Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #46

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I absolutely agree that Jennifer “knew” him better than anybody. At least, she knew what he would do to her. I’m torn about whether or not he ever physically abused her; did she know what he would do because he did, or was she so astute that she knew what he was like, even though he didn’t?

It is abundantly clear that his lawyer(s) had absolutely no idea what he was inclined to do, though-it seems to me to be a disaster for Pattis and Co., at least in the P.R. sense. I can imagine many Ct defense attorneys saying that they would have had somebody accompanying him to and from all court proceedings. I still wonder what kind of conversation Pattis and Dulos had after Dulos was seen dismantling the memorial to Jennifer?

I wonder what kind of conversation Pattis and Smith had after FD's suicide attempt. Re Smith's not picking him up to drive to court.
Quote from Thread #36 Jan 8 #1077 from @LittleBitty post with followup comment from @acutename: "Ok here is another thing that we’ve discussed on this forum in various threads but how did FD know JD would be there on the morning of the 24th? That it would be her and not LA he was ambushing in JDs garage that morning?
According to LA (the nanny) in AW3 she told LE that JD ALMOST changed her mind on 5/23 and was going to head to NY that evening and had asked LA if she could spend the night at JD house and take the kiddos to school on 5/24. That way JD could already be in NY on the morning of the 24th for her appointments in the city having spent the night in NY. But LA said she changed her mind and LA didn’t end up spending the night at JD house and instead JD took the kids to school on the morning of the 24th.
Was JD just really unlucky? Was it a coincidence that onthat day FD was able to get her at the precise moment she came home from dropping the kids off?
Was he tracking her somehow? did he know her plans?
Would he have known if she had gone to NY on the evening of the 23rd? Or would it have been LA he mistakenly ambushed?
This bothers me a lot."

The precise timing of the attack bothers me a lot too.

I think one of the kids did either get sick or change his or her mind about going to NYC with the other children. I read somewhere that one of the kids was staying with a friend and was not in NYC at GF's apartment the night of May 24. When I find the source, I will post it. It was not clear who or when the child was brought to NYC to join GF and siblings. But yes, something happened that caused one of the children to be separated from the others. IMO, a communication, perhaps through MT or her daughter, confirmed location and timing on the AM of May 24. That communication would be easy to intercept from either cellphone (sender or recipient of message) and would have been held back by LE for obvious reasons. Such a detail would break the case open, would be damning enough to convict MT for conspiracy, prove premeditation and, worst of all, deliberate use of an innocent child to obtain information. Fd did not say goodbye to his children in his suicide letter individually. Guilt perhaps? MOO.
I came here honestly to be here for victims. Is this site for sale? If this is all about a YouTube or podcast bs will take my stuff elsewhere
@LittleBitty, SO glad you have returned! Missed your sharp eyes and keen wit!

Totally with you on this great concern about the recent lack of focus on why many here have been following along on this case for 46!!! threads now and that is seeking justice for the VICTIM Jennifer Farber Dulos.

It's so easy amidst watching a very slow justice process to lose sight of who the victims are in this tragic case. The untimely death of Fd via his CHOICE to gas himself to death has been a twist here that few expected. But the death of Fd in my mind impacts little as it relates to MT and KM. The KM case is evolving and so that might take more time, but the case against MT is ready to move forward soon it appears as Atty Colangelo said that the discovery package for the murder charge is almost done.

Its also IMO disturbing to now see ongoing and seemingly organised trollish behaviour unsubstantiated by anything presented by LE via the 3 very comprehensive AWs for MT. This tactic will fail IMO as it consistently has zero to do with information valued by WS and that is: court documents, LE statements, AW, SWs and MSM reporting.

MT has been charged now via 3 AWs which many here believe to simply be the tip of the iceberg as it relates to evidence against her. MT has been quite clear from DAY 1 that she was never going to help the investigation. MT had one of the better defense attorneys in Southern CT who was well equipped to work a plea deal on her behalf YET what we saw was MT lying to LE for nearly 3 months and leave that Atty with no plea deal. Where in all of these documented FACTs discussed in MSM and now in 3 AW is there any lack of clarity as to MT clear involvement in the plan to murder JFd from its inception? As if there was any doubt, simply return to the Civil Trial deposition of MT where she refused to answer any questions (Judge made her answer 18 questions if I recall) to get a flavour for how MT and Fd rolled as a couple. MT per AW3 watched Fd like a hawk and the Civil Trial showed her to be involved closely in the day to day operation of FORE Group.

I've been here and active on this thread for the victim who I believe to be JFd and her family.

MT is not and will not EVER be a victim based on anything we have read in MSM and Court documents, seen of her in person via video or heard from LE in now 3 AWs. IMO the addition of the new attorney for MT changes nothing. The early motions (including the one to move the trial to Hartford) were frivolous and IMO largely a waste of the Courts time. We IMO learned quite a lot about Atty S but we also learned quite a bit about MT and the crew that surrounds her and simply out of touch with the severity of the charges they collectively are in this case. That is their issue and we will see if things in the MT camp change as the evidence mountain against her grows and grows until the point where she will no doubt be screaming for a plea deal for which there will be no earthly reason for the State to provide.

Watching the treatment of Fd by the State and how the State never needed to speak, even amidst the nonsense spewed by Atty. P., I would have thought might have been instructive to MT and her new atty. But, it seems they believe they are 'different' and that what drove Fd to his decision to kill himself won't also be levelled against them. IMO the MT team not learning from the history of Fd in this case is something they do at their own peril.

I am one of the last people to defend much of anything done by the CSP given what I believe to be their operating tactics and disconnection from the citizens of CT over the course of their history, but in this case their work has been meticulous and the dedication and focus provided to seeking justice for JFd has IMO been absolutely unquestionable. I do think MT and her team discounting the incredible work and the sheer volume of evidence (most of which we haven't seen) prepared by a very dedicated LE is done absolutely at their peril.

As we have been doing I plan to follow the evidence presented by LE and not be sidetracked by nonsense associated with interpreters, ridiculous motions filed by attorneys that can't take the time to go to Court prepared and watching a large family of enablers around MT. Nope, not interested but I am interested in following the evidence and making sure that justice is served as we have seen in the other cases involving Fd that there is a good reason Connecticut is referred to as CORRUPTICUT. Justice IMO will only come if many people are watching and questioning and writing about what they are seeing as the case against MT is made by the State.

LE has done nothing IMO in AW3 to corroborate a timeline and alibi for MT and I believe this to be a very strategic decision. We have seen LE come up with photos to show the ongoing path of MT lying for months and so I also continue to see much more of this at trial. I am very much waiting for the full MT evidence dump to drop on her eventually where what her attorney says and in which language he or she speaks will simply be irrelevant as the evidence will tell a story that is absolutely crystal clear as to MT and her integral role and deep involvement with Fd. I do think its sad that MT opted out of psychological counselling offered free of change by the State of CT as my suspicion is that she will need ongoing support to make it through the process of trial and where she is looking at charges that could put her in prison in CT for a good portion of the rest of her life for her role in the murder of JFd.

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Quote from Thread #36 Jan 8 #1077 from @LittleBitty post with followup comment from @acutename: "Ok here is another thing that we’ve discussed on this forum in various threads but how did FD know JD would be there on the morning of the 24th? That it would be her and not LA he was ambushing in JDs garage that morning?
According to LA (the nanny) in AW3 she told LE that JD ALMOST changed her mind on 5/23 and was going to head to NY that evening and had asked LA if she could spend the night at JD house and take the kiddos to school on 5/24. That way JD could already be in NY on the morning of the 24th for her appointments in the city having spent the night in NY. But LA said she changed her mind and LA didn’t end up spending the night at JD house and instead JD took the kids to school on the morning of the 24th.
Was JD just really unlucky? Was it a coincidence that onthat day FD was able to get her at the precise moment she came home from dropping the kids off?
Was he tracking her somehow? did he know her plans?
Would he have known if she had gone to NY on the evening of the 23rd? Or would it have been LA he mistakenly ambushed?
This bothers me a lot."

The precise timing of the attack bothers me a lot too.

I think one of the kids did either get sick or change his or her mind about going to NYC with the other children. I read somewhere that one of the kids was staying with a friend and was not in NYC at GF's apartment the night of May 24. When I find the source, I will post it. It was not clear who or when the child was brought to NYC to join GF and siblings. But yes, something happened that caused one of the children to be separated from the others. IMO, a communication, perhaps through MT or her daughter, confirmed location and timing on the AM of May 24. That communication would be easy to intercept from either cellphone (sender or recipient of message) and would have been held back by LE for obvious reasons. Such a detail would break the case open, would be damning enough to convict MT for conspiracy, prove premeditation and, worst of all, deliberate use of an innocent child to obtain information. Fd did not say goodbye to his children in his suicide letter individually. Guilt perhaps? MOO.
Would be great if LE has some evidence as to this. My personal opinion as of now is that FoDoodle just got amazingly lucky. I think that this was JFD normal school morning routine which he knew well.
@LittleBitty, SO glad you have returned! Missed your sharp eyes and keen wit!

Totally with you on this great concern about the recent lack of focus on why many here have been following along on this case for 46!!! threads now and that is seeking justice for the VICTIM Jennifer Farber Dulos.

It's so easy amidst watching a very slow justice process to lose sight of who the victims are in this tragic case. The untimely death of Fd via his CHOICE to gas himself to death has been a twist here that few expected. But the death of Fd in my mind impacts little as it relates to MT and KM. The KM case is evolving and so that might take more time, but the case against MT is ready to move forward soon it appears as Atty Colangelo said that the discovery package for the murder charge is almost done.

Its also IMO disturbing to now see ongoing and seemingly organised trollish behaviour unsubstantiated by anything presented by LE via the 3 very comprehensive AWs for MT. This tactic will fail IMO as it consistently has zero to do with information valued by WS and that is: court documents, LE statements, AW, SWs and MSM reporting.

MT has been charged now via 3 AWs which many here believe to simply be the tip of the iceberg as it relates to evidence against her. MT has been quite clear from DAY 1 that she was never going to help the investigation. MT had one of the better defense attorneys in Southern CT who was well equipped to work a plea deal on her behalf YET what we saw was MT lying to LE for nearly 3 months and leave that Atty with no plea deal. Where in all of these documented FACTs discussed in MSM and now in 3 AW is there any lack of clarity as to MT clear involvement in the plan to murder JFd from its inception? As if there was any doubt, simply return to the Civil Trial deposition of MT where she refused to answer any questions (Judge made her answer 18 questions if I recall) to get a flavour for how MT and Fd rolled as a couple. MT per AW3 watched Fd like a hawk and the Civil Trial showed her to be involved closely in the day to day operation of FORE Group.

I've been here and active on this thread for the victim who I believe to be JFd and her family.

MT is not and will not EVER be a victim based on anything we have read in MSM and Court documents, seen of her in person via video or heard from LE in now 3 AWs. IMO the addition of the new attorney for MT changes nothing. The early motions (including the one to move the trial to Hartford) were frivolous and IMO largely a waste of the Courts time. We IMO learned quite a lot about Atty S but we also learned quite a bit about MT and the crew that surrounds her and simply out of touch with the severity of the charges they collectively are in this case. That is their issue and we will see if things in the MT camp change as the evidence mountain against her grows and grows until the point where she will no doubt be screaming for a plea deal for which there will be no earthly reason for the State to provide.

Watching the treatment of Fd by the State and how the State never needed to speak, even amidst the nonsense spewed by Atty. P., I would have thought might have been instructive to MT and her new atty. But, it seems they believe they are 'different' and that what drove Fd to his decision to kill himself won't also be levelled against them. IMO the MT team not learning from the history of Fd in this case is something they do at their own peril.

I am one of the last people to defend much of anything done by the CSP given what I believe to be their operating tactics and disconnection from the citizens of CT over the course of their history, but in this case their work has been meticulous and the dedication and focus provided to seeking justice for JFd has IMO been absolutely unquestionable. I do think MT and her team discounting the incredible work and the sheer volume of evidence (most of which we haven't seen) prepared by a very dedicated LE is done absolutely at their peril.

As we have been doing I plan to follow the evidence presented by LE and not be sidetracked by nonsense associated with interpreters, ridiculous motions filed by attorneys that can't take the time to go to Court prepared and watching a large family of enablers around MT. Nope, not interested but I am interested in following the evidence and making sure that justice is served as we have seen in the other cases involving Fd that there is a good reason Connecticut is referred to as CORRUPTICUT. Justice IMO will only come if many people are watching and questioning and writing about what they are seeing as the case against MT is made by the State.

LE has done nothing IMO in AW3 to corroborate a timeline and alibi for MT and I believe this to be a very strategic decision. We have seen LE come up with photos to show the ongoing path of MT lying for months and so I also continue to see much more of this at trial. I am very much waiting for the full MT evidence dump to drop on her eventually where what her attorney says and in which language he or she speaks will simply be irrelevant as the evidence will tell a story that is absolutely crystal clear as to MT and her integral role and deep involvement with Fd. I do think its sad that MT opted out of psychological counselling offered free of change by the State of CT as my suspicion is that she will need ongoing support to make it through the process of trial and where she is looking at charges that could put her in prison in CT for a good portion of the rest of her life for her role in the murder of JFd.

Thank you just isn’t enough!
A thousand thanks Afitzy!
I absolutely agree that Jennifer “knew” him better than anybody. At least, she knew what he would do to her. I’m torn about whether or not he ever physically abused her; did she know what he would do because he did, or was she so astute that she knew what he was like, even though he didn’t?
RSBM: I believe she was mentally intimidated/abused in such a way that she knew actual physical abuse/murder was a possibility. There is the story from LA about chasing JD around the house. The story about how he tried to run her over with the car. I think a couple other incidents that I can't really recall. The admission of revenge fantasies. Getting a gun. These were to intimidate mentally. To make her cower and think twice about trying to take him down. I think it very likely that FD knew just how far he could go and did not step over the line to physical contact. The Malignant N will let you know, even when things are still going good, what they have done to others who have crossed them and what he will do to those who cross him in the future. IME, no physical abuse is needed to know what they are capable of.
Quote from Thread #36 Jan 8 #1077 from @LittleBitty post with followup comment from @acutename: "Ok here is another thing that we’ve discussed on this forum in various threads but how did FD know JD would be there on the morning of the 24th? That it would be her and not LA he was ambushing in JDs garage that morning?
According to LA (the nanny) in AW3 she told LE that JD ALMOST changed her mind on 5/23 and was going to head to NY that evening and had asked LA if she could spend the night at JD house and take the kiddos to school on 5/24. That way JD could already be in NY on the morning of the 24th for her appointments in the city having spent the night in NY. But LA said she changed her mind and LA didn’t end up spending the night at JD house and instead JD took the kids to school on the morning of the 24th.
Was JD just really unlucky? Was it a coincidence that onthat day FD was able to get her at the precise moment she came home from dropping the kids off?
Was he tracking her somehow? did he know her plans?
Would he have known if she had gone to NY on the evening of the 23rd? Or would it have been LA he mistakenly ambushed?
This bothers me a lot."

The precise timing of the attack bothers me a lot too.

I think one of the kids did either get sick or change his or her mind about going to NYC with the other children. I read somewhere that one of the kids was staying with a friend and was not in NYC at GF's apartment the night of May 24. When I find the source, I will post it. It was not clear who or when the child was brought to NYC to join GF and siblings. But yes, something happened that caused one of the children to be separated from the others. IMO, a communication, perhaps through MT or her daughter, confirmed location and timing on the AM of May 24. That communication would be easy to intercept from either cellphone (sender or recipient of message) and would have been held back by LE for obvious reasons. Such a detail would break the case open, would be damning enough to convict MT for conspiracy, prove premeditation and, worst of all, deliberate use of an innocent child to obtain information. Fd did not say goodbye to his children in his suicide letter individually. Guilt perhaps? MOO.
I am pretty sure it was a pre arranged after school play date. I cannot remember where I saw it though.
Quote from Thread #36 Jan 8 #1077 from @LittleBitty post with followup comment from @acutename: "Ok here is another thing that we’ve discussed on this forum in various threads but how did FD know JD would be there on the morning of the 24th? That it would be her and not LA he was ambushing in JDs garage that morning?
According to LA (the nanny) in AW3 she told LE that JD ALMOST changed her mind on 5/23 and was going to head to NY that evening and had asked LA if she could spend the night at JD house and take the kiddos to school on 5/24. That way JD could already be in NY on the morning of the 24th for her appointments in the city having spent the night in NY. But LA said she changed her mind and LA didn’t end up spending the night at JD house and instead JD took the kids to school on the morning of the 24th.
Was JD just really unlucky? Was it a coincidence that onthat day FD was able to get her at the precise moment she came home from dropping the kids off?
Was he tracking her somehow? did he know her plans?
Would he have known if she had gone to NY on the evening of the 23rd? Or would it have been LA he mistakenly ambushed?
This bothers me a lot."

The precise timing of the attack bothers me a lot too.

I think one of the kids did either get sick or change his or her mind about going to NYC with the other children. I read somewhere that one of the kids was staying with a friend and was not in NYC at GF's apartment the night of May 24. When I find the source, I will post it. It was not clear who or when the child was brought to NYC to join GF and siblings. But yes, something happened that caused one of the children to be separated from the others. IMO, a communication, perhaps through MT or her daughter, confirmed location and timing on the AM of May 24. That communication would be easy to intercept from either cellphone (sender or recipient of message) and would have been held back by LE for obvious reasons. Such a detail would break the case open, would be damning enough to convict MT for conspiracy, prove premeditation and, worst of all, deliberate use of an innocent child to obtain information. Fd did not say goodbye to his children in his suicide letter individually. Guilt perhaps? MOO.
The child had a play date with a friend since that child did not have to go to orthodontist appointment in city. JD was to pick up child in NC when they returned home Friday evening.
The child had a play date with a friend since that child did not have to go to orthodontist appointment in city. JD was to pick up child in NC when they returned home Friday evening.
That’s interesting. Hadn’t heard about the kids having ortho appts nor the plan to return Friday night. Thought it was only JFD who had appts in the city and that they all planned to spend the night in the city. Can you please post the source of this, I’d love to read.
That’s interesting. Hadn’t heard about the kids having ortho appts nor the plan to return Friday night. Thought it was only JFD who had appts in the city and that they all planned to spend the night in the city. Can you please post the source of this, I’d love to read.
Jennifer, who had an early morning doctor’s appointment in the city, was also was supposed to show up for her children’s orthodontist appointment at 4:40 p.m., but didn’t appear, the warrant says.
Jennifer, who had an early morning doctor’s appointment in the city, was also was supposed to show up for her children’s orthodontist appointment at 4:40 p.m., but didn’t appear, the warrant says.
Thank you so much. That nanny must be traumatized after having been so closely involved in all of this. I find her phone call that night with FD verrrry telling. Who wouldn’t have questions- tons of questions - when being called with that kind of news. Vicious divorce or not - it’s natural normal human instinct. Unless you’re the killer.
I wonder what kind of conversation Pattis and Smith had after FD's suicide attempt. Re Smith's not picking him up to drive to court.
My suspicion is NOT MUCH. Atty Smith didn’t alert that FD wasn’t at court until 12:15pm per his own stmts outside court on the suicide date. Atty Smith didn’t appear to be looking too hard for his client and Atty. P. Was in Washington DC.

Are we aware what time her doctors appointment was and how long the journey to NYC would take?
Refer you to AW 1 and earlier threads where these details have been extensively discussed. The LA deposition in the Civil Case also provides a bit more context on the children and LA activities on the murder date.

A New Haven man who made more than 30 phone calls to Fotis Dulos’ attorneys and then threatened to meet them in the parking lot has been charged with harassment.

Adam Davenport, 31, was arrested on a warrant by New Haven police and appeared in Superior Court in New Haven Friday. He was charged with second-degree harassment, which is a misdemeanor. His next court date is Feb. 21.

Davenport is accused of making a series of phone calls to both Norm Pattis and Kevin Smith beginning in September that became increasingly more sinister. The calls started in September with the man stating “you better watch your back in the parking lot,” according to an arrest warrant.

The calls continued into mid-October with the last two saying “Smith is not safe” and “it’s gonna be real easy man, real easy,” the warrant said.

Police tracked the calls to Davenport and when they interviewed him he admitted making the calls but told then he was only joking and meant no harm.

Pattis and Smith represented Dulos, who died on Jan. 30 in a New York hospital after attempting suicide in the garage of his Farmington home two days earlier by clamping a vacuum cleaner hose to the tailpipe of his car and inhaling carbon monoxide. He had been charged with murdering his estranged wife, Jennifer Farber Dulos, at her home in New Canaan...

Davenport told police he was upset by how the “Jennifer Dulos case is portrayed on the news by Pattis and Smith.” He said Pattis was “spreading false information.” He also acknowledged that he told Pattis he was coming down to his office at one point.

Davenport promised he wouldn’t make any more phone calls and offered to apologize. Smith told police that he still wanted charges pressed against Davenport because he has a family to worry about now.

Man arrested for harassing and threatening Fotis Dulos’ attorneys
A New Haven man who made more than 30 phone calls to Fotis Dulos’ attorneys and then threatened to meet them in the parking lot has been charged with harassment.

Adam Davenport, 31, was arrested on a warrant by New Haven police and appeared in Superior Court in New Haven Friday. He was charged with second-degree harassment, which is a misdemeanor. His next court date is Feb. 21.

Davenport is accused of making a series of phone calls to both Norm Pattis and Kevin Smith beginning in September that became increasingly more sinister. The calls started in September with the man stating “you better watch your back in the parking lot,” according to an arrest warrant.

The calls continued into mid-October with the last two saying “Smith is not safe” and “it’s gonna be real easy man, real easy,” the warrant said.

Police tracked the calls to Davenport and when they interviewed him he admitted making the calls but told then he was only joking and meant no harm.

Pattis and Smith represented Dulos, who died on Jan. 30 in a New York hospital after attempting suicide in the garage of his Farmington home two days earlier by clamping a vacuum cleaner hose to the tailpipe of his car and inhaling carbon monoxide. He had been charged with murdering his estranged wife, Jennifer Farber Dulos, at her home in New Canaan...

Davenport told police he was upset by how the “Jennifer Dulos case is portrayed on the news by Pattis and Smith.” He said Pattis was “spreading false information.” He also acknowledged that he told Pattis he was coming down to his office at one point.

Davenport promised he wouldn’t make any more phone calls and offered to apologize. Smith told police that he still wanted charges pressed against Davenport because he has a family to worry about now.

Man arrested for harassing and threatening Fotis Dulos’ attorneys
Sounds like he has a loose screw...
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