Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #41

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According to aw3 the only place listed his dna was faucet and door knob. Please correct me if I’m wrong. I’m hopeful that le has more and just not letting it out. They have enough evidence to place him there in my opinion.the time line puts him in the red Tacoma and on the bike.but to np advantage Le says the photos and film shows a man that could be fd.there is doubt
FD's dna was also found on Albany Ave. on several black bags
containing bloody evidence, and one had all 3
dna's , FD, MT, JFD.


Police are facing a legal conundrum in trying to enter Fotis Dulos’ Jefferson Crossing home. To get a search warrant they need proof of a possible crime. So far sources said they have not gotten court approval to go in and look for a suicide note.
Just call it “failure to appear”. And attempted suicide should be classified as a crime to rule out foul play. JMO
imo, he should have been life flighted to NY immediately.
Time was wasted during the first stop, presumably to assess & stabilize him. Moo

You could be very right. But, I have questions.

If he died at the scene, why would they move him and take him to a hospital? When people are dead on scene, they wait until the coroner comes to send the body off to the morgue. I think we don't have the full story (or, I am hoping we don't have the full story). It is not that I don't think this is dire, I do. I am just wondering as there was so much miss information yesterday. On the driveway, he was not hooked up to monitors, etc. In the ambulance, he would have been hence them finding his vital signs. I keep coming back to was he really dead or was that the untrained thought process versus the advanced life saving team who came on scene later.

There are standing orders in place for EMS personnel, and these do vary by location (even among locations in CT) with regard to 'calling a code' aka determining death in the field (ETA: Or deciding not to work a code in the first place).

In some towns/areas, police are medical first responders, in others they are not. I don't know if Farmington PD is or not. If FD was seated in the car, with his chin to chest, it may have appeared he wasn't breathing, and they may not have felt a pulse initially. Once out of the car, and on a cardiac monitor, they may have seen activity and the decision was made to work him. No clue if that's what occurred, but it's a possiblity.

As for where he was transported to, many factors come in to play with regard to helicopters. Sometimes the ETA to the higher level hospital facility will be longer WITH a helicopter than without. The chopper might not have been available, might not have been clear to fly due to weather, if there was no heli pad on the property (like there is at a hospital) then the nearest pre-planned landing zone would need to be utilized. (In my town this is our local football field.) It takes a little bit to do a pre flight check, load personnel, fly to the LZ (which fire personnel has to also respond to), then an ambulance takes the PT to the LZ, the patient is loaded, etc.

UConn Health Center is IN Farmington. Maybe 10-15 minutes max from house to hospital? The patient would be in the ER being stabilized and receiving higher levels of care than even a phenomenal medic with extra help can provide in the back of the ambulance. THEN the chopper can respond to the (safer) hospital LZ/pad and fly him out. Sometimes waiting isn't a better choice (when there is a choice).

Also, for LifeStar (not sure about others) I'm pretty sure their criteria excludes patients in cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest usually requires EMS to transport to the closest facility. If he returned a pulse but not spontaneous respirations, he would have needed to be on a vent then before they'd take him.
Hypothetical Question- if he SURVIVES & he wrote a Suicide note confessing & directing to the victim’s remains....and his lawyer was first at the scene & found the note- does the letter become “privileged communication” regardless who it was addressed to?

Edited to add - I’d bet my last dollar, If here WAS a note, he professed his “innocence” - people like him are too selfish, even in death.
Psychopaths just don’t care about those they leave behind. He doesn’t care if his children ever have a grave for their mother to lay flowers on- his ego was more important
I agree that the note would likely be a "woe is me" one, declaring that he was doing it for the benefit of his kids because of all the untrue bad things being said about their father, etc. Here's the kicker, though. As someone pointed out from the last thread, this man if he wakes up will most likely be a different person. He will not necessarily be functioning at the intellectual capacity necessary to continue being the lying psychopath he is. He will be weak, and very susceptible to spilling the beans. Which brings me to this question - is there any reason an admission of guilt to a nurse when he wakes up would be inadmissible in court? I don't think so. Maybe if his lawyer were there, but I don't know if Pattis has a lawyer parked outside the door of the hospital room. Of course, the police might not be able to question him since pre-brain trauma FD already showed he was not talking to police and had lawyered up. But a spontaneous confession to a nurse? That is different. But then, Pattis might say it's inadmissible because his client is impaired and incapable of making sense. If Pattis does that, he's going beyond providing vigilant representation of a defendant and is actively, IMHO, helping cover up a crime.
Fotis Dulos’ lawyers concerned he has little chance of recovery

Very little change of survival...based on our local news..

His attorney is a horrid liar IMO so I can’t rely on his statements it until it’s from another source.

That being said I think his kids and Jennifer’s family would be better off if he was out of the picture. They wouldn’t have to go through more grueling criminal, civil and family law trials. They wouldn’t run the risk of him getting someone to try to kidnap the kids or kill their grandmother, which we’ve seen in cases, even from jail.

For their sake, FD being dead might be the best case scenario. Having a live parent who is convicted of murdering their mama, after a very public trial would be worse, I think.
My thoughts exactly. IMO MT was (is) obsessed with FD and did anything for him. She likely thought he saw her differently than Jennifer. Now that FD cast her aside as well and has a new girlfriend I would think she's more likely to talk than ever. He betrayed her is likely what she would think.

Also sorry but who would want to start up a relationship with a man charged with murder of his wife and mother of his five children? This new girlfriend needs help. Did she not realize he could have just as easily tried for a murder suicide? MOO

What if that report from the Hartford Courant was a well timed ploy to get MT angry with FD? Angry women tend to say ALOT of things when they feel scorned.... Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned...
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But why would they put him in the hyperbaric chamber if he had massive brain damage. Is that standard of care?
No, I don't believe that is what we heard from the doctor interview this am. Fd could have some organ, lung, brain and neurological damage but if he were brain dead then I don't think they would have brought him to Jacobi. Maybe I'm wrong. It doesn't make logical sense really that you would put someone in a vegative state into the chamber either as I don't believe the chamber can reverse cell death but can only assist in the removal of CO from impacted cells so far as I can understand. IDK its a complicated process but I don't think the decision to bring Fd to Jacobi was made lightly as it no doubt was a stress on his system and I don't think they would have exposed him to the process of the trip if they didn't think the benefits outweighed the risks.

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