Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #48

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In a recent article published by Hearst (CT Insider and CT Magazine), Pattis is asked why he takes on the defense of unpopular defendants. He is quoted: "A good part of my vocation is wanting to bear witness and to make sure these [people] aren't alone," Pattis says. "I can provide that. They're not alone in their worst moments."
Where was NP when FD sat alone in the garage of his mansion inhaling lethal gas? Off in another state with his phone shut off? Where was his partner KS? Chatting in the judge's chambers in Stamford? If that wasn't FD's worst moment... Yet Hearst re-publishes that article on 2/24 with no mention of FD's very solitary last act.

Yep, the re-publishing issue is totally 'sus' IMO and I totally agree with you here.

Wonder if this was a 'favour' that Atty. P. asked of his 'old friend Helen' at Hearst?

Seems that way IMO.....sad if true though but could also explain why no more activity on the FOIA front regarding the FPD on the Glock or the Fd Suicide investigation.

What a crew in CT.....

I know the West Hartford Reservoir (which is actually six reservoirs) was searched extensively, but I haven't been able to find any MSM reporting on a search of Burnt Hill, which looks to be quite small and concealed. My partner and I hike/meander extensively in CT and we're both local to the Farmington Valley, but we've never heard of Burnt Hill Reservoir before. We'll try to check it out ASAP!

Thanks for the wonderful pictures !

If you and your husband are in the area of Simsbury here is a local store to check out that possibly appears to be connected to MT!


Not sure if you will find any of the infamous MT dead animal rugs or sheepskin hides or even the possibly fictional or simply misunderstood 'fabric business' discussed by her New Atty or maybe even her newest venture.
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Afitzy....seems like they are all in cahoots. Surely, this could he investigated by the AG's office....of they aren't intertwined with this. Justice for Jennifer!!!

been thinkin' lately that I am just plain losin' my limited mind as I find myself asking the same questions over and over and simply getting no answers anyplace.

Usually there is a progression in a case and the Press is working in lockstep with the process to find answers or at least ask questions.

I feel like here on WS we're in an 'echo chamber' and nothing is moving forward and little is happening.

Its an unsettling feeling to lack confidence in much of what appears to be happening but then stepping back and realising that its hard to know what is even happening because we don't have a Press in CT that is capable of documenting what is happening unless they are sticking a camera in the face of someone and LE has never really spoken in this case in a fashion that we see in other similar cases.

Not a big believer in conspiracy theories and I always give people the benefit of the doubt for doing their jobs (until they prove themselves incapable) but watching this train wreck play out in the CT Judiciary is like few things I've ever watched play out and IMO that is saying something as I've watched some true doozies play out in States that IMO are even more suspect that CT.

Will keep watching but right now I feel like I'm in the "Twilight Zone" and it keeps getting worse as Atty. P. is seeking to reinvest the history of his (lack of IMO) representation of Fd and CT Magazine in its article doesn't even mention that Fd gassed himself to death rather than proceed to trial with Atty. P.

Parallel Universe indeed.

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On Michelle.

Ruminations misses Little Bitty and will honor her by writing in the 3rd person.

Alathea said: “I think MT was...the quiet power behind it all in a way we haven't discussed yet. Sure, she'll claim in court to have been ‘under Fd's power’- but when you think about it - that makes no sense...

“Fd was a serial philanderer. He cheated before, and likely would again. If it were all truly up to Fd, he most likely would have preferred to have MT on the side, in the shadows, and keep his family and kids and house and money from the in-laws, until he tired of MT - which he would have - and in fact, did.

“So why did [Fotis] throw everything away for [Michelle]? Because she was manipulative, she WAS the power - and/or involved in something shady with him that she held over HIS head.

“It really only makes sense that SHE was the one who wanted to move into the house - why would he want that, knowing he'd lose everything? His wife, family, the money coming into his business from the Farbers, eventually - everything.

“...SHE would want to establish herself as THE woman of the household...

“She also insisted in being part of the visitation once Jennifer moved out. Fd knew it was not okay with Jennifer. It was a huge, ongoing issue in court. If MT hadn't insisted, it would not likely have happened...

“But - instead of her stepping back - she continued to interfere, even though it was soon written as being against visitation stipulations...

“Why didn't she just stop being around during visitation, and let Fd deal with his divorce on his own? Fd complained about the lack of visitation, so why didn't he stop her involvement in them? Apparently, he was not able to.

“Did she also insist on having Jennifer completely out of the picture, instead of stepping back?

“She was very jealous, they argued all the time. MT appeared to need to be with Fd at all times. To check up on him?

“Why did she get so angry that he had gone to visit the kids in NC and hadn't told her about it? (She found out from LE, I believe.)

“MT was not the type to be pushed around. She had to realize she wasn't going to be in it with Fd - or even his type - for the long haul - how else would she hang onto FD?

“I have a feeling we will learn a lot more about MT's running the show in ways we don't know and can't even imagine, yet.”

BellaVita said, “Nah, FD didn't want to keep her in the shadows. MT was a big F!@$ U to Jennifer. He didn't throw everything away for MT. He was rearing up and ready to throw before he even met her. IMO, there is no way she WAS the power. No doubt she was shady with FORE money and so was FD. They both had something on the other and neither could spill the beans without incriminating their own self.

“I agree that she wanted to move into the house and I am sure FD wanted her there. Because, you know, see me Jennifer? Are you looking? You have been easily replaced and now another woman is in the bed and her kid is here too...

“That is Malignant N for you. They are never satisfied and do not even know when they have already won...

“As far as the visitation, I agree that she wanted to be there and FD wanted her there too. Because, nobody tells FD what to do...he wasn't going to back down...FD was certainly able to stop her being present during visitation. He just didn't want to.”

Ruminations says she can not interpret the facts as indicating anything other than Michelle was aware of murder plans, execution and cleanup and participated at various levels in all stages. She is morally and legally guilty. She happens to have committed her crimes in CT, so she is in deeper doo-doo than in other states where she might have an easier time in criminal court should the facts not indicate that she delivered blows or was a very direct assist such as look out during the delivery of blows.

When Ruminations tries to build personalities and motivations around the facts, she just can’t come to Michelle being the driving force. This is why.

Most of all, as BellaVita asserts, Fotis did not seem to be a person that allowed people to tell him what to do. Instead, when he was inconvenienced by having to respect the autonomy of another, he felt like a victim.

When Fotis wanted something, he was very good making it seem he was doing it for someone else, or being “forced,” since he wouldn’t let an opportunity to be a hero or a victim go to waste. So what good luck for Fotis if Michelle wanted to be the queen of lemonade and crepe parties at 4JX! He could sent his “big F!@$ U” (thanks, BellaVita) to Jennifer and look like he is meeting Michelle’s needs. He probably trained Michelle to guffaw at Jennifer for claiming Fotis was dangerous when he was being whipped, wink wink, by Michelle.

They supposedly argued all the time? Ruminations believes it. That has nothing to do with MT being able to get her way with Fotis.

She was jealous and suspicious? Well, Fotis was a cheater and suspect. That is about the only rational point of data Ruminations has about Michelle.

As for acting out jealously, a-hole men love that stuff. She seemed very well trained in the art of being what a-hole men like.

MT wasn’t the type to be pushed around? Ruminations is not sure. She was in a very vulnerable position. One thing that happens to people when they have a history of abuse, especially sexual abuse and especially in childhood, is they lose some self protection skills that seem instinctive to others, and have to relearn them. Being queen of 4jx might seem like her goal, but it was where Fotis had all the power. She had homes. She could have insisted that he move his kitchen tools in with her.

I know there have been long lists written giving facts, with which we all agree, that demonstrate MT’s guilt, and motivations, about which we agree, too.

The fallacy in using the motives to show that MT was the driving force is that the very same motives are just as easily reasons she went along for the murdering ride and did her parts.

Something is very wrong with Michelle. She is behaving in an extremely unusual way to deaths. She acts out sexually and if she were 13 or 14, I would worry that she was being abused at home and is in danger of being trafficked. It is really odd that Jennifer absolutely would not abide her being around when it is more typical for ex wives to find that their ex behaves better when a “friend” is on the scene. (And, If Jennifer were blinded by the natural jealousy that would occur —-which seems unlikely given she prioritized her children over herself—-then others like the law guardian would have chimed in and said that kicking Michelle out did not seem necessary to them.) That woman is not right, IMO.

Her family is also not right, as many have commented. Who supports their daughter/sister on entering a dangerous and immoral relationship? Who dresses like they are going to a formal brunch when Jennifer is missing and presumed dead? When their daughter is accused of increasingly heinous crimes? When their daughter’s significant other commits suicide? Did anybody from Michelle’s family represent Michelle at any service or gathering for Fotis? Because if Michelle and Anna were in some kind of agreement, that would not be a problem.

If Anna were a surprise, Ruminations would sure as Fudge show up at a service fot Fotis to represent her adulterous sister. She would walk up to Pattis and say, “So who is the lying lover now!” wish Anna the best, grab something to eat, check her watch, apologize for a conflicting commitment and leave. All very politely of course, as is Ruminations MO.

Moo, moo moo.
Why would you think it is odd of Jennifer to insist that Michelle not be around when the children visited with their father?? I would trust her decision making 100% and we do not know exactly what she based her choice to prohibit the contact on. Maybe she knew MT was engaging in something that she wanted to be sure her children had no part in. Remember it was JFd who was a well-respected member of the Farmington community for years before MT came on the scene. I am sure she had many people who were reporting things to her.

As far as MT, whether she was led by FD or she was leading FD, gives her no excuse whatsoever to conspire and participate in any way in a crime that harmed another. She understands completely the difference between right and wrong and this is evidenced by her attempts to try to wiggle out of the mess she has gotten herself into. Her lying and then changing stories to LE is also an indicator that she knew right from wrong. Whether she was leading or being led, she had the capacity and power at any time to walk away. She could have said this is more than I bargained for, this is not right, I can go elsewhere to make my way in the world. But, she chose to stay with a man who was crumbling financially and who many people reported as a hothead. She stayed with him knowing full well of the danger he was putting her into. That was her choice and no one made her do it. She got herself involved in a murder of a mother and has chosen to act as if she is a victim. I can’t buy that for a moment.
Did they ever find Jennifer's cell phone? What theory gives reason to her blood found in her car and his borrowed truck?

Tue, Feb 25 (12:49 pm)

Jennifer's cellphone has never been found, it is one of the mysteries of this case. They did a specific search for it in Waveny Park with special FBI dogs and have found nothing. The last they know of her phone was it pinged on Lapham Road, where her Suburban was found. State police have said that they believe her body was transported from Welles Lane to Lapham Road in her own vehicle and then transferred to the Toyota truck.
On Michelle.

Ruminations misses Little Bitty and will honor her by writing in the 3rd person.

[sniped for focus]

@Ruminations, I greatly miss @LittleBitty too and hope they will return soon as they are greatly missed and they are a huge asset to this thread IMO.

I would never presume to speak for @LittleBitty so I'm not sure if what I believe to possibly be 'illeism' / third party voice here from you was meant to speak on behalf of @LittleBitty or @Ruminations but just doing a quick review of the last bunch of posts by @LittleBitty (our resident Texas spitfire BTW), I'm not so sure they would find anything in the background of MT to excuse anything that MT may have done or may not have done in this tragic case of the Murder of JFd. PS, Just doing this as @LittleBitty is choosing to not be here now...

MT is a grown [REDACTED] woman, has free will, has freedom of movement, has freedom of choice, has financial means from her $4,000/month child support, has a family and is now a 45 year old single mother of a teen daughter who was fully capable of leaving 4Jx at ANY TIME. MT didn't even have to have moved to CT way back when the hook up period had been going on for over a year by that point either.

Choice. MT had many CHOICES and many FORKS IN THE ROAD all along the way in her 'relationship' with Fd.

Not sure truly why anyone would accept excuses based possible on childhood experiences to excuse participating in a plan to brutally murder another human being?

Nope, in my experience @LittleBitty has a keen grasp of 'justice Texas style' and puts great stead in the ideas of personal responsibility and self determination (of which we have seen zero from MT so far as I can see).
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By Dave Altimari
Hartford Courant |
Feb 25, 2020 | 11:49 AM
Hartford Courant investigative reporter Dave Altimari is taking your questions about the Jennifer Dulos case live.
Submit your questions by using the tool below, or just follow along.Your Question
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Author's Note
Tue, Feb 25 (12:00 pm)
Okay we're going to get started now with some of the questions that we have already gotten. I will keep answering others as they come in and we will add in questions that we have already received. If you asked a question ahead of time your question will be answered here.
QuestionTue, Feb 18 (5:45 am)
If Paris has evidence that will completely exonerate Fotis and is able to explain why he was on Albany Ave That night disposing of evidence why don,t they disclose it?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:18 pm)
Norm Pattis has said he can explain the garbage bag dump but he has revealed little of that explanation. He may be holding out hope for his longshot appeal to keep the case alive. Norm may also plan to file additional actions in the case so he could be saving it for then as well.
QuestionTue, Feb 18 (9:46 am)
Is it accurate that Fotis’s mother was killed by a former nanny at the Farmington house when she hit her with an automobile? If so , when did that happen?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:19 pm)
That is a true story, but it was at the Avon house where Jennifer and Fotis lived before moving to Farmington., The mother was run over by the previous nanny in 2010. Police ruled it an accident. The car that was recently the subject of discussion in probate court was actually Dulos' mother's; he kept it after she died.
QuestionTue, Feb 18 (10:25 am)
Why does the Courant over report about Fotis Dulos? He died.
Tue, Feb 25 (12:07 pm)
While he is dead, his co-defendants will still go to trial at some point. There's been such intense interest in the story and there are still lots of questions about what happened -- including, obviously, where's Jennifer's body? The murder also is going to be the subject of legislative action this year specifically taking a look at family court.
QuestionTue, Feb 18 (11:16 am)
Assuming that Fotis murdered Jennifer, transported her body in the red Toyota and then disposed of her body, why would he have taken the risk of transporting bloody items of evidence (including Jennifer’s clothing) to dispose of them in Hartford? Why not simply dump the bloody clothing with the body?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:25 pm)
This is the biggest disconnect of this whole case. If, as the state police believe, this was a well-thought out murder, the disposal of the evidence on Albany Avenue does not seem well planned. Did he simply not realize that there are video cameras everywhere in Hartford? I do know that several bags of evidence were lost because state police didn't search Albany Avenue area fast enough.
QuestionTue, Feb 18 (11:47 am)
How does Attorney Pattis explain the garbage bags being disposed on Albany Avenue in Hartford by Dulos, if he was innocent
Tue, Feb 25 (12:01 pm)
Norm Pattis has claimed all along that he does have an explanation for the garbage bags, but he has yet to reveal it. Dulos referred to that explicitly in his suicide note. Pattis may be waiting to see if his longshot attempt to keep the criminal case going will work before saying anything else.
QuestionTue, Feb 18 (12:11 pm)
Is law enforcement actively searching for Jennifer’s body? What aspects of the murder investigation are most active at the present time?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:04 pm)
We haven't heard about any recent searches. I do know that a couple of times they have quietly returned to the West Hartford reservoir based on recommendations from probation officers who were monitoring Dulos' movements. The reservoir area is considered to be a potential grave site area.
QuestionTue, Feb 18 (12:35 pm)
Fotis Dulos was -at least on paper- an intelligent man, yet he was accused of hatching a clumsy plot to murder his spouse in which he must have known he would be the prime suspect. Under these circumstances, what do you think was his motive? Was there any ‘logic’ behind the crime?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:15 pm)
It would have been interesting to see what the state would have presented as a motive at trial. Originally they referred to the contentious divorce, but in the murder warrant they referred to possible financial motives i.e. access to the children's trust funds. There is stuff we don;t know such as the contents of the Dr. Herman report, which may have been favorable to Dulos. Police believe this was a well-thought out murder, not a spur of the moment idea, there was too much planning for that.
QuestionTue, Feb 18 (2:01 pm)
What do we know about Anne Curry’s involvement with Fotis? The narrative of a long lost “best friend” gifting Fotis $150K in bail money just doesn’t ring true.
Tue, Feb 25 (12:26 pm)
The story I have been told is that they worked together years ago in New York and that she reached out to him after his first arrest. The exact nature of their relationship is unclear, though she was living at the hosue and he refers to her in his suicide note several times. She clearly was close enough to him to agree to pay as much as $400,000 for his bond.
QuestionTue, Feb 18 (6:41 pm)
Hi, I wanted to ask how the killer known Jennifer schedule? She could have go straight to NY after dropping off the kids. So he must know that she will return home.
Tue, Feb 25 (12:11 pmIf you believe Dulos was the killer, in the scenario outlined by state police he had to have had a pretty good idea of what her schedule was, when she took the kids to school and when she came home for that. The killer clearly knew what their time frame was to get to Jennifer's house, get in a position to get in the garage and follow her into the garage.
QuestionTue, Feb 18 (8:19 pm)
Where is his wife?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:10 pm)
That's one of the big questions in this case. There are a lot of theories, state police have chased down lots of possibilities and searched all of his properties. It's the enduring mystery of this case that we may never get an answer to. State police may well believe Troconis or Mawhinney know where her body is.
QuestionWed, Feb 19 (6:28 am)
Many in state government have been critical of State Representative Minnie Gonzalez and her group of family court litigants, who have championed changes to Family Court procedures for years. While many may not like this official or her group's vocal methods, haven't they been saying the same thing for years? That some court monitoring methods are so expensive and some processes too long or entrenched, that they cause bad behavior or bad outcomes? What are proposed changes and have they been made before and when?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:08 pm)
This case is definitely going to put the spotlight on family court before the legislature. There are going to be suggested changes, a state representative from New Canaan area has already submitted a bill. I think they'll be questions on how to resolve high tension divorces quicker, maybe even a movement to have jury trials and cut out a lot of the legal wrangling by lawyers.
QuestionWed, Feb 19 (7:29 pm)
In your latest article "The story of the last time Fotis Dulos saw his children: Chocolate bunnies, a haircut, a new basketball hoop and an outdoor picnic", you seem to normalize the relationship between Fotis Dulos and Jennifer Dulos. There are those (including myself), who would characterize this whole case as one of horrific domestic violence, allegedly ending in the ultimate act of violence - kidnap/murder. Your description in this and other articles of the divorce proceedings read like a he said/she said account. How would you respond to the criticism that in your quest for "fairness", you may have erred on not giving enough attention to the domestic violence aspects of this tragedy?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:47 pm)
I thought the court monitor reports story was important because it first of all included tremendous details of the May 22 visit to the house by Dulos. I also thought it was important because it gave a window into how tedious that whole process is. So here's Dulos sitting there, paying $200 an a hour to a stranger, driving three hours each time to see his kids for a few hours tops. I think it just shows the process and how it worked. I also think many of the other issues you raised are addressed in the body of work we’ve done covering this story.
QuestionThu, Feb 20 (7:01 am)
Is Anna Curry still in Connecticut? Was she really living at 4 Jefferson Xing since September 2019 with Fotis? Can Brad Ragaglia get off with the trespass charge?
AnsweTue, Feb 25 (12:06 pm)
I believe Anna Curry has gone back to North Carolina.. She was staying at the house until the whole thing exploded with the police showing up, the moving van fiasco and the legal wrangling over the property. She could resurface during the probate fight or if there are any lawsuits regarding the revoked bond. The trespass charge Ragalia is facing is a misdemeanor, I believe he has no previous record so in these cases it’s not unusual for the case to be dismissed.
QuestionSun, Feb 23 (7:05 pm)
There were license plates disposed of in a Fed Ex box. Any additional information on the vehicle to which the plates were assigned?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:42 pm)
The license plates belonged to an old vehicle that had been registered to Dulos way back in 2007. I know that they were trying to get better images of the red Toyota truck on the highway to see if they could capture the license plate, but as far as I know they haven't been able to do that.
QuestionMon, Feb 24 (2:52 pm)
How do we know where police have already thoroughly searched? Are there efforts by civilians to organize searches?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:21 pm)
When Jennifer first disappeared there was a lot of publicity about state police searches partly because citizens were posting stuff on social media on where they were. The searches have certainly slowed down, but we certainly don't know everywhere they have searched. Look at the East Granby Gun Club alleged grave site search, no one heard about that until the arrests. There have been no civilian searches that I know of, the family has made it clear that they want the state police to handle the searches.
QuestionMon, Feb 24 (3:48 pm)
How can you answer questions about the Dulos case, when you have ignored the actual experts on the problem and CT's broken and corrupt "family" court system?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:33 pm)
Not sure who you are referring to as the experts here and this case certainly has shone some light on the family court system. I've written several stories about the Dulos divorce case delving into transcripts to highlight the growing frustration Dulos had with the system. The story about the letter he wrote to the judicial selection commission complaining about Judge Heller showed that. Family court will definitely be on the legislative agenda this session.
QuestionMon, Feb 24 (6:45 pm)
Are the authorities continuing to look for Jennifer Dulos' body or Clues related to the case?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:13 pm)
While the police have not publicly been seeking out clues or asking residents for surveillance videos and the like as they did at the beginning it is still an active case. There are not teams of detectives assigned every day to it but there is still a case officer. There is still evidence being processed. I know when Dulos was alive they were closely watching his GPS movements to see if he returned to certain spots in the reservoir area for example. They have done a few searches in that area.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (6:32 am)
Dulos said his lawyer has evidence that he didn’t kill his wife,does he?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:20 pm)
His attorney Norm Pattis was working on a "theory" to present as a defense at trial. Norm is adamant about trying to keep the case going. Until he exhausts all legal avenues he will likely keep his theory to himself.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (10:11 am)
Has an further information been garnered from the man who found the knife since he is no longer a suspect?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:22 pm)
The two Hartford homeless men that police interviewed, and then later I did as well, haven't talked to the state police since the summertime as far as I know. “Fudge,” the last person to allegedly have the knife, told me that he didn't know who he sold it to for $10. Police never found the knife.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (10:39 am)
Did it ever occur to anyone that Fotis Dulos was hoping to be 'rescued' and recovered? If he had started his 'suicide' a bit later, or they had come 'a bit earlier', he may have been saved.
Tue, Feb 25 (12:43 pm)
Roger isn’t the first person to come up with this theory. It’s pretty risky to hope someone will save you. However, there are questions about that morning that I don’t think have been answered yet.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (11:18 am)
How do you think the courts could have handled the custody case better?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:41 pm)
Family cases bring out varied opinions - I have gotten lots of calls and emails from women who believe Jennifer's case is no different than theirs, in terms of how the court handled it, and also from guys who say they related to the frustration of not seeing their children that Dulos expressed many times. The state's attorney has said the contentious court case was part of the motive for her disappearance.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (11:46 am)
Is there any update in relation to the ax that was found in Fotis's garage the day he was arrested?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:14 pm)
the ax referred to in this question was confiscated by the state police in January when they arrested Fotis Dulos for murder. It was taken from his garage and taken to the state laboratory. I have not heard of any results of testing done on it as of yet. We likely will not for awhile because the state's attorney doesn't have to reveal anymore evidence since the murder trial is now off.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (11:59 am)
As things progressed, did Dulos come to recognize you and know who you and Nick were? How did he act toward you?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:23 pm)
I covered all of Dulos' court appearances and he was well aware of who I was. I talked to him briefly during court breaks many times. The only time he was angry with me was over a story about how he was $4 million in debt that came out during the civil trial. He hated that story, got right up in my face during a break, he later apologized.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:00 pm)
VISITATION: You wrote that The Courant had copies of the supervised visits between FD and the children. You mentioned they dated back to January 2018. Will you be reporting more on the other reports/visits? Or will you be making them public/posting?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:32 pm)
i put a synopsis of the visitation reports in the story to give a flavor of what the reports were like.We decided not to publish them all because no one else has them. I'm not sure if I will be writing more about them. The reports are very detailed and are very similar in style and form as the May 22 on was.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:03 pm)
Was FD's activities on the Thursday evening before all part of the Alibi ?Do you know the names of the people that were at the Dinner Party?Do you have an opinion as to whether KM knows where Jennifer 's body is?Did the State Troopers find any evidence of the purchase of the 2 lime bags in any of the suspects Credit Card Records?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:30 pm)
The dinner party at Jefferson crossing was for a small group of friends including some of his water skiing buddies. All have been interviewed by the state police as to their whereabouts the next day. One of the females at that party is part of Michelle Troconis' alibi for the 24th.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:03 pm)
Where has Norm Pattis been?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:35 pm)
Norm was in Texas for week with his other famous client Alex Jones and then he was on vacation. I believe he is preparing for the March 3 hearing, where he plans to fight to keep the case going.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:03 pm)
FUDGE: Has there been anymore information on the whereabouts of “Fudge"; who may have the knife found in the trash can with the pillow?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:40 pm)
There were two different homeless men involved in recovering the knife. The first man who found it in the garbage took it and put a bloody pillow back into the trash, he then allegedly sold the knife to “Fudge” for $5 worth of crack. Fudge then sold it for $10 and it has never been seen again. It’s possible they will be witnesses at the trial, especially the first guy who said he found the bloody pillow and put it back.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:04 pm)
TRIAL: Will all of the “discovery” be used to prosecute Michelle and Kent?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:28 pm)
Yes all of the evidence that would have been used to prosecute Dulos will be used in their cases. The state will still have to prove that a murder occurred here and that Jennifer Dulos is actually dead in order to prove conspiracy to commit murder. So all of the events of May 24 will have to come in as evidence at their trials.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:10 pm)
If the case against Fotis Dulos is ultimately dismissed, will the discovery that the state has ever become public?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:31 pm)
If the case is dismissed on March 3, the evidence will not become public because Colangelo will likely argue that it will all be needed to try the other two defendants. Plus, without the recovery of Jennifer’s body, the state police will not officially close the case. It will remain open.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:15 pm)
What'st he status of Mahwinney and Traconis?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:36 pm)
Both of them are in the pre-trial phase of their cases. Dulos had sought a speedy trial so his case was going to go to a jury in the fall if he had survived. Since neither of these defendants are charged with murder, it will likely take longer for their cases, although since Mawhinney is still in jail his case will likely be done first.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:19 pm)
Regarding the matter of where Jennifer’s body might be, are there any options law enforcement may have to get Troconis or Mawhinney to reveal what they may or may not know about the whereabouts of the body?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:44 pm)
The state police have pressed both of them for that answer. Finding Jennifer's body is still the top priority for them. Both of them did give interviews to the state police, multiple times in Troconis' case without any deals in place for doing so.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:22 pm)
What is Pattis' motivation for keeping the trial alive?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:37 pm)
Norm has said that he wants to try this case to exonerate his client’s name. He is fully prepared to put on a defense and was planning to call Dulos as a witness. Now the attempt to keep the criminal case alive is a long shot.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:25 pm)
Are the children being home schooled? Or are they at school o New York?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:38 pm)
The children are going to school, but the family has not disclosed where. They have asked that the children's privacy be respected and we have adhered to that.
QuestonTue, Feb 25 (12:40 pm)
Did they ever find Jennifer's cell phone? What theory gives reason to her blood found in her car and his borrowed truck?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:49 pm)
Jennifer's cellphone has never been found, it is one of the mysteries of this case. They did a specific search for it in Waveny Park with special FBI dogs and have found nothing. The last they know of her phone was it pinged on Lapham Road, where her Suburban was found. State police have said that they believe her body was transported from Welles Lane to Lapham Road in her own vehicle and then transferred to the Toyota truck.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:00 pm)
What is the status of the bond money that Ann Curry and the private Investigator paid for his $6 million bond?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:51 pm)
She has lost $147,000 as of now and is on the hook for another $200,000.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:31 pm)
What do you think we will learn from the inventory and Probate? Will we learn who is paying Pattis?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:52 pm)
The probate judge has given the temporary administrator 30 days to provide an inventory, but that may be optimistic because he will need to document every item in 4 Jefferson Crossing, because people are claiming some of the stuff is theirs. A full inventory will probably show what Fotis already knew, that he was running out of money. Several properties are in foreclosure, the homes that aren't are heavily mortgaged.
Last edited:

Yeah, Mama A gambled away her license but, this time, its going to be different
I think DM's telephoto lens got the gist of Mama leads, MT follows dynamics outside Attorney Bowman's office on or about June 6, 2019 (almost 2 weeks after JFd's disappearance) in the "Connecticut man's socialite girlfriend 'makes a confession' to police about his estranged wife" article linked above. Hope the call detail records from MT's cellphone from March 20, 2019 and the voicemails from Fd's old cellphone number from 2018, as well as the dump of MT's cellphone data from the tech guy lead to Mama A being present and actively participating in moving cellphones, cars, money around on and around May 24 and probably behind the scenes at the night of the party on the 23rd ("oh, we need more meat, nudge nudge, wink wink"). Maybe Mama A has been here continuously since Greek Easter, IMO, keeping the pressure on for a ring and a summer wedding. Just keep laughing and sashaying in those heels, ladies, and you'll walk out of jail free and keep your man as Queen of 4JX! MOO.

Never mind the AW and SW, and KM fleeing at police gun point, let's double down on a losing game
IMO, MT's Farmington friends bailed out on MT's alibi (see HH's observations of MT and Fd eyes locking in fear at the picnic on May 31 of when the CCTV Odyssey of Stupidity on Albany Ave footage hit the news). Shortly after, IMO, Mama A doubles down on the bail, in Full-On Parasite Mode, and calls backup from Miami (big burly friends and relatives pictured escorting MT from court), the sort of guys who know how to disappear a body with acid and also keep MT from fleeing. I'm envisioning Miami Vice style parties with bouncers at the door with ear pieces. Typical Dubai-Miami hardcore stuff. The Glock Fd got from Florida may be traceable to MT's Miami pals, exposing Mama A's other side hustles to the Feds, who are obviously assisting with tracing interbank money movements and possibly more. Question is: with MT now merely a trespasser at 4JX, with no wedding ring, no biological children together, no claim to Fd's Estate and it looks like no salary or pension, why is Mama A so invested in staying in Avon with MT? Expenses must be mounting. Unless Mama A doubled down with the wrong Miami types and her hide is now on the line...MOO.
@Annicade, been thinkin' lately that I am just plain losin' my limited mind as I find myself asking the same questions over and over and simply getting no answers anyplace.

Usually there is a progression in a case and the Press is working in lockstep with the process to find answers or at least ask questions.

I feel like here on WS we're in an 'echo chamber' and nothing is moving forward and little is happening.

Its an unsettling feeling to lack confidence in much of what appears to be happening but then stepping back and realising that its hard to know what is even happening because we don't have a Press in CT that is capable of documenting what is happening unless they are sticking a camera in the face of someone and LE has never really spoken in this case in a fashion that we see in other similar cases.

Not a big believer in conspiracy theories and I always give people the benefit of the doubt for doing their jobs (until they prove themselves incapable) but watching this train wreck play out in the CT Judiciary is like few things I've ever watched play out and IMO that is saying something as I've watched some true doozies play out in States that IMO are even more suspect that CT.

Will keep watching but right now I feel like I'm in the "Twilight Zone" and it keeps getting worse as Atty. P. is seeking to reinvest the history of his (lack of IMO) representation of Fd and CT Magazine in its article doesn't even mention that Fd gassed himself to death rather than proceed to trial with Atty. P.

Parallel Universe indeed.

Respectfully - I believe to those here who are so engaged in this case, it may seem that little progress has been made. IMO. And yes - the MSM is indeed frequently irrelevant. However, I have to admit though that it was NP's public shenanigans that drove my interest to this case to a large extent in the beginning. I was a "casual" follower, but his callous disregard for the true tragic victim enraged me to look further into JD"s murder which eventually led me here to WS.
Attorneys who place their own careers and notoriety above the interests of their clients ultimately do them way more harm than good. As they push the boundaries of common decency in their efforts to make their criminal clientele martyrs, they only succeed in amping up peoples' anger at the brutality of the actual crime. As has been noted here previously, perhaps MT's JS has learned this valuable lesson. I doubt it, but that remains to be seen in the upcoming court proceedings.
By Dave Altimari
Hartford Courant |
Feb 25, 2020 | 11:49 AM
Hartford Courant investigative reporter Dave Altimari is taking your questions about the Jennifer Dulos case live.
Submit your questions by using the tool below, or just follow along.Your Question
Five Things You Need To Know
Start your day with the stories everyone will be talking about.
Author's Note
Tue, Feb 25 (12:00 pm)
Okay we're going to get started now with some of the questions that we have already gotten. I will keep answering others as they come in and we will add in questions that we have already received. If you asked a question ahead of time your question will be answered here.
QuestionTue, Feb 18 (5:45 am)
If Paris has evidence that will completely exonerate Fotis and is able to explain why he was on Albany Ave That night disposing of evidence why don,t they disclose it?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:18 pm)
Norm Pattis has said he can explain the garbage bag dump but he has revealed little of that explanation. He may be holding out hope for his longshot appeal to keep the case alive. Norm may also plan to file additional actions in the case so he could be saving it for then as well.
QuestionTue, Feb 18 (9:46 am)
Is it accurate that Fotis’s mother was killed by a former nanny at the Farmington house when she hit her with an automobile? If so , when did that happen?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:19 pm)
That is a true story, but it was at the Avon house where Jennifer and Fotis lived before moving to Farmington., The mother was run over by the previous nanny in 2010. Police ruled it an accident. The car that was recently the subject of discussion in probate court was actually Dulos' mother's; he kept it after she died.
QuestionTue, Feb 18 (10:25 am)
Why does the Courant over report about Fotis Dulos? He died.
Tue, Feb 25 (12:07 pm)
While he is dead, his co-defendants will still go to trial at some point. There's been such intense interest in the story and there are still lots of questions about what happened -- including, obviously, where's Jennifer's body? The murder also is going to be the subject of legislative action this year specifically taking a look at family court.
QuestionTue, Feb 18 (11:16 am)
Assuming that Fotis murdered Jennifer, transported her body in the red Toyota and then disposed of her body, why would he have taken the risk of transporting bloody items of evidence (including Jennifer’s clothing) to dispose of them in Hartford? Why not simply dump the bloody clothing with the body?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:25 pm)
This is the biggest disconnect of this whole case. If, as the state police believe, this was a well-thought out murder, the disposal of the evidence on Albany Avenue does not seem well planned. Did he simply not realize that there are video cameras everywhere in Hartford? I do know that several bags of evidence were lost because state police didn't search Albany Avenue area fast enough.
QuestionTue, Feb 18 (11:47 am)
How does Attorney Pattis explain the garbage bags being disposed on Albany Avenue in Hartford by Dulos, if he was innocent
Tue, Feb 25 (12:01 pm)
Norm Pattis has claimed all along that he does have an explanation for the garbage bags, but he has yet to reveal it. Dulos referred to that explicitly in his suicide note. Pattis may be waiting to see if his longshot attempt to keep the criminal case going will work before saying anything else.
QuestionTue, Feb 18 (12:11 pm)
Is law enforcement actively searching for Jennifer’s body? What aspects of the murder investigation are most active at the present time?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:04 pm)
We haven't heard about any recent searches. I do know that a couple of times they have quietly returned to the West Hartford reservoir based on recommendations from probation officers who were monitoring Dulos' movements. The reservoir area is considered to be a potential grave site area.
QuestionTue, Feb 18 (12:35 pm)
Fotis Dulos was -at least on paper- an intelligent man, yet he was accused of hatching a clumsy plot to murder his spouse in which he must have known he would be the prime suspect. Under these circumstances, what do you think was his motive? Was there any ‘logic’ behind the crime?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:15 pm)
It would have been interesting to see what the state would have presented as a motive at trial. Originally they referred to the contentious divorce, but in the murder warrant they referred to possible financial motives i.e. access to the children's trust funds. There is stuff we don;t know such as the contents of the Dr. Herman report, which may have been favorable to Dulos. Police believe this was a well-thought out murder, not a spur of the moment idea, there was too much planning for that.
QuestionTue, Feb 18 (2:01 pm)
What do we know about Anne Curry’s involvement with Fotis? The narrative of a long lost “best friend” gifting Fotis $150K in bail money just doesn’t ring true.
Tue, Feb 25 (12:26 pm)
The story I have been told is that they worked together years ago in New York and that she reached out to him after his first arrest. The exact nature of their relationship is unclear, though she was living at the hosue and he refers to her in his suicide note several times. She clearly was close enough to him to agree to pay as much as $400,000 for his bond.
QuestionTue, Feb 18 (6:41 pm)
Hi, I wanted to ask how the killer known Jennifer schedule? She could have go straight to NY after dropping off the kids. So he must know that she will return home.
Tue, Feb 25 (12:11 pmIf you believe Dulos was the killer, in the scenario outlined by state police he had to have had a pretty good idea of what her schedule was, when she took the kids to school and when she came home for that. The killer clearly knew what their time frame was to get to Jennifer's house, get in a position to get in the garage and follow her into the garage.
QuestionTue, Feb 18 (8:19 pm)
Where is his wife?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:10 pm)
That's one of the big questions in this case. There are a lot of theories, state police have chased down lots of possibilities and searched all of his properties. It's the enduring mystery of this case that we may never get an answer to. State police may well believe Troconis or Mawhinney know where her body is.
QuestionWed, Feb 19 (6:28 am)
Many in state government have been critical of State Representative Minnie Gonzalez and her group of family court litigants, who have championed changes to Family Court procedures for years. While many may not like this official or her group's vocal methods, haven't they been saying the same thing for years? That some court monitoring methods are so expensive and some processes too long or entrenched, that they cause bad behavior or bad outcomes? What are proposed changes and have they been made before and when?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:08 pm)
This case is definitely going to put the spotlight on family court before the legislature. There are going to be suggested changes, a state representative from New Canaan area has already submitted a bill. I think they'll be questions on how to resolve high tension divorces quicker, maybe even a movement to have jury trials and cut out a lot of the legal wrangling by lawyers.
QuestionWed, Feb 19 (7:29 pm)
In your latest article "The story of the last time Fotis Dulos saw his children: Chocolate bunnies, a haircut, a new basketball hoop and an outdoor picnic", you seem to normalize the relationship between Fotis Dulos and Jennifer Dulos. There are those (including myself), who would characterize this whole case as one of horrific domestic violence, allegedly ending in the ultimate act of violence - kidnap/murder. Your description in this and other articles of the divorce proceedings read like a he said/she said account. How would you respond to the criticism that in your quest for "fairness", you may have erred on not giving enough attention to the domestic violence aspects of this tragedy?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:47 pm)
I thought the court monitor reports story was important because it first of all included tremendous details of the May 22 visit to the house by Dulos. I also thought it was important because it gave a window into how tedious that whole process is. So here's Dulos sitting there, paying $200 an a hour to a stranger, driving three hours each time to see his kids for a few hours tops. I think it just shows the process and how it worked. I also think many of the other issues you raised are addressed in the body of work we’ve done covering this story.
QuestionThu, Feb 20 (7:01 am)
Is Anna Curry still in Connecticut? Was she really living at 4 Jefferson Xing since September 2019 with Fotis? Can Brad Ragaglia get off with the trespass charge?
AnsweTue, Feb 25 (12:06 pm)
I believe Anna Curry has gone back to North Carolina.. She was staying at the house until the whole thing exploded with the police showing up, the moving van fiasco and the legal wrangling over the property. She could resurface during the probate fight or if there are any lawsuits regarding the revoked bond. The trespass charge Ragalia is facing is a misdemeanor, I believe he has no previous record so in these cases it’s not unusual for the case to be dismissed.
QuestionSun, Feb 23 (7:05 pm)
There were license plates disposed of in a Fed Ex box. Any additional information on the vehicle to which the plates were assigned?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:42 pm)
The license plates belonged to an old vehicle that had been registered to Dulos way back in 2007. I know that they were trying to get better images of the red Toyota truck on the highway to see if they could capture the license plate, but as far as I know they haven't been able to do that.
QuestionMon, Feb 24 (2:52 pm)
How do we know where police have already thoroughly searched? Are there efforts by civilians to organize searches?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:21 pm)
When Jennifer first disappeared there was a lot of publicity about state police searches partly because citizens were posting stuff on social media on where they were. The searches have certainly slowed down, but we certainly don't know everywhere they have searched. Look at the East Granby Gun Club alleged grave site search, no one heard about that until the arrests. There have been no civilian searches that I know of, the family has made it clear that they want the state police to handle the searches.
QuestionMon, Feb 24 (3:48 pm)
How can you answer questions about the Dulos case, when you have ignored the actual experts on the problem and CT's broken and corrupt "family" court system?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:33 pm)
Not sure who you are referring to as the experts here and this case certainly has shone some light on the family court system. I've written several stories about the Dulos divorce case delving into transcripts to highlight the growing frustration Dulos had with the system. The story about the letter he wrote to the judicial selection commission complaining about Judge Heller showed that. Family court will definitely be on the legislative agenda this session.
QuestionMon, Feb 24 (6:45 pm)
Are the authorities continuing to look for Jennifer Dulos' body or Clues related to the case?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:13 pm)
While the police have not publicly been seeking out clues or asking residents for surveillance videos and the like as they did at the beginning it is still an active case. There are not teams of detectives assigned every day to it but there is still a case officer. There is still evidence being processed. I know when Dulos was alive they were closely watching his GPS movements to see if he returned to certain spots in the reservoir area for example. They have done a few searches in that area.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (6:32 am)
Dulos said his lawyer has evidence that he didn’t kill his wife,does he?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:20 pm)
His attorney Norm Pattis was working on a "theory" to present as a defense at trial. Norm is adamant about trying to keep the case going. Until he exhausts all legal avenues he will likely keep his theory to himself.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (10:11 am)
Has an further information been garnered from the man who found the knife since he is no longer a suspect?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:22 pm)
The two Hartford homeless men that police interviewed, and then later I did as well, haven't talked to the state police since the summertime as far as I know. “Fudge,” the last person to allegedly have the knife, told me that he didn't know who he sold it to for $10. Police never found the knife.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (10:39 am)
Did it ever occur to anyone that Fotis Dulos was hoping to be 'rescued' and recovered? If he had started his 'suicide' a bit later, or they had come 'a bit earlier', he may have been saved.
Tue, Feb 25 (12:43 pm)
Roger isn’t the first person to come up with this theory. It’s pretty risky to hope someone will save you. However, there are questions about that morning that I don’t think have been answered yet.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (11:18 am)
How do you think the courts could have handled the custody case better?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:41 pm)
Family cases bring out varied opinions - I have gotten lots of calls and emails from women who believe Jennifer's case is no different than theirs, in terms of how the court handled it, and also from guys who say they related to the frustration of not seeing their children that Dulos expressed many times. The state's attorney has said the contentious court case was part of the motive for her disappearance.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (11:46 am)
Is there any update in relation to the ax that was found in Fotis's garage the day he was arrested?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:14 pm)
the ax referred to in this question was confiscated by the state police in January when they arrested Fotis Dulos for murder. It was taken from his garage and taken to the state laboratory. I have not heard of any results of testing done on it as of yet. We likely will not for awhile because the state's attorney doesn't have to reveal anymore evidence since the murder trial is now off.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (11:59 am)
As things progressed, did Dulos come to recognize you and know who you and Nick were? How did he act toward you?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:23 pm)
I covered all of Dulos' court appearances and he was well aware of who I was. I talked to him briefly during court breaks many times. The only time he was angry with me was over a story about how he was $4 million in debt that came out during the civil trial. He hated that story, got right up in my face during a break, he later apologized.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:00 pm)
VISITATION: You wrote that The Courant had copies of the supervised visits between FD and the children. You mentioned they dated back to January 2018. Will you be reporting more on the other reports/visits? Or will you be making them public/posting?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:32 pm)
i put a synopsis of the visitation reports in the story to give a flavor of what the reports were like.We decided not to publish them all because no one else has them. I'm not sure if I will be writing more about them. The reports are very detailed and are very similar in style and form as the May 22 on was.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:03 pm)
Was FD's activities on the Thursday evening before all part of the Alibi ?Do you know the names of the people that were at the Dinner Party?Do you have an opinion as to whether KM knows where Jennifer 's body is?Did the State Troopers find any evidence of the purchase of the 2 lime bags in any of the suspects Credit Card Records?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:30 pm)
The dinner party at Jefferson crossing was for a small group of friends including some of his water skiing buddies. All have been interviewed by the state police as to their whereabouts the next day. One of the females at that party is part of Michelle Troconis' alibi for the 24th.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:03 pm)
Where has Norm Pattis been?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:35 pm)
Norm was in Texas for week with his other famous client Alex Jones and then he was on vacation. I believe he is preparing for the March 3 hearing, where he plans to fight to keep the case going.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:03 pm)
FUDGE: Has there been anymore information on the whereabouts of “Fudge"; who may have the knife found in the trash can with the pillow?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:40 pm)
There were two different homeless men involved in recovering the knife. The first man who found it in the garbage took it and put a bloody pillow back into the trash, he then allegedly sold the knife to “Fudge” for $5 worth of crack. Fudge then sold it for $10 and it has never been seen again. It’s possible they will be witnesses at the trial, especially the first guy who said he found the bloody pillow and put it back.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:04 pm)
TRIAL: Will all of the “discovery” be used to prosecute Michelle and Kent?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:28 pm)
Yes all of the evidence that would have been used to prosecute Dulos will be used in their cases. The state will still have to prove that a murder occurred here and that Jennifer Dulos is actually dead in order to prove conspiracy to commit murder. So all of the events of May 24 will have to come in as evidence at their trials.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:10 pm)
If the case against Fotis Dulos is ultimately dismissed, will the discovery that the state has ever become public?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:31 pm)
If the case is dismissed on March 3, the evidence will not become public because Colangelo will likely argue that it will all be needed to try the other two defendants. Plus, without the recovery of Jennifer’s body, the state police will not officially close the case. It will remain open.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:15 pm)
What'st he status of Mahwinney and Traconis?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:36 pm)
Both of them are in the pre-trial phase of their cases. Dulos had sought a speedy trial so his case was going to go to a jury in the fall if he had survived. Since neither of these defendants are charged with murder, it will likely take longer for their cases, although since Mawhinney is still in jail his case will likely be done first.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:19 pm)
Regarding the matter of where Jennifer’s body might be, are there any options law enforcement may have to get Troconis or Mawhinney to reveal what they may or may not know about the whereabouts of the body?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:44 pm)
The state police have pressed both of them for that answer. Finding Jennifer's body is still the top priority for them. Both of them did give interviews to the state police, multiple times in Troconis' case without any deals in place for doing so.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:22 pm)
What is Pattis' motivation for keeping the trial alive?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:37 pm)
Norm has said that he wants to try this case to exonerate his client’s name. He is fully prepared to put on a defense and was planning to call Dulos as a witness. Now the attempt to keep the criminal case alive is a long shot.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:25 pm)
Are the children being home schooled? Or are they at school o New York?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:38 pm)
The children are going to school, but the family has not disclosed where. They have asked that the children's privacy be respected and we have adhered to that.
QuestonTue, Feb 25 (12:40 pm)
Did they ever find Jennifer's cell phone? What theory gives reason to her blood found in her car and his borrowed truck?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:49 pm)
Jennifer's cellphone has never been found, it is one of the mysteries of this case. They did a specific search for it in Waveny Park with special FBI dogs and have found nothing. The last they know of her phone was it pinged on Lapham Road, where her Suburban was found. State police have said that they believe her body was transported from Welles Lane to Lapham Road in her own vehicle and then transferred to the Toyota truck.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:00 pm)
What is the status of the bond money that Ann Curry and the private Investigator paid for his $6 million bond?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:51 pm)
She has lost $147,000 as of now and is on the hook for another $200,000.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:31 pm)
What do you think we will learn from the inventory and Probate? Will we learn who is paying Pattis?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:52 pm)
The probate judge has given the temporary administrator 30 days to provide an inventory, but that may be optimistic because he will need to document every item in 4 Jefferson Crossing, because people are claiming some of the stuff is theirs. A full inventory will probably show what Fotis already knew, that he was running out of money. Several properties are in foreclosure, the homes that aren't are heavily mortgaged.

Thanks for posting this feed! Was curious how this would play out and now we get to see the results......

I continue to look for some understanding by DA and HC that the VICTIM in this case was JFd.

IMO the DA perspective continues to have a single dimension unfortunately and that dimension is singly focused on Fd by way of 'reposting' from Atty. P. IMO.

Sadly having taken the time to read this 'collection' of DA articles again, I have yet to see any attempt to put this tragedy into context from the victims POV.

Nope, IMO the POV is Fd and Atty. P. ALL DAY AND EVERY DAY and IMO that is why the 'reposting' simply falls flat.

Perhaps if DA is professionally incapable of providing a more well rounded reporting perspective then perhaps the HC can assign another reporter to look at the case from another perspective or at least seek out alternative sources?

I think I need a break as reading those tweets simply seemed nothing like reporting, seemed everything like 'reposting' and simply making more excuses for Atty. P. poor defense strategy and ongoing lying about Fd alibi and Albany Avenue trip.

Need a vacation badly from this 'Twilight Zone'.

On Michelle.

Ruminations misses Little Bitty and will honor her by writing in the 3rd person.

Alathea said: “I think MT was...the quiet power behind it all in a way we haven't discussed yet. Sure, she'll claim in court to have been ‘under Fd's power’- but when you think about it - that makes no sense...

“Fd was a serial philanderer. He cheated before, and likely would again. If it were all truly up to Fd, he most likely would have preferred to have MT on the side, in the shadows, and keep his family and kids and house and money from the in-laws, until he tired of MT - which he would have - and in fact, did.

“So why did [Fotis] throw everything away for [Michelle]? Because she was manipulative, she WAS the power - and/or involved in something shady with him that she held over HIS head.

“It really only makes sense that SHE was the one who wanted to move into the house - why would he want that, knowing he'd lose everything? His wife, family, the money coming into his business from the Farbers, eventually - everything.

“...SHE would want to establish herself as THE woman of the household...

“She also insisted in being part of the visitation once Jennifer moved out. Fd knew it was not okay with Jennifer. It was a huge, ongoing issue in court. If MT hadn't insisted, it would not likely have happened...

“But - instead of her stepping back - she continued to interfere, even though it was soon written as being against visitation stipulations...

“Why didn't she just stop being around during visitation, and let Fd deal with his divorce on his own? Fd complained about the lack of visitation, so why didn't he stop her involvement in them? Apparently, he was not able to.

“Did she also insist on having Jennifer completely out of the picture, instead of stepping back?

“She was very jealous, they argued all the time. MT appeared to need to be with Fd at all times. To check up on him?

“Why did she get so angry that he had gone to visit the kids in NC and hadn't told her about it? (She found out from LE, I believe.)

“MT was not the type to be pushed around. She had to realize she wasn't going to be in it with Fd - or even his type - for the long haul - how else would she hang onto FD?

“I have a feeling we will learn a lot more about MT's running the show in ways we don't know and can't even imagine, yet.”

BellaVita said, “Nah, FD didn't want to keep her in the shadows. MT was a big F!@$ U to Jennifer. He didn't throw everything away for MT. He was rearing up and ready to throw before he even met her. IMO, there is no way she WAS the power. No doubt she was shady with FORE money and so was FD. They both had something on the other and neither could spill the beans without incriminating their own self.

“I agree that she wanted to move into the house and I am sure FD wanted her there. Because, you know, see me Jennifer? Are you looking? You have been easily replaced and now another woman is in the bed and her kid is here too...

“That is Malignant N for you. They are never satisfied and do not even know when they have already won...

“As far as the visitation, I agree that she wanted to be there and FD wanted her there too. Because, nobody tells FD what to do...he wasn't going to back down...FD was certainly able to stop her being present during visitation. He just didn't want to.”

Ruminations says she can not interpret the facts as indicating anything other than Michelle was aware of murder plans, execution and cleanup and participated at various levels in all stages. She is morally and legally guilty. She happens to have committed her crimes in CT, so she is in deeper doo-doo than in other states where she might have an easier time in criminal court should the facts not indicate that she delivered blows or was a very direct assist such as look out during the delivery of blows.

When Ruminations tries to build personalities and motivations around the facts, she just can’t come to Michelle being the driving force. This is why.

Most of all, as BellaVita asserts, Fotis did not seem to be a person that allowed people to tell him what to do. Instead, when he was inconvenienced by having to respect the autonomy of another, he felt like a victim.

When Fotis wanted something, he was very good making it seem he was doing it for someone else, or being “forced,” since he wouldn’t let an opportunity to be a hero or a victim go to waste. So what good luck for Fotis if Michelle wanted to be the queen of lemonade and crepe parties at 4JX! He could sent his “big F!@$ U” (thanks, BellaVita) to Jennifer and look like he is meeting Michelle’s needs. He probably trained Michelle to guffaw at Jennifer for claiming Fotis was dangerous when he was being whipped, wink wink, by Michelle.

They supposedly argued all the time? Ruminations believes it. That has nothing to do with MT being able to get her way with Fotis.

She was jealous and suspicious? Well, Fotis was a cheater and suspect. That is about the only rational point of data Ruminations has about Michelle.

As for acting out jealously, a-hole men love that stuff. She seemed very well trained in the art of being what a-hole men like.

MT wasn’t the type to be pushed around? Ruminations is not sure. She was in a very vulnerable position. One thing that happens to people when they have a history of abuse, especially sexual abuse and especially in childhood, is they lose some self protection skills that seem instinctive to others, and have to relearn them. Being queen of 4jx might seem like her goal, but it was where Fotis had all the power. She had homes. She could have insisted that he move his kitchen tools in with her.

I know there have been long lists written giving facts, with which we all agree, that demonstrate MT’s guilt, and motivations, about which we agree, too.

The fallacy in using the motives to show that MT was the driving force is that the very same motives are just as easily reasons she went along for the murdering ride and did her parts.

Something is very wrong with Michelle. She is behaving in an extremely unusual way to deaths. She acts out sexually and if she were 13 or 14, I would worry that she was being abused at home and is in danger of being trafficked. It is really odd that Jennifer absolutely would not abide her being around when it is more typical for ex wives to find that their ex behaves better when a “friend” is on the scene. (And, If Jennifer were blinded by the natural jealousy that would occur —-which seems unlikely given she prioritized her children over herself—-then others like the law guardian would have chimed in and said that kicking Michelle out did not seem necessary to them.) That woman is not right, IMO.

Her family is also not right, as many have commented. Who supports their daughter/sister on entering a dangerous and immoral relationship? Who dresses like they are going to a formal brunch when Jennifer is missing and presumed dead? When their daughter is accused of increasingly heinous crimes? When their daughter’s significant other commits suicide? Did anybody from Michelle’s family represent Michelle at any service or gathering for Fotis? Because if Michelle and Anna were in some kind of agreement, that would not be a problem.

If Anna were a surprise, Ruminations would sure as Fudge show up at a service fot Fotis to represent her adulterous sister. She would walk up to Pattis and say, “So who is the lying lover now!” wish Anna the best, grab something to eat, check her watch, apologize for a conflicting commitment and leave. All very politely of course, as is Ruminations MO.

Moo, moo moo.

<modsnip: removed user tag> I do agree that "Michelle" acted in a very odd manner to death....Fd's and JFd's. However, I don't agree with your suggested (any evidence to support your opinion???) reasoning of MT being vulnerable.

MT, from everything I've read, was a demanding lover, who knew the way to Fd's motivation in life which seems to be a devoted lover who supported him in his whims and needs. MT used sex to get what she wanted in relationships, IMO. She probably threatened removal of that component of the relationship to get her way. Wouldn't be surprised if she came up with the idea of inserting the morning shower intimacy in the Alibi Scripts.

MT more than Fd wanted JFd gone....out of the way. Fd still needed/wanted a amicable relationship with JFd to help his financial issues, but MT checked those trust documents and probably assured him he didn't need JFd to continue the "good life." Fd was afraid to tell MT he had been at WL on the 22nd. He didn't want MT to know that he was talking with or seeing JFd.

MT, IMO, was the one pushing Fd to make JFd disappear....IMO...MOO
Last edited by a moderator:
Thanks for the wonderful pictures @auspex!

If you and your husband are in the area of Simsbury here is a local store to check out that possibly appears to be connected to MT!

View attachment 234489

Not sure if you will find any of the infamous MT dead animal rugs or sheepskin hides or even the possibly fictional or simply misunderstood 'fabric business' discussed by her New Atty or maybe even her newest venture.

Or...shudder... MT herself, on business, of course!
How many calls had Fd made to Atty. P. that weren't picked up or had Atty. P. already made it clear to Fd that they were finished after the memorial desecration issue and because Fd could no longer pay? I have zero hope that any truth on these issues from Atty. P. will ever emerge to the public but I do think that the actions and demeanour of Atty Smith speak clearly as to what was going on in Pattisville on the day that Fd decided to gas himself to death.

Yup. Very sad.

So much for NP being there for the 'lonely guy'.

(Unless in some warped or unconventional way, he was letting Fd do what Fd wanted to do? That's too extreme a thought to think of it as likely - but at the same time, we don't know what NP is capable of agreeing to or thinking is okay.)

Could be-I mean, this case was likely to be yet another one in the loss column for Pattis, and he’d already gotten all of the money he was likely to get.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:03 pm)
ROD GUN CLUB: Have you interviewed or spoken to the 2 gentleman who found the “grave”?- What did they tell you? What were their thoughts?
Tue, Feb 25 (1:00 pm)
I have not interviewed them. We talked to some of the club leaders when that broke but not the two men themselves. The mystery of that hole will live with this case.
Tue, Feb 25 (12:03 pmWas FD's activities on the Thursday evening before all part of the Alibi ?Do you know the names of the people that were at the Dinner Party?Do you have an opinion as to whether KM knows where Jennifer 's body is?Did the State Troopers find any evidence of the purchase of the 2 lime bags in any of the suspects Credit Card Records?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:30 pm)
The dinner party at Jefferson crossing was for a small group of friends including some of his water skiing buddies. All have been interviewed by the state police as to their whereabouts the next day. One of the females at that party is part of Michelle Troconis' alibi for the 24th.
Tue, Feb 25 (12:03 pm)
Where has Norm Pattis been?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:35 pm)
Norm was in Texas for week with his other famous client Alex Jones and then he was on vacation. I believe he is preparing for the March 3 hearing, where he plans to fight to keep the case going.
Tue, Feb 25 (12:03 pm)
FUDGE: Has there been anymore information on the whereabouts of “Fudge"; who may have the knife found in the trash can with the pillow?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:40 pm)
There were two different homeless men involved in recovering the knife. The first man who found it in the garbage took it and put a bloody pillow back into the trash, he then allegedly sold the knife to “Fudge” for $5 worth of crack. Fudge then sold it for $10 and it has never been seen again. It’s possible they will be witnesses at the trial, especially the first guy who said he found the bloody pillow and put it back.
Tue, Feb 25 (12:04 pm)TRIAL: Will all of the “discovery” be used to prosecute Michelle and Kent?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:28 pm)
Yes all of the evidence that would have been used to prosecute Dulos will be used in their cases. The state will still have to prove that a murder occurred here and that Jennifer Dulos is actually dead in order to prove conspiracy to commit murder. So all of the events of May 24 will have to come in as evidence at their trials.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:10 pm)
If the case against Fotis Dulos is ultimately dismissed, will the discovery that the state has ever become public?
AnswerTue, Feb 25 (12:31 pm)
If the case is dismissed on March 3, the evidence will not become public because Colangelo will likely argue that it will all be needed to try the other two defendants. Plus, without the recovery of Jennifer’s body, the state police will not officially close the case. It will remain open.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:11 pm)
Do we know what michelle was showing le in the woods that day or why?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:55 pm)
Michelle was showing the state police a path behind a neighbor’s house that people use to go dirt biking on some trails back in the reservoir area. Fotis used to do that all of the time. His property borders the reservoir so there's a lot of woods back there. State police have done some searches based on that.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:15 pm)
What's the status of Mahwinney and Traconis?
AnswerTue, Feb 25 (12:36 pm)
Both of them are in the pre-trial phase of their cases. Dulos had sought a speedy trial so his case was going to go to a jury in the fall if he had survived. Since neither of these defendants are charged with murder, it will likely take longer for their cases, although since Mawhinney is still in jail his case will likely be done first.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:19 pm)
Regarding the matter of where Jennifer’s body might be, are there any options law enforcement may have to get Troconis or Mawhinney to reveal what they may or may not know about the whereabouts of the body?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:44 pm)
The state police have pressed both of them for that answer. Finding Jennifer's body is still the top priority for them. Both of them did give interviews to the state police, multiple times in Troconis' case without any deals in place for doing so.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:22 pm)
What is Pattis' motivation for keeping the trial alive?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:37 pm)
Norm has said that he wants to try this case to exonerate his client’s name. He is fully prepared to put on a defense and was planning to call Dulos as a witness. Now the attempt to keep the criminal case alive is a long shot.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:25 pm)
Are the children being home schooled? Or are they at school o New York?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:38 pm)
The children are going to school, but the family has not disclosed where. They have asked that the children's privacy be respected and we have adhered to that.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:31 pm)
What do you think we will learn from the inventory and Probate? Will we learn who is paying Pattis?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:52 pm)
The probate judge has given the temporary administrator 30 days to provide an inventory, but that may be optimistic because he will need to document every item in 4 Jefferson Crossing, because people are claiming some of the stuff is theirs. A full inventory will probably show what Fotis already knew, that he was running out of money. Several properties are in foreclosure, the homes that aren't are heavily mortgaged.

QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:40 pm)
Did they ever find Jennifer's cell phone? What theory gives reason to her blood found in her car and his borrowed truck?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:49 pm)
Jennifer's cellphone has never been found, it is one of the mysteries of this case. They did a specific search for it in Waveny Park with special FBI dogs and have found nothing. The last they know of her phone was it pinged on Lapham Road, where her Suburban was found. State police have said that they believe her body was transported from Welles Lane to Lapham Road in her own vehicle and then transferred to the Toyota truck.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:47 pm)
How and when did Michelle first learn about Anna Curry?
Tue, Feb 25 (1:07 pm)
The state police actually showed Troconis photos of Anna Curry when they were interviewing her the third time. They had photos of Dulos and Curry together. That would have been sometime in the fall.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:57 pm)
You reported on Michelle Troconis' property requests in Probate Court, what property was requested by Rena Dulos? Anna Curry?
Tue, Feb 25 (1:03 pm)
Rena Dulos did not submit an actual inventory if items that she wants but there is furniture and things that belonged to her parents in the home. Anna Curry hasn't submitted a list either. Since she was fairly new to the house and was still actually living in North Carolina she likely wouldn't have claim to much. She is going to get the cat however.
QuestionTue, Feb 18 (8:25 am)
Now that the new information has come out that the DNA might have possibly been transferred, Does this change your view on whether or not Fotis is guilty of murder?
Tue, Feb 25 (1:13 pm)
The court monitor reports certainly raise some interesting things like the possible DNA sources that would have been issues at trial. Pattis was ready to put on a defense, with Dulos likely to testify as well.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:01 pm)
MAY 24: At 12:22p, a neighbor’s camera shows FD/Toyota pulling into 80 Mtn. Spring.• On page 10 (of the 467 page warrant) it says that FD/phone left 4JX at went to 80 Mtn. Spring. What time specifically? It also says FD/phone arrived 80 Mtn. Spring at 1:37p.• On page 11, it says that FD/phone left 80 Mtn. Spring at 3:38p. FD/phone arrived at 4:17p.That is a 5 minute drive - that took FD/phone 20 mins. Did he stop at the Deercliff property?• At 5:21p, FD/phone returns to 80 Mtn. Spring. At 5:34p FD/phone returns to 4JX.• On page 116, the "Tower Dump" time requests are interesting; both on 5/23 and 5/24. They are narrowed down to 30 minute timeframes. One location is for 190 Old Farms Road, Avon. This is Avon Self Storage. Have you been told that the storage facility there was thoroughly searched? The owner is a long-time friend of FD.
Tue, Feb 25 (1:16 pm)
The state police did search the storage area that is owned by Hutch Haines that is adjacent to the water skiing pond. They searched it the same day that they searched the woods behind it and the pond itself. The state police did a systematic search of all of his properties and vacant land that his company owned.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:03 pm)
STATE: Who will most likely take Colangelo’s spot, leading the prosecution, on this case?
Tue, Feb 25 (1:17 pm)
Colangelo is planning to try the cases himself as far as I know. He definitely was going to do the Dulos murder trial and he has not given any indications that he plans to pass off the Troconis or Mawhinney cases.
QuestionTue, Feb 18 (6:45 pm)
Hello, when the nanny saw the wrong car in the garage, Jennifer purse on the floor, mug with tee and granola bar, unlocked mudroom door....why didn't she try to call Jennifer immediately? So many red flags and no response from Jenn. She waited until 4pm.
Tue, Feb 25 (1:20 pm)
According to what we've seen, she expected Jennifer to meet her in NY after the children went to the dentist's office. So she wasn't alarmed until after that. Shen then tried to reach several of her friends as well as call Jennifer herself numerous times. Her friends then decided to call police.
Author's Note
Tue, Feb 25 (1:21 pm)
Okay so we're going to call it. We got so many questions are server is slowing way down! I want to thank everyone for submitting questions I believe we answered at least 50 to 60 questions in just over an hour. Lots of great questions as well. I hope people found it useful. We've never done this before so feedback is always welcome. Thanks again. Dave
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:03 pm)
ROD GUN CLUB: Have you interviewed or spoken to the 2 gentleman who found the “grave”?- What did they tell you? What were their thoughts?
Tue, Feb 25 (1:00 pm)
I have not interviewed them. We talked to some of the club leaders when that broke but not the two men themselves. The mystery of that hole will live with this case.
Tue, Feb 25 (12:03 pmWas FD's activities on the Thursday evening before all part of the Alibi ?Do you know the names of the people that were at the Dinner Party?Do you have an opinion as to whether KM knows where Jennifer 's body is?Did the State Troopers find any evidence of the purchase of the 2 lime bags in any of the suspects Credit Card Records?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:30 pm)
The dinner party at Jefferson crossing was for a small group of friends including some of his water skiing buddies. All have been interviewed by the state police as to their whereabouts the next day. One of the females at that party is part of Michelle Troconis' alibi for the 24th.
Tue, Feb 25 (12:03 pm)
Where has Norm Pattis been?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:35 pm)
Norm was in Texas for week with his other famous client Alex Jones and then he was on vacation. I believe he is preparing for the March 3 hearing, where he plans to fight to keep the case going.
Tue, Feb 25 (12:03 pm)
FUDGE: Has there been anymore information on the whereabouts of “Fudge"; who may have the knife found in the trash can with the pillow?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:40 pm)
There were two different homeless men involved in recovering the knife. The first man who found it in the garbage took it and put a bloody pillow back into the trash, he then allegedly sold the knife to “Fudge” for $5 worth of crack. Fudge then sold it for $10 and it has never been seen again. It’s possible they will be witnesses at the trial, especially the first guy who said he found the bloody pillow and put it back.
Tue, Feb 25 (12:04 pm)TRIAL: Will all of the “discovery” be used to prosecute Michelle and Kent?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:28 pm)
Yes all of the evidence that would have been used to prosecute Dulos will be used in their cases. The state will still have to prove that a murder occurred here and that Jennifer Dulos is actually dead in order to prove conspiracy to commit murder. So all of the events of May 24 will have to come in as evidence at their trials.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:10 pm)
If the case against Fotis Dulos is ultimately dismissed, will the discovery that the state has ever become public?
AnswerTue, Feb 25 (12:31 pm)
If the case is dismissed on March 3, the evidence will not become public because Colangelo will likely argue that it will all be needed to try the other two defendants. Plus, without the recovery of Jennifer’s body, the state police will not officially close the case. It will remain open.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:11 pm)
Do we know what michelle was showing le in the woods that day or why?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:55 pm)
Michelle was showing the state police a path behind a neighbor’s house that people use to go dirt biking on some trails back in the reservoir area. Fotis used to do that all of the time. His property borders the reservoir so there's a lot of woods back there. State police have done some searches based on that.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:15 pm)
What's the status of Mahwinney and Traconis?
AnswerTue, Feb 25 (12:36 pm)
Both of them are in the pre-trial phase of their cases. Dulos had sought a speedy trial so his case was going to go to a jury in the fall if he had survived. Since neither of these defendants are charged with murder, it will likely take longer for their cases, although since Mawhinney is still in jail his case will likely be done first.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:19 pm)
Regarding the matter of where Jennifer’s body might be, are there any options law enforcement may have to get Troconis or Mawhinney to reveal what they may or may not know about the whereabouts of the body?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:44 pm)
The state police have pressed both of them for that answer. Finding Jennifer's body is still the top priority for them. Both of them did give interviews to the state police, multiple times in Troconis' case without any deals in place for doing so.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:22 pm)
What is Pattis' motivation for keeping the trial alive?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:37 pm)
Norm has said that he wants to try this case to exonerate his client’s name. He is fully prepared to put on a defense and was planning to call Dulos as a witness. Now the attempt to keep the criminal case alive is a long shot.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:25 pm)
Are the children being home schooled? Or are they at school o New York?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:38 pm)
The children are going to school, but the family has not disclosed where. They have asked that the children's privacy be respected and we have adhered to that.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:31 pm)
What do you think we will learn from the inventory and Probate? Will we learn who is paying Pattis?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:52 pm)
The probate judge has given the temporary administrator 30 days to provide an inventory, but that may be optimistic because he will need to document every item in 4 Jefferson Crossing, because people are claiming some of the stuff is theirs. A full inventory will probably show what Fotis already knew, that he was running out of money. Several properties are in foreclosure, the homes that aren't are heavily mortgaged.

QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:40 pm)
Did they ever find Jennifer's cell phone? What theory gives reason to her blood found in her car and his borrowed truck?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:49 pm)
Jennifer's cellphone has never been found, it is one of the mysteries of this case. They did a specific search for it in Waveny Park with special FBI dogs and have found nothing. The last they know of her phone was it pinged on Lapham Road, where her Suburban was found. State police have said that they believe her body was transported from Welles Lane to Lapham Road in her own vehicle and then transferred to the Toyota truck.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:47 pm)
How and when did Michelle first learn about Anna Curry?
Tue, Feb 25 (1:07 pm)
The state police actually showed Troconis photos of Anna Curry when they were interviewing her the third time. They had photos of Dulos and Curry together. That would have been sometime in the fall.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:57 pm)
You reported on Michelle Troconis' property requests in Probate Court, what property was requested by Rena Dulos? Anna Curry?
Tue, Feb 25 (1:03 pm)
Rena Dulos did not submit an actual inventory if items that she wants but there is furniture and things that belonged to her parents in the home. Anna Curry hasn't submitted a list either. Since she was fairly new to the house and was still actually living in North Carolina she likely wouldn't have claim to much. She is going to get the cat however.
QuestionTue, Feb 18 (8:25 am)
Now that the new information has come out that the DNA might have possibly been transferred, Does this change your view on whether or not Fotis is guilty of murder?
Tue, Feb 25 (1:13 pm)
The court monitor reports certainly raise some interesting things like the possible DNA sources that would have been issues at trial. Pattis was ready to put on a defense, with Dulos likely to testify as well.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:01 pm)
MAY 24: At 12:22p, a neighbor’s camera shows FD/Toyota pulling into 80 Mtn. Spring.• On page 10 (of the 467 page warrant) it says that FD/phone left 4JX at went to 80 Mtn. Spring. What time specifically? It also says FD/phone arrived 80 Mtn. Spring at 1:37p.• On page 11, it says that FD/phone left 80 Mtn. Spring at 3:38p. FD/phone arrived at 4:17p.That is a 5 minute drive - that took FD/phone 20 mins. Did he stop at the Deercliff property?• At 5:21p, FD/phone returns to 80 Mtn. Spring. At 5:34p FD/phone returns to 4JX.• On page 116, the "Tower Dump" time requests are interesting; both on 5/23 and 5/24. They are narrowed down to 30 minute timeframes. One location is for 190 Old Farms Road, Avon. This is Avon Self Storage. Have you been told that the storage facility there was thoroughly searched? The owner is a long-time friend of FD.
Tue, Feb 25 (1:16 pm)
The state police did search the storage area that is owned by Hutch Haines that is adjacent to the water skiing pond. They searched it the same day that they searched the woods behind it and the pond itself. The state police did a systematic search of all of his properties and vacant land that his company owned.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:03 pm)
STATE: Who will most likely take Colangelo’s spot, leading the prosecution, on this case?
Tue, Feb 25 (1:17 pm)
Colangelo is planning to try the cases himself as far as I know. He definitely was going to do the Dulos murder trial and he has not given any indications that he plans to pass off the Troconis or Mawhinney cases.
QuestionTue, Feb 18 (6:45 pm)
Hello, when the nanny saw the wrong car in the garage, Jennifer purse on the floor, mug with tee and granola bar, unlocked mudroom door....why didn't she try to call Jennifer immediately? So many red flags and no response from Jenn. She waited until 4pm.
Tue, Feb 25 (1:20 pm)
According to what we've seen, she expected Jennifer to meet her in NY after the children went to the dentist's office. So she wasn't alarmed until after that. Shen then tried to reach several of her friends as well as call Jennifer herself numerous times. Her friends then decided to call police.
Author's Note
Tue, Feb 25 (1:21 pm)
Okay so we're going to call it. We got so many questions are server is slowing way down! I want to thank everyone for submitting questions I believe we answered at least 50 to 60 questions in just over an hour. Lots of great questions as well. I hope people found it useful. We've never done this before so feedback is always welcome. Thanks again. Dave
Wow. Thank you so much for this, @sds71 !

So interesting how Dave puts in information as if it were fact that hasn't been confirmed - or even discussed - by law enforcement! The Fudge knife for example, and much more.

And wrong/missing/misleading info, including regarding when LA the nanny tried to connect with Jennifer, etc.
Here is the CT Magazine article.

Having read it I think the article should come with a PRE WARNING to line up 6 shots of tequila before reading as its the only way to make it to the end!

Attorney Norm Pattis: Defender of the Despised

I am still a bit 'unsteady' after reading this gem:

"He nonetheless struggles at times to understand why he’s so attracted to heinous cases — he cites his decision to defend Tony Moreno, who was convicted of throwing his baby off a Middletown bridge in 2015, as an example — and has spent the last decade in psychoanalysis searching for answers. It’s part reliving the trauma of his childhood, part a desire to be there for people in trouble as virtually no one was for him, part pride, but there’s another element, he says: grace, the Catholic idea of a gift received without asking".

“I think I’m an instrument of grace for others,” he says. “What in these cases the families are looking for is someone to recognize the humanity of their loved ones and to stand beside them when the world hates them. If I can be that voice to say, I understand, or that voice that says to the state, not so fast, or the voice that says to the judge, consider this, that’s pretty cool. That’s enough for me.” [BBM]

I do wonder very much where this self proclaimed 'instrument of grace' was when Fd was sitting in his garage hooked up to the Suburban and gassing himself to death for nearly 2 hours?

I do wonder very much where this self proclaimed 'instrument of grace' was when he decided to not check Fd alibi thoroughly prior to talking to the Press and when he made any number of ill conceived decisions in defending Fd IMO.

IMO this self proclaimed 'instrument of grace' is no different from Fds' Greek Benefactor. Yep, a figment of the imagination pure and simple.

All I can say is Atty. P. as an 'instrument of grace', my [REDACTED]!

PS. Safe to say that he can give up reading the Bible as its clearly having zero impact IMO!


Such baloney. I'm a Catholic and I can tell what I've been taught and have come to believe as far as the "gift received without asking:" Only the penitent thief was saved.
If you and your husband are in the area of Simsbury here is a local store to check out that possibly appears to be connected to MT!

Not sure if you will find any of the infamous MT dead animal rugs or sheepskin hides or even the possibly fictional or simply misunderstood 'fabric business' discussed by her New Atty or maybe even her newest venture.

I'll definitely check this place out! Also, I'm pretty sure this business is owned by the infamous "Petu" MT name drops in one of her early interviews with LE. (MOO)
@Ruminations I do agree that "Michelle" acted in a very odd manner to death....Fd's and JFd's. However, I don't agree with your suggested (any evidence to support your opinion???) reasoning of MT being vulnerable.

MT, from everything I've read, was a demanding lover, who knew the way to Fd's motivation in life which seems to be a devoted lover who supported him in his whims and needs. MT used sex to get what she wanted in relationships, IMO. She probably threatened removal of that component of the relationship to get her way. Wouldn't be surprised if she came up with the idea of inserting the morning shower intimacy in the Alibi Scripts.

MT more than Fd wanted JFd gone....out of the way. Fd still needed/wanted a amicable relationship with JFd to help his financial issues, but MT checked those trust documents and probably assured him he didn't need JFd to continue the "good life." Fd was afraid to tell MT he had been at WL on the 22nd. He didn't want MT to know that he was talking with or seeing JFd.

MT, IMO, was the one pushing Fd to make JFd disappear....IMO...MOO

Okay- neither of us are in her head. Each comment you make seems to support my point of view. I’m sure it’s vice-versa for you. But here is an example:

“MT..was a demanding lover, who knew the way to Fd's motivation in life which seems to be a devoted lover who supported him in his whims and needs... “ This seems to me to show Fotis was dominant. She was making demands that please him.

“MT used sex to get what she wanted in relationships, IMO.” Ditto above.

She probably threatened removal of that component of the relationship to get her way. Really? With Anna in the wings? Knowing how she met him? He’d cope fine, and she knew it.

Wouldn't be surprised if she came up with the idea of inserting the morning shower intimacy in the Alibi Scripts. Me neither, because it seems knows what a-hole men like. It also wouldn’t surprise me if Fotis suggested it because it makes him sound like a stud. They both should have hoped the line got LE off their game.

It puts Fotis on top either way. She becomes the rude nickname others use for her, and/or a liar if we assume she made it up, while he is a stud.

MT more than Fd wanted JFd gone....out of the way. Fd still needed/wanted a amicable relationship with JFd to help his financial issues, but MT checked those trust documents and probably assured him he didn't need JFd to continue the "good life." We don’t know who initiated the checking of the documents. Are you saying the kids trusts’ not enough cash? That increases Fotis’ interest in inheriting his wife’s trust sooner rather than never (as in after divorce) IMO. Either way—they did not need her or they needed her dead not divorced— I still assert Michelle only benefits in that her man benefits and maybe they can stop “fighting all the time” and go back to squeezing lemons. It does not mean she is in the drivers seat. And she would not actually own the money.

Fd was afraid to tell MT he had been at WL on the 22nd. He didn't want MT to know that he was talking with or seeing JFd. Or he didn’t feel Michelle was entitled to know where he was at all times; see how he’s got the power even if she is upset? He would probably twist her upset into it being her fault he was keeping secrets.

Or he did tell her, and she was surprised LE knew, because she thought it was not for them to know and conclude he was scoping the joint.

MT, IMO, was the one pushing Fd to make JFd disappear. Possibly. But each of your reasons can be used to assert the opposite.

Great sleuthing!

I wonder, due to the timing of the ping near here (just after school gets out, AFAIK):

Could one of those nearby houses be home to a ~14-year old girl? One who might be someone MT's daughter could hang with while MT is busy that day - perhaps MT would go talk with her daughter, or pick her up, or drop her OFF after school as she would be busy on Albany Ave date night later that evening?

After looking up the address I saw a cute smaller house (Zillow or the like has it) next door to that address.
Iirc, the cell tower info pulled according to the SWs was not "just after school gets out;" it was ~10:30PM.

ETA: ~10:30PM on 5/23, the night before JFD's "disappearance."
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