Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #37

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Thanks, @BellaVita, good reminder that it wasn't so much a case of "he didn't have much time", etc., to do what he did before someone may have (but did not) discover a crime in progress, or the cleanup, within several hours of the attack, by showing up at the house.

He had ample, uninterrupted time to attack/disable/kidnap/kill JFd after she returned home from dropping their children off at school (after staging it days ahead of time knowing her routine) and move her, and cover his tracks.

It's one of the most disturbing facts in this heinous case, IMO, how much time he purportedly spent there according to LE forensic data -- over 2 hours!!

Geh :eek::mad:

Imo :(
So he could have dismembered her right there in the garage. But then what would the the purpose of the extra long zip ties?
I know the pond/quarry where JD took the kids for their lessons and practices was thoroughly searched by divers and found clear, but was the surrounding area, especially the strip between the quarry and the Farmington river? Especially since the pre dug grave was found at the gun club.
Were all of the large bags for transporting water skis and additional equipment accounted for. They must have had several of them because the two older boys and JD flew overseas for competitions.
He could have brought her back, adjusted her size ( hard to type that) put her in a bag and taken her to the ski pond and buried her, it is on the way to Albany Ave. and wouldn't even have taken 15 minutes to do.
So he could have dismembered her right there in the garage. But then what would the the purpose of the extra long zip ties?
I seriously doubt he dismembered her in the garage or even would have wanted to. I don't think he wanted to be there all the amount of time that he was. Something went seriously wrong in the garage. I don't think he wanted any blood evidence at all. She was supposed to be Gone Girl without a trace. Dismemberment leaves too much possibility of evidence. MOO.
I’d love to hear why Williams thinks it
Could be the most significant decision
of his life .
Pro’s and Con’s .
If I was an Attorney , I’d want my client to not utter a word .

I would never let Dulos anywhere near a witness stand. Even when being thrown easy questions, he was a disaster during those interviews. I cannot imagine any experienced defender ever thinking he could testify, especially since those TV interviews are impeachment gold for Coangelo!
Dear Mr. Pattis:
Read your office’s legal drafting. We know great minds researched, drafted, edited AND had the correct person sign the arrest warrants.
You, on the other hand, allow auto draft on your computers, don’t auto check for grammar, don’t auto check spelling, forget to count that all pages are included in the final filed document and most importantly
commit perjury by personally signing where your client should be signing.
A 5th grader is smarter.
Just shut up and watch your own store. The prosecution is sneaking up behind you. A tortoise lives over a hundred years. Rabbits, on the other hand are known to reproduce well, like rats.
The race is tight. We know who will win in the Race Between the Tortoise and the Hare. Hahahahaha. And yes, please, put Foris Dulos on the stand. We can’t wait to hear about the “real” killer.

Patter's pleadings truly are atrocious. Does he not have anyone on his staff capable of basic editing? Does he even have a qualified paralegal working for him, or does he type and file the pleadings himself? Maybe that stupid cowboy hat his "partner" (IMO, non-equity "partner," ) recently has been sporting has cut off circulation to his brain, such that he is incapable of writing a coherent sentence. Whatever the cause, if those pleadings are indicative of level of trial preparation by Patter and Cowboy Smith, Mr. Dulos is in for some more very unpleasant surprises

. Don't even get me started about how happy Mr. Smith appeared to be the day Mr. Patter was unavailable for a "press conference"; that guy is a green as they come.
I certainly hope that LE searched their footage of their homes that abut, questioned them. Especially the banging noise. If it were my neighbor I would have gone over to check it out, I typically reach out to abutting neighbors to help watch homes when away even in a higher end neighborhood you do that.
Loud banging heard at Fotis Dulos’ New Canaan property one day after Jennifer’s disappearance
That article is not accurate and is oddly written, IMO.
The banging was at Sturbridge.
So he could have dismembered her right there in the garage. But then what would the the purpose of the extra long zip ties?
Pure Evil to write all this but the crime was done and are writing about it forever never to be forgotten.....she will not die in vain...

Well, if he dismembered her in the garage, all the body parts would be need to be kept together or he would have had many bags, seems like just one bag was on the video. But I think he did not have enough time to do it in New Canaan. He brought her home to Farmington dead or alive in a bag in the truck. If she were still alive even out cold he zipped her closed including her mouth. He had more time and a planned set up to finish the deed...with MT at his side as a loving companion helping her mate, in good times and evil.
Agree 100%. He is so annoying in so many ways...pompous attitude, whiney, unpolished (that ponytail!), unprofessional, desperate, condescending, exasperating, hypocritical, arrogant and a charlatan, just to name a few. All imo, of course. But I am really getting tired of his SCHTICK!
@MollyDDD, OT but kudos on your ever changing avatars! Love each one and look forward to seeing what is next! You are the Avatar Master! MOO
There it is. "Let's go get a basketball." JMO

How easily could that happen? Child, only too happy to play, runs to the garage for the ball, loving father right there behind him, memorizing the security code.


I agree w/you that FD created the ruse of getting the basketball to gain the access code— I really think that must be exactly how it happened, because IMO FD went to JfD house for one reason and one reason only : to figure out how to gain access to her home for the murder he was already planning. He was literally ‘casing the joint’ the entire time of his supervised visit and created an opportunity to stealthily get the punch code to the garage door. IMO.
Info relating to Olcott is I believe correct and came up in in early digging here on the various Fd properties.

Its interesting IMO that the LE searching happened on Olcott and so will have to add this to the list of items to check when the Search Warrants are unsealed.

I do find it QUITE interesting that this nugget of information is NOT being reported by Dave Altimari and the Hartford Courant. So far as I can tell, more research on the properties of Fd has been done on WS vs anything done by Dave Altimari and the Hartford Courant.

Having spent a fair amount of time diving down the rabbit hole of Fd properties myself, where things get tricky is that it appears that Fd perhaps had options on various properties to develop. Behind these possible various options or development deals done with 3rd parties lie a whole slew of LLCs that dead end at PO boxes. So, its very difficult to track through the interconnections between Fd activities and those of people not directly tied to FORE by ownership. I'm not even convinced that formal partnerships might have been involved here as the organization of some of these 'deals' looked to be quite 'loose'.

Trying to connect the dots on all of these various connections to Fd has been challenging and at a certain point I simply tabled the exercise as the dead end runs into LLCs wasn't yielding anything in the way of direct answers.

But, I do wonder if you look at the 'crew' of folks around Fd including his 'former' real estate broker/s, David Ford (former atty) but most importantly KM and possibly Atty Markowitz, I do wonder if the State will be able to piece the labyrinth together.

Fd 'on paper' has shown little to no income since 2017, has had no FORE projects in the works since Sturbridge was started in New Canaan and YET provided a lavish lifestyle for himself, MT and her daughter and the Greek Grifter Crew most likely. Sure, this lifestyle was made easy by virtue of having no rent for his primary residence but the reality is that he was paying taxes on the properties of FORE and the vehicles. We see bank debt sky rocketing during this period as well, so perhaps he was living off the largess of Danbury Savings Bank and People's Bank of Bridgeport, CT?

But, what got me thinking back to my original project of following the real estate footsteps of Fd/FORE from 2004 which I had stopped working on, was the tidbit in AW3 about how KM many years ago found the land in Granby for the Gun Club group. I hadn't realised that KM had much involvement with real estate but I had been very aware that he is quite enterprising as it relates to entrepreneurial opportunities possibly presented by his various clients.

Getting back to the connection between KM and Fd, I do now wonder if the reason that relationship didn't seem to include their respective partners was because it was a personal friendship based on business transactions in a range of possible assets? KM would have had the legal expertise to 'hide' the activities behind a network of LLCs and also was equipped to deal with the paperwork and possibly also the taxes. I do now wonder whether these activities were totally illicit or only partially illicit due to the fact that KM is sitting in jail and supposedly unable to post bond. I wonder if KM (like Fd to a certain extent) can't post his bond because his investments are illiquid (real estate and/or going concerns) or illicit and can't be unwound or accessed due to the fact that they are supposed to remain hidden from sight?

IDK, Fd IMO has been doing something since 2017 business wise, other than jet setting and skiing with MT and her daughter and defending himself in Family and Civil Courts. If this speculation is true, the activity would have been hidden and to me KM seems the logical person to possibly make all this happen for them both. I do wonder how much (if anything) LE has uncovered with regard to the issue of KM and Fd mutual business activity over the past years?

To me, its all very curious question and to the extent that any such activities were lucrative (highly possible IMO) then it could explain how Fd is continuing to pay Pattisville and the ever growing crew including Atty Habib (BTW, did we ever find out how the arrest of him selling drugs around a school to minors played out?).

What a crew of characters!

JMY He's ruthless. Using a child for his perverse means. He even volunteered it, during the NBC interview. "Jennifer even invited me to play basketball with the kids..." Mark of a liar, offering extraneous information. Only it name not have been extraneous. It might have been a truth wrapped in a lie. She invited nothing.

IMO, it also explains more clearly how LE believes FD was lying in wait. Bikes near the house, slinks thru the woods and poison ivy, comes up the back or side of the house, lets himself into the garage by keypad. No way could JFd have seen that coming.

But LE will have a digital timestamp.

Frightening beyond measure.

We now know that LA and JFd LOCKED THE DOORS so Fd couldn't enter Welles on the day he was there with the children (22nd).

Fd and Pattisville IMO will live to regret those 2 interviews greatly.

Can't you just see them playing those interview clips in court and then eyewitnesses such as LA and EE bringing the narrative back to the 'TRUTH' of the situation?

Pattisville as seen in the LA depo in the Civil Case will be heading down the path of discrediting each and every one of these Prosecution witnesses and its going to be rough to watch. I give so much credit to LA for standing firmly against the barrage of negativity and stress that is being brought into her life by Pattisville. Great credit to GF for protecting LA from the Press and for including her in the Protective Order brought to Criminal Court. Loyalty in this regard IMO is an admirable thing and no doubt will go a long way to making sure that LA will be available to provide evidence in court against Fd.

Since I don’t have a keypad at any of my doors, I don’t know exactly how they work-is there anything that keeps track of when the keypad is utilized for entry at a particular door?

Yes. The monitoring company will have all the records. Depending on the extent of the system, they can also tell which door or window were opened.

We have a different code for each person in the home so that we can track the comings and goings, if anything were to happen.

Info relating to Olcott is I believe correct and came up in in early digging here on the various Fd properties.

Its interesting IMO that the LE searching happened on Olcott and so will have to add this to the list of items to check when the Search Warrants are unsealed.

I do find it QUITE interesting that this nugget of information is NOT being reported by Dave Altimari and the Hartford Courant. So far as I can tell, more research on the properties of Fd has been done on WS vs anything done by Dave Altimari and the Hartford Courant.

Having spent a fair amount of time diving down the rabbit hole of Fd properties myself, where things get tricky is that it appears that Fd perhaps had options on various properties to develop. Behind these possible various options or development deals done with 3rd parties lie a whole slew of LLCs that dead end at PO boxes. So, its very difficult to track through the interconnections between Fd activities and those of people not directly tied to FORE by ownership. I'm not even convinced that formal partnerships might have been involved here as the organization of some of these 'deals' looked to be quite 'loose'.

Trying to connect the dots on all of these various connections to Fd has been challenging and at a certain point I simply tabled the exercise as the dead end runs into LLCs wasn't yielding anything in the way of direct answers.

But, I do wonder if you look at the 'crew' of folks around Fd including his 'former' real estate broker/s, David Ford (former atty) but most importantly KM and possibly Atty Markowitz, I do wonder if the State will be able to piece the labyrinth together.

Fd 'on paper' has shown little to no income since 2017, has had no FORE projects in the works since Sturbridge was started in New Canaan and YET provided a lavish lifestyle for himself, MT and her daughter and the Greek Grifter Crew most likely. Sure, this lifestyle was made easy by virtue of having no rent for his primary residence but the reality is that he was paying taxes on the properties of FORE and the vehicles. We see bank debt sky rocketing during this period as well, so perhaps he was living off the largess of Danbury Savings Bank and People's Bank of Bridgeport, CT?

But, what got me thinking back to my original project of following the real estate footsteps of Fd/FORE from 2004 which I had stopped working on, was the tidbit in AW3 about how KM many years ago found the land in Granby for the Gun Club group. I hadn't realised that KM had much involvement with real estate but I had been very aware that he is quite enterprising as it relates to entrepreneurial opportunities possibly presented by his various clients.

Getting back to the connection between KM and Fd, I do now wonder if the reason that relationship didn't seem to include their respective partners was because it was a personal friendship based on business transactions in a range of possible assets? KM would have had the legal expertise to 'hide' the activities behind a network of LLCs and also was equipped to deal with the paperwork and possibly also the taxes. I do now wonder whether these activities were totally illicit or only partially illicit due to the fact that KM is sitting in jail and supposedly unable to post bond. I wonder if KM (like Fd to a certain extent) can't post his bond because his investments are illiquid (real estate and/or going concerns) or illicit and can't be unwound or accessed due to the fact that they are supposed to remain hidden from sight?

IDK, Fd IMO has been doing something since 2017 business wise, other than jet setting and skiing with MT and her daughter and defending himself in Family and Civil Courts. If this speculation is true, the activity would have been hidden and to me KM seems the logical person to possibly make all this happen for them both. I do wonder how much (if anything) LE has uncovered with regard to the issue of KM and Fd mutual business activity over the past years?

To me, its all very curious question and to the extent that any such activities were lucrative (highly possible IMO) then it could explain how Fd is continuing to pay Pattisville and the ever growing crew including Atty Habib (BTW, did we ever find out how the arrest of him selling drugs around a school to minors played out?).

What a crew of characters!


Nice summation of the've spent a lot of time trying to go down the Fd real estate rabbit hole, @afitzy

Attorney Habib has a court appointment in February...
Activity: Awaiting Plea Next Court Date: 2/10/2020 10:00 AM
Current Charges
Statute Description Class Type Occ Offense Date Plea Verdict Finding
21a-279(b) NONSTDNT-DRGS NEAR SCH/DAY CR A Misdemeanor 1 10/31/2019
21a-277(b(2A* INTNT SEL/DSPNS NO NRC/HAL U Felony 1 10/31/2019

As often stated....this improbable cast of attorneys is a Fd special....and, I think NP had a bit to do with their selection.
So he could have dismembered her right there in the garage. But then what would the the purpose of the extra long zip ties?
A theory I have is that he did it in the back of the Suburban in the garage (or started the process there and finished it in Farmington).

The back of the Suburban would have given him a working surface at table height roughly (he is petite so maybe a bit higher). But, it would have been easier to work in the back of the Suburban IMO vs on the ground in the garage for 1 hr+ (assuming it took him an hr to clean up?). The garage at Welles had enough ceiling height I believe to fully open the rear door of the Suburban too and there was enough room behind the Suburban too so Fd had room to move around.

Or, he could have undertaken the attack and immediately placed the body on the Suburban liner. The spatter noted in AW3 resulted from the initial attack and the blood pooling on the garage floor happened during the attach and whilst the body was moved to the rear of the Suburban.

The zip ties could have been initially used to immobilise JFd and then others possibly used to wrap everything together to hold it all inside the liner to make transport less conspicuous and certainly easier IMO.

The liner is semi rigid and so would have needed to be held with ties.

If everything were wrapped into a tidy bundle then it might have been easy to place the bundle into the passenger seat of EE Red Tacoma OR possibly place it along with the bike into the back of EE Red Tacoma.

IDK, its speculation and I'm not sure we have enough in the way of info.

Nice summation of the've spent a lot of time trying to go down the Fd real estate rabbit hole, @afitzy

Attorney Habib has a court appointment in February...
Activity: Awaiting Plea Next Court Date: 2/10/2020 10:00 AM
Current Charges
Statute Description Class Type Occ Offense Date Plea Verdict Finding
21a-279(b) NONSTDNT-DRGS NEAR SCH/DAY CR A Misdemeanor 1 10/31/2019
21a-277(b(2A* *** INTNT SEL/DSPNS NO NRC/HAL U Felony 1 10/31/2019

As often stated....this improbable cast of attorneys is a Fd special....and, I think NP had a bit to do with their selection.
Thanks for this update!

Keeping up with all the court dates of the folks surrounding Fd is almost a full time job and when I read about the initial charges for Habib I have to say that even by the standards of Pattisville that he IMO , '...was a live one' -- selling drugs to minors in the area of a school!

If I recall, we also have Atty BM up with his contentious divorce and I believe some other civil matter that I'm not recalling (possible DUI or violation of protective order?)...hard sometimes to keep it all in order as the web simply keeps growing and expanding.

I can now see the challenges faced by the State here as once the digging starts, more things emerge and the connections branch out and new connections emerge into one big WEB. AND, we haven't even really delved much into the Greek connections either!

What a crew!!!!!!!!!

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