Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #43

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Interesting, but if Bowman heard some confessional material could he do nothing and suggest another lawyer?
Would he be compromised by knowing the information, but since he was not the lawyer representing not be liable?

If Bowman suggested NP, MOO it would be about the same as saying your only hope is a lawyer specializing in almost hopeless cases.
NP commented on the case in the media before he signed on with FD. He said “there’s a body somewhere and that body will tell a story.” Also, “I woke up this morning thinking of the family of this woman and how anguished they are.”
Local defense attorney weighs in on case of missing mom
I think NP might have solicited FD for representation, not the other way around. NP has a lot of issues by his own admission, and FD seems to align with some of them. Greek heritage, father issues, “underdog” misogyny, etc.
Popping in with a question about custody...
Does GF have now have the legal right to set up a plan for the children in case (heaven forbid) something would happen to her? I am assuming FD would have had some say if he were alive, but now that he is gone is she the sole decision-maker? I just would hate to see anyone from his side of the family lay claim to them.
I believe GF might have to come back to Court again to finalise Custody as I believe her status now is temporary permanent custody. Fd and Pattisville were in the process of objecting to the current status and then AW3 dropped and of course they had to drop the motion objecting to GF custody. I believe that once GF has permanent custody that what happens after that is between her and the rest of her family. MOO
I'm thinking a reason she's not telling "everything" she knows because it's dang hard to admit to it. Once she tells the whole story, she has to face the truth of her involvement.

I also suspect she doesn't particularly value honesty and taking the high road, so it might not seem redeeming to her to come clean. Just a hunch.

Tick tock!
Wait a cotton picking moment! I remember after MT and Bowman spoke with LE, I think NP or FD used a less than favorable adjective to describe MT??? Am I as crazy as Normy P?Anyone else remember?

Think it was on the evening the AW2 was released, HP called MT a "Lying Lover," and EE "Someone with Something to Hide."

Next day, NP and Fd said that MT was "facing a formidable enemy in the state" and know she'll tell the truth at trial.

Always thought that Fd and MT were communicating in some manner during this period of time.
If the DM comments about Atty. P. saying that Fd left no will are true then I have to really wonder what might have been going on with Fd in the last weeks of his life as it might have been much worse than anyone might have imagined IMO.

We know Fd is a planner (highly imperfect one based on AW1-3, but he plans and schemes and dodges and weaves too). Are we now supposed to believe that Fd died with no will knowing that JFd hadn't yet been declared dead and so would so far as I can tell would be his beneficiary? Also, how does this all fit into the infamous "Gone Girl" scenario too that Atty. P. spouted for months?

Or, by leaving no will and so effectively leaving his assets to his wife was Fd admitting (FINALLY) perhaps that everything he had effectively came from the Farber's and so he was simply willing to give it all back to them now in death?

Or, did no will exist because Fd with all his spreadsheets and Quickbooks knew that after all was said and done that the ledgers would balance out to zero?

Entire situation is bizarre too as his suicide note references his 'honourable friends Andreas Tout and Anna Curry' from whom he borrowed large sums. He kinda/sorta apologised to them in the note but why not have a will with a specific provision? Or, did he not do this because he didn't need to because both of these people were simply returning money to Fd that he had 'hidden away' over the years?

Fd spent nearly 2 years battling with JFd in divorce court to not disclose any financial information such that financial details pertaining to the children could be resolved. Fd also never paid a penny towards the support of his children during that time either and so we are left to wonder where did all the money go? Is the money in the possession of Money Manager Anna Curry who has allegedly been canoodling with Fd since October at 4Jx and who has known him for a very long time? Or, is the money with friends Yannis and Andreas Tout or with Rena and the Rear Admiral?

Honestly this is all starting to sound like yet another game of Clue except that instead of the murder weapon and place we are trying to find out which of these unsavoury people are holding the cash and where?

The other stunning omission of Atty. P. here (not really given the ongoing IMO tone deafness of Atty. P. to the reality that behind all of his games and tricks are 5 children that have no parents now) is that whatever Fd left really at the end of it all belongs to the children and GF via her eventual claim in the Civil Litigation (Tick Tock Judge Noble who I truly still wonder if he ever works and issues rulings or is he off skiing or hunting?). So, to see song and dance games going on from Atty. P. about Probate etc. which will no doubt allow for some ongoing fees to Fd Greek Family etc. and permit for a potential ransacking of assets in advance of an orderly liquidation, IMO is absolutely shameful and disgusting. But, not unexpected. Wait long enough and people will show you precisely who they are and I firmly believe that this is what we are seeing here with Atty. P. and the Greek Family.

IMO Fd was nothing more than an nightmare built with Farber money and to suppose anything else to me shows limited understanding of what Fd has been up to since 2004.

There are no easy answers to the present complicated estate and probate situation but it just seems that if a Probate Court were to involve an impartial receiver on behalf of all parties to sift through the financial rubble that Fd left behind that it might be best for the ultimate beneficiaries here who are the 5 Farber Dulos children.

It is for this reason that I believe the incendiary comments of Atty. P. rushing to Probate Court to protect the Fd assets was absolutely self serving BS which loses sight of who matters here and IMO this can only be valid prior claims (including GF and bona fide trade creditors) and the 5 Farber Dulos Children. Everyone else (including the Greek Family) should IMO 'sit the [REDACTED] down' and wait this out for resolution.

I was also rather shocked by reports that FD left no will. Certainly when one has children- 5 of them no less- it is important to make a will so that you can specify who should be appointed guardians in case of the death of the parents, such as in a car accident or something. I think that it would be a huge omission for a couple of this stature not to have made a will (when times were good for them as a couple), most people think of and know this. Once you consult a lawyer to make the will then all of the other financials, PoA, etc come on board, a lawyer isnt going to leave that out.
With JDs trust and financial situation, and given her parents, perhaps just JD had a will (we haven’t heard anything about this of course). I would just be shocked if the two of them never had made a will when the kids were born, and then of course as things eroded JD could have revised things, but then FD would also have been involved or notified.
Maybe more will come out later.
I actually look forward to hearing more from Atty Urso (EE Atty) as this case moves forward as his insights frankly have been amongst the most on point so far. I would also very much love to see Atty Urso go toe to toe with Atty. P. as there is no doubt in my mind how that contest would end up! MOO
I really have to wonder how anyone in court while NoPa serves up word salad with ridiculousness dressing keeps from eye rolling or just busting out laughing their @$$ off.
Curious...what news outlet reported FD behaviors? I don't have access to HC, Stanford bc I don't have a membership. They seem to have a tighter pulse on things, with exception to Marissa A.
Friends told that Fotis had 'lost his mind' on house arrest.

'Fotis was calling people up and telling them he was losing his mind being stuck at home,' a friend told

Police are refusing to confirm whether or not Dulos left a suicide note.

'He was so desperate to get out of the house he even tried to schedule an impromptu meeting with his legal team just as excuse.

'He was told in no uncertain terms that it would be a violation of his house arrest unless he had permission.

'The prospect of having his bond revoked and being locked up again would have sent him completely off the rails.'

The friend added, ominously: 'If he tried to kill himself once, he will try it again. As far as Fotis is concerned, he definitely isn't going to jail.

'He gives the impression he's in control and that he's a tough guy but he's terrified of being locked up.'

Police search Fotis Dulos' home as bondsman says he spoke to him last before suicide attempt | Daily Mail Online
Is Pattis ever going to be able to see discovery evidence? He doesn’t have anyone charged in Jennifer’s murder to defend. The only evidence he will get to see from now on will be what we get to see, right?
Once the accused is dead the case is over. NP is delusional to think that the State is going to continue a criminal prosecution against a dead person in order to "clear someone's name." In other States they don't even like to do DNA testing on executed convicts to see if their names can be cleared. This is just a publicity stunt
I was also rather shocked by reports that FD left no will. Certainly when one has children- 5 of them no less- it is important to make a will so that you can specify who should be appointed guardians in case of the death of the parents, such as in a car accident or something. I think that it would be a huge omission for a couple of this stature not to have made a will (when times were good for them as a couple), most people think of and know this. Once you consult a lawyer to make the will then all of the other financials, PoA, etc come on board, a lawyer isnt going to leave that out.
With JDs trust and financial situation, and given her parents, perhaps just JD had a will (we haven’t heard anything about this of course). I would just be shocked if the two of them never had made a will when the kids were born, and then of course as things eroded JD could have revised things, but then FD would also have been involved or notified.
Maybe more will come out later.
Everyone has a will - by statute. His children get anything that is left after all his debts are paid. I would think that the most valuable asset that his estate has is any rights for the Netflix movie production which is sure to come
I thought he was Catholic.

No. He's Greek Orthodox. To explain the quote below, backing up that he's Orthodox, in the Orthodox Church you take a saints name when you are baptized. A name day is the feast day of the saint and a day you celebrate much a like a birthday. So it's like he missed out on a birthday with one of his children.

"She said the absence of his children is taking a toll on her brother.

The Greek Orthodox name day of one of the children passed recently, Rena Dulos said.

“He couldn’t celebrate with them,” she said."

Rena Dulos defends brother, says she was once close with Jennifer Dulos
I don't want to go "there" either (reference "cleaning") but truth is, we don't know how many mats, tarps, drop cloths, ponchos, wetsuits may have been discarded along Albany...

We don't know WHERE FD was when he was doing whatever he was doing FOR HOURS at 80 MS the very day JF was violently assaulted. In the PF case, until the devil's girlfriend KK showed LE where the burnpit had been, no one had any idea what happened to KB. We don't know how far into the woods FD went....

What we DO know is that, eight months later, a WHOLE body has not been found.

JF lost a lot of blood at 69W, then more in one, if not two, if not three vehicles. (Her Suburban, his Suburban, the Tacoma).

We now know even more about his CHARACTER. No speculation, no conjecture, evidenced by his KNOWN behavior. Dismantling a memorial. Taking his life. The suicide note.

IMO a family history of tanning, familiarity with spearfishing -- and cleaning -- it's not beyond the realm of possibility that precious JF left this world in multiple trash bags, held open by MT, tied off by FD.

Cuts, blood, DNA, tissue, the condition of JF's tshirt probably told LE the whole story.

I agree with your analysis...sadly.
[QUOTE="sds71, post: 15775499, member: 1043


A new memorial set up for Fotis Dulos with a balloon that reads “8th Amendment violated, innocent until proven guilty” in front of Jefferson Crossing. In the background, a large sign and bow reading #JusticeforJennifer

The 8th amendment is regarding bail. The 5th is regarding innocent until proven guilty.[/QUOTE]
Knock it off Normy!
Friends told that Fotis had 'lost his mind' on house arrest.

'Fotis was calling people up and telling them he was losing his mind being stuck at home,' a friend told

Police are refusing to confirm whether or not Dulos left a suicide note.

'He was so desperate to get out of the house he even tried to schedule an impromptu meeting with his legal team just as excuse.

'He was told in no uncertain terms that it would be a violation of his house arrest unless he had permission.

'The prospect of having his bond revoked and being locked up again would have sent him completely off the rails.'

The friend added, ominously: 'If he tried to kill himself once, he will try it again. As far as Fotis is concerned, he definitely isn't going to jail.

'He gives the impression he's in control and that he's a tough guy but he's terrified of being locked up.'

Police search Fotis Dulos' home as bondsman says he spoke to him last before suicide attempt | Daily Mail Online
I wonder who told him this “in no uncertain terms”. Could it have been NP? When FD tried to schedule his “impromptu meeting” with the legal team?
NP must have been pretty tight with him on no more violations or you’re going to jail, so it’s interesting that this “friend” reveals that FD was told this “in no uncertain terms”.
As we know, FD didn't like things on any terms but his own. Had he complained about his legal team not allowing his impromptu visit? Had things started to fray with NP, at least perhaps as FD saw things? At the very least, FD knew that even his legal team couldn’t get him off house arrest, which apparently was causing him to lose his mind.
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