Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #45

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@Canchance, its unclear where the Greek Family might be at present but my guess is LE has their eyes on them if they are still in the US.

The occupants (Greek Family and Anna Curry) did leave 4Jx by 3pm yesterday/Friday and Atty Weinstein reported this good news to the Court. It also appears the locks will be changed and security cameras installed so that the structure is secure.

Thank you so much. It’s been a busy week here for me and I appreciate so much you keeping me up to date regarding this situation. We all need to keep a watch out for Jennifer’s fights because she isn’t here to fight for herself. Thank god she has a mom who is so capable both mentally and financially. Moms unite!!!!
I have a hunch you are right that MT's lawyer is being paid by CT taxpayers.

Isn't NP doing that for Morales right now? Morales had a previous public defender, correct? So, it's not like he suddenly came up with money. Therefore, Morales is being paid for by taxpayers.

NP loves those wife-murderers.
I couldn't find NP, JS, or KS on the list of public defenders. Did you find them listed as public defenders somewhere? Or are you just making assumptions?
Someone mentioned before that maybe their choice of moving companies for their attempted great heist points the finger to some possible illicit activities that have occurred in the past. That would be poetic justice for sure.
Yes, but I just think the state is overwhelmed keeping up with the evidence they have that they are not able to check into any possible leads such as forensic accounting of FORE properties. There are so many possible crimes committed they need to focus on getting a conviction on this boggles my mind...
Thank you for bringing me closer to up to speed about the kidnapping charge. I am still catching up on all the threads after joining Websleuths in late Dec or early Jan and figured that surely this must have been discussed, but just hadn’t found where yet.
I get it. I've been in and out since the beginning. You're bound to miss some stuff with 45 threads!

Here is the definition I found of kidnapping per CT general statutes:

(a) A person is guilty of kidnapping in the first degree when he abducts another person and: (1) His intent is to compel a third person (A) to pay or deliver money or property as ransom or (B) to engage in other particular conduct or to refrain from engaging in particular conduct; or (2) he restrains the person abducted with intent to (A) inflict physical injury upon him or violate or abuse him sexually; or (B) accomplish or advance the commission of a felony; or (C) terrorize him or a third person; or (D) interfere with the performance of a government function. (BBM)

The key word here, IMO, is "restrain." There is no requirement to transport the person.

From my understanding, kidnapping is added to a lot of murder charges because this allows for a sentence of life without parole in CT. JFD was, in some capacity, prevented from leaving her garage.

Does this mean FD would've been more or less likely to be found guilty of kidnapping? I'm not sure, honestly.
@Diddian, truthfully its been mainly speculation here about kidnapping charge addition as a full explanation wasn't provided in the AW IMO. Curious if we will learn anything more about kidnapping angle in the MT trial as she wasn't charged with kidnapping.

My best guess is only FD was charged with kidnapping because only FD was in the garage that morning (at least that LE was able to prove at the time the charges were filed).

As you pointed out recently, we still don't have a timeline from LE for MT the morning of the 24th, and the same can obviously be said for KM. It's clear from the AWs though that LE thinks FD was in NC that morning. LE also refers to JFD's "body" leaving Welles.

It will be interesting to see how many answers we get to questions like this is MT and KM go to trial. I know we're all hoping for answers.
I would hope that once the Prosecution is aware of the fact that now that Jose Morales is represented by NP, and that KM is in the same cell as Jose Morales, they would take IMMEDIATE steps to move them apart. What a conflict of interest and potentially very dangerous to the legitimacy of the case against KM as it proceeds...loose lips sink ships...JMO

And that is my exact thinking. And I could see Norm coming out as the hero cuz JM gets KM talking and they share bits of their crimes and all of a sudden we know where JFD and baby Vanessa are and JM gets a sweet deal cuz he helped Norm solve the 2 most high profile cases in our state currently! Yay for you, NP!

Just when I think he can't get any lower! Bam! Surprise circus!!!!

Moo and whatever. SMDH
Remember sometimes attorneys politely turn the client down. If the atty. gets bad vibes from
the client (or family), or if the client or family is strapped for cash, or if the atty. senses lies in
discussing anything, or if the client or family is
trying to cut an unfair deal financiallly, all are possible reasons MT and mama kept trying new
attys. Maybe 11 of them turned her down.

also remember "DogBite" mentioned he may
request the state to lower her bond if she needs
the funds to continue her fight. Right there tells me there is a finite amount the family can pay. They may already be close to being tapped out if that request is on the horizon.
But I have a hunch "Dog Bite" may be on list of approved Public Defenders and could slip through getting paid by the state (YOU taxpayers).

Oh, exactly! I absolutely agree. I didn’t mean to imply that MT’s mother decided against each of the others. I meant and should have clarified that it might not be so easy to find alignment between a given attorney and what MT’s mom wants done and how. In any profession, there’s often that tension between how the professional knows or believes something should be done and how the layperson or client feels it should be done.

I know I’m preaching to the crowd here with you and all the other smart people here on WS who do their homework and are here to help advance the case through research, analysis, and interpretation rather than coming here to throw out ideas that seem (surely not!) intended to confuse the facts or simply create drama (who has time or the ethical stance for that when the focus is or at least certainly should be helping to reach justice such as for Jennifer in this case?) what a layperson thinks is possible, simply isn’t due to laws, rules, standards of professionalism, ethics, or just good sense. MOO. I’m glad that it’s so easy for anyone to use the search button for this and other forums and go read the actual documentation such as the AWs right from the sources, back to Day 1. Thanks to that, no one has to remain unaware of the documented facts unless the person chooses to be or to ignore the documentation, which is another issue altogether, of course. Yes, we are very lucky here to have the resources, links to official documents, and timelines here, all of which are readily available for any and all to read and review, making them rather like troll detectors and repellants in my view. If everyone can read the official documents—and they have free access right here—, the reasons for persisting in concepts already refuted by evidence and a lot of it are limited. As a kid, I had some very cute, smiling troll figures with bright, colorful hair and even their own little troll house with bunk beds where they lived peacefully with my model horses, cows, and even goats. I just loved those trolls! MOO.
It takes a lot of friction to get the ankle to look like that. Was she out jogging? Not likely.
How much time did it take her to make it look that way? If she was photographed out in public I'd be interested in seeing what it looked like one day prior!

Compare it to all the other people who have to wear ankle bracelets who do NOT complain - because they are happy to be allowed to be in their homes.

She can't wear an ankle bracelet? Then she needs to go back to jail.

MT's attorney tried to explain the ankle problem with the bracelet by 'MT's bone structure': what an idiot.
"Hartford Interval House says that they had nothing to do with the removal of items are the placement of the sign."

I want more info on this. If this nonprofit didn't remove the flowers and place the sign, who did? Why? I'm all for donating to a DV charity, but something about this rubs me the wrong way.
I'm with you on this as the prior memorial was tastefully done and not obtrusive IMO. Perhaps Atty Weinstein didn't want to perpetuate the idea of a memorial at the property and perhaps also wanted the neighbourhood to get back to some type of normalcy after the past couple of weeks. IDK.
I couldn't find NP, JS, or KS on the list of public defenders. Did you find them listed as public defenders somewhere? Or are you just making assumptions?

I don’t think the state of CT is paying for MT’s attorney but a private attorney can sign an Assigned Counsel agreement with the Public Defender’s Office and represent indigent clients.
IDK, enhancing the picture oddly makes it look that the discolouration has been caused by having a spray tan over the top of the bracelet perhaps? IDK.

Are trips for a spray tan allowed under the old regime rules?

I'm glad Judge White expressed absolute exasperation at dealing with whining about the bracelet as it should be able to be resolved with Parole folks. What I don't understand though is why keep the bracelet on the same ankle? Simply seems like to avoid irritation that it would make sense to switch ankles periodically.

MT has to figure it out as this bracelet will be part of her life for a good long time awaiting trial. I did read a story about a guy that used a soccer liner with his bracelet and found it helped. Soccer (or for MT futbol) liners are paper thin and designed to wick moisture and protect the skin of the foot from soccer socks.

the reference to soccer/futbol brings a thought to mind regarding keeping MT under constant surveillance with her ankle bracelet.

In the words of the immortal Telemundo soccer announcer, Andres Cantor...thats the GOALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!! - Even with private lawyer, public can still pay for murder defense - May. 2, 2003
Interesting article about how the public ends up funding murder defendants. It's about California but still very informative and undoubtedly much of it applies elsewhere, IMO.

For a typical murder case in Modesto, the public defender's office would represent any defendant, like Peterson, who said he was indigent. Normally, the court reviews the defendant's finanical records and property holdings to make sure he cannot pay. Peterson was carrying $10,000 in cash at the time of his arrest and owns a home, but murder trials and especially capital cases, which can run into the millions, often exceed the resources of even someone who is comfortably middle class.

But taxpayers are not off the hook just because Peterson went outside the public defense system and hired Geragos. Certainly, if he or his family raised enough money, they could pay the entire cost of the trial. Attorney fees in capital cases are estimated at between $500,000 and $1 million, with other trial costs, such as forensic testing, expert testimony and investigators, often doubling the price tag.
Sadly Mama A took a diversion deal from the Federal Govt which I believe kept her out of prison. She did though lose her license to practice as a psychologist in the State of FL. The paperwork on this entire situation of Mama A being an 'almost felon' was rehashed extensively in a prior thread and multiple MSM reports exist about it in the Media thread if you want to learn more.

Mama A seems to have a very creative sense of business marketing (she was allegedly paying local cabbies to bring her Medicaid patients for treatment) and her defense strategy was equally creative (she moved her legal team into her office so that the Feds couldn't raid the place as it was then all privileged information. Mama A seemed to benefit from the fact that South FL is flooded with fraud and the federal enforcement was simply overrun at the time. IMO if Mama A had been in a different part of the Country she would have been a 'convicted felon' vs. and 'almost convicted felon'.

Oh man, this really burns me. We the people in this country pay for this. Medicaid is a wonderful thing but not if it's used as a means to steal money.. YES, she would have had felonies in any other part of the country. She would have gone to prison. JD had the daughter of this person to deal with besides her cheating husband. Now GF has to take over at her age.
Yes, but I just think the state is overwhelmed keeping up with the evidence they have that they are not able to check into any possible leads such as forensic accounting of FORE properties. There are so many possible crimes committed they need to focus on getting a conviction on this boggles my mind...

My husband serves as an expert witness conducting forensic accounting services and reporting findings on cases involving real estate and financial services and I would LOVE to help him were his firm were to be hired to dig into the financial matters of FORE Group as I'm sure it would be fascinating exploration. I also have a professional accounting and auditing background although I've been long retired, so I often serve as a sounding board for him in the work he does and I love the chase of figuring things out and discovering the ends to which some people will go.

IMO, it at least appears there was plenty of intermingling of personal and business expenses and assets. There also appear to be examples of providing rent-free housing and other services or assets to friends or relatives. It also appears there may have been below-market related-party financings (some of which may have been undocumented) and I wonder if those loans were disclosed to banks when applying for additional financing and/or to insurance underwriters when applying for construction bonds. So, IMO possible fraud on financing applications and underpaid taxes at the very least. (FD claims that JFD's late advances were a gift, but how many of us here assume that he reported that gift?) Given the fraud involved in the bail bonding process at the end, I wouldn't be a bit surprised to discover that construction bonds might also have had issues. Given that FD was Greek, both he and MT maintained strong international relationships with friends, family, and other associates, and traveled internationally with some frequency - and in light of likely dishonest reporting domestically - I wouldn't be a bit surprised to find more there.

However, unless the state seriously entertains a challenge to FD's estate on the part of FD's Greek relatives, to what end would a forensic accounting investigation be worth the cost and effort? FD is gone and the company is no longer operating. MT and KW are already charged with significant crimes. Chasing down the international movement of money or other assets in particular would likely be very difficult, although if I were custodian of those properties currently believed to be in the estate I would definitely want to research current status of title and pronto.
I have a question.....

Way back in the beginning of this case, it was said FD transported different cars to Greece. If this is true, is it possible that FD put Jennifer’s body in a car, had it shipped to Greece?

After reading and seeing pictures this past Friday of the Greek Shipping Company hired by FD’s sister to ship the house contents to Greece.....I wondered if this same company has worked for FD before...shipped cars...and because FD was a good customer the cars were not always inspected at the US or Greece end?

I wonder if FD shipped any cars to Greece in the few days after he murdered Jennifer? Did LE or anyone investigate this? It would be too late to find the body and the car....both would be long gone, but it would explain why Jennifer’s body was never found. FD was to confident it would not be found, but he did not realize all the evidence he and MT left behind.

FT could have gotten any car from anywhere and had it shipped with false papers. The Greek Shipping Company could have deleted any shipping papers and covered up the entire shipment by now.

I just do wonder....and there are a few people who know MT, KW and I believe RK and her husband knows.....but that’s is MOO
This whole vehicle shipping angle is interesting but I think we would have to go back to the Civil Court documents to see if the shipping date for the vehicles might be there. This issue of vehicles being in Greece I believe came up through the Civil Trial. My recollection though was that the vehicles had been in Greece for a good while but only returned to the US via airfreight due to the Civil Trial allegations made by Atty Weinstein.

Atty Weinstein was working hard to prove his point about 'piercing the corporate veil' of FORE/FD and I think used the cars being shipped to Greece as part of this argument. I'm not 100% certain but I believe once this line of questioning happened that Fd per usual then put the vehicles on a plane and airshipped them back to the US. I seem to also recall that the other vehicle shipped back was a Land Rover and the other one was the white BMW M3 that Anna Curry was driving on the date Fd gassed himself to death. I wonder if Fd sold this Land Rover as I don't recall us seeing it in the garage at 4Jx on the date that the WSFB drone footage was circling the property. I guess the Land Rover could also be in the garage at 585 DC with the non operational Porsche Cayenne but unfortunately we don't have visibility on that property and its garage contents.

Fd does have connections to people in the shipping industry. In AW3 for example I believe the name Andreas Tout was included and my understanding is that he is in the shipping industry in Greece. To your point, it seems certainly possible that with connections a body could be shipped outside the US. I think in prior threads this issue was debated and I honestly don't recall where the discussion ended up. But I don't think Atty Colangelo would have included the name of Andreas Tout w/o good cause and so perhaps this shipping angle deserves a rethink here on the thread? IDK. I've been trying to connect Andreas Tout to some aspect of the Fd plan and have come up short and perhaps it is shipping? IDK.

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