Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #43

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To be fair, Pattis made his complaints about Connecticut’s criminal justice backlog as part of a specific argument against sequestered voir dires, but there is nonetheless something unpleasantly paradoxical about his current desire to tie up a judge and a courtroom for a case with no defendant and no body.

Colin McEnroe: ‘We’re not allowed to give up on anybody’
Love this quote from above article:

The piece included such observations as “When I tell friends in other states how long it takes to get to trial in Connecticut, they are stunned,” and “once (a case) arrives on the trial list it sits, sometimes for years, until it is assigned a trial judge.”

The author is Norm Pattis who currently thinks it would be a good idea to continue trying the murder case of Jennifer Dulos, even though his former client Fotis Dulos is dead and the body of Jennifer Dulos has never been found.

To be fair, Pattis made his complaints about Connecticut’s criminal justice backlog as part of a specific argument against sequestered voir dires, but there is nonetheless something unpleasantly paradoxical about his current desire to tie up a judge and a courtroom for a case with no defendant and no body.

His argument is that Fotis Dulos deserves the chance to clear his name and that the five Dulos children deserve the peace that would softly descend upon them after a Pattis-orchestrated acquittal of their father.

My counter-argument is that peace will be long in coming to the tragic lives of those children and that a courtoom is an unlikely place for them to find it. Perhaps the judge and the trial apparatus could be freed up to handle some of the cases of defendants who are imprisoned for long periods without trial because of our monstrously unfair bail system. Perhaps Pattis could be freed up to apply his talents to some other needy client, such as professional thing-under-a-rock Alex Jones.[BBM]


I'm thinking a reason she's not telling "everything" she knows because it's dang hard to admit to it. Once she tells the whole story, she has to face the truth of her involvement.

I also suspect she doesn't particularly value honesty and taking the high road, so it might not seem redeeming to her to come clean. Just a hunch.


10000% agree. She was in on the premeditation and every day since.

I am looking forward to the following explanations:

MT penned completely false alibis. She took time and careful thought and coordination to write down calls/times/events. Think about it for a moment, would you sit at a desk in the office at 4jc with your boyfriend and write a list of dates and times of fabricated events/calls down on paper for a purpose that were complete lies without having a clue? Seriously, spend time making up lies and listing them line by line listing phone calls from your phone? No! No one can tell me that any person would do that without knowing the reason they’re being asked to do such a task.

Why take selfies with Marty on the day of your boyfriend’s wife disappearance?

Why take a drive to Hartford in a dangerous neighborhood on a Friday night of a holiday weekend while your married boyfriend dumps bags of bloody evidence and proceeds to get out of the car and stuff a FedEx box into a drain? Really? Again, you can’t tell me, even if you’re occupied smoking and chatting with your friend Petu on the phone that you have no idea why you’re there and what he’s doing. Then the weather tech mat prop up at Milagros. Same question.

Then there are the lies. Lie after lie and more lies to the police in a criminal investigation involving a missing person! Your boyfriend’s wife!
What innocent person changes their story time after time after time?

What person cleans coffee from a car without a clue? Was there a coffee cup, receipt from a coffee shop? Did LE check for any real coffee stains?

The cleaning part at MS. I’d like to know if LE looked into whether FD typically hired cleaning companies for their properties as I find it very unlikely that MT typically brings cleaning supplies (bleach, garbage bags, etc.) and cleans such a large house herself. Even she made that comment. So why on that day was she cleaning? If there was a showing, prove it.

Then she drove away with EE’s keys on purpose knowing full well he came to pick up his truck to take home for the weekend.

We could go on and on about following him to the car wash and the rest of the findings with her DNA on the garbage bag etc.

The bottom line is that she was in on it from day one and has been dishonest from day one. She had had opportunity after opportunity to cooperate.

I am not sure if it’s her Mom, whom we all know from the records is a criminal herself with insurance fraud, or Bowman, advising her, but at the end of the day... she will have her reckoning in court.

LE has a vested interest in this case and seeking justice for Jennifer. Fotis cowardly took his life fully knowing his fate, MT and KM must know that LE’s mission is to hold accountable the perpetrators (plural.)

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'He was so desperate to get out of the house he even tried to schedule an impromptu meeting with his legal team just as excuse.

'He was told in no uncertain terms that it would be a violation of his house arrest unless he had permission.
Sounds like a case of "A Telltale Heart". Is there more evidence in the house?
We are hearing now he was frantically calling friends , telling them he couldn't take being confined on house arrest, that he was weeping and losing it in his children's bedrooms at night because he missed them. All alleged reports.
If true, why would he have hid his angst with his attorneys?
NP and KS seem to be truly gutted by what transpired.
No doubt they feel that they have failed their client.

maybe FD had been annoying his attys and they could not calm him down?
Fotis Dulos’ attorneys prepare to fight his mother-in-law for control of his assets two days after his death (Dailymail)
I guess I must be dumb but why????

Because Norm Pattis hates children?

If he doesn't fight it, the children get the assets via Gloria Farber - assets that are right fully hers anyway, that will go to them.

But NP doesn't want that. All of his actions so far have been against the welfare of those 5 children.
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Because Norm Pattis hates children?

If he doesn't fight it, the children get the assets via Gloria Farber - assets that are right fully hers anyway, that will go to them.

But NP doesn't want that. All of his actions so far have been against the welfare of those 5 children.
Women, children and victims. Moo
I was also rather shocked by reports that FD left no will. Certainly when one has children- 5 of them no less- it is important to make a will so that you can specify who should be appointed guardians in case of the death of the parents, such as in a car accident or something. I think that it would be a huge omission for a couple of this stature not to have made a will (when times were good for them as a couple), most people think of and know this. Once you consult a lawyer to make the will then all of the other financials, PoA, etc come on board, a lawyer isnt going to leave that out.
With JDs trust and financial situation, and given her parents, perhaps just JD had a will (we haven’t heard anything about this of course). I would just be shocked if the two of them never had made a will when the kids were born, and then of course as things eroded JD could have revised things, but then FD would also have been involved or notified.
Maybe more will come out later.
IMO, FD not having a Will is an indicator that his only reason for marrying JD was for her money. He didn’t want any legal document to have any power over the money.
His plan was, if he dies first, JD will get what ever he hasn’t already hidden or stole from her and if she dies first, he’ll get it all by default. It would be interesting to learn what her Will says and if she had updated it around the time she left him. Can a person disinherit their spouse in their Will? And perhaps he had a huge life insurance policy on himself and one of his family member his beneficiary. I wonder if we’ll ever know.
“Judge Heller has ruled against me over and over. I am not an alcoholic, I am not a drug addict, I am not an abuser,” Dulos wrote. “I am a good father and my children adore me.”
‘I feel like a passenger in a runaway train that is headed to nowhere’: A frustrated, cash-strapped Fotis Dulos fought against judge overseeing his two-year contentious divorce

I’m sorry, but the timing on this HC article penned by DA, on a source directly provided by NP without a doubt, is ridiculous. Why is this news now, and why is the slant one of martyrdom rather than one of the close call for those kids?

The only response to it is, “yes, and if Judge Heller had only ruled harder against you, maybe JD would be alive today. Thankfully she protected the children from unsupervised visits with you, although in retrospect she clearly should have done much more, and that perhaps is the reason they are still living.”

While FD may not have been a known alcoholic or drug addict (but we don't know, since he is also a liar) , we know that he was for sure an abuser (perhaps even an abuser of a corpse, as well as living victims).

Why doesn’t Dave A. publish some facts about FD’s non-payment of child support, his cutting off health insurance, his making them waterski when they wanted instead to play lacrosse and soccer, that he didn’t pay for their education and wasn’t there for at least a third of each month but instead globetrotting with his girlfriend, while still married, under the pretense he was working.
Dave, why don’t you try fair journalism? Oh right, you’re buds with Norm. How silly of us for being so ignorant. HC is the worst. Moo
10000% agree. She was in on the premeditation and every day since.

I am looking forward to the following explanations:

MT penned completely false alibis. She took time and careful thought and coordination to write down calls/times/events. Think about it for a moment, would you sit at a desk in the office at 4jc with your boyfriend and write a list of dates and times of fabricated events/calls down on paper for a purpose that were complete lies without having a clue? Seriously, spend time making up lies and listing them line by line listing phone calls from your phone? No! No one can tell me that any person would do that without knowing the reason they’re being asked to do such a task.

Why take selfies with Marty on the day of your boyfriend’s wife disappearance?

Why take a drive to Hartford in a dangerous neighborhood on a Friday night of a holiday weekend while your married boyfriend dumps bags of bloody evidence and proceeds to get out of the car and stuff a FedEx box into a drain? Really? Again, you can’t tell me, even if you’re occupied smoking and chatting with your friend Petu on the phone that you have no idea why you’re there and what he’s doing. Then the weather tech mat prop up at Milagros. Same question.

Then there are the lies. Lie after lie and more lies to the police in a criminal investigation involving a missing person! Your boyfriend’s wife!
What innocent person changes their story time after time after time?

What person cleans coffee from a car without a clue? Was there a coffee cup, receipt from a coffee shop? Did LE check for any real coffee stains?

The cleaning part at MS. I’d like to know if LE looked into whether FD typically hired cleaning companies for their properties as I find it very unlikely that MT typically brings cleaning supplies (bleach, garbage bags, etc.) and cleans such a large house herself. Even she made that comment. So why on that day was she cleaning? If there was a showing, prove it.

Then she drove away with EE’s keys on purpose knowing full well he came to pick up his truck to take home for the weekend.

We could go on and on about following him to the car wash and the rest of the findings with her DNA on the garbage bag etc.

The bottom line is that she was in on it from day one and has been dishonest from day one. She had had opportunity after opportunity to cooperate.

I am not sure if it’s her Mom, whom we all know from the records is a criminal herself with insurance fraud, or Bowman, advising her, but at the end of the day... she will have her reckoning in court.

LE has a vested interest in this case and seeking justice for Jennifer. Fotis cowardly took his life fully knowing his fate, MT and KM must know that LE’s mission is to hold accountable the perpetrators (plural.)

Why doesn’t Dave A. publish some facts about FD’s non-payment of child support, his cutting off health insurance, his making them waterski when they wanted instead to play lacrosse and soccer, that he didn’t pay for their education and wasn’t there for at least a third of each month but instead globetrotting with his girlfriend, while still married, under the pretense he was working.
Dave, why don’t you try fair journalism? Oh right, you’re buds with Norm. How silly of us for being so ignorant. HC is the worst. Moo

How can it be legal for an attorney - who has known connections to the HC and his buddy DA - to say whatever he wants via the press?

That's in direct violation of the gag order.

When asked about the suicide note, LE didn't have any comment AT ALL.

Meanwhile, Norm gives it to the press. Then he made up an entire article-worth of lies for DA to publish.

It's truly astonishing - and, at this point, appalling - that he's not only getting away with it, but becoming all the more bold.
Because Norm Pattis hates children?

If he doesn't fight it, the children get the assets via Gloria Farber - assets that are right fully hers anyway, that will go to them.

But NP doesn't want that. All of his actions so far have been against the welfare of those 5 children.
Pattis is a freaking doorknob what next is he going to fight gf for custody for the grifters pattis is just lower then low . Should’nt the Greek family be dumping fotis ashes in the ocean and get going back under that rock they crawled out of
The 8th amendment is regarding bail. The 5th is regarding innocent until proven guilty.
Knock it off Normy![/QUOTE]

Here are the 'dueling memorials' now in place at 4Jx.

I do love (not) the ironic touch of the US flag after Atty. P. and the 'Greek Family' IMO used DA to criticize the US Judicial System for its treatment of the late Fd. Their touch of pushing a narrative of collusion in that hideous article against Fd simply flies in the face of everything that the US stands for.

I wish whoever did that memorial instead flew a Greek or EU Flag rather than the US Flag, as nothing about the narrative coming from Pattisville or DA at the HC has anything to do with the United States IMO, or Fd for that matter IMO.


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Yes, I will take that Jeopardy Question for $500 please in the category: "Crazy Pattis Statements Made to the Press"!

Yes, I believe he called her the 'Lying Lover' - he and Fd turned on MT that day like she was yesterday's news and a piece of gum stuck on his shoe. Fd at that point probably didn't care either as AC was already in the picture too.

MT had to have known that she had been replaced as the gossip was swirling too and we see her crying in Court and supported by her father. Here is the SA article:

quoted article was cut off:

Jennifer Dulos case: ‘Lying lover’ Troconis emotional in court


A new memorial set up for Fotis Dulos with a balloon that reads “8th Amendment violated, innocent until proven guilty” in front of Jefferson Crossing. In the background, a large sign and bow reading #JusticeforJennifer
Where does one get a balloon like that?? Haven't seen those around Party City.

Unfortunately for FD supporters, they misunderstand the 8th Amendment as it applies to this case. LE and the powers that be upheld this rights 100 percent. It's the court of public opinion in which he lost the presumption of innocence.

Trouble is, he and NP played the PR game all along and it didn't help his image. Not once did he say "Hey, Jennifer and I had our differences, but she's the mother of my children and I am desperate, even just for their sakes, that we find her immediately." Nothing of the sort. Ever.

Sorry, but all of this sticks a big pin in that balloon for me. JMO, MOO, IMO ...
How can it be legal for an attorney - who has known connections to the HC and his buddy DA - to say whatever he wants via the press?

That's in direct violation of the gag order.

When asked about the suicide note, LE didn't have any comment AT ALL.

Meanwhile, Norm gives it to the press. Then he made up an entire article-worth of lies for DA to publish.

It's truly astonishing - and, at this point, appalling - that he's not only getting away with it, but becoming all the more bold.

This case has been a moneymaker for The Courant, which makes it great for DA since he owns the scoops from Pattis through whatever deal they've made.

The best thing we can do is avoid clicking on their website and certainly not link their articles on Websleuths.

You can get all the news there is about Jennifer's case from the Stamford Advocate and many other outlets.
How can it be legal for an attorney - who has known connections to the HC and his buddy DA - to say whatever he wants via the press?

That's in direct violation of the gag order.

When asked about the suicide note, LE didn't have any comment AT ALL.

Meanwhile, Norm gives it to the press. Then he made up an entire article-worth of lies for DA to publish.

It's truly astonishing - and, at this point, appalling - that he's not only getting away with it, but becoming all the more bold.

Yes. The More he Gets Away with it, the More Embolden he Becomes.

Sounds familiar.

Knock it off Normy!
View attachment 229447
Here are the 'dueling memorials' now in place at 4Jx.

<snip quote>

These cuckoos could buy 1,000 more American flag balloons at The Dollar Store and scribble 1,000 more messages all over them with a sharpie and fly them on 1,000 front lawns in Farmington, CT, doesn’t change the FACT that FDs estate (such as it is) will go DIRECTLY to his children and doesn’t change the FACT that as soon as 4JX is put into receivership any and all parties will be EVICTED from said property, security cameras installed, and all will return to their homes, with every single person who has come in contact with FD the worse for it.
Knock it off Normy!
View attachment 229447

Here are the 'dueling memorials' now in place at 4Jx.

I do love (not) the ironic touch of the US flag after Atty. P. and the 'Greek Family' IMO used DA to criticize the US Judicial System for its treatment of the late Fd. Their touch of pushing a narrative of collusion in that hideous article against Fd simply flies in the face of everything that the US stands for.

I wish whoever did that memorial instead flew a Greek or EU Flag rather than the US Flag, as nothing about the narrative coming from Pattisville or DA at the HC has anything to do with the United States IMO, or Fd for that matter IMO.



Shows their ignorance once again as Fotis was all set to have his opportunity to prove his innocence at a trial but HE elected instead to kill himself. If he was so hellbent on proving his innocence, why the suicide? We are not buying that he didn’t want to spend another hour in jail as his new girlfriend had the bond covered so that excuse doesn’t fly. So innocent, why not prove it? Moo
Isn’t telling that MT took a selfie with the Robot the day JD disappeared .

I’d Love to know how many selfies she actually took of herself .
I bet (not many) she doesn’t seem the type . I can see her taking pictures OF someone , taking pictures OF her daughter but, not posing away then posting pictures of herself on Instagram.
( I absolutely could be wrong, just a hunch).

I also Never Ever Rarely Ever take a selfie.
So, it would be odd and out of character for me to suddenly take a picture of myself in a grocery store with a Robot (no less ) .

If I was going to take a selfie it would be with my kids /friends /family / vacation BUT, most certainly it would NOT be with a ROBOT in a locale like a Stop & Shop .

Also revealing.. MT willingly offered up this selfie to LE yet, she never once willingly offered up anything else .
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