Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #43

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Notorious murderer Richard Crafts, who used a chain saw to cut up his wife’s body and a wood chipper to dispose of it, is out of prison and living in a halfway house, a state Department of Correction spokeswoman said Friday.

The 82-year-old is at a transitional housing program for veterans in Bridgeport, Karen Martucci said...
Crafts also got credit for the three years he was locked up between his arrest and sentencing. He was convicted after his second trial; his first ended in a mistrial. It was the first murder conviction in the state without a body.
Richard Crafts, notorious wood chipper murderer, released from prison
Some paperwork said that he had gotten shut off notices. We don't know if it was shut off. Apparently, you have to apply for hardship cases to not get power shut off (Winter Protection / Winter Moratorium - United Way of Connecticut - 211 and eLibrary - Energy Assistance/Utilities) so he would have had to contact the CT Dept. of Public Utilities.

Who Is Eligible? (any ONE of the following situations)

Customers who lack the resources to pay the bill and who receive city, state or federal financial assistance, and/or Medicaid.
Customers whose sole source of income is Social Security, Veterans Administration, OR Unemployment Comp.
Customers who are head of household and unemployed if the household income during the preceding 12 months was less than 300% FPL (children’s income is not counted, nor is the income of anyone in the house who has been there less than 6 months.)
Customers who are seriously ill or who have a household member who is seriously ill
Customers whose income is below 60% of state median income.
Customers whose circumstances threaten deprivation of food and necessities of life if payment of a delinquent bill is required.
Some companies will code customer “hardship” if they receive any energy assistance payment (private or public.)

I don't find it shocking at all that FD chose to commit suicide. In my opinion he showed signs of NPD and that from just a high level view. What must he have been like IRL?

The jig was up, his bond was being revoked and he knew deep down that the State had enough evidence to convict once they filed the murder charges. He was losing ALL CONTROL and for someone like him, he would rather be dead than face the humiliation of all his dirty little secrets coming to light.

His ultimate and final act of control and hurting/punishing those who 'harmed him'. Nope, not surprised at all.

Wishing healing and comfort to the children and Jennifer's family and friends.


I wish I would have written this. IMO FD never wanted to be humiliated and faced with the failure that he was. He was the youngest right? Probably always the golden boy. Skating by with his looks, hair and charm. Eventually, when you marry someone from JD's status you've gotta make good. He had to go to his FIL for that. I'm sure he put on the manipulation hard during those meetings to convince HF and himself that he could make good on his endeavors. Always having a hand reached out to friends, relatives, banks etc has got to wear anyone thin. He didn't want anyone to see the fraud he really was. JMO
Its just one more example in a very long line of prior examples of how he likes to roll IMO. Facts have very little relevancy IMO in Pattisville and the 'suicide note' was just one more example.


Yep, he isn't even sure that it exists yet is able to make a motion that will forever state its' existence and that it stated his innocence. Classy
You could be right.But couldn't he have accomplished that by swallowing a bottle of pills?
Will be curious to know if autopsy reports did find drugs in his body.
Maybe he took some to be listless enough to prevent himself from jumping out of the car when he became short of breath?
Just speculating.
IMO, he decided it was over, knew there was no way out. He was trapped and he went for it.

Could be that pills weren’t an option-
Several here commented on how Fd looked when Judge White wasn’t buying it-remember? This was the first time we didn’t see that confident, smirky look on Fd’s face. I think somebody said he looked angry and red-faced. I believe that this was Fd’s typical reaction to not getting what he wants, when he wants it. That, combined with what we believe happened between NP and Fd (severe scolding about the removal of the memorial, and the suspected talking to about “no pay, no play”), brought Fd to the point of thinking about suicide, and when the fraudulent collateral surfaced and he was going back to prison, he was ready to go. If NP doesn’t feel terrible for jacking a guy like Fd up for all of these months, then he’s a monster. But if he does, we’ll never know it.
FD looked terrible there. He was cornered.
Geez. That’s scary. Thanks for the enlightenment!

I will say, however, that I know a few anxious, empathic women who would not fall for a sociopath. I feel like there has to be something added, no? Like an absence of street smarts. And maybe also an attraction to money, appearance, etc? Because I think it would become clear pretty quickly that someone’s core is not deep or loving. I feel like you can tell fairly quickly by remarks they make, how they treat others in business, what they’re interested in (like accumulation, appearance, money and “winning” over achievement, art, nature, animals, the lives of other humans, being there for family, etc.).

In fact, I heard of a statement by a psychologist to a family member of mine that people you date will reveal who they are on the very first date. I found that interesting and thought about it in relation to my life and what friends and family have told me about dates and relationships. Sounds true. We all drop heavy clues.

I was eating lunch a couple days ago and this horrid young woman was chatting loudly next to me with a guy she was on a date with. Ugh. It was hard to tune them out. She mocked him for being a Pisces after asking him his sign, “ew! Just kidding!” said she has a “dark side” and told him “I used to be a bad person in high school.”

Based on things she was saying (“I don’t feel sorry for people who bring it on themselves”, etc.) I thought man, you still are. But she surrounded those statements with charming things about how healthy she is, how much she cares for children, what a hard worker she is.

I feel like people like FD reveal themselves if you’re paying attention.

JFd grew up in the city and amidst her no doubt privileged upbringing had IMO both "book" and "street" smarts to spare. MOO. I absolutely agree that folks like Fd reveal themselves but it looks like it took a good while for the mask to come off in his relationship with Jd. I think he stayed on the narrow due to the money he got from HF and he liked the money and travel that allowed him to absent himself from childcare duties and details 10 days a month for personal travel for years. Fd had a vested interest IMO to keeping the story going and keeping his mask under wraps (at least publicly at least) but I think the private situation with JFd did start to unravel in a big way by 2012 as she was crushed by childcare responsibilities, exhausted, abandoned and Fd seemed to pick up the pace on his criticism and personal demands.

I do believe based on the Family Court docs that at a certain point JFd might have wished that the 10 days a month had been 25 or more! I wonder if HF (who I do believe was quite street smart as is GF!) saw behind the Fd mask and did what he did to keep Fd focused on something other than his incessant travel and skiing? I think GF had Fd number in 2 seconds flat and did what she could eventually to enable her daughter to flee a horrific situation at 4Jx.

What I think she might not have been prepared for in terms her understanding is the great cultural differences based on the Fd background and the fact that he was no doubt well practiced in surface charm, reading people and extensive manipulation skills that are so common with the narcopath subset of folks. Fd by heritage was a Turk that was part of an ethnic minority population in his home country and no doubt felt like a fish out water heading to Athens as a 7-8 year old. Fd talked about this himself in the 2 pages that the Avon author shared with the world yesterday. Fd had to figure out as an immigrant how to function in Athens which was IMO quite a different place from Istanbul at the time. I believe Fd was a social chameleon and put up a good chat game with those he sought to impress and I have no doubt that he looked at the big picture social scene at Brown and later Columbia and NY to figure out 'what was what'. We've long referred to Fd as "Fo" and this was always short for "FAUX". In many respects no matter his book smarts and innate intelligence he was inauthentic and 'faux'.

I do believe JFd got an early wake up call in their relationship on 'all things Greek' as she lost her loved city life and was buried in the very far away suburbs in CT amongst people that she might not have much in common with at all and ditto for Fd.

Fd IMO wasn't a run of the mill narc, nope. He was a narc with a mission and in order to accomplish his mission he had to keep JFd under control, busy, away from friends and family, isolated and not spending too much time focusing on him. I think he was successful for a long time, but JFd eventually realised there was no relationship and she had 5 children and was functioning as a single parent. It took her awhile to put this all together I think because the Fd act was good and also I think smart people sometimes might have a tough time accepting that they might have misjudged or made a whole series of poor decisions and choices. We read about so much of this inner struggle in her blog posts. I wonder if we will ever get to read her most recent book (not the pre Gone Girl book) that allegedly was about her life and marriage in the suburbs! Can you say possible, "Bombshell"!

I wish I would have written this. IMO FD never wanted to be humiliated and faced with the failure that he was. He was the youngest right? Probably always the golden boy. Skating by with his looks, hair and charm. Eventually, when you marry someone from JD's status you've gotta make good. He had to go to his FIL for that. I'm sure he put on the manipulation hard during those meetings to convince HF and himself that he could make good on his endeavors. Always having a hand reached out to friends, relatives, banks etc has got to wear anyone thin. He didn't want anyone to see the fraud he really was. JMO
It is just sickening to me that he duped innocent Jennifer, helped produce five innocent lives and all the while knew exactly who he was and what he was doing. What a horrible human being. (it doesn’t even feel right writing that).
Link please
@kshultzo6082, the Family Court docs are held in the Courthouse and aren't online. Sometimes we get them from reporters and I'm sure the doc will show up at some point. But my guess is that its virtually identical to the earlier motion filed today by Atty Weinstein in the 4Jx foreclosure to announce death of Fd to the Court.
I don’t know. It’s weird. She clearly has money and he clearly doesn’t or he wouldn’t need her help. It’s mysterious. Why such a bond with him? I mean we’ve heard that people found him to be “a great guy” because of his charming veneer and fancy house selling company, but I don’t get it. Maybe he was a good enough actor that people he kept at somewhat arms length thought he was wonderful.
@gitana1, quickie legal question on possible civil suit wrongful death options for GF now? Does she lose this option now that Fd is deceased? I was trying to recall what the Goldman and Brown families did to sue OJ but were they able to do this because he was still alive?

And, what do you think is the status now of the divorce action which was on hold? Do both parties simply get declared deceased, divorce action dismissed and then it becomes an estate issue for Probate Court? Or, can GF intervene again here to protect the marital assets of JFd which have no doubt be dissipated illegally by Fd. This seems to be a potentially hugely messy battle that might be kicking up. Whats your view?

AC and RK and admiral back in the house! No signs of AK. That may have been misreporting.
Are you saying these three are currently at 4JX? Starting to agree with others that something is amiss w/AC. Some lack of dignity. Does she not have a home to go to ? I would think that 4JX is the last place she wants to be, the house where her ‘best friend’ just killed himself.
Yes, I figured a quick hanging on the door handle - no cry for help there, its clear what you were is all so morbid I know...I can't believe the things I read then google from search history ..oy..

I had given my opinion back a thread or 2 about why I felt he never considered hanging or gunshot... Those methods do not in general allow a person to maintain their previous "beauty". He is a vain narcissist. He was not gonna go out ugly. So, IMO, that didn't leave him many options. My bets would have been placed on the method he did choose and/or medication overdose. He may not have had his own prescription for anything but I bet he had some anxious friends that he could have stolen from... Or quite frankly, there are many legal, over the counter meds that can do the trick. I will not name any of those meds though as a precaution. And of course, there is good old alcohol.... Any combination of these options would have helped make it easier for him.
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