Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #34

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The most important people we need to remember tonight are 5 kids and the mother and family friends of the victim. Fd may get out on bail. NP will scream that Fd is "innocent until proven guilty." What a horrible situation for GF. Will the legal minds manage to continue the no contact orders? What does one say to these young people?

As I read the arrest warrants, I tried to imagine the horror of a mother reading these. These reports of blood and means and manner of death are devastating to imagine. Hopefully, LE brought the family into the process before the warrants were released to the public and press.

FD is going to continue to fight for access to these children as part of his stance that he is innocent. (And, he needs the money..) How can anyone who defamed their mother, screamed at her, ran after her through house, tried to hit with a car not realize that he had already permanently changed the children's world view and compromised their ability to love and learn before he committed the final brutality. This man has no comprehension of what selfless parental love is.
I’m praying they have no idea what is going on with this ...
IMO why LE arrested the 3 stooges today was because of the motion FD filed to dismiss Divorce case. The idea of that and the possibility that that could occur probably made the LE say, Now or Never. I will never forget the term Factual Lobotomy, ever.
Also new. The Nanny called FD at 8:41 to discuss JD's disappearance. 5/24. After he returned from Albany Ave?
He asked only about the children and where they were.
Then texted and hounded her for 2 mores days as he was due his time with them.
Reports of GF having armed guards were inaccurate.
Just an astute , informed doorman that held his ground.
NYP were called. Spoke with NCPD and found out he was barred from seeing the children at the time.

Where did the report of an armed guard come from? I bet it was a lie told by FD...and when LA was being deposed, didn’t Atty BM try to elicit some information about that from her?
How much did he possibly skim from JFd over the years? I'm not sure the $2 million trust set up for the children would have solved his financial issues either? Still many many questions here unanswered IMO.


Exactly, 2 million for 5 kids, when their private school tuition is approx 45k a kid per year...2 million wouldn't last 3 years, back to that water skiing, extravagant trips, mansions, camps, nannies, etc.

I wonder how much he skimmed, and where it is, likely many questions. But I would assume FD intended to sue or shake down Granny Farber for 100's of millions with JD gone and him in control of her 5 grandchildren...
Justice for beloved Jennifer. Things I am noticing:
- Michi couldn’t contain her frustration FD lied about where visitation was with children 5/22. Signs of burning hot jealousy towards JD although MT very well knew what was to come later that week.
- MTs loyalty may stem from the delusion FD murdered for her and to protect their love.
- FD arriving to Welles 30 minutes early 5/22. IMO driving all the way up the driveway and to garage bays to investigate his approach. Imagine him leaning on the Raptor making fake phone calls. Sick.
- Did FD know Grace Farms closed at 6 pm? Great excuse to picnic in JD’s back yard to check for cameras, wooded access and door \ mud room set up.
- Wonder if someone off Albany Ave is riding the bicycle? No call for public assistance like finding Fudge and the knife so must have proof it was destroyed. (Was this seen in footage?)
-More signs of seriousness of case and DV- Carrie Luft filing domestic violence report with NYPD after FDs Saturday attempted visit with kids. They knew who they were dealing with.
- So many heartbreaking “what if’s” in these arrest warrants. If LA had stayed at Welles Thursday what would their fate have been? Or JD in NYC? If the Tacoma had not made it the more than 9 miles to Welles that morning and broke down? If FD simply told EE their Tacoma had broken down instead of hiding keys... If those folks in the woods called police upon discovering that hole...

Grateful for all the hard work of you all and LE. Hoping Jennifer’s loved ones know how much she was loved by those that knew her and so many strangers.

Thank goodness, it didn't work out for these disgusting low life trash.
Hope they rot together, as all their lies, will be exposed.
Murder for money.
Greed was their motive and now all that will be left is their monopoly money, with no body willing to play anymore.
I think about them tonight, as we speak. Getting used to their jail cell, orange prison jump suits, the bland boiled chicken with instant potatoes, canned green beans and some chocolate instant pudding for dessert! lol
Yes, it was. Jennifer's family is very wealthy. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but they should have paid him off to get rid of him. (If at all possible with this nutcase).

My grandfather, who was a wealthy man, told Mom something I always remembered - "The cheapest way of solving a problem is with money." Of course, he lived in a corrupt country where no one believed in the courts nor the police. I felt Jennifer's family's decision to solve this through the courts prompted the crime. He might have left with $10 million or so, and their daughter would still be alive.

Of course, given FD's criminal nature, I can't assume this is true.

There was never going to be enough money settled on him, that would have satisfied him. He was insatiable
I just finished reading the AWs. WOW. I am still processing it. There is not doubt in my mind this was planned for quite a while. Great job to all here at WS! Although I have been busy lately, I have been trying to keep up. IMO Norm appears a bit deflated - despite his recent words. I hope they are able to locate her remains. One of these evil creatures must do the right thing now, for the sake of her family. My prayers and heart go out to JD's children, mother, family, and friends. Absolutely heartbreaking. MOO!
IMO they did the dismemberment (and I do think they did) at 80 MS... they had hours there to do so, and it was just before their Albany Ave 'date'.

Nothing like dismemberment, murder clean up, dumping bloody rags and such in storm drains, getting some Starbucks and sex by your truck to make for a super fun date night...
Couple of thoughts: I doubt MTs parents or siblings or friends will read her latest AW but I have to wonder what they will be thinking when they learn about her sexcapade on the Tacoma after she and FD cleaned up the bloody remnants of JD and who knows what else.
Have to wonder what Bowman thought of that as well?
For that matter I wonder what NP thinks of FD using his childhood fairly uncommon in America bike to commit a murder. I can see him going and you couldn’t have bought a cheap one at like a thrift store or goodwill with cash and thrown that away. You had to put the bike decal and logo thing in a bag that has JDs blood in it???

So I finished KM’s AW.
He interviewed twice with LE. On 6/9/19 and on 6/25/19. LE describes KM’s responses as vague, evasive and self-contradictory and his behavior as being otherwise suspicious.

On the first interview he said he’d first met MT 30 days prior to 5/24. Said he was indeed at the Fore Group office and it was not a pre-arranged meeting with FD. Arrived at 7:40 am and left 40-50 minutes later. Said he never saw Fotis.
This jives with MTs third interview with police where she finally said FD was never there but FDs cell phones was and Km was there and told her to answer the incoming call on his phone from Greece.

In KMs second interview on 6/25 he told police he had fallen down the stairs on 5/25 and had a concussion and damaged his cell phone and had to replace it. Said couldn’t remember meeting with MT or FD on 5/24. Said couldn’t remember an incoming from FD on 5/24 at 7:47 pm when FD and MT were on the trashbin odyssey of stupidity. Said had no idea why FD would call him. Said no memory of 5/24 phone call to FD phone from Greece friend and said he’d never have directed MT to answer FD phone.

The Windsor Rod and Gun Club stuff with the grave that was found by two members on 5/18/19 and the two unopened bags of lime that disappeared and bbq grills is beyond fascinating. As is KM cell phone pings there. The fact he is a founding member of club and had left a few years back but had called a member asking to rejoin and also wanting to know how to access property Bc it’s surrounded by a logging fence. That member told him about a secret key and KM never followed up renewing his membership. One club member who went to the police on 6/22 to let them know about grave he discovered with another member also finds out about KM calling the other member and secret key and goes back to police to tell them about that 8/12/19.

canines and NCPD searches property on 8/14/19. Find grave. Doesn’t find remains.

On 3/29/19 KM cell pings near Windsor rod and Gun Club from 1:09 to 1:43 pm. This is around the time he called a member from the club about renewing his membership and inquired to know how to access property and is told about the secret key to the logging fence

On 5/23/19: KM cell pings near FD residence around 5:21 or 5:23 pm. It is at this time FD leaves his guests at his dinner party to go to Stop and Shop at Simbury to get more meat to cook. BUT he goes to 80 Mountain Spring Road first for approximately 7 minutes.

on 5/24 he was at Fore Group 4Jax residence from 7:29 to 8:22 am. Both MT and KM are there at this time and not in NC. They are not in NC from the time between 8:05 am and 10:25 am when JD is being attacked and zip ties and likely murdered. MT droppped
Her daughter off at school that morning and when she returned from doing so KM was there at the Fore Group at office (the 4 Jax residence) sitting at a large glass table and FD phone was also on said table. It is at this point FD cell phone rings and a KM directs MT according to MT to answer FD phone. It is FD friend Andreas from Greece and call last 17 seconds. She said she recognized Andreas voice and said couldn’t hear well and it was static and all they said was hi. No follow up phone call and MT said after the call she left the Fore Group office
And KM.

on 5/31 Km cell pings at Windsor Road and Gun Club making the grave site area as neat as a pin. Prior to that the other member who had found the grave went back to the site on 5/22 and grave was half full of water from the rainstorm and bags of lime missing. The other member returns to same site in early June and said it was neat as a pin. When he and his buddy found the site on 5/18 they removed the bbq grill gates and made it so the grave was spoiled so to speak so nobody would fall in it.

have fun with all of this NP. Have fun! You can’t pin the actual murder and kidnapping on anyone else. Even though FD had help and others helped him those people were at 4 Jax when FD took the life of his childrens’ mother.
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Well I for one will rest easy at least for one night .. knowing that MT and FD are sleeping in a cold prison cell tonight . I will be up and atem early as not to miss a beat . Let’s all pray that the judge denies bail for all three and the prison stay is permanent .
Actually the Helle Crafts case was determined by a tooth! The information in the Fd AW3 presents some of the forensic materials identified, rest assured that there IS more. "IMO"
Published research & data is available to bolster the OCME's evaluation of morbidity/mortality.
I think there may very well be brain matter or other biological matter that was found in the garage. Something besides blood. JMO.
Collateral is an interesting question IMO given the situation of the banks. Looks like Fd might have hocked everything possible to raise cash so I'm not sure what all is left for the bail bond collateral. Perhaps this is why Fd sister is present and she will co-sign his bond transaction in a way similar to what we saw Mama A do previously for MT.
Riding this high, I assumed and really really hope that FD's $6 million bail bond & MT's / KM's $2 million bail bonds are set so high that they're not able to post bond / collateral and get out of jail this time!
Wish there was a statute that says 3 strikes and you're out (3 AWs, one for murder) of chances to get out of jail!
If'n they do find the resources to get out of jail on bail, there's gotta be a ball & chain or an anvil or concrete shoes attached to their appendages instead of a GPS bracelet and 'house arrest' at the very least!
Pretty please with gumdrops on top!
Collateral is an interesting question IMO given the situation of the banks. Looks like Fd might have hocked everything possible to raise cash so I'm not sure what all is left for the bail bond collateral. Perhaps this is why Fd sister is present and she will co-sign his bond transaction in a way similar to what we saw Mama A do previously for MT.
There is supposed to be a co signor on bond. Even if the person has enough assets on their own. Somebody has to co sign. It's supposed to be a double guarantee for the bondsman. MOO based on research earlier this week.
JFd was to drive the Range Rover to NY but it was in NC.

10 rolls of paper towels missing from Welles per LA.
Does anyone understand leaving the JFd Suburban running lights on AND leaving the vehicle in reverse?

The theory here for awhile that the JFd Suburban was taken to Waveny to setup possible theory for JFD going for a jog before heading into NY - other theories were presented too.

But why leave Suburban in a way that would call attention to it with running lights on?

Was this intentional or an error? Why leave the vehicle in this state? Were they trying to make it seem like the vehicle had been stolen? IDK?
Couple of thoughts: I doubt MTs parents or siblings or friends will read her latest AW but I have to wonder what they will be thinking when they learn about her sexcapade on the Tacoma after she and FD cleaned up the bloody remnants of JD and who knows what else.
Have to wonder what Bowman thought of that as well?
For that matter I wonder what NP thinks of FD using his childhood fairly uncommon in America bike to commit a murder. I can see him going and you couldn’t have bought a cheap one at like a thrift store or goodwill with cash and thrown that away. You had to put the bike decal and logo thing in a bag that has JDs blood in it???

So I finished KM’s AW.
He interviewed twice with LE. On 6/9/19 and on 6/25/19. LE describes KM’s responses as vague, evasive and self-contradictory and his behavior as being otherwise suspicious.

On the first interview he said he’d first met MT 30 days prior to 5/24. Said he was indeed at the Fore Group office and it was not a pre-arranged meeting with FD. Arrived at 7:40 am and left 40-50 minutes later. Said he never saw Fotis.
This jives with MTs third interview with police where she finally said FD was never there but FDs cell phones was and Km was there and told her to answer the incoming call on his phone from Greece.

In KMs second interview on 6/25 he told police he had fallen down the stairs on 5/25 and had a concussion and damaged his cell phone and had to replace it. Said couldn’t remember meeting with MT or FD on 5/24. Said couldn’t remember an incoming from FD on 5/24 at 7:47 pm when FD and MT were on the trashbin odyssey of stupidity. Said had no idea why FD would call him. Said no memory of 5/24 phone call to FD phone from Greece friend and said he’d never have directed MT to answer FD phone.

The Windsor Rod and Gun Club stuff with the grave that was found by two members on 5/18/19 and the two unopened bags of lime that disappeared and bbq grills is beyond fascinating. As is KM cell phone pings there. The fact he is a founding member of club and had left a few years back but had called a member asking to rejoin and also wanting to know how to access property Bc it’s surrounded by a logging fence. That member told him about a secret key and KM never followed up renewing his membership. One club member who went to the police on 6/22 to let them know about grave he discovered with another member also finds out about KM calling the other member and secret key and goes back to police to tell them about that 8/12/19.

canines and NCPD searches property on 8/14/19. Find grave. Doesn’t find remains.

On 3/29/19 KM cell pings near Windsor rod and Gun Club from 1:09 to 1:43 pm.

On 5/23/19: KM cell pings near FD residence around 5:21 or 5:23 pm. It is at this time FD leaves his guests at his dinner party to go to Stop and Shop at Sim yet to get more meat to cook. BUT he goes to 80 Mountain Spring Road first for approximately 7 minutes.

on 5/24 he was at Fore Group 4Jax residence from 7:29 to 8:22 am. Both MT and KM are there at this time and not in NC. They aren’t there.

on 5/31 Km cell pings at Windsor Road and Gun Club making the grave site area as neat as a pin. Prior to that the other member who had found the grave went back to the site on 5/22 and grave was half full of water from the rainstorm and bags of lime missing. The other member returns to same site in early June and said it was neat as a pin. When he and his buddy found the site on 5/18 they removed the bbq grill gates and made it so the grave was spoiled so to speak so nobody would fall in it.

have fun with all of this NP. Have fun! You can’t pin the actual murder and kidnapping on anyone else. Even though FD had help and others helped him those people were at 4 Jax when FD took the life of his childrens’ mother.
Awesome summary ... thanks so much !!!!
Here is SA article that summarises the 'low points' of the KM divorce action.

Former Fotis Dulos attorney accused of spousal rape, wanting his wife ‘dead’

Quotes from article:
Mawhinney and his wife have also been involved in a bitter divorce.

South Windsor police charged Mawhinney in January with sexual assault in a spousal or cohabiting relationship, second-degree unlawful restraint and disorderly conduct, according to online state judicial records.

He has pleaded not guilty to those charges, which are pending in Hartford Superior Court.

Mawhinney’s wife told police about Fotis Dulos’ contact with her on June 26. She said Fotis Dulos initially contacted her May 16 and “had stated that Mawhinney told him that he wanted (the victim) back and that he loved her.”

Fotis Dulos acted as an intermediary over the next several days trying to iron out the couple’s marital problems, according to the warrant.

She told police she went with a friend to Max’s Oyster Bar in West Hartford May 19 planning to have Fotis Dulos “coordinate a FaceTime meeting with her and Mawhinney,” the warrant said.

At the restaurant, Fotis Dulos showed her a letter Mawhinney had written bemoaning the difficulties in his marriage, according to the warrant. Fotis Dulos also invited the woman and her friend to his Farmington home, but they declined, the warrant said.

Mawhinney’s wife said she told Fotis Dulos she would not meet Mawhinney unless both of their lawyers were present, according to the warrant.

“She stated that when she told Dulos this, he paid the bill and left the bar abruptly,” the warrant says.

The woman told police Fotis Dulos contacted her again the next day, saying Mawhinney was willing to meet with both of their lawyers present. But the warrant says Fotis Dulos called again a day later, saying Mawhinney was angry she had used a credit card and was considering filing charges, so the woman told him to forget the meeting.

The woman told police “that she was in fear for her safety,” the warrant says.

“She reported that she believed it was suspicious that Dulos had such a sudden vested interested in her relationship with Mawhinney,” the warrant says. “She stated that she felt she was being ‘baited’ and was uncomfortable with the fact that Dulos kept inviting her back to his residence.”

She suspected Fotis Dulos was indebted to Mawhinney and “she believed Dulos was working on behalf of Mawhinney to get rid of her.”

“She stated that she believed that Mawhinney wanted her dead,” the warrant said.

Fotis Dulos has not been charged in connection with the case. A message was left with his attorney Norm Pattis seeking comment Thursday.

This is terrifying! Thank goodness Mawhinney’s wife knew better than to go with Dulos. She may not be here today.
IMO why LE arrested the 3 stooges today was because of the motion FD filed to dismiss Divorce case. The idea of that and the possibility that that could occur probably made the LE say, Now or Never. I will never forget the term Factual Lobotomy, ever.
He can still continue his cases even if he stays in jail. IMO.
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