Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #45

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Hopefully KM is recovering from his “concussion “ and will start to remember how he helped FD and MT!!
Actually the 'concussion' was the most believable part of his commentary from AW1. Gotta love it a former member of the bar with traumatic brain injury which precludes him doing much of anything. KM is a very 'creative' kind of attorney so I very much look forward to seeing how he directs his team or whether he goes with the Public Defender that was offered to him at his last hearing?

Things can only get better for KM I think as his investigation has been ongoing so I can only imagine what LE have in store for him. Still wonder if we will see him with another Conspiracy to Commit murder charge for what he and Fd appeared to be cooking up for KM STBX?

Love this.

I am currently 13 pages behind but has everyone zoomed in on this video to see that large items were being carried Back Into the Home After LE was on the scene?

This indicates they were Absolutely trying to Steal items from the home. Otherwise, why would items be taken Back In once LE was on the scene?

They Really Thought they could get away with this?


@CTGrammy, you were missed today when FOX61 was on the scene live trying to follow the negotiation that was taking place between FPD and the Greek Family.

When the scanner clip was released I actually thought it was a hoax as who would think that moving vans would show up when the Probate process hasn't even kicked off?

Guess the Greek Family got some 'wonderful' legal advice from Atty. P.!

I wonder what the detox period is for severe alcoholism?

I wonder if 30 days will do it? He just has to get it together for his Valentine's Day visit to Court in Hartford on his domestic cases and then back to Stamford on the 20th.


Some fruit, sugar, bread and a Baggie is all he needs to make Pruno and he won't have to detox at all.

It's a shame but true.
Very well said!!!
Clear poncho without hood.
Clear poncho with hood.
Both with JFD DNA.

Someone went out and purchased those clear ponchos in advance to make sure that JFD DNA would go on the poncho rather than on the person beneath the poncho. Why one with a hood? So the DNA that is flying around will go on the hood of the poncho rather than on the long hair beneath the hood, MOO.

When done, the ponchos go in the garbage bag with the rest of the materials covered with that DNA. And those garbage bags are driven to and distributed in multiple individual public garbage cans in a busy nearby city.

What a day’s work. IMO, it required planning to have those ponchos - one hoodless and one with a hood - on hand when needed.

Put together the ponchos AND the removal of JFD clothing AND the temporary placement of JFD’s body in the Toyota Tacoma AND the certainty that the FORE project manager is working on the New Canaan project until late afternoon and IMO you have: Dismemberment and burial occurring in a private location FD had full control over that required travel away from New Canaan. Given the post-dismemberment disposal of garbage bags in West Hartford, rather than a location near New Canaan, IMO that dismemberment occurred at one of the FD-controlled properties in Farmington or Avon, just a “ride to Starbucks away.”

IMO, JFD’s corpse was also likely at least temporarily buried because that is the only method that explains removal of the clothing. If a substance was being used because it was expected to quicken decomposition, clothing would get in the way. Dismemberment would allow more human tissue to be exposed to the substance, thus increasing the impact of that substance expected to quicken decomposition.

Since KM has been potentially linked to a gravesite, tarp, and bags of lime at a private wooded location he had gained access to, I explored a bit about the use of lime in quickening decomposition. There are various studies which challenge the belief that different types of lime quicken composition; some report that it actually can preserve a corpse. So, IMO there is still hope that JFD can be recovered and given a dignified burial if her location is determined by either disclosure or search.

IMO, FD killed himself because he knew by the details disclosed in the AW’s and by the extensive searches in Avon and Farmington locations that LE had it figured out and he was not going to be able to sell an alternative story. He was intelligent enough to know LE had more than they had yet disclosed and regardless what his attorney was telling him about defense strategies which could be pursued once those disclosures were made, he knew better than anyone else would know that it would be very tough for a jury to buy those defenses. He was going to be revealed for all to see as the man who did what he had done and he couldn’t live with that monster behind the mask being seen.

Social media, websleuthing sites, the gossipy public, and Norm Pattis were not responsible for JD committing suicide. That was the choice JD made among those he saw ahead of him with all the knowledge only he had. He made the decision based upon everything he knew that it was jail or suicide and he chose his preference.

IMO, MT’s likely best chance at living any part of her remaining life in freedom is by disclosing where JFD’s corpse is, regardless of its current condition. IMO, that would be the only avenue to any measure of mercy, assuming it has been offered to her or can be pursued by her. Others involved may know and disclose first. Innocent others may still be searching and find JFD based only upon clues and good reasoning, so the clock is ticking.

I’m not an attorney, but IMO MT would be better served by some honest assessment of the seriousness of her present situation, rather than indulgence of her worst impulses. Look where that has gotten her so far.

As for the complaints, certainly a woman who can invent shoe covers has heard of socks that might serve to protect the ankle of one under house arrest from the device placed there to prevent escape. The sore on MT’s ankle is nothing compared to the grievous burden left upon the hearts of JFD’s remaining family and the larger community that cared for her and that desires to live in peace to rebuild in her unwelcome absence.
They are behaving as they have all this time IMO I wish they could be arresting for stealing because that is exactly what they are attempting to do- ownership of property is decided in probate for the deceased not by pulling up a moving van where you have squatted
Has a will been deposited yet ? For the accused killer FD?
Per Atty. P., Fd had no will. We will see though if one 'magically' appears. Probate Court documents aren't online so we are dependant on the Press posting documents. There were comments from Atty. P. that led me to believe that there might be 2 probate cases filed. But, so far as I have seen, there is only one case open.

I think the appearance has been moved to next week so her new lawyer can get up to speed. But, then again, I could be making this up.

As of this evening court is still scheduled for tomorrow:
TROCONIS MICHELLE 1974 Stamford JD Pre-Trial 02/07/2020 10:00 AM FST -CR19-0167364-T
TROCONIS MICHELLE 1974 Stamford JD Awaiting Plea 02/07/2020 10:00 AM FST -CR20-0241178-T
TROCONIS MICHELLE C 1974 Stamford JD Pre-Trial 02/07/2020 10:00 AM FST -CR19-0148553-T
Per Atty. P., Fd had no will. We will see though if one 'magically' appears. Probate Court documents aren't online so we are dependant on the Press posting documents. There were comments from Atty. P. that led me to believe that there might be 2 probate cases filed. But, so far as I have seen, there is only one case open.


And through probate all the companies and banks, taxes, etc. to whom Fd owes money will need to be paid first. This includes the cost of his hospitalization and burial. (UGH)
The estate may need to have an auction at 4JX to get as many pennies out of the leftovers as possible. Wonder if the furnishings at MS have been packed up or shipped to Greece.

Very sad...I envisioned Fd's family taking photos, etc. I never imagined they'd need a mattress shipped to Greece. IMO...MOO
I see what you did here! ;)

For those who missed it below is the link to Rena's 07/19 statement which begins with "Is it relevant.."
Statement issued by Rena Dulos, older sister of Fotis Dulos

"and is set on both helping the truth shine and to see Jennifer return safe and sound for the benefit of his children. "
This begs the question - what changed her viewpoint from 07/19 to 02/2020 from that of the rosy expectation that Jennifer will "return safe and sound" to her latest more grim statement that the State has "turned their back on finding the real perpetrator of this tragedy, who is now at large, still a threat to public safety."?

I'll take wild stab at it. All the bloody forensic evidence that JD was brutally murdered in her NC home. IMO of course.
Hehe. I know all about attys. Talk softly and carry a big stick. I think Bowman was the better choice.

Yes!!!!! I keep scratching my head wondering why she would do this. Didn't she see how well things turned out for ole FD, using a snake oil salesman and all? And to think of all the times on here we agreed with and praised Atty. Bowman for his handling of the case, keeping MT out of the limelight. Now we've got the pity party brigade with her wanting a job, some ice cream, and having to live in a whittle bhitty condo her daughter can't even fit in...poor Mishi!

Seriously though, someone should worry about her mental health. Is she going to be the next to off herself?

And through probate all the companies and banks, taxes, etc. to whom Fd owes money will need to be paid first. This includes the cost of his hospitalization and burial. (UGH)
The estate may need to have an auction at 4JX to get as many pennies out of the leftovers as possible. Wonder if the furnishings at MS have been packed up or shipped to Greece.

Very sad...I envisioned Fd's family taking photos, etc. I never imagined they'd need a mattress shipped to Greece. IMO...MOO
True, but I think Criminal Court might need to sort out the Fo FAUX Bail Bond first as he pledged properties to support the bond and that could impact any number of other issues I would think.

Perhaps this is why Atty Colangelo pushed the date by a week to sort this mess out as it was left hanging after the last Court Date.
Yes!!!!! I keep scratching my head wondering why she would do this. Didn't she see how well things turned out for ole FD, using a snake oil salesman and all? And to think of all the times on here we agreed with and praised Atty. Bowman for his handling of the case, keeping MT out of the limelight. Now we've got the pity party brigade with her wanting a job, some ice cream, and having to live in a whittle bhitty condo her daughter can't even fit in...poor Mishi!

Seriously though, someone should worry about her mental health. Is she going to be the next to off herself?

@thekirbyfamily, did you read that she is subject to DRUG TESTING and other psych services via a special free program called AIC from the State of CT and her atty wants these conditions removed as well? In short the new atty is asking for removal of ALL non financial conditions to MT bond.

I would guess that a full discussion in court will take place as to why MT (and not Fd) got the AIC program and drug testing and my guess is that it wasn't to humiliate or punish her.

She is feeling humiliated and punished I believe and also wants the bracelet removed!

Not sure how this will all fare in Court but my prediction is little will change even with his motions.

Here are the new motions in case you didn't run into them yet:
Sabina Kuriakose (@SabinaKuriakose) | Twitter

They would have even taken the toilet roll holders..the shower curtain rods...I am thinking what 'could' have been left after the looting...literally - nothing...maybe a crumb too small for a mouse..

Here's a mention I haven't heard before....My response is a cynical, "Right." For $350/Hr. La Tronica, who is primarily a defense attorney, will know how to handle probate. If he's as competent as NP proved today, that would be a very bad idea. Was the attorney filing the petition Habib?

"One of Dulos' attorneys filed a petition in Probate Court late last week for attorney Christopher La Tronica to take over the estate."

Police seen back at Farmington home of Fotis Dulos

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