Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #47

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surely breaking the phone (case/screen) would not erase the call data - this could be pulled from the phone carrier? I can't understand the relevance of KM saying this, can someone clarify please?
he obviously threw away the phone thinking that was the end of tracking his calls. These
guys weren't too bright in the tech department.
Yes, JFd's Suburban left her home at 10:25 am and it is believed that she was not driving the vehicle. The vehicle was spotted on Weed St heading in the direction of Lapham Rd, where it was later found parked approximately 100 ft from where the Toyota Tacoma had been parked. It takes about 3-4 minutes to reach the spot on Lapham Rd from JFd's home. JFd's cellular data confirms that her phone was in the area of Lapham Rd from that time until 11:09 when the phone was disconnected from the cellular network.

So, from approximately 10:29 until 11:09 (40 minutes), something was happening and some believe the activity that filled that time was more than just moving JFd's body, the garbage bags full of bloody paper towels and gloves, the cargo mat from the Suburban, and the bicycle from the Suburban to the Toyota Tacoma. They believe that either her body was dumped somewhere nearby before stuff was moved into the Toyota Tacoma or that her body was moved to the Toyota Tacoma and then dumped somewhere within a short driving distance (some say 5 mile radius of the Lapham Rd parking turnout, some have said as much as 10 mile radius).
Thank you! I have another thought, Perhaps the 40 minute period was used for waiting for someone to arrive? I take it that Jennifers phone didn't ping anywhere outside the route from welles to lapham? I've looked at Lapham Road on streetview and it doesn't seem very private to swop from one vehicle to another.
@pandaknows, we don't have much of a timeline on the 'player to be named later' for KM on the Murder date 5/24/19 IMO.

On the issue of possible accomplice I do wonder if KM spent the night possibly at 80MS as didn't we see Fd going over the 80MS when he had the issue with not having enough 'meat' for his party at 4Jx on 5/23? We don't know what was going on at 80MS on 5/23 and who exactly was there. Did KM assist with moving the body, possibly either in NC or at 80MS?

Could 5/23 at 80MS been a time to put together all the taped bags and put down plastic on floors and cover walls. Did KM help with this process?

I still am baffled by MT statement (well this one more than others) on I believe 5/24 when she says that, "Fd was in the basement" at 80MS. I'm not sure in a house that size if she were allegedly in a 2nd floor bathroom that she could know where exactly Fd was in the house. We don't know if MT/Fd were texting and so that is how she knew where he was or if the house has some kind of intercom system.


@afitzy I am going to try to get some Lego toy figures to represent the various houses, players and cars and see if the HC article by DA, EF and SG published on Sunday, January 12, 2020 entitled "Attorney is key part of Dulos case" actually jibes with the AW. This might take awhile because the list of "missing info" is longer than "known facts". Here is an excerpt that I am trying to check out. IMO, a quick skim over seems like it does jibe with the AW but with DA, ya never know until you check it against the AW yourself!

Source: As investigation into Jennifer Farber Dulos’ disappearance continues, relationship between Fotis Dulos and attorney friend Kent Mawhinney becomes a key issue

Excerpt from page A6, midway down the second column of the print article with sub-heading:

"Jennifer's death"
"A few days later — around the time Dulos is accused of killing Jennifer — there is evidence of further contact between Mawhinney and Dulos, authorities say.

On May 23, two days after his last meeting with Mawhinney’s wife, Dulos was hosting a dinner party at his Jefferson Crossing home in Farmington. That same day, at around 4:54 p.m., surveillance video showed his black Raptor and a red Toyota truck belonging to his employee driving toward another house owned by the Fore Group a few miles away, on Mountain Spring Road.

Police believe Dulos left the red truck at that house and drove back to Jefferson Crossing in the Raptor arriving less than 15 minutes later — at 5:10 p.m. State police also believe Dulos would use that red Toyota the next day to drive down to New Canaan and murder his wife before returning to Mountain Spring Road to clean it.

Less than 10 minutes after Dulos returned to Jefferson Crossing, Mawhinney’s phone pinged off a cell tower near Mountain Spring Road — meaning the phone was physically in the same area. The phone pinged twice, the last time at 5:23 p.m, state police say phone records show.

Dulos didn’t stay at Jefferson Crossing very long — heading back to Mountain Spring at 5:35 p.m. and staying there for at least six minutes before leaving.

The next morning, Mawhinney arrived at Dulos’ home at 7:30 a.m. for a business meeting. Surveillance video shows that he stayed there until almost 8:30 a.m. Police believe Dulos had left for New Canaan earlier that morning. The warrant said the alarm on his cellphone went off at 4:20 a.m.

Mawhinney initially told state police there wasn’t a pre-arranged meeting for that day and that he didn’t remember talking to Dulos at all that day. He did admit that Dulos wasn’t at Jefferson Crossing when he was there. In his second interview, he acknowledged Dulos had set up the meeting for that morning and also told detectives that “if there’s a phone call, I guess I did (talk to Dulos).”

The meeting that morning — and changing stories about it told to police by Trocnonis — are featured prominently in the arrest warrants linked to the murder charge. While Troconis initially told authorities she saw both Dulos and Mawhinney at Jefferson Crossing that morning, she would later say she never saw Dulos.

Mawhinney reenters the picture later that day, authorities say.

Phone records show that Dulos called Mawhinney at 7:47 p.m. on May 24 while police say Dulos was on Albany Avenue in Hartford dropping garbage bags coated with the blood of Farber Dulos into trash cans. The timing of that call jibes with when state police say they believe Dulos placed a FedEx package into a storm drain in front of Scott’s Jamaican Bakery. Police recovered the package that contained an old license plate that had been altered belonging to Dulos.

“Mawhinney was asked if he would know why Dulos would have contacted him while dumping evidence into trash receptacles in Hartford. Mawhinney reiterated that he didn’t remember any kind of contact with Dulos and did not know why Fotis would have called him while disposing of evidence,” the arrest warrant said."
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I've wondered this too. If I think about my partner, would he know where I store replacements for anything? and the answer is no. But perhaps logic?

Is it possible FT was in the house prior to the murder? Doing a ‘dry run’? One of the children could have given him the code some time ago or he had a device that would unlock the door. Did Jennifer have an alarm system hooked up to an alarm business? Did each family member have their own codes?
he obviously threw away the phone thinking that was the end of tracking his calls. These
guys weren't too bright in the tech department.
I think it was something else on the phone itself. Not call related and not able to be pulled by the phone carrier. I wonder what type of phone it was? I think iphones store everything on the cloud?
Can you please clarify in regard to the missing 40 minutes? Thanks!
Le time line says there is 40 minutes Un accounted for from the time the suburban left Wells to the time the Tacoma was was seen getting on the Merritt Parkway.
IMO, unless the place was in an area where someone couldn't ever dig or remove trees, I don't think he would want her body to ever be found if the property was ever going to be developed on. I don't see him or any of the group as being over ambitious and they wouldn't carry a 100lb body very far (especially wrapped in slick plastic bags).

On another note, if he put the body originally in the suburban, when did her blood get in his employees truck?

The other thing that is really startling to me, all this was done in broad daylight (well except for the disposing of the bags)?

Like I said there are plenty or areas on a future building site that can never be excavated such as protected wet lands and their buffer strips.common land that is forever wild under terms of agreement with the town when said property was being subdivided.a builder would get all that info before considering a purchase because they need to know all available land for excavation. In return you know all the areas that are unavailable for excavation.It’s usually shown on the map of the property
I’ve read a few DA’s articles in the HC and have a hard time finding exculpatory information in any of them that would bolster a case for FD’s innocence.
E.g after reading his article from Jan 8, if I had never read anything else about the case, I would come away believing FD killed JD.

“A rare French bike, a bloody doorknob and Jennifer Farber Dulos’ DNA on zip ties among new evidence against Fotis Dulos”

A rare French bike, a bloody doorknob and Jennifer Farber Dulos’ DNA on zip ties among new evidence against Fotis Dulos

His writing style, as many have said here, has a lot in common with much MSM “reporting” these days in that it is mostly takes on the role of a rote narrator. That can definitely lead one down the path of “false balance”, but DA is sadly not alone in this regard. However, I can’t find any clear tell-tale evidence that he is getting his talking points from NP. If so, could anyone offer any specifics here? I have a subscription, and would love to ask him any pointed question(s) for his Q/A that would make it difficult for him to wriggle his way out in this regard? So, please fire away.
@Dacaesar, good examples IMO of classic DA 'reposting' would be the alibi script narrative articles prior to the AW acknowledging that the 'alibi scripts' existed and that Fd and MT had been following them for months and MT had been lying to LE. These tidbits about the Fd then 'alibi' came via DA and HC prior to us here on WS learning about them in the AWs. The SW specifically state that they could not corroborate ANY of the statements made in the Press (usually to DA at HC IMO but sometimes to Sarah Wallace at NBC NY) about the Fd alibi.

The 'Greek Family' interview statements I'm not convinced came from them directly (even though it was called a phone interview I believe) but might have originated with them but were interpreted and respun by Atty. P. The interview with the 'Greek Family' done after the Fd suicide where they were disparaging about the Farber family and its wealth and then went on to blame the Family Court system for discriminating against Fd as the less wealthy party in the action along with the fact that he was 'Greek' simply read like the narrative that Atty. P. was spewing at the time.

IMO DA also had at least 1 or 2 LE sources and this most likely was where the Suburban mat, Fudge, bloody knife and bloody pillow narrative developed IMO. IDK if it was a HPD or FPD or CSP source/s.

These kinds of 'reposted' articles get mixed up with more down the line kind of stories where its simply repeating info from the AWs.

So, to get a true 'flavour' IMO of the overall situation the articles have to be read from the beginning of the case and look at the timing of the DA/HC statements against the timing of the info released in the AWs. IMO DA was just a 'reposter' of various leaks from any number of sources but overwhelmingly IMO his source of leaks was various members of Pattisville. Read the articles and see what you think. On the various threads here many folks commented as the articles were written about the timing of the comments.

In terms of questions for DA I would just be curious about whether he is required to have multiple sources for a statement or more broadly what are his standards for verifying a statement and why does he feel its ok to simply 'repost' a characterisation of a report (say the stolen psych report) rather than stating in his article that he himself read the report - he has been a consistent source for the statement that the stolen psych report was favourable to Fd which so far as I know has only been stated by Atty. P. and Atty Rochlin (in motion to Family Court).

Truly, the more I even think and type now about DA and HC I have to say that their reporting has called into question everything I 'thought' I might have known about the job of reporting and what expectations I have as a reader of articles in various publications as to the standards maintained.

The situation IMO became so clear and obvious which was why I came up with the term 'reposting' to describe it as IMO it seemed to be the polar opposite of 'investigative reporting'.

Curious where you come out on all this and I would truly be shocked if DA answers any questions about standards or process! But, stranger things have happened I guess in this case as we might be surprised.

IMO, unless the place was in an area where someone couldn't ever dig or remove trees, I don't think he would want her body to ever be found if the property was ever going to be developed on. I don't see him or any of the group as being over ambitious and they wouldn't carry a 100lb body very far (especially wrapped in slick plastic bags).

On another note, if he put the body originally in the suburban, when did her blood get in his employees truck?

The other thing that is really startling to me, all this was done in broad daylight (well except for the disposing of the bags)?


Of the black garbage bags that were dumped and later found by LE in the trash receptacles on Albany Ave, there was found two bags that were taped together. We don't know exactly what configuration that was, but I have speculated that they were taped together open-end-to-open end to make one much longer bag and that improvised longer bag was used to contain JFd's bloodied body.

I've also speculated that the reason four 36" long zip ties were used was not to restrain JFd (much smaller zip ties could be used to restrain hands and feet); instead the longer ones were used to wrap around JFd's double-bag wrapped body at intervals along its length to facilitate carrying the body, much like a builder or a carpet installer would carry a roll of carpet. Perhaps the cargo mat from her suburban could have also been used to roll JFd's body in first, before bagging the resulting bundle, to add stability.

Carried that way, JFd's body would not draw much unwanted attention in broad daylight as it would resemble a rolled up rug or length of carpet. One strong person could lift by grabbing the zip-ties along JFd's body's length and two could easily do so.
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Thank you! I have another thought, Perhaps the 40 minute period was used for waiting for someone to arrive? I take it that Jennifers phone didn't ping anywhere outside the route from welles to lapham? I've looked at Lapham Road on streetview and it doesn't seem very private to swop from one vehicle to another.
Quoted myself -perhaps if waiting for someone - If I expand this and say that Jennifers phone going off does not necessarily coincide with when her surburban was used. Is it possible for Jennifers phone to be tracked when it is off? Does her surburban have a tracker or GPS?
I'm thinking that body taken to Lapham Road, so that FD can take the tacoma back to 4JC. Accomplice arrives at Lapham Road at 11am in their vehicle. FD drives back to 4JC in the tacoma taking the bags and bike with him. The accomplice takes the body in the surburban and disposes of it in NC, drives back and abandons surburban and drives back to Farmington/final destination.

I do not think that MT is the accomplice or knowingly assisted, she is far too wrapped up in herself. I can see KM having the role of accomplice/disposal.
Not sure what you mean. Blood was found on the front seats
Are you sure they were front seats? I have found reference to both front and back. But am willing to change my post to 'perhaps some bags were on the seats, hence the blood stains'.
Of the black garbage bags that were dumped and later found by LE in the trash receptacles on Albany Ave, there was found two bags that were taped together. We don't know exactly what configuration that was, but I have speculated that they were taped together open-end-to-open end to make one much longer bag and that improvised longer bag was used to contain JFd's bloodied body.

I've also speculated that the reason four 36" long zip ties were used was not to restrain JFd (much smaller zip ties could be used to restrain hands and feet); instead the longer ones were used to wrap around JFd's double-bag wrapped body at intervals along its length to facilitate carrying the body, much like a builder or a carpet installer would carry a roll of carpet. Perhaps the cargo mat from her suburban could have also been used to roll JFd's body in first, before bagging the resulting bundle, to add stability.

Carried that way, JFd's body would not draw much unwanted attention in broad daylight as it would resemble a rolled up rug or length of carpet. One strong person could lift by grabbing the zip-ties along JFd's body's length and two could easily do so.

I strongly agree with you
Not sure what you mean. Blood was found on the front seats

Are you sure about that? I thought the Toyota Tacoma was an XCab, with seats in the back and that the seats PG replaced were those?

ETA: I've scanned through the Arrest Warrants from September 2019 (Tampering) and January 2020 (Murder, Felony Murder, Kidnapping) to clarify which seats and it is not clear from those warrants.
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@afitzy I am going to try to get some Lego toy figures to represent the various houses, players and cars and see if the HC article by DA, EF and SG published on Sunday, January 12, 2020 entitled "Attorney is key part of Dulos case" actually jibes with the AW. This might take awhile because the list of "missing info" is longer than "known facts". Here is an excerpt that I am trying to check out. IMO, a quick skim over seems like it does jibe with the AW but with DA, ya never know until you check it against the AW yourself!

Source: As investigation into Jennifer Farber Dulos’ disappearance continues, relationship between Fotis Dulos and attorney friend Kent Mawhinney becomes a key issue

Excerpt from page A6, midway down the second column of the print article with sub-heading:

"Jennifer's death"
"A few days later — around the time Dulos is accused of killing Jennifer — there is evidence of further contact between Mawhinney and Dulos, authorities say.

On May 23, two days after his last meeting with Mawhinney’s wife, Dulos was hosting a dinner party at his Jefferson Crossing home in Farmington. That same day, at around 4:54 p.m., surveillance video showed his black Raptor and a red Toyota truck belonging to his employee driving toward another house owned by the Fore Group a few miles away, on Mountain Spring Road.

Police believe Dulos left the red truck at that house and drove back to Jefferson Crossing in the Raptor arriving less than 15 minutes later — at 5:10 p.m. State police also believe Dulos would use that red Toyota the next day to drive down to New Canaan and murder his wife before returning to Mountain Spring Road to clean it.

Less than 10 minutes after Dulos returned to Jefferson Crossing, Mawhinney’s phone pinged off a cell tower near Mountain Spring Road — meaning the phone was physically in the same area. The phone pinged twice, the last time at 5:23 p.m, state police say phone records show.

Dulos didn’t stay at Jefferson Crossing very long — heading back to Mountain Spring at 5:35 p.m. and staying there for at least six minutes before leaving.

The next morning, Mawhinney arrived at Dulos’ home at 7:30 a.m. for a business meeting. Surveillance video shows that he stayed there until almost 8:30 a.m. Police believe Dulos had left for New Canaan earlier that morning. The warrant said the alarm on his cellphone went off at 4:20 a.m.

Mawhinney initially told state police there wasn’t a pre-arranged meeting for that day and that he didn’t remember talking to Dulos at all that day. He did admit that Dulos wasn’t at Jefferson Crossing when he was there. In his second interview, he acknowledged Dulos had set up the meeting for that morning and also told detectives that “if there’s a phone call, I guess I did (talk to Dulos).”

The meeting that morning — and changing stories about it told to police by Trocnonis — are featured prominently in the arrest warrants linked to the murder charge. While Troconis initially told authorities she saw both Dulos and Mawhinney at Jefferson Crossing that morning, she would later say she never saw Dulos.

Mawhinney reenters the picture later that day, authorities say.

Phone records show that Dulos called Mawhinney at 7:47 p.m. on May 24 while police say Dulos was on Albany Avenue in Hartford dropping garbage bags coated with the blood of Farber Dulos into trash cans. The timing of that call jibes with when state police say they believe Dulos placed a FedEx package into a storm drain in front of Scott’s Jamaican Bakery. Police recovered the package that contained an old license plate that had been altered belonging to Dulos.

“Mawhinney was asked if he would know why Dulos would have contacted him while dumping evidence into trash receptacles in Hartford. Mawhinney reiterated that he didn’t remember any kind of contact with Dulos and did not know why Fotis would have called him while disposing of evidence,” the arrest warrant said."

Good idea! The thing is that DA also does these articles at the time of the AWs and they usually wrap in earlier 'reposted' info if the 'reposted' info is corroborated by LE - its tricky to spot the reposting IMO except tracking it from the beginning as it was almost as if the info was being 'front run' by Atty. P. and DA to the public. Where it clear is with the 'alibi script' narrative as IMO the other info is less obvious.

Just did a quick read of the info you posted and the one thing that jumped out was the reference to the dinner party. The idea of the dinner party was not put out in the AWs until much later in the process and I am sure if you look back in the HC reporting you will see a much earlier reference to the dinner party and IMO that is only something that a 'leaker' could have shared to DA as it wasn't discussed in any pressers (as we didn't really have more than 1 or 2 very specific updates from CSP/LE IMO). Another possible early reference was to the 'housekeeper' at Welles. LE never referred to such a person. References to Fd being at Welles came much earlier in this case from Atty. P. and Atty Rochlin and made their way into HC reporting. This all happened in advance of what was later disclosed in AW3 about Fd being at Welles and the testimony of LA.

Good luck with this process!

Are you sure they were front seats? I have found reference to both front and back. But am willing to change my post to 'perhaps some bags were on the seats, hence the blood stains'.
Are you sure about that? I thought the Toyota Tacoma was an XCab, with seats in the back and that the seats PG replaced were those?
The PG Tacoma only had 1/2 door (not a full second door) with jump seats in the back that folded down so far as I recall. I've never understood how the Porsche seats would fit into the Tacoma unless it was to replace the front seats. We went through this extensively in a prior thread so I'm going from memory here. We had pictures of the interior of the Tacoma to figure out how this all could be done.

Quoted myself -perhaps if waiting for someone - If I expand this and say that Jennifers phone going off does not necessarily coincide with when her surburban was used. Is it possible for Jennifers phone to be tracked when it is off? Does her surburban have a tracker or GPS?
I'm thinking that body taken to Lapham Road, so that FD can take the tacoma back to 4JC. Accomplice arrives at Lapham Road at 11am in their vehicle. FD drives back to 4JC in the tacoma taking the bags and bike with him. The accomplice takes the body in the surburban and disposes of it in NC, drives back and abandons surburban and drives back to Farmington/final destination.

I do not think that MT is the accomplice or knowingly assisted, she is far too wrapped up in herself. I can see KM having the role of accomplice/disposal.

MT could be 'wrapped up in herself' but we don't have a corroborated timeline from LE about MT whereabouts so IMO she is still 'in the mix' on the Murder Date as is KM!

I’ve read a few DA’s articles in the HC and have a hard time finding exculpatory information in any of them that would bolster a case for FD’s innocence.
E.g after reading his article from Jan 8, if I had never read anything else about the case, I would come away believing FD killed JD.

“A rare French bike, a bloody doorknob and Jennifer Farber Dulos’ DNA on zip ties among new evidence against Fotis Dulos”

A rare French bike, a bloody doorknob and Jennifer Farber Dulos’ DNA on zip ties among new evidence against Fotis Dulos

His writing style, as many have said here, has a lot in common with much MSM “reporting” these days in that it is mostly takes on the role of a rote narrator. That can definitely lead one down the path of “false balance”, but DA is sadly not alone in this regard. However, I can’t find any clear tell-tale evidence that he is getting his talking points from NP. If so, could anyone offer any specifics here? I have a subscription, and would love to ask him any pointed question(s) for his Q/A that would make it difficult for him to wriggle his way out in this regard? So, please fire away.

Would love it if you ask Dave if he got the State Insurance Dept’s records of its investigation of the Dulos bail bond fraud, and if the Probate Court Administrator of FD’s estate asked FD’s attorneys, Pattis & Smith, to provide a copy of their retainer agreement with FD, and itemized accounting of their fees and expenses.
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