Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #33

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BBM. This is SO IMPORTANT. Not only has he already permanently harmed the children emotionally - and continues to do so with his 'abandonment' lies -- but he presents a constant physical danger to them, as well.

Jennifer knew this, and GF knows this.

There have been other cases where - even in a SUPERVISED visit - the father ended up killing the children.

He is a violent, extremely dangerous criminal and that obviously includes danger to the children. Who knows what might have happened to them if he'd had unsupervised access to them back in May?

This man has shown he does not care about the children's welfare repeatedly - even well before they were divorced. He continues to show it now, and shows that his main goal - also his main motivation in the murder - is to take the money they were promised from their grandparents.

"There have been so many other cases (DV and otherwise) where fathers have been granted access to their children post arrest and harm has befallen the children and sometimes with tragic results including the death of the children.

I give GF credit for basic intelligence and clear thinking and her response to disappearance of her daughter was TO HIRE ARMED GUARDS to protect herself and the 5 children! IMO this is a statement by an absolute case insider as to the very real risks she perceived with Fd and the entire GREEK FAMILY."

I also don’t think he would hesitate to hurt GF in this way-she is now the focus of his hatred, since Jennifer is dead (IMO). I don’t think anybody here doubts that he is capable of physically hurting his children
Since FD took out his own mother, and his father is dead, the Dulos' don't have any grandparent rights...aunts don't count. Way too late to say you want to be a family. Priorities have been neglecting the family court have only been interested in securing your money, alibi, and belongings.
Edit to add....
Spin it anyway you like Pattis; Justice for Jennifer is coming.
I'm sure the Farbers have every high power detective, Private I, and more working on Jennifer's behalf on top of the state of Connecticut, FBI, IRS, and Homeland Security to name a few.

NOW, Fd wants to be a family with JFd's children?

Where was Fd during the 10 Months that he had NO Contact with the children?

Fd Refused to abide by Family Court Judge Orders and was then issued a NO Contact Order until certain stipulations were met.

Fd Refused to meet those stipulations, which is Why he had NO Contact with JFd's children for 10 Months.

Fd CHOSE to Not have contact with the children for 10 Months.

Fd CHOSE his Paramour and her daughter Over the 5 children, for 10 Months for Lying in Court, Refusing to keep MT away from the children, and Refusing to attend Court Ordered Classes and Counseling.

It Really was not that hard, but yet Fd CHOSE EVERYTHING Over the 5 Children.

NOW, Fd wants to be a family with JFd's children?

It is All About The Money, that Fd will NEVER receive.

Yes a fine education but my questions and sunshinegirl2013's also I believe stem from the
family dynamics that created this psychologicly
challenged individual.
Were his parents absentee in his life? Did he
have nannies instead of a mommy and daddy
to interact with?
Did he not get any schooling or instruction on
the basics of being a good 'Christian'?
How did this man grow up without learning
right from wrong? Or how not to solve disagreements without resorting to fists and
violence. Or always telling the truth.
Just so much here tells me that he received
little day to day parenting. Pure negligence?
We know children learn from how they live.
Were his parents or immediate family liars, cheats, violent and lawbreakers?
Valid questions indeed. I think since his dad was much older almost like grandparents age, the kids are less close to them. Ive seen it over the years. Kids with older parents don't seem to respect them as much or accept discipline as well as the avg aged parents.
Seeing @Laughing's brilliant nail and hammer image got me thinking a bit about the clip that was posted today with the interview from the defense atty. about how ill advised the Fd comments were not only post Civil trial but with Dateline and Sarah Wallace.

I've continued to think about motive/s in this tragic case and while its fairly easy to put together a short list of possibilities, I keep trying to figure out if there was one trigger that simply moved this situation from being a contentious divorce into something much different and ultimately tragic.

CNN back in September, 2019 led their online article with the following quote that has always stood out in my mind as it was delivered with virtually zero affect IMO and this delivery method simply locked this quote in my brain as being significant from the perspectives of Fd and MT.

Missing Connecticut mom's husband said in an interview he 'had a beautiful life' prior to her disappearance - CNN

Quote from Article:

(CNN)The estranged husband of missing Connecticut mom Jennifer Dulos said he had a beautiful life before her disappearance, was "enamored" with his girlfriend and that the divorce was the only thing that wasn't positive.

"I would lie to you if I told you that I didn't have a very nice life," Fotis Dulos told NBC's Dateline prior to his arrest last week. "I had a beautiful life, I was with somebody that I was completely enamored with, Michelle. And the divorce was the only thing that wasn't a positive in my life and I couldn't wait for it to be over with.[BBM]"

Did the frustration of the ongoing divorce case with no trial in sight, simply push Fd and MT to the edge such that neither could live with the situation as it was going? What I find odd though about this possibility was that it seems like multiple other options existed to Fd and MT other than what seems to have happened in this sad case. Did Fd make any attempt to resolve the divorce with JFd in advance of JFd going missing or was Fd simply blowing smoke with his statement about not being able to wait for it to be over with? It just seems that if someone wants to get on with their life that they wouldn't be filing motion after motion in Family Court such as we saw Fd doing right up until the missing date?

Or, did JFd finally have the evidence that she needed in order to prove financial fraud in Family Court and was no longer willing to speak with Fd about the divorce as she just wanted things to be over and so was simply going to do a 'bombs away' with the support of her atty and PI? Its not clear what exactly JFd and her atty were going to do in court the week after Memorial Day but that could have been a pivotal hearing given that the Fd financial disclosure discovery was going nowhere and that he admitted to submitting different financial documents to the bank for FORE loan purposes vs. the Divorce.

I will never understand why Judge Heller simply didn't return the financial documents to Fd and his atty and say please start again as these are not acceptable? But, we never saw this and Judge Heller seemed a largely passive force as it related to the financial disclosure issues of Fd which I have found so baffling.

Now that we know that the affair with MT had started back in 2015, could MT simply have had enough of the waiting for the divorce to be resolved? Or, did she realise that the divorce case was nowhere near being ready for trial and the reason for this was the behaviour of Fd? Or, was something else significant happening in the Fd/MT relationship that resulted in a crisis where the divorce had to be resolved NOW, one way or another?

Quote from Article:
"But right now my life is a mess and I absolutely had no desire or interest to be in this mess," he said.

This last sentence about his life being a mess has also stayed with me as I continue to puzzle out how to reconcile that statement with what we have witnessed from Fd in terms of his actions both in his personal and professional lives. The statement seems totally disconnected from the reality of what Fd actually did during the period post JFd going missing IMO. He seems to be having an ongoing pity party in this statement but then in his life he regroups to continue to fight on in such a way that its counter to rational self interest as the behaviour we see seems like its more childish fighting for the sake of fighting rather than moving on with his life. I do wonder if MT knew what was going on or saw the disconnect between the Fd 'words' and the FD 'actions'? It seems like MT must have believed Fd at some level as she was there at 4Jx, 80ms and possibly 69/71 Welles - in addition to being there for the car wash and the trip to the ATM. MT did seem "all in". Did these two think they were going to hit the jackpot by doing what they did or was something else at play?

Fd via his attys continued to file motion after motion in both Civil Court and Family Court after JFd went missing. The week after JFd went missing his atty filed for custody and even after JFd was missing he kept on filing motions even to the point of asking for a psych exam of GF. Are these the choices of someone that has " desire to interest to be in this mess."?

Quotes from Article:

Never, never, never any violence'

In the NBC interview, Fotis Dulos was asked about one of Jennifer Dulos' court filings where she said "he frightens me ... his sense of revenge."

"There was never, never, never any violence, any abuse in any way," he responded. "Jennifer and I didn't even really argue all these years."

They just grew apart, he said.

"I'm not putting the blame on her or me. It just happens, and it happens all the time."

And it was supposed to be an amicable divorce, he added.

When I read quotes like the above where you know rebuttal witnesses will exist or possible police reports might have been filed or phone calls to the police made and where sealed Family Court documents might exist to prove the statements false, I just have to wonder how Pattisville thought this interview was a remotely good idea?
FD will say anything he thinks is the correct answer in that moment. There is not one ounce of truth in any of the above statements. In fact, my opinion is there WAS violence in the marriage at minimum in the last several years of it, there was emotional abuse from FD toward JFD, there were many arguments, it was in no way ever amicable. Everything he says is a lie and the exact opposite - and there is documented proof and witnesses to many of these facts - just from the little we know! The truth can stare him right in the face and he will still lie.

The interviews were a terrible idea. I have no law background but even I would have advised him to say nothing (actually no, I could never help defend him). I just hope after he is convicted he doesn't appeal based on bad legal advice. MOO
This is all such a charade that I can hardly stand it! I'm not caught up on today but saw enough to know it makes me want to vomit.

Lock this man up already!!!

The damage his statements are psychologically going to make on his kids (now or in the future) is irreversible.

Just stop already Fd!! Please just stop!
Actions speak louder than words and your actions on every level speak volumes. This is not love. You are hurting the children. STOP FOTIS! STOP! PLEASE!!!!!
Does a gag order help to ensure an individual’s right to a fair trial, or hinder it?
That question was at the center was at the center of Thursday’s Connecticut Supreme Court showdown between defense attorney Norm Pattis and Senior Assistant State’s Attorney Robert Scheinblum over a gag order placed on the ongoing criminal case against Fotis Dulos, who has been charged with two counts of tampering with evidence and hindering prosecution in the May 24 disappearance of his estranged wife, Jennifer Dulos.
The answer to that question differs depending on which one of the two attorneys you ask.

*Pattis argued the gag order, which prevents all parties involved in the case (attorneys, law enforcement officials and family members and associates) from making “extrajudicial comments,” infringes on Fotis Dulos’ right to defend his reputation from harmful allegations.

**Scheinblum, on the other hand, argued that the media frenzy around the case threatened to taint potential jurors.
A fair trial is an individual’s “most fundamental right,” Scheinblum argued before the Connecticut Supreme Court Thursday, and it was up to the court to protect that right. In this case, the court had determined that a gag order was the only way to do that.

Jennifer Dulos case: Supreme Court appeal hinges on gag order’s effect on fair trial
This is all such a charade that I can hardly stand it! I'm not caught up on today but saw enough to know it makes me want to vomit.

Lock this man up already!!!

The damage his statements are psychologically going to make on his kids (now or in the future) is irreversible.

Just stop already Fd!! Please just stop!
Actions speak louder than words and your actions on every level speak volumes. This is not love. You are hurting the children. STOP FOTIS! STOP! PLEASE!!!!!
Exactly. It's not love. It's about control... and an emotional outburst that was hardly about love; it was about loss of control.

In front of the media, Fd had an emotional outburst - a supposed plea about his children. Meanwhile, he knows what he has done. That 'choked-up plea' was actually seething anger.

He feels he DESERVES contact with the children, though he poses a constant danger to them, and KILLED THEIR MOTHER.

He also seeks to (and is indeed continuing to) harm and scare their current caretaker, GF.
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Does a gag order help to ensure an individual’s right to a fair trial, or hinder it?
That question was at the center was at the center of Thursday’s Connecticut Supreme Court showdown between defense attorney Norm Pattis and Senior Assistant State’s Attorney Robert Scheinblum over a gag order placed on the ongoing criminal case against Fotis Dulos, who has been charged with two counts of tampering with evidence and hindering prosecution in the May 24 disappearance of his estranged wife, Jennifer Dulos.
The answer to that question differs depending on which one of the two attorneys you ask.

*Pattis argued the gag order, which prevents all parties involved in the case (attorneys, law enforcement officials and family members and associates) from making “extrajudicial comments,” infringes on Fotis Dulos’ right to defend his reputation from harmful allegations.

**Scheinblum, on the other hand, argued that the media frenzy around the case threatened to taint potential jurors.
A fair trial is an individual’s “most fundamental right,” Scheinblum argued before the Connecticut Supreme Court Thursday, and it was up to the court to protect that right. In this case, the court had determined that a gag order was the only way to do that.

Jennifer Dulos case: Supreme Court appeal hinges on gag order’s effect on fair trial
After reading the Press coverage about today's hearing and listening to Atty. P.'s various somewhat torturous and kinda/sorta/maybe ideas on the topic of gag orders in court today, I'm willing to concede that what the State of CT might just want to think about is what might be called the "Pattis exception" on the entire topic.

I think that given that most who have watched Atty. P. over the years might strongly argue that Atty. P.'s extrajudicial comments might just strongly work against his client ever achieving a fair trial and so Atty. P. and his firm needs to protected from themselves and their clients need to be protected from them as well IMO!

For this reason, the "Pattis exception" might simply be that ANY TRIAL where Atty. P. might happen to be involved with gets and AUTOMATIC record seal and absolute gag order as a matter of routine. Have court matters discussed in court and not in the court of public opinion which is where Atty. P. wants to spent his time with Dave Altimari and the Hartford Courant IMO!

With this "Pattis exception" in place there won't be the need to argue endlessly about any gag order and there won't be need for any appeals. Nope.

Just a routine in place in CT, Atty. P. or any Pattisville Atty shows up in the case and BOOM the gag order and seal drops into place cleanly! If other atty's in the State might at some future date meet the level of AP's extrajudicial commentary that hinders their clients ability to get a fair trial then they can then be added to the "Pattis list" that will be maintained by the States Atty General. Said "Pattis List" can be reviewed each year and be circulated to all Judges in CT!

I'm of course suggesting this as a 'joke' but I do on a more serious note wonder why we didn't see either Judge Blawie or Atty Colangelo stand up via censure or whatever means is necessary at the lower court level to protect Professional Standards Guidelines THAT ARE ON THE BOOKS NOW!

Atty. P. IMO was a runaway train that at times looked psychotic as he truly seemed to believe he and his client were under attack! It was painful and exhausting to watch it play out and at a certain point I wondered if Atty. P. might just end up at Silver Hill as it seemed like PTSD might have been setting in and that severe medication might be necessary to tranqualize Atty. P. too IMO. This belief that Fd was under attack led to the Sarah Wallace and Dateline interviews, which IMO will eventually be Exhibits A-Z in multiple criminal trials for BOTH Fd and MT.

Because I believe that what Atty. P. has said publicly about his client does in fact directly impact MT eventually, I wonder why we didn't see Atty Bowman stepping up to write an amicus brief on behalf of the State's position on the gag order or other means available at the court level to silence the Atty. P. prejudicial statements? I guess Atty Bowman doesn't realise that he is actually in the same boat with Atty. P. and Fd, but I believe he very much is!

Whole situation was IMO created by Court passivity and Atty. P. believing he and his client were under attack. But this can all be debated endlessly and I'm sure there were any number of other reasons why we saw what we saw play out sadly in the Press. What I do find stunning is that EVEN after everything that has happened that Fd and Atty. P. STILL seem committed to the "Gone Girl" theory! IMO again, if this is where you all are at after 6 months of intense investigation then perhaps its time for a new PI (just saying)!

I do wonder if the Atty. P. behaviour hadn't been met with immediate sanctions DAY 1, and each subsequent infraction punished equally, whether the 'gag order' would have been needed at all?

I'm saying this from the standpoint of being supportive of the gag order as its the ONLY thing that we have seen done by the CT Courts to impose any level playing field in this case (in part due to State being silent publicly) and protecting Fd right to eventual air trial. But I do agree with the Justices today who asked why lower court remedies to violations of 3.6a and b weren't exercised.

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In court, and in front of the media today, Fd showed concern for the children's emotional and physical and financial well-being, as well as for their caretaker's (GF's) well-being, emotional and financial stability.

Oh wait, that ^ never happened, none of it! In fact, he continued to make sure the children are tormented by his fantasy/excuse for murder - to make them feel as if they were abandoned by their own mother, whom it's quite apparent he killed. He also continued to express his own wants to see the children despite it being harmful to their wellbeing and against the court's orders. Further, he continues to deplete the source of funding that is for the children's current and future security, and to add stressors upon their main caretaker.

There is no doubt that those children are in danger if they are allowed around him or any member of his family.
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This is all such a charade that I can hardly stand it! I'm not caught up on today but saw enough to know it makes me want to vomit.

Lock this man up already!!!

The damage his statements are psychologically going to make on his kids (now or in the future) is irreversible.

Just stop already Fd!! Please just stop!
Actions speak louder than words and your actions on every level speak volumes. This is not love. You are hurting the children. STOP FOTIS! STOP! PLEASE!!!!!
It's a shame that Dr. Farber and Jennifer's friends have too much savvy and class to respond in kind. It must take every fiber of their being to not respond. MOO.
In court today we saw State Atty Colangelo step off to the side of the courtroom after the hearing with Atty. P.

I doubt the reason for the confab was to offer up mutual congratulations on a well argued hearing or to share additional discovery materials on the pending charges.

Do wonder though if what might have been said by State Atty Colangelo to Atty. P. might have been as simple as, "...hope your client doesn't have any long term plans for Christmas holiday and New Years"!

IMO the ironies in this case simply keep on rolling.

"Sister Rena" appears to be a well educated, accomplished and well travelled person and so I am scratching my head trying to understand how she, after reading the Family Court documents and AW1 and 2, would set foot anywhere near the Courthouse with Fd OR be a pawn in his ongoing games to threaten, intimidate or possibly harm GF or his 5 children. WHY?


Denial is a powerful defense mechansim. Most likely she has blinders on where her brother is concerned.

If Rena did read any of the FC docs or AWs and discussed it with Fotis, he probably told her they were lies and spun it that he was the true victim, being framed for something he didn't do. He probably told her GF turned on him out of the blue, relentlessly persecuting him for no good reason and he just doesn't understand why. He's probably also busy denigrating Jennifer - how difficult it was to live with her, how she was a poor mother, a "hermit" who had so many psych issues but he still stayed with her for the sake of the children bla bla bla. His sister, who loves him and is very loyal to him, rather than accepting reality and the facts (which means acknowledging her brother did something heinous), is going to go with the fairy tale version he's feeding her. Again, denial is a powerful defense mechanism. MOO MOO.
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