Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #33

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FD admires NP.o_O
When I look at FD's face, as he watches NP, he is so pleased with the work NP is doing.
Surely, FD realizes this team, is a 'waste time' as they plod, from one problem to the next, drowning further at each step.
Now, what will occur will be most interesting.
I so agree with you on this point and I am absolutely baffled as to why Fd might feel this way about Atty. P.

Wonder though if Fd will have these same feelings when he is in an orange jumpsuit, in a 3'x3' cell for life and his parental rights and access to his children are terminated?

IMO his belief in Atty. P. is the best way to insure all of these items come to pass sooner rather than later and its unfortunate that he is unable or unwilling to see it IMO. Oh well, that is totally on him I guess!

From the standpoint of the US and CT justice system, IMO its in the system's best interest to make sure that Fd gets the best defense available to him.

I do think Fd is a problematic client on many levels and given no alibi or alternative theory is proving to be a challenge for Pattisville.

It seems Pattisville has been working on overdrive to find some narrative or any narrative that might work for Fd and today it seemed that they unveiled the latest version 10.0! We saw Fd as the champion of Fathers rights and the 1st Amendment!

Yawn and Nap time IMO.

Just another tone deaf try by Pattisville to find something for Fd to grasp onto and absolutely lacking any emotional intelligence to boot IMO. It might perhaps work with folks that don't know the Fd story in Family Court and how he voluntarily gave up access to his children when they no doubt could have used a father or any father. But this new rebranded Fd as a wronged father in CT is IMO simply WRONG on so many levels!

Father's rights as a general topic is deserving IMO of greater consideration by the courts in CT. The reality is that there are many wonderful, caring and loving fathers that deserve greater access to their children and custody. IMO Fd is NOT, however, one of the fathers that belongs in this group of deserving individuals.

The issue, however, is that Fd has proven in the opinion of the Family Court system and all that this entails that he is NOT ONE OF THESE FATHERS IMO. To attempt to 'rebrand' Fd as a wronged father is simply the bridge too far IMO. Judge Heller offered Fd every opportunity to reconnect with his children and offered a clear path to get to a better place in his relationship with them. Judge Heller saw value in children having a relationship with a father figure in their lives and so IMO went way beyond a place that I believed appropriate to accommodate Fd given his absolutely miserable documented track record as a husband, human being and father. But Judge Heller still tried to work to rehabilitate Fd.

Did Fd make any attempt to work with Judge Heller?

Nope, IMO he did not. The thing that makes the Fd choice to NOT work with Judge Heller absolutely unconscionable was that at the time Fd AS A PARENT knew that he had at least one child with significant psychological distress due to the ongoing divorce drama. What parent (using this term loosely IMO) would chose to inflict additional psychological pain on a child that is already in a very bad spot and was 'at risk'? Fd did this and IMO its why it is critically important that neither he nor any of the Greek Family have access to the children.

Fd and MT (its impt to see that this was a joint relationship decision IMO) chose instead to have a toddler tantrum meltdown as they 'respectfully disagreed' with Judge Heller on her conditions and access to MT and her daughter. Fd did not see his children for a long time due to this choice. When you look at this period with no access to his children to me it tells anyone looking who Fd is as a parent and a human being and IMO the decision was immature and absolutely lacking any emotional intelligence AND had zero to do with the well being of the children. In short, Fd and MT just cared about themselves and the fact that they believed their view to be correct and Judge Heller's view to be incorrect. Because of a difference of opinion, FD didn't see his children for roughly 10 months.

What parent when given the ability to see their children if even under access conditions that they don't agree with WOULD EVER instead decide to simply walk away? To almost any parent I think this would be an unfathomable choice to make, particularly when very young children are involved too. I cannot even unpack this decision by Fd in my brain as what parent voluntarily decides to NOT see their children and over a petty disagreement with a Judge?

Fd did precisely this and NOW we are believe that things are different and he 'loves his children and misses them every day'?

Yep, right.

IMO Fd has NOT been embraced by the active Fathers Rights groups in CT because he has been about as poor an example of a father and a human being as has been publicly seen in quite a long time IMO.

I can't even think about Fd as the champion of the 1st amendment as my head simply wants to explode due to the lunacy of this idea. The idea that Atty. P. thinks that his retreaded idea of 1st amendment champion Fd might fly makes as little sense IMO as Fd as a worthy father deserving of immediate access to his children! Dream on!

It hard to justify spending much time on the Fd extended "Greek Family" as for lack of a better phrase they simply seem 'irrelevant' as they weren't a force in the 5 childrens lives, didn't see the children frequently and were physically distant and separated by great age too. Fd seems to have a vested interest for whatever reason of posturing Greece and his Greek Family as a positive in the lives of his children and it just doesn't seem probable.

IMO it seems like a Fd/Atty P. pipe dream as do the croco tears from 'Sister Rena' about being turned away from the Dulos children yet again by GF. Its hard to say but based on MSM it appears that the last time 'Sister Rena' might have seen the children might have been 2016. Prior to this she perhaps saw them for a couple of weeks over the summers? IDK. Just seems odd that with this visitation schedule that she had any relationship with the children of significant and its hard to understand the Drama surrounding her ongoing attempts to see the children which have no doubt proven upsetting to GF for obvious reasons and possibly psychologically damaging to the children as well. Why is there no sensitivity from Fd or the Greek Family as to what GF is dealing with in terms of the emotional fragility of 5 children WHO HAVE NO MOTHER?

My guess is that Pattisville will continue to push this narrative of Fd as a father demanding of his rights. Its ok. IMO with rights come obligations and responsibilities. IMO its these parental obligations and responsibilities and ultimately personal accountability where Fd doesn't measure up on any level. Fd walked away from his children both emotionally when they needed him as he chose MT and her daughter and financially as he makes the ludicrous argument that the Court didn't require him to financially support his children. Would Fd have behaved differently if JFd couldn't have afforded to support the family and children? My guess is not.

Fd is a documented dead beat dad on virtually any measure out there and to to see him spouting forth today about his rights as a father when he has never been a father was simply offensive to all those fathers that deserve access to their children and truly have been wronged by the CT Court system. Fd is NOT one of these fathers IMO.


Fotis Dulos addresses the media saying that on a personal addition to his free speech right...he has a right to be a parent and delivered a message to his kids through the media.
Matt Caron on Twitter
On this topic, here was the picture outside the Courthouse today when we see the dramatic and emotional FD and 'Sister Rena'.

To me this all looked more like a toddler tantrum due to thwarted demands than an emotionally mature adult response from a loving concerned parent, but that's just me.

upload_2019-12-13_7-52-55.png I guess I also don't get talking about 'entitlement to accessing children' without a full discussion of the impact of that access on the children. 5 Children don't have their Mom this holiday season and someone who hasn't seen them since 2016 or earlier wants to impose themselves on this situation and thinks that is a good idea?

Yes a fine education but my questions and sunshinegirl2013's also I believe stem from the
family dynamics that created this psychologicly
challenged individual.
Were his parents absentee in his life? Did he
have nannies instead of a mommy and daddy
to interact with?
Did he not get any schooling or instruction on
the basics of being a good 'Christian'?
How did this man grow up without learning
right from wrong? Or how not to solve disagreements without resorting to fists and
violence. Or always telling the truth.
Just so much here tells me that he received
little day to day parenting. Pure negligence?
We know children learn from how they live.
Were his parents or immediate family liars, cheats, violent and lawbreakers?
Interesting questions for me too. My understanding is that Narcs and Sociopaths are made, and Psychopaths are born with a physical defect in the brain. Maybe that causes their behavior or maybe not. Still alot of debate about that. Narcs have not received enough attention or have been coddled by their caregivers. IMO, FD falls far above just garden variety narcissism and veers into the Malignant category or above. That is where the conning and pathological lying come in.

The one I am fighting in court has 2 sisters. They were all raised together under the same conditions. The sisters married well and have been married for a long time. Their lives have always been stable once they got out of the house they grew up in. Very decent people. So, what happened to their brother? Supposedly, home life was chaotic, including physical and mental abuse, infidelity and alcoholism. This info all comes from him and I really don't even know if it's true because every word coming out of his mouth is a lie. It could be mostly made up. The one sister has written long posts about sociopathy on FB. I don't think the sisters are fooled.

I think it has been said that Rena raised FD in a way? So maybe that was the primary caregiver in a way? Maybe coddled by her and neglected by the parents? The one I am fighting, I have communicated with his mother a few times since the divorce started. Even very recently. She just parrots back whatever he has told her, no matter how ridiculous it is. He really can do no wrong in her eyes no matter what evidence she is confronted with. It's laughable.

Anyway, while I am fascinated by these questions, I still think most people have choices about how to behave and treat others and I don't feel bad about a less than perfect upbringing. People overcome terrible things all the time. A predator like FD has learned that lying, manipulation, stealing, work for him. Of course, now coming to an end. JMO.
Denial is a powerful defense mechansim. Most likely she has blinders on where her brother is concerned.

If Rena did read any of the FC docs or AWs and discussed it with Fotis, he probably told her they were lies and spun it that he was the true victim, being framed for something he didn't do. He probably told her GF turned on him out of the blue, relentlessly persecuting him for no good reason and he just doesn't understand why. He's probably also busy denigrating Jennifer - how difficult it was to live with her, how she was a poor mother, a "hermit" who had so many psych issues but he still stayed with her for the sake of the children bla bla bla. His sister, who loves him and is very loyal to him, rather than accepting reality and the facts (which means acknowledging her brother did something heinous), is going to go with the fairy tale version he's feeding her. Again, denial is a powerful defense mechanism. MOO MOO.
I agree that Rena would have some level of denial. However, don’t forget the power of manipulation. IMO FD has become a master manipulator. Psychopaths do this to gain your trust, tell you how they are the victims in their situation, and paint themselves in a heavenly glow.

I’m not sure if Rena’s English is very good, but I wouldn’t put it past FD to translate them in his own words, changing the events, making up his own content, or just eliminating some key pieces of information.

That’s what I imagine he is doing with her. MOO
Re: Fd's "right" to be a family.

I would agree that he would have that right initially but when he chose to ignore child support payments, forced his child to lie on his behalf and murdered their mother he then lost that initial right to be a parent.
The children have a right to a safe and healthy life and Fd has taken that right away from them.
I am so disgusted by NP and Fd.
All I want for Christmas is for Jennifer to be found and Fd to be jailed! C'mon CT let's get this done!
Interesting questions for me too. My understanding is that Narcs and Sociopaths are made, and Psychopaths are born with a physical defect in the brain. Maybe that causes their behavior or maybe not. Still alot of debate about that. Narcs have not received enough attention or have been coddled by their caregivers. IMO, FD falls far above just garden variety narcissism and veers into the Malignant category or above. That is where the conning and pathological lying come in.

The one I am fighting in court has 2 sisters. They were all raised together under the same conditions. The sisters married well and have been married for a long time. Their lives have always been stable once they got out of the house they grew up in. Very decent people. So, what happened to their brother? Supposedly, home life was chaotic, including physical and mental abuse, infidelity and alcoholism. This info all comes from him and I really don't even know if it's true because every word coming out of his mouth is a lie. It could be mostly made up. The one sister has written long posts about sociopathy on FB. I don't think the sisters are fooled.

I think it has been said that Rena raised FD in a way? So maybe that was the primary caregiver in a way? Maybe coddled by her and neglected by the parents? The one I am fighting, I have communicated with his mother a few times since the divorce started. Even very recently. She just parrots back whatever he has told her, no matter how ridiculous it is. He really can do no wrong in her eyes no matter what evidence she is confronted with. It's laughable.

Anyway, while I am fascinated by these questions, I still think most people have choices about how to behave and treat others and I don't feel bad about a less than perfect upbringing. People overcome terrible things all the time. A predator like FD has learned that lying, manipulation, stealing, work for him. Of course, now coming to an end. JMO.
Oh I really like your post.
What I've learned in my many years of trying to figure out all things in family dysfunction:
Yes a bad upbringing brings on all kinds of woes in adulthood. Some do overcome it but, IMO, those are the ones that learn early on that
the dysfunction is not right or normal and then they have to 'consciously' decide not to continue it or allow it to be their guiding light.
Few adults do this. Most perpetuate the craziness. And then teach that to their own children unless a less crazy spouse intervenes.

Another common factors in most dysfunction is the son does not have a close relationship with a father or father figure. I truly believe
that young boys not having this male role model is a major cause of boys growing up without a clue on how to be an adult man.
So many fathers allow momma to raise the kids, both boys and girls. Boys don't really know how to be responsible men from momma. Yes momma can teach them certain things but if that male influence is missing , there's a large void in the boy's training.

Fd seems as though he lacks both the male and female influences in his early life. I don't see the soft, nurturing side and feelings from a mother. I see him trying to mimic the male role but in a shortcutted way. Not really paying his dues at a low level, just jumping in to look successful and stealing your FIL's money to accomplish this. Maybe Rena did caretake Fd
as a youngster. Where was momma?

I really appreciate your personal experience and your insight.
andalso said:
Do we have a timeframe for when the gag order will be ruled on?

I did not see an answer for this? Wondering also. My speakers are down - so can not hear the video posted here re hearing. TIA!

and I have Fd's next pretrial hearing on 1/7/20 @ 10am.
Fd and his attorneys are all users..this is also about free advertising for them- “look at me at state of CT Supreme Court”..

that was cool being able to watch the video of the hearing that was posted here..NP looked like a bobble head- which justice is talking? by the way of NP arguments- he was able to get his words in to the public- slick..It was too long to what time did NP cell phone ring?

Fd saying he has a right to be a father- yeah right, when it is convenient and he gets something out of it, on someone else’s dime..this is about keeping the gravy train coming..
I did not see an answer for this? Wondering also. My speakers are down - so can not hear the video posted here re hearing. TIA!

and I have Fd's next pretrial hearing on 1/7/20 @ 10am.
@Niner, sorry to hear about your speakers but when you get audio back here is the link to the on demand for the CT website.

Connecticut Network CT-N On-Demand

The hearing yesterday so far as I could tell ended without a timetable as to when a decision will be issued.

Here is the link to the CT Supreme Ct website for decisions for future reference:

CT Supreme Court Opinions
Fd and his attorneys are all users..this is also about free advertising for them- “look at me at state of CT Supreme Court”..

that was cool being able to watch the video of the hearing that was posted here..NP looked like a bobble head- which justice is talking? by the way of NP arguments- he was able to get his words in to the public- slick..It was too long to what time did NP cell phone ring?

Fd saying he has a right to be a father- yeah right, when it is convenient and he gets something out of it, on someone else’s dime..this is about keeping the gravy train coming..
Atty. P. cell phone rang shortly after he started speaking and it was buzzing away in his pocket.
Does a gag order help to ensure an individual’s right to a fair trial, or hinder it?
That question was at the center was at the center of Thursday’s Connecticut Supreme Court showdown between defense attorney Norm Pattis and Senior Assistant State’s Attorney Robert Scheinblum over a gag order placed on the ongoing criminal case against Fotis Dulos, who has been charged with two counts of tampering with evidence and hindering prosecution in the May 24 disappearance of his estranged wife, Jennifer Dulos.
The answer to that question differs depending on which one of the two attorneys you ask.

*Pattis argued the gag order, which prevents all parties involved in the case (attorneys, law enforcement officials and family members and associates) from making “extrajudicial comments,” infringes on Fotis Dulos’ right to defend his reputation from harmful allegations.

I was interested to watch the supreme court presentations from NP and the State’s attorney.
I have a few thoughts on the presentation styles only. I cannot really comment on the actual substance of their arguments as I did
not read their briefs.
All of course my own opinion
Norm, even with his unkempt appearance and provocative style, seemed to have a good grasp of his legal argument.
He rarely stumbled or contradicted himself. He toned down his usual in your face style.
He obviously has his own emotional wounds and narcissistic tendencies, but he gives the appearance of being intellectually sharp.
He was dynamic and able to roll with the questions. And he interacted well with the justices.

The State’s lead attorney, Richard Scheinblum, followed Norm’s presentation. Coangelo the lead prosecuting attorney on the case,
was at the table but did not present. Scheinblum was neither dynamic, well versed on the brief or quick on his feet.
He stumbled over his words and could not answer some of the the judges questions. I actually found it painful to watch.
Luckily the gag order verdict will not depend upon the two presentation styles but rather the substance of their argument in their written briefs.
Either way the justices decide on the gag order issue I believe will have little impact on the actual trial verdict. IMOO
My main concern is that at the actual trial, lawyer’s styles will be important. Sure jurors are to rule on the facts .
Having served on a few juries, how lawyers present facts and counter arguments will influence how individual jurors view the details.

Love him, hate him, Norm is a big personality and a grand manipulator who is intellectually quick. In this reality show based climate,
where drama and false info seem to shape the narrative, the state needs to be ready to meet the challenge.
Link to the hearing on facebook
I agree that Rena would have some level of denial. However, don’t forget the power of manipulation. IMO FD has become a master manipulator. Psychopaths do this to gain your trust, tell you how they are the victims in their situation, and paint themselves in a heavenly glow.

I’m not sure if Rena’s English is very good, but I wouldn’t put it past FD to translate them in his own words, changing the events, making up his own content, or just eliminating some key pieces of information.

That’s what I imagine he is doing with her. MOO

Denial is what allows FD's manipulation to work! He's spinning a bs story which defies reality and because she wants so badly to believe he didn't do it, she rejects the facts and accepts his distorted version as truth.
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