Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #45

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Any woman who wears heels knows tips to make those shoes comfortable, avoid blisters (like vasoline then bandaid so no friction)

for her ankle pic, she let her ankle go “unmakeuped” for a bit to make it look bad, and the lighting too...

why didn’t she ask to have it moved to other ankle?

It takes a lot of friction to get the ankle to look like that. Was she out jogging? Not likely.
How much time did it take her to make it look that way? If she was photographed out in public I'd be interested in seeing what it looked like one day prior!

Compare it to all the other people who have to wear ankle bracelets who do NOT complain - because they are happy to be allowed to be in their homes.

She can't wear an ankle bracelet? Then she needs to go back to jail.
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That's just how the internet blows up false narratives. On his firm's website under the category Area's of Concentration it has a section:

"Personal Injuries and Accidents:We are experienced in automobile, truck and motorcycle accidents, slips and falls, dog bites, ........"

Someone honed in on the "dog bites" and thus begat the perjorative moniker. That person could have just as easily chosen the "slip and fall" category and nicknamed him "Slippin' Jon" per Saul Goodman's (Better Call) previous alias.

Ambulance Chaser?

This may have been addressed by now, but kidnapping, in this case, references the victim being held against their will. They do not need to be moved to a second location. We've discussed this many times since the initial charges came out, especially since specific wording used by LE indicates that they do not believe JFD left 69 Welles alive.

He trapped her in the garage against her will. This counts as kidnapping.

ETA: As pointed out elsewhere, this is obviously a moot point now, but I just wanted to clarify.

Thank you for bringing me closer to up to speed about the kidnapping charge. I am still catching up on all the threads after joining Websleuths in late Dec or early Jan and figured that surely this must have been discussed, but just hadn’t found where yet.
Verrrry behind and so so sorry to ask but I really can’t bear to roll and scroll thru the posts but... did the Greeks leave?

Yes, but I do not know if they have actually left for Greece.

Court document reported they all left 4JC on Friday and the items they had stolen oops, sorry 'loaded' into a large box truck and moving van, were returned to the home After LE Arrived and Enforced the Instructions from Dr.GF.

Remember sometimes attorneys politely turn the client down. If the atty. gets bad vibes from
the client (or family), or if the client or family is strapped for cash, or if the atty. senses lies in
discussing anything, or if the client or family is
trying to cut an unfair deal financiallly, all are possible reasons MT and mama kept trying new
attys. Maybe 11 of them turned her down.

also remember "DogBite" mentioned he may
request the state to lower her bond if she needs
the funds to continue her fight. Right there tells me there is a finite amount the family can pay. They may already be close to being tapped out if that request is on the horizon.
But I have a hunch "Dog Bite" may be on list of approved Public Defenders and could slip through getting paid by the state (YOU taxpayers).

Maybe THAT is when he will finally find the (paid) time to read the AW’s.
Ambulance Chaser?


I’m not an attorney (and don’t play one on TV), but if you take a sampling of many law firms’ websites - many of them include this type of case laundry list of what they handle. Ambulance Chaser? This guy does seem to be in the grand-standing spectrum along the lines of NP, but as others have stated - he should be given the opportunity to prove himself worthy of such disdain first. IMO
I have a question.....

Way back in the beginning of this case, it was said FD transported different cars to Greece. If this is true, is it possible that FD put Jennifer’s body in a car, had it shipped to Greece?

After reading and seeing pictures this past Friday of the Greek Shipping Company hired by FD’s sister to ship the house contents to Greece.....I wondered if this same company has worked for FD before...shipped cars...and because FD was a good customer the cars were not always inspected at the US or Greece end?

I wonder if FD shipped any cars to Greece in the few days after he murdered Jennifer? Did LE or anyone investigate this? It would be too late to find the body and the car....both would be long gone, but it would explain why Jennifer’s body was never found. FD was to confident it would not be found, but he did not realize all the evidence he and MT left behind.

FT could have gotten any car from anywhere and had it shipped with false papers. The Greek Shipping Company could have deleted any shipping papers and covered up the entire shipment by now.

I just do wonder....and there are a few people who know MT, KW and I believe RK and her husband knows.....but that’s is MOO
I think shipping cars from NY to Greece is going to take several weeks and too long for an unembalmed body to remain undetected.
I’m not an attorney (and don’t play one on TV), but if you take a sampling of many law firms’ websites - many of them include this type of case laundry list of what they handle. Ambulance Chaser? This guy does seem to be in the grand-standing spectrum along the lines of NP, but as others have stated - he should be given the opportunity to prove himself worthy of such disdain first. IMO

I was making note with a question mark at the end, that they could also easily have chosen the term Ambulance Chaser just as you said they could have chosen Slippin Jon.

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MTs bruised ankle
Here’s the photo shown in court to Judge White of Michelle Troconis’s bruised ankle underneath her GPS monitor ⁦@WTNH⁩ Judge agreed to less strict house arrest but says probation has to work out the issue with the bracelet ⁦@WTNH⁩
IDK, enhancing the picture oddly makes it look that the discolouration has been caused by having a spray tan over the top of the bracelet perhaps? IDK.

Are trips for a spray tan allowed under the old regime rules?

I'm glad Judge White expressed absolute exasperation at dealing with whining about the bracelet as it should be able to be resolved with Parole folks. What I don't understand though is why keep the bracelet on the same ankle? Simply seems like to avoid irritation that it would make sense to switch ankles periodically.

MT has to figure it out as this bracelet will be part of her life for a good long time awaiting trial. I did read a story about a guy that used a soccer liner with his bracelet and found it helped. Soccer (or for MT futbol) liners are paper thin and designed to wick moisture and protect the skin of the foot from soccer socks.

Is this speaking in Spanish suppose to look more dramatic? Her mother committed Medicaid fraud! I hope she went to prison for that! That is huge, a terrible crime! Now I really don't like seeing pics of her smiling and dressed to the nines.
Sadly Mama A took a diversion deal from the Federal Govt which I believe kept her out of prison. She did though lose her license to practice as a psychologist in the State of FL. The paperwork on this entire situation of Mama A being an 'almost felon' was rehashed extensively in a prior thread and multiple MSM reports exist about it in the Media thread if you want to learn more.

Mama A seems to have a very creative sense of business marketing (she was allegedly paying local cabbies to bring her Medicaid patients for treatment) and her defense strategy was equally creative (she moved her legal team into her office so that the Feds couldn't raid the place as it was then all privileged information. Mama A seemed to benefit from the fact that South FL is flooded with fraud and the federal enforcement was simply overrun at the time. IMO if Mama A had been in a different part of the Country she would have been a 'convicted felon' vs. and 'almost convicted felon'.

Verrrry behind and so so sorry to ask but I really can’t bear to roll and scroll thru the posts but... did the Greeks leave?
@Canchance, its unclear where the Greek Family might be at present but my guess is LE has their eyes on them if they are still in the US.

The occupants (Greek Family and Anna Curry) did leave 4Jx by 3pm yesterday/Friday and Atty Weinstein reported this good news to the Court. It also appears the locks will be changed and security cameras installed so that the structure is secure.

Thank you for bringing me closer to up to speed about the kidnapping charge. I am still catching up on all the threads after joining Websleuths in late Dec or early Jan and figured that surely this must have been discussed, but just hadn’t found where yet.
@Diddian, truthfully its been mainly speculation here about kidnapping charge addition as a full explanation wasn't provided in the AW IMO. Curious if we will learn anything more about kidnapping angle in the MT trial as she wasn't charged with kidnapping.

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Yes, the addition of the kidnapping charge was curious but most likely strategically well done IMO. Perhaps it has something to do with the blood loss estimate in the garage or perhaps CCTV footage that we the public haven't yet seen. Or, maybe some combo of the the 2? IDK. Maybe the kidnapping aspect ties into the idea of the Conspiracy to Commit Murder as well and brings the co-conspirators together as a team and will be made clearer at trial? Again, IDK.

I'd also wondered about the KM and MT pieces of this huge puzzle which IMO haven't yet fully been integrated into the narrative of JFd kidnapping/murder IMO, most likely because of the ongoing investigation. Perhaps there are 2 pieces to the crime with the first being immobilising JFd and bringing her to a 2nd location/2ndary crime scene and the second being the actual murder and body disposal?

We essentially even after nearly 8 months don't have a solid timeline for MT which is unfortunate for us, but very craftily done by LE I believe. I'm certain LE does have that MT timeline and my suspicion is that we will see exactly what LE did to Fd in terms of information being released to discredit any/all statements of Pattisville gradually over time until Fd simply gave up hope of being able to squirm out and so he gassed himself to death (well this and the faux bond and his financial collapse). Can you imagine if the computer backups over time reveal that BOTH Fd and MT were working on the alibi scripts for months! Bingo and Game Over. We have seen none of this evidence and it could be a gold mine as these folks weren't savvy and relied on an outside contractor to assist with their computers and data devices, phones etc. I'm actually smelling burnt toast as I think of this information!

I do see this process of presenting evidence piece by piece to the point where it doesn't matter all that much what MT or "Dog Bite" say in rebuttal. I very much welcome this happening to MT as IMO MT has had more opportunities to assist and make a plea deal than most accused I've ever seen and its been a long time since I've seen such a coldly calculating remorseless and greedy individual as a suspect too.

It's frankly been incredible to watch MT ongoing lying to LE not be punished as its a punishable offence. It's always curious to see people who think they are smarter than the system. We saw where this mentality put Fd (6 ft under or dust in the wind IDK!) and IMO I think Mama A would be wise to give this a bit of thought as she plots and schemes her way through the CT legal system to save her IMO amoral degenerate daughter. Does MT have the mental fortitude to withstand 20+ yrs of prison? Mama A knows the answer to this and I'm surprised she chose to not make different choices on behalf of her daughter earlier in the process. We shall see how her gaming and scheming plays out. My guess is that this won't end well for MT.

But, with the technology at the fingertips of LE and the diligence taken to put the MT word salad together I'm sure that Atty Colangelo isn't much interested in listening to MT and "Dog Bite" any further and so will just continue to stack up the evidence until it doesn't matter which language we have going as being translated in the Courtroom. Atty Colangelo/or his successor will simply show the pictures and the forensic evidence will tell such a clear story that language will be virtually irrelevant! My expectation is that the evidence will be so clear that the trial could be in Kaixana or Dumi (2 of the least spoken languages in the world) with no translation offered and it wouldn't matter!

I'm actually surprised that this new attorney isn't suggesting to MT to serve out her time waiting for trial in jail in hopes of possibly seeing her daughter before she is 30!?! The CT system is slow and I do think KM has the right idea (well, up until today when we found out who his new roomie is in jail) of serving out his time as he knows his investigation was in the early stages at the time of his arrest. MT I think will regret arguing for better travel terms and release terms and wasting time in her 1,000sf condo with Mama A and not parking herself in jail awaiting trial IMO.

If the murder of JFd was done in 2 parts, were the people involved in the first part and the second part of this crime, under this scenario the same or different? Did Fd and MT do both parts of the murder or just 1 part? We saw MT DNA on plastic bags and it will be interesting to see the extent of the prep work done in advance of the murder. Taping bags takes a bit of time and my suspicion is that this work was done in advance of the murder. I do wonder if LE now has the proof that MT and FD worked together to put together his kill kit that he took with him to 69/71 Welles?

The Fd statement that continues to haunt this case I think was when he said, "I know what I have done and what I haven't done". Was this statement made to confuse the issue or for once in his life was he maybe telling the truth? IMO there was a smugness to Fd when he made that statement in the interview and I've long wondered if he was simply trying to be too cute with his word play? IDK. I've wondered about this statement because if there is one thing I am virtually 99.9% certain of is that Fd is incapable of telling the truth about much ever. I do very much believe that this Fd statement related to the co-conspirators, principally MT. I'm strongly wondering whether we will see MT in NC on the Murder date. IMO it had to be something significant for MT to not work out a plea deal long before now. Will we see pictures of MT in NC or at some location along the way perhaps along the Merritt or off of 84?

The thing that has become increasingly clear as this case rolled on was that MT was stuck to Fd like glue (or gum on a shoe) and so the ability to claim lack of knowledge or awareness simply becomes implausible IMO. But I do think also that Fd made sure that MT was present and accounted for every step of the way. Sad thing about it all was that she never questioned it and I deeply believe that MT relished the idea of punishing and 'cleaning' JFd and has no remorse for anything that she has done and seen and its for this reason that I fully expect her to be eventually convicted.


Excellent post.

I also suspect that investigators have much more than was disclosed for the AW’s (although the AW’s by themselves disclose plenty) and that MT will eventually be convicted. I don’t think she will know what hit her when investigators disclose more as prep for trial approaches.

Whatever affection MT may have retained for FD likely evaporated when she realized that neither he nor what she mistook to be his resources would be around to help her in the battle ahead to avoid a very long time behind bars.

IMO, MT has severely miscalculated if she thinks that was the last of unpleasant surprises.
Certainly possible!

But, I also wonder just how far GF will go to seek justice against MT and her entire family?

We saw Atty Weinstein work very very hard IMO to get MT on the record in her deposition in the Civil Case and one reason to do so could be to get working on a civil case for wrongful death IMO.

Perhaps we will have to wait for the criminal case/s to play out before this issue become clearer? IDK.

But, GF has the means certainly to absolutely financially crush the entire Arrezea/Tronconis clan to dust for the role of MT in the death of her daughter IMO. My guess is that while Mama A might have socked away a good deal of cash in her petty Medicaid fraud scam in FL, that this possible stockpile of cash would be no match for the resources of GF. We don't know about other family resources either but it appears that the family did put up real estate for the present MT bonds (I hope the State of CT has done their due diligence on these bonds and properties and there aren't a lot of legal games going on with LLCs and partnerships with the involved properties). I do admit to wishing to be able to see Atty Weinstein again attempt to depose MT or even question her on the stand in a civil trial! My sense is that even the translator wouldn't be able to save her from her fate. Further, the matchup in a trial of Atty Weinstein vs "New Atty" in Court and MT yet again pretending to be clueless...........


I hope the state of CT does enough to satisfy justice without GF and those around her having to continue to divert time, money, strength, and emotions better saved for constructive and loving endeavors.
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