Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #48

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auspex, thanks for the info on Middle Rd.
I see Ct. Light and Power have a couple parcels of vacant land on Middle Road but most interesting to me is that Burnt Hill Reservoir
is accessed from Middle Rd.
Apparently there's walking trails there also.
Could this have been a temporary body holding site? Or even a permanent grave?
do we know if Burnt Hill Reservoir was searched?
I don't recall hearing about it back when the searches were going on.

I know the West Hartford Reservoir (which is actually six reservoirs) was searched extensively, but I haven't been able to find any MSM reporting on a search of Burnt Hill, which looks to be quite small and concealed. My partner and I hike/meander extensively in CT and we're both local to the Farmington Valley, but we've never heard of Burnt Hill Reservoir before. We'll try to check it out ASAP!
Part 2 - Residencies Proximal to 585 Middle Rd:

Neighboring house to 585 Middle Rd -- according to google maps, the driveway actually leads to two properties: the big yellow house on the right (new build) and an older, smaller house up to the left that you can't see from the road. Included a google maps ss for reference -- Arden Courts parking lot is in the bottom left corner, yellow house in the center, smaller house on the right.
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Property 2 houses down from 585 Middle Rd -- I took a picture of this one because it is listed as the home business of a local roofer/landscaper and there was a boat in the driveway. A tenuous connection to be sure (MOO), but I figured it was still worth photographing.
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Great sleuthing!

I wonder, due to the timing of the ping near here (just after school gets out, AFAIK):

Could one of those nearby houses be home to a ~14-year old girl? One who might be someone MT's daughter could hang with while MT is busy that day - perhaps MT would go talk with her daughter, or pick her up, or drop her OFF after school as she would be busy on Albany Ave date night later that evening?

After looking up the address I saw a cute smaller house (Zillow or the like has it) next door to that address.
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Some late in the evening questions that have been running through my mind as I consider MT’s interviews with police, as sparsely documented in the AW's:

1. Was Andreas Toutziaridis phone call at 8:24 am EST on 5/24 to Fotis Dulos’s cellphone merely a prearranged step in “The Alibi Script” to lend the appearance that FD was in Farmington with his cellphone? Alternatively, could it have been a signal confirmation from the caller that something expected to happen in New Canaan HAD happened before the call was made? (IMO, the timing could coincide with completion of a fatal attack upon Jennifer and if a signal, this could explain why MT was so cagey about “static” during the call, and about having trouble understanding what was being said, and about whether or not she was certain it was Andreas. It could also explain why the call was so brief and there was no follow up to communicate more.)

2. MT’s three documented visits (i.e. first to friend, second to store where she took selfie with store robot, and third to another friend) allegedly occurred between approximately 9:00 and 11:30 am EST on 5/24 (i.e. AFTER the Andreas Toutziaridis call, but BEFORE Toyota Tacoma return to 80 MS). Those three documented visits that she so readily volunteered – information that was not truly responsive to the actual questions asked by officers, who were inquiring about FD, not MT – were those documented communications (visits/texts/SM posts) prearranged steps in “The Alibi Script” to provide evidence MT was not in New Canaan morning of 5/24, or could those documented communications (texts, photographs on SM, in-person visits) be signal confirmation(s) from MT to others that certain step(s) had been completed before those communications were made? It is possible they would serve as both. And if signal confirmation(s), then to whom? Who would be watching for either those visits or those texts, or for the post(s) to SM? And why three communications (2 visits & 1 photo with robot)? Was that to cover a span of time, or if intended to signal, did each of the communications signal completion of a specific step (for example “kill,” “body transfer Suburban to Toyota Tacoma,” and “body transfer Toyota Tacoma to an unknown receiver or location”)?

SUMMARY: Could AT’s 8:24 am EST call to FD’s cellphone sitting in the offices of FORE Group, allegedly in the presence of MT and also possibly KM, have been a primary signal to MT (and perhaps KM) from those on scene at New Canaan? And then, could MT’s subsequent communications while running errands from 9:00 to 11:00 have been a set of secondary signals to others (perhaps KM, or other local associates aware of the morning plans, or even distant associates aware of the morning plans). Was anyone watching MT’s SM that morning expecting such a signal? Could MT have been carrying a separate phone with a caller telling her when various parts of the plan were fulfilled? If not via phone call, could someone have been posting signals to SM that MT was watching for and then relaying through her own SM posts to others?

My apologies if these questions have already been addressed. I am still catching up on earlier threads, while also trying to organize my own VERY detailed timelines for the relevant parties as well as spreadsheets to ease navigating the SW's.
These are good questions, but we need to be very careful to remember that what you refer to several times as MT's "three documented visits," are not in fact documented*; the only documentation is MT's 'creative' mouth! :)

*documented = "established as genuine"

We have not seen any of these supposed alibis of 5/24, have had no proof of any of them, nor verification that they even exist from LE.

LE only mentioned that MT claimed to have done those things. They did not even state whether they had seen any such image ("robot selfie") or if it exists, if it were indeed taken when she said it was.

She's been known to make things up whole-cloth, as we know: the alibi scripts were creative fiction.

In fact when she's in jail perhaps she can keep busy as a fiction or crime writer. She does have quite the imagination, and appears to be an experienced planner!

I wish I could have the confidence you do that MT was not in NC - but we still don't have that proof yet. Good ideas, though.
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In a recent article published by Hearst (CT Insider and CT Magazine), Pattis is asked why he takes on the defense of unpopular defendants. He is quoted: "A good part of my vocation is wanting to bear witness and to make sure these [people] aren't alone," Pattis says. "I can provide that. They're not alone in their worst moments."
Where was NP when FD sat alone in the garage of his mansion inhaling lethal gas? Off in another state with his phone shut off? Where was his partner KS? Chatting in the judge's chambers in Stamford? If that wasn't FD's worst moment... Yet Hearst re-publishes that article on 2/24 with no mention of FD's very solitary last act.

10000000000% THIS IS IT IMO!

IMO Atty. P. more correctly should have said that he is there, 'so long as there is green $$$$'.

So with you on absolutely calling BS on all of this spewing from the mouth of Atty. P. and Pattisville as I don't believe they were there for Fd when he gassed himself for death. Atty Smith said outside of Court that he didn't alert that Fd wasn't present until 12:15 pm. What had Atty Smith done ALL MORNING to ensure that his client was present in Court that morning? Looks like ZIP/NADA/ZILCH to me and it looked further that Atty Smith was bothered more about the waste of his time driving to Stamford than anything having to do with Fd? Why did they not send an intern or the backup atty to go pick up Fd?

I do think that the Fd choice to remove the JFd memorial combined with the 'bond fraud' and his money most likely running out meant to Atty. P. and Pattisville that the 'green was no longer in the house' and that Atty. P. most likely had been beyond angry that his supposedly brilliant defense mountain of lies had been damaged irreparably by Fd actions. To be clear, I believe this is what Atty. P. might have thought about the Fd actions and it might be relevant to Atty. P. view of reality but other than this I think its irrelevant for purposes of understanding anything other than why Atty. P. and Atty Smith ditched Fd on the day he gassed himself -- Atty. P. and Atty Smith were angry at Fd IMO and they also knew the money was no more and that the 'Greek Benefactor' didn't exist.

For my money the Atty. P. defense strategy was DOA from the second he made the choice Day 2 in the case to not check out the Fd alibi prior to talking to the Press on endless replay - his endless other nonsense about 'gone girl' and 'revenge suicide' IMO just made him look to be the bigger fool in this case and then the endless victim shaming blaming made him and his client simply look moronic. IMO it was all very 'lazy' defending and not remotely strategic and its also sad in a way because you know Fd paid Pattisville through the nose for their work and it IMO frankly just wasn't solid work at all. Fd was IMO doomed by the poor legal strategy choices of Atty. P. and I do think Fd realised he was in a deep hole from which he couldn't be saved by anyone and the ship was going down. Fd also knew that he didn't even have the money to pay his attys to even make it trial and that his usual KM learned tricks about delay and lie wouldn't stack up well given the extensive evidence pile that the State continued to trickle out via 3 AWs.

Frankly nobody was there for Fd when he gassed himself to death as it appears the entire bureaucracy for the State of CT that was charged with 'watching' FD was absolutely immobile.

When I was trying to piece together the Fd suicide timeline yesterday all I could think about were all the people that were supposedly to be keeping track of FD and where were they? I tried to identify all the folks involved in watching Fd and then tried to understand where they were and what they were doing as Fd sat immobile in the Suburban gassing himself to death for nearly 2 hours (talk with Hartford Bail Company around 10:34 am when he was reported to have sounded 'out of breath' until he was hauled out of the vehicle shortly after noon, by which time he should have long been in Stamford).

Its actually quite stunning that Fd could sit immobile for nearly 2 hrs and nothing was done by the State other than it seems to keep calling Fd cell phone. No words for the monitoring people/Parole at all.

But, it was the woman who was seen on the grounds of 4Jx shortly after 11:18 am I believe that I have many questions for as well. Who was this person and why did they leave and return?

Why was there such a delay in making the call to FPD? It seemed like everything was moving in slow motion from LE to Pattisville to the Bracelet Monitors to the Judge. It almost makes me wonder if the 'group decision' was that it wouldn't be a bad thing for all involved if Fd were dead? IDK, but next to nothing that we watched play out that day makes any sense if any of the people involved with the scenario IMO were simply doing their jobs. Absolutely baffling and the old phrase SNAFU doesn't even begin to cover it IMO either.

Where were the CSP who I believe were supposedly tasked with watching Fd?

I don't get why Atty Smith and Atty Colangelo weren't more proactive and why didn't it seem like nobody was looking for Fd in advance of when he should have been in Stamford.

I do hope the cell phone info of Atty. P. and Atty Smith and Pattisville and LE (including all Parole/Bracelet monitors) are all published so that it can be seen how exactly this was permitted to happen.

How many calls had Fd made to Atty. P. that weren't picked up or had Atty. P. already made it clear to Fd that they were finished after the memorial desecration issue and because Fd could no longer pay? I have zero hope that any truth on these issues from Atty. P. will ever emerge to the public but I do think that the actions and demeanour of Atty Smith speak clearly as to what was going on in Pattisville on the day that Fd decided to gas himself to death.

Why the delay in the welfare check until 11:53 am which was way past IMO when Fd should have been in Stamford and long after the woman was seen on the grounds of 4Jx?

WHERE IS THE REPORT TO EXPLAIN ALL THIS TOO or is this report in the same place that the report on the Glock 19 is?

All swept under the rug.
I guess about anything is possible at this point but even saying that makes me queasy.

This bond is one of the largest done in CT in a long time and so to see that the underlying collateral for the bond was insufficient and that the individuals participating in the bond were in fact it seems involved in perpetrating a fraud based on what we now know IMO, it raises so many red flags in my mind. What are the review processes for these bonds? Why was Fd (big flight risk and ditto for MT) allowed out of jail until the collateral had been reviewed?

Will the individuals involved in perpetrating this fraud be prosecuted - Anna Curry, GV and PI McKenna?

Where was Atty Colangelo? Where was the State Insurance Group in Hartford that reviews these policies? What is so shocking is that as frauds go this one wasn't really very well done IMO as the information on the properties was all publicly available. Why wasn't someone tasked to simply verify the information BEFORE allowing Fd out of Jail?????

Where was Judge Blawie and Judge White in the review of bond (has MT bond package been completely reviewed as it seems like there are major faults in the CT review process of these large bonds)?

Why did it take a whistleblower to take the lid off of this entire conversation?

Why was Palmetto on the Approved list for the State when it had insufficient liquidity and capital for a bond of $6 million. Which Company is standing behind the MT bond in terms of the insurance and has her bond/s all been reviewed and is the collateral sufficient and accessible?

Why have the Press written nothing further on this entire conversation?

Why did the Court hearing not proceed to resolve the bond issue even though Fd didn't show up? It truly seemed to to an outsider watching this process that the attempt was made to sweep this entire debacle under the rug and hide it behind the eventual death of Fd? I hope this isn't true but it seems this way even a week plus later unfortunately IMO.

What was the role of Atty P. and Atty Smith in terms of jamming this bond through the Court? Nobody should know the Fd financial situation better than Pattisville IMO given their involvement in the Civil Case where all these issues were discussed. I do think that Atty. P. saying that the 'hold up' in the bond was a 'technical detail relating to title' was not truthful in the least and it was just word salad for 'fraud' IMO and so to see the attorneys so involved in jamming through a bond that was not based on truthful information is something that is so profoundly wrong IMO that I do wonder why we haven't seen an sanctions for this behaviour once the investigation is completed.

Its a horrible feeling to not have confidence in a bureaucracy having the systems and process in place to do a simple task like looking at collateral and issuing a bond. But, sadly it seems that the issuance of the Fd bond was an epic fail on all levels. Wonder why we haven't seen anything more about it discussed either in Court or in the Press?

So disappointing and I do wonder if Atty Colangelo was simply spread too thin and so something major but simple such as a bond slipped through the cracks?

10000000000% THIS IS IT IMO!

IMO Atty. P. more correctly should have said that he is there, 'so long as there is green $$$$'.

So with you on absolutely calling BS on all of this spewing from the mouth of Atty. P. and Pattisville as I don't believe they were there for Fd when he gassed himself for death. Atty Smith said outside of Court that he didn't alert that Fd wasn't present until 12:15 pm. What had Atty Smith done ALL MORNING to ensure that his client was present in Court that morning? Looks like ZIP/NADA/ZILCH to me and it looked further that Atty Smith was bothered more about the waste of his time driving to Stamford than anything having to do with Fd? Why did they not send an intern or the backup atty to go pick up Fd?

I do think that the Fd choice to remove the JFd memorial combined with the 'bond fraud' and his money most likely running out meant to Atty. P. and Pattisville that the 'green was no longer in the house' and that Atty. P. most likely had been beyond angry that his supposedly brilliant defense mountain of lies had been damaged irreparably by Fd actions. To be clear, I believe this is what Atty. P. might have thought about the Fd actions and it might be relevant to Atty. P. view of reality but other than this I think its irrelevant for purposes of understanding anything other than why Atty. P. and Atty Smith ditched Fd on the day he gassed himself -- Atty. P. and Atty Smith were angry at Fd IMO and they also knew the money was no more and that the 'Greek Benefactor' didn't exist.

For my money the Atty. P. defense strategy was DOA from the second he made the choice Day 2 in the case to not check out the Fd alibi prior to talking to the Press on endless replay - his endless other nonsense about 'gone girl' and 'revenge suicide' IMO just made him look to be the bigger fool in this case and then the endless victim shaming blaming made him and his client simply look moronic. IMO it was all very 'lazy' defending and not remotely strategic and its also sad in a way because you know Fd paid Pattisville through the nose for their work and it IMO frankly just wasn't solid work at all. Fd was IMO doomed by the poor legal strategy choices of Atty. P. and I do think Fd realised he was in a deep hole from which he couldn't be saved by anyone and the ship was going down. Fd also knew that he didn't even have the money to pay his attys to even make it trial and that his usual KM learned tricks about delay and lie wouldn't stack up well given the extensive evidence pile that the State continued to trickle out via 3 AWs.

Frankly nobody was there for Fd when he gassed himself to death as it appears the entire bureaucracy for the State of CT that was charged with 'watching' FD was absolutely immobile.

When I was trying to piece together the Fd suicide timeline yesterday all I could think about were all the people that were supposedly to be keeping track of FD and where were they? I tried to identify all the folks involved in watching Fd and then tried to understand where they were and what they were doing as Fd sat immobile in the Suburban gassing himself to death for nearly 2 hours (talk with Hartford Bail Company around 10:34 am when he was reported to have sounded 'out of breath' until he was hauled out of the vehicle shortly after noon, by which time he should have long been in Stamford).

Its actually quite stunning that Fd could sit immobile for nearly 2 hrs and nothing was done by the State other than it seems to keep calling Fd cell phone. No words for the monitoring people/Parole at all.

But, it was the woman who was seen on the grounds of 4Jx shortly after 11:18 am I believe that I have many questions for as well. Who was this person and why did they leave and return?

Why was there such a delay in making the call to FPD? It seemed like everything was moving in slow motion from LE to Pattisville to the Bracelet Monitors to the Judge. It almost makes me wonder if the 'group decision' was that it wouldn't be a bad thing for all involved if Fd were dead? IDK, but next to nothing that we watched play out that day makes any sense if any of the people involved with the scenario IMO were simply doing their jobs. Absolutely baffling and the old phrase SNAFU doesn't even begin to cover it IMO either.

Where were the CSP who I believe were supposedly tasked with watching Fd?

I don't get why Atty Smith and Atty Colangelo weren't more proactive and why didn't it seem like nobody was looking for Fd in advance of when he should have been in Stamford.

I do hope the cell phone info of Atty. P. and Atty Smith and Pattisville and LE (including all Parole/Bracelet monitors) are all published so that it can be seen how exactly this was permitted to happen.

How many calls had Fd made to Atty. P. that weren't picked up or had Atty. P. already made it clear to Fd that they were finished after the memorial desecration issue and because Fd could no longer pay? I have zero hope that any truth on these issues from Atty. P. will ever emerge to the public but I do think that the actions and demeanour of Atty Smith speak clearly as to what was going on in Pattisville on the day that Fd decided to gas himself to death.

Why the delay in the welfare check until 11:53 am which was way past IMO when Fd should have been in Stamford and long after the woman was seen on the grounds of 4Jx?

WHERE IS THE REPORT TO EXPLAIN ALL THIS TOO or is this report in the same place that the report on the Glock 19 is?

How many calls had Fd made to Atty. P. that weren't picked up or had Atty. P. already made it clear to Fd that they were finished after the memorial desecration issue and because Fd could no longer pay? I have zero hope that any truth on these issues from Atty. P. will ever emerge to the public but I do think that the actions and demeanour of Atty Smith speak clearly as to what was going on in Pattisville on the day that Fd decided to gas himself to death.

Yup. Very sad.

So much for NP being there for the 'lonely guy'.

(Unless in some warped or unconventional way, he was letting Fd do what Fd wanted to do? That's too extreme a thought to think of it as likely - but at the same time, we don't know what NP is capable of agreeing to or thinking is okay.)
Some late in the evening questions that have been running through my mind as I consider MT’s interviews with police, as sparsely documented in the AW's:

1. Was Andreas Toutziaridis phone call at 8:24 am EST on 5/24 to Fotis Dulos’s cellphone merely a prearranged step in “The Alibi Script” to lend the appearance that FD was in Farmington with his cellphone? Alternatively, could it have been a signal confirmation from the caller that something expected to happen in New Canaan HAD happened before the call was made? (IMO, the timing could coincide with completion of a fatal attack upon Jennifer and if a signal, this could explain why MT was so cagey about “static” during the call, and about having trouble understanding what was being said, and about whether or not she was certain it was Andreas. It could also explain why the call was so brief and there was no follow up to communicate more.)

2. MT’s three documented visits (i.e. first to friend, second to store where she took selfie with store robot, and third to another friend) allegedly occurred between approximately 9:00 and 11:30 am EST on 5/24 (i.e. AFTER the Andreas Toutziaridis call, but BEFORE Toyota Tacoma return to 80 MS). Those three documented visits that she so readily volunteered – information that was not truly responsive to the actual questions asked by officers, who were inquiring about FD, not MT – were those documented communications (visits/texts/SM posts) prearranged steps in “The Alibi Script” to provide evidence MT was not in New Canaan morning of 5/24, or could those documented communications (texts, photographs on SM, in-person visits) be signal confirmation(s) from MT to others that certain step(s) had been completed before those communications were made? It is possible they would serve as both. And if signal confirmation(s), then to whom? Who would be watching for either those visits or those texts, or for the post(s) to SM? And why three communications (2 visits & 1 photo with robot)? Was that to cover a span of time, or if intended to signal, did each of the communications signal completion of a specific step (for example “kill,” “body transfer Suburban to Toyota Tacoma,” and “body transfer Toyota Tacoma to an unknown receiver or location”)?

SUMMARY: Could AT’s 8:24 am EST call to FD’s cellphone sitting in the offices of FORE Group, allegedly in the presence of MT and also possibly KM, have been a primary signal to MT (and perhaps KM) from those on scene at New Canaan? And then, could MT’s subsequent communications while running errands from 9:00 to 11:00 have been a set of secondary signals to others (perhaps KM, or other local associates aware of the morning plans, or even distant associates aware of the morning plans). Was anyone watching MT’s SM that morning expecting such a signal? Could MT have been carrying a separate phone with a caller telling her when various parts of the plan were fulfilled? If not via phone call, could someone have been posting signals to SM that MT was watching for and then relaying through her own SM posts to others?

My apologies if these questions have already been addressed. I am still catching up on earlier threads, while also trying to organize my own VERY detailed timelines for the relevant parties as well as spreadsheets to ease navigating the SW's.

Such interesting ideas! Social media and texts used as signals. Agree that there seemed to be a prearranged aspect to the MT activities on the Murder date that simply IMO smacks of premeditation and extensive planning. I do wonder though how MT was connected to the other co-conspirators either directly or via social media to know that the next photo or next action should be completed? Maybe the message that kicked off the MT schedule was the Andreas Tout first call and it was from there that the prearranged schedule for the morning then was put into motion?

But I do wonder who else might have been involved in seeing these messages or were the intended recipients simply the 4 co-conspirators that we are aware of Fd, MT, AT and KM? Or, were others involved?

The issue with the MT 'timeline' is that the gaps are very real IMO early in the am and then periodically throughout the day, we don't know about location of MT daughter and MT involvement in drop off/pickup etc and even though MT said eventually that she never saw Fd on the Murder date morning, who knows if this is true? Ditto on timeline issues for KM on the evening prior to the Murder date and the Murder date.

Fd was reported to have left 80MS in the Red Tacoma at 5:35 am I believe.

When did the Red Tacoma make it from 4Jx to 80MS or 585 DC or wherever it was parked to 80MS and who drove it?

How did Fd get to 80MS? Did he ride the French bike or did he ride a motor bike or even drive the Suburban?

Did MT or KM take Fd to 80MS?

Why leave from 80MS on the Murder date?

Where was KM on the evening before Murder date and the am of Murder date? Did he stay overnight at 4Jx or 80MS?

Was the body of victim JFd 'picked up' by some as yet unknown party after being left someplace by one of the co-conspirators?

Troconis stated she greeted Mawhinney in the Fore Group office that morning. [In an interview, Mawhinney admitted to investigators he was at the Fore Group office that morning but stated he never saw Troconis . ]

YES! This aspect was quite curious and I do wonder if it was part of KM usual tactics of simply lying and putting the burden back on LE to figure out who exactly was where?

Its this use of ongoing lying by all the involved co conspirators which makes puzzling this out so hard as we have no confirmation from LE about much of anything regarding KM and MT.

It just seems like the LE tactic in KM AW1 and MTs Aw1-3 was simply to let MT and KM lie and lie and lie and then use their many lies against them once the timeline was established via 3rd party sources such as CCTV.

I do think that the MT AWs simply lay out the alibi script (until she forgot it of course) and that other than the situations were pictures exist (Car Wash and ATM and Albany) its all a fabrication.

We have MT saying she woke up at 6:40 am I believe and then saying she didn't see Fd in the am. We don't know when she typically wakes up, we don't know if she had to do a school run in am or pm and how unusual was it for her not to see Fd in the am or even know where he slept the night before?

IMO MT is a virtual ghost on the eve of the Murder date and the Murder Date. Usually I would think that there might be some truth hidden in all the lies of an avowed liar such as MT (and KM) but I really question here whether this might be the case?

Truly I think everything from MT has been one big lie and that her timeline can't be compiled. The other thing is that even if you look at her 3 kinda/sorta/maybe/not really timelines there are large gaps of unaccounted for time IMO.

All swept under the rug.

@Annicade, Yes, sadly I have to agree that Atty Colangelo and the State of CT and the Judges will simply sweep this entire Fd/Anna Curry/GV and PI McKenna bond fraud under the rug that looked to have been done with the full knowledge and legal supervision of Pattisville and knowledge of Atty Colangelo too IMO.

I'm filing this debacle away under "CORRUPTICUT" and marking it EXHIBIT 1!

Only in CT can you get a $6 million bond package using properties in foreclosure and have no consequences for perpetrating a fraud!

Sad and absolutely pathetic.

Dear Pattis,

I am sorry for your loss.

I must refer you to the handwritten missive and inform you of the following.

Pattis, my dear, the deceased did not himself claim “despair.” He claimed he would nobly offer his head to stop the prosecution. I believe his strategy will work; we shall see on March 3!
His "handwritten missive", where he so dramatically begins with " If you are reading this, I am no more" was supposed to be his deathbed proclamation of innocence, is such a sham. It's an age-old tradition for cornered criminals in or about to be in custody to take the easy way out.

There's so many examples, but here's just a few choice ones below that NP could also offer his posthumous sympathies to:

Israel Keyes serial Killer
Hermann Goring Nazi Mass Murderer
Rudolph Hess Nazi Mass Murderer
Heinrich Himmler Nazi Mass Murderer
Ariel Castro - Kidnapper, torturer, Murderer

For NP to weep his crocodile tears for his unfairly besieged client is beyond the pale. When will NP's 15 minutes be up? Please make it soon!

On Michelle.

Ruminations misses Little Bitty and will honor her by writing in the 3rd person.

Alathea said: “I think MT was...the quiet power behind it all in a way we haven't discussed yet. Sure, she'll claim in court to have been ‘under Fd's power’- but when you think about it - that makes no sense...

“Fd was a serial philanderer. He cheated before, and likely would again. If it were all truly up to Fd, he most likely would have preferred to have MT on the side, in the shadows, and keep his family and kids and house and money from the in-laws, until he tired of MT - which he would have - and in fact, did.

“So why did [Fotis] throw everything away for [Michelle]? Because she was manipulative, she WAS the power - and/or involved in something shady with him that she held over HIS head.

“It really only makes sense that SHE was the one who wanted to move into the house - why would he want that, knowing he'd lose everything? His wife, family, the money coming into his business from the Farbers, eventually - everything.

“...SHE would want to establish herself as THE woman of the household...

“She also insisted in being part of the visitation once Jennifer moved out. Fd knew it was not okay with Jennifer. It was a huge, ongoing issue in court. If MT hadn't insisted, it would not likely have happened...

“But - instead of her stepping back - she continued to interfere, even though it was soon written as being against visitation stipulations...

“Why didn't she just stop being around during visitation, and let Fd deal with his divorce on his own? Fd complained about the lack of visitation, so why didn't he stop her involvement in them? Apparently, he was not able to.

“Did she also insist on having Jennifer completely out of the picture, instead of stepping back?

“She was very jealous, they argued all the time. MT appeared to need to be with Fd at all times. To check up on him?

“Why did she get so angry that he had gone to visit the kids in NC and hadn't told her about it? (She found out from LE, I believe.)

“MT was not the type to be pushed around. She had to realize she wasn't going to be in it with Fd - or even his type - for the long haul - how else would she hang onto FD?

“I have a feeling we will learn a lot more about MT's running the show in ways we don't know and can't even imagine, yet.”

BellaVita said, “Nah, FD didn't want to keep her in the shadows. MT was a big F!@$ U to Jennifer. He didn't throw everything away for MT. He was rearing up and ready to throw before he even met her. IMO, there is no way she WAS the power. No doubt she was shady with FORE money and so was FD. They both had something on the other and neither could spill the beans without incriminating their own self.

“I agree that she wanted to move into the house and I am sure FD wanted her there. Because, you know, see me Jennifer? Are you looking? You have been easily replaced and now another woman is in the bed and her kid is here too...

“That is Malignant N for you. They are never satisfied and do not even know when they have already won...

“As far as the visitation, I agree that she wanted to be there and FD wanted her there too. Because, nobody tells FD what to do...he wasn't going to back down...FD was certainly able to stop her being present during visitation. He just didn't want to.”

Ruminations says she can not interpret the facts as indicating anything other than Michelle was aware of murder plans, execution and cleanup and participated at various levels in all stages. She is morally and legally guilty. She happens to have committed her crimes in CT, so she is in deeper doo-doo than in other states where she might have an easier time in criminal court should the facts not indicate that she delivered blows or was a very direct assist such as look out during the delivery of blows.

When Ruminations tries to build personalities and motivations around the facts, she just can’t come to Michelle being the driving force. This is why.

Most of all, as BellaVita asserts, Fotis did not seem to be a person that allowed people to tell him what to do. Instead, when he was inconvenienced by having to respect the autonomy of another, he felt like a victim.

When Fotis wanted something, he was very good making it seem he was doing it for someone else, or being “forced,” since he wouldn’t let an opportunity to be a hero or a victim go to waste. So what good luck for Fotis if Michelle wanted to be the queen of lemonade and crepe parties at 4JX! He could sent his “big F!@$ U” (thanks, BellaVita) to Jennifer and look like he is meeting Michelle’s needs. He probably trained Michelle to guffaw at Jennifer for claiming Fotis was dangerous when he was being whipped, wink wink, by Michelle.

They supposedly argued all the time? Ruminations believes it. That has nothing to do with MT being able to get her way with Fotis.

She was jealous and suspicious? Well, Fotis was a cheater and suspect. That is about the only rational point of data Ruminations has about Michelle.

As for acting out jealously, a-hole men love that stuff. She seemed very well trained in the art of being what a-hole men like.

MT wasn’t the type to be pushed around? Ruminations is not sure. She was in a very vulnerable position. One thing that happens to people when they have a history of abuse, especially sexual abuse and especially in childhood, is they lose some self protection skills that seem instinctive to others, and have to relearn them. Being queen of 4jx might seem like her goal, but it was where Fotis had all the power. She had homes. She could have insisted that he move his kitchen tools in with her.

I know there have been long lists written giving facts, with which we all agree, that demonstrate MT’s guilt, and motivations, about which we agree, too.

The fallacy in using the motives to show that MT was the driving force is that the very same motives are just as easily reasons she went along for the murdering ride and did her parts.

Something is very wrong with Michelle. She is behaving in an extremely unusual way to deaths. She acts out sexually and if she were 13 or 14, I would worry that she was being abused at home and is in danger of being trafficked. It is really odd that Jennifer absolutely would not abide her being around when it is more typical for ex wives to find that their ex behaves better when a “friend” is on the scene. (And, If Jennifer were blinded by the natural jealousy that would occur —-which seems unlikely given she prioritized her children over herself—-then others like the law guardian would have chimed in and said that kicking Michelle out did not seem necessary to them.) That woman is not right, IMO.

Her family is also not right, as many have commented. Who supports their daughter/sister on entering a dangerous and immoral relationship? Who dresses like they are going to a formal brunch when Jennifer is missing and presumed dead? When their daughter is accused of increasingly heinous crimes? When their daughter’s significant other commits suicide? Did anybody from Michelle’s family represent Michelle at any service or gathering for Fotis? Because if Michelle and Anna were in some kind of agreement, that would not be a problem.

If Anna were a surprise, Ruminations would sure as Fudge show up at a service fot Fotis to represent her adulterous sister. She would walk up to Pattis and say, “So who is the lying lover now!” wish Anna the best, grab something to eat, check her watch, apologize for a conflicting commitment and leave. All very politely of course, as is Ruminations MO.

Moo, moo moo.
Love when you use kinda/sorta/maybe...
@thekirbyfamily, been using phone to post for over a week and am simply too lazy to search the thesaurus YET AGAIN for a synonym for improbable or lying or impossible to believe or absolute total and utter rubbish or total bollocks or in the case of Atty. P. and MT in particular ABSOLUTE [REDACTED] BS!

Simply exhausting to find words to dance around the obvious of what we are sadly witnessing play out here with this group of avowed liars and a main attorney that wouldn't know the definition of truth if it slugged him the mouth!


Part 2 - Residencies Proximal to 585 Middle Rd:

Neighboring house to 585 Middle Rd -- according to google maps, the driveway actually leads to two properties: the big yellow house on the right (new build) and an older, smaller house up to the left that you can't see from the road. Included a google maps ss for reference -- Arden Courts parking lot is in the bottom left corner, yellow house in the center, smaller house on the right.
View attachment 234453 View attachment 234454 View attachment 234455 View attachment 234456 View attachment 234457

Property 2 houses down from 585 Middle Rd -- I took a picture of this one because it is listed as the home business of a local roofer/landscaper and there was a boat in the driveway. A tenuous connection to be sure (MOO), but I figured it was still worth photographing.
View attachment 234458 View attachment 234459
Interesting possible connection! Thanks for the photos.
LosAngeles said:
Activity: Pre-Trial Next Court Date: 3/31/2020 10:00 AM
Current Charges
Statute Description Class Type Occ Offense Date Plea Verdict Finding
53a-54a CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT MURDER B Felony 1 5/24/2019 Not Guilty

spaz1959 said:
So he has to the 30th of March to make a deal?

No... on the March 31st.
His "handwritten missive", where he so dramatically begins with " If you are reading this, I am no more" was supposed to be his deathbed proclamation of innocence, is such a sham. It's an age-old tradition for cornered criminals in or about to be in custody to take the easy way out.

There's so many examples, but here's just a few choice ones below that NP could also offer his posthumous sympathies to:

Israel Keyes serial Killer
Hermann Goring Nazi Mass Murderer
Rudolph Hess Nazi Mass Murderer
Heinrich Himmler Nazi Mass Murderer
Ariel Castro - Kidnapper, torturer, Murderer

For NP to weep his crocodile tears for his unfairly besieged client is beyond the pale. When will NP's 15 minutes be up? Please make it soon!


IMO the Fd alleged suicide note is highly suspect. So far as we know it was released by Atty. P. and not by LE. The circumstances of the release seem cloaked in smoke (no pun intended sorry, not sorry!) and mirrors by Atty. P. and it seemed to be IMO Atty. P. hanging on to the last seconds of his 15 minute in this tragic case.

People here looked at the handwriting in the note vs the story written by Fd for the Avon writers book and thought it seemed credible.

IDK. Still have the note on standby for verification by LE at some point.

These are good questions, but we need to be very careful to remember that what you refer to several times as MT's "three documented visits," are not in fact documented*; the only documentation is MT's 'creative' mouth! :)

*documented = "established as genuine"

We have not seen any of these supposed alibis of 5/24, have had no proof of any of them, nor verification that they even exist from LE.

LE only mentioned that MT claimed to have done those things. They did not even state whether they had seen any such image ("robot selfie") or if it exists, if it were indeed taken when she said it was.

She's been known to make things up whole-cloth, as we know: the alibi scripts were creative fiction.

In fact when she's in jail perhaps she can keep busy as a fiction or crime writer. She does have quite the imagination, and appears to be an experienced planner!

I wish I could have the confidence you do that MT was not in NC - but we still don't have that proof yet. Good ideas, though.

Agree, what they were was documentable, not documented.

I am inclined to think they were confirmed by LE. I have a feeling, the AW would have either left that info out, or discussed what happened when MT was confronted with conflicting evidence.

The other possibility is that LE has conflicting evidence and for a strategic reason hasn’t been told to MT. There are different rules in different jurisdictions for how deeply one can go with a strategy like that. At some point, incriminating and exculpatory evidence has to be shared so a defense can be prepared. The point is different in different LE jurisdictions. I don’t know where that point is for this case.

Still, keeping it simple, I think it is more likely LE agrees largely that MT was seen by two humans and one robot, and thus had “plausible deniability” for not knowing exactly what was going on in 4JX for that time frame. But I will be mild surprised rather than knocked out in shock if I am wrong.
These are good questions, but we need to be very careful to remember that what you refer to several times as MT's "three documented visits," are not in fact documented*; the only documentation is MT's 'creative' mouth! :)

*documented = "established as genuine"

We have not seen any of these supposed alibis of 5/24, have had no proof of any of them, nor verification that they even exist from LE.

LE only mentioned that MT claimed to have done those things. They did not even state whether they had seen any such image ("robot selfie") or if it exists, if it were indeed taken when she said it was.

She's been known to make things up whole-cloth, as we know: the alibi scripts were creative fiction.

In fact when she's in jail perhaps she can keep busy as a fiction or crime writer. She does have quite the imagination, and appears to be an experienced planner!

I wish I could have the confidence you do that MT was not in NC - but we still don't have that proof yet. Good ideas, though.

Good reminder that we have not seen substantiation of MT's claims about the visits/selfie with robot as reported in the AW's. I agree that what is presented in the AW's shows that MT lied about other things she claimed, sticking closely to The Alibi Script until she was presented with irrefutable conflicting evidence. Then, she'd hedge, and gradually slide toward what she appeared to think would look closer to the truth, but still leave herself in the clear as much as possible.

Still, if LE has checked out MT's claimed visits/texts/selfie and found those claims to have in fact happened, and at the times she told LE they happened, I think those communications should be considered for their potential as concealed signals (i.e. more meaningful than they appear on the surface), given that the cellphone call from Andreas most certainly looks like such a signal and LE did verify that call came in.

Also, for the record, I DO NOT have confidence MT was not in NC that morning. My mind is completely open on that subject until LE presents evidence one way or the other. I presume that LE viewed surveillance at both ends of the route between New Canaan and Farmington that day, so they likely know when and which direction either the Jeep or 2015 Suburban might have traveled outside of the area of 4JC or 80 MS that day. There was no SW for OnStar for those vehicles (like there was for JFD's Suburban), which leads me to believe that LE did not need to get such a SW because they have the information about travel of those vehicles without it. Hopefully, they've also looked for a Chev Tahoe, given that was MT's rented rig of choice for the run to get the Toyota Tacoma detailed.

If they do have surveillance of MT traveling to NC that day, it is possible that information may have been strategically withheld from the AW's - unlike the surveillance photos of the Toyota Tacoma - with the intent to use that information to get MT to turn and reveal the location of JFD's remains so LE would have that very convincing evidence. It's worth noting that details in the AW's about both MT and KM are sketchier than those about FD, so LE may have kept open the potential for either one of those two to negotiate.

IMO, MT was likely in NC BEFORE that day, participating in planning, and IMO MT was strongly motivated to end JFD's impact upon the life MT hoped to share with FD. Whether she was there or not on 5/24 is an open question. Regardless, she may as well have been, because IMO there is plenty of evidence revealing MT played one of the central roles.
In a recent article published by Hearst (CT Insider and CT Magazine), Pattis is asked why he takes on the defense of unpopular defendants. He is quoted: "A good part of my vocation is wanting to bear witness and to make sure these [people] aren't alone," Pattis says. "I can provide that. They're not alone in their worst moments."
Where was NP when FD sat alone in the garage of his mansion inhaling lethal gas? Off in another state with his phone shut off? Where was his partner KS? Chatting in the judge's chambers in Stamford? If that wasn't FD's worst moment... Yet Hearst re-publishes that article on 2/24 with no mention of FD's very solitary last act.

Here is the CT Magazine article.

Having read it I think the article should come with a PRE WARNING to line up 6 shots of tequila before reading as its the only way to make it to the end!

Attorney Norm Pattis: Defender of the Despised

I am still a bit 'unsteady' after reading this gem:

"He nonetheless struggles at times to understand why he’s so attracted to heinous cases — he cites his decision to defend Tony Moreno, who was convicted of throwing his baby off a Middletown bridge in 2015, as an example — and has spent the last decade in psychoanalysis searching for answers. It’s part reliving the trauma of his childhood, part a desire to be there for people in trouble as virtually no one was for him, part pride, but there’s another element, he says: grace, the Catholic idea of a gift received without asking".

“I think I’m an instrument of grace for others,” he says. “What in these cases the families are looking for is someone to recognize the humanity of their loved ones and to stand beside them when the world hates them. If I can be that voice to say, I understand, or that voice that says to the state, not so fast, or the voice that says to the judge, consider this, that’s pretty cool. That’s enough for me.” [BBM]

I do wonder very much where this self proclaimed 'instrument of grace' was when Fd was sitting in his garage hooked up to the Suburban and gassing himself to death for nearly 2 hours?

I do wonder very much where this self proclaimed 'instrument of grace' was when he decided to not check Fd alibi thoroughly prior to talking to the Press and when he made any number of ill conceived decisions in defending Fd IMO.

IMO this self proclaimed 'instrument of grace' is no different from Fds' Greek Benefactor. Yep, a figment of the imagination pure and simple.

All I can say is Atty. P. as an 'instrument of grace', my [REDACTED]!

PS. Safe to say that he can give up reading the Bible as its clearly having zero impact IMO!

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