Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #45

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I’ve finished watching the MT court room fiasco from yesterday. I couldn’t help but notice her smirk she had several times throughout. These charges have no bearing on her emotionally. She’s an actress up there showing concern one moment, then she slips. She did it again at the outside press conference. She gave her best friend (? the girl on her right) a side eye smirk. Unbelievable!!!

FD also wore a smirk during court appearances..
MT's attorney tried to explain the ankle problem with the bracelet by 'MT's bone structure': what an idiot.
IMO,I thought her ankle looked pretty good for wearing it all these months.
I would hate it and absolutely understand why she wants it off.
She needs to remember that she has been arrested for conspiracy to commit murder. Not a light charge.
Surely, this charge has some meat behind it. The prosecutors did not spin this out of whole cloth, did they?
What's wrong with switching it to her other ankle?
Surely, she would be open to that instead of going to jail?
I couldn't find NP, JS, or KS on the list of public defenders. Did you find them listed as public defenders somewhere? Or are you just making assumptions?
We've gone down this long winding road in an earlier thread and I think someone found the correct area within I believe the AGs office that handles the paperwork to certify and monitor the attorneys that qualify to do this work. Being CT, the transparency on the entire issue isn't as clear as it is in other states.

What was discovered for Atty. P. for example is that even though he and his firm have done business for the State for years that they for whatever reason aren't required to fill out the proper paperwork and so effectively go 'off the books'.

Who knows how many other attorney also work 'off the books'. Someone on this thread had incredible insight into how this process is supposed to work vs how it actually does work in practice. I am not sure if we ever got closure on local courts ability to engage local attorneys for public work as well. My recollection was that the search process to figure out how this is supposed to work took a good bit of doing.

I do wish the Press could investigate the process of these attorneys and how they are paid and reviewed. The conjecture as to why Atty. P. and his firm didn't fill out the paperwork was because they didn't want to provide the disclosure but also because they wanted to negotiate their fee. Shout out to Lisa Backus and the Stamford Advocate here as IMO this entire process of having attorneys work 'off the books' simply renders having a process and procedure for engaging public defenders useless. But I can't say I was surprised to find out Atty. P. works 'off the books' but I am concerned that there are many more that are going around the system in place and so legal fees might be way beyond the contractual rates set forth in the program guidelines.

Do we know if MT new attorney is representing her privately or via State Provided Funds?

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IMO,I thought her ankle looked pretty good for wearing it all these months.
I would hate it and absolutely understand why she wants it off.
She needs to remember that she has been arrested for conspiracy to commit murder. Not a light charge.
Surely, this charge has some meat behind it. The prosecutors did not spin this out of whole cloth, did they?
What's wrong with switching it to her other ankle?
Surely, she would be open to that instead of going to jail?

read about some of these bracelets before- are they water resistant? do they interfere with bath/shower- whatever... ?
View attachment 230656
MTs bruised ankle
Here’s the photo shown in court to Judge White of Michelle Troconis’s bruised ankle underneath her GPS monitor ⁦@WTNH⁩ Judge agreed to less strict house arrest but says probation has to work out the issue with the bracelet ⁦@WTNH⁩

looks like dry skin and maybe the bracelet is a little tight- she has a bone right there. these things must be in different sizes or adjustable IMO.
looks like dry skin and maybe the bracelet is a little tight- she has a bone right there. these things must be in different sizes or adjustable IMO.

I don’t feel sorry for her one bit and do not think the judge should have changed a thing. My husband is a recovering alcoholic and wore a SCRAM alcohol ankle monitor for 6 months as part of a DWI program. He has diabetic neuropathy and had to wear work boots with the monitor on. His ankles swelled and bruised much worse than this. His judge could care less.
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Certainly possible!

But, I also wonder just how far GF will go to seek justice against MT and her entire family?

We saw Atty Weinstein work very very hard IMO to get MT on the record in her deposition in the Civil Case and one reason to do so could be to get working on a civil case for wrongful death IMO.

Perhaps we will have to wait for the criminal case/s to play out before this issue become clearer? IDK.

But, GF has the means certainly to absolutely financially crush the entire Arrezea/Tronconis clan to dust for the role of MT in the death of her daughter IMO. My guess is that while Mama A might have socked away a good deal of cash in her petty Medicaid fraud scam in FL, that this possible stockpile of cash would be no match for the resources of GF. We don't know about other family resources either but it appears that the family did put up real estate for the present MT bonds (I hope the State of CT has done their due diligence on these bonds and properties and there aren't a lot of legal games going on with LLCs and partnerships with the involved properties). I do admit to wishing to be able to see Atty Weinstein again attempt to depose MT or even question her on the stand in a civil trial! My sense is that even the translator wouldn't be able to save her from her fate. Further, the matchup in a trial of Atty Weinstein vs "New Atty" in Court and MT yet again pretending to be clueless...........

Can I just say again: I love GF she is a super hero - god bless her determination and fortitude!
read about some of these bracelets before- are they water resistant? do they interfere with bath/shower- whatever... ?

No idea. Maybe not safe due to batteries. However, many, many people have had to wear casts, orthopedic boots with hardware and straps, and/or have had metal supports protruding from their skin as a result of surgeries and accidents, and they somehow, some way, found a way to adjust because the inconvenience was in their own best interest. Count me in this as having had several years of experience. Workarounds I can think of for taking baths or showers with large structures like casts covering one’s entire foot and leg include trash bags in the old days, cast and boot covers in more-recent times, and then, of course, perhaps the Seal shoe covers she and her sister sell. In terms of irritations caused by the metal such as that protruding from the skin—not just over it—, or over the ankle, foot, or leg, clean cotton or jersey such as from T-shirts, gauze, and any number of items have worked for many including myself. Is wearing such a device, whether related to a court-permitted item to keep one outside of a jail cell—something with which I have no experience, thankfully—or to try to save one’s ankle, foot, or leg fun? My experience with the latter is not at all. However, given the alternative, I at least was extremely grateful to technology that allowed me the opportunity to try to heal and live my life as normally as possible under the circumstances. So what if it took years? It was my best option, a condition that seems to me likely to apply to a person avoiding a jail cell thanks to the technological marvel of an electronic ankle monitor. When I think of what people now and over time have had to endure—and I am NOT including my experiences because in the long run and even for those years, I was so very lucky to have survived and there was and is no room for anything except immense gratitude at my good fortune—these complaints seem self-centered, clueless, and an insult to what others such as Jennifer have endured even without having been arrested. MOO.
No idea. Maybe not safe due to batteries. However, many, many people have had to wear casts, orthopedic boots with hardware and straps, and/or have had metal supports protruding from their skin as a result of surgeries and accidents, and they somehow, some way, found a way to adjust because the inconvenience was in their own best interest. Count me in this as having had several years of experience. Workarounds I can think of for taking baths or showers with large structures like casts covering one’s entire foot and leg include trash bags in the old days, cast and boot covers in more-recent times, and then, of course, perhaps the Seal shoe covers she and her sister sell. In terms of irritations caused by the metal such as that protruding from the skin—not just over it—, or over the ankle, foot, or leg, clean cotton or jersey such as from T-shirts, gauze, and any number of items have worked for many including myself. Is wearing such a device, whether related to a court-permitted item to keep one outside of a jail cell—something with which I have no experience, thankfully—or to try to save one’s ankle, foot, or leg fun? My experience with the latter is not at all. However, given the alternative, I at least was extremely grateful to technology that allowed me the opportunity to try to heal and live my life as normally as possible under the circumstances. So what if it took years? It was my best option, a condition that seems to me likely to apply to a person avoiding a jail cell thanks to the technological marvel of an electronic ankle monitor. When I think of what people now and over time have had to endure—and I am NOT including my experiences because in the long run and even for those years, I was so very lucky to have survived and there was and is no room for anything except immense gratitude at my good fortune—these complaints seem self-centered, clueless, and an insult to what others such as Jennifer have endured even without having been arrested. MOO.

As usual I’m so far behind and trying to make my way through to current. Still at the beginning of thread #44 but I dont want to miss a single post as there’s so much good info from so many of you! I’m trying to walk through the morning of May 24th. FD drives the Tacoma with bike in back and parks it near the park. Then he rides the bike to JFd’s, does the unthinkable. Places (shoves) JFd into the suburban and drives back to where the Tacoma was parked? Places (shoves) JFd into the Tacoma, drives the suburban to the park, rides the bike back to the Tacoma and drives to 80 MS?
Is that it? I know there was speculation that someone (KM?) met him as he arrived in the suburban at waveny park to take JFd but if that were the case how would have JFd’s blood have gotten in the Tacoma? I saw surveillance photos of the Tacoma, not sure if it was parked or driving (from I think SW3). If there were cameras there I don’t think it captured any transferring of (I hate to even type this) JFd from the suburban to the Tacoma. I’m sure you’ve gone over this and I missed that thread or 2. There was blood also found in the suburban, right? All MOO, and TIA

If you recall, a big floor mat/liner from the suburban was discarded along Albany Ave. I believe that there was blood on the outside of the Suburban.
I wonder if FD really hated NP at the end. I think FD knew there was no reasonable explanation for Albany and as a last [REDACTED] U to Norm, he left him holding the bag to provide an explanation. I think FD wanted Norm to look like a fool. IMO.

he had a knack for leaving people dazed and confused- MT, AC.... maybe NP and KM too, IMO. sometimes I almost feel sorry for MT- not because she is innocent , but because FD was so bad to her too. I wonder if despite all his statements that he liked his children, if he also left them disappointed, confused and wondering what happened - if he promised things and cancelled or forgot or went off on some tangent. remember JD said he would rage against people? just does not seem like an adult, IMO. inconsistencies pale in comparison to murder, of course, but maybe just all part of the same unreasonable outlook taken to the nth degree.
And that is my exact thinking. And I could see Norm coming out as the hero cuz JM gets KM talking and they share bits of their crimes and all of a sudden we know where JFD and baby Vanessa are and JM gets a sweet deal cuz he helped Norm solve the 2 most high profile cases in our state currently! Yay for you, NP!

Just when I think he can't get any lower! Bam! Surprise circus!!!!

Moo and whatever. SMDH

If that happened, I would buy norm some nuts for that squirrel on his back!!!
Yep, all you identified is true about Atty. P. comments to the public. Sad thing was that it continued until even after Fd was dead and its still going on! Not sure Atty. P. has the ability to see his mistakes and learn from them IMO.

What I find so off about what Atty. P. did in his representation of Fd was that he seemed to undertake no verification of Fd statements at all. Most folks once they catch someone in a lie will then question that persons comments in the future (My suspicion is that Atty Smith caught this early on as my recollection was that he did the initial interview with Fd in BPT Jail).

But, we don't see Atty. P. ever doing this checking of Fd statements. In fact, one of the things I'm looking forward to seeing at trial is the actual 'alibi scripts' written out by Fd and MT. At this point we have pieced it all together pretty well I believe after seeing AW1-3. But what is so interesting is that even after seeing that his client wasn't telling him anything close to the truth after AW1, Atty. P. STILL was out spouting the alibi script nonsense. Atty. P. IMO made it all so much worse by then layering on "Gone Girl" and "Revenge Suicide" and at least 4 other crazy scenarios and persisting with horrendous victim shaming as a key part of his strategy.

Atty. P. then engaged his stooge Dave Alimari to simply repeat the alibi script info on replay and this went on for months (no retractions from HC to date and Atty. P. has never admitted to not telling the truth about anything either - not holding my breath waiting!). This was all made odd IMO by the fact that Atty. P. supposedly engaged a PI and would periodically speak to the issue of 'putting together the story of Albany Ave', but the fact is that as of the last Chaz and AJ interview Atty. P. candidly stated that he didn't yet have a fully baked story for Albany. Eventually, the public and certainly reporters were on to the Atty. P. games about not telling the truth in his public statements and so it was as if we were watching the Wizard of Oz and the curtain finally was pulled back and you see who is there and it was an absolute farce! There was no air in the balloon of the defense after AW3 and Fd was smart enough to see it and he also probably realised that Atty. P. could go on endlessly spouting false hope that there was no way a jury would buy. Fd also realised that the cost to continue defending his case for murder would most likely surpass his available resources too and I'm not sure he would ever work with a public defender with his mindset.

I believe that Fd in making the decision to end his life realised that the false promises and hope of Atty. P. would never hold up to scrutiny by a jury as the evidence was simply too compelling. Fd also realised that the Atty. P. patter didn't reflect who the victim was and that at trial more information would be revealed about who/what JFd was as a person and a mother. Fd also knew that his long history of personal choices would be fully revealed at trial too and that there was no way to redeem himself in the eyes of a potential jury.

The interesting thing about the Fd suicide is that I think it might offer great insight for MT and KM as they chart their legal paths forward. Whether they choose to see any message from Fd or accept it is their choice, but I think Fd told us quite a lot in his decision to gas himself rather than facing eventual trial. PS to "Dogbite" not sure anyone will believe Fd claims of innocence for himself and his co-conspirators via his suicide note! In fact, saying the Fd suicide note exonerates MT is similar IMO to saying that Fd has as his alibi "an attorney that came to his house and a call from Greece"! We've met this attorney and heard the call from Greece as has LE.


we now know that "revenge suicide" seemed perfectly reasonable to FD as it was his own choice in a pinch.... guess he never noticed that JD had a different personality than he did
he had a knack for leaving people dazed and confused- MT, AC.... maybe NP and KM too, IMO. sometimes I almost feel sorry for MT- not because she is innocent , but because FD was so bad to her too. I wonder if despite all his statements that he liked his children, if he also left them disappointed, confused and wondering what happened - if he promised things and cancelled or forgot or went off on some tangent. remember JD said he would rage against people? just does not seem like an adult, IMO. inconsistencies pale in comparison to murder, of course, but maybe just all part of the same unreasonable outlook taken to the nth degree.
Yes, he was truly an empty soul and did nothing for any of the people in his life (except maybe his sister).
Just a tactic by MT’s new lawyer. To rehabilitate her image and create sympathy and explain her lies.

In all fairness to her new attorney, most attorneys won’t allow their client to typically interview with LE one time, let alone three, like AB did.

Especially, when the first interview MT gave stuck word per word by the ALI-LIE scripts that she and FD co-authored. Her new attorney has likely seen our mentions on here to the word salad in her interviews and is seeking to paint his client in a more sympathetic light while also trying to mitigate the many LIES in her interviews.

Case in point: it took three interviews for MT to admit FD was not there at 6:40 am in the morning. She knew enough “English” to tell LE she had showered with FD that morning and that he was there meeting with KM around 8:00am in the morning. It took three interviews for her to say “ok he was not there for several hours and I didn’t see him.” This is not an inability to understand the question or how to answer it. He either was there or he was not. She saw him or she did not. Simple.

As far as other cases in which a co-conspirator has either attempted or successfully committed suicide and how well that bodes for a conviction in this case: check out many episodes of Forensic Files. It didn’t hurt the Many of the cases for the prosecution in the slightest nor did any “notes” proclaiming innocence harm the States case nor change the facts in the case.

I find MT to be an absolutely abhorrent woman. I have seen many episodes of Snapped (there are only like what 25 seasons with several episodes of women killers) and it never ceases to amaze me how people still fall for the “damsel in distress” crappola. It’s bunk. And honestly sexist. Poor innocent MT. She had not a clue about anything going on ever.

Just snapping photos with Marty the spill bot and such.

I can’t wait (if we are allowed) to see the video surveillance of the car musical chairs between 4Jax and 80 Mountain Spring that afternoon of 5/24.

Yes, I was just cleaning! Windows. I mean bathrooms. Not Jennifer. It was coffee! Blood what’s that? Oh I’m sorry English is difficult for me? I mean I was cleaning coffee off the windows in the bathroom! Ya that’s the ticket.


was checking to see when Marty was introduced... was he "new" 5/24/19?

Customers are invited to stop by participating stores on Saturday, January 25 to celebrate the robot's birthday with a party, birthday cake, and activities. When the 6'3", googly-eyed robot was introduced in January 2019, it was the largest robot rollout for a retail chain at the time.Jan 21, 2020

so apparently around for 4 mos when MT took her photo, unless for some reason, he came late to her store (Simsbury?). so hadn't she seen him 100x already?
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