Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #45

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This is interesting...on an fb page about Jennifer, Ragaglia posted that Fotis sent him a text message saying that he (fotis) ' could learn a lot from him (Ragaglia). Ragaglia wrote an open letter to Pattis on the page as well. Several individuals responded to him, high fiving him on the open letter and commenting about fotis initiating communication with him.
Interesting how FD was in fear for his life but then a month later ended up killing himself .
IMO, for an innocent person to be accused of being involved in a murder, I would imagine they’d be extremely frightened by the whole process. Going through police questioning, having to find and pay for a lawyer, missing work, embarrassment, gossip, just the whole thing would be emotionally and physically draining. So to see the smiling, smirking, hand signs, blowing kisses etc., just seems so unnatural for an innocent person being wrongly accused of such a serious crime. IMO

MT's family has been up to their ears in Mom's crimes so it probably feels quite natural.
@CarolineLago....Certainly hope you were not serious about being on a jury without revealing that you have been on a discussion forum about a case on which you posted and expressed an opinion. Generally, especially in well known cases, the jurors fill out questionnaires where they are asked questions like, "Are you on social media?" "Please list your social media accounts and identification, etc." You would need to sign the questionnaire that your answers are truthful under penalty of law. If it's a lesser case, the judge generally asked group questions and people respond either privately or in court to the judge.

The answers to these questions might not initially exclude you from consideration to be on the jury, but you would be closely questioned by both sides of the case. Probably you would be dismissed if you expressed an opinion that you could not be fair and impartial and base your decision as to innocence or guilt based solely on what is presented in court.

Am sure if a member of your family were standing trial, you would want them to have an open and fair jury. I'm not a lawyer, but have served on 4 juries...a result of being a registered voter. The above has been my experience.

I also think it's much too early for any trials of the individuals involved in the Jennifer Dulos disappearance.
Not to mention if it were to be discovered during the trial or afterwards, that this person lied about being on SM and
was influenced one way or another, couldn’t that jeopardize the trial or the ruling?
IMO, for an innocent person to be accused of being involved in a murder, I would imagine they’d be extremely frightened by the whole process. Going through police questioning, having to find and pay for a lawyer, missing work, embarrassment, gossip, just the whole thing would be emotionally and physically draining. So to see the smiling, smirking, hand signs, blowing kisses etc., just seems so unnatural for an innocent person being wrongly accused of such a serious crime. IMO

I get what you’re saying, but judging how an “innocent person” would or wouldn’t display certain gestures e.g smiling etc. is a slippery slope. A completely stoic defendant could be guilty as sin, just as a more jovial one might be completely innocent. If I were in a similar predicament, I’d hate for the whole world to dissect my every outward affect in order to assess my guilt or innocence. For then it could just come down to how good an actor that person is. IMO
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Also, let’s get in front of the explanation of the Albany trash dump. Just the trash dump as mentioned in FD’s suicide note.

Just a few question to solve a crime. here.

Let’s just assume FD claimed that the bags were already in the Raptor when his employee returned his truck after working in NC on that Friday. Let’s assume he claimed that he thought it was construction debris that was left in his truck by employee.

Note : we don’t have access to surveillance that may or may not help determine if bags were indeed in the bed of the Raptor from the cameras on the highway or roadways, as his employee drove back from NC, the neighbors of 4jc, (We know they have a camera as it captured FD’s mail pick up after Hartford), the employee stopped there first to pick up his Tacoma so perhaps we could see the bags on tape, but the keys were not there as they usually were and then the employee proceeded to the other Fore properties. Camera footage may or may not show if bags were in there. TBD when discovery is made public.

Need explanation for illegal trash dumping in an area far from your home when you have an empty, large dumpster at your property.

Need proof that employee or someone else put the bags in the Raptor if FD clams he didn’t.

During this trip to Hartford, FD stopped and got out and stuffed a FedEx box with altered license plates into the drain (His expired plates.) Need explanations for the altering and the disposal. Why there and not in the trash bins like the other bags?

Also, why the stop and FD’s propping of the Weathertech mat at Milagros restaurant that happened to be missing from Jennifer’s Suburban? We need that explanation too.

Also, why FD’s (multiple items) and MT’s (on opening of one), DNA on contents inside the bags? Especially if trying to claim you don’t know what’s in the bags if that’s the claim.

Did any surveillance capture the employee leave the NC, Sturbridge property that he was installing door hardware that day to go to Jennifer’s in the am? If FD claims that the employee (the only one to have his Raptor on 24 May), didn’t then how did the clothes that she was wearing that day get into the bags that FD dumped in Hartford. Not to mention the other items in there with his and her DNA.

Need explanation of how the label/plate from his French, Mercier bicycle got into the bag also? FD’s bicycle.

ITA with your excellent summary

Need explanation to where is that cherished bicycle is now.

MT already shared FD was driving the Raptor in Hartford and that she was the passenger on the phone with Petu.

So I am anXious to hear from Norm the explanation as FD stated in his suicide note that Norm has this explanation.

Perhaps this explanation can really help determine FD’s innocence.


ITA with your excellent questions and summary @Southernsnooper!

Realized I'm torn about not getting to see the rest of the evidence against Fd. Heard on the AJ and Chaz radio broadcast that NP says he's going to get the discovery evidence "one way or another," which he reiterated after saying he would get it, because, "It's personal."

I don't think AB would hand over discovery to NP, but I don't know anything about MT's Troconis's new attorney. When or if I hear about this information, I would rather hear it from LE....NOT, in a book or interview by NP.

I sincerely hope that LE can protect the family report and defamatory information about JFd that has nothing to do with where she is now. I don't know if LE can do that if discovery is released outside of the cases involved. Am sure LE is worried about this now, too. What a MESS Fd left....IMO...MOO
I get what you’re saying, but judging how an “innocent person” would or wouldn’t display certain gestures e.g smiling etc. is a slippery slope. A completely stoic defendant could be guilty as sin, just as a more jovial one might be completely innocent. If I were in a similar predicament, I’d hate for the whole world to dissect my every outward affect in order to assess my guilt or innocence. For then it could just come down to how good an actor that person is. IMO

There was a case here, many years ago, with an outstanding phrase: "The Dingo took my Baby".
For years, the mother was not believed, found guilty, imprisoned with her mannerisms continually criticized.
Years later, "NOT GUILTY'.
I get what you’re saying, but judging how an “innocent person” would or wouldn’t display certain gestures e.g smiling etc. is a slippery slope. A completely stoic defendant could be guilty as sin, just as a more jovial one might be completely innocent. If I were in a similar predicament, I’d hate for the whole world to dissect my every outward affect in order to assess my guilt or innocence. For then it could just come down to how good an actor that person is. IMO

A good attorney gives guidance to their client and the family as to proper decorum in the courtroom and afterward. The world and most importantly the jurors or potential jurors may form an impression from images they've seen of individuals being charged with a crime. MOO...IMO
he had a knack for leaving people dazed and confused- MT, AC.... maybe NP and KM too, IMO. sometimes I almost feel sorry for MT- not because she is innocent , but because FD was so bad to her too. I wonder if despite all his statements that he liked his children, if he also left them disappointed, confused and wondering what happened - if he promised things and cancelled or forgot or went off on some tangent. remember JD said he would rage against people? just does not seem like an adult, IMO. inconsistencies pale in comparison to murder, of course, but maybe just all part of the same unreasonable outlook taken to the nth degree.
Sorry but one of the LAST folks in the train wreck that was Fd who I believe to be any kind of victim is MT.

Nope, sorry, simply don't see it.

MT started her affair while both she and Fd were both married and it went on for 2 years (at least) before Fd told JFd anything about it. MT then husband dumped her quickly in a 'quickie' divorce in FL.

MT moved to CT and stayed so long as the Fd/Farber money train kept cranking out cash. IMO that is how MT rolls (literally and figuratively IMO) and its how she has rolled over and over and over again in her relationships with men over the years. IMO if there is a female equivalent of a PREDATOR then that person would IMO be MT as she doesn't care if people are married, in a relationship or not, she simply does what she wants with zero cares in the world.

Here is the article about how MT and Fd long flaunted their affair in Farmington.

Missing Mother’s Estranged Husband Flaunted Affair With His Mistress Before Wife Vanished

How many local women do you think would 'embrace' MT after reading this article? Probably zero except her alleged friend with the store Petu who IMO was the only reason MT sought to have her restrictions removed in Court this week, so she could go visit her friend. The MT dead animal rug business IMO is a farce with its marketing done via a PRIVATE INSTA account. IDK why Atty Colangelo didn't ask for some financial statements or even incorporation documents to prove the business is viable and operating but I guess he had bigger fish to fry that this ongoing farce of MT and Mama A being in business.

I'm very much looking forward to MT 'new atty' backing up the bus on his story about the MT 'fabric business' as to my knowledge MT, Mama A and her sister only have the dead animal rug business. Gotta love an attorney that doesn't even know what kind of business his client has and the irony of calling the dead animal rug business a 'fabric business' is in itself hilarious.

MT in AW3 admitted to arguing with Fd ALL THE TIME and YET SHE STILL STAYED.

MT stayed WITH HER DAUGHTER at 4Jx for years amidst the ongoing turmoil of the Dulos divorce. How many parents would knowingly subject a child to that environment which you would guess to be volatile and toxic? BUT MT STILL STAYED.

We talked a lot on here about the "Greek Family" of Fd, but the MT "Troconis/Arrezea Clan" has been front and centre at 4Jx living the high life off of Fd/JFd dime for years now and ditto for Miami. We see the MT clan strutting into the Stamford Courthouse wearing stillettos and sunglasses but this same group of people has been supportive of her ongoing relationship with Fd FOR YEARS. Just give a second to thinking about a parent supporting a child who was then married in conducting an affair with a very much married father of 5! Mama A and MT sisters and father ALL DID THIS.

This is simply who these people are and they were very much willing to partake of the Fd parties, travel and restaurant dinners and who knows what else as long as the cash kept rolling and the free plane tickets mysteriously kept showing up. MT family IMO has rallied around her for years and was very much supportive of her ongoing and VERY DETERMINED campaign to be the 'QUEEN of 4Jx' in Farmington. There IMO was no lack of knowledge here on the part of any of the family members as they knew that Fd was married with 5 small children and MT knew JFd personally and worked daily in 4Jx while JFd was still living there for at least a year.

I'm just putting this out there in case there is any doubt that the family of MT didn't know about the situation with Fd. Nope, they knew yet there is extensive social media evidence in the form of pictures (now mostly scrubbed online but held by news outlets such as the DM and NYP and others) that show the family with Fd when he was still married as was MT.

Sometimes we see families as victims in these cases, but in the case of MT and Fd, their families were aware, vested and present IMO in the affair and ongoing relationship.

I will never forget hearing Atty Bowman in Court make the statement that MT had no motive in this case and I think it was him uttering that statement that showed me he didn't truly understand either his client or much about this case. Frankly I was surprised he lasted as long as he did in this case as it was clear that MT was lying to him, her family was lying to him and MT was lying to LE. Kudos to him for escaping from these IMO toxic and lying people who really cannot legally be saved from themselves in great part due to the fact that they continue to live by gaming the legal system. IMO this might work in an overburdened FL Federal legal system but when in comes to Conspiracy to Murder in the State of CT, IMO this simply won't stand or be tolerated. MT missed the boat on some kind of plea deal and simply sunk her chances at a plea deal via her lying campaign. I'm surprised she found another attorney to take her on as even defense attorneys don't have much patience for clients that lie to them and LE and have that fact documented in now 3 AWs.

So, no, MT is NOT a victim. MT knew precisely what she was doing and she stayed with Fd amidst a horrific ongoing divorce drama (of which she was well aware about IMO) and she stayed for a very specific reason and IMO that reason was $$$$$ and it wasn't just the $120,000/yr that she got paid from FORE, IMO it was the promise of a life of leisure and no financial worries. MT signed up for this ALL and she fought hard and IMO engaged in a murder to gain this for herself. MT only cared about herself ever and never gave 2 seconds of time for JFd.

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some can go on your wrist › services-forms › location-monitoring-probation-s...

Location Monitoring - United States Courts

You will be monitored by the form of location monitoring technology indicated ... a non-removable transmitting device around the wrist or ankle 24 hours a day. ... (GPS) technology should be considered to monitor both the curfew and the ..
Fd petitioned the court to have the bracelet moved to his wrist but the request was DENIED due to the fact that wrist removal is much easier than ankle removal.

MT whiney approach about the bracelet IMO simply reflects her priorities and those of her 'new atty' that was simply catering to an entitled and unfocused client IMO.

A solid atty IMO would have worked to deal with the bracelet issues with Parole and NOT WASTE COURT TIME on it.

I just wished that Judge White has simply yelled, "ENOUGH of this nonsense" and shown MT the infamous Judge Blawie DOOR 2 which was the express van to BPT Jail.

Frankly I am simply tired/disgusted/angry with attorneys of entitled and unfocused clients bringing there whiney drivel to Court and wasting valuable time on nonsense. The CT Courts are backed up and many people simply sit in jail waiting for trial and so in trots the MT "new atty" to whine about files and bracelet bruising etc.

Judge White ripped him a new one on these issues and I hope this putz learned his lesson but sadly I am thinking that such nonsense motions will be ongoing. I hope that the State Atty becomes more aggressive in countering this ongoing motions that waste the time of the Court.

I'm not sure if people outside of CT realise how backed up the system is and so to see valuable Judges time on pure nonsense is unbelievable IMO. There are many that simply can't get a court time or even date (and they are sitting in jail!) and so in strolls MT and her new atty with 'demands' and 'motions' simply designed to waste Judges time as they can be resolved in other ways. I do very much believe that the 'new atty' showed his cards as to who he was when he felt the acceptable course forward was to complain about the file transfer process without doing anything himself to solve the issue so that he could be prepared for court. We knew where Mama A stood on all of this as I fully expected to throw the new atty a 'high five' after his press meeting after the hearing. I still don't think these people understand the serious nature of the State's case against MT?

So, we saw the new attorney not prepared for court this week, hadn't read the AWs, had no file materials and didn't know that MT had a dead rug business and not a fabric business. Yep, it was easier to complain to the court about the file materials than figuring out how to get them in advance of his court date. Not a good look IMO and not a good start IMO. It was all pretty pathetic IMO to say nothing of disappointing.

I get what you’re saying, but judging how an “innocent person” would or wouldn’t display certain gestures e.g smiling etc. is a slippery slope. A completely stoic defendant could be guilty as sin, just as a more jovial one might be completely innocent. If I were in a similar predicament, I’d hate for the whole world to dissect my every outward affect in order to assess my guilt or innocence. For then it could just come down to how good an actor that person is. IMO
Disagree. FBI profilers have been dealing with this issue for a very long time and have it down to a science with a bit of art thrown in IMO.

To your point, good defense attorneys school their clients on many of the PR aspects of the court appearance and public interaction. But, this is surface stuff and its important to public perception. But IMO watching defendants is important when they are inside Court and we got schooled in this this week on the translation to Spanish in Court situation.

MT and her 'new atty' asked to layer in the cost of a translation (its her right to do so) but yet 2 reporters/reposter noticed in Court that even though the 'new atty' was speaking to the Troconis clan in Spanish THAT THEY WERE SPEAKING WITH EACH OTHER IN ENGLISH! Another reporter remarked (and we all saw it quite clearly) that MT TOOK OFF 1/2 her headset and was listening in ENGLISH to her atty, Atty Colangelo and the Judge in Court. IMO the entire situation was a farce that was yet again brought on by entitlement and the expected process of discrediting the prior MT testimony to LE. The laughable aspect of this was that the family proved that THEIR PREFERRED LANGUAGE IS ENGLISH.

Its things like this happening which is why IMO watching people and what they do and then comparing it to what they say is so important to figuring out what is going on. Figuring out the story below the story is oftentimes hard to do but it can be done IMO. I think many assumed that the home language of MT just might be Spanish. Perhaps it is sometimes but probably not as much now as it has been in the past. Fd didn't speak Spanish and so the MT with Fd was conducted in ENGLISH. I'm sure MT had her spanish speaking friends such as Petu but from the long ago quote about how Fd got mad when MT spoke Spanish with her friends and family and when she was speaking with her friend in Spanish he asked her to leave the room.

“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, shame on both of us.”

― Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

ITA with your excellent questions and summary @Southernsnooper!

Realized I'm torn about not getting to see the rest of the evidence against Fd. Heard on the AJ and Chaz radio broadcast that NP says he's going to get the discovery evidence "one way or another," which he reiterated after saying he would get it, because, "It's personal."

I don't think AB would hand over discovery to NP, but I don't know anything about MT's Troconis's new attorney. When or if I hear about this information, I would rather hear it from LE....NOT, in a book or interview by NP.

I sincerely hope that LE can protect the family report and defamatory information about JFd that has nothing to do with where she is now. I don't know if LE can do that if discovery is released outside of the cases involved. Am sure LE is worried about this now, too. What a MESS Fd left....IMO...MOO
@Tink56, totally with you on this. I do think the good news on this situation is that Atty. P. hadn't yet received the discovery material for AW3. We saw Atty Colangelo saying that he hoped it to be available soon for MT.

Personally I'm glad the material wasn't in the hands of Atty. P. as I'm not sure I trust that he would handle it in a respectful or responsible manner. Just MOO.

Atty Bowman handled his files per standard guidelines of the Court and returned them to Atty Colangelo (even with much complaining and whining about it from MT 'new atty' - gotta love attorneys complaining about other attorneys that follow the rules!). Atty Bowman also put the no contact order in place to protect MT but also to protect himself as Atty. P. at the time was publicly badgering him and talking about 'stopping by' to see Atty Bowman.

I feel your frustration on not seeing a trial here as I know in my mind that the trial process was something that I thought would bring closure and we would see justice. Per usual, Fd always had to have the last word and so robbed the Farber family of a trial along with the rest of those that want to see justice for this horrific crime.

But, we have that opportunity to seek justice with a trial against MT and KM.

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Sorry but one of the LAST folks in the train wreck that was Fd who I believe to be any kind of victim is MT.

Nope, sorry, simply don't see it. MT started her affair while both she and Fd were both married and it went on for 2 years (at least) before Fd told JFd anything about it. MT dumped her quickly in a 'quickie' divorce in FL. MT moved to CT and stayed so long as the Fd/Farber money train kept cranking out cash. IMO that is how MT rolls and its how she has rolled over and over and over again in her relationships with men over the years. IMO if there is a female equivalent of a PREDATOR then that person would IMO be MT as she doesn't care if people are married, in a relationship or not, she simply does what she wants with zero cares in the world.

Here is the article about how MT and Fd long flaunted their affair in Farmington.

Missing Mother’s Estranged Husband Flaunted Affair With His Mistress Before Wife Vanished

How many local women do you think would 'embrace' MT after reading this article? Probably zero except her alleged friend with the store Petu who IMO was the only reason MT sought to have her restrictions removed in Court this week, so she could go visit her friend.

I'm very much looking forward to MT 'new atty' backing up the bus on his story about the MT 'fabric business' as to my knowledge MT, Mama A and her sister only have the dead animal rug business. Gotta love an attorney that doesn't even know what kind of business his client has and the irony of calling the dead animal rug business a 'fabric business' is in itself hilarious.

MT in AW3 admitted to arguing with Fd ALL THE TIME and YET SHE STILL STAYED.

MT stayed WITH HER DAUGHTER at 4Jx for years amidst the ongoing turmoil of the Dulos divorce. How many parents would knowingly subject a child to that environment which you would guess to be volatile and toxic? BUT MT STILL STAYED.

We talked a lot on here about the "Greek Family" of Fd, but the MT "Troconis/Arrezea Clan" has been front and centre at 4Jx living the high life off of Fd/JFd dime for years now and ditto for Miami. We see the MT clan strutting into the Stamford Courthouse wearing stillettos and sunglasses but this same group of people has been supportive of her ongoing relationship with Fd FOR YEARS. Just give a second to thinking about a parent supporting a child who was then married in conducting an affair with a very much married father of 5! Mama A and MT sisters and father ALL DID THIS.

This is simply who these people are and they were very much willing to partake of the Fd parties, travel and restaurant dinners and who knows what else as long as the cash kept rolling and the free plane tickets mysteriously kept showing up. MT family IMO has rallied around her for years and was very much supportive of her ongoing and VERY DETERMINED campaign to be the 'QUEEN of 4Jx' in Farmington. There IMO was no lack of knowledge here on the part of any of the family members as they knew that Fd was married with 5 small children and MT knew JFd personally and worked daily in 4Jx while JFd was still living there for at least a year.

I'm just putting this out there in case there is any doubt that the family of MT didn't know about the situation with Fd. Nope, they knew yet there is extensive social media evidence in the form of pictures (now mostly scrubbed online but held by news outlets such as the DM and NYP and others) that show the family with Fd when he was still married as was MT.

Sometimes we see families as victims in these cases, but in the case of MT and Fd, their families were aware, vested and present IMO in the affair and ongoing relationship.

I will never forget hearing Atty Bowman in Court make the statement that MT had no motive in this case and I think it was him uttering that statement that showed me he didn't truly understand either his client or much about this case. Frankly I was surprised he lasted as long as he did in this case as it was clear that MT was lying to him, her family was lying to him and MT was lying to LE. Kudos to him for escaping from these IMO toxic and lying people who really cannot legally be saved from themselves in great part due to the fact that they continue to live by gaming the legal system. IMO this might work in an overburdened FL Federal legal system but when in comes to Conspiracy to Murder in the State of CT, IMO this simply won't stand or be tolerated. MT missed the boat on some kind of plea deal and simply sunk her chances at a plea deal via her lying campaign. I'm surprised she found another attorney to take her on as even defense attorneys don't have much patience for clients that lie to them and LE and have that fact documented in now 3 AWs.

So, no, MT is NOT a victim. MT knew precisely what she was doing and she stayed with Fd amidst a horrific ongoing divorce drama (of which she was well aware about IMO) and she stayed for a very specific reason and IMO that reason was $$$$$ and it wasn't just the $120,000/yr that she got paid from FORE, IMO it was the promise of a life of leisure and no financial worries. MT signed up for this ALL and she fought hard and IMO engaged in a murder to gain this for herself. MT only cared about herself ever and never gave 2 seconds of time for JFd.


Perfectly said, Afitzy!
MT is all of that with the blood of the true victim on her hands.
Various articles in the Greek press about Fd death - looks like the locals ate up the Atty. P. commentary and spin on Fd choice to end his life. Sad to see this IMO 'fake news' perpetuated in the Greek press as I thought they would do a better job of looking at the facts.

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Yes, but I just think the state is overwhelmed keeping up with the evidence they have that they are not able to check into any possible leads such as forensic accounting of FORE properties. There are so many possible crimes committed they need to focus on getting a conviction on this boggles my mind...
I don't think we can yet make this conclusion yet. We learned from Atty Colangelo that other investigations were ongoing. We also learned in the Civil Case that Atty Bowman was VERY concerned with ongoing investigations and possible other charges for MT. Just because we haven't heard about any of this I don't think this means it isn't happening.

The Probate Process will include the messy process of sorting out Fd affairs and it will be interesting to see if any State or Federal interests are raised.

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