Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #45

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DNA Solves
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Also, let’s get in front of the explanation of the Albany trash dump. Just the trash dump as mentioned in FD’s suicide note.

Just a few question to solve a crime. here.

Let’s just assume FD claimed that the bags were already in the Raptor when his employee returned his truck after working in NC on that Friday. Let’s assume he claimed that he thought it was construction debris that was left in his truck by employee.

Note : we don’t have access to surveillance that may or may not help determine if bags were indeed in the bed of the Raptor from the cameras on the highway or roadways, as his employee drove back from NC, the neighbors of 4jc, (We know they have a camera as it captured FD’s mail pick up after Hartford), the employee stopped there first to pick up his Tacoma so perhaps we could see the bags on tape, but the keys were not there as they usually were and then the employee proceeded to the other Fore properties. Camera footage may or may not show if bags were in there. TBD when discovery is made public.

Need explanation for illegal trash dumping in an area far from your home when you have an empty, large dumpster at your property.

Need proof that employee or someone else put the bags in the Raptor if FD clams he didn’t.

During this trip to Hartford, FD stopped and got out and stuffed a FedEx box with altered license plates into the drain (His expired plates.) Need explanations for the altering and the disposal. Why there and not in the trash bins like the other bags?

Also, why the stop and FD’s propping of the Weathertech mat at Milagros restaurant that happened to be missing from Jennifer’s Suburban? We need that explanation too.

Also, why FD’s (multiple items) and MT’s (on opening of one), DNA on contents inside the bags? Especially if trying to claim you don’t know what’s in the bags if that’s the claim.

Did any surveillance capture the employee leave the NC, Sturbridge property that he was installing door hardware that day to go to Jennifer’s in the am? If FD claims that the employee (the only one to have his Raptor on 24 May), didn’t then how did the clothes that she was wearing that day get into the bags that FD dumped in Hartford. Not to mention the other items in there with his and her DNA.

Need explanation of how the label/plate from his French, Mercier bicycle got into the bag also? FD’s bicycle.

Need explanation to where is that cherished bicycle is now.

MT already shared FD was driving the Raptor in Hartford and that she was the passenger on the phone with Petu.

So I am anXious to hear from Norm the explanation as FD stated in his suicide note that Norm has this explanation.

Perhaps this explanation can really help determine FD’s innocence.

Phew! That is alot to respond to.
1. FD can claim all he wants that the bags were already in the Raptor. How would they have gotten there? Raptor OnStar shows PG leaving Simsbury at 7:55AM. It's 1.5 hours drive to NC. The Raptor never left Sturbridge until returning to Farmington. So, PG would have approximately 55 minutes to somehow get to WL, kill JD, clean up a horrific mess and then leave in JD Suburban.
2. Oh, but the Raptor was at Sturbridge all day. How would he have gotten all those bags there? Certainly not on foot or by bicycle. Not happening. It would take about 25 minutes to ride a bicycle to WL. That leaves about 30 minutes to commit murder and clean-up. But how would he get the bags back to Sturbridge?
3. And, oh, when PG drives to WP, his own Toyota truck is sitting right there. The truck that is caught on camera maneuvering all around and leaving MS in the early AM of 5/24.
4. I believe the video of the Toyota is far better than what is seen on AW. PG was able to easily pick out a unique feature of it. I believe evidence will eventually show a bicycle in the bed of the truck. Better than what we have seen so far.
5. Where is PG DNA on anything?
6. And yeah, what was up with the license plates? That is pre-meditation big time.
7. PG is a great witness.

Norm, have you thought this thru? I mean really thought it thru?
I do find it interesting that someone who is facing a conspiracy to commit murder charge would hire a attorney that specializes in dog bites. Could she no longer afford attorney bowman?

Eta I always thought that Bowman is a old school defense attorney.A class act,in comparison to any of fd attorney. Moo

maybe Bowman would not do what MT and her parents wanted in respect to how to handle and present the case that is against MT. After all, MTs mom is an expert in getting around the law. She has had her own issues in Florida.

I really think Bowman wanted her to come clean and take a reduced sentence but mama said we can beat it....don’t think so. IMO

for those new here, this is one link

Jennifer Dulos case: Michelle Troconis’ mother faced her own legal trouble
Yesterday it was reported that NP & KS was at Morales’ bond hearing only. Now it looks like he has been hired? (JM had previously had a public defender)....questioning if this is related to JM & KM being cell mates at Cheshire?

Jose Morales charged with murder in death of Ansonia mother Christine Holloway

In the courtroom Friday morning in Derby, there was a surprise as Morales arrived for his arraignment. Attorney Norm Pattis was by his side. Pattis was to defend Fotis Dulos in the murder trial of his wife, Jennifer Farber Dulos.

Pattis originally told News 8 he had gotten a last-minute call from Morales’ family Friday morning to join him at the arraignment.

Early Friday night, News 8 confirmed with the family that Pattis has been hired to represent Morales.
Has she never heard of moleskin?
Any woman who wears heels knows tips to make those shoes comfortable, avoid blisters (like vasoline then bandaid so no friction)

for her ankle pic, she let her ankle go “unmakeuped” for a bit to make it look bad, and the lighting too...

why didn’t she ask to have it moved to other ankle?
maybe Bowman would not do what MT and her parents wanted in respect to how to handle and present the case that is against MT. After all, MTs mom is an expert in getting around the law. She has had her own issues in Florida.

I really think Bowman wanted her to come clean and take a reduced sentence but mama said we can beat it....don’t think so. IMO

for those new here, this is one link

Jennifer Dulos case: Michelle Troconis’ mother faced her own legal trouble

No wonder her mom had to interview 12 lawyers. MOO.
As usual I’m so far behind and trying to make my way through to current. Still at the beginning of thread #44 but I dont want to miss a single post as there’s so much good info from so many of you! I’m trying to walk through the morning of May 24th. FD drives the Tacoma with bike in back and parks it near the park. Then he rides the bike to JFd’s, does the unthinkable. Places (shoves) JFd into the suburban and drives back to where the Tacoma was parked? Places (shoves) JFd into the Tacoma, drives the suburban to the park, rides the bike back to the Tacoma and drives to 80 MS?
Is that it? I know there was speculation that someone (KM?) met him as he arrived in the suburban at waveny park to take JFd but if that were the case how would have JFd’s blood have gotten in the Tacoma? I saw surveillance photos of the Tacoma, not sure if it was parked or driving (from I think SW3). If there were cameras there I don’t think it captured any transferring of (I hate to even type this) JFd from the suburban to the Tacoma. I’m sure you’ve gone over this and I missed that thread or 2. There was blood also found in the suburban, right? All MOO, and TIA
maybe Bowman would not do what MT and her parents wanted in respect to how to handle and present the case that is against MT. After all, MTs mom is an expert in getting around the law. She has had her own issues in Florida.

I really think Bowman wanted her to come clean and take a reduced sentence but mama said we can beat it....don’t think so. IMO

for those new here, this is one link

Jennifer Dulos case: Michelle Troconis’ mother faced her own legal trouble

Wonder if we're going to start seeing interviews by MT...for which she's paid.
I wonder if FD really hated NP at the end. I think FD knew there was no reasonable explanation for Albany and as a last [REDACTED] U to Norm, he left him holding the bag to provide an explanation. I think FD wanted Norm to look like a fool. IMO.
Phew! That is alot to respond to.
1. FD can claim all he wants that the bags were already in the Raptor. How would they have gotten there? Raptor OnStar shows PG leaving Simsbury at 7:55AM. It's 1.5 hours drive to NC. The Raptor never left Sturbridge until returning to Farmington. So, PG would have approximately 55 minutes to somehow get to WL, kill JD, clean up a horrific mess and then leave in JD Suburban.
2. Oh, but the Raptor was at Sturbridge all day. How would he have gotten all those bags there? Certainly not on foot or by bicycle. Not happening. It would take about 25 minutes to ride a bicycle to WL. That leaves about 30 minutes to commit murder and clean-up. But how would he get the bags back to Sturbridge?
3. And, oh, when PG drives to WP, his own Toyota truck is sitting right there. The truck that is caught on camera maneuvering all around and leaving MS in the early AM of 5/24.
4. I believe the video of the Toyota is far better than what is seen on AW. PG was able to easily pick out a unique feature of it. I believe evidence will eventually show a bicycle in the bed of the truck. Better than what we have seen so far.
5. Where is PG DNA on anything?
6. And yeah, what was up with the license plates? That is pre-meditation big time.
7. PG is a great witness.

Norm, have you thought this thru? I mean really thought it thru?

Let’s remember, it wasn’t only bags, but the Suburban bed liner and a pillow, as well. Bags might be one matter for a contractor, but how did the Weathertec bed liner from the back of JDs Suburban, and a bloody pillow (when coincidentally camping pillows from JDs garage were missing) end up in the back of the Raptor? And didn’t FD think to question that before propping it up against a wall on Albany?
maybe Bowman would not do what MT and her parents wanted in respect to how to handle and present the case that is against MT. After all, MTs mom is an expert in getting around the law. She has had her own issues in Florida.

I really think Bowman wanted her to come clean and take a reduced sentence but mama said we can beat it....don’t think so. IMO

for those new here, this is one link

Jennifer Dulos case: Michelle Troconis’ mother faced her own legal trouble

I think this is exactly right. Mama knows best!
Let’s remember, it wasn’t only bags, but the Suburban bed liner and a pillow, as well. Bags might be one matter for a contractor, but how did the Weathertec bed liner from the back of JDs Suburban, and a bloody pillow (when coincidentally camping pillows from JDs garage were missing) end up in the back of the Raptor? And didn’t FD think to question that before propping it up against a wall on Albany?

And furthermore, wouldn’t he have said to himself “hey, I have a suburban just this size-I could use this!”
What I cannot imagine is complaining about a bruise on her ankle when the item that supposedly caused it is what allows her to sleep not in a cell but instead in a private dwelling, to be able to go to a store rather than to only the meal line in jail, and allows her to see her child at any time whenever the child comes to town rather than being limited by specific visiting hours—and saved her child from having to go through the screening process for that. I also cannot imagine making repeated requests for special treatment given the charges that she has with the plethora of evidence listed in the AWs. Think of how many there have been: She wanted to stay in NY, she didn’t want to stay in NY, she wanted to do this, she didn’t want to do that, and on and on—and she generally got what she wanted as I recall despite the fact that she lied, lied, and lied some more, only recanting when there was no room to lie further, thereby wasting untold amounts of time, effort, and money related to law enforcement and thereby CT residents. All MOO.

With you on all of this!

I can't help but think if MT had spent her first night in jail in BPT and NOT the Taj Mahal jail in NC when this all first happened that we might have had a different scenario playing out in Court long ago. IDK. MT and her camp /crew IMO still seem quite disconnected from the reality of her legal situation in the State of CT and I very much hope that they aren't falling for any false hope presented by "Dog Bite" who as of yesterday professed publicly (WHY DO THIS?) of not having read the AWs!

IMO, I don't think that MT would have had the ability to handle too many "Taco Tuesdays" in BPT before she raised her hand for a get out of jail or reduced sentence plea deal. I'm not sure who in her camp is perpetuating the idea that she is going to skate (have my suspicions) here but I do have to say that the level of entitlement coming from her new atty "Dog Bite" yesterday given the severity of the charges was stunning and truly a bit hard to process in a way. The idea that you can be charged with Conspiracy to Commit murder and you are concerned with getting your hair done and grabbing a coffee or having a 'mall date' with your daughter really has me questioning not only MT but the entire team of folks around her that are perpetuating this ongoing denial and delusion as to her reality.

Just read through the MT AWs again as I found the disconnect from reality yesterday for the court appearance so jarring after watching the Courtroom 'demands' of her attorney. LE I am convinced is doing to MT precisely what they did to Fd and have put the pieces together of her timeline, followed the trail of her DNA and have her on CCTV in places that tell a very clear story. I believe that eventually the evidence presented by the State will make the language of the Court virtually irrelevant for the jury.

So many here (me included) have long wondered why MT didn't take early advantage of her position of working with LE and why she lied and wasted time for so many months. I'm now convinced MT couldn't talk because to do so would show her equally culpable in the murder of JFd. We know that MT (unlike Fd) isn't a very effective liar and I think we can also probably safely assume that she isn't all that bright given her inability to remember the alibi scripts once the papers were removed too. I do wonder if she believed the Fd nonsense that they together had crafted the perfect crime and that they would never get caught, and she stupidly believed it and so lied and lied and lied? IDK.

IMO it was odd to see the State remove the drug testing requirement as it was one of the things that made the MT ongoing lying to LE for months somewhat believable. Now though we are left with either MT not being very bright and the translation issue which seems to be the direction that "Dogbite" went yesterday in Court. The hilarious video of MT poking at the earpiece so that she could listen to the comments of Colangelo and the Judge and her attorney in ENGLISH yesterday were worthy of yet another SNL skit. It was either this or she was concerned that her hair was being messed up! But what convinced me that she was annoyed by the very loud translator was the repeated side eyes she gave him and how she virtually removed the headset so as to be able to hear in English. Whole thing fell into the category IMO of 'be careful what you wish for' MT!

Watching what people do usually has a good payoff IMO and so yesterday to watch what the priorities of the MT crew and new attorney were was IMO particularly telling. Judge White gave "Dogbite" I believe a taste of his unwillingness to listen to petty BS (files) and frivolous nonsense (bruising of ankle) and I'm glad he did because the level of entitlement coming into Court yesterday from MT was simply off the charts. Whats sad about it was that it IMO annoyed the Judge (never a good path IMO) and showed her new attorney to be absolutely unprepared as he admitted to never having read her AWs and he was unprepared for the IMO nonsense motion to change the venue to Hartford. For what its worth, the idea that the State needs 3 weeks to respond to the change in venue motion is a real head scratcher and simply pushes this 'slow boat to China' case to a virtual standstill and is quite disappointing. But, perhaps this will give "Dogbite" time to get up the speed? IDK but to see a new attorney come out the gates in a first appearance doing what we saw yesterday for someone accused of Conspiracy to Commit Murder leads me to believe that this will be a bumpy ride as frankly he seemed as disconnected from reality as MT and the Mama A crew IMO. Disappointing to see.

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I don't know what the hold up is. I sincerely believe the State is considering every piece of evidence and the story that the consolidation of all that evidence tells and is testing that story for solid reasonableness because it will certainly be tested in court.

Myself, I have concerns about the kidnapping charge. MOO is that the two bags taped together (and I am presuming they were taped open-end to open end to make one long enclosed bag) AND the four 3' long zip ties AND the use of ten plus rolls of paper towels at the New Canaan residence indicate NOT immobilization of a live body for transport to another location, but rather concealment, packaging, and transport of a dead or near-dead body by laying that dead or near-dead body out, enclosing it in the extra-long enclosed bag (made from two end to end) and then wrapping that package at 4 places along its length with the 3' long zip ties to serve as handles (like would be done with a rolled up carpet). It isn't uncommon to see a builder or carpet layer lift a plastic-wrapped bag of carpet, so a body wrapped and lifted that way would not necessarily invite suspicion like an unwrapped body would.

I'm not positive, but I think that what I've described would only be kidnapping IF there is some evidence that the person inside the taped end-to-end bag was alive after put into the taped end-to-end bag and while it was transported (or at least that the attacker didn't know or care that the person inside was dead or alive). I don't know what LE knows. I just seriously hope they have considered the kidnapping vs non-kidnapping possibilities.
This may have been addressed by now, but kidnapping, in this case, references the victim being held against their will. They do not need to be moved to a second location. We've discussed this many times since the initial charges came out, especially since specific wording used by LE indicates that they do not believe JFD left 69 Welles alive.

He trapped her in the garage against her will. This counts as kidnapping.

ETA: As pointed out elsewhere, this is obviously a moot point now, but I just wanted to clarify.
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I don't know what the hold up is. I sincerely believe the State is considering every piece of evidence and the story that the consolidation of all that evidence tells and is testing that story for solid reasonableness because it will certainly be tested in court.

Myself, I have concerns about the kidnapping charge. MOO is that the two bags taped together (and I am presuming they were taped open-end to open end to make one long enclosed bag) AND the four 3' long zip ties AND the use of ten plus rolls of paper towels at the New Canaan residence indicate NOT immobilization of a live body for transport to another location, but rather concealment, packaging, and transport of a dead or near-dead body by laying that dead or near-dead body out, enclosing it in the extra-long enclosed bag (made from two end to end) and then wrapping that package at 4 places along its length with the 3' long zip ties to serve as handles (like would be done with a rolled up carpet). It isn't uncommon to see a builder or carpet layer lift a plastic-wrapped bag of carpet, so a body wrapped and lifted that way would not necessarily invite suspicion like an unwrapped body would.

I'm not positive, but I think that what I've described would only be kidnapping IF there is some evidence that the person inside the taped end-to-end bag was alive after put into the taped end-to-end bag and while it was transported (or at least that the attacker didn't know or care that the person inside was dead or alive). I don't know what LE knows. I just seriously hope they have considered the kidnapping vs non-kidnapping possibilities.

Maybe LE was keeping the defense from wriggling out of murder because she wasn’t dead (yet). LE can’t just repeatedly charge on the same evidence- so no matter when Jennifer died, a very serious felony is before the jury even if the defense convinces the jury that it is reasonable to doubt that she was dead (yet).
As usual I’m so far behind and trying to make my way through to current. Still at the beginning of thread #44 but I dont want to miss a single post as there’s so much good info from so many of you! I’m trying to walk through the morning of May 24th. FD drives the Tacoma with bike in back and parks it near the park. Then he rides the bike to JFd’s, does the unthinkable. Places (shoves) JFd into the suburban and drives back to where the Tacoma was parked? Places (shoves) JFd into the Tacoma, drives the suburban to the park, rides the bike back to the Tacoma and drives to 80 MS?
Is that it? I know there was speculation that someone (KM?) met him as he arrived in the suburban at waveny park to take JFd but if that were the case how would have JFd’s blood have gotten in the Tacoma? I saw surveillance photos of the Tacoma, not sure if it was parked or driving (from I think SW3). If there were cameras there I don’t think it captured any transferring of (I hate to even type this) JFd from the suburban to the Tacoma. I’m sure you’ve gone over this and I missed that thread or 2. There was blood also found in the suburban, right? All MOO, and TIA

@Misy, it is believed that the JFd Suburban (driven allegedly by Fd from 69/71 Welles) was parked not that far away from the Tacoma. The bus cams captured some of the vehicle placement which was described in AW2.

Gray Hughes used his computer skills and Google Earth to provide a visual representation of the information presented by LE in the AW and to me, its the best way to see what LE believes was done on the murder date. You can watch the podcast on normal or fast speed. But Gray goes through the AW piece by piece and then either in this video or another makes a very solid attempt IMO to figure out options for body disposal in/around NC as there was a 40 min gap. There is another video that he did I believe to continue discussion on the AWs but the one below really makes it simple to see the path and look at the local environment IMO.

Yesterday it was reported that NP & KS was at Morales’ bond hearing only. Now it looks like he has been hired? (JM had previously had a public defender)....questioning if this is related to JM & KM being cell mates at Cheshire?

Jose Morales charged with murder in death of Ansonia mother Christine Holloway

In the courtroom Friday morning in Derby, there was a surprise as Morales arrived for his arraignment. Attorney Norm Pattis was by his side. Pattis was to defend Fotis Dulos in the murder trial of his wife, Jennifer Farber Dulos.

Pattis originally told News 8 he had gotten a last-minute call from Morales’ family Friday morning to join him at the arraignment.

Early Friday night, News 8 confirmed with the family that Pattis has been hired to represent Morales.
NP just won't go away, will he?

I'm invested in that case as well, so I guess I'll be hearing lots more from NP and KS. Great.
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