Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #48

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No knives this time just a furry pillow, 4 raw sausages and 2 slabs of steak. "starting monday's with the memory of a sunday asado - Have a great week "

Her english is bad she wrote monday's
MT also posted a gross meat roasting picture on JDs birthday in September.
IIRC JD and MTs birthdays are very close in date (correct if wrong).

She has lots of posts related to grilling and cooking over fires.
Her posts definitely changed a lot after JD went missing.
I thought at the time it must be signals or code to FD. But now he’s gone.
Is she just bored on home confinement and nothing better to do?

Is this the meat from the dinner party the night before, that FD had to go out and get more of? When FD phone records showed him calling KM?
Or does the 1000ft condo she’s “trapped” in have an asado pit out back?

MT also posted a gross meat roasting picture on JDs birthday in September.
IIRC JD and MTs birthdays are very close in date (correct if wrong).

She has lots of posts related to grilling and cooking over fires.
Her posts definitely changed a lot after JD went missing.
I thought at the time it must be signals or code to FD. But now he’s gone.
Is she just bored on home confinement and nothing better to do?

Is this the meat from the dinner party the night before, that FD had to go out and get more of? When FD phone records showed him calling KM?
Or does the 1000ft condo she’s “trapped” in have an asado pit out back?

I think she is trying to say she had an asado this sunday and monday she is missing it. her nasty friend petu liked the pic. confused as to how she can go outside to asado when shes under house arrest. seems like shes having the time of her life.

her other posts consist of her nasty hides and rugs and her and petu new pastime making boxes from recycled magazines. i picture her like petu's cheap laborer working in the confined 1000 squ ft condo like a sweatshop worker.
Let's talk about MT's disgusting new IG pic of raw slabs of meat and sausages outdoor paired with a sheepskin pillow. or rug. and how disgusting that is she said its monday and she misses asado from sunday
Yuck. And who is Asado?
Ha! Good question! For most South Americans, the definition is below - typically barbecuing raw meats over a fire. But this is Michele Troconis, so "who" is a more fitting pronoun in this case.

"Asado are the techniques and the social event of having or attending a barbecue in various South American countries, where it is also a traditional event. An asado usually consists of beef, pork, chicken, chorizo, and morcilla which are cooked on a grill, called a parrilla, or an open fire. Generally the meats are accompanied by red wine and salads. This meat is prepared by a person who is the assigned asador or parrillero."
@Annicade, been thinkin' lately that I am just plain losin' my limited mind as I find myself asking the same questions over and over and simply getting no answers anyplace.

Usually there is a progression in a case and the Press is working in lockstep with the process to find answers or at least ask questions.

I feel like here on WS we're in an 'echo chamber' and nothing is moving forward and little is happening.

Its an unsettling feeling to lack confidence in much of what appears to be happening but then stepping back and realising that its hard to know what is even happening because we don't have a Press in CT that is capable of documenting what is happening unless they are sticking a camera in the face of someone and LE has never really spoken in this case in a fashion that we see in other similar cases.

Not a big believer in conspiracy theories and I always give people the benefit of the doubt for doing their jobs (until they prove themselves incapable) but watching this train wreck play out in the CT Judiciary is like few things I've ever watched play out and IMO that is saying something as I've watched some true doozies play out in States that IMO are even more suspect that CT.

Will keep watching but right now I feel like I'm in the "Twilight Zone" and it keeps getting worse as Atty. P. is seeking to reinvest the history of his (lack of IMO) representation of Fd and CT Magazine in its article doesn't even mention that Fd gassed himself to death rather than proceed to trial with Atty. P.

Parallel Universe indeed.

I agree. I feel like we are in limbo and only WS are concerned with getting to the truth. Perhaps they are burnt out or lost their motivation once FD left this earth. But I am still consumed with curiosity about what happened to poor JD. How could this happen in broad daylight in New Canaan? We need some more new details to work off of......
I feel like he disposed of her phone at the carwash or at least part of her phone
That’s an interesting thought, there was definitely something he needed to get rid of at the car wash. I was thinking they were doing more cleaning of the truck over the weekend so maybe had some trash from that which could have had JD blood or DNA they wanted to be untraceable.

Why would he keep her phone that long and then get rid of it that day? He thought he’d have the kids by then. He couldn’t risk turning the phone on to read it, so why would he keep it and not get rid of it earlier on Albany for example, or with the body.

Or perhaps it is still in the woods there in NC or somewhere tossed along the Merritt.
I think she is trying to say she had an asado this sunday and monday she is missing it. her nasty friend petu liked the pic. confused as to how she can go outside to asado when shes under house arrest. seems like shes having the time of her life.

her other posts consist of her nasty hides and rugs and her and petu new pastime making boxes from recycled magazines. i picture her like petu's cheap laborer working in the confined 1000 squ ft condo like a sweatshop worker.
Or maybe her new line of defense will be KW and FD were digging a pit for an Asado at the gun club!!!
Must’ve been what the grates were for
Folks, would you kindly stop using the @ user tag. They are redundant because the quote feature you are already using serves the purpose. Adding user tags just clutters up the posts and they are not necessary.
Since we’re wondering what’s become of the Glock...and how it slipped around so easily....changes to gun rules related to DV in CT:

“Under the proposal, which Stafstrom expects to announce in an upcoming news conference, private citizens would be able to go to local courthouses and apply to judges themselves to remove weapons from relatives or neighbors.

“So if someone has concerns about their spouse, they could walk into a courthouse and fill out an affidavit for judges to review, sign and turn over to police,” Stafstrom said. Another proposal would allow a so-called stand-your-ground law to provide legal protections for people armed with guns in places of worship.

Jeremy Stein, executive director of CT Against Gun Violence, on Monday agreed that modernizing protective orders, including fixing possible loopholes that can keep firearms in the hands of potentially dangerous people, is an important priority.

“Right now the way it’s set up is that the judge can only issue an order up to a year and we would like to see that modified to give the court greater discretion and to make sure that before somebody gets their guns back, they are not longer a threat to themselves or others,” Stein said in an interview. “But under current law that’s not the case. Under current law you get the guns back after a year.”

Secret list of violent felons will stay secret for at least another year
I agree. I feel like we are in limbo and only WS are concerned with getting to the truth. Perhaps they are burnt out or lost their motivation once FD left this earth. But I am still consumed with curiosity about what happened to poor JD. How could this happen in broad daylight in New Canaan? We need some more new details to work off of......

This has intrigued me the most.
The moxie he had to pull this off in broad daylight.
Not doubting that he did it.
Just blown away that he didn't do it under the cover of darkness.
A couple of thoughts from the information that SDS71 so generously posted for us.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (6:32 am)
Dulos said his lawyer has evidence that he didn’t kill his wife,does he?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:20 pm)
His attorney Norm Pattis was working on a "theory" to present as a defense at trial. Norm is adamant about trying to keep the case going. Until he exhausts all legal avenues he will likely keep his theory to himself.
As I've always suspected, NP does not have exculpatory evidence for Fd's exoneration. He needs the rest of the State's evidence to construct a "theory" around it.

QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:11 pm)
Do we know what michelle was showing le in the woods that day or why?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:55 pm)
Michelle was showing the state police a path behind a neighbor’s house that people use to go dirt biking on some trails back in the reservoir area. Fotis used to do that all of the time. His property borders the reservoir so there's a lot of woods back there. State police have done some searches based on that.
If DA's information is correct, this makes the motorcycle(s) even more interesting. (MT's, Fd's, & the EE's stored at Deercliff) The cycle trails mentioned by MT certainly could have been used to transport Fd, MT, and/or a body.

Tue, Feb 25 (11:59 am)
As things progressed, did Dulos come to recognize you and know who you and Nick were? How did he act toward you?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:23 pm)
I covered all of Dulos' court appearances and he was well aware of who I was. I talked to him briefly during court breaks many times. The only time he was angry with me was over a story about how he was $4 million in debt that came out during the civil trial. He hated that story, got right up in my face during a break, he later apologized.
And, Fd was just a mild-mannered fellow who never argued with his spouse.....or angered easily....Hmmmm.
Last edited:
A couple of thoughts from the information that SDS71 so generously posted for us.
QuestionTue, Feb 25 (6:32 am)
Dulos said his lawyer has evidence that he didn’t kill his wife,does he?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:20 pm)
His attorney Norm Pattis was working on a "theory" to present as a defense at trial. Norm is adamant about trying to keep the case going. Until he exhausts all legal avenues he will likely keep his theory to himself.
As I've always suspected, NP does not have exculpatory evidence for Fd's exoneration. He needs the rest of the State's evidence to construct a "theory" around it.

QuestionTue, Feb 25 (12:11 pm)
Do we know what michelle was showing le in the woods that day or why?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:55 pm)
Michelle was showing the state police a path behind a neighbor’s house that people use to go dirt biking on some trails back in the reservoir area. Fotis used to do that all of the time. His property borders the reservoir so there's a lot of woods back there. State police have done some searches based on that.
If DA's information is correct, this makes the motorcycle(s) even more interesting. MT's, Fd's, & the EE's stored at Deercliff) The cycle mentioned by MT certainly could have been used to transport Fd, MT, and/or a body.

Tue, Feb 25 (11:59 am)
As things progressed, did Dulos come to recognize you and know who you and Nick were? How did he act toward you?
Tue, Feb 25 (12:23 pm)
I covered all of Dulos' court appearances and he was well aware of who I was. I talked to him briefly during court breaks many times. The only time he was angry with me was over a story about how he was $4 million in debt that came out during the civil trial. He hated that story, got right up in my face during a break, he later apologized.
And, Fd was just a mild-mannered fellow who never argued with his spouse.....or angered easily....Hmmmm.
Lest we forget, NP was gonna put FD on the stand.
Does anyone believe that?
I don't.

Brought over from prior thread:

@MollyDDD, I actually think it could have been the reverse situation. Atty. P. could have been doing the 'same old same old' telling Fd they would prove reasonable doubt. But, as AW3 came out and Fd knew what LE had documented, he was smart enough to realise that Atty. P. was simply running a very expensive billing clock and that life in prison was inevitable. My other guess is that the Fd decision to desecrate the JFd memorial on Jefferson Crossing resulted in some very harsh words as no doubt in the delusional mind of Atty. P. his 'brilliant attempt at reasonable doubt' had been effectively undermined (this seems a ludicrous argument IMO but I can see him saying this). Fd knew what he money situation was and wasn't and realised that once the bond fraud was caught that he was going to 'Door 2' in Stamford IMO.

As I've said before, the fact that we see Atty. P. PI McKenna part of the Fd fraudulent bond package (he chose to not fill out the required paperwork - why State didn't flag this clear omission immediately and reject the bond out of hand is another head scratcher IMO?), to me signals MUCH Atty. P. involvement in the fraudulent bond as why would a random PI choose to be part of a bond? The other reason the entire Atty. P. involvement in the fraudulent bond seems probable is that Atty. P. has been dealing with intimate involvement in the financial affairs of Fd for MONTHs via the Civil Case and Family Court.

The Atty. P. word salad about the bond referring to 'title issues' as being the reason for the 'issues' is IMO laughable. We saw the delay in the bond being issued and I believe we heard comments from Atty Smith to the effect that 'technical details' were holding it up! Really! To me this says that both Atty Smith and Atty. P had intimate knowledge of the fraudulent bond and so I wonder will their roles in putting forward a fraudulent bond on behalf of Fd be investigated by the State? Why did Atty Colangelo not push to have the fraudulent bond issue and AC role hashed out in Court after the Fd suicide attempt? While its likely that at that time it might have been clear that Fd was brain dead at Jacobi and just waiting for his family to arrive from Greece, the reality was that the bond being a fraud was never at question and Anna Curry was always front and centre in the bond IMO. Why was Anna Curry not detained and told to not leave the State of CT until the situation was resolved? Where is Anna Curry now?

Atty. P. knew that 4Jx and Sturbridge were subject to foreclosure at the time the bond package was submitted IMO. So, why let a client submit a bond package that was fraudulent? We also saw Palmetto as the insurer and are we to realistically believe the the State didn't know that they didn't have the financial wherewithal to support a $6 million dollar bond? It seems like we are looking at ineptness on the part of the State on so many levels and the fact that it took 20 days to figure out after a whistleblower stepped up and pointed the situation out almost immediately is frankly mind blowing as well.

I would hope that the State of CT undertakes a COMPLETE REPORT that will be made public looking at the role of Atty. P. and PI McKenna and ANNA CURRY and GV etc. in the Fd Faux Bond. Will all parties that participated in putting forward a fraudulent bond (including the bonding company and the insurer) be prosecuted? Will the bonding company and the insurer be STRUCK from the State of CT approved list and will tighter controls and financial updates be undertaken to make sure that the companies on the approved list actually can financially stand behind their bonds?

It seems like we have seen one admin related SNAFU after another on the bond from the State of CT and I wonder if there will be any repercussions or will it be swept under the rug? Will we see any repercussions for Atty. P. and Atty Smith or any of the participants to the bond?

When will the report from FPD be released about the Fd suicide to the public? Why is the Press not following up on this report and the prior FPD report about the Glock 19?

This IMO is all so administratively lax to say nothing about the bond fraud being illegal IMO. So disappointing.


I've been looking at videos online of FD's hearing before Judge White, at which the judge said FD's dismantling of the tribute to JFD was "stupid." But the part I'm looking for I can't find-- where NP asks judge to reconsider taking away FD's right to leave his house for work-related matters, saying something like the "sale of one house will right the financial ship" AND then (to my memory) Colangelo tells the judge that it wouldn't bc the amount of the mortgages exceeds the market value of the houses. And NP doesn't challenge him on that. Can anyone find that? Bc IMO that would show that both NP and Colangelo knew at that time that the collateral put up for the bail bond was insufficient. Maybe at that time RC had been tipped off by the bail bond woman and was dealing with it behind the scenes, but it seems to me that NP was in violation of the RPC on "candor to the court" when he said that the sale of any property would "right the financial ship" for FD. Moo.

@pernickety, I'm with you on being 'quite concerned' about how this entire 'faux bond' issue was handled by Atty. P., Atty Colangelo and the Judges involved.

Here is video to original hearing where $6 million bond and conditions were imposed by Judge Blawie

Coverage of Judge White "stupid" comments following Fd desecration of JFd memorial on JX.

Fotis Dulos Avoids More Jail Time, But Judge Tightens Release Conditions After ‘Stupid’ Bail Violation

11:38 in this video is reference to Sturbridge being mortgaged for more than its worth and Atty Colangelo makes reference to financial information he has as part of the investigation:


@pernickety, I'm baffled here as I believe the date of this hearing is 1/23/2020 and its clear that Atty Colangelo is well aware of the Fd financial condition issues but YET, we see no mention of possible issues with the Bond at this point.


Why was Fd allowed to leave the Courthouse if there was any question as to the status of the underlying bond?

Further, Judge White so far as I can tell didn't follow up on the sufficiency of collateral issue that seemed to have perhaps been discussed between Atty. P. and Atty Colangelo in Chambers prior to the hearing?

WHAT IS GOING ON and WHY did things play out this way?

Was the Court giving Fd time to 'right the ship' and possibly 'fix' the deficiencies in the bond? Was this when Anna Curry stepped up and signed a note for $3 million dollars when her stated net worth I believe on the bond application was in the range of $600,000?

If the bond was even in question why was Fd NOT returned to jail pending resolution of the collateral?

What was the State waiting for during this period? What was going on?

The Fd mental health spiral happened IMO between this hearing and the following scheduled hearing when it was clear that he would be returning to jail?

Why was such a 'gap' in the timing of resolution of this matter permitted by the Judge, the authorities that maintain and monitor the bonds and Atty Colangelo?

We saw Atty. P. making comments about 'technical details' with the bond but last time I looked, perpetrating a fraud on a bond is only a 'technical detail' in the world of Pattisville and not the world where the rest of us have to reside.

Why have we seen NOTHING regarding an investigation or Press coverage about this fraud perpetrated on the State by Fd and IMO Pattisville given that they were integral to the crafting of the bond package and even inserted their PI McKenna into the package and this PI McKenna didn't even fill out the paperwork properly?

Where is Anna Curry in all of this and was she required to remain in the State of CT pending resolution of this matter or has she been allowed to flee to North Carolina.

This all seems quite slipshod IMO for one of the largest bonds ever posted in the State of CT.

Where is the Press in all of this as I haven't seen one recent article about this situation at all?

Why hasn't Atty. P. and the attys on his team been held accountable for their role in this 'faux bond'?


did FD or FORE own any unimproved property?
Part 2 - Residencies Proximal to 585 Middle Rd:

Neighboring house to 585 Middle Rd -- according to google maps, the driveway actually leads to two properties: the big yellow house on the right (new build) and an older, smaller house up to the left that you can't see from the road. Included a google maps ss for reference -- Arden Courts parking lot is in the bottom left corner, yellow house in the center, smaller house on the right.
View attachment 234453 View attachment 234454 View attachment 234455 View attachment 234456 View attachment 234457

Property 2 houses down from 585 Middle Rd -- I took a picture of this one because it is listed as the home business of a local roofer/landscaper and there was a boat in the driveway. A tenuous connection to be sure (MOO), but I figured it was still worth photographing.
View attachment 234458 View attachment 234459

some random ideas:

maybe a dumpster was there last spring for some reason?

or maybe a meeting. LE might know if more than 1 cell phone pinged there at the
relevant time.
some random ideas:

maybe a dumpster was there last spring for some reason?

or maybe a meeting. LE might know if more than 1 cell phone pinged there at the
relevant time.

If this was the evening of the 23rd, MT could have been returning one of her daughter's friends to one of the homes pictured or picking up her daughter....perhaps, MT's daughter had a friend over for the "party" or stayed at the friend's house during the party. IDK...but possible?

Also, you asked above about any properties that were not searched. According to DA in his online responses today, he stated all properties Fd owned were searched.

IMO, that would have been quite a feat to thoroughly search every inch of those wooded areas....but, that's Dave's official word. Personally, I don't know how that would have been possible as there may have been old, unmarked wells, etc. I look forward to more information during the trials.
MT also posted a gross meat roasting picture on JDs birthday in September.
IIRC JD and MTs birthdays are very close in date (correct if wrong).

She has lots of posts related to grilling and cooking over fires.
Her posts definitely changed a lot after JD went missing.
I thought at the time it must be signals or code to FD. But now he’s gone.
Is she just bored on home confinement and nothing better to do?

Is this the meat from the dinner party the night before, that FD had to go out and get more of? When FD phone records showed him calling KM?
Or does the 1000ft condo she’s “trapped” in have an asado pit out back?

Ugh, looks like something from the Ed Gein murders.
I agree. I feel like we are in limbo and only WS are concerned with getting to the truth. Perhaps they are burnt out or lost their motivation once FD left this earth. But I am still consumed with curiosity about what happened to poor JD. How could this happen in broad daylight in New Canaan? We need some more new details to work off of......
I am sure no one is more frustrated, disillusioned and angry as GF must be. Undoubtedly her attorneys must still be heavily involved with most of the issues we discuss here. IMO
MT also posted a gross meat roasting picture on JDs birthday in September.
IIRC JD and MTs birthdays are very close in date (correct if wrong).

She has lots of posts related to grilling and cooking over fires.
Her posts definitely changed a lot after JD went missing.
I thought at the time it must be signals or code to FD. But now he’s gone.
Is she just bored on home confinement and nothing better to do?

Is this the meat from the dinner party the night before, that FD had to go out and get more of? When FD phone records showed him calling KM?
Or does the 1000ft condo she’s “trapped” in have an asado pit out back?


...Or is she subconsciously telling the world
that JFD was burned in a pit after she was killed?

I still can't shake the fact that after the body was brought to 80MS, it apparently was unwrapped from the black plastic bags which were found in the trash on Albany, along with the zip ties.

Why would someone have unwrapped a packaged body? To dismember? To burn?
To dissolve in a barrel w/ chemicals?

Is this where KM and MT assisted?
Is this gruesome part of the disposal why these 2 are so close mouthed?

If KM and MT aren't talking up a storm, it must be because they participated in the aftermath of the murder. Or was one or both
complicit in the actual killing too?

If you're innocent, and now that FD is dead,
wouldn't you go all out to clear yourself now?

When the truth comes out will we find out that
Michelle Troconis and Kent Mawhinney are
"monsters" too??

Just wondering.
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