Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #31

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a similar case which afitzy referred to earlier-
A young mother a previous victim of domestic violence, was divorcing her husband, went missing after dropping their child off at the father's parent's home. This young mother had
just recently gotten a new job and paid her first month's rent from her own paychecks. She was slowly putting her life back together for herself and her 5 yr. old son.

Within days of her disappearance both her STBX and his father and now his mother have
all been arrested. Ex and his father for pre-meditated murder and his mother for tampering and lying to investigators.

Osceola Co. Sheriff Russ Gibson confirmed that
Nicole Montalvo's body had been dismembered and buried in 2 separate spots on the parents' 5 acre property. Gibson said " It's probably the most gruesome murder scene that I've seen in my 32 years on the job." Lots of similarities in other DV cases where the perp involved other family members in the murder and coverup.
Mother-in-law of murdered Osceola woman facing charges

Mother-in-law of murdered Osceola woman facing charges

Yes, this case does have many similarities.

And I'm afraid that once we hear all the details, we'll also hear the words by the local police: "It's probably the most gruesome murder that I've seen in my many years on the job."
Regarding MTs whereabouts and role the morning of 5/24, of which we have heard nothing made public, but is a key piece of the puzzle (and perhaps still tripping up LE as well? Hard to know what they have in their back pockets).

AW2 states that on Tuesday 5/28 FD and MT were reviewing their “timeline” (now known as alibi script, which contains a list of incoming/outgoing calls and info) in the presence of EE. FD asked EE if EE had called him the morning of 5/24.
If MT was at 4JC “manning” the phone according to some plan, wouldn’t she have known or remembered If EE had called or not?
FD gave his actual phone to NCPD on 5/25 and clearly he neglected to check his missed call log on the phone before he handed it over.

Either, MT was instructed to make and take specific planned calls to specific people that morning while FD was in NC, and she was not to answer any other calls because that would reveal that FD was not there (and she somehow didn’t record or remember if EE had called in, surely FD had EEs # programmed into his phone) or, MT was not with the phone at 4JC that morning. In the latter, who then would have made the calls on the phone that morning?

Could FD have been so stupid to think that just by leaving his phone at 4JC it would absolve him? Could the “morning phone calls” just be part of the made-up alibi script and not exist at all? MT admits in AW2 that FDs phone was at 4JC that morning, but we don’t know anything beyond. We assume FD was savvy enough not to make an alibi script listing incoming and outgoing phone calls that could be disproven with a quick check off the phone records, especially since the alibi scripts were presumably made after FD handed over his phone to LE. One would think that Fd and MT would at least check the online phone records to make it consistent, but perhaps FD didn’t plan that deeply and thought by merely leaving his phone behind he could escape detection, and so there weren’t actually any incoming or outgoing calls. The only person we’ve heard about these calls from is the always truthful NP, progenitor of the polygraph myth, and in connection to a lawyer early morning meeting who has never emerged, and a Greek contact who was flying over about to arrive early in June but has never been mentioned since. We give FD a lot of credit for advance planning in setting up such calls but maybe these calls were a made-up afterthought and never existed.

The fact that FD had to ask EE whether EE called him the morning of 5/24 casts doubt that MT was with the phone that morning, and even if the phone calls exist at all. Leaving open a wide range of places MT could have been that morning.

We have no reason to believe that
1) the phone calls exist
2) MT was with the phone that morning
3) MT was anywhere other than in NC at the time of the murder.

There is NO publicly known proof at this time that the comments about the calls and phone were anything more than lies/distraction.
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I'm sorry, I don't know what that means....but I could see the Dunder Mifflin (The Office) effect on those 2 and definitely Arrested Development! "I've just made a huge mistake" GOB Bluth LOL

Dunning-Kruger Effect: Why Incompetent People Think They Are Superior

The Dunning-Kruger effect is a type of cognitive bias in which people believe that they are smarter and more capable than they really are. Essentially, low ability people do not possess the skills needed to recognize their own incompetence. The combination of poor self-awareness and low cognitive ability leads them to overestimate their own capabilities.
Mother-in-law of murdered Osceola woman facing charges

Yes, this case does have many similarities.

And I'm afraid that once we hear all the details, we'll also hear the words by the local police: "It's probably the most gruesome murder that I've seen in my many years on the job."
Big difference in this case in Fl. is that the perps were arrested within the same week the
woman went missing. And her body was found
within a few days of her going missing.

Note that the husband had some assistance from his father AND mother.
Thanks for the links sds71 - but I can't open any of these.
When I clicked on the links posted by @sds71, I saw the following felony charges for Fotis Dulos and Michelle Troconis; they are also attached as screenshots:
  • 2 Felony charges so far for Fotis Dulos from 5/24/19 (there should be a second page for his subsequent felony arrest, I didn't screen capture it)
  • 2 felony charges for Michelle Troconis from 5/24/19
  • 1 additional felony charge for Michelle Troconis from 9/5/19
Michelle's 3 felony charges alone have, I believe, a max of 20 years if convicted of all 3.

As we know, they haven't been charged with murder [yet]. In Connecticut, murder has no statute of limitations; the state can begin prosecution at any time.


  • CT Judicial branch Fotis Dulos pending cases so far.png
    CT Judicial branch Fotis Dulos pending cases so far.png
    121.1 KB · Views: 25
  • CT case Michelle Troconis 2 felonies so far page 1.png
    CT case Michelle Troconis 2 felonies so far page 1.png
    121.1 KB · Views: 27
  • CT case Michelle Troconis felony page 2.png
    CT case Michelle Troconis felony page 2.png
    111.5 KB · Views: 25
Thanks for the links sds71 - but I can't open any of these.

And I see afitzy said you had to pay! :(
@Niner...for the criminal and family court cases the documents have to come from the courthouse or online paid services. Most of the documents so far have been put online by the Press, so depending on what you are looking for most of the documents are available but it takes some searching. Most are on the JD media thread but buried in press articles. The 2 civil cases have document available for free via the CT Judiciary website and @sds71 has been doing a brilliant job posting links to documents when they become available.
Went back today looking for early photos and video of Sturbridge and returned to the great photos posted by RadarOnline of FD cleaning/sweeping with his 2 relatives and playing a bit of hide and seek with the watching Press dated 6/21/19:

Exclusive Photos: Man Accused In Missing Mom Case Cleans HouseFDKIAtrash.png

The above photo from the article shows the infamous FD Black KIA as well as a frowning and grumpy FD carrying a grey plastic garbage canister.

Great questions Panda!!
If anyone wants to read of a very interesting case of a large, wealthy homebuilder in bed with his bank, PEOPLE"S BANK, where they were committing fraud and got caught and 6 people went to prison including 2 bank officers. Case was in Northern Ky./Cinc. Ohio
area around early 2000's.
Case got up to around $69 million in missing funds except they weren't all missing- they went into the pockets of the homebuilder and
I'm sure some of it ended up in the bankers' pockets.
It all started at home closings when the builder
was given checks to pay off his construction loans and liens and instead took the checks to People's Bank and deposited the proceed checks into his personal account. So none of the construction loans or trade liens were ever paid.
250 homebuyers, 40 banks and title companies
and numerous trades people were all caught up in the scheme til it all came tumbling down.
Just google Bill Erpenbeck, builder if you want to read about it.
That IS an interesting story @enelram.

From a follow up story published in 2012

“We don’t think there is any more money unaccounted for,” Storm says. “Although it is possible that there is a Caribbean bank account, I doubt it. Bill lived large and most of the money went toward that. The little horde he had left was about $100,000.”
We have no reason to believe that
1) the phone calls exist
2) MT was with the phone that morning
3) MT was anywhere other than in NC at the time of the murder.

There is NO publicly known proof at this time that the comments about the calls and phone were anything more than lies/distraction.
The only thing we have is from Norm.
I’m not a lawyer, but I’m seeing it this way (LE delay in bringing murder charges): There must be loads of tips to thoroughly investigate. Once charges are brought, NCPD and Hartford PD municipalities no longer have jurisdiction—the state does. The defense can ask the prosecutor to produce exculpatory evidence to them. If some of those tips weren’t thoroughly vetted, they cd become fodder for ee for defense. Then CT doesn’t have an investigatory Grand Jury, and the State’s Attorney doesn’t have subpoena power, so it’s up to the PDs to do a thorough investigation. If something incriminatory is found after the defendant is indicted (or after trial?) the doctrine of double jeopardy protects him/her from being charged with murder again. If this isn’t the way it works, feel free to correct me. I’d also like to know if the FBI is investigating?
Who is to know if it is not already before a Grand Jury?
Dunning-Kruger Effect: Why Incompetent People Think They Are Superior

The Dunning-Kruger effect is a type of cognitive bias in which people believe that they are smarter and more capable than they really are. Essentially, low ability people do not possess the skills needed to recognize their own incompetence. The combination of poor self-awareness and low cognitive ability leads them to overestimate their own capabilities.
i had a good laugh reading your first post on this..i had heard this from an attorney i worked with..

another good one i heard from this co-worker (it was something like): stupidity is like death..those around you are crying and sad, and you totally unaware...
i had a good laugh reading your first post on this..i had heard this from an attorney i worked with..

another good one i heard from this co-worker (it was something like): stupidity is like death..those around you are crying and sad, and you totally unaware...
Dumbing it down.
Low potential high achiever.
Wondering the same thing! Is the state still supposed to file a response, or have they filed something already?
I think the state has 2 weeks to file a response.'s what I found from the Stamford Advocate, October 3, 2019:

Defense attorney Norm Pattis, who requested the hearing, will need to file a legal brief by Oct. 9 and the state has until Oct. 28 to respond. A hearing will be scheduled after Dec. 5.

“We are delighted. I am looking forward to the argument,” Pattis said. “Gag orders are a form of prior restraint on speech and are particularly odious.”

The state’s highest court, however, denied the Hartford Courant’s request to file an amicus brief in support of revoking the gag order.

Looks like the deadlines have been moved back already or the press is late...hmmmm….
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