Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #41

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I’m being a smartass here but... NP has said No proof JD is dead/ she’s pulled a “gone girl” scenario. They are technically still married does that mean JD gets to make FD’s medical decisions? Or they would have to prove she wasn’t alive to let someone else make those decisions? Or that by NP supporting someone else making medical decisions for FD he is indeed supporting the argument that JD is no longer with us and blowing up his original Case. I mean how can he support other family coming in to make these decisions when he’s said all along he doesn’t believe her to be dead.
*I hope you all can follow that. I’m not sure I got it out of my head right.

Very good catch, comment and questions....NP should practice the gag order.
Yeah, most people who commit suicide don’t leave notes behind (something in the ballpark of 75% from what I can gather).

He seems to have a limited timeframe with which to work, and that doesn’t seem conducive to leaving a note.

It is certainly possible that he wrote one beforehand, but I think that’s unlikely.

Any note would probably continue his pattern of defiance, and be completely self serving. There’s no way this sociopath grew a conscience and did the right thing in regards to both a confession, and providing the location of the body.

So there’s likely no note, and if there is one, it doesn’t help the investigation.

Agree with you & would be surprised if he confessed or revealed where Jennifer is - likely too much to hope for given his personality - but I wonder if he wrote anything for his children or left taped messages for them that might have been prepared earlier (as in way earlier) & maybe not even created for this particular event. His narcissism might predict that he didn't give them a 2nd thought (unless he was in front of a tv camera) but sometimes it's more complicated than that... IDK.
Found the Tweet I was referring to about the rearrest and FTA. I think this likely explains the SAVIN notifications as paperwork is pushed and administrative technicalities are taken care of.

"-Instead, the state's attorney and Pattis asked a judge to rearrest him. Judge Gary White signed off and ordered Dulos' rearrest due to failure to appear in court yesterday. He also raised the bond on his murder charge by $500,000.

Marissa Alter on Twitter
Perhaps his sister is coming here to sit with him, hold his hand, give him something to pull through for. There is much we don't know about what a person can hear or sense, even in a coma.

Again, if he pulls through, I hope he comes through a better man....

If this were a Hollywood movie, Harrison Ford would nail the role. A missing mom, a guilty husband, courtroom gymnastics, attempted suicide, a helicopter escape.

But this is no movie. A real life upscale Connecticut Greek tragedy and devastation all around....

Let's all be mindful that one day, or even this day, those children might read our words. Let's be gentle. I'm gonna try.

Could Jennifer's body be there in the house? Could Fotis have essentially buried her body beneath the foundation somehow? Or could there be a hidden large refrigerator somewhere?
Or have I lost my mind?
Most likely just some evidence of Fotis's guilt. imo.
So far no body has been found, why not.
I don’t know if we will ever be privy to Dr Herman’s eval (partial though we have learned it is) in the custody case or if we will ever see any evaluations or reports that were done on FD.

Having said that NP/his associates have made great hay over how any such evaluations were definitely unfavorable to JFd and somehow favorable to FD.

I guess I am just curious wondering what those Same professionals think now.

Who was the real threat to others and to themselves? I guess their defense would be it’s not an exact science but if all we have been led to believe is true about these evaluations (and I hedge greatly on the side of caution here) is true then how wrong can they have possibly been? Fatally wrong. And yet those would have been used to decide custody and visitation and possibly divorce issues.

I find it difficult to believe that no one in FDs orbit had any clue to his anger
And need to unilaterally be in control of things not only in his life but in the lives of those in his orbit.

I’m here for Justice for Jennifer and as such I would hope for any such reports or evaluations that somehow said she was unfit, she was suicidal, she would disappear herself or be a harm to herself and others would be brought to light and roundly criticized and taken apart. JMO as always.
I agree.

It is very ironic how things have turned out in the last day or so.
Despite how I feel about the abyss of tragedy here, I don't envy his family's trip here. What a miserable journey.... nobody deserves this pain.

Bigger still, my heart is heavy for the children. WE can't get our heads around this, and they're going to have to find a way to do that, daily, for the rest of their lives.

So many wounds....

Praying for peace....

Well said.
Some one forgot to call the monitoring company? What kind of excuse is that? As posted, he could have had a huge head start. Which, frankly, I don’t understand why he didn’t take the risk. In today’s world, I really doubt a phone call is the method used to track court changes, hearings, or anything else. I would think computer notification at the monitoring company would be on auto alert for anything concerning a person with monitoring devices attached to their ankle.
IF the company was NOT notified, the only solace is that the monitoring company saw no movement. And because they didn’t know better, had no reason to report him staying at home where he belonged.

What if they HAD been notified? They dropped the ball. FD crossed over into NY, as I recall. It was WAY later everyone learned about his detour even though the company knew right when he had crossed over the state line. The biggest DV case in recent history, and this company can’t get it right.

Papa John's has GPS on my pizza and can track it but the state of CT cant keep track of their ankle monitors on defendants? Hmm something is wrong here.
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Gloria Farber, Jennifer's mother and Dulos' mother-in-law, smiled as she arrived to a hotel in New York City on Wednesday
Fotis Dulos on life support after suicide attempt and family urged to say last goodbyes | Daily Mail Online

She is beautiful...I can see Jennifer in her face...:) Justice for Jennifer!

She certainly doesn't look to be 85 either imo

She is precious! My mom looks like that and they both wear the cute frayed hemmed jeans! She's hip and reminds me of her beautiful daughter Jennifer. #JusticeforJennifer

Marissa Alter‏Verified account @MarissaAlter
Ira Judelson, bail bondsman out of NY, is at Stamford Court for this emergency bond hearing. Says he’s here today just to see what happens. Had been called by Pattis yesterday to potentially take over Dulos’ bond but says it wasn’t a done deal at that time. @News12CT

10:48 AM - 29 Jan 2020

Marissa Alter‏Verified account @MarissaAlter
A brief interview with Ira Judelson before today’s hearing courtesy of photog @JamesMennino. @News12CT

11:00 AM - 29 Jan 2020


So the miracle bondsman to the stars is now only observing and not so quick to give FD special treatment. (Perhaps he read the prior Surety's motion that the defendant failed to identify the imperfections in his collateral to the Surety in his bond application). MOO

I have to say "told you so", I knew this Bond company was going to backtrack and posted that!
Police execute search warrant at Dulos home as he remains in hospital

Pattis said said on Wednesday that while Dulos is not in custody, guards are posted at his hospital room door for his protection.

"We will wait for word from physicians what is reasonable to expect. We remain to connected to the proposition that Mr. Dulos is not guilty of his crimes. And hopefully he will recover so we can vindicate him of his crimes," Pattis said.

Wasn't the imported Greek-speaking, non-licensed driving nanny in the hospital room with Grandma Kleopatra Dulos when she passed? The Grandma who fell down the stairs, & then was run over in the driveway by said nanny?

Yeah, the hospital would consider posting -- or requiring -- guards for Fd!

[Fotis Dulos on life support after suicide attempt and family urged to say last goodbyes | Daily Mail Online....

Per DM-No Rear Admiral arrival expected:
Rena Dulos, his sister who lives in their native Greece, is his closest living adult relative, and is traveling to New York with his niece Angelika after relatives got on the first flight available after being told Dulos had tried to kill himself by carbon monoxide poisoning on Tuesday.

wasn't there supposed to be a sister still in NYC?
good news is that GF looks about half her chronological age.
this article also says that FD had a new girlfriend.... (many Qs about that)
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