discover the games they were playing with their defiance of the FC Orders about MT etc. We also saw some of the deposition of this JD atty attempting to get very basic financial information from FD AND IT ALL SEEMED TO FAIL?

WHY? If one of the best and hardest hitting attys couldn't get FD to comply and it wasn't because they weren't trying hard enough then WHY couldn't they succeed? IMO it wasn't because FD had the best legal representation and he represented himself at times too due I guess to money issues. Ok, so what was going on in FC?

The only answer I can come up with is Judge's (in this case Judge Heller most recently) who are unwilling to impose the law of compliance on parties to a litigation. We saw the same issues play out over and over and over again. Its hard not to watch all this happen and believe that its all being done to financially soak/ruin the parties that have the money to pay the GAL, Visitation minder, atty's and court fees. Is it all about the money and zero about justice and was Judge Heller simply counting on the fact that nobody was looking? The idea that a GAL could get $300,000 a year for minimal work I believe to be absolutely shocking and he wasn't the one on the front lines either monitoring call or at visitation meetings etc.

What is shocking is that even with significant resources JF NEEDED the assistance of GF to continue her divorce action. TO ME THIS SHOWS THE ABSOLUTE INSANITY of the situation. Most women struggle to find the money to pay for their divorces and here someone is that by any normal definition of wealth should be able to get divorced but actually JD needed her family's assistance to pay GAL and legal fees. Does this make sense on any level? FD IMO played a game based on understand how the broken system worked and he wanted to extract the maximum pain and money from the Farber family and he was allowed to persist with this strategy with zero roadblocks (other than losing access to his children for a period of time but this didn't seem to bother him or MT IMO).

We don't see the press writing about this aspect of the case but IMO it cuts to the heart of motive. I know Atty. P. says that these cases are always more bizarre and unexpected than the public knows and that motive is rarely explained by the obvious. But, IMO think about the wealth that simply 'evaporated' in FC to lawyers and GAL etc. and how FD for whatever reason was willing to financially 'blow up' his life to extract whatever revenge on JF and GF and the courts allowed it. I know courts can't protect people from their own choices and decisions but the courts can impose order and the law in legal cases and over and over we simply aren't seeing it.

I don't want to go down the path of bashing CT or going down the well traveled path of "CORRUPTICUT" dialog which others do believe strongly exists as I don't think the issues we are seeing in this tragic case are unique to CT. But I do think we are seeing a case that indicates clear flaws in the system from perhaps insufficient DV training for Judges, insufficient case management training for Judges and perhaps insufficient case oversight within the Judiciary. Or perhaps there is a well entrenched system in place designed to extract as much cash from wealthy participants looking to get a divorce and Judge Heller was just playing her role in the process per usual?

IDK, I'm looking for answers and any possible explanations as when you put down the sequence of events in Family Court it simply looks like one expensive, highly inefficient, poorly managed train wreck that with proper oversight might have been preventable. IDK, its just sad to think that perhaps the death of JD might have been prevented? Again, IDK.


The Inzitari Law Firm seems to have quite a reputation:
Ring veteran allegedly served as an attorney during deposition

Leonard Inzitari divorced from Dawn Inzitari in 2018. Dawn now seems to be known as Dawn Habib.

Netflix must be upping their budget for the Fotis Dulos miniseries....I don’t think you can make this stuff up if you tried.
Connecticut’s reputation for lawyers is really taking a beating with this case.
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What if trades were overcharging on paper. Getting paid. then kicking back part of overage in cash to FD?
So did FD get 3 or more bids for each trade on a house? To compare prices. work. value.
Or were the same trades used over and over. Bc they knew the drill.
More work. So trade would bill $20,000. deposit check from fore into trade operating acct. then cash check for several thousand dollars. to return to FD. Cash then fell off the radar. Where did it go? To FD with no paper trail.
Yes, this is a typical tactic and if Weinstein has the time or inclination he could go down this path and haul them all in. I do think the trade liens present (80MS and Sturbridge) are quite interesting and I also wonder if these weren't all prearranged with the parties in advance to put them and their claims in front of GF? FD doesn't have a history of many trade liens so the idea that they suddenly appear simply seems too coincidental. Ditto on the FD Friend Loans which are present in front of GF claims on Sturbridge. Atty Weinstein is all over the Friend Loans but with the games being played by Atty Markowitz I'm not sure they will ever be unravelled unless the Judge demands discovery compliance which doesn't appear to have happened thus far IMO.
The Inzitari Law Firm seems to have quite a reputation:
Ring veteran allegedly served as an attorney during deposition

Leonard Inzitari divorced from Dawn Inzitari in 2018. Dawn now seems to be known as Dawn Habib.

Netflix must be upping their budget for the Fotis Dulos miniseries....I don’t think you can make this stuff up if you tried.
Connecticut’s reputation for lawyers is really taking a beating with this case.
Ah yes, the old WWF 'assistant' that goes to depositions to intimidate participants routine? You are right. This stuff is cynical and shameless and nobody seems to be trying to keep the system in check. This was a brilliant story though and I bet some writer someplace will incorporate this brilliantly into a scene describing what the CT legal system is all about.

I mean, can you imagine being a poor person involved in an injury claim and think you are showing up to be deposed and a 'thuggish' former wrestler shows up at your deposition and proceeds to simply stare at you? Most folks would run for the hills and be scared out of their minds!

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