Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #33

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Yes, I sadly see it too and what is so sad was that Fd seems to be dragging his 'sister' into the brawl with the implication being that 'she has right to access the children too'.

Its an interesting question on what 'rights' Rena/'sister' might and might not have to the 5 Dulos children. IDK the answer. Might they be gearing up for a 'custody' battle with Rena front and centre? Do non citizens of the US have rights in the US on matters of custody of US citizen children? We don't know Rena citizenship status and I wonder if as she has allegedly been working for FORE since 2004, whether FD facilitated any citizenship actions on her behalf?

Lots of questions on these issues in my mind.


Yes, he says it like she does have a right to see and speak to the children, but the truth is, legally, she has no right at all to see them. And there is no good reason for the Farber family to allow her to. Can you imagine? Rena getting together with the children and frantically trying to find out what GF has told the children so she can hustle back to Fd and report it to much psychological damage do these babies need to endure?
He is wearing a $698 dollar coat. That is more money than I have spent on clothes in three years...MORE proof - that he was living the good life; until he killed his cash cow! I hate this guy! And - is his sister wearing a fur coat??? Where are the PETA protesters when you need them...? moo

Those preppy toggle coats are pretty pricey. I wonder then, why he keeps wearing the same shirt and blazer? those five kids - whose mother was killed by Rena's brother would in any way/shape/form want to go and live with that old, animal wearing hag! Gawd!!! The (shREDACTEDit) these imbeciles dream up is beyond my imagination. Throw the (assREDACTEDhole) in jail for murder already!!! What in the heck are they waiting for???????????? I'm about to have a stroke I am so (piREDACTEDssed off)!!! moo!
Please DON'T have a stroke as you are well needed here!

This is maddening to watch play out but sadly its the system in action.

I had a dream last night that Judge Sells from the Patrick Frazee trial who did about as great of a job as I have ever seen insuring that a fair trial happened was transported from CO to CT and put in charge of the Dulos trial! Sadly the dream didn't end well because Judge Sells tried to impose order in the courtroom and was told that, "...that's not how things are done in CT". Judge Sells then sadly left the court and went immediately to the airport and flew back to Denver.

I'm not sure when order was lost in the process but we have sadly witnessed it over and over in the various cases here with Fd. Even today, we saw Atty. P. interrupting State Supreme Court Justices and while he did it with a bit more grace than the way he IMO treated Judge Blawie, the fact is that he spoke over a ST Supreme Court Justice and IT WAS OK!

Need a break as those 5 shots I did in first 3 min of hearing today have hit me hard!

Since FD took out his own mother, and his father is dead, the Dulos' don't have any grandparent rights...aunts don't count. Way too late to say you want to be a family. Priorities have been neglecting the family court have only been interested in securing your money, alibi, and belongings.
Edit to add....
Spin it anyway you like Pattis; Justice for Jennifer is coming.
I'm sure the Farbers have every high power detective, Private I, and more working on Jennifer's behalf on top of the state of Connecticut, FBI, IRS, and Homeland Security to name a few.
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Yes, he says it like she does have a right to see and speak to the children, but the truth is, legally, she has no right at all to see them. And there is no good reason for the Farber family to allow her to. Can you imagine? Rena getting together with the children and frantically trying to find out what GF has told the children so she can hustle back to Fd and report it to much psychological damage do these babies need to endure?
I'm with you on this as what seems to be absent from ANYONE in the Greek Family is any consideration of what is right for the children.

Nope, its always all about them and all the time.

Fd on the courthouse steps talking about 'MY CHILDREN'. Nope, they aren't your children singly, the 5 children have/had 2 parents and children are not possessions to be commanded at will.

All sight on the welfare of the children IMO has been lost by Pattisville. We didn't see Atty Rochlin today so I wonder if he is still part of the Pattisville crew?

I do wonder what is going on with GAL Meehan status as Judge Heller hasn't ruled on the 2 pending motions to dismiss him. If issues regarding access play out then I would think in a perfect world that GAL Meehan (or his replacement) would play a key role in safeguarding the interests of the children. Not sure why Judge Heller has done zero on the GAL issue at all.

I'm with you on this as what seems to be absent from ANYONE in the Greek Family is any consideration of what is right for the children.

Nope, its always all about them and all the time.

Fd on the courthouse steps talking about 'MY CHILDREN'. Nope, they aren't your children singly, the 5 children have/had 2 parents and children are not possessions to be commanded at will.

All sight on the welfare of the children IMO has been lost by Pattisville. We didn't see Atty Rochlin today so I wonder if he is still part of the Pattisville crew?

I do wonder what is going on with GAL Meehan status as Judge Heller hasn't ruled on the 2 pending motions to dismiss him. If issues regarding access play out then I would think in a perfect world that GAL Meehan (or his replacement) would play a key role in safeguarding the interests of the children. Not sure why Judge Heller has done zero on the GAL issue at all.


She could be lazy, she could be afraid of NP, or maybe she just doesn’t give a [redacted] (that’s my vote).
umm I don't think GF has any issues with Meehan anymore or he proved his innocence that's why she is letting him stay where he is. IF not , she would have him removed already.

Or maybe it is really next to impossible to remove a GAL? He did give/allow access to the psychological profiles of each family member-and I am not sure what exactly he is currently doing for the children, since temporary custody has been established and Fd and his family currently have no access. It may be that, at the moment, MM isn’t a factor, which could be why he hasn’t been replaced yet-GF isn’t having a problem with him, and she has bigger issues at the moment. those five kids - whose mother was killed by Rena's brother would in any way/shape/form want to go and live with that old, animal wearing hag! Gawd!!! The (shREDACTEDit) these imbeciles dream up is beyond my imagination. Throw the (assREDACTEDhole) in jail for murder already!!! What in the heck are they waiting for???????????? I'm about to have a stroke I am so (piREDACTEDssed off)!!! moo!
Between your comments- "old animal wearing
hag" and my dog howling at the cop sirens on
TV, I'm sittin' here cackling.
IMO the ironies in this case simply keep on rolling.

Where else but with Fd and Pattisville would we be watching about a request to overturn a 'gag order' when the participants in the case then leave the Courtroom where they just made their argument and proceed to use the Press to communicate with the 5 Dulos children via the Press and online world WHEN THEY HAVE BEEN BANNED VIA a No Contact Order? 'Sister Rena' has been turned away by GF previously so why would 'Sister Rena' now believe that the situation has changed such that she would be welcomed with open arms?

I just hope the Justices flip on the news tonight to see these comments from Atty. P. and Fd (teary eyed no less! that he had to be consoled by Atty S and Atty BM)! to realise that this Greek Family/Pattisville crew has zero respect for any law or any regulation and will simply continue to do what they want and when they want IMO.

FD and MT were seen on Hartford CCTV disposing of items believed to have the blood of JFd on them. Both FD and MT have been arrested 2x and on very serious issues associated with the disappearance of JFd but have not yet been charged further. AW1 and 2 were quite clear that some kind of violent act happened in the garage of 69/71 Welles in New Canaan.

There have been so many other cases (DV and otherwise) where fathers have been granted access to their children post arrest and harm has befallen the children and sometimes with tragic results including the death of the children.

I give GF credit for basic intelligence and clear thinking and her response to disappearance of her daughter was TO HIRE ARMED GUARDS to protect herself and the 5 children! IMO this is a statement by an absolute case insider as to the very real risks she perceived with Fd and the entire GREEK FAMILY. GF didn't need to issue a press statement to say she feared for her life and the safety of the 5 children. Nope. Guards IMO would not be something that GF would normally have in her life but they entered her life when Fd entered the life of her daughter IMO.

Fd had threatened both JFd AND his FIL with removing the 5 children such that they would never been seen or heard from again. Take a sec and process that statement in the context of a marriage and in a relationship within a family. Take the children so that they would never been seen or heard from again. Yep, that was the revenge fantasy and his threat to the Farber family.

Knowing this about his quest for revenge, anger and violence issues and past threats, why would any Court permit either Fd or any of his family to have anything to do with the 5 children?

"Sister Rena" appears to be a well educated, accomplished and well travelled person and so I am scratching my head trying to understand how she, after reading the Family Court documents and AW1 and 2, would set foot anywhere near the Courthouse with Fd OR be a pawn in his ongoing games to threaten, intimidate or possibly harm GF or his 5 children. WHY?

The risk of damage both physical and psychological is quite real also in the opinion of Judge Heller who was quite clear in her custody award order to GF. I'm not sure which part of this order "Sister Rena" and Fd didn't understand.

But to see ongoing flaunting of CT Judicial orders about Fd in his commentary to the Press and online world about his children is not only upsetting alone, but upsetting as with the internet you know there is no way that the 5 children aren't seeing this play out in almost real time. Where is the GAL and Judge Heller in all of this as at EACH of his court hearing he has made public pleas to his children. Why is this permitted to happen when he has a no contact order? If the order is poorly worded to include public speech then WHY NOT fix it to stop this ongoing infliction of pain and suffering on small children?

Why have court orders or gag order or rules of professional responsibility when there is no will or mechanism to hold people accountable?

When Athens College started they were both,
a day school and a boarding school. It's mentioned here that in the first few years they
had 270 pupils, 91 being boarders.
"A new building began to be constructed in March 1927. Athens College begun its operation at the new building, called Benaki Hall, in autumn 1928, with 270 pupils, 91 being boarders. President of the College from 1927 was Dr. Henry Dewing. The official opening of Benaki.....
I wonder if that has changed. ???

edit- you're correct, the new info calls it a K-12 College Prep day school.

Thanx for the history! It looks like a great school.
IMO the ironies in this case simply keep on rolling.

Where else but with Fd and Pattisville would we be watching about a request to overturn a 'gag order' when the participants in the case then leave the Courtroom where they just made their argument and proceed to use the Press to communicate with the 5 Dulos children via the Press and online world WHEN THEY HAVE BEEN BANNED VIA a No Contact Order? 'Sister Rena' has been turned away by GF previously so why would 'Sister Rena' now believe that the situation has changed such that she would be welcomed with open arms?

I just hope the Justices flip on the news tonight to see these comments from Atty. P. and Fd (teary eyed no less! that he had to be consoled by Atty S and Atty BM)! to realise that this Greek Family/Pattisville crew has zero respect for any law or any regulation and will simply continue to do what they want and when they want IMO.

FD and MT were seen on Hartford CCTV disposing of items believed to have the blood of JFd on them. Both FD and MT have been arrested 2x and on very serious issues associated with the disappearance of JFd but have not yet been charged further. AW1 and 2 were quite clear that some kind of violent act happened in the garage of 69/71 Welles in New Canaan.

There have been so many other cases (DV and otherwise) where fathers have been granted access to their children post arrest and harm has befallen the children and sometimes with tragic results including the death of the children.

I give GF credit for basic intelligence and clear thinking and her response to disappearance of her daughter was TO HIRE ARMED GUARDS to protect herself and the 5 children! IMO this is a statement by an absolute case insider as to the very real risks she perceived with Fd and the entire GREEK FAMILY. GF didn't need to issue a press statement to say she feared for her life and the safety of the 5 children. Nope. Guards IMO would not be something that GF would normally have in her life but they entered her life when Fd entered the life of her daughter IMO.

Fd had threatened both JFd AND his FIL with removing the 5 children such that they would never been seen or heard from again. Take a sec and process that statement in the context of a marriage and in a relationship within a family. Take the children so that they would never been seen or heard from again. Yep, that was the revenge fantasy and his threat to the Farber family.

Knowing this about his quest for revenge, anger and violence issues and past threats, why would any Court permit either Fd or any of his family to have anything to do with the 5 children?

"Sister Rena" appears to be a well educated, accomplished and well travelled person and so I am scratching my head trying to understand how she, after reading the Family Court documents and AW1 and 2, would set foot anywhere near the Courthouse with Fd OR be a pawn in his ongoing games to threaten, intimidate or possibly harm GF or his 5 children. WHY?

The risk of damage both physical and psychological is quite real also in the opinion of Judge Heller who was quite clear in her custody award order to GF. I'm not sure which part of this order "Sister Rena" and Fd didn't understand.

But to see ongoing flaunting of CT Judicial orders about Fd in his commentary to the Press and online world about his children is not only upsetting alone, but upsetting as with the internet you know there is no way that the 5 children aren't seeing this play out in almost real time. Where is the GAL and Judge Heller in all of this as at EACH of his court hearing he has made public pleas to his children. Why is this permitted to happen when he has a no contact order? If the order is poorly worded to include public speech then WHY NOT fix it to stop this ongoing infliction of pain and suffering on small children?

Why have court orders or gag order or rules of professional responsibility when there is no will or mechanism to hold people accountable?


BBM. This is SO IMPORTANT. Not only has he already permanently harmed the children emotionally - and continues to do so with his 'abandonment' lies -- but he presents a constant physical danger to them, as well.

Jennifer knew this, and GF knows this.

There have been other cases where - even in a SUPERVISED visit - the father ended up killing the children.

He is a violent, extremely dangerous criminal and that obviously includes danger to the children. Who knows what might have happened to them if he'd had unsupervised access to them back in May?

This man has shown he does not care about the children's welfare repeatedly - even well before they were divorced. He continues to show it now, and shows that his main goal - also his main motivation in the murder - is to take the money they were promised from their grandparents.

"There have been so many other cases (DV and otherwise) where fathers have been granted access to their children post arrest and harm has befallen the children and sometimes with tragic results including the death of the children.

I give GF credit for basic intelligence and clear thinking and her response to disappearance of her daughter was TO HIRE ARMED GUARDS to protect herself and the 5 children! IMO this is a statement by an absolute case insider as to the very real risks she perceived with Fd and the entire GREEK FAMILY."
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Good one! I'm game but no ouzo please but I will do caffè corretto instead which will give me a caffeine boost to keep my eyes open and brian kinda alert during the proceedings and a bit of grappa to numb me from the horror of having to listen to Atty. P. drone on for god knows how long!

1 shot = Judges Name incorrectly stated - need to do a double though if its the Chief Justice whose name is butchered as you know that will totally happen!
1 shot = 1st Amendment and/or free speech
1 shot = word murder mentioned
1 shot = gag order
1 shot = Fotis Dulos
1 shot = Atty. P. talking over a Justice or States Atty or verbally abusing a member of the Press
1 shot = 3.2(a) and 3.2(b) - think these are the correct sections of the Professional Standards - I was going to send an email to Atty. P. to double check this but I figured he wouldn't know one from the other as he seems generally confused by Professional Standards as he spends his time, '...gambling with his law license'!

Think this should put us all under the table in 10 min or so and then we can kick back and either fall asleep or stay awake and see how confused the Justices are by Atty. P.'s argument.

Should be fun! I will get up early to fire up the espresso machine!

See you in the am!

***** <- new five star system for outstanding posts, so I can look them up later! :)

This was simply a great post. We'll keep up this system for the ensuing trials... as long as we don't have to work the next day! Whew! But since he abuses the press whenever he gets a chance (as long as they are female members of same) I might need to abstain from the 6th one...

As for the last one on Professional Standards: Does that include his written motions? If so, I'll never recover.

Not sure what went on today and why he got away with all he did - including the clear abuse of the gag order.

BTW, love your new RR avatar! Fits your energy and good nature. So, if you're the Roadrunner, who is Wiley Coyote (as if I couldn't guess)? Haha...
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Yes, Fd had access to fine and first rate education from a young age which IMO makes watching what we are sadly witnessing play out even more tragic.

Yes a fine education but my questions and sunshinegirl2013's also I believe stem from the
family dynamics that created this psychologicly
challenged individual.
Were his parents absentee in his life? Did he
have nannies instead of a mommy and daddy
to interact with?
Did he not get any schooling or instruction on
the basics of being a good 'Christian'?
How did this man grow up without learning
right from wrong? Or how not to solve disagreements without resorting to fists and
violence. Or always telling the truth.
Just so much here tells me that he received
little day to day parenting. Pure negligence?
We know children learn from how they live.
Were his parents or immediate family liars, cheats, violent and lawbreakers?
***** <- new five star system for outstanding posts, so I can look them up later! :)

This was simply a great post. We'll keep up this system for the ensuing trials... as long as we don't have to work the next day! Whew! But since he abuses the press whenever he gets a chance (as long as they are female members of same) I might need to abstain from the 6th one...

As for the last one on Professional Standards: Does that include his written motions? If so, I'll never recover.

Not sure what went on today and why he got away with all he did - including the clear abuse of the gag order.

BTW, love your new RR avatar! Fits your energy and good nature.

So if you're the Roadrunner, who is Wiley Coyote (as if I couldn't guess)? Haha...
Haha! Thanks. Sadly those game rules need some adjustment as I didn't last very long with them today! I guess it also speaks to how Atty. P. just keeps his narrative on long replay as there is nothing much that is ever new or fresh IMO.

I am taking a 'broad view' of the various 'Wiley Coyote's' as we sadly see them around every corner if we look hard enough!

Beep Beep!
For those that are interested in seeing the Court presentation today here is link to the CT on demand function:

Connecticut Network CT-N On-Demand

There also was some kind of press event afterwards that was mentioned in the on demand function but I haven't had a chance to take a listen. But I did want to point out that there seem to be 2 on demand events online for the Dulos case.
For those that are interested in seeing the Court presentation today here is link to the CT on demand function:

Connecticut Network CT-N On-Demand

There also was some kind of press event afterwards that was mentioned in the on demand function but I haven't had a chance to take a listen. But I did want to point out that there seem to be 2 on demand events online for the Dulos case.

Whoa. Fd smiling throughout most of it. He loves the attention. Disgusting!

But NP goes "Mr. Dulos is not guilty of the crime of murder..." - bizarre, as that has not even been brought up yet - except by himself. You'd think a lawyer would know that a dispute of a comment has to be predicated by the comment. Not in his mind, though. And that statement was directly against the gag order as well, no?

As for Fd's comments about being a family and his rights: You LOST that right when you killed their mother. Period.
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